So it says dear rick hi the title is should i cheat. So you ready okay i started playing golf uh more often at the end of 2020. And after joining the local club with a few friends i got my first handicap of 19. since then.

We've tried to play as often as possible but with work my work commitments i play once or twice a month i've had a few lessons with the local pro my handicap now is 15. So he's dropped four shots i listened to one of your podcasts a few weeks ago um when guy mentioned playing golf on his own i'd never played on my own but thought okay i'll give it a try. So i've inspired someone rick there you go so i'm here to be a loner yeah to be alone really hurt when i did fact that the thing is i texted you. And said rick. And i come back today.

And you're like f off mate i work with that's about it who's this yeah delete your number on a weekend um that's not true i said unfortunately um oh sorry i missed about when i did i found it very relaxing. And actually played my best round ever six over par wow unfortunately as i played on my own i couldn't hand in the card from a handicap so again that's a new thing over here in the uk with this world handicap system that launched 2020 now i think it was you can actually play casual rounds with someone else who's got a handicap on the england golf app. And handing a score up until two years ago couldn't do that my friends i normally play with um after taking the mickey about me not getting all my shots etc offered to sign the card as they know that i wouldn't really cheat that i'm obviously a genuine guy i have the card in my bag. But can't bring myself to hand it in as it just doesn't feel right please give me some advice i love the podcast i'm almost in the clubhouse and i think the videos have genuinely helped the game very very nice um ugh well i think i know that well i do know the answer. But i'll come on to answer in a minute i think whenever you played on your own there are benefits sometimes with just playing on your own. And i've found that i haven't been a junior go out for nine hours i always just think why do i play like this with other people i'm playing unbelievable like why is nobody here to witness this. And i don't know what the psychological aspect of that is. But you're not waiting for anybody else you're not you're just in your own world yeah you're not not even talking to anyone else. So your concentration levels are probably quite high when you're hitting your shot. But in between shots you're just enjoying the walk you got no one to really speak to you just lost in your own mind. So i think from from a performance benefit there probably is a lot to be said about just playing on your own as a performance booster. So i love the fact he's obviously shot an amazing score and he's off 15 he shot six over which is 11 under his handicap amazing amazing amazing. And as much as i know it's gonna great on him if he's got the ability he'll do it again if he can shoot six over today.

With on his own he has got the ability he's probably proven it to himself. So next.

Time he goes out and plays with his pals he might not shoot six over but you'd like to think he's still gonna put a decent score in. So on that merit i just do not well you can't legally you cannot sign a card. And hand it in legitimately if you've played on your own yeah because as much as you might say put your hand on a bible. Or whatever and say i've not cheated i am the honest of salt of the earth there could also be question marks around it couldn't like who's there to validate it yeah who's there to to pick you up on the fact that you were on the third hole you teed up a foot in front of the markers yeah. And you didn't notice yourself yeah. But it's something somebody else would pick up on or oh you're playing part in your spots you're grounding the club in the sand you might not noticed but something you're playing partner mike picked up on so i just don't think you can do unfortunately well you can't it's a shame i wish you all the best. And i'm hoping you get another great scoring soon but do the right thing i'm big believer in karma go out there. And and go nope that's a nice one to put on the mantelpiece but it's not legit next.

Time i go out i'm going to try. And shoot my best score good good advice i feel like you're going to come back inside you should cheat no you would no no i think you're right like you said it's i think going back to your point whenever anyone asks about holy one all right. And you think it's got an asterisk next.

To it yeah this is the same 100 percent it's a score with an asterisk you're right i think um. For me you could look at another way i don't believe this but another way of looking at it you might think actually. But don't put that score in i know that's my true ability and i got in the comp and shoot six over and win by a load you might get annoyed at me but realistically that may or may not happen but i think you're right i think like golf is that one of the beauties. And said this on the podcast before about the beauty of golf is well many different things. But is it honesty of it like if you wanted to if anyone listening wants to you can cheat every time you play yeah it's sometimes small amounts sometimes huge amounts that's up to you if you want anyone not no a lot of people won't see it. Or stop you but it's your own like you are a bit corny. But you are cheating yourself aren't you. And i think in this instance it's not really worth it if he's good enough to do it again he will yeah. And if he did you know even if he has played literally every shot perfectly which i trust he has. And you put that card in you get your handicap gets come down and somehow it comes out actually on your own next.

Thing the goal could be known as a cheat or whatever it's just not really worth it but i think i think as soon as your brand is a cheat at golf club as well that's like that's one of the worst interest. And also as well like you said i know it's a bit unfair. But like playing on your own whether it makes you play better or worse obviously everybody will be different it's kind of in some regard not not a true test. But part of you shouldn't be this but it's the case part of shooting a good score when you're with friends or playing partners competitors is that a little bit more pressure as well like if you're playing with three other guys having a good round. And one of them says after 15. have you got a good round going whether it intends to put you off. Or not like i think they wouldn't do that might get in your head a bit when you play on your own. And also i think last lastly as well i'm sure i don't quite know the rules unless somebody might correct me i'm sure you're meant to say before you play you're going to put his inners around you can't just play. And go oh that'll do i think that's the case i might be wrong yeah i think you are right with that um. So don't cheat richard oh that's not richard it yeah she's called richard as well oops richard shiel no he's he's not got a name. So yeah yes um [Music].