Also as well like you are like quite a cool person if you get me it's not like you aren't. And this is sending it in hopefully in a good way you're not necessarily a stereotypical golfer that isn't that is changing i think golf is becoming cool it's appealing to younger people like you obviously live in london you said earlier on like really central london you aren't necessarily what someone would expect new golfer to be. And i think we are seeing it more with celebrities on instagram playing golf um you know niall horan's a lot. For the game and maybe that's i'm not saying that inspired yourself but that's inspiring more younger girls hopefully to get into golf and we we should see more traction with the industry alliance with more youthful audience 100 i think you are seeing more golf on instagram even if you didn't follow golf you know like anthony joshua nile horan david beckham all these guys his game is in america as well i don't really know. But they're all playing golf you know maybe you might help to help me i can't think of many celebrity women that are uh kind of pioneering it too much at the moment that might change yeah i think it will change um obviously there are celebrity women that do play golf it's just it'd be nice to get that little inside as well because you know how do girls in the 20s start playing golf like that's hard yeah yeah yeah you know it's sometimes a hard enough challenge. For men to play you know 20s but i feel like at least men have got maybe some mates or some friends who have you know come come down come down to driving range and that's sometimes hard for you obviously your ex boyfriend's dad kind of got you into it but it's like how do you go with a bunch of girlfriends to the driving range. And you know it's it's quite hard i guess and even the fact that the shop had no shoes it is a barrier you go. And if you've got like obviously you've got some cool nike shoes on today.

Like the max ones which is like a trainer if you went in. And that store had every color where you like all right i quite like golf this is quite cool the fact they had nothing in. And it's quite um surprising they didn't go i tell you what it's not for me this golf like well how many how many women have done that potentially you know yeah exactly. And i think that's one of the things i think women are quite self-conscious they like to feel good before they do anything anyway it's a confidence thing if you are wearing something that you think looks cool you won't be like oh you know you want to go to the range oh i've got nothing to wish. For i can't go and that is what a lot of people say um. And then.

Also you know it's about inviting people because i would never have played golf if someone had invited me and it's probably the only sport that you do need to be invited to to play you know it's the only sport i said earlier you know that brings all sports together there's. So many sporty women out there they probably play netball if they're in the uk and just haven't because they've got a job now they don't have the time but they could go to the range but they need someone to kind of hold out the hand and you take them with them yeah definitely. And i think that's something that we really try to you know work on a little bit on the social media is to make content that makes golf look fun make golf look entertaining. So you know people might go you know what golf's not as stuffy as i thought it was because it's really not like uh hopefully everyone listens to this podcast we have to convince those people that it's not. But it's like say it's getting out to a wider audience and um it'd be interesting to know have you had any messages of young girls or or anyone in particular that said i've started playing golf because i've started following you on your social media i've actually had quite a lot i actually saved them on my phone. So i have an album which has really nice messages from people just to remind me why i'm doing what i'm doing amazing i've had it from boyfriend saying oh i've introduced my girlfriend to golf they've even asked me what shoes have you got because they're going out to buy it on behalf of their girlfriends which is really awesome lots of beginners saying oh i'm too nervous to go. And speak to someone i've seen all these elite lady pros playing and what shall i do. And i just say just go and ask you know at the end of the day they probably are happy to help they'll probably welcome you into the game. But it's that bit of confidence you know you need someone to that reassurance to say no it's okay to do that.