Probably 10 minutes i was left walked out. And some fellows walking in said hi guy oh yeah i didn't know him. But he was obviously a podcast listener. And loved your videos in fact no he was slagging you off i'm joking. And he was telling me how i was going. For a fitting and i said all right okay she was saying that he's got currently got a cobra speeds on extreme 12 degrees that really won on twitter of cobra nice. And he got it fitted at collapse we went that's about two years ago when the driver came out we went to clarks and said look i've won a driver off cobra i'm going to be honest with you um. But i want to get my specs so i can order the correct one. And so he said he paid. For fitting basically not a lot but he paid for fitting got his ideal specs or the driver of cobra got the driver two years ago dead happy we've been having lessons with barry taylor and he's improved his delivery and he's found this 12 degree drive spinning up too much evenly locks it down so who's going. For fitting so he's telling me all about this and i was actually really intrigued. And said he was going. For uh gonna try the ping he was going to try the new new cobra on the new callaway. So tell me all about it and then.

I said all right okay i'll see you later. And i left and as it sounds i was actually thinking that i really want to know what he gets here because i'm quite intrigued he tweeted me afterwards no way. So i was like he's done nice to speak to you before. So what did he get i was actually really keen to know. And he came out um with the pink g425 but ls tech nice lower speed i think he hasn't really improved this game yeah he gained like 20 yards of carry. And everything was rosy. But the point of the story is he didn't try i wasn't trying to stealth. But i've actually heard him not one second and the stealth is a bad driver it's a very good driver i've heard a lot of kind of average golfers saying they haven't gone with stealth at all well it's imagine you just saying it's a really good friend of mine as literally text me this morning i mate bought the stealth. And can't get along with it really one wanting to try a new shaft blah blah blah what do you think i'm like it's mad because you look like it's got that example again it's got a sheffield one with it last night yeah. So it's not a bad driver like we can't say it's a bad driver but there are certain characteristics of it that i don't think suit every girl from the planet like doesn't matter which version stealth. Or stealth plus i feel like i've been hitting like when i've been doing these that long drives and stuff with you at the driving range i know when i hit it yeah it is faster it's longer than what i currently use. But it's pretty unpredictable i find it um sometimes unmanageable really it's been a very weird one this year because this guy i was speaking to he said he wasn't a big fan of looks of stealth. Or as i actually when i first saw it i thought that that looks like that's it i think that i think the looks are phenomenal i agree i honestly do i love the story i love the fact that the best players in the world are using it. Or some of the best players in the world are using it. But for me even though i've tried it i mean i'm not hitting the driver great anyway. So i need all the forgiveness i can get. But i honestly think from the testing i've done it i'd say i've hit a good number of shots couple hundred now i find it honestly it's. So unforgiving and i've heard from some retailers as well they're finding the same that people are coming in dying to try it which is kudos to taylormade they've done a great job of marketing it they really have this year it's been one of the best marketed products i think i've seen. For a number of years um but it just doesn't seem to be working for people from what i've seen again i might be talking absolutely nonsense if you're watching this clip or whatever comment down below if you've tried it and you like it or how you've got on with it but i honestly from what i'm seeing it's so unforgiving it's giving me that vibe to the slider sldr yeah it's a good launch monitor driver 100. And is this where maybe people like even my mate james who's messaged me did he go in. For a fitting and in a fitting you can get it going oh yeah like in a bay. And that's why i did the video against the pink g425 uh max drive that i couldn't have in the back when i did that video at jcb because i do believe it's got power it's got speed. But it's just lacking a little bit of consistency and forgiveness really i certainly find it is with the stealth drivers well one of the things we said kind of thing was off podcast was that i thought this year would actually be a good year. For callaway because even though they drive on paper when we first saw them didn't quite excite us when you perform callaway drivers always perform there's four options this year so you're gonna get one for every golfer and with all this hype around taylor made and the stealth so many people are going. And kind of rightly so to go and try stealth and if you can try one. For free i think you should why not. But i think a lot of people are going. And kind of ah that's not actually for me that let's try the callaway yeah let's try this coming in the side door exactly. So i think callaway. And cobra she and ping obviously always are going to pick up some sales actually off the back of how well marketed like stealth debate 100 it's getting people in because people want to hit it yeah. And then.

Once they've hit it they might go on to a ping or a cobra or a callaway what they end up with is obviously going to be unpredictable down to the individual the other one i've not tried normally now brands obviously bring out several drivers which can be a bit confusing. But equally it's quite good for the consumer because you should get a head that suits you most of them have three or four obviously with stealth the stealth plus which is the super low spin one there's the stealth kind of standard. And then.

There's obviously there's the type d or hd now that's what i've not tried typically that's more obviously draw by a striker it's a high draw this time unless that's somehow a lot more forgiving which it might be i'd like to try that one as well but it doesn't matter that real forgiving option and also tubes did a video today.

If you saw it he was going. For a new driver and he put this he started the video was it still over me i got a really good fitting. And he said i've got stealth i've got ping. And i've got the new cobra i knew which one he'd be walking out with straight away i think 100 percent he did just. So forgiving he got more i think he got a bit more out of again on taylor made on good hits because of an average someone like that who i'm sure you won't mind understanding struggles with driver a little bit 100 i just can't see yourself in his hands. But like let's say a rory oh yeah i can't see a ping g425 max in his hands like i do think this year kind of stealth is is uh more than ever geared towards like the best of the best players i agree. And i'm said earlier 100 i'm keen to hear people's thoughts if you watch this clip let us know below if you're listening you want to email us podcast i'd love to get to know a bit more what's up hold on didn't stealth produced the fastest ever ball speed. For a certain company recently sorry i couldn't let it go um so on a note of what we did [Music].