[music] all right guys welcome back to the rituals Golf Show podcast episode 184 all right how are you pal I'm good this is one of those weird ones where it's late which will come on to why it's late in a minute. So apologies couple late we've been slacking haven't we a little bit we really have and I'd like to apologize now well the thing is are you sorry no okay strong committed. So I'll live my life by being late um but yeah it's uh it's been out of our control. And I think sometimes when it's out of our control I find it hard to apologize okay anything in life sometimes yeah I know it's weird it's confrontation me. And my wife sometimes getting arguments about but I can't an example of something that you wouldn't this morning yeah okay all right. So we've got an example from today.

From today.

And it's my own fault but it's also not my own fault so I won't apologize all right okay um last night the bin should have gone out okay about 11 30 a.m on my phone scrolling my wife had gone to bed I've got you know catching up on the day because we've had a busy couple of days you didn't have chance. So that's today.

We've had a busy couple of days. And um I was like right I'm getting tired now I was like oh no go upstairs I was like oh no the bins I thought I can't be asked doing it now I mean I'm not doing it now no bedtime yeah. So set my alarm for six o'clock I was gonna get up. And go for a run and uh undo the bins six o'clock came turn my alarm off went straight back to bed okay I missed your run. So so far I I'm not putting any of this emphasis on me okay I don't know how just anybody's okay what Universe somehow it's not mine. And then.

I thought well get up in them up so I took the kids to school this morning I thought a nice little treat I've been away for a few days I'll uh get to take my kids to school and I thought oh as I was getting ready I was like the bins the bins are crap at this point it's half eight okay I'm panicking I'm rushing around I'm trying to get the kids ready okay I go I'll go to the bins quickly. So I'll leg it outside and start doing the bins and literally as I'm putting the bins out the bin guys were driving off because they've done the collection. For that day I blame personally the Bim people for coming pre-9 a.m yeah that there in my opinion they're really I'm not late you know I'm having visions off here though this is episode 184 right there's a bloke who's been listening to this. For three years four years nearly let's tell his mate John I've listened to Richard's podcast I've not got the time go on listen Avengers three years of persuading his mate Mark has finally gone you know what I've got a long drive I'll put Rick Shields podcast and I'll start his most recent episode why would you not and there's you talking about your bins I'm blaming the bin man blame the bin they should apologize for being in my opinion they were early yeah. So like you last night though what was the reason behind that it doesn't none of that none of that matters well anyway I'm not no we can only apologize. For Rick not only being late with his bins but we've been late with the podcast this should be out Wednesday same day we recorded it we'll come on to why um we are a little bit late in uploading this shortly. But the the hot news and we have to touch on this obviously was the PGA Championship yes. And I'm gonna apologize I'm going to hold my hands up now because either the tweet on Thursday a bit of a silly tweeted on purpose really about the PGA being the worst major. And being boring because typically it is the one I'm least excited. For I'll be honest wow I was wrong were you wrong I was absolutely wrong have you deleted the three no I've not left I'm there. So we can all learn from our mistakes uh it was a hell of a championship really was it had a bit of everything at the early days didn't really excite me that much not not many championships do the first couple of days. But are the Masters in the open um quite a lot of bad weather yes a lot of bad weather Tough Golf Course as well really tough what did excite me about this tournament though. And there'd been lots of talk about some huge named players really hitting form and actually one of the the normal favorites not particularly being informed with Mr Rory McIlroy so I kind of thought I wonder if this is his one because he's kind of he's almost under the shadows a little bit at the moment he's kind of not everyone's favorite to win. So kind of is he gonna sneak in. And actually take a major victory after is it 10 years now he's not he's not one it will be the open next.

Year it'll be 10 years yeah. So um I kind of thought he might have a chance here but then.

You'll look at the caliber of player that's been playing so incredible at the moment then.

You throw in again we're only really seeing this now four times a year where you see the PJ tour players and the Live players all competing in the same event not all of them but the ones that are eligible to compete are competing against each other. And it proved for the first time a live player who's actually signed currently on live has now won a major championship yes does it now give huge more credibility kudos um status to live tour yes they've got three in the top ten simple as that you've got the winner yep we'll come on to obviously more depth Brooks kepka it's not like I thought you're keeping a secret [Music] just in case we've got Bryson the Shambo tied fourth. And then.

We add Cameron Smith tied ninth so again we talk about live a lot and I think we have to it's a joke apologize. For it no I think this is I think it's because we know that it's very polarizing. And I'm conscious that whatever we say I Feel Like We Never I mean we can never be oh I'm not gonna word it whatever. So if I say something about live that I don't like there's people in the comments who love Liv who started oh you're against it if I say something I do like there's people in the comments who say oh you're now loving live I need to forget about the people's comments. And just say yes we certainly from my standpoint. And I know you're aligned to this we're looking at it from a very impartial standpoint yeah in the sense that it's not like you know we are only allowed to go to PGA Tour event sorry only only allowed to cover live because I think a lot of. And this is mate might be where the the our platform being on YouTube. And not needing to kind of answer to anybody allows us to speak about both yeah very impartially where you don't particularly get that on the TV broadcasting no because you have to be one. Or the other really you have to be yeah you know I've actually spoke to to Sky Sports presenters not naming any names who basically said they're not almost not allowed to talk about it at all um there was a little bit of a conflict over the weekend with um Brad Faxon. And Brandon um a bit of a confrontation there which kind of just got brushed over um but yeah I think that's. So I I don't know okay it's we're looking at it from both sides as a product. For almost we're almost looking at it as a product for the listeners and viewers of correct of the podcast and the channel well the two things it then.

Does it it obviously does solidify the legitimacy of live when you've got three plays in the top ten it has to that's the first thing it must do most mate live a stronger product if you've got a major a current major winner in Brooks kepka. And obviously you've got a current major holder in Cameron Smith he wasn't at live when he won the openly now is obviously they've got two of the four major champions. But also what it also does is we know when these players sign to live you know everybody including Norris was saying that the money is scandalous they've gone. For the money and it was natural to them think that these guys wouldn't be as competitive because they've got all this money they're only playing three days having more time after they're asking to practice I think it's bother they've just done it. For the money you know other guys who are truly bothered about winning all committed to PJ tour you look at that you can't win a major championship. Or come top 10 in the major championship for that fact without grinding without practicing without obsessing about your golf game there's evident to see therefore. that from this the guys it Brooks and and Bryson and obviously Cameron Smith again they must still be wanting to win golf tournaments they must still be practicing and working on the diet and fitness and and striving to improve so actually but regardless of what you think about living the money whether where it comes from how much they've gone if it's too much which it is too much they're still hungry you know what was interesting watching the full swing documentary now. For Netflix and certainly Brooks's episode you he could have very easily gone down the route where you might never heard of him win a golf tournament again quite quite easily because certainly in that documentary and have you heard about the news about this documentary as well and his kind of approach in that episode and he's quite Moody wasn't it apparently it was something to do with the the actual draft picks that he'd done. For like NFL so all right wow like basically it was just in a mood apparently he's come out. And just said I just wasn't feeling it I'd pick some bad whatever they do with the draft was like when you do a podcast without doing the bins you know the mood about it similar kind of thing um you know he could have very easily kind of gone down this idea of like you know what I'm making enough dough I'll pick up some extra winnings he's like I say he has definitely worked hard on his golf game again when you think about gulps at this level you do get golfers who hit the scene. And of whatever reason after a year or two years got the boil and you never hear them again that's a fact we could we could use examples but again to get to this level of golf it's not just ability is it they have to be obsessive they have to have spent hours. And days and years you can't just switch that off exactly you know the and even though when you say when you see a player who has the lead for the first time in a European Tour event or DP with DP World Tour rental PJ tour it's natural to say you know within a crack under the pressure and sometimes they do obviously. But equally they've won events at a lower level they've felt pressure before they've worked with pressure um you just think the left the level out there is it's incredible um. But Brooks cap Canal is a five-time major Champion yeah five more than Rory he will go down now as a fact there's a legend in the game that is insane yeah it is he's done phenomenal I say he's he's I mean obviously loves the uspga yeah that's three times now uh he obviously loves uh the US Open he's won that twice um yeah it's a fact he's he is up there with the greats without question from the same amount of Savvy which is you know he's putting him into that bracket now he's one behind Faldo he's one behind Nicholson he's one behind Lee Trevino I think that's quite an interesting one certainly In Our Lifetime he's one behind Mickelson you know what I mean like that's I think though if he could get a green jacket. Or the open I mean obviously both the career Grand Slam would be ridiculous. But if you get that green jacket I think that would. And he gets the six that would really solidify him in that yeah absolutely no no. But then.

Again you look at that now the the guy who came second Scottish Scheffler he is the most consistent golfer I've witnessed since tiger in his prime Scottish this is Scottish recent results. And I'll start with the uspj and we'll kind of move our way back tied second tied fifth tied 11 tied ten fourth first tied four tied 12 1 tied 11 tied seven second tied nine tied third and that takes you right back to the which was event was this to November. So from November to now he's not come outside the top 15. and that's absolutely ridiculous and it is no question there's nobody. And and again he didn't set the world alive or we he had a fantastic final uh round of a 65 and he missed out by winning another major by only two shots incredible um the other thing I was just checking I don't did it come to you have an agency come to me um an invite to Brooks kept because after party it didn't I didn't get an invite now now I think I've ruined that haven't I there was beef between you. And Brooks squashed that beef now it's a five-time major champion no I'm gonna double down on it all right okay. So Brooks if you want it you might give it to you might have five major tournaments yeah. So what what have you got five off anything that you've got five of fingers I've not got five friends so Brooke pulls up there's five major championship trophies what do you pull up with five um um got five Masters Polo uh pieces of peril I have I've got yeah I've got five five golf gloves in in a yeah in a masters glove holder yeah I've got it's a weird thing that Master's glove have you ever showed that on camera the Master's glove holder it's quite a personal thing I don't like to share it on online really it's kind of more of a personal thing. For those listening or watching Rick's got a glove holder she's cool in the fact this Masters man it's absolutely beautiful you put like six gloves in a holder it's like a little pencil case it's beautiful it's one of the best things I've ever bought in my life in fact it wouldn't surprise me Brooks wants to trade all five of his trophies for that glove holder I don't think Brooks has anything to do with you guys I'll tell you what he does want peace of a 10 shot challenge right now if he yeah I'll take him on now 10 shot challenge Brooks you versus me okay Saturday set a time. And I'll see I'll see if I fancy it see if I'm free would you um what would the first interaction with Brooks be when you walk up to him and actually just properly like a whole given like go hybrid sorry I'm really sorry um I'll turn up with like sunglasses on I've shaved my beard and I'm like I don't I don't know the other guy that you kicked out that nightclub in Saint Andrews that wasn't me no no that was someone else totally different he kicked you have a nightclub he he pointed his finger at me he tapped his security guard on the shoulder he pointed his finger at me. And asked the security guard to remove me wow it's quite cool actually yeah it's quite Flex someone tell the grandkids. But what is it what is a strange one though. For Brooks is he has won the PGA. But was arguably the not the most talked about guy in the event honestly there's going to be a movie One Day the story of Michael block I think he's everybody's new favorite golfer honestly I found it fascinating. So Michael block and I'm sure unless you've quite literally lived under a rock under Michael block for the last week Michael blocked in the U.S they call him Club Pros so he's a PGA golf professional I'll just say more like a head pro would you you wouldn't PJ Pro I'd say more PJ Pro this is a club pro I wouldn't I wouldn't how would you describe um um Barry he's not Club Pro he's a teaching pro yeah I don't think he's actually he's not just a teaching pro as well I thought he was actually a club pro PJ head professional well what would you say about when Dan Webster was its Nan's head professional okay fair enough anyway Michael block is is very similar to me elaborate with both PGA golf professors that's where it ends he's been the PGA Championship four times you've played how many times I've played in the PJ North Region yeah nice little roll up. So anyway Michael Block it's not it's not listen it's not a measuring competition um he's far out suppressed me in every single category he became tied 15th at the uspga which for most finishing results like nobody ever who finishes in 15th gets talked about but the fact he ended up shooting 370s on the bounce he finished his final round with the 71. any final round he got paired with Rory McIlroy in the Sunday of a major tournament he had to get up and down on the very last hole to become tied 15th to be invited automatically to next.

Year's PGA Championship and on top of all that on the 15th hole 151 yard par three he slam dunked it for a hole in one with his seven iron it was almost like a real life Rocky Balboa it was a moment wasn't it I felt like. So um if if he is up. And down on the last considering he pulled it left into the crowd that they had to be at that point in his week uh something he tripped up on do you know what I mean there had to be it couldn't have all gone as perfect as it did couldn't really there had to be something that was that was going to go wrong yeah. And I again we thought that missed he would maybe miss the pot on the last and it was like oh it was. So close [Music] but he did everything he did everything he's now even been invited to this week's tournament um trying to think um which is the Charles Schwab tournament he's been in giving an invitation to the Canadian open he is his Instagram following have you seen that it's like 200 000 isn't it now. So I don't know what he started on because obviously um it wouldn't have been Manny I wouldn't imagine he is now on um oh I was a fan do you follow him I do follow you don't follow me back. Yet but we have actually been messaging yet he is on 211 000 subscribers followers now he also picked up a check which which was a couple hundred thousand dollars yeah it was it was pretty pretty handsome you know what's insane. So I'm looking at his stats here his bio on um the PGA website and he's obviously a very very accomplished player and he's got uh um a lot of um kind of credentials at that kind of PGA club Level Pro which in America is obviously there's. So many more PJ Pro there's a really competitive level so he's obviously a great great golfer but it's bizarre isn't it how he's obviously an incredible athlete hence why he's finished was it tied 15 yeah at the p a major championship I wonder why he's not made it before. Or I mean could he now go on. And he does well again he's got a tour card like how it would really be a fairy tale one it's insane. But I think that was. For me that was I was actually bizarrely not bizarrely I'm not a huge Brooks Kepler fan if I'm being honest with you. And I don't kind of know why I'm not but I'm just not I'm kind of on the fence but yeah I was quite chuffed that he won I would like Scottish effort to win. But I was also quite chuffed that Brooks won. But I think. For me this was the moment that was really kind of special. And that's what was one thing that you do obviously get with the PGA. Or with the US opener with the open where people can qualify get in different ways you're not gonna get as much of the mass as I really. But what what are you like really authentic winners yes don't you I do. So I think that's why Brooks even though you might whether you're a huge fan. Or not you almost he's in your authentic bucket yeah you know he's allowed to win amazing yeah I like people winning tournaments that I mean to win a tournament you have to be the best on that week. So it's irrelevance I guess but I like it when someone wins you like yeah you almost feel like they've got to be validated yeah which I kind of get. And that's no disrespect to what the name is going to say now like Rich beam when he won it. Or when Tom Todd Hamilton and bankers won the open massive for them so for play but you know it's kind of like and even sounds about Paul Larry when you're in the open that can never be taken away from them they deserve it of course they do. But I like it when you know someone goes and wins the fifth like Brooke Is that real dominance what would have been interesting last year your take on Scotty I can't even remember what your take on Scotty was winning the Masters last year because I think at that point I know he'd won just a little bit before it as well you only want to win the rest that's the point I suppose it's like when it's someone that's quite young like when tiger won the Masters. Or Scottish youth are still pretty young when they come out. And win one it's like right okay this is the new guy on the Block. But then.

Again he's quite nice to have someone older goes and wins one I don't know it's I think it's established names that is what who I want to see win the Mages really. So from the little sound bites I've heard from Michael so far well first off he picks up 288 000 dollars and the big thing was he said he com he knows he can play golf like he did that week he just happened to do it in a major tournament. So he knows he can play that type of golf if he's going out with his buddies. And it's not like he went out the golf course was tremendously tough don't get me wrong. But it's not like he's he's shot like nine under like a 61-61. it was brutal conditions. And he shot three incredible level pass and then.

A one overpower that's more impressive I know exactly don't get me wrong but he's he he says he can play that type of golf what was really really interesting. For me and we picked up on the from the coverage he kind of generates the same about a ball speed that kind of we do yeah like he's in the like the the kind of low 160 miles per hour ball speeds. But he's still competing on a 7 400 yard Golf Course and that was pretty incredible even if it was a course where you can just bomb it around it'd struggle more then.

Not sure no I'm not it could have just been a perfect storm as well because it was it was longer rough it was sticked up it was punishing. But yeah what what a story. And I think it's um it'd be interesting to see how we get somebody's playing this weekend yeah. So I think it's gonna be amazing um we're going to give you a little bit of a rundown I don't mind saying weeds. And looking at you we're going to give you a rundown why we were a little bit late this week because we actually had a little flight out we went to Denmark which is very random in itself isn't it when you think about all the places in the world we went to Denmark it's not known. For its golf no that's. For sure even though it does hold a few events there wasn't known. For three things uh Legoland yes good one mermaids right. And bacon yep and the number four thing Echo golf shoes Echo golf shoes sorry so we went it was very nice we went to Echo headquarters uh where we went to their Global Golf Summit um. And it was phenomenal yeah it honestly it was phenomenal you've been wearing Echo now probably 18 months. Or so yeah official. For the first over a year and you know I think the people that listening. And watching this who watch regularly and those guys and girls who are in the clubhouse you know that Rick. And we and the brand we don't push things down your throat so whenever Rick signs a deal which isn't very often at all select number of Partners it has to be the right fit the products have to be perfect or as close to perfect and it has to align with our kind of brand values and let's be honest Echo has been one that you have absolutely loved working for a couple of reasons firstly the shoes look really good which is important let's be honest it is really important they are incredibly comfy which is the most important when you're walking around four. Or five five hours we're filming all day and also I know it sounds something that's a bit kind of gimmicky but it is true the actual performance offset golf shoe yeah again it sounds obvious. But you wouldn't want to go to driving range whacking driver in your dancing shoes that are slippy you want traction you want grips you want that whole kind of marriage you know it's quite a hard thing to find you've found that an echo. And we got invited out to have a tour of the facility that offices the factory meet a lot the staff face to face for the first time and what a trip well first off lovely people yes they were the whole vibe of the of the facility was fantastic um. And I honestly couldn't believe how much went into the r d of a shoe of a golf shoe and then.

The actual development of it I mean it is honestly mind-blowing the the attention to detail to make sure your foot is comfortable protected. And giving you the best performance waterproof it's just it's I wonder if a golf shoes are the hard issues to manufacture because think about if you want to dress you it really is probably look good doesn't it the Comfort comes secondary by a mile. And even into the longevity you don't really you're not wear a dress shoe very often typically so even if it only lasts for 12 words that could be 12 weddings over four years for example your golf shoe you might work two or three times a week yeah. For 18 holes the after we waterproof they can't be too heavy because you want them to be comfortable they have to have traction now so many of them want to work off the golf course as well it's going to kind of still be comfy. And look good it's quite a hard thing to do very difficult. But the guys do a great job. And I'm going to give you a little little tease a little tease stay tuned to his potential collaboration shoot wow that's all I'm saying too much zipped it up. And you also enjoyed uh the staffer Echo and you enjoyed uh Denmark because it was a bit of a little little Ricky came out a little bit didn't they I'll go with this you got a bit sourced of course I did yeah of course I did um it was good yeah we had a um. For me I I think I'm quite good at creating games when drunk yeah I've done a few times of my lifetime I get a bit bored now just kind of sitting there. And drinking yeah I can do it if I'm forced to do it I can do it bottle already Force too. But I prefer to be active and get a bit you know something scary so we're outside and forward to the weather's turn for the worse but with a nice kind of pays out and there was a few little few little chipping things there was there was um inside the actual golf headquarter section there was there was a game called chippo. And it's a bit like cornhole yeah. But for golf you can imagine it yeah. So we had a little tournaments got a few little challenges we had a few you know it was good that's how you know that your chipping's improved that you were wanting to do chip in front of everyone oh comfortable uh I'd say I was one of the best I had a good game when I was chipping yeah okay pause um. But it was good. And we also did a kind of impromptu it's kind of live a little bit of a podcast actually oh it did it's not gonna go down to number because it was only to the exclusive 60 UH 60 Echo employees. But you had to go on stage and do a bit of giant. So we went on together sat down miked up we did talked about the story yeah it's good we um well it was not just employees it was um almost like key account holders. And uh people who distributed Etc echo shoes around the globe so there was there was um Distributors from Australia. And Canada and uh um there was a Malaysian um someone from Singapore it was fantastic you had to meet loads. And loads of people and the premise was everyone loved golf yeah. And everyone wants to continue to wear comfy golf shoes we went to Danish Supermarket that was interesting you got you got the most. But so we went to Stadium supermarket and I'm quite filthy with food so I love the food the echo Hotel was lovely it was you know maybe not what I would eat. So we went to the supermarket I got some Pringles some chocolate digestives that was his tea lunch I'm a breakfast yeah. And there was like a little bit of a cafe inside the supermarket there's a bloke sat there this massive plate which was um french fries chips yeah chopped up hot dog sausage yeah. And onions yeah dry as you like I love one of them. So Rick's out there I just got normal chips like a normal person but it wasn't dry you destroyed it with ketchup it was the most weird it was like a hangover meal on it was actually it was too much food I actually think it might have been a share of portion um. But it was Bloody good yeah yeah I was dead into it. So we flew home yesterday that hence why we couldn't do a podcast um. But we we back straight in ready to do another thing well I think again next.

Week's might be slightly delayed because it's Bangkok in the Monday. So honestly the UK at the moment if you live outside the amount of bank holidays this country's having at the moment is a joke I'm getting um destroyed by my wire there we go yeah just a joke um also something. So I play golf at the weekend oh yeah you know about this I played at your friend of mine JCB it's funny come on to that okay I've got to talk about something correct I'm not stupid Rick it's like I'm not it's all done. For a purpose so he's saying he's a plan yes a little bit Yeah I am. So I have been promising for a long time that I would treat my brother to a game of golf at somewhere good that we have filmed out that are very kindness. And oh yeah guy come back anytime. So I thought yeah we'll come back anytime don't you you just watched um yeah exactly. So I said Tim would you like to play it to your friend of mine JCB. And he said yes absolutely. So I spoke to our good friend Mark Addison at JCB golf and country club and he said of course you can play a guy anytime just don't break the cross record again oh Christ okay you're fine I won't um right my brother he invited a couple of our old friends from the golf club who is a full handicapped golfer three four handicapped golfer a lot called Paul Howard who I grew up playing with who is a plus I think four handicap golfer who's played in the open at uh Troon in 2016 he went on challenge tour he's now turned amateur again very good golfer. And we play a little 2v2 buggied up around JCB what a delight what a golf course and what a delight if it's a nice day for it very nice day for it I played horrendous um spraying it all over the place hit it there was fitting a long long time. But had a great time because of a golf course um yeah I just sat in my house just looked out the windows like love to play golf today.

If only I was playing golf today.

I thought to myself lovely day could just do it again [Music] I didn't bother play um however. this year um the JCB Championship is that back it's bigger. And it's better than ever so the JCB Championship we went to last year had a great time yeah. So last year I'm I was very fortunate to play in the Pro-Am yes uh with Big John Daly. And obviously we've realized why we couldn't film that in the end um but yes I've been invited back to playing the prom again nice um I am been asked who I'd like to play with okay. So we need to have a little think about that because there's some absolute cracking players lined up to play in it this year it really are um such as hit me with a few Darren Clark okay Jim Furyk Mr 58 pretty good dinette uh John Daly nice I think he'll probably say no uh Colin Montgomery Legend Ernie else Legend DJ Singh Legend Thomas Bjorn celebrity Goosen Legend um I'm trying to look at who else have we got in there he's already said enough I don't know I don't hear him anymore. So the dates oh yeah Legend the dates are uh third till the 5th of August it's Thursday to Saturday. But what's unique about this event and what one of the things I'm a big Advocate I don't I don't actually if all these are playing I'm just saying no no I think I think a lot of them are playing uh tickets are on sale at the minute. For 15 quid for an adult which is insane it's called JCB. And see some of these Superstars up close and personal um and it's a 5 for 12 17 year olds which is really good. And for under 12 it's free of charge so head over to JCB championship dot Co dot UK to book your tickets and find out a bit more about it but on a serious note it is a really good event to go to my dad went last year I think every single day loved it some of these guys are the guys who I grew up watching you 2003 air 2004 era were absolutely dominant I.E Ernie gooson Monty Furyk Etc this event it's it's a big event in a sense. But it's also really up close and personal so if you want to go watch some of these guys and honestly there's still insane ball Strikers I'm sure last year someone shot 62. it's crazy and if you want to take the kids and they can get in. For free absolutely worth doing I believe you've got something else up your sleeve though yeah well it'll be it's up there it's actually not on my it's not under my is that it's trousers um down there in your trousers be sensible with this stay tuned to my Instagram because there are some VIP very important tickets that I'm going to be giving away through my Instagram wow. So personally I would buy your tickets anyway yeah because like I say it's it's unbelievable value yes. But unbelievable value then.

Enter the tournament which will be coming out later this week. And to tournament enter the competition to win VIP tickets yeah how to do that follow the instructions on my Instagram which is Rachel's PJ correct um then.

If you win if you're one of the lucky winners well win-win because then.

You can invite a mate sell him your ticket if doing quit upside them all right yeah. For 20 quid you come and go oh yeah let's go to let's go to JCB Championship together are you walking in. And it's like oh yeah wow this is cool who's there got VJ Ernie else Colin Montgomery wow this is going to be. So cool you both go in and then.

You say to you mate oh by the way bash I've got a VIP ticket boom only one boom I'm gonna go in the clubhouse and hang with all the players wow why don't you go and check out the 17th hole the 255 yard party over water well I go and rub shoulders with some of these biggest names in the world of golf Rick Shields as routine goosans etc etc um so it's a win-win-win win situation yeah the dates are the third to 5th of August am I writing those dates uh uh yeah third to the fifth of August 2023. obviously unless this next.

Year they're just having the same dates next.

Year might be about it. But yeah either way um there's also been a lot of questions around another huge Golf Tournament this year I liked Enlightenment not the Masters no no the US PGA not even the open oh the JCB Championship okay the US Open then.

Not even the USA not even a Ryder Cup okay this year there are Rumblings of a tournament that is bigger than all of them okay the amount Everest of golf tournament I like how you just flicked that Masters coaster out the way then.

If that's nothing now okay do not throw the Masters out of that green jacket um this year we've hinted. And we talked about it quite a bit in the last last week's episode of the YouTube tournament the golf YouTube tournament hosted by yours truly right Shields and there's been rumors online there's been there's been conspiracy theories even I would go as far as saying yeah okay I want to clear up a few things all right at the moment we have still got plans to run the biggest golf YouTube tournament this year hmm there are still plans. And conversations around how every single big golf YouTube channel will play in this huge Golf Tournament this year I've heard online certain people can't come baloney baloney um there's conversations happening. And bubbling and surfacing underneath all of underneath in this laptop there are conversations I'm looking at right now which would squash oh wow I've actually thought it's gonna be louder. And softer squash these theories so Nate Ed Woodson you're gonna have a field day he's a bit chill for that mention you have a field day so it's not over till it's over this year on my word there will be a golf YouTube tournament with every one of your biggest named golf YouTubers with the plane in it that was quite I was quite excited. For that then.

I don't know how to get that last line out it might be called different names the original plan it the plans might be tweaked yeah adjusted maneuvered manipulated pivoted pivoted to allow everybody's participation. So stay tuned lots to come lots of exciting news it ain't going anywhere I'm not you know this is this is big something I'm really going to commit to this year uh make your fist bleeding sorry new desk um. But really exciting so do not fear my my plan this year is to make the best golf YouTube tournament in the entire world cool good yeah should we got that I thought to come in thanks um also what come in oh yeah [Music] I actually wouldn't want to come anyway JTV Championship we've had some great questions in from our um Clubhouse members at um on should I say Facebook on the richfields Golf Show podcast Facebook group join it run about 90 000 members now pretty much the number you're a friend of Rick's an acquaintance of mine if you're on there um we also though we could do with a lot more good emails we do get good emails sent through some are very long which is great we read them. But it's hard to then.

Get them into a podcast in so long we're also getting loads and loads and loads and loads of spam uh for example if I go on the inbox on the email keep using the podcast logo for all those dodgy purchases online um yeah it's just a lot of nonsense. So if you want to email us it's very simple it's podcast shields.com [Music] next.

Thing we're talking about other things anyway I've got a question uh from Ashley Armstrong and he has said any local knowledge to a few of the best Hidden Gem courses around the Manchester Liverpool area it's quite tough one isn't it not really when we live in the Manchester Liverpool area I know. But what sometimes what I think you can Overlook sometimes where you live. And not always know about the hidden gems Hidden Gem is it's hard on to to understand because I think once I hear someone's a Hidden Gem I hit the mean not Royal Liverpool. But Dale Etc so anything just below that level but is Hidden Gem not even below below below that level I don't know because Wallace that's not Hidden Gem is it no true um it's a jam though is it well stop Paul could that be a bit of a Hidden Gem is it hidden though if you were just coming from Birmingham let's just say to play golf in this area would Stockport be your go-to course that's what that's what I think's hard sometimes when you live in the area to be able to separate the hidden gems to cancel the question then.

I don't I don't know go on give us one course that's in there you can go more Liverpool side I'll go more Manchester side oh wow that if someone is coming from let's say Scotland okay. And they're coming over and they're playing some of the big golf carts and they go I've got a spare day all right don't want anything to break the bank I want to just go and play somewhere that's nice okay you going first yeah I would say one of my favorite little quirky golf courses I'm going to struggle actually no I tell you what I'm gonna go with this is a hidden hidden Hidden Gem Knutsford Golf Club okay I've never been nine holes right near town park um it's just it's always in really nice condition yeah the flags are absolutely Sensational if they were still the same flags as what I was there last time it's not a dead dead difficult hole. But some beautiful holes yeah I think Knoxville is a little okay Jam I don't know if this is wood class again what I'm gonna go with. And I've not played it for a little while so I can't come on current condition I used to like playing with height in Prescott okay quite fiddly. So there's not there's only one power five well there's a lot of light holes which I like I don't know if you try this where it's like four iron wedge but like shaping it off a tail you know it looks like a pit to that point then.

You go that way kind of thing which I quite like I always thought I had mates that remembers there for a while so I went through a couple of Summers of playing quite a bit and there's quite a few holes that I quite enjoyed and looked forward to so I'd probably say hiding Prescott it's not a bad one there we go there's our recommendations yeah very good. And so we got to the bottom of what is a Hidden Gem roughly um one question from Darren Stevens which we've kind of answered. But um what's happened to the schedule we'd love a regular time and Dave the podcast in break 75 but they seem to be all over the place at the minute it is just down to a few things isn't it. So hold our hands up this week There's No podcast until today.

Because we were away um I think just on on that one particularly. And it's sometimes it's Case by case we could have we knew that we were going to struggle to a podcast this week did did we mention the back end of last week that we might be a day late I can't remember I feel like we did because we knew the trip was coming up the thing is with we if we if we can't do the Monday typically we'll try. And do the Friday before well yes. But again we couldn't have done Friday before because it was the Friday of the uspga yeah. So therefore. then.

If we then.

Filmed and record a podcast on the Friday and it went on the Tuesday we wanted to talk talked about Brooks keptical winning because we want to know and we wouldn't have talked about Michael block and all that we needed to have the time over the weekend yeah. So bar communication which we can we could do a little bit more of we're not when we want to release content yeah that is not about not wanting to release content I think there's also as well it's brilliant that people occur because the day that people stopped caring his day when work were goosed I think if we don't release a podcast. Or a video it there's a reason behind it it's not a serious reason nothing hopefully to ever worry about it's just that there must be a logistical reason I think as well we don't betray a lot. And we don't need to and we won't do. So is that you know as fun as it says. And I absolutely love my job and you love your we'll use the word job Loop so let's be honest it is a business right now got 12 is it 11 members of Staff altogether like Monday is a bank holiday. So unless we win in our bank holiday to a podcast it will have to go on the we'll have to record it on Tuesday. For Tuesday I think that's understandable we don't want to necessarily communicate that too much on the group on Facebook. And go no podcast add eggs were off yesterday with our families. But that's the reason why it's as simple as that isn't it really it's it's I think you know. For me it is kind of trying to run up obviously a business. And and have all these different strands of content you know I want everyone to have time off at the weekend correct it's right that we do. So I don't particularly want my guys who work for me working till 10 o'clock at night and editing because that's not fair like we try and keep it in a normal working hours so it's more structured and easy to do I think from our side at the moment we have been we've got a lot of little projects going on which again from the outside from the public facing you're not going to see. Yet until further down the line but a lot of logistical things go into planning and future proofing and all these all these ideas that we have and sometimes then.

That takes a hit on filming but watch we are this is what we're trying to get back to we obviously want to release a podcast every single week on a Tuesday that's the goal yes we want to release as a goal three main channel YouTube videos every week that's the goal that's what we're aiming to get to. But with that we look at break 75 very very very popular strand of content now which is great thank you. So much but like last week's episode was one hour 28 minutes long that takes a long time to edit yeah. So we are now finding that even though we're not releasing as much as many videos because the videos often have got very much longer in the past that's probably the same time it would have taken to edit three videos will be. So you know it's all of those things as well um and then.

What I was going to say review Channel. And I always teased it a lot we have literally at the last bits of of actually pressing the record button on the review Studio that's how close we get in now and I know we I think a lot of the time. And I I can take responsibilities. But I do it. For the right reasons I don't like sharing too much until it's done right for me because I like just making sure everything's right and then.

Start like really shouting about it properly and with the review Channel we shared it a bit too early granted and then.

We've not shared anything yeah it's not been a sneak image of the review Studio. Or anything yet until it gets launched because I just I'm quite protective around things like so I want it to look really good it's a bit like the the YouTube um tournament we're talking about at the moment I've not released a lot of information about that yet because I want to get it absolutely nailed on Boxed off done before we start really talking about it so um our Endeavor and our promise to you guys is we are going to upload more do a better job of it. And uh keep everyone happy promise if I don't I'm also not sorry though because it's somehow not my fault yeah exactly I like the bins it all comes back to Rick's bins. So Rick we'll be lying in bed one morning go on night on the podcast but it's 500 in the morning it's fine guys fault great well um yeah just any more questions did we get some we did. But I've kind of covered quite a few have you and um I think it was a nice little bit of a recap on the PGA um big shout out to everyone that has listened to every single podcast we have now been 184 podcasts. So if you are in the clubhouse you are a legend to be in the clubhouse it's simple it's not hard listen to every single minute of every single episode. And you're in done I was done at the same time quite easy in it. And it's like probably if you committed to it you could probably easily get it done in in a month without doing anything else yes just sit in the house no technically you could do it in normal episode six a normal episodes 184 hours uh nine days ish nine days. So yeah just non-stop. For nine days it's an empty bath really quite cold oh an empty bath no water in it just listening just listening the rubbish that wouldn't it thanks everybody stay tuned lots more to come. And we shall see you next.

Week Wednesday your hands come from I think I've got a bit of like tension all right I don't do that again I need to like smack things. And whack things and do things. And anyway um next.

Wednesday episode 185 has been released I'm really tense they're gonna relieve yourself how many counselors let me just like let me just sit down and I'll tell you all my problems I'm not really enough videos that's my problem easy problems your problem that is um I'm also not putting any emphasis on myself. But anyway thanks everyone bye-bye bye.