All right guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast everybody episode 148 yeah getting through them aren't we pretty fast do we have a celebration on 150 why not um we'll have a can of Monster each oh no celebration like early morning give us a lot of energy ready. For the podcast not quite as good as expecting but it'll do I thought I'd be right on your street it is. But 100 we had a live podcast in front of an audience and it was uh a night that she'll never be forgotten about it was the 50s just like okay I think I did say as well. Or hint at maybe 150 we should do a live show. But no that's not happening. So um I'm not sure it's it's maybe 200 will go big yeah you know what's Vegas oh wow okay in 50 weeks time Vegas I reckon we start doing two episodes a week exactly three episodes a week together everyone's like Rick why are using 14 podcasts a week oh well let me explain Vegas is a looming um actually on that note a lot people I feel like in the comments recently. And I feel like it's very much overdue I've been asking when are you coming out to the states when you come over to America well hopefully fingers crossed soon there's gonna be a big announcement then.

They didn't know sorry next.

Week guy get your passport we're going to we're going to America um I still can't believe can you hear some feedback by the way. Or not I have a little bit of feedback but it's fine I can deal with that um I can't believe very soon it's gonna be three years before I've even been on a plane yeah it's mad I feel I've not traveled I'm not a travel person anymore I used to be a travel person I'm like yeah just come back have a cruise I know it's not on the plane is this very true um today.

Today's podcast is actually um one that I'm excited about. And the reason I'm excited about it's gonna sound not correct is because we've not got that much planned. And normally the ones would have loads and loads planned end up being the best ones because they're more just like Freestyle banter riffing back and forth is that tennis of banter bang bang bang um. But we've got a few things to talk about uh one kind of cool announcement that we've kind of already ruined in a way and if you listen to this you may already know about this you may not um we are having on Thursday this week's. Or Thursday the 8th of September 7 30 UK time till 10 p.m UK time an event Rick sell it to me some some of the sausage and the sizzle those good good boys can come over at the here. And do a meat. Or Willy they think they can just put a post out there. And do a meet-up well I'm going without my help we've got six people coming we've got all six people uh no in all seriousness we're doing a range night at Trafford Golf Center on Thursday. And again as guy just mentioned if you listen to this it might be a little bit too late and we really do apologize. But um we didn't realize the scale and the volume of people booking on we have 175 spots and all the 175 spots and now I'm getting started yeah it's a bit of static somewhere sorry we just had a little technical glitch there as we were. So excited about rage explain what the technical glitch was uh we've got a box down here that sometimes if it's kicked. Or moved it's the brakes kicked in you know 148 podcasting a silver box on the floor that if you'd ever slightly move it it just shuts the whole thing down but actually Amazon order for a new one is arriving any moment exciting um. So yeah range night loads of people fans coming down to celebrate 10 years of me making YouTube videos wow it's like a birthday party. For yourself I'm actually gonna wear a hat yeah should I get a cake I want to get a cake a big stick that says 10 on it a big badge this is 10 on it 10 years old. And we'll give you a hip hip hooray whatever it's called what's it called three cheers that'd be nice that'd be really nice so inviting fans subscribers down to the range it's completely free unfortunately is a ticketed event. And the tickets have now right now as we speak literally announced it half an hour ago and they've gone um but we'll make a video about it it should be cool we have some challenges I might give a few little cheeky tips and a few lessons guys can me there giving bounce. And doing long drives yeah I'm just going to provide banter really like another band to hat on to the head of banter I thought we need a banter police then.

Be a bunch of police officer. But yeah it should be really good free golf balls uh using the incredible top Tracer technology uh the guys at Trafford Golf Center allowing us to do it. But two we booked half the driving range out basically yeah it's actually pretty awesome. So that's gonna be coming soon we did a range night how many years ago was that now it was at least two definitely yeah pre-covered it must have been at some point in 2019 yeah. Or early 20s yeah maybe late 19 I think you're right I think it was the back end. So like that it feels like a long time ago and I wanted to do a lot more of them. So many years later a couple of years later the first one of hopefully more again might tie one into doing one in America or a different place around the world to do keep your eyes peeled. And I think the top tip make sure all notifications are turned on social media. So you don't miss out on any of the updates yeah. And if you're not coming if you can't make it because you can't get a ticket maybe go to your own range on your own um wear a hat wear a hat and like Sing Happy Birthday foreign but first off I've got an email I wanted to read out um it's from it's from Nicole I'm Gonna Leave It Anonymous but I think I can say it's from uh Nicole says hello Rick Shields. And the incredible podcast team so initially I thought it was a Spam because we get a hell of a lot of spammy emails. And the way it was worded I thought it's a Spam. But it's not spam it's genuine it says my fiance and I just got engaged this August congratulations and you have been a part of our relationship over the past two years with our love for golf Rick so for the two years there's been a a lady and her fiance who've been watching the videos listening to the podcast and you are a part of their relationship love it now I'm sure if I should tell my wife this um I think she'd be all right with it I think it's part of the job do I mean yeah you get into bed at night candle bills on. For the podcast on let's get it on how does that make you feel after the biggest uh uh what's the opposite to aphrodisiac mood killer yeah I would I would uh I would not I don't think I'd set the tone our dulcer tones aren't in the background I mean maybe you've got to be louder to try. And drop my drummers out but let's not get into that okay. So anyway it says my fiance and I have found golf the greatest sport in the world and he has truly fallen in love with your podcast because he's a nice guy you know he likes good stuff he's got a good taste yeah he really has got great taste that's what I've always said about him as a great guy um it inspires him helps him grow as a golfer. And just in general has kept him going through being a nurse during the pandemic he is one of my favorite people ever isn't he such a good guy that's awesome it's sad this is this is the bit that I almost thought it was too far. But I'll take it for you Rick you mean the world to him. And now by far his favorite golfer even over Tiger Woods to him you are the goat yeah I'm not gonna I'm gonna delete that yeah you can't One Step too fast yeah he's gone. For me a nice guy it's a bit like a bit over the top yeah he goes around around the hospital have you heard of this Rich Hills Film he's like he's like the best medicine I'm in pain here no I'm going to prescribe you a good dose of Rick Shields [Music] of Rick seals nice healthy dose uh insomnia yes it would definitely help with that Grant how that said that yeah I feel like it would uh it would be motivational because you wouldn't want to be as bad as I am at what golf yeah you might go you know what if he can do it it might make you motivational to go if you can body start off a YouTube channel on the podcast I can do it yeah I'll see I'll see what's he got yeah it's special. So yeah maybe maybe that's what I'm good. For maybe that is what you're good. For anyway it says this is where it gets a bit juicy. So I'm reaching out in hopes you can help surprise my fiance Josh. For his birthday now there is a small caveat here I'm going to hold my hands up his birthday is October the 18th oh. So in reality send this email in early which is a good shout getting early. So we should have really filed it away come October time announced it giving happy birthday I can't promise won't lose the email by then.

Go emails disappear very often it was now. Or never so Josh I won't say your surname but Josh half birthday from me more importantly from Rick I'm gonna look down the camera and Josh happy birthday pal Happy Birthday Josh and your fiance yeah. And your fiance and also this is what it gets super juicy now I've added a bit of digging I think they're from America. So this might not happen it will happen. But as well I would like to invite you to our wedding in the summer of 2024 um is it very good it's going to be a golf course why do you think there is from America um because I did some stalking on Facebook okay fine because the girly question she sounded hot I'm joking I'm joking. And joking she had quite a rare surname so I wanted to just have a look if I could find them search for a fan straight away a fiance was called Josh. So found them and they got a picture of him good good father oh that's nice um but yeah they're in America. So let's fancy a little imagine that going to change our lives we need to put I'm going over here early. For a week what do you mean we're going to a wedding in America awesome we got an email the start of September his birthday was in October. And we're going to his wedding in June well that's it. But that's that's the kind of thing this podcast does while I was doing it freestyling now people in America are engaged get in getting married listen to this well I've got an email by the way I've got an email oh what yeah I'm gonna read um I'm going to save it though it's a good one okay save it. For a bit later um so first up we had um live this weekend you know what though I'm actually I'm not gonna go first uplift okay okay wow I'm gonna go first up Ollie Wilson yeah I've mentioned a few weeks ago about getting upset watching golf. And you know what it means to people again I found myself crying this weekend and it wasn't about Dustin Johnson holding Eagle putting the playoff but Ollie Wilson winning on the DP World Tour in uh Denmark Timberland himmeland yeah he's not win. For not one for seven years the emotion was just absolutely gushing out of him as he finished his interview with uh George Harper was just phenomenal I was watching it going ink golf really really really hard absolutely like these guys are grueling now if you are listening over in America Ollie Wilson you probably don't recognize a name even though he actually played in the Ryder Cup yeah years ago he kind of shot to some level of stardom. And then.

Kind of really dropped out a form and radical that he play in I feel like it was 2008. wow is that is that about right um have a look Ollie Wilson I reckon I reckon it's about 2008 Ryder Cup. And I don't know he was you're right out of nowhere he's come back. And he mentions in the speech about who's helped him um he kind of mentioned his sponsors and stuff but right how many people need to be supportive and behind somebody who's struggling right and it's crazy think about all his family members he might have a wife you know kids coaches family friends. And like you might think being a tour pro is the best thing in the world. But if you're a struggling tour pro and like struggling to end you know make ends meet to some degree to get that win I mean it's a bit like the story of Richard Bland. Or you know a couple years ago when he won the British Masters at the bell for it you see and you go wow that that really hits me hard and you think God that's. So iconic and incredible so I kind of want to start with that first I've got to be honest I didn't watch loads and loads of it um I've not been watching a lot of golf recently even living come on tonight in a minute but yeah um I think the benefit now of social media is you don't have to watch a great deal of it live to know exactly what's going on yeah like you can watch. So many highlights or clips and I I've seen loads of all these final round and how he went on to win and and how he composed himself and how he hit some incredible shots down the stretch didn't hold a great deal I could see all that but then.

It interviews the chats after like looking through his social media and seeing what he's been saying it's like you do get a really good picture. And you don't have to follow it live as much anymore which is the benefit of kind of social media these days yeah I think that that's the thing. And what people love about obviously the PJ tour and certainly Europeans or DP world tours now is that people can have you know they can qualify they can get on tour they can they can win events. And obviously with Olivia you're invited on really honest it's not quite the case just yet um and that's you know that it's a weird one because we've said this many times. But the world of professional golf in lots of ways seems super glamorous and it can be you know he likes Dustin Johnson now playing on live tour getting private jets everywhere five star hotels no personal chefs Etc personal trainers it must be literally living the dream. But even guys on the DP World Tour who in your head you think are doing very well are actually kind of struggling. And it must be you know very intense to go from week to week missing cuts and you know not always in the nice hotels away from your family so to win an event not only with that financially massively help you out but the win that feeling of winning and also that thing you know what I can do it. And that's what happened to Richard Bland he went on just he's so good now because I think that win gives people the confidence. But that must be super rewarding and I think that's something that you know no matter what happens in the future with with Liv. And with the DP World Etc seeing people that win is specialist it really is like I feel like you think about what motivates him. For those seven years yeah what's got him out of bed every single day to beat balls to practice to put himself through it I was just looking back at Stats his actual Victory they won in 2014 when he last one was the Alfred done in the links. And he beat Tommy Fleetwood and Rory McIlroy wow by one shot like he's obviously a great player and that was that was a number of years even after replaying the radical yeah. So like really you know he's 41 now he's just come out and won this and who knows what it might lead on to you know you never know I'm not sure what extra events he gets invited to etc etc um but but again going back to this idea like there's. So much talk about money and golf at the moment I still love these little stories I saw a clip as well did you see the clip of uh Happy Barn rats. So Kerry deck happy Bara again I would say quite a familiar face on tour DP World Tour European tour and PJ tour probably about six seven years ago on it he's a larger life character and really like long swing quite fluid from Thailand and he really openly in the corn Ferry tournament I don't think he's got PJ tour status anymore um he was open saying that again it's really difficult he's one of the only Tiger golf golfers out there. And for 80 90 of his of his existence he has to speak a language that's not in normal yeah you know it's a 12-hour flight to go. And see friends and family he says if I've played well I have no one to celebrate with he says even worse if it played worse I'm just at a hotel room on my own like in my own thoughts like. And again I don't think. For one second that I'm sure people watching everyone's got hard lives like really tough jobs and it leads into the email that I'm going to read later on in the in this episode um. But it's so like fascinating seeing all the things in golf and I just don't want these stories or these these kind of personalities to kind of get lost in it all you know as you like to say you look at live and um and we can move on to actually top it now um Dustin Johnson won it he wanted a playoff yeah like a phenomenal League of putting the playoff to be honest like that putt was actually flying on it I've never seen a put like it to win a tournament um. But again I I don't know if you've got any different thoughts about it I wasn't massively drawn to watch loads of it yeah I watched it when it got interesting like the last four. Or five holes because like Westwood was contending I was interested to see what Cameron Smith would have done if he would have won um it when you actually look at that final hour how Dustin Johnson won it I'm not sure because. So many golfers gave it away yeah. Or like Dustin Johnson to make that up and down in the 18th hole in his actual regulation play When he pulled it left and chipped it backwards then.

Go up and down you had um uh walking neem and nearly chipping for Eagle to win the whole thing like Lee Westwood was on track. For a 59 yeah. But he could have easily shot 59 he goes Bogey's the last two to miss the playoff by one there was actually a lot of action happening in the last hour I didn't need to watch the two. And a half days beforehand I've obviously had this discussion you know several times now and I kind of got accused me on the fence and I kind of thought right let's make my mind up and wear a sit with it I'm really really not into it I'm not struggling with that I'm really yeah. And again there's no doesn't come I'm prepared to get people to obviously have an opinion on on my opinion. And in the comments in the video maybe you say oh you're talking rubbish whatever that's fine everyone's got opinions on stuff but I'm at the point now where I'm really I'm not necessarily against it in a sense of I want that to end on it to be shut down and whatever it's not that I was really excited to be excited. For it if that makes sense and as I said before still even now I do kind of enjoy the rumored signings. And when they get unveiled they're seeing how people take it online and like almost I can't believe when like Cameron Smith's gone I love all that side of things a bit like how you have transfers in football you get excited. For a new player to come or whatever like when when a player joins your football team they'll put it all over the social media it's class and like you suddenly get this Buzzy like oh he's the player that's going to transform it. For us he's going to be the next.

Superstar right now. And that's it's different but yeah it's similar like in live golf it's more about like I can't believe that like I was. So I was surprised. And I wasn't surprised that Cameron Smith went it was frustrating when we recorded I know we did the podcast last week. And it was announced an hour later. Or something but I was kind of surprised in as much no I was the word surprise. But it's the fact that he is genuinely a super competitor right now it's the fact that they got him is is huge. But I tried at the weekend to watch it a few times and again people's contact me we didn't even watch it properly you can't really have an opinion but my opinion comes from the fact I tried a few times to watch it it's live on YouTube love that I've said that since day one I love it you can put it on bang it cool adverts you can rewind whatever I love that I put it on. And I was just like I'm just not I don't know what it is it's just I'm not into it at all like this is definitely missing this kind of magic sprinkle at the moment the team element to me still means nothing. And maybe when it changes in a few years or whatever and become more franchised out possibly that you know so it's hard when you support a football team that team has been around in most cases for 100 plus years so it's got a real history and the PJ tour has been around for years it's got a history so it outlives the players by exactly the open has got a real history so it's very hard to understand now something that's so new can have that feeling. But I I just I just don't get it yet I just I put it on didn't really enjoy it didn't watch very long I watched some of the highlights I saw obviously the playoff winner saw that crazy putt going. But for me I'm really I'm definitely not enjoying it as much as I wanted and I'm opened and this isn't me with some agenda that I don't want to be don't want to like it I want to like it and ultimately I don't think golf is the most exciting sport to watch period. And that upsets me because I'm a golf fan I'm a golfer I want other people to see my Sport AS cool and exciting and want to participate in it so I want anything that golf can do to become more watchable I'm. For I've always said I struggle to watch a lot of four day golf tournaments bar the majors because they don't always excite me I thought live with its new packaged format it's shorter format this shotgun start was going to be the thing that would get me excited it doesn't the thing is it's short. But it's still not short yeah it's it's more condensed. But still five hours of coverage like I was looking at like obviously I've got a family I'm I'm personally it sounds very selfish in my own. But I'd rather it be on Monday Tuesday Wednesday yeah I feel like I would watch a lot more of it if it was on those three days since it starts leaking into the weekend which obviously most people would probably have more chance to watch it I've got a young family I want to go out you know I want to go. And spend we were at the park at the weekend we're on bike rides I'm taking them to classes I'm doing loads of things with them we're socializing with friends on Saturday night the thing I'm not doing is wanting to pick up my phone. And watch live for five hours I like watching highlights but to be honest I would say I'm not just saying now for live almost I don't if almost too much of professional golf is making me want to watch less professional golf because I feel like now it's not just one event you want to watch you have to watch you've got to watch the PJ tour the bit of the DP World Tour you want to watch maybe the corn fairy playoffs that are happening at the moment you want to watch the live you want to watch the ladies tour like there's almost too much. And I feel like yeah unfortunately now as much as people haven't got time to watch everything I don't know how people genuinely in the golf media get chance to sit. And watch every minute of every day I keep thinking that when like so when obviously DJ signed I was like Oh my days when uh Brooks kepka signed all right okay Cameron Smith signed I kept thinking this is a catalyst to make it exciting. And to make me actually want to be part of it and want to watch it and actually every time it's just it just doesn't do it. For me at all yeah. And I happy to have my mind James I might be sat here in a year's time we know what it's absolute class and well up for it but right now but I also know this is why I said him before jokingly people in the comments may have something to say. And actually I want to hear people's comments good or bad if you love it or if you hate it in the comments definitely more people are enjoying it now. So definitely a lot more right you know when it first came out was it felt like I know social media take with a pinch of salt it felt like 80 of people were against it 20 were. For it now it feels much more level if anything what you see on social media is leaning more towards a positive people are excited getting behind the teams. And stuff like that yeah I remember doing those polls before it started in London I might do the polls again. And actually see what people's opinion are because I think a lot of people it was almost 30 was completely against it 30 were undecided 30 of people loved it I do think now maybe it's got more 60 70 like it yeah like it surprises me the crowds yeah they've got crowds there well I'm taking out of screenshots of watching it yesterday on YouTube. And like around the 18th hole that's that's a busy crowd um is it still free tickets that will have the discount I think it's heavily discounted certainly if you put the player's name in 25 yeah you get discount off um I know a lot of the players are saying it's a younger audience I don't think they've got anything I feel it. But they've got any evidence on that because I was also looking at the the um watching it yesterday. And going doesn't look that different of an audience compared to the PGA Tour event personally. And you know nothing's going to maybe rival with let's say a Scottsdale at the moment because that seems like a really really you know the waste management that seems like a really young uh audience. But um yeah I don't know what the the team element I think is going to get better it's very interesting watching someone like a pat Perez yeah like he has done hardly anything I think he's gone 30th 30th making some money 15. he's made 2.6 million insane just being on the team [Laughter] um yeah it'd be interesting to see when the next.

Wave of players is the next.

Wave maybe going to be next.

Year. But you know what's crazy you're right there's going to be a next.

Wave of players. And it's only gonna get stronger but equally we know there's players on the PGA tour like Rory who can never see leave it. And there's also always going to be new talent coming through the PJ tour. So it's gonna be a point in the next.

Year well even now really but next.

Year or two where there's two tours that are very very strong how does that even that work how do you have two almost Pinnacle like because we all know the DP World sits below the PJ tours that's kind of accepted I suppose how do you have two tours who arriving out to be the best golf tour. And there will be weeks when they do obviously have events on. And they're both battling for people to watch how do people that people have to decide to prefer one another just watch whatever's on at the time. Or you look at the lineup now the 48 players though and it is getting really good like the talent the the characters you at most those 48 players now I really know like I I would know probably 40 of them there's still a few in there that I'm like I'm not really sure who you are you can look at the PGA Tour. Or the DP World Tour and and I don't know again whether they don't do a good enough job highlighting these players there's a hand. But not a handful but there's probably 25 30 of the players are actually really know do you know what I mean like that you've kind of grown up with the last 10 years. Or so um I think this week's going to be very very very interesting DP will tour Flagship event that the BMW went with yeah they're absolute Flagship event. And I'm not mistaken saying there's about 20 is how many players are playing I thought it was 14. But don't quote me on that 14 players something in that region um who has just pulled out I want to say Paul Casey but who's just pulled out no it's not Porter um that's kind of annoy me now somebody's just pulled out of plane in it who's a live player because they they said if we don't feel welcome I don't want to visit Martin kymer it was yeah Martin Keim has pulled out um I'm I'm not well I'm not going this week. And um be in really interested because none of the Live players are being invited. Or asked to or allowed to participate in the program or featured groups I believe on sky or featured groups in the final group this is crazy in it yeah what happens if a live player wins is Patrick Reed playing I'm not sure I'm not under the list. Yet I know Patrick Reed is not I'm gonna have a quick look now because I know Patrick Reed is very much a fan of the BMW PJ Wentworth um. And he obviously is very very much uh live hat live t-shirt live top like imagine imagine him lifting the trophy tell you what I do like about live though you can wear shorts you can I think that's cool yeah I think I think you see it a lot when you know if I play golf. And it's really hot I might sometimes wear shorts um I think I don't think it should have ever been a barrier no it's like in the pro-ams. And some of you often this old practice stage you might see players wearing shorts occasionally it's like it's just a simple thing but it's one of those simple things that I think Liv can use is like an easy win I think things like that make you realize that some of the traditions in golf some people respect them some of them some of them make sense. But other things like you can only wear trousers as well shorts look really smart um. So I think things are kind of capitalized on aren't they they're taking the. And right like taking it and riding with it like how um how interesting as well will it be like the players between each other this week like I wonder what the Rival is gonna be like because you can't like players like Rory McIlroy playing in it like I just I just think it's gonna be oh it's crazy it's a fight live versus DP world the other thing as well would live bringing shorts it means they've done it first PJ tour now can never bring insurance like it's almost like they just can't do it um I just want to see if Patrick Reed's playing I'm pretty sure he is because I feel like him a Rory 18th hole Yeah he is anyway crazy crazy crazy times um I'm not sure where I'm at with it just. Yet um I know for one thing though for a playing position I don't think I'll be getting invited to any tour anytime soon why I feel like my game's gone backwards okay well when he does play three weeks ago. But that's why I've been analyzing my game um I think that what's really interesting at the moment is last time I probably played well I'd say what bit of it as well I'm watching a lot of the the matches I've had with the good good lads which I know was filmed a number of weeks ago now six. Or seven weeks ago and I felt like my confidence was definitely trending do you think I need to put a lot more work into my game um do you think do you think I need to bother. Or should I just carry on I'm laughing so I'm writing title that people are watching this podcast listening will already know what the title is I've just started writing Rick's golf in Decline that might be the title Rick's golf Getting Gone rubbish um I think with golf we have to have realistic expectations don't we. And I think sometimes we can almost undervalue practice. And what I mean by that is we all know that practicing helps you get better at golf what should do. And same as kind of exercise and if you start doing a few runs each week you're gonna get a little bit fitter and when you're sometimes doing that you don't give yourself credit for what you're doing so what I mean by that is if you were doing like two 5K runs a week which doesn't seem anything massive. Or whatever you don't think that you're doing a great deal. But actually it's good for you and then.

When you then.

Stop six weeks later down lining oh my God I cannot even Run 5K and you didn't give yourself credit what you were doing initially. And what I'm trying to get to in a long-winded way I suppose is that you before your holiday. And stuff were playing quite a bit of golf we were playing quite on video you hitting balls with nips the range Etc you were doing a decent amount if you've now then.

Kind of not done. So much recently you are probably gonna see a decrease in performance. So if we go and play tomorrow which might be the case you have to have realistic expectations you always go out with this video series try to break 75. yeah. But in reality I know you can't change exactly that is different franchise. But maybe tomorrow it should almost be like more break 78 and see what happens yeah yeah I'm just it's very interesting is it when you when you have a bit of time away from the game. And you're right tomorrow might go one way or another yeah I might play really well I might play horrendous. But because I've not played I've got no expectations. But I just feel like my game was really trending a few weeks off I feel like oh God all that hard work's kind of gone to gone to shatters maybe um I'm intrigued to know if well whether you know I always think about it too late I always feel like I need to practice in February yeah whether it's the new season yeah I almost feel like I could catch it early. And go right winter and it's horrible to say but the the darker nights are starting to come in Winter's starting to come in is it now is it now the time to go right let's let's have a look at the golf game it's September now. And go ready for next.

Year yeah I think as well. And this is people listening to this whoever later watching this it's how bothered you actually are. So it's a bit different for you because you're making videos online but for the average person that's playing golf as a hobby playing on a weekend maybe playing once after after work in the week during the summer whatever magnets the range once a week it's a bit of social as well we all want to play better golf don't we nobody enjoys playing bad golf I think you'd be a psychopath if you did we all want to play either well. Or ideally really well but then.

On the flip side it's like how much effort do you want to put in. And even then.

It's like well it doesn't always guarantee it doesn't actually mean that the more practice you do in theory should get better. But we know it's not always okay. So so if for example again on a Saturdays when you play your goal if you work all week you've got a family Saturday's you're ready to go and play golf and you've been the range Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and put a lot of grafting and then.

Saturday comes and you shoot a million it almost annoys you more yeah whereas if you work through the week don't really do a great deal turn up Saturday. And shoot a million you go well what do I expect they don't. And that's not me saying you shouldn't practice obviously I think it's just about having you know realistic expectations. And also how much it actually matter to you how much does playing golf getting exercise which then.

Join me with your friends matter versus actually having great scores definitely you know what I mean yeah 100 because. So many people play golf for different reasons yeah like I'll speak to loads of powers of mine. And like uh abattoir Jay yeah abattoir Jay he he's on a heater at the moment is he. And the best golf is life like I think he's won back-to-back tournament. But only a few weeks ago he's telling me like I keep blowing it up on like the 17th or 18th hole and it's frustrating me in this Saturday then.

Suddenly you take one win and he's continued to play well and now he's really going to try. And push onto his handicap I almost I almost would love to be in that position a little bit more sometimes but I have an actual handicap measuring stick almost I feel like that's something that I miss I don't know whether I missed the competition side of it a little bit as well I do agree with you. And I sometimes yeah dude growing up I played comps almost every week. And the Romantic side we misses it being being obviously a really kind of Hardcore member going up. For all the comps perhapsing quite a lot but actually think about it in reality when you do play well. And you win a comp or do very well it is a great feeling. But actually in reality more times you play badly so far you blow up towards the end you've got a bounce on the 18 to get in the car oh my God I was on 36 34 points. And I went triple on the last whatever whatever it might be and your wife's like I know I've heard the story every week and it's like actually in reality do you miss see like at my perfect now is to go. And play a nice golf course and play for what I clash has been decent so like ideally not losing the ball which is a tough ask hitting the ball quite nicely I don't even care about score that much it's more about kind of playing hitting nice shots really um I do think when you become super score obsessed which you do if you're playing comps you are going to become obsessed with your score it is very easy to fall in love with. And that's why so many people quit golf because they just can't beat a certain skull yeah. Or it annoys them and you think about it it's a shame because golf is one of the best sport it's been out in the open fresher you're exercising you're with friends you're having fun. Or whatever the reason people quit is that you get annoyed they can't play well. And actually if you could try and take that away somehow which is very hard less people would quit I think the one thing that I might start to look to do a little bit more um. And it really ties into a video I do we've had earlier today.

It's almost look a little bit more about when I go. And play golf now obviously I'm making a product I'm making a video which is is fun exciting cool. But the end of it the only thing I ever walk away with that day is the score yeah I don't really want I think I'm I think well I did pretty well today.

Or whatever where almost if I had more smaller aspects to break down like my score was that today.

Okay however. I've just set a new PB. For um puts on the backgrounds eating and six sausage rolls in the front nine well then.

Rick like Fairways hit like greens and regulations SanSai that's not you though that is it I don't know what I don't know I think it is okay I'm intrigued to see might be a new side of me I feel like I'm you woke up to me what'd you shoot Rick 85 oh yeah. But I hit 17 photos don't give a toss you try 85 no one cares I feel you know as well I've become a real plastic fan again I've got dead into football sake here we go literally because you've won three games in the four games thank you two at home two away um I feel like when I look at the stats sometimes after a game they fascinate me possession. And touching the opposition Yeah final third. Or whatever like they were saying about Arsenal yesterday oh there are. So many more touches they had so many rough tunes and I was like if the score matters. But I know it yeah that goes against what you're saying. But as in like they can take positives away from a bad result yeah they they could look at yesterday's result. And go we didn't score we made a few bad decisions or whatever but okay then.

On the flip side let's just say you play a. And you shoot 80 not happy with it but you've hit 14 Fairways driven it amazing and your pitching's been terrible which has caused you to put more whatever you could walk away and go on the drive was good. But would that let me then.

Go oh my God I drove it so well I still couldn't break 80. yeah. But I think it would give me at least not to practice on maybe more yeah give me a bit of guidance okay. And then.

And then.

I don't like practicing really unless I feel like it's to practice on something that I'm I can improve on to get what I mean yeah it's maybe not hitting balls aimlessly yeah. And I think anyone should do it I'm a big fan of that top tray sir that's not aimlessly well that's true the top tracers I don't even mention this before there's a new game mode top Tracer 30. And it is absolutely unreal because I'm a victim of always saying that I go to drive me. And hit it well and then.

Get to the course and don't and I still think that's somewhat the case I think a lot of people can resonate with that because obviously on the driving range there's no pressure you know you're hitting into a field you feel kind of confident whatever there's no consequence. And he gets the golf course and that'll Bounce Down the right there's a water hazard down the left there's people watching you that you've let they're letting you play through whatever and suddenly start topping it and shanking it so I think everyone gets that. But also I think what a lot of people do wrong. And I'm the biggest culprit of this is that I judge practice session. And performance on strike a lot of the time so I often use the range it's not the best practice method this but I'll warm with like a wedge 58 degree hit a few chips Etc then.

A few more full swings almost jumped straight to my 7i and hit that for a while on this drive again don't recommend following that that's what I seem to do. And so often I'll hit my seven irons and be like I'll flushed it today.

Because I've Struck it well now the first thing we know that driving range mats are much more forgiving than the golf course you can't fat it really on the driving range map because it bounces off. And gives you a nice strike so you're gonna strike it better but also when you're hitting it you don't really massively aim at a Target you should do. But you just kind of go that was hit well. And you see it float off and I think the other thing as well even if you are aiming. For a Target certainly on a driving range you sometimes don't understand the proximity exactly sure long left right that's that's true and then.

So top trace of 30 it essentially gives you 30 golf shots of different kind of distances so summer driver summer pitches some are full lines in ETC. And you put in your handicap at the start so for me I put in four and the objective of these 30 shots gives you a handicap that obviously you want to try and play to first time I ever did it actually got four. And I was hitting it class every time since then.

I've been quite a lot of my handicap. And the reason is I'm not in it close enough basically all my drives aren't in good enough position you're a really good putter great portal. But you can't do that annoyingly um. But what it does show you is sometimes you might have 180 that no 170 yard shot let's say which. For me is normally nice to hit seven nine when depending. Or lack of wind ideally I'll hit one strike wires and go that's a good strike but actually when you look at the top place of screen you see it it might be heading as a little pole after the green it lands and goes what would be in like a 10 bunker so obviously in real golf that's a bad place to be it could be plugged it could you might not get up and down if that wasn't doing that with the screen I would go that was quite a good strike bit Paul. But great strike so I actually think a lot of us need to practice with more intense. So like you said not just whacking balls. But having some small goal and even as simple if your range is hasn't got top trace. Or anything else even just hitting for the top Trace around five top two syringe or hit like Five drivers between flag a and flag B and reuse is a furway. And if you make sure you almost have a bet with them or can be. For not you know brovi wants something stupid and I think when you're a little bit more pressure as well 100 it does make it. So much more realistic and make sure it's only five shots yeah. And and I you know take a little journal with your make notes in your phone and and make a note today's date and manage to get three out of five through that gold post I'm gonna try and beat that next.

Time I come just so it makes your heart well it does because next.

Time when you've already got three. And you've got your last girl and oh my God this is to get my new record your knees get a bit shaky exactly like it would do on the golf course in the same good score coming down 17. Or 18. got some questions we say where the questions are first off though a little bit of a plug they're on the Fantastic podcast group. So if you've got Facebook on the search bar type in the rickshaws Golf Show podcast and you'll find the group 80 000 strong almost join it uh when you join it you become part of Rick's extended family extended so you get you don't need cards yeah it's not things like his kids Christians things like it's more like um he's having a bit of a party because you've what would you have a party. For um uh you broke 80. so you got okay yeah we have those occasionally yeah. And also as well we do kind of have um a made-up golf club now we know it's been the clubhouse you have to listen to all the podcast episodes that's a fact. So if you've not done yet in the clubhouse get away but I suppose if you've part of the Facebook group you could almost be kind of like linging around outside like kind of you know kind of looking in and getting a feel for the vibe she's also going to like a guest a member's guest correct I like that you you have to sign anyone at the door yeah the staff just make you a little little bit uncomfortable they do they know you're a guest. And you just want to make sure that you know you're a guest and they're not offensive you couldn't complain about them but they're quite like Stern with the wording like so for example if you're a member and you come to the bar and I'm the bar man and say hi Mr Shields um it's the usual for you today.

And he goes yeah Guinness please you get the logo on top if your members guess I just go what you having you couldn't complain about that service could you it's not great no it's just it's just a bit Frosty yes Frost is the word thank you Paul Williams Paul Williams is Rick planning on extending the Scottish Cameron collection I think I've got three I'd like to get four. And then.

My collection is done. So yeah there you go uh Lewis Park says Peter Finch golf replied about the golf bitter challenge he has we are chatting about when that might take place Julian wants to watch this space uh Trevor Himes what is it about golf that takes keeps us all coming back. For me it's the difficulty and how good it feels to progress and get better isn't it really yeah kids are coming back it's almost we've invested too much time you know what somebody is chasing that high it is everyone even if you have brand new to golf you've hit a good shot. And you've experienced that little bit of thrill a bit of endorphin that's serotonin is chasing that isn't it it really is. And that's one thing going back to what you said before having a scorecard you can't beat that having a score could then.

You're handing you in a good score it's really nice that is as much as I love playing different styles of golf I really do love match play Love things like stableford uh Team games everything else I actually having a scorecard. And playing stroke playing playing well there's not much it's like a real game in it it is um can I ask you one go. For it I'm going to do it as well Marcus Monahan I would love to get a full rundown on the good good lads what you guys thought of each of their games. And what you think the handicapped would be. And what surprised you so should we start with Garrett I'm not gonna give away his match with you yet but Garrett his skill reminded me of a young Ricky Shields it was Fearless it was very good long hitter very very long good round of great game was just ridiculous now might not show up in some of the matches that we had. Or videos that we made but we'd spent quite a bit of time like around the shipping green system for JCB very talented he just had every single shot there was a couple of times where you think he's not going to get up. And down and he did yeah um I would say he um grants I would say Mica. Or plus handicappers yeah I'd say Garrett has a good one in him a good round yeah he'll sometimes not particularly play well. But he might not shoot he'll probably never shoot a million yeah like he'll have a bit of a bad round which will be seven. Or eight over but I can't imagine having a real bad one I reckon he's got the capability shooting three or four under yeah he probably. But someone will come back. And say well you shot Seven under one time but he has got the ability to do that Grant the most consistent yeah he's gonna shoot around parony he's gonna shoot five under to three over every round of golf that he plays into nice swing yeah doesn't it might well he's not sure by any stretch. But for those guys he's short the average golfer he's long yeah Mica probably got the best all-round game he is long very very long like something I mean that one did you watch the um the one that's got Tommy played with us again I was there yeah I know. But have you seen the video I'll watch some of it not loads he's driving 18. yeah it was ridiculous I know you're there in real life. But like that drive was just yeah. And he's not big he's not tall he's obviously strong um I think someone like Michael has got the ability to shoot nine under yeah aren't they yeah. And he probably at worst he might shoot five over yeah. And then.

The other three guys who aren't quite as serious they almost want to surprise me most because they expected the first that you just mentioned to be good at golf they are the very good golfers. But like Bobby and Steven um and Matt the cat Matt's a bit more serious he's probably like a mid mid single figure handicapper I guess but Bobby and Steve and kind of claying off like 12 or whatever very nice it was. So athletic they actually haven't got a 12 15 20 over in the locker but equally they could get close to power long hit there's lots of speed and get it around so so they were the ones that surprised me the most Bobby was really long yeah like really really long yeah three wood that was ridiculous scary. And like I say he's probably not going to shoot five. Or six on the par it but I would put him as a I'd probably thought it was a five handicapper Bobby is that too loud it's very again if you want a good day yeah I think that's a difficult thing with handicap because if you're going to have someone on a good day then.

You would be. But equally if you're doing a proper season 20 cards you might vary a bit but he's a good player I would say Matt probably plays off about he's probably slightly better than Bobby bro well yeah he is better probably offer three. Or four handicap and then.

But then.

Steven can play well kind of he's probably off five as well the good golfers Mark Williams is sad I've had hole in one on virtual golf at my local top Tracer range do you consider virtual hole in ones as genuine I don't personally. But that doesn't stop me telling people about it no no not at all unfortunately as we've said many times if you've had a hole in one. And you feel like you've got some level of asterisks next.

To it I think that tells you what you need to know unless Derek unless Derek Derek he that his hole in one is legit yes it is we actually had another email in today.

That's one that's done that I can't I've not got it up to hand it was actually quite sad if someone's saying that they've done the same thing they've been on a short Par Four. And the person behind him agreed it put it in the hole right and the cheers it's gone in the guy comes up and he's celebrating they don't tell him don't know why they don't tell him they then.

Find out that earlier that month his dad had a hole in one on the same path four but in between that time and when they've just faked this mountains this Lads his dad passed away suddenly and it was in the local paper. So they've never did tell him. So hopefully I can't listen I just realized that it's quite a cute story yeah. But they've emailed it it's their fault but anyway it's quite oh wow I think it's been a lot of fake holding ones I think it's something people do more often than not I think is when someone gonna do it to me said if range balls don't perform as well as a regular stock golf balls how can you determine your yard is accurately I asked this because about two yards long on the first week my locals oh yeah because basically there's a hole at his golf club were even just two yards long can actually be out of bounds um. So sure and short question how do you work out your distances if range balls aren't as good I believe there is settings on launch monitors have range ball options in there yeah I don't there's a top dresser ranges the only problem range balls there isn't just one category yeah that can be determined even the actual balls themselves if the newer ones. Or older ones yeah it's very very difficult like the the one piece golf balls that feel quite squishy when you do keep you up is they sound like you know sponges they're the shortest golf balls like some driving ranges actually have balls that travel only a certain percentage of the flight because of of outdoor factors Like Houses nearby. Or roads and things like that um It's Tricky one it definitely is you'd like to think that if a ball at a driving range is percentage shorter then.

All of the markers on the driving range also accommodate. For that you'd like to think. But realistically and hopefully not for a great dealer price if you can go. And find a PGA Pro who has maybe an indoor simulator with a launch monitor certainly something like a GC quad that in my opinion is the most perfect way you can work out your distances I know it's not ideal ideal. But it's uh it's much better than having ill fitted numbers if they're driving you know one thing I find as well low and this you know a lot of golfers they might even know roughly the distance most people hit it further than they do I think we're all probably do that I guess I do as well um. But a lot of people even if they went for that what you're saying which I would massively recommend an indoor or outdoor ever Gap in session where the pro tells you your 99 average goes 135. then.

You get it written down that's one thing and that's going to actually help you. But I think. So many people then.

Still don't get on the golf course and take into consideration conditions lies Heats Etc there's so many factors that can affect. So you could say anime goes 135 and I've got 135 so I'm gonna hit it makes sense doesn't it but if you've then.

Found that it's a little bit uphill or slight breeze into or it's quite a cold day oh it's your first shot of the day or whatever it might be there's still a lot of things to take into account so I think it's more than just knowing your distance isn't it. And that's where you get into and also as well how often do we hit it perfect very rarely. So it's quite it is very very tough you could have all those things on your side. And still miss hits it Paul Appleby but why did Rick not attend my club Invitational after I extended him an invite. So it's a great state Paul I don't like you yeah I just don't yeah do you know him yeah yeah sorry mate yeah. So if anybody else in the world that asks for it to go and play would have gone I'd have fall around the world but it's because it was apas. And that's a good one then.

Actually it was from who's it from um Mike swiffin swiffers yeah Swifts Swift swift ass it's a swift after golf um following the brilliant pod with Mr Hammond thank you outside of the World of Golf who are the top three people you both have to get onto the podcast. And why so non-golphers on a golf podcast I think the caveat there has to be though they must have some level of interest because if you got I don't know who else somebody it's just famous Boris Johnson that's really bizarre I was thinking of Boris Johnson that was really weird I said that we've mentioned a couple of times recently a lot I've told the Boris Johnson story haven't I he's used my golf clubs I've told you that before in London yes he did um before he was a prime minister yeah um who would you say Will Smith yeah they might slap you though I feel like. And again just people might disagree I feel like he's his whole career is tarnished too much too easily because of that yeah yeah mistake yeah I think slapping someone on the world's biggest stage quite literally the world's biggest stage I know. But still anyway um so Will Will Smith um I would like on the podcast Michael Jordan wow yeah it'd be pretty soon yeah I'd like to come play his golf course yeah I feel like Michael Jordan practicing at The Grove you know hitting some balls think about who's going to take off who's going to take 100 Grand off today.

I reckon he's got headphones in listening to this podcast do you reckon no no um. And then.

The third I would go for is um probably Beyonce why she's got a loose golf engine I feel like she definitely would be interested in golf okay just putting out there yeah I don't know who mine will be I think that's the exciting thing with the podcast we kind of never know who the next.

Guests are going to be where they're gonna come from what the vibe's gonna be I definitely think the Hammond one though has shown us that there is definitely scope. For non-golf people on as long as there's some kind of level of golf interest we're doing before as well like Robbie Lee was a golfer yeah that's true they were golfers I suppose I think Richard was the newest. And least I've never been on the golf course are they no until you give him a few tips that's also a good shot actually this week um in fact I think it might even be the today.

Listen to this. Or maybe Thursday it's Wednesday one of these days anyway on Richard Hammond's YouTube channel so Drive tribe it's called there's gonna be the video of him in some stupid car that's ridiculously fast going on a track twice whilst Rick there's a golf hole. And runs it's literally like a Top Gear production it's like it literally is a Top Gear level production. Or grand tour as it is now. For them guys it's amazing it's a great we've seen the video it's unbelievable won't give it away but it's class and um I think you'll enjoy it if you watch it. So if you do go watch it leave a comment. And say came here from the podcast or whatever it might be cool you can like some of their comments um I want to finish on this note okay today.

This is the email I've had that's it's been a million bucks. For a couple of weeks and I was on hold actually. And I read at the time and it really it kind of really hit me to be honest with you the um description is dear Rick Shields you have changed my life okay. So it's got me uh it's from Thomas uh I won't say it's her name he didn't say he wants to be anonymous but that's fine I just wanted to take time to let you know you were you. And your channels have changed my life January this year I attempted to take my life and like many others especially males I've suffered from mental health since my teens that they had lost lost my second job during the pandemic I was wearing results of a potential Health scare there's enough to tip me over the edge. And long story short this is where I discovered a handful of YouTube golf channels like luckily it it somebody found him when he did try. And take his life he got rushed into a e and he obviously managed to get through it um I have dabbed in golf in the past but during my teens at school my early twenties but I hadn't played around in 13 years and I was encouraged by my GP to take up a hobby. And um basically we've all heard he's saying that golf now is his life right he watches loads of YouTube channels he watches mine Peter finches Danny mauds Eric from random golf club. And he just wants to send a massive thank you to you and me um he listens to the podcast every single week um it's just like it's mad sometimes because you look at YouTube and social media and it sometimes it can be quite negative. And horrible but like this email when you read certain different messages of people like it really does touch people's lives. And it makes people hopefully switch off from life and you know listen to the podcast or watch videos and maybe forget about worries or troubles they have at home like life is tough. And it's challenging so I just wanted to thank Thomas um he also just said I emailed him saying can I share your story he said yeah not a problem he said can you just make sure um that you tell anybody that's listening there is help out there yeah that's really cool I think I just I just wanted to touch on that point um I just think it was a very very moving message. And uh one that I like to share with everybody absolutely no it's really good to hear. And glad he's kind of feeling better and he's he's obviously found Golf and the love of golf and that's something obviously that we all share um he also says golf but he frustrates him it does. But it shows everybody it does I think that's why we love it though don't we it's like this annoying like thing that you you want to get better at you want to complete you'll never complete it make it better though which is good um. But no it's great to hear he's enjoying the videos. And the podcasts and um the good news for him there's a lot more podcasts to come because we've got to the 200 to Vegas at loads more Tommy come to Vegas with us um anyway guys thanks for listening um lots of different topics and stories there hopefully you enjoy them all we'll see you next.

Week uh episode 148 out read the podcast out 10 quick 6.9 oh wow.