All right guys welcome back to the Richfield Golf Show podcast episode 185 I'm your host a nice one freestyling Rick Shields I've got actually notes today.

That I'm reading off. So I don't forget anything my name is Rick Shields. And I am happy to welcome you all today.

Well done thank you 185 episodes. And that's that's a standard we're at guy welcome thanks welcome to you too two days in a row I have because it is summer it is in a way honestly the weather here in the UK at the moment has been Sensational today.

However. you've made a bad call I have um today.

I could be seven Underpants now no one would know well you would know um. But the listeners and the viewers wouldn't know if wasn't Underpants because I already know um right so we've got action-packed episode today.

We're actually going to kick things off with a little bit of controversial news. And updates I'll go straight in I think starting. For the jugular okay very good well yeah you're right today's show is action-packed. And I'm almost a bit worried about it being so action-packed because you have brought notes you scribbled it down you have a phone you have an iPad you have a laptop but yet you're still a fan of the old-fashioned pen and paper I can see I'm a huge fan of it yeah. So I've made some notes today.

Because I've been doing a little bit of uh a little bit of thinking okay research well this this all stems we'll get to the this is what the podcast probably titled anyway. So let's get to the to the nooks and connies of it the rider cop could potentially be flawed finished over not the event it once was. And should be now this feels like it was inevitable news to be honest since live um got announced there was obviously lots of talk about Live players not being eligible to play them slipping down the world rankings. And not earn enough points it's now been confirmed that if all the of the players that have resigned their membership from DP um will tour which is a lot of players now they are not eligible to be not only qualified not even be Captain's picks well what's really interesting on that as well is that that's the fact obviously. But also John Rahm has come out um and he has said quite simply the contest the Ryder Cup should be the best Europeans versus the best Americans regardless of Live. And he he was sad he is sad he would not be able to use partnership with his fellow Spaniard Sergio Garcia obviously Garcia like I say is ineligible now because he has resigned from the European uh DP World Tour after joining Liv. And RAM has then.

Said it's sad that politics has got in the way of such a beautiful event Garcia is Europe's all-time record Point scorer. And he went unbeaten in the three matches he played with ram in the 2021 Ryder Cup you know what makes me most sad about all this genuinely actually sad genuinely sad to go on and I I it dawned on me as soon as a lot of these Legends of the game move to live because it was inevitable. And I'm not saying this is right. Or wrong it's just the facts of what's Happening soon as they decided to move to live they were never going to be picked. For the radical let's be honest and they probably they knew that but what made me Morse had is we'll never see Sergio Garcia be captain of Ryder Cup of European Ryder Cup correct we'll never see Ian Porter be a captain of Ryder Cup team. Or Lee Westwood Herrick Stenson yeah famously should have been the captain. For this very years Ryder Cup and he had to resign and hand it over to Luke Donald I think yeah there's a couple of well there's many many thoughts on this. And as always I'm sure our listeners and viewers will want to chip in as well. So in the comments section below our emails whatever you want to do you know feel free to get involved. But there's two ways my first protocol on this is well if you joined that tour knowing that there was a good chance you would not be able to play in the radical again you've made your bed. So lay in it that's fair I think isn't it I think that's right Henrik Stenson knew that Jordan lived. For a squillion pounds Euros whatever would mean there was a good chance he'd lose his captaincy. And he was willing to take that risk. And he did it. And he's now I like the fact you corrected yourself from a squillian Pounds to squilling Euros correct because Australian is the correct amount. But the currency wasn't [Music] I really made me laugh um yeah. But they knew that they must have when they when they had all of the pros and cons laid down on a table yeah. And they were to write down all of the pros that they they can live by they have to they have to completely be happy with the pros being obviously the money the extra free time with family the less events um you know all of these things that are on the pro side it's got to balance that enough the money yeah the negatives have to be you you know that you are not at least a very very high risk at that point in time you are not going to be a radical player anymore you are not going to be radical Captain anymore you cannot have your cake Rick. And eat it that now you've tried many a times however. so books that's that's definitely my school of thought that you'd agree with that and I think most people think that's fair. So not maybe not fur but that's a fur uh way of thinking however. then.

On the flip side of that when you actually look at the live roster now of which guys you would actually want in the Ryder Cup European but there's probably not loads who would get straight into the team anyway but but let's just say live keeps going right. And it keeps um progressing and it keeps getting money invested and they keep signing up elite players the best players in the world the will become a time we see it a little bit on the US. Or some degree with kepka but there will be a time maybe were some of the best European players are on PJ tour. And also on live and then.

If that literally means then.

You cannot have some of those live Europeans in the Ryder Cup team the European team won't be as strong the event then.

Does become a bit wishy-wash doesn't it now yeah it does it it does feel like it's lost a bit of Sparkle there's lots of rumors around actually should the Ryder Cup now be PJ tour versus live which it's never going to be obviously. But I mean I'm not saying that that's not a bad idea as a separate event throughout the year PJ players versus live I think it the only problem with that I think a lot of people want to see it it would only separate the Divide even more yeah like you are then.

Gonna probably need to pick a side properly pick a side um what's interesting here though the USA haven't gone with the same tactic now qualify. For the Europe for the USA Ryder Cup team is different qualifications it is. For European team okay. So currently right now Brock's kepka who is a live player who has just won the PGA Championship he is 100 eligible. And he's qualifying and I think he will qualify. For the Ryder Cup who's currently a number two spot on the ranking behind Scotty so the only real way that live players from the USA can actually get into the Ryder Cup team is if they pretty much win a major tournament this year which I guess is fair to some degree at the moment because that's what again they knew when they signed up. So kepco knew when he signed up that would be the only way you'd get in the Ryder Co-op or third ooze but what we're saying then.

If I'm correct is even if Sergio wins the open let's just say he's still no matter what points he gets wouldn't have any way of getting the radical wow um what is also an interesting take. And I'll come on just a minute Zach Johnson can also Captain's pick Live players okay. So so for him he's got more options to be able to play with you can get DJ if he wants him yes now what's going to be very interesting. And we time will tell Will Brooks actually want to play in the Ryder Cup yes you think he will I think you will. And I actually think that Greg Norman. And the live guys would massively push him to do. So because if he plays in because I I think that although live was definitely set up to rival the the PJ torn. And be bigger than and potentially even better than that was their objective I do think they to some degree want to want to exist with the PJ tour I I would slightly go against that statement I I think they wanted to kind of coincide I don't think they wanted this massive like break right. Or if you remember very very early conversations were how can this actually work together how can this almost be an elevated Super League type tour um unfortunately I'd say that never happened. And therefore. you're right live there had to be probably more aggressive with their strategy um but yeah it's it's it's a very very interesting uh time. And I love the Ryder Cup I think it's one of the best sporting events not even just golf events one of the best sportings of events that happen every two years Europe USA USA um I've I put my shoe I put my feet in Luke Donald's I'm gonna go size nine oh no actually a size eight oh okay size eight golf shoes yeah okay squeeze my feet do a rackel though. So they'd be very uncomfortable yeah oh nice I've picked a radical team okay. So uh this is the team currently from the players that I'm allowed to pick from this is the current team I'm taking no live guys yeah yeah. And I've got I've got another asterisk okay. So tell your team so quite obvious genre nice number one pick yeah Rory McIlroy yeah Victor Perez yes Shane Lowry yes Tommy Fleetwood yeah I've then.

Thrown in a Rob McIntyre okay okay. So I think he's a gritty player right okay these are now starting to get into Captain's picks I think Tyrrell would qualify Tyrrell Hatton yeah Victor hovland yeah Matt Fitzpatrick yeah Sheamus power right nice doesn't feel like we've seen a great deal of him in Europe at all no he's very much PJ player yeah. But he's now got a DP World Tour car doesn't see as well because he wants to play Radical um Justin Rose nice and Danny Willett Danny Willett and the reason why I've thrown in certainly Justin Danny Willett that experience I feel like you need that experience because you know obviously John Rams experience Rory McIlroy is Victor Perez's. And Shane Lowry is Tommy Fleetwood is Rob Rob McIntyre isn't it's actually quite a decent amount of experienced players in there if I could choose Live players I'd actually only swap two players okay who are you gonna swap I'm gonna take out Sheamus power. For Ian Porter wow the postman all this Jazz yep it does sadden me that we won't actually ever see a dean Paul to radical Captain imagine that like it actually genuinely saddens me I think he would have been the one of the best captains ever because he is the passion. And the pride that he had when he when he played Ryder Cup he's a different animal absolutely you would fancy him against anyone in a radical match if he I know it's hard to say but if he BR If he if he was to kind of bottle that type of golf that he plays in radical. And apply it to the majors he would be a multiple major Champion right now okay. And would then.

Take out Danny Willett oh Sergio see ya I don't think right now I think he's got one more this would be his last one one more radical up in him he is the most decorated Ryder Cup player ever his partnership imagine him. And John Ram that's obviously why Ram is. So gutted that he's not going to be there I can I can just see that. So there's my pick with players that are eligible. And then.

I've thrown in a couple of wild card Live players yeah I don't think I've massively missed anyone out there you get a phone call tomorrow. And it's the Ryder Cup board committee whatever he say Rick was struggling you want to be Captain even higher I need a new chairman CEO big boss man whatever that looks like would you allow Live players I would play you would I would take more the stance that the Mage would have taken I think the majors have done a really good job I think the major they've done a really solid job in saying if you are eligible to qualify you can play yes. But what happens though when the players do start to slip down the world rankings. And then.

They can't qualify yeah it'll be on the previous yeah they'll have to keep competing well yeah I do well in the majors to any place then.

Wild Card picks. For USA okay okay. So I'm now that Johnson okay I reckon he's exactly I think he's a size seven essentially I think he's one one shoe size less than Luke Donald okay okay. And these are UK sizes just to clarify. For me in this modern day you cannot have a Ryder Cup without browsing the jumbo right I just think regardless of his form imagine having him on your team in foursomes in individual match play Imagine like Bryson playing against they're all pretty long these days aren't they I've actually Bryson versus Rory yeah I'm trying to think of a player that Bryson would intimidate I mean he's probably intimidate Poulter you think halter was playing just because of his length I think polter would like me in the dark yeah you're right you get Scrappy you have to pick Dustin Johnson yes if he's at Johnson don't I mean you have to yeah in my opinion one of the best players in the world right now into yeah. And then.

There's some real wild card but I think you can't have a radical with this player with this without this player without this player go on Philip Nicholson [Music] imagine Phil Martin Phil imagine Phil versus Rory oh come on. But these guys could qualify still they can still be picked right okay yeah because these players can still play we might still see Mickelson playing at the Ryder Cup well surely as well if Europe aren't going to be picking Live players. And America are that is going to give America more picks more freedom of choice a stronger team potentially going forward well already when you actually look at the golf world rankings it is decorating stars. And stripes and like really heavily you know a lot a lot of the top 20 50 players in the world have a USA flag so to finish this debate then.

Do you think in its current situation moving forward the Ryder Cup is going to be a little bit flawed. And he's in danger I think it'll still be a good spectacle. And I still think it'll be a great sporting event because radicals just are when I've actually written genuinely on on paper that team down from the you from the Europe it's not as weak as I was expecting it to be even even just me kind of just writing those 12 names down you know you've got you've got some unbelievable players correct you really have you just look at strength in numbers. For the USA and they have really really got an amazing team and that's it it's just a case of will live gats too as well if I said if in three. Or four years if Liv's still going. And they've got some great European players who could break through or whatever it looks like and they can't go on to playing the Ryder Cup that's when it could get difficult let's just say sam horsefield just goes in a massive charge does well in the open does well in the Mages wins. Or the Live Events Etc and then.

Can't play for Europe in the Ryder Cup that would be a disadvantage yeah no I agree good oh that was a good debate yeah hopefully we got all our facts right I think we're away no way um yeah please write a cup let them still be captains at least. Or do you play. For the ride if the Ryder Co-op and you get because you'll be going this year I imagine yeah she's at the radical um. And Matt Fitzpatrick suddenly gets a um yeah. And he can't play and then.

They didn't bring the 13 yeah. And they go I need Rick Shields to play would you if we live in a world where I ever and even remotely considered the cleaning the shoes of the Ryder Cup players something is wrong yes yes I agree anyway in other news um we have seen some images these last few days of some very very very that's three varies good looking golf clubs I'm gonna go one more descriptive words this is a family show Rick I think these are sexy they are indeed. So titleists have just started to seed the new iron to tour pro so to at least have like now should sexy and Seed be in the same conversation your mind anyway um sometimes have a different ways a lot of other manufacturers in a sense that a tailor-made for example when they bring out new product is typically completely under wrapped then.

They announcer. And the players start using it oh you might see it like a little rumored image occasionally but not really what titles do is they build it they manufacture it they can give it to the tour Pros they then.

Start to find out which set of irons they want to use. For the seasonal for the following Seasons or whatever and then.

A few months later they're out to buy so these irons which are tax T100 which is a third iteration now of the T100 the t150 which we believe is basically a new version of t100s T200. And a t350 we'll put some images on screen if you're watching they're looking insane they will be out to buy I would imagine around October November time. But on first looks they just look so clean they do when at the very very first images I saw were like almost computer rendered images right. And sometimes you never quite believe how they're gonna look you know I've actually now seen in hand photos of those ions and I mean we're both currently using the T100 yeah that new T100 looks Slimmer looks more Sleek looks again sexier than the set we've currently got I would say the set we've currently got looks much more like the t150 um at the T200. And the t350 a more Hollow headed designed bigger headed um I always feel like that the great four longer irons just as you start to get you know maybe a com combo set yeah it's your phone I'm gonna lie to you getting a lot of messages it might be your phone right a ridiculous amount anyway um yeah I think as well the what Titleist you know they had ah well if they're adequate people who don't know because this of course it is [Laughter] [Music]. For many years known the only slogan is serious clubs are serious golfers which I think actually alienated a lot of people who were maybe mid to high handicappers if like titles were too good. For them so now are these models at the 350 t350 it's designed to get that kind of maybe that higher handicap into Titleist irons whereas normally Michael Callaway. Or ping or whatever but yeah it looked a great lineup I do I must admit we have to obviously remain impartial. For all the brands and we test stuff in the review Channel again say a lot is coming very soon um. But I do like the way tax go about things like I think the way they bring stuff to market the way they Market things the way the products look they do do a lot of good stuff I would say they're certainly not as um what's the right descriptive word kind of as arrogance probably the wrong word as those gimmicky is it in a way yeah confident not confident that's the wrong word again. But you know when TaylorMade bring out a product the world knows about it because they really go hell for leather on promoting it similar to Callaway Titleist and ping and much more subtle in their launches they I'd like to say they let their products speak for them rather than the advertising claim and I think what I really like as well it's not when when a brand keeps a model number. So there's a new I was just saying two T100 coming out you've got the ones that are current model. And I've actually got the ones that the older model again but yet mine don't feel really old because I still t100s whereas if they will call different names every couple of years they start to feel older obviously when you when you call a club the same as the previous year. Or previous generation there's that risk that's not quite as exciting or whatever but I think actually it almost builds a real strong franchise where people know which the ions are who they're suited. For and uh yeah I think I'm very excited to see them in your hands potentially I I think what what hopefully Tyler's gonna do with these because you want to start to grow these kind of mini franchises yes within within the brand. So famously siteless that the AP ones ap2s and they did brilliantly. And when they moved away from AP1 and twos into T's 100 and T200 there was a bit of like whoa this is a bit different. But also a lot of excitement came with it as well yeah that were like oh my God it's something different I would like to see certainly titleists do these kind of mini franchises every Maybe three. Or four iterations yeah to run this. For three years or four years four versions of it and then.

Go right that's that little family we built a bit of a mini franchise everyone knew what they were. But actual Arts make it fresh let's make it different let's step it up and let's call it something different you know again just so I don't know because you've got to spark interest for people to try irons you've got a spark a level of Interest I think that's the thing though where like franchises are. So important because if you think about it now you've got um Titleist half volky wedges they have Scotty Cameron putters they've got the T irons which we all now kind of know of you know even Taylor Made of the P series a. And they have spider Putter and that's one place where like Ping and they've kind of lost a little bit with their Potter's ping were a Potter brand they weren't the best Putters in golf they were obviously Scotty Cameron was very heavily influenced by the pink answer. And there's been some great Ping Putters down the years well in terms of sales now Ping Putters aren't as high as he once were. And I think that's because as a brand they haven't really built in the last few years that's kind of a franchise. And I think that's what they're trying to do now is pld line that I like the kind of version of a Scotty Cameron the real premium expensive ones well if someone said to you what part of you got you'd say I've got a Scotty I've got a spider you know even say the brand. But with ping you would say I've got a ping they've not got a franchise I think that's something what they're missing big time I would say the last time that ping had a real obviously popular putter was the pink crazy yes correct like that. And I think if they went down the pld line which is this kind of competing with Scotty Cameron actually that's the wrong place to go to try. And really push Putters in people's hands very expenses you need a Potter like a two ball yeah. Or a crazy or or a spider yeah where it's not breaking the bank well they're all kind of a bit eye-catching a bit people are what's that part you use now it's crazy oh let me have a look yeah. But they managed to stick it's very hard to do I'm not saying that this is an easy task I agree um. But certainly the popularity of like the two ball and and it it wasn't Odyssey anymore oh it was its own thing on it yeah it'd be interesting to see how they go it is an interesting one I like Jamie carragher then.

Um what's happened to COBRA what's happened to COBRA I just feel like a bit uh with them okay I don't feel like their driver this year as revolutionized things okay I've changed massively feel like they gained an awful lot of traction in the driver Market with F9 yes ever since that I just feel like they've kind of dropped away a little bit. And I feel like now it'd be back in 2019 it wasn't strange to see a Cobra driver in the back and actually now if I went out to the golf course I'd actually find it slightly weird again that someone would have a Cobra driver in the bag so we'll meet on the First Tee hi I'm Roger Roger nice to meet you um all right I'm playing Attack this one golf ball get my driver drive us out now adjusted it no it's album drivers out all right nice driver Roger okay nothing it's weird my driver no it's not there um yeah you've got Cobra yeah I like it why it well the ranger got fitted all right that's weird like genuinely this sounds ridiculous like really ridiculous well I've just had to go back on the YouTube channel see what it's called to even remember his name Arrow Jack yeah is it Aero chat yeah yeah. But that's what I mean that doesn't it just feels like it's just lost good though exactly like do these Brands when they've almost got really successful products the driver then.

Go oh crap what about our wedges now. And our irons and oh yeah yeah forgot about those right pivot into irons right ions ions irons our driver's gone it's like a game of spinning play it's like golf though in general your driving goes well. And you put in suffers your portal gets better you're driving stuff that's what brands are like yeah it's hard to do everything well there's a couple of Brands who who do oh yeah it's I think I I'd almost prefer if some Brands didn't do certain things like Mizuno were just an iron brand I think I'd respect it. So much more but like the the drivers they're obviously they are good. But they're not like I don't know and then.

The balls again are all right. And they must sell them otherwise they wouldn't produce them but if Mizuno would just an iron brand they bet they'd be seen as so much better yeah I'd agree well uh speaking of equipment though Zach Knowle. And his ass is on Facebook how is your transition to The Proven X going I trialed it. For a period of time I have now reverted back the normal Pro V1 correct do you think you'll ever leave Pro V1 let me explain why why I converted back. So the reason why I converted in the first place is typically I find I don't struggle um with anything really to be honest with it I'm pretty good I'm pretty good all-around player you don't struggle to three port I don't struggle the three. But I don't struggle to miss agree with the wedge correct correct I'm getting better at that though yeah yeah I think I played it's gonna come out in a video soon I think I've played one of the most special shots I've ever played on camera yesterday yesterday was a weird Day filming yes we filmed a new video that'll be out in a few well let's give a little bit of insight behind that video as to why you played. So well what was the reason why he shot such a good score I might haven't even said about this guy okay. So how it was very bizarre oh okay these shots that we hit you did hit on the ground yeah really really really bizarre some insane pots I think I've never potted as good in my life I'd agree as I did yesterday if you actually worked out the distance of Potts hole you're not being scary scare like football fields yep yep foosball tape I I genuinely hold. So many ports yesterday it was ridiculous in spells I drove the golf ball like a tour pro yeah in spells in all the Spells I couldn't keep the ball on the planet you know when you put well that's an understanding what you put the next.

Week that's the kind of thing you do I'm pointing around the minutes I want a new butter I actually feel like I've been putting pretty well yeah right genuinely really well um where was I going with the story um I found it too hard off the wedges. And putter even and I didn't feel like I gained any spin no. So to be honest though the times I actually did play pro v1x I actually did actually play really well there you go exactly. So don't use it anymore oh yeah I don't I think maybe I need to give it another trial the red number looked weird we got used to it in a black number guy. For so long yeah you're probably right. So yes it puts there's a video coming out in a few weeks I played my home Golf Course Marriott worthy Park. And it was it was in great condition insane condition. And there's been actually a lot of comments and a little plug here for the Facebook group the podcast Facebook group there's been a lot of podcast Facebook Excuse Me podcast Facebook group members yep going. And getting the round of golf at the Marriott where's the park and the feedback has been very very very positive good in in 90 of the comments I've seen yeah I think the 10 of the comments I've seen negative have probably played at the wrong time of year it's in the winter it can get wet. But in the summer it's a phenomenal golf course what I'll always asked this yesterday when we're filming there what I like about the Mario is a lot of things staff are brilliant Etc. But when we go in April through to kind of September you know what you're going to get I don't think we've ever been then.

Gone Green's not very good today.

They're always nice that t-box is a nice nice layout it's a good track yeah it's really good shout outs to marry it did a video which I've genuinely wanted to do. For years probably ever since I was a kid this idea that if I could take shots again if I had a secret time traveling machine which we have now invested in correct. So we can go back two minutes at a time yep. And hit the shot again basically put an extra ball in your pocket and do Mulligan. So we decided to do a mulligan challenge it's going to be coming to the channel in the next.

Few weeks. And the score was very impressive even though yeah I took Mulligans however. um it it played with my psyche a little bit played with my head a touch because I felt like I had these Mulligans to take I almost like took him do I mean like like you an eight foot Port you think Mark. And again to some degree certainly after tea I felt like almost a bit too lethargic a bit too whatever it doesn't matter got another ball in my pocket I mean like a good mindset. For some people though okay knocking out of bounds though yeah yeah you did a few times yeah. But it felt like you had this kind of like I'm sorry like a second serve yeah almost yes it's a good way of looking at it. So you kind of but then.

The pressure on the second serve was quite intense yeah because if you then.

Uh has asked on the Facebook group how is Rick getting on with this short game that video with Dan grieve was super incredible. And helpful I thought he was just going to ask how is Rick how are you Rick come on thanks I'm all right mate thanks. For asking um yeah my short game feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel definitely um I'm not out the tunnel. Yet no. But there is light at the end of it small little window of light you're deep in the tunnel Now you kind of. And to some degree I actually feel like I could actually chip a ball through the light in the end of the tunnel now if I had enough girls yeah 10 milligans I do genuinely right now I think my wedges are wrong. For me though like really wrong for me you got fitted to those wedges you weren't chipping well I got fit a couple of years ago a Titleist at Wolverton coincidentally we're going there in a few weeks. So it's a good timing to try these new get fitted for these new typist irons it's also where Dan is based at worldburn um I've got way too much bounce on my wedges now I can feel it way more now like when I'm trying to do what Dan was was showing me um certainly my 60 degree which isn't. And it's a club that I'm now not supposed to use unless it's emergency zone of emergencies uh must break glass to use this club scenarios but I do feel that um just my bounce in general is too high you've been trailing the Dan Grieves a little bit yeah you're good at short game though I'm pretty good at chipping um. But the certain shots were I felt that method it does kind of make sense I don't fully understand it just. Yet I've dabbled it a little bit but watching him chip was incredible. And one thing he said to it really stuck out I can't come I won't do it justice now. But he basically said something along the lines of when your technique's good you then.

Mentally get better as well however. that was worded. And it makes I thought that's so obvious but so truth your chipping is good. And the actual mechanically are good at chipping then.

You're not gonna stand over a chip. And worry about it that's like so I thought for you it was twofold I thought like you're chipping it was your Technique. And your mind and like with my driving for example it would be my technique on my mind and equally if I'm smashing driver well for six months not gonna be worried about it and if you've actually been well for six months you have to be worried about it so it is as always fixing your Technique. And that you're working on something that seems to have some definite Merit to it could well get fixed I've read the book as well I must admit after having a lesson with Dan and reading the book I've slightly overloaded my brain yeah a touch. So I probably need to have a little catch up with Dan he actually messed me yesterday because he were talking about those comments on the video which by the way the comments on the video were incredible thank you. So much for those who watch the video uh we actually did a couple of those versions um not of that video videos like that this year. So adolescent of Claude Hartmann full swing one but I put in less enough Brad facts in another short game less enough Dan Greaves I mean how the hell I'm not getting pitched. For the Ryder Cup team is is a mystery 75 more often at 6 700 yard courses you might get I agree um. And the first two Claude and Brad were actually put on the podcast Channel yes on this channel. And we were outrageously surprised how well they did. And how people really enjoyed the videos I think there's something about the the way they were presented in they kind of fly on the wall I think that's something quite almost therapeutic about watching somebody get a lesson it wasn't presented was it it was kind of delivered um. So we put the we put the dungarees one on the main Channel because we felt like it kind of deserved not that either the other two didn't deserve more eyeballs but we had a bit more track history knowing what those style of videos would look like um and the unlike so the comments have been absolutely Sensational so Dan actually messaged me yesterday saying he would also really really really like to work on me with me on my pitching technique right from 30 to 120 yards wow now if I get good from there I definitely might break 80. you could definitely do you drive him play Gary Lee has also asked on the Facebook group how long is acceptable to stop at the halfway house it's a Vibe thing isn't it totally A vibe thing can't really time it if you're if you're in the flow just just stay there forever yeah yeah the problem is though if you over by a bit you then.

Don't want to get back up again. And it's like yeah. But it depends what vibe you're in if it's a Saturday Club Championship it's a pit stop it's an official Formula One pit stop you're fueling up water away uh energy bar Angie bar none of this sausage roll Malarkey straight off nuts and fruit and get out there don't sit down no do not if you're in the Club Championship Do not sit down at the halfway house correct I agree however. if you vibing yep you with your pals if you share. But it's deep the music's player in music's blaring you're playing a doubles match place it doesn't really matter you stop at that halfway house and you enjoy it as long as you want because there's something very special about halfway houses I've spoke about this was it on the podcast. Or was it um on Twitter. Or something um I was on a plane recently. And I owned Steve and friend of our show she did a series about the best halfway houses in the world everyone real yeah the one in Vegas don't know if you did the one in Vegas literally has a private Chef where you can ask. For anything you want you could have beans on toast wowed imagine as a private Chef what do you want Sir Mix I want beans on toasted cheese now make it quick that'll be you um. So the halfway house question it's a total Vibe you you read the situation yeah read the room don't hold people up don't be that person who who holds the whole place up let people through. And and find a appropriate spot to slip back into the regulation play yes very nice very nice um we've got a dear Rick. And you've not had one for a a long time so 128 last one I'm surprised um and this is where you need to get yourself in the zone okay give some good feedback um I won't say the name I don't think oh yeah well it's from Daniel hi Rick not Daniel it's from Daniel uh hi Rick love the podcast. And proud to be a member of the clubhouse so for those of you listening or watching this thing what's that mean the clubhouse simple means you've watched slashed listened to every single solitary Rick Shields Golf Show podcast of which are 185 now do they have to enjoy every episode absolutely not I can't joke it's just grit. And bear it get through it think of England yeah there's some trash in the first couple. But that trash is good trash it's we've grown from the trash haven't we it's only three years long now the podcast. So it's another four years long that this podcast talking about whether you were why fronts. Or bosses yeah we did. And I wear boxes always and that's what people have been waiting for correct the retention and so Daniela said I've recently joined a golf club that's close to home. And the course is great. And it's only a five minute drive Etc it's super convenient however. I don't know anyone at the club so trying to get a game with people is tricky what's the best way to meet people at the golf course is it just through entering competitions they don't have a weekly roll up the pro said they have a WhatsApp group. And it'll pass pass my number on I haven't been added yet and I don't want to keep chasing and feeling like a pest any advice would be good secondly I've entered into the medal this week as a fairly mid 14 handicap I can absolutely shoot better some holes. But I still have a couple of blow-up holes which is why normally I lean towards stableford comp any advice on playing in a metal stroke play which can be more punishing keep up the great work please don't use my name as well okay well I've said Daniel now well it could be any Daniel could be Danielle already Daniel [Music] who use your surname no. And you know what if you're not willing to put your name out there how are you going to find new people to play with correct. So maybe we should say his full name so the people at the golf club will know that Daniel is looking. For a tea time at the golf course again we could we could shout out the golf course the pro will go all you have to do was ask me to post somebody I'd have to email the golf podcast. And you could have had someone to play with no it's a good question. And um it can be I joined a new golf club a couple years ago only there. For a couple of years um and it can be quite daunting when no one you don't know anyone. And I think. And it's not anyone's fault golf clubs can be quite clicky correct. But like I say it's not anyone's fault you just if you're a member of a golf club and you go in at weekends and you have a group of people you play golf with you typically then.

Play with that same group the following week and the following week and trying to bring new people into that is quite a challenge um I think he's answered his own question he's playing camps I I think well he said is it is there only the way of playing in comps pretty much sit in the bar sit in the bar be around yeah speak to people Knockouts knock people out single Knockouts double Knockouts are good to enter he's gonna join the double knockout [Music] he just hit two balls he's imaginary friend [Laughter] if it's on the two sheet uh Daniel. And everything Rick Shields is going to join me tonight um you're not the sharpest um what else could you do the big one is play comps book with random people get a Vibe some weeks it might be some nice people other people at night other weeks it might not be the best people I think there's a couple of things in his favor here he's got the perfect handicap at 40. yes because if he's a 14. And he gets paired with a couple of guys with 25 or whatever 25 handicap they're not gonna be massively intimidated by him because he's like oh yes God is a four team. But he's not you know it's not scratch if he does get paid with a scratch. And two handicapper these are 14 he's not a bad guy if he can get it round mid 80s he's kind of comfortable. So he's kind of a nice handicap to be at is it in the clubhouse. So he's clued upon golf or some degree hack I'd like to think he takes a little bit of Rick Shields his Ryder Cup thoughts he knows what the newest irons blah blah he's got good pattern he's got good chat got good chat he gets part of the guide into his gear he can talk about equipment if he needs to he'll talk about Rick Shields he'll talk about um The Proven X he could oh wait oh it's a bit clickier. And a bit clickier um it lives near the golf course it's five minutes away so you could just go and hang around on an evening he could say to the pro if anybody doesn't turn up I'm only five minutes away yeah give us a bell I'll be there straight away maybe even put your phone number on the First Tee just stand on the birthday someone didn't turn up call Daniel should we give his number out yeah oh seven. And um I think I think round about way play a few comps maybe have a drink after the comp could be a core deal doesn't have to be a pint of alcohol yeah um you just gotta be around Avenue around get to know people. And once you start to know one or two people you'll you know everyone don't you yeah. And then.

That kind of the thing is why people find out we emailed us. For advice will that be round upon really cool I think that's how he starts the conversation yeah hi I'm Daniel from The Originals you're a podcast I I had the day Ricky episode 185 correct nice to meet you drop one more dear Rick we're on a roll with that was that on a roll not really. But it's it's from a a female listener which I always like to give some light to we obviously have a very heavy male demographic some we do have female listeners. And viewers I like to um shout about it like to encourage more women to listen watch 100 so this is from Jessica um I'm 28 years old started playing golf three. Or four weeks ago wow she's gone straight into emails three or four weeks in so it's pretty impressive I yeah brilliant yeah um I've been spending a lot of time at the range. And played a few par three courses and I'm addicted I love that great news however. I played nine holes with my partner at Northern golf course and I could barely get around the course I think it slightly put me off wanting to go. And play nine slash 18 whole course I instantly felt very overwhelmed with the difference between this course and a par 3 course while playing the par 3 courses I've shot some decent scores but I'm scared of playing a hole when I can't even see the flag I know that I'm a beginner and that's okay I'm still learning. But how can I get over those nerves. And the fears of playing a proper course I think it stems from not wanting to keep um all the players up. So be slow at my partner is a serious golfer. And plays a very low handicap I don't know anyone down I'm playing with they'll be behind me but I want to play and learn and get better cheers Jess I think this is a very easy dress first off welcome to golf welcome thank you. For listening to the podcast and also thank you for emailing in um that sounds like a radio station thanks for bringing in Jessica um part three's into a full Golf Course can be daunting there's lots going on there's much more hazards it's longer Etc I think you've got a couple of easy ways to do this number one it's great that you've got a partner that also plays golf. So to be able to go with them and allow them to even hit the tee shot they could hit the tee shot and then.

You could play the shots from there or play alternate shots alternate shots I love that format when you're brand new to golf because it's less daunting you feel like you're playing as a team you're not holding anyone up just to get you get your kind of legs really just to understand what it's like to play a full 18 holes or nine hole golf course that's one route there's absolutely nothing wrong with you starting from 150 yards nice to start things off so make every hole a path three so you're still experiencing the big golf course that's a good idea you you tear ball up at 150 yards and play par threes get comfortable with that and then.

Go back to 175 yards go back to 200 yards because you're mentioning there that you're kind of scared about when you don't see the flag or you start to get a bit worried when you don't see the flag well take that out the equation you can always see the flag from 150 yards nice um. And then.

Kind of just slowly but surely you know crawl walk run at the moment you're in crawling stage get used to the golf course get used to the surroundings don't be too hard on yourself and then.

You can start moving it back. And then.

Before you know it you're playing off the normal tees and you and you're enjoying golf I feel I'm still crawling though aren't we all I crawled I walked I ran I crawled again I cried [Music] um can I give a little shout out yep you might have seen eagle-eyed viewers very eagle-eyed would have maybe seen some new decoration on the Shelf today.

Our very own mat our podcast producer editor octopus yeah we call him had a little Victory Matt have you got uh have you got Mike live there of course he has of course they are prepared. For this tell us about you're a victory map well it's uh in a short window yeah don't go crazy uh well got 30 seconds on the clock yeah yeah been a long time coming felt really bad after all TPC sawgrass. So grinded uh and uh yeah won the uh Captain Society Day from the Harford golf Society. So thought I'd had a trophy to the wall how many stableford points did you get I steady 43 43 points that's what handicap 14. see he's at 14 handicap correct if he put if he was put your name down with him yeah he might roll your eyes a little bit yeah of course you would smart yeah. But you wouldn't be offended no a little bit offended. But get over it quite quickly what what girl score uh 78 best ever round wow well done best of a round maybe here at rickshaw's office yeah figures lowest score yeah Hall of Famer well done Matt thank congratulations uh you'll have your week of on the shelf. And then.

It's what's your thought on the actual trophy Shield it's not if it was 100 years old yeah yeah yeah how how many years have been going. For Matt uh three okay yeah the Mr I mean it looks 100 years old that's what I'm saying yeah if the event had been going. For 100 years then.

Yeah pass it. But considering it's only three years and yeah he's brought in today.

Partly because I wanted to put it on the on Rick's shelf. And partly because he has to go to timson's get engraved himself after well it's nice it's good it's the most recent golf trophy in the office it looks very nice wow it's going on that's not right yeah. So this is I mean this is what I mean whoa well Daniel won it in 2020 now Daniel. And then.

Weirdly Daniel wouldn't you say surname on it yeah they're about different Daniels all right wow Daniel Bell one in 2020. [Applause]. And then.

Bound that on it this year why can't you say that normal so it's really hard to say Griff it's Griffis no please call him Griff Griffiths I think you pronounce it Griffis don't you know g r i double F okay Griff yeah i t h s I don't know I thought I'll just Griffis. And then.

John Fleet and then.

Matt Noel will be on there very good I mean that maybe maybe you should buy a new trophy. For a map maybe we should have the Rick Shield yeah she has a shield right yeah okay yeah that was good ish um uh 50 minutes no way 50. I thought it was well over an hour I thought it was like 30 minutes what did you oh right now different mindsets last thing then.

Last thing. And I'm not gonna mention this again now after today.

Never again the review channel is coming soon well uh well sure not mention it now I just think you'll definitely we'll definitely mention it again yeah I know. But just say we won't okay we were never gonna mention it again. But it's coming soon and then.


Week mentioned again we'll mention it again but then.

We'll definitely say we'll never mention it again next.

Week's podcast by the way should actually be on Tuesday you'll get up to your normal service but the week after that yeah I'm delayed it really. So listen it's a podcast a week at the minute we can commit to that thing. But it just might not always be Tuesday at the minute until we get our feet uh what's our feet gonna do I don't really know what we're doing at the moment feet back in Luke. And all his shoes yeah that's the best bet. But they're not Echo so Always by Echo um always play Golf the top Tracer yeah always will land Scott. And always go to Mario's back and always watch Rick Shields golf thanks for listening thanks for watching thanks for doing everything you do well everything you do yep bye see you later.