This one's uh um interesting questions from david he said why is it that golf clubs are offering memberships cheaper to younger people is this ageism now i've got two schools of thought again on this i've loved there's a lot of debate today.

So i feel like a lot of people to get the teeth stuck into and have either a moan or a wind or a comment or whatever so feel free he's not even going to the dude perfect video yeah oh yeah um basically yes golf clubs do often offer cheaper membership. So when i've looked around before memberships you typically get a junior membership which is fine up to 18 years old it's normally. Or thankfully very cheap and that's great i think i think most people can get behind that because juniors that are obviously if it's not then.

Pain it's the parents it's a good way to get them into the sport it's often hopefully if the golf course does a good job can keep them as members potentially. For life or for longer term and they don't always get the same rights as the gents do they. So they can't play on saturday in the men's comp often whatever so there's the certain things he cannot get yeah which i think i don't think they should i think they should get everything really i think what i've seen in the past where some bitter older people have said yeah. But they've got to play six that six times a week i've gotta work yeah. But it's part of being a kid yeah i suppose again this yeah i think when i was a junior we were allowed to play in the men's comp. So i'll go up to a nine handicap or better and i think the the reason the rationale behind that was that you're obviously at a good level. So you're gonna hold your own on the golf course i think yeah whatever that that is that's you know up. For debate i think with this what you probably losing to a bit more is that often then.

At golf clubs you have like a cult membership maybe 18 to 21. And then.

Even now a lot of golf clubs you have like cheaper membership up to even like 35 now the reason behind the golf club doing that i think is because they want to encourage again this younger profile who will hopefully join. And stay for longer obviously thankfully i'm under the age 35 so if i went to all these golf clubs i would benefit from that so to me it's obviously a brilliant thing however. if you're 40 42 and you're in a golf club and you're paying two grand a year and you may use 34 from work paying 1200 quid and they get everything the same i could kind of understand why that might feel a bit annoying but it's the golf club very simply has to have to do a spreadsheet with all their members. And how old all their members are. And it's very easy to categorize and go right this is the situation from 40 year old. And plus we've got more members than we'll ever need really right now we have anyway from 40 to the grand old age of 100 we've got 75 of our membership right now so under 40 we have to target yeah. So so we can't offer more yes you can't actually offer any more services an extra 20 holes yeah all you can do is offer a better rate yeah to encourage the all the 25. And i'm making these numbers up really off top of my head but i'm probably not far off for the rest of the rest of the the golfing community we have to bring those people in and we have to do it at price that it's going to suit. And it's going to encourage them. And also the other thing is governed by all the golf clubs you don't have to take you don't have to get one golf club in your area to do it yeah. And everyone has to do it because you all you all have to kind of work a bit like house prices house prices are very much governed on your neighbors. And stuff how you know how much it's going to sell. For so um i i think it's a very very important. And sensible decisions golf clubs make and if golf clubs don't have to do it well then.

That's fine they must be doing very well it's like my gym. For example just it's just one amount i think no matter what you might be something. For like pensioners potentially i don't know well that's where it flipped the other way the opposite way that's where over over 55 or over 60 you'd get it yeah i kind i can kind of get his point. And i do kind of understand that if you join the gulf when he falls out of a category you might get annoyed about it. But ultimately it's quite simple why.