He is my favorite golfer to watch at the moment because of that he's the most entertaining 100 definitely he's the real life happy gilmore. But can play the rest of the game as well [Music] it's one of my favorite weeks of the year i know you've got slightly different opinions maybe. But i'm intrigued to know if it's going to change this week it's the buddy ryder cup week is ryder cup week i'm excited does it it starts i'm slightly gutted because i could have been there i had an invite to be there hospitality every day bought the government restrictions at the moment certainly in the would it be more from the usa side isn't it yes from the usa unless i'm going over there. For actual work which really i'm not unfortunate i'm just going over a bit of a jolly um i can't get a visa i can't get a green card i can't do this that any other i'd have to isolate. For 20 days or what however. long it is. And that's not something i'm willing to do as much i love writing a cup that's just not something it was. For work and got a few instagrams i think i needed something some clarification. Or something it didn't quite work out i looked into it um bar literally getting a private jet and just sneaking in i don't think i could have done it um. But either way i'm excited to watch on tv because it is one of my favorite events i am fascinated. And i mean this to the to the most extreme level i'm fascinated about bryson de chambeau at the moment like crazy amount did you watch that youtube video i told you to watch i didn't watch that i should you saw i should i kind of saw clips i saw what he posted on instagram this weekend right i took a screenshot of it get this right. So he's there smashing driver okay on trackman when it turned to trapman. And he's absolutely smashing it i'm not sure if this was regulation length driver whatever it may be. But clubhead speed he clocked 148 miles per hour 148 ma it was a regular driver i don't know. But even so it was such a short clip he kind of just went prepping. For the ryder cup smacked this driver as hard as he could and it was really extreme hit like you know when you said last week when you watched him against long drive golfers he still looked like a conventional golfer yes that looks like it changed on this driver shot he absolutely went. For it feet off the ground full rotation it looked as unconventional of a golf swing from one of the best players in the world i've ever seen in my life so i would say the average club golfer they swing when i see my fitting events obviously i just have a flight scope so i would see them hitting driver and you do get the odd guy you might be 110 miles now whatever you're a young athletic guy who plays rugby is now going to golf. But typically you're looking at between 90 miles an hour to early hundreds yeah yeah. And you'll know that from you're giving obviously loads of lessons yeah. And even pga tour average was about 112 miles per hour. So that's kind of roughly where i sit and use it yeah kind of in that kind of speed um preston shambo 148 miles per hour his ball speed again let's put this into a little bit perspective if you're 100 miles per hour which is just above average. And you absolutely crush one as best you can you get the best performance everything you're going to max out 150 miles per hour. And that's that one that hit every five weeks or so that is literally 150 miles per hour ball speeds where most golfers they're not going to get any faster than that ever the average apparently is 133. brilliant there you go on tour you normally see him getting closer to 170 miles per hour bus. But yeah some jump over that. But around about that speed his ball speed on this particular clip was 215 miles per hour oh my god well i want that video while watching the day i think he was requested to get to 214. i don't think he did it in that video i watched. So to get to 215. he carried it ready for this and this was the caption he put over the top how many drop how many greens will i drive okay he carried it 383.1 yards. And that's mind-blowing but right obviously he's had an incredible couple of years and and the massive story has been distanced and i must admit now he is my favorite golfer to watch at the moment because of that he's the most entertaining 100 definitely he's the real life happy gilmore. But can play the rest of the game as well. But you know you're obviously the pj pro you've seen this kind of thing probably before and you know golf was trying to gain speed getting distance certainly torpros done it before do you think it's sustainable i don't want to be that guy that calls me up oh look who's back in five years. But genuinely do you think it's sustainable. And do you think it's actually gonna materialize into winning more tournaments in the future. And helping the you know america win the ryder cup etcetera so there's quite a few questions let me dive let me let me break this down on first is it sustainable i think he's clever enough to make it sustainable i think if it was anybody else if it was somebody who maybe didn't think about those long lasting effects i think he's doing it with the right information the right advice that he is i'm not saying i'm not guaranteeing this is going to be sustainable. But i feel like he would have definitely factored that into his calculations do you think i do. But the only thing i wonder is that that video i watch of the day it was really good actually if anyone's anyone's interested in watching it it's on his own youtube channel he's just kind of started uploading on. And it's this whole day at this long drive facility now that's only one video and like you don't know what goes on behind the scenes but i almost feel like he must be spending less time practicing other parts of his game if he's putting that much into his driving yeah um. And is he kind of going to get. So obsessed with other things take a hit or is it still all focused on obviously winning pj tour events he's actually got a video coming out tonight. So it's premiere at six o'clock uk time so about while this podcast is already out speed training preparation bryson de chamber i'll be watching it he's releasing that tonight um yeah. So i i don't know that's the other thing like i feel like he's probably will have all that information about how to make it sustainable. But when you're in the moment and when you're trying to get 250 miles per hour ball speed and when you're hanging around with all these long drivers does sustainability go out your mind you think. So like people probably train in the gym incorrectly when they're around their peers when they're trying to when they're trying to show off or like when we used to go to the gym sometimes and i was benching more than you. And you started absolutely squeezing and tensing and shouting to try and match me pulling your pec muscles that's what i'd have to do. And it wasn't sustainable it didn't last i'm afraid um that that is fascinating. And i find i find it amazing because in so to answer your next.

Question is it going to help him win more tour events yes categorically yes because facts show that if he eats it closer to green it's easy. For him to make more birdies it kind of doesn't always work as we saw that with patrick cantley in the in the playoff final when they had six hole play-offs i think it was patrick cantley was much much shorter patrick cantley was hitting like nine irons etc into greens bryson was literally flicking him. And chipping him patrick came out victorious in that turn but i think over a season if he's sustainable i absolutely believe it's gonna help him win more tournaments um i just hope he shouts. For a bit more often but that's a different topic um and then.

To be honest he's not the only one i saw a few guys this weekend that wasn't shouting four again i feel like it needs to become a movement and then.

Um what was the last question a corp i think it's going to be fascinating in the ryder cup because it's match play yeah 100 if you're playing against him. And he's bombing in pasture like who can honestly who's going to stop who's going to be one impaired against bryson dichambo no i wouldn't i feel like ram would mm-hmm i think ron would be i think rory would fancy it i think rory would beat him. But let's say you know i think would really fancy his chances poulter yeah no it sounds stupid i feel like he'd be like i'm the underdog i'm going to like yeah you wouldn't need a little pup that's going to grind you down. But then.

Is he just going to dominate someone like a tyrrell hatton. Or bert wiesberger someone like that where i don't know probably tyr will be able to hold his own. But i mean. So outrageously different you know certainly if it was a maybe one of the rookies as well. For the europe team like god forbid and hopefully this kind of goes our way but if he gets paid against matt fitzpatrick that'll be i can't as much i want europe to win i can't see that going anyway other than bryce. And the chamber equally it's not like bryson beats max fitzpatrick every round he does every tournament does he at all. But it's match play like when you're still in that tee against you can put your uh you can opponent. And he steps up there and absolutely rips out he's just a different mindset flip side though imagine you're bryson yeah. And i'm matt fitzpatrick and you bomb one 370 and i go 310 right and we both half it you're thinking i just done him by 60 yards you stuck a four round to three foot third like it's almost going to get the other way. But i'm just looking now so the pj tour average for last year ryzen's number one in distance and he's average is 323.7 yards second is rory 319 cameron champ at 317 matt wolfe at 350. i treat a couple out dustin was number seven at 312.. So clearly obviously bryson's number one by four yards which at that level is a lot. But and i know we don't see behind the scenes of necessarily rory matt wolf and i know these guys all go the gym but for those couple of yards extra that bryson is down the likes of rory. And et cetera do you think all that stuff in the gym. And all that long drive training is kind of worth it do you think he's oh is he the kind of guy who'll see every single yard has been. So valuable to do anything. For it yeah you're probably right because if he's neglecting other parts of his game is that going to have a detrimental effect um it would be really interesting to see how it pans out what pairings would you love to see against each other oh good question i'll pull up the teams i've got i've got one i fancy i'd love to see. And i don't think it's gonna happen. But i would love to see bryson and brooks on the same team yeah against ram. And rory oh i think that would just be an epic i think it was safe to say that brooks. And bryce not gonna be together though are they. But i didn't know i don't know i don't think. So you know well i heard um luke donald on the no lineup podcast actually really good he's on about the the pic you know how they pick team stuff. And apparently and kind of suppose obviously there is. So much that goes into it you know you gotta have a good rapport well only on that i was chatting to um tyrell when i filmed with him a couple weeks ago chatting to him off sideline saying you're looking forward to ride a cup who are you most likely to be paired with he already knew did he not tell you no. But it's not it's not padre just going oh yeah tyrell kind of gets on with x y. And z a lot it's outrageously statistically analyzed well they do it on certainly on the foursomes did they really look into who'll be on what tea who's gonna put you more etcetera yeah. And even like who's gonna complement each other's strengths yeah. So for example if you have got a long drive of the golf ball who is good with the wedges there's no point in putting somebody out that's terrible with the wedges with a long driver yeah is it going to hit it too close to the green. For example but um on the flip side if that player is too short the component lets the your opponent not your opponent your partner are you capable enough hitting those four. Or five irons into the green when you need to so it's very but we're just saying that on a very very top-line level it's really broken down over many many years of analyzing these players knowing that they're going to be ready. For the ryder cup i feel like it's it's one of two ways it's either all these decisions are obviously really essential. Or overkill yeah i feel like you could just go right you play with him you play with him you're all the best players in the world go. And win the tournament don't beat each other i agree or it actually is super super important. But now that obviously the radical week is upon genuinely now are you more excited than it would be if it's masters week. Or open week or not i i just love all the different scenarios that could happen this week you know the masters i love the masters because of the the venue the prestige you've got the best players in the world and at the end of it there's gonna be one champion putting on that green jacket you don't know who's gonna play in the last group against each other you don't know you can't predict it can you really it's very hard to predict where in this you just dream up these kind of scenarios like you dream up pulter versus bryson when when it comes down to who's going to win the point. For the team it comes down to these amazing pairings where you're seeing someone like a tommy and rory versus whoever it may be colin maracala and dustin johnson or whatever it may be i feel like because you've got a smaller pool of players to pick from you almost come up with these different kind of scenarios in your head where the masters you don't really get that until maybe the final round.