All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast episode 168. I'm currently in Orlando Florida USA and via the forms of technology we're doing this podcast transatlantic with guy who is in Manchester currently I am I'm in well I'll just say it's called Manchester it's not actually that cold it's all right today.

Um it's definitely not Orlando though. And um I'm not gonna say it now I'm jealous have you been over there we've got to do not hear pal obviously couldn't make it over because uh you're a newborn baby duties um. And obviously it's a bit too soon to be kind of flying around here then.

Everywhere but you've definitely been missed this week um we've had some great opportunities for some golf course content and PGA show which I've been to as well but first off how is everything at home is everything good everything is fine I'm getting very very my handicap at changing nappies started off at 28 right I'd say I'm probably 11 now I think I know it all someone like you used to have been there with three kids you probably look at my technique. And girl oh you're all right you can get it round not quite breaking 75 yeah two nappies at once with one hand yeah not in that world. Yet but I'd say I'm a 11 handicap changing nappies oh my God questions for single figures for the season right but yeah everything's good yeah that's my got some objective everything's good here um I'm very excited to hear what you've been up to because we've not spoke much why I've been asked uh my wife enough I've been away should I say not a holiday oh yeah definitely on holiday um however. we have got a pretty exciting podcast lined up because not only are we gonna hear all your Tales from um America from the PGA show. And from playing some amazing golf courses and I'm sure you had a few sources while you're over there I guess a couple of sauces absolutely sources [Laughter] um however. what's also super exciting as we're recording this on Monday literally a couple hours ago Rory McIlroy has just won on the DP World Tour and he won by a single stroke over Patrick Reed now I'm not sure how much this you've seen yet because obviously that was it's super super early over there in America. But not only did Rory beat Patrick Reed by one shot at the start of the week there was this massive beef over Patrick Reed. For the tea Rory that's as much drama as the golf world can can handle Patrick read is also um notably a live golfer. And not only that it was live merch. So I think Rory will be absolutely um over the moon sort of beat Patrick Reed isn't there's some lawsuit as well isn't Patrick trying to sue Rory. For something yeah I know this is the thing I I'm still kind of unsure I think it why the left players still have to play in them is it the the rules because aren't the rules of Live players not realized by DP World Tour going through the courts as well I believe. So I just don't think there's been a definitive answer on it. Yet well there's actually quite a number of Live players up there doing well there was um was doing well it was funny watching it over here in the US. And we we saw some glimpses of of tea Gates as everyone's calling it over here on the Golf Channel and that they definitely made a big big deal about it I'm not sure what it was like in the UK. But I mean they would do it right they were doing slow-mo replays they were doing all sorts of sort of things um I mean let's be honest is Rory going to want to shake his hand is he going to be Pally with him no he's not why is Patrick Reed going over there talking to him what's what's the benefit of it it's like. For me the obviously there's some hatred in there they don't like each other to probably avoid each other yep there's a couple of things though here when you look at that top 10 leaderboard you've got Patrick Reed live player Ian Poulter live player Henrik Stenson live player Richard Bland live player does this almost again strengthen Liv's position that their field their roster are that competitive well it you you'd be surprised if you weren't seeing those names at the top of a leaderboard any leaderboard whether this is going to be the open this year. Or the Masters or other events the live guys have still got they can still play ball I mean they're still very good golfers uh you know you've got a somewhat of a line of players that you could say have passed it that maybe shouldn't be. Or will not be competing on the major tours anymore therefore. they went. For the easy easy earn money let's say uh with live but these guys are still super competitive um it's interesting that they are playing in these sort of events considering their whole stance. Or a lot of players dance at the start of live was that they want to play less. And they want to have an off season they're almost going against that a little bit by getting involved in some of these events um. But it was it was fascinating that I've got I was watching the leaderboard. And kind of seeing all the all the um controversy with whether raw is going to get paired with Patrick Reed I mean I genuinely Believe TV ratings would have gone through the roof if they did I'm pretty positive Rory McIlroy I spoke to Keith Pelley the head of uh DP World Tour. And said do. And not put me out with him I mean I don't even think a word needed to be said. For that to be quite obvious but I do think. For TV ratings obviously I woke up early this morning to see the result that Rory had won birdie in the last bite and taking it off Patrick Reed just by one deep down and I know you were probably the same boat I'd have loved to have seen a playoff between those two yeah absolutely I was watching this morning. And don't get me wrong I want Rory to win that's that's the outcome I want I must admit me too however. yeah I absolutely wanted to see a playoff just just to see how awkward it would be. And again I'm still kind of trying to form my opinion on live golf but I do think this was a big a lot of some positives. For live in a sense and obviously the player did. So well just mentioned about that but I think it was a big win. For the DP World Tour to see Rory um Crown Champion however. one thing I want to come on to that may well be the title of this podcast and it's a little bit of speculation it's something we talked about either last year or the year before potentially it's a huge potential could Taylor Made being for a bit of an issue this year and what I'm going to come on to here is we've just seen the huge success online the Callaway Paradigm driver they've just obviously signed good good they've got John Ram using the driver. And winning with the driver it feels like there's a real excitement around Paradigm would you agree a million percent if you've seen their stand here at the PGA Tour a PGA show and I'll talk about in a minute they're making a big song and dance about it and it feels like again a lot of what I'm saying here there's not massive stats and data to back it up I can only talk about kind of fields. And what we've seen from from our videos but even when I see people like friends of mine online on Instagram stories going to the driving range to try out new drives it feels like more people are excited to try Paradigm well Rory obviously fake gone. So are you gonna say some of them no I was just gonna say it's it's similar feeling to how everyone it's going to try stealth last January 100. And something obviously we're gonna see now is that Rory has just won a massive Rolex event in the DP World Tour. And literally about an hour ago from now I got an email there's a lot of people who work in the golf industry do I've tailor-made with a press release okay talking about Rory McIlroy. And his what's in the bag now I'm very briefly going to talk to you about what's in the bag. And see where there may be an issue so he's ball was tp5x no surprise there his Potter was the spider X the hydro blast version again no surprise these ions are the Roars Proto three Iron's pitching wedge he's then.

Got a stealth um from last year five wood in the back well that's some surprise we know that tour Pros in particular once they find a foe what they like they will stick it in the back. For years certainly like a five one or a seven one so a little bit finicky then.

His three wood which Taylor Made will be great very happy to see is the stealth 2 plus 3 wood then.

We come on to his driver now Rory obviously has now an all-round game. But he is known. For being one of the best drives in the golf ball arguably ever he is currently using the tailor-made stealth plus from last year driver now that may not sound to someone with like a massive story. But the press release that telemed of Centos the cover picture is Rory with the three wood around this kind of neck in the follow-free position because that's the current one they can't use the drive because that's the old one is this going to be a little bit of a concern. For TaylorMade the argue with the Marquee player he's using the old drive and winning with it or will they still be happy talk to me I think there's two things to touch on there what's happened to far giving. For goodness forgiveness because that was Rory's line when he was hitting it in the promo stuff very true also what wedges was using there in the press conference press release well I saw have used in these rooms he'd been using vocies the bag here three Titleist voky wedges in the bag that's very interesting well if you actually look at that set. And again I'm sure and these if you're really into your equipment unless or you've got us telling you this information right now I bet a lot of people watching last night wouldn't have known any of this information they would just presume that you see the tailor-made bag you know Rory's tailor-made you're going to presume he's in the in the latest. And greatest aren't you yeah. But you actually look at that set now his Potter is quite number of years old I don't know right now can you even buy that putter I feel like it's it's three four five six years old the wedges are obviously not tailor-made I don't believe you can buy the Rory irons I don't think. So so really there he's only actually got three clubs in the bag that you can currently buy two of them by the way are on sale right now because they're tailor-made stealth. And not stealth too that's a good point I'm very happy you mentioned the wedges then.

Because the start of the week I saw some imagery that's why I said the rumors then.

Have been potentially gonna be game in the the Titleist sorry bulky wedges. And I must admit I completely forgot about that and actually the shot he hit on 18 which was a great shot to 10-4 was obviously with one of those wedges. So not only is it now using as he said titless wedge is using the old TaylorMade driver what does this mean. For Taylor Made well Taylor might have normally had a real strong grip hold of their tour players if you're a tailor-made Tour player you use TaylorMade golf clubs I think possibly you might get away with the Potter in previous years um. And obviously athletes like tiger uses a different ball and a different putter um but overall you pretty much have to use the whole set and I'm sure there's something the tailor-made contract where the new the tour players certainly the the Marquee five six players they've got now now they've got rid of obviously DJ and Matt wolf that have gone to live they they almost have to put in stealth 2 driver now it's early in the year so the one response for this um TaylorMade might not have gone through their Pro full process with Rory it might not be fully dialed in just yet so I'd give it a couple of more weeks a couple of more tournaments or maybe even a couple of more months I think as long as he's in the new gear by April I think Taylor Made is still fine. But if he's Still rocking that stealth driver in April for the Masters I think that's a big Telltale sign. For for TaylorMade this season last June actually a lot of people who just watched the golf and see Taylor Made In in Rory's bag he sees huge tall bag they don't even think. And it just is a TaylorMade win which would Taylor Made It massive they're going to be over the moon about it. But you just think. For those guys that are a little bit more into equipment then.

Maybe the more equipment nerds who this year thinking how to treat myself to new driver you do think with again John Rahm winning with the Paradigm. And Rory kind of still using the older stealth will that mean potentially just kind of thinking out loud that people go. For fittings and they still want to try stealth but they say well I'm gonna try the old one because I know it still works if we're always still using it's good enough for me um but yeah you do think TaylorMade known has been a massive driver band that's really their key product they're a real hero product Rory's arguably their biggest player to not be using it I do think it's a bit of a hit. For TaylorMade we'll talk about TaylorMade still and this time the absence of TaylorMade for the last last week I was at the PGA trade show it's a four day event I went. For three days the first day is a demo day which is a big massive driving range at Orange County huge circular driving range where all these different types of brands are around this circle. And everyone's testing the equipment you might want to go and test the latest drivers wedges irons you might want to see some wacky golf equipment which we saw plenty of and so you might just want to give that a go and then.

The next.

Two days is in this. Or three days should I say it's a golf trade show and it's literally like Disney for golf guy and and to be honest I've been in previous years but I genuinely thought the show was going to be on a decline from what I've seen over the last couple of years. But I suppose that's covid it was back. And it was back big this huge Convention Center honestly it's absolutely massive with every single you know all the major manufacturers there different piece of technology simulators launch minuses clothing footwear everything however. this year there was an absence TaylorMade were not there at all not a single bit of stealth. Or carbon face was present now you might go well you know they want to save money they might not see value in the show now you've kind of talked about this a little bit is it the fact that they might not want to be on the driving range being tested you go to Callaway you're going to hit the Callaway Drive. And public don't normally get to do this you know in such a huge event you can go get fitted by Callaway with the Callaway equipment cobra with Cobra Equipment Titleist ping etc etc the TaylorMade almost removed themselves from the situation to almost protect themselves no no I'm just me thinking out loud now that you've talked about TaylorMade. And the driver there but the actual trade show itself the demo Day this year was a little bit sparse who's the demo day. For because for my again correct me from wrong the PJ show was always a chance the PJ Bros of North America to go. And see product or the pro shop for the golf store every might be so I guess to somebody they might want to hit a couple of shots to get a feel of the equipment that would make sense but surely all these guys have pre-ordered all the stock anyways who is actually out there hitting golf balls I must admit it wouldn't surprise me if it's the last year of the demo day right companies definitely put less emphasis on the demo Day this year. And so it wasn't as all singing as all dancing as it has been of previous years you're right you know I certainly went there with no inclination of hitting drivers because I've pretty much hit everything already. And I'm in a fortunate position a few people might well they were stands were still balls were still being hit. And to be honest it probably was still PJ Pros you had professionals at different clubs who you know they might have pre-ordered the equipment. But they might want to have a bit of a whack so that when they come and talk to that about that product with their members they've got some information so make sense but I think back in the day certainly many years ago the demo day was where an actual product was launched like you wouldn't have seen products up until the demo day where now obviously the internet yeah of course guys we've ruined it. For that because you see all the products already um I would say the biggest Buzz just from walking around the demo day a couple of days a couple of rounds was Cobra had a big buzz a lot of people really try Aero jet a lot. And a lot of a lot a lot a lot of people wanting to try Paradigm why do you think Cobra had that buzz not that they don't deserve it was there something that stands out you think. And partly was the stand was brilliant stuff yeah they had the best stand they did put they pumped the most kind of investment into it. But it was a standard they'd use in previous years it sounds definitely like a DJ playing they had a couple of tour players down like let's see Thompson was down there Kyle Burke she was on the stand whacking golf shots I met Kyle actually he's a good guy he's a big fella he's tall. And his shoulders are absolutely huge really um I didn't actually get to see him hit golf shots unfortunately. But you know that was that was pretty cool. So maybe that is a bit of a dragging a bit of a um uh a pull. But a lot of people at the Ping stand the tightly stand and again this is only my opinion I've got no hard facts on this looked much quieter than the other brands do you think as well now I mean most golf Brands they're certainly the top seven. Or eight Brands all the clubs really that's as good as each other though it's about getting on that are you like the sound of the look of the feel like whatever. But most golfers now certainly most serious golfers they were going to get fitted. And that's that's good and you try a few different brands out so when you go to your local PJ Pro hopefully that Pro would fit you for the one that you perform best with as we said there's not a great deal of difference do you think it's important. For these Brands to really try and win over some of the club Pros in America so let's just say you go as a pro you know you're good on this Pro you've got a great Golf Shop you go and you just get wowed by Cobra let's just say again you meet kale Berks you get a picture with him you hit the driver you have a great experience if you think almost consciously. Or subconsciously that may then.

Throughout the season give that Pro a bit more bias towards Cobra I think I think relationships with Brands I think brands are understanding that product is where products at can it get a lot better you know obviously the question marks. For the r d teams I suppose now when people are putting into Pro Shops it's Now relationships with those Pros because then.


They're the sales people. For the product you know Fitters Pro Shops um whether it's over here I mean I really want to go to one while I'm here. And I hopefully get time this afternoon I really want to go to a PJ Superstore and I really want to go to a dicks Superstore I bet all their um sales teams were probably at the demo day yeah because again you're forging these relationships with these um with these Fitters. And the you know the sales people well that's gonna do you God you know what it was like with your time at American Golf yeah I you probably would potentially not being biased. Or anything but you know if you got treated well by a brand you'd probably be more inclined to sell their products well that's it and also I remember from my days working golf retail again you'd always try and fit the consume of what they hit best but if it came down to let's just say they were between Brand X. And brand wine they're both very similar you also knew was a you know work in the golf industry which brand was going to actually have the product to ship quicker which brand is going to send them correct because you know it sounds bizarre. But we see this still some major major brands will send out clubs with the grips on wrong yeah. Or they might send out you know you check the Loft in the line the loft is my alarms miles off. So you do start to end up pushing people towards brands that you you trust as well not only just the performance. But the actual whole package from from ordering the golf club to receive them in your hand as well right and then.

I think you spot on there. So then.

The the actual PGA trade show was very very good this year I must admit I saw there's one piece of tech well first off we've ordered how big is it just tell me the size of it first just Harry. And Matt here quickly how how would you describe how big the conference center was like the food caught the Trafford Center hold on I just said it's like the food center at the Trafford Center like the food the food bit at the Trafford centers like the food bit at the convention center Oh my days it's just you can honestly it's really hard to comprehend um I I let me think let me think how far would it be I should have Zapped it I would say it's comfortably that might be right I think it's a par five at least in length oh my gosh. And a fairly short par three in width and like bar obviously TaylorMade weren't there but it's every brand like the Lion's got other stamp yeah brilliant stand like how big would that be obviously um that was god um really hard to kind of quantify sizes really sometimes because you've got. So many things around I would say the lion Scott stand was probably like maybe three of our podcast Studios nice it may be four of our podcast Studios actually the Callaway stand is ridiculous massive dick like huge. And what's the middle what's actually oh there's golf clubs there but what is actually in the standard. So like so you'll get typically the cat Calloway standard have done it for a few years I mean it's it's it's massive it's all encased they've got this huge Paradigm driver displayed. Or like exploded up you know like the insides of a paradigm driver you know the 360 degree carbon chassis that's what it actually was that's huge like when I say huge like six foot big uh right right center. And as you walk in in fact I actually didn't go in the Callaway Booth um but as you walk in uh typically to a lot of these booze you've got products everywhere on shelves nicer displayed you've got a few desks where you know Representatives might be doing ordering you know suddenly you might be walking around and Roger Cleveland's there you know because he makes their wedges or you might be walking around and all the engineers and the the guys who are normally probably at colorway HQ are there. So you've got all the marketing teams there you've got the r d teams you've got the sales people you've got um kind of everyone really from from the brand are there. So as you walk in you might get greeted someone might say you know can I help you today.

And you might say I'm just having a quick look don't you can't actually buy a lot of things so it's not as if you can go. And buy a paradigm driver there and then.

The only day you might be able to and it's the day I've never been is the last day is the public day. So they open it's gonna say it opens a public the last days fully open to public but from what I understand it's a much less attended day right so no I think it's about six. And a half thousand seven thousand attendees each day for the trade show and and from what I understand there's only a couple of thousand for the actual public show which really surprises me um but so that's one stand right opposite Callaway standard top Tracer stand so they're like a 10 top Tracer stations and they're probably about a hundred yard driving range where you can hit shots. And then.

Obviously you see all the top Tracer again people are on there representative you might own a driving range. And you might want to have a look at speaking to somebody about putting top Tracer in so that makes sense that feels like that's something where they would do business um. And you've got those capabilities and then.

You know the Titleist the title standard is a bit of a funny one don't they all wear white Blazers I didn't think they were going to do this year. But they were still there with all white Blazers kind of khaki black pants white tray. And white Blazers shirt and tie it was very official the carpet I tell you how you can tell the premiumness of a brand is the softness of the carpets okay. So as you walk in the carpet Titleist was like like a bouncy castle it was. So spongy and soft it was ridiculous. And then.

They've got they've got little stations you've got um like the Scottish Cameron had a station so you've got loads of different mad head covers you've got loads of different Scotty Cameron putters Scotty Cameron himself was there oh wow. And so up at the top and again he was there with the white Blazer on. And you had like you have videos playing you know big screens where they'll be showing off their athletes whether it's Justin Thomas or John Spieth or whatever it may be and you've got different um sections where you'll see um golf balls and how you can put different logos on it. And then.

And then.

You've got simulator rooms you've obviously got places guys like foresight obviously the GC quad that I use they've got a couple of stations set up so you might want to go and buy GC quad for your teaching studio and there you can get go. And test it and speak to a representative instead of kind of phone calls and emails you get answers straight away like there is something very powerful about still having actual interactions with people um because I could go on there's. So many different brands there was one you know. So for example this new studio with we're building at the moment which I don't think he talked about it much on the podcast this is. For the new review channel that should be starting kind of February time and apologize there's been a delay on this for everybody listening and watching but we wanted to get it right so we're building a new studio for the review Channel which will allow us to do a lot more reviews very quickly. And you know there's things like the movable greens so Zen put in green we're looking at getting one of them there's pop view you know the actual yeah laser things we've got some put. For you goggles wow I've got them with me they managed to they managed to give me some to test and so all those things are there there was a brand called Focus which would be really hard. For me to describe on video and audio but effectively it's a projector that projects down and when you hit a golf shot it genuinely right in front of you on the Mac guy it shows you your face rotation and your path but on the mat in front of my word like it's unbelievable there's some re there was some really cool stuff there was like a swing robot I spoke to this guy about swing robot whether we get one. Or whether we can do some work with him. And but then.

There's every single clothing brand every single you know Head color head cover company obviously we're looking at potentially doing some merchandise soon so that was really good to talk to some uh merchandise Brands. And head cover companies and towel companies um you know like obviously metal with Echo uh saw their new shoe lineup for next.

Year so for me it was an opportunity to chat to existing partners. And and guys who have obviously uh landscott top Tracer uh Echo Etc but also look at potentially speaking to new partners that can help Elevate the the content. Or you know create some new opportunities which so I went this time as a grown-up for like a real grown-up trade show this year yeah. And up until 5 p.m and then.

Sourcing and then.

Sourcing so that's that's all the the boring business bit okay YouTubers who we met oh okay talk to me. So obviously at the trade show you you expect to see like I was doing six seven years ago YouTubers running around with a camera. And a tripod film and everything they can see. So I think the very first people we actually bumped into was stacked golf yes. So they were at the demo all day Ashley. And John and exclusively I think I might have shared it on Instagram actually. But right now on the podcast I am very soon to be featuring in a stacked golf video exciting well if you're not aware of who stacked golf are most people listen. And watching probably will because we've mentioned them several times they have okay we're very thankful. For by the way oh that's good to know well I've heard they've been giving away Scotty Cameron so other members of staff and Center oh they literally open their I thought I had some golf clubs guy they opened their Boot and they've got buddy Scotty Cameron's coming out of everybody section of the the car well they essentially go around these amazing kind of thrift stores in America what we'd call like Cherry shops over here what's insane is if I go to a charity shop looking. For golf clubs they have like nothing or a set of house lions that are left-handed they go to shops. And pick up Scotty Cameron's flight 20 quid and stuff it's insane they are not carry to shops like we know just massive they are not like that did you go to some of them. For the video yeah yeah they took me they took me thrift shopping. So um we went pretty much all day I went we went Thrift flopping this was the day of the demo day. And we went and got some food I went to a driving range and whacked all the clubs or honestly I spent I mean I don't God knows how many clubs I bought we actually end up giving the clubs away in the video because I couldn't have brought them all home unbelievable they showed me how to negotiate they showed me what I should be looking. For what what I should maybe avoid I bought so much stuff but yeah you know how to negotiate someone said it's 50 Quid if I'll give you 60. you'll be the one guy there were some awkward encounters really you did a quiet trick oh yeah I think I thought that's golf how to negotiate will that video be out today.

Monday. Or I bet it was I don't know because. For them so we had um Harry and um Matt from our team and no it wasn't it was Matt. And Sam from our team the wine and milk because I've got the names wrong again um Matt and Sam from our team helped film a bit of the video and they normally film on GoPro and phone yeah. So we've sent some footage over to him I think it's I think it's blown up the laptop basically I think they were like what the hell because obviously we shoot in pretty decent cameras. And stuff so that was really good um bumped into short game shock Mr short game oh yeah briefly just bumps into him. And then.

On I think it was Tuesday night. Or the Wednesday night or maybe I've lost track of times we actually hired a couple of bays at Topgolf um and invited loads of YouTubers so txg came nice fat Perez came from Sports uh uh that's all they had oh stack golf came they're all my friends um I didn't end up getting very I mean drunk. And I had a great time good um I did I'm not going to go too much into detail here. For legal reasons Guy come on we'll go into some beef when you say legal reasons what are the legal reasons because we're gonna soon find out okay let's have that legal replications explain the beef. So typically I'm I'm a you know happy-go-lucky type of guy okay you know I like to get on with people in the golf industry I like to get on people with media yep what if somebody rattles my cage guy how do you well taught me how to Rattle your cage first. And explain what happened um again can't go into this for legal reasons okay now you know there might be there might be some court case happening. And you know I'm not saying the authorities might be involved but the authorities might be involved wow um yeah there were certain media publication who have. For many many many years wanted to um attack me yeah revoke me someone say cancel me oh. So it was like a scene from Anchorman right you know in the car park yeah are they kind of two news news uh networks meet each other hey Here Comes Trevor. And uh we had a little Showdown and I told them what for was this after a few shandies not at all oh wow then.

It would have been trouble. So this was a trade show what did you actually say give me the words that come out of your mouth all the cards as friendly this is a family-friendly show I was just very displeased with the personal attacks constantly coming from certain company which we mentioned many many times on this podcast. So it won't be hard for people five shots who it out what was them their response. And you said something's out the blue the walk it might have been much more than five shots if uh the families were involved um yeah there was it was awkward uh do they say something back to you then.

When you when you said something to them no. So I saw him at the demo day I I kind of mentioned that they shouldn't try and be out in me today.

Or what they're going to try. And dig up on me today.

Yeah. And I didn't get any response from that I was hoping. For a little nibble but let's ignored you when you said it yeah they kind of walked away yeah. And then.

The next.

Time then.

The next.

Time they uh they approached me and tried to I won't say Rectify that was the wrong word I think they had no idea that they were doing anything wrong apparently in their books. So yeah it got heated I walked away. And a few a few uh extreme words were exchanged. But on that note it's out of the demo days that was the PJ trade show we had some we had some really good food uh lion Scott took us out. For a wonderful steak restaurant he was there from Lion Scott was it dick every Tom Dick Canary Tom Dickey. And Harry and Harry was there as well I think there was a thumb there as well. But I'm sure there was a top um. So we did that that was really good at Wagyu steak. For the first time ever wasn't nice I've never had that it was yeah yeah I feel it wagy meatballs they were Mega. And then.

Wagyu steak was a bit I don't know quite fatty oh I think that's what it's supposed to be they feed the cows. Or something anyways I had that um I had plenty of alcoholic beverages which has been fun uh baby bears again which has been welcome I introduced land Scott guys to Baby beers and then.

The golf started so um I don't want to give too much away but we've managed to film some Banger videos at some of the most exclusive golf clubs in the world plus some of the most high regarded golf clubs in the world so I played Isle with nice wow what a track that is. So that's where tiger used to live he used to live in Isle with um loads of tour players have uh it's an unbelievable Golf Course the artwork around the place as well you've probably seen the pictures you know the big bull yeah on the First Tee there's only three of them in the world one of them's on on the stock exchange in New York oh yeah the other two are actually owned by the owner of isleworth. And the four and a half million a piece Oh my days big massive it's pretty pretty impressive I don't know how they got it there so there was that. And then.

Um yesterday I played at TPC Sawgrass that looks insane such a good golf course was it hard it wasn't as hard as Iowa right however. almost the what's the right kind of description from Iowa we played I played I played with a young pro actually it was a really good lad called Ryan Russell Ruffles. And he is a um Australian. But pretty much lives in the in the US how do you end up playing with him in the end by the way. So oddly oddly enough I didn't think. So I was supposed to be filming with a good friend of the show who unfortunately couldn't continue over the show uh they had to go back to the UK. For personal reasons so on the Thursday I kind of didn't really have anyone to play with so I put a post out and see if there's anyone kind of fishing around because obviously the PJ show had been on maybe some creators or whatever was around anyway I got a message from this Ryan saying oh by the way uh the guys at Iowa he's a member there um have put me in touch with you to play I was like oh buddy brilliant it was honestly Mega he proper Struck it. So that was that was a really cool video his mom. And dad used to be professional tennis players fighting like Wimbledon final and everything doubles finals uh so he was cool he's fly he's flown over to Australia now because he's playing in the uh Vic open. And he's going to actually try. And do as many stats as he can on DP will tour. So look out for that name um so that was that was really good. But we played off the actual the tiger tees the teas are actually called the tiger tees. So it's like 7 600 yards mate it was. So lost too long so so so long the second hole was a 260 yard par three. And it was literally the hardest path we've ever played in my life it's too much. For me that that's too hard that was really fun. And then.

Played it can I guess something can I guess he didn't break 75. guess what you want. But I'm not going to tell you have to wait yes to play that TPC Sawgrass yesterday um honestly that place look on I don't know if they want me to say this. And I'm not not but there's any any uh ramifications if not it really does look like Augusta it's like a flatter Augusta. So you know with a bit of palm trees so the sand is perfect white the grass is not a blade of grass out of place anywhere on the on the facility. And obviously they've got the PLAYERS Championship coming up in just a few weeks in fact you know it actually is timed perfectly the video that we filmed the break75 actually might go on the player's week oh that'll be class that'll be really good um obviously you've got the famous 17th hole the part three. So good I must admit you think about it from the first tee shot to the 17th t-shirt. And that was really good really strong finish I won't give too much away um. But that that golf course I had a profession had a caddy like a really it's called Nick he actually carries that Sawgrass he watches the videos and he was a he would drop a white boiler suit. And everything I got the full treatment so that was really good uh today.

Playing Bay Hill wow. So where the Arnold Palmer Invitational is I believe I'm actually playing with Mr Palmer Mr Palmer's um great stepson. Or some his relation to Mr Palmer anyway wow that'd be really cool um I believe that's going to be really really hard today.

Because the tournament's only there in a couple of weeks . So I think that's going to be very very challenging today.

Um. So got that and then.

One more golf course we're gonna squeeze in Tuesday morning and we've also we went to pop stroke one night which is Tiger's putting just a twice is it good right. So good had so many businesses over there but it seems like there's quite a lot like the restaurant you went to last time they're put in place yeah was it like a massive mini goal it is. But it but I must admit it's how to describe it it's there's different categories to mini golf isn't there but this this crazy golf which I would classify Crazy Golf as being kind of windmills and clowns and what you know what a lot of people have it as I would then.

Say there's Adventure Golf and Adventure Golf I would say is themed to whether it's dinosaurs. Or you get a traffic center whether it's yeah whether it's pirate themed they're more Adventure Golf where it's not it's not hitting through windmills. But there's a theme that's attached to that type of venue where this was this didn't really have a theme it was kind of just very clever designed a book Believe It. Or Not Tiger has had a say in the design of some of the holes if not all of the holes like they almost every hole looks a little bit like a mini hole or Augusta like they have the white sand but it's not actual sand it's just a different type of AstroTurf a different type of artificial grass the greens rolled unbelievable um the side banking was still AstroTurf. But it was just like a thicker grass. So if the ball kind of rolled over I'm actually whacked it the ball would actually kind of come back down there was these led blue lights in every hole which made the whole kind of stand out really well the service they had this really cool restaurant. And they had like Ping Pong going on in that game is it corn thingy you know when you throw them yeah into the hole Yeah Yeah old really nice restaurant great service good food when you actually buy your um pass to play you get to get an all-day plus pass because it's 36 holes you can play as much as you want. And they actually gives you the ball the ball is like a Bridgestone ball now it's actually a tailor-made ball because TaylorMade have actually just bought into the company you actually get to keep that actual proper golf ball that's a good ball the putter was good. And it sounds Daft but even the portals yeah have a proper uh Square fronted grip. And a and it felt soft like genuinely it was class we had a great time. And so that was good. And then.

I'm trying to think what else we've done just here there everywhere it's been it's been I tried Chick-fil-A. For the first time that could almost be a bit be a video that that put in place like I want to see it like I know the only I would pop so I've got the manager's details now I'd love to go back I think. For a video there's obviously music blaring yeah lots. And lots of people around like low it was busy kids. And so that would be quite hard to have filmed that day but definitely would love to go back and film it but the only thing is I actually think you get the best experience at night. So you need to get it when it's dead so I'll speak to Tiger I'm sure he'll come out for a round of golf with me and yeah the Chick-fil-A did you say Chick-fil-A. For the first time ever that was a taste sensation class the massively got our order wrong though. So I ordered four Deluxe Chick-fil-A meals okay they arrived with five standard Chick-fil-A meals I was like well we ordered Deluxe. But also why is the five because there's only four of us they then.

Brought five more Burgers after. So we ended up having like double burgers and a couple spare so we've still got a couple in the fridge here at the house but I don't think I don't think we'll eat them um. So yeah no it's been really good I've bought you some presents oh wow too kind I know. So I'll give them to you next.

Podcast episode next.

Week uh I'm back we fly out in a couple of days so I'll be back end of the week um and then.

Like I said the weather's been good um Gold's been fantastic you know it's it's been a it's been a good grown-up trip plus a good work trip uh The Lads the camera Lads when um I was kind of having grown-up meetings at the PGA show I gave them my bank card to go. And buy as much random stuff as they could possibly get have we got a lot well I'm gonna I'm gonna show you one thing um this okay that's not that exciting what's it do oh God no it's a toilet roll holder yes oh nice the longest the sorry not the longest the loudest golf ball in the game yeah because that's what you need um an American glove us great that's what they got that's everything okay they got some really good stuff I'm just picking up with like illegal exploding drivers. And they're a million cc heads they've picked some really good pack of teas no they've fixed some really good stuff I'm just winding them up that fits all the crap stuff there um. But yeah no all's been good um excited kind of excited to get back home a little bit as well um don't know why in fact I don't even know I've said that that's still a lie well this has been a very night I don't know how long we've been on this podcast probably 45 minutes. So it's a nice one we didn't we didn't want to miss one this week we felt like we wanted to get one out um if you listen to this hopefully it sounded pretty good if you're watching it's obviously a bit different to normal because Rick's an American I'm here at the studio we're back to normal next.

Week so if you've got any questions you want to send us please do email podcast we'll fire through a load of questions next.

Week um. And we've also got an exciting break between five out of this week at wallacy so if you're watching and listening you enjoyed the one at birthday where James Robinson came and showed us how to play golf you're in for some good news because he's back and bigger and better than ever well the Ryan Ruffles is like our American James Robinson yeah with an Irish James Robinson a Welsh James Robinson also made some incredible connections at some incredible golf courses on my bucket list oh wow all right strong connections which exciting times we're really really exciting um. So we'll get all those boxed off hopefully start the year um but Dale obviously we've not talked about something's podcast thanks so much for all the wonderful comments on the Birkdale video um I think you know it was uh it was a long one over an hour long people have seemed to be absolutely loving that people loving the difference in in James trying to break 17 me 75. And u80 it was a nice contrast um Wallace again this week we filmed at the same pretty much the day after birthday that's going to be coming out next.

Week that that's a unbelievable golf course it really is um I think that'll be another absolutely incredible video. And then.

The week after that it's the Royal Liverpool special yeah I've got my I think I've got my weeks right there yeah that's right there's some very good break 75's coming. And there's also some very very good other bits of content coming as well so it's exciting to start the year um Chelsea being over there but looking forward to being back and getting some more bangers in the cam yeah they'll be canned. And banged guys thanks for listening hopefully you've enjoyed this podcast sorry it's a little bit shorter but the places to be people to meet golf to play videos to filmed um guys got mappers to change so thanks everybody enjoy your week and we shall see you next.

Week our normal service will be reviewed peace foreign.