That why all all this comes out is that why europe are much better at the ryder cup that'll really get the questions ten reasons why british golfers have more fun than americans. And it was a article on from july 15. it's not a new article i've been i'm fortunate to have been to america five times in my life. But i've never once played golf in america never so i don't feel like i can really have a a well i can have an opinion. But i don't really i've not got an educated opinion on this not an experience so i'm going to go over the 10 i want you to say agree. Or disagree and see what you think. And also we might put this as a clip on youtube so people in the comments below make sure that you if you're obviously american or british or likewise and you'll let us know what you think first of all i've got a funny feeling this is gonna pop as a youtube video well the first one is that people in britain walk. So in america and this is something you've said to me a lot of the time it's very very common. For americans to use carts boogies as we call in the uk yeah obviously the temperature loads different reasons over here it's. So much more common that you either walk with your bag use an electric golf trolley or poultry or anything like that so that was the first one do you think that is a more does that mean it's more fun in britain. Or less fun why would you see that that we walk more often than than our american counterparts i must admit and i'm gonna classify it as if i was away with the boys having a weekend away i'd want us all in buggies okay whether in the uk. Or i just think it's got that vibe to it that's a much more kind of relaxed you took a few drinks in the back you maybe have a bit of music on you you with it you with a boogie partner um. So i think. For me if i'm looking as a fun element and also it brings a different dynamic to it if i'm just solely looking on fun i honestly think golfing buggies golf carts is more fun. So do they keep a score then.

You're going to one up to america yeah. Or like we'll do it as points they get one point okay okay. So number two this is some however. guam i do think more americans should use electric nice save as motorcad is the number one leading electric golf trolley in the world right. So good save number two and this is something again i've got i don't know if this is true. Or not but i want to hear your take britons play more quickly than those guys in america so apparently in america it's seen as more of an all-day thing you go to golf for the day whereas in in england and britain there's this culture it's more like get out early get home i would agree um when i've played golf in america it it just feels like more of a of a spectacle like you turn up and it may be because i'm almost more a tourist like you get there early you drop off your bag certainly if you're playing a nice golf course you're gonna have some food you're gonna hit some nice balls on the driving range and the putting green chipping green and you're right because everyone's almost in holiday mode i mean i am when i'm out there. So it's hard i'm not a member of a golf club in america obviously you do feel like it's a little bit more relaxed. And you feel like um however. it can also be slow light as in because it is a full day thing people are chilling out. But as in like the golf can be slow do you get what i mean i've played golf on courses that are busy everyone's kind of a bit more relaxed. And it's just like oh come on guys let's let's speed this up so which is more fun then.

Would you say britain. Or america um the pace of play but then.

I've played in in the uk where it's been slow yeah is that a draw then.

Yeah it's still three it's still one nil tomorrow yeah. But i wouldn't agree that america is slower than uk i'm it's just i've experienced slow play in america. And i have experienced low play in the uk so i i wouldn't say i i could say one or the other on that so number three and this might be because the article's a bit old so i'm not sure on this one we might disregard this but it claims that um britons carry fewer gizmos than the americans so for example lasers gps is that apparently according to this article in the uk they play quicker again because they're more likely to go up to the ball have a quick look hit it whereas the americans are going to be more hitting using lasers possibly the fact that they use a car. And they're then.

Going to get a different club et cetera i don't know. So i'm not sure on that one if we include that or not it's not the best this almost feels like it's been written by an american yeah as a perception on uk because again that's not probably the case in the uk yeah i would say everyone's got gizmos as much as they have in the u.s that one out maybe yeah next.

One this is a really good one it says that brit. And again i don't not sure on it but want to hear your take britain's don't obsess over their scores so certainly before the world handicap system possibly handicaps really only used in the uk in britain for competitions if you go for a friendly knock you don't massively score whereas apparently they think in america that's more the case. So it's more kind of light-hearted i think the only difference yeah the only difference is because again in america you could hand the scorecard in when not playing in the competition. So score was is a definite thing the other thing they don't seem to do as much is play like match play don't come onto that yeah it feels like they've much more about stroke play their individual score like when i've been out there in america. And suggested like match play it's almost like all right i was just going to keep my own score you got what i mean yeah. So i think well that's i'm going to come on to another one i'm sure um do we have do we obsess about score do they obsess about score more than we do um i probably said they would yeah would that make it more fun. For us then.

Or i would say it's more fun for us because we have we have many more different formats because we play like that for me and again i might be wrong but from what the american people that they don't massively play stableford yeah like everything's stroke play you got to count every single shot um where i think we've got much more variety in events that we've point five then.

You've laid on that nicely is that apparently in britain we embrace team play a lot more. So whether that be like foursomes or match play whatever it might be we apparently do that more. So so that again is perceived as more fun definitely i would 100 percent agree with that you know. And maybe is that why we're better at the rider cup. So we say that's 2-1 to britain is that why all all this comes out is that why you're up i'm much better at the ryder cup that'll really get this is going to get the comments going next.

One okay i'm not sure on this one i feel like i've said about a lot of them. But it's just hard to like you said it's hard to really imagine golf in another country. And you never played like i said i have played quite a bit in america. But not all like loads of times but go on so apparently another reason why it's better is that britain's don't stop at halfway houses. So in america there's more of a culture apparently of stopping after nine and having something to eat having something to drink whereas in the uk it's not really a thing massively so therefore. it speeds up play i would say we've become more americanized in that department okay i would definitely say back in the day halfway houses weren't really a thing you know if you're certainly because if you if you look at how very traditional golf courses in the uk were designed certainly links golf courses you'd play out away from the clubhouse turn around. And play back into the clubhouse for your 18 holes like some of your links golf course in america in scotland etc um i think over time when golf course design. And architecture became a little bit more americanized like for example here the marriott like you play a loop of 10 and then.

There's a halfway house designated there's been thought behind where that goes um in america i would definitely say the culture is like a pro almost like a not a meal not a sit down meal. But the menu selection is much much bigger like where we might grab a butter pre-made butter sandwich if people don't know what that is a packet of crisp a drink. And off you go because you'd want to keep up the speed of play in america i've been known where you can literally you can order off a proper menu. And you get proper food and selection i want to carry on playing golf after that it is a bit heavy yeah. And you know what's another thing i've experienced as well is like um where you might order at the halfway house. And because it because again you might not want to slow play up they'll actually drive it out to you in another couple of holes but i've had literally out on the golf course in america like way too much like food like the meat the the meal that you think i'll just order that pizza. Or whatever and it's like a 12 foot like 12 12 inch like pizza do you know what i mean yeah well yeah i think that was i think where we we would grab a pasty. Or a pie so who giving the point to then.

Here can it be even split is one better than the other because it to me having some nice food half around does sound quite full. And i'm hungry i will be the other big thing as well in america. And this i think it's just me american culture anyway like the drink selection is like massive stay there on that one like as in i don't just mean alcoholic either just okay like if you look at a fridge in america in a halfway house you've got like your gatorades your water every monster flavor like they've literally got a massive selection of drinks where in america you're lucky if you get lukewarm water from some places you know what i mean. So um that draw then.

Different vibes it's hard to split these isn't it it's hard to say what's more fun and again i go back to why i think we've become more americanized i've been to many golf courses now in the uk where that culture has come over to the uk okay then.

We'll next.

One then.

This is a way it's got a weird title. But it's not what it sounds like it says brit drink and drive now that doesn't mean they drink alcohol. And drive home what it's basically saying is that the culture around drinking in the uk. And again this might be an american perception rather than the truth is that people in the uk might play golf. And then.

Have a beer or you know maybe half if there was a halfway. Or whatever maybe maybe half a beer or something but it's kind of it's it's not this kind of buddy trip style excess culture so it's much more kind of toned down um we're more toned down apparently so now i don't know if that is true. And also if that is more fun. But that is one of the points here again if i was let's say i'm out with the out with eight of my friends we have two tea times all playing buggies on a fun weekend away. Or whatever if you said you want to play you want this to be happening in the uk. Or in america i'd choose america for that for that exact point so i i'm actually going to give that to the u.s okay i know it's not a big drink culture. And it does scare me. And i think people listening should be aware of this like i do it does scare me in the fact that you know people do drink out in the golf course. And drive home like it shouldn't be allowed and i think there should be some regulations around that. But i see members of golf courses drink after the round of golf and still drive home it is really silly. So um just be careful if you are drinking on the golf course it still counts you know what i mean i think some people kind of overlook that um. But again if i was out with the boys. And you know having a fun time with buggies and a bit of music my shirt untucked and not feel like i'm gonna get shouted at or um look down on i would rather be in america for that so i'm gonna give that a point okay last couple. And last few um this is a really interesting one this is definitely true apparently britain's don't waste time on the range. So because of the golf course in the uk often there's limited real estate they're a lot older people typically might just come hit a shot in the net that's the reason even if there is a net you know that's quite a lot of golfers don't have a net some do hit a couple of shots. And then.

Get onto the course whereas um in america there's a lot more emphasis and go into the range beforehand hitting 50 balls and that apparently isn't quite as fun and it says here that even if you do find a golf course with a range in the uk the chances are you'll need to supply. And collect your own balls which is again true at most golf courses you take a practice bag. Or a shag bag full of balls hit them then.

Have to collect them in yeah you don't even question it in america you just presume there's gonna be a driving range you just presume there's gonna be nice golf balls laid out. For you in nice little pyramids typically uh that is better. But i'll class yeah that's better that's more fun wouldn't you that that you can go to a range hit 50 balls before you go. And play and loosen up yeah. So you give them the points america yeah. But they're saying that that's better in the uk by not having that no way better because they're saying that we don't waste our time. But i see that as not a waste of time if you pitch up half an hour before your tea time and whack even if you swap 20 balls loosen up it can be a good laugh with your friends as well i think america definitely have the practice facilities. And warm-up facilities nailed on and again because it comes down to that real estate when they've designed golf course in america they've taken all this into consideration like the much more modern golf courses than we have over here so they they've really put the emphasis on well where's the practice ground going to be where's the chipping green going to be how is it all going to work together where. For us certainly the old golf course the practice ground shipping green putting green after thought is way after thought that that. For me is something that as a around where i kind of live a lot of the golf courses don't have amazing facilities. And to some degree you could say as long as the course is good. But sometimes after work on a summer's evening it's lovely going hitting on a lovely chipping green with massive bunkers. And everything it's really good isn't it and certainly with the practice ground but something we don't have a good in the uk definitely that's why i'd say more modern golf courses here in the uk have had that american inspiration you're swaying more america here you know i think as a rule now this one i don't think it'll interest you too much apparently number nine uh in britain we tear up we go on the course more often with our dogs than in america it's more of a thing over here the gold coaster yeah i've i've almost not got an opinion on that because i'm not bothered either way i'm not opposed to it as long as their responsible. And don't let them running bunkers and crap everywhere but generally it doesn't oppose me having a dog on the golf course it's the last one so you're very much u.s here then.

And i don't think this last one will scores okay i can't remember. But you definitely need more u.s the last one which i don't really see as being a positive for britain and but it's definitely true is that britain's play on slower greens agreed. And they're saying that's better because if you're a kind of more average golfer there's less obviously a massive aggressive fast putts are going to go past the hole. And less three puts less four puts so the slower greens are kind of a little bit more easy potentially more interesting. And that the maintenance costs are reduced. And it can also speed up pace of play because obviously less putting. And stuff so i'm not sure on that one no i i think america's greens are ridiculous about our greens. So you would disagree with this article and you would say that america's americans have more fun on their golf course than we do from those points yeah. And probably the the big thing is you always think the grass is greener on the other side probably if i was american it literally is greener over there probably if i was american i'd probably be looking over. And going yeah. But that sounds quite so it's just different but i must admit and this is probably if if we're using the word fun as being the main topic on this i would honestly say americans do have the setups to make it more fun. For golfers.