But it does beg the question is tony free now a nearly man. Or could he continue and hopefully win big i watched a bit last night see i didn't watch any of it to talk to me in layman's terms so is the genesis open yes at riviera. So tigers golf i don't know i don't understand what his involvement is though just his name just to really yeah schinky just is the host of it basically riviera looks insane it's one of those courses what i believe obviously never been to it's near hollywood it's um it's not long it's not particularly massively well protected. But the scores are never ridiculous round there because it's. So well designed like the bunkers are really well placed the greens are unbelievably undulating. And fast and things like that so i'm not going to lie to anybody listening i didn't watch every single day how did you watch uh last five holes standard yeah that's all you need well it is it is it actually is. So i tuned in because genuinely i saw on twitter that tony fee now had a chance of winning now if you don't know tony for you now he is an unbelievable player out on tour. But for whatever reason he is being now dubbed the nearly man is what has he won once on tour i think in 2017. Or something a long time ago considering he is up there a week after week he has won 22 million dollars in earnings yeah only one event he's always up there in the majors isn't he always he is one of the best each way bets you could ever put on i think your odds. For him would just be ridiculous but he doesn't get the wins like he just doesn't win now typically there's no massive reason behind that it's not like he massively folds it's not like he leads in the final day. And shoots 77. it's not like he he goes battle head to head with anybody and just doesn't you know falls down wherever it may be it's just it doesn't shoot low on everyone else is that sometimes this i don't really watch enough golf on tour as i said many times to know is it almost that he's. So consistent it appears like he's a bottler if that makes sense possibly because his name is at the top exactly he's always up there i would almost put rory in the same bracket as that because rory also gets quite a bad rep. For not closing out because he he's always up there but he doesn't win enough yeah. But he's obviously won a lot yeah a lot more than tony fee now. But it's just that rory is up there. So so often i suppose you're gonna get one person every week on the pga tour who plays pretty much the best week of their life so it's hard to win obviously it's you know close it is. But if you're playing well consistently all the time you're gonna finish second fifth third tenth like it might look like you're a bit of a bottler but it's just the fact that you're so good you're always there or thereabouts and i would agree with that until i watched what i watched last night so sam burns who we don't know loads about but was leading the tournament pretty much to like the 15th hole. Or all week he played amazing he kind of stumbled off a little bit tony fenow made a silly bogey on the back nine and then.

Um max homer was kind of there. And thereabouts as well sam unfortunately dropped out um tony fenow finished well birded 17 i think he birdies 16 17. And then.

Parred the 18th max homer birded 17 unbelievable birdie from the bunker and and literally he was. So him and him and tony final in the last hole were leveled on 11 under i believe. Or 12 under max homer in front of tiger woods sag woods on the balcony oh my days did you see tiger by the way no not any of it at all it didn't look well did you not no in what way like tired like really really like drained like i'll show you a picture i think i saw a meme actually i think i saw him he looked you know not not well. And he said about i don't think i've got a screenshot on this phone he talks about the fact that he's you know going through a lot of mri scans. And medications things like that but he really didn't look particularly well but anyway so max homer on the last hole hits i mean how they play under this pressure it's it's beyond i can't get my head around that it's beyond me stood on the 18th hole absolutely stripes on down the middle of fairway um lovely hole like really picturesque he uh i think had about 140 yards left into the into the last hole this is max homer sticks it to three. And a half feet right so he has that put to win so everybody just thinks tony tony shot 64. he shot six under the lowest round so he can't be a bottle of that can he well that's what was said like yesterday. But then.

I'll tell you a bit more about the kind of play-off so basically max homer had the three and a half footer to win the tournament you know tony finau was going to come second again. And it was kind of you know inevitable. And i kind of thought i jinxed him because i put a few things on twitter thinking come on tony you know it's happening because it seemed like he he was going to do it yeah um certainly when max holmes took it in the bunker on 17 because at the point at that time tony final was in the clubhouse. And one ahead max homer missed the three and a half footer lit out and then.

He thinks is either bottler right no he didn't bottle it. So that the they went to the tenth hole which is both par it then.

Both part of the uh the ninth hole at the 18th. So they both finish it i think it was 11 under let's say uh sam burns was one back. So they played the playoff hole the tenth hole i believe the first hole was it's a really short path four really tricky hull. But this is the stats prove that you if you go. For it you make about scored and laying up so they both pretty much go for it tony hits his perfect tee shot in this lovely little layup area only 20 yards from the green right max homer pulls it left right it gets stuck right next.

To a tree so now you're thinking it's females like literally it looks dead now on closer inspect yeah you think it's tony females now like there's no way max homer's going to get up. And down from here tony fenow's going to get up. And down and you know win this is it it's happening max homer gets up there holds the the iron stands basically sideways. And basically hooks the ball from nexus 3 onto the green like ridiculous ridiculous shot right yeah tony fee now plays a fairly average chip to about eight eight four. Or something max makes par tony fenow's got this put to win this is. For birdie to win still the first hole in playoff this is to win missed right quite badly right next.

Hole par three again tony fee now you think he's in the driving seat pulls it short side into a bunker right max homer kind of plays aggressive goes. For the pin he makes par tony finally makes bowl gate max wins wow so it's like you had it you you you shot 64 to get in the playoff like you were there. So do you think it isn't his head then..

Or is it just is i it the shot on the path i don't know i in in it obviously it's hard to say he could have made it he could have made an easy up. And down on on the first player fall in my opinion certainly where max homer was whether because max was in such a bad position tony final kind of relaxed. But on the path three to short side himself so badly pressure in it pressure's real i literally i think golf is the most daunting sport ever when you're playing well even if you're even if. So when mean you play our match even if we're on the last hole. And i need to hold a putt to win and it's a six footer i get so nervous yeah that's what i love about it to get yourself into that position. But i'm interested to see what it does then.

Tony fee now if you can go on just be class of which he already is. And continue and win or is it gonna just you just feel like. And a lot of people saying this on social media last night he gets one win and he wins a lot do you know what i mean i just think it will happen he gets one win. And that is it. And you know what i love max because he you know he's so good on social media he's unbelievable on twitter um he's a local kid he was born in uh born. And raised in la where where the tournament was massive tiger fan tiger presented the trophy like he talked about in the press conference afterwards how um he used to come to that event as a kid just to get a high five i saw that i didn't see that tweet from tiger. And i was getting a trophy how cool is that. So don't take anything away from max home he's won three times on tour so far i mean unbelievable talent. But it does beg the question is tony fee now a nearly man. Or could he continue and hopefully win big this has been a proper golf podcast i wasn't quite for that wouldn't it yeah should have a break now. And just chill out of hair down it's hard work but then.

It's okay about with the pj tour well that's what happens when you're listening. For 30 minutes but i was i got no i'm probably into it that's the thing again i i don't watch enough golf. But if i if i'd known that was. So good last night i would happily put it on i would have really got into it it's just the thursday the friday just don't get into enough bar the mages exactly and and that is it unless tony fenow was up there competing last night i don't think i would have bothered to turn it on. And that sounds bad done it yeah. But it's i was watching married at first sight australia yeah yeah yeah don't get me started.