For the titleist 4v1 left dash of youtube golfers producer guy and rick shields [Applause] start vlogging okay before trim. And just like that so fresh and so clean so it's t-minus 24 [Music] so it's t-minus 35 hours to live podcast show and uh let me show you a bit of behind the scenes preparation i didn't like it yeah um. So the first thing we're actually going to do is take out the table from there the podcast table the iconic red fronted table we're gonna have to take basically that wall down take the table out. And get it transferred to the lowry no messing about here there she is the table's gone too. And just like that it's here in the theater so we're here at lowry day before the show t-minus this many minutes and hours before the show starts um it's quite cool place really smart tomorrow this will be filled with the rickshaws golf show fans we've just had the cheeky nandos it was. So cheeky behind the scenes dressing room whoa that's a trippy lightning here he is hi that is pretty cool proper light lights if you're in a as if you didn't like a theater do you think i daunting daunting i'm gonna be just listening to myself you're just saying how chilled you were i don't know look at that many people okay welcome. And someone who sat here tomorrow [Music] goggles nice just you know i just feel like just believe you've got the trophy i've made a little trophy for us let's see here well either you or me will be the winner of i have to be very careful because it's self-made oh my days. And i've just gone simple winner winner i wanted to spray this gold but we didn't have any gold let's go [Music] it's getting real now it's getting real put this out it's getting real what's mad is like i was really thinking about it a lot last night. And i wasn't nervous until i woke up this morning and i feel like ah lots of people coming to see us talk which is a bit a bit strange feeling. But there's no one podcast we've got our desk we've got our our old faithful here that we can hide behind we've got our signs up. And it's just me and guy chatting and a few guests really [Music] just finished the practice run felt good um now got t-minus this long until the show starts and even less for the kind of uh doors to open me guy you harry and matt we're gonna go grab some food go back to the hotel we're folding that hotel up there in the distance so we're gonna go back somewhere there grab some food it's busy around here today.

There's a big rugby match on at old trafford which is just over the corner somewhere i know that now cause i'm such a big football fan of stuff. So yeah feeling good feeling confident nice little walk through which was good. So i think now i've been through that little walk through kind of makes you feel a bit more confident i feel better now. For doing it because so it felt weird because it's a big room not knowing what to be like it's now done a bit of a warm up with a practice should be good a little bit of a dutch courage of course mentally between the half and the thing that's the difference of the athletes prepared water hydrated cheers absolutely terrified earlier we sat there going i can't see anyone i can't i can't see him no i'm a bit nervous. But i'm also not weird and also what i've done somewhere i've got my laptop bag i've got two little testers as well and i'm gonna destroy it when we finish i was waiting. For a hashtag to come out is it team ricker as a team guy let's go team guy rick i'll go every day of the week team wreck it's gotta be teammate i like guys let me they look really relaxed now um i think when they see the amount of people all these seats were empty last time we went out there i don't think the amount of people might make them a touch nervous. But the season pros now aren't they joe i think now i've convinced guy to uh do the big clothes he's gonna fare a lot better i think people are gonna enjoy that more. But their natural chemistry is going to pull them through the rehearsal they're a little bit nervous. But as soon as they started chatting to each other they were absolutely fine. And i think they're going to nail it. And hopefully do many more i think they're going to smash it like they always do um. And i just can't yeah. And uh the amount of people out there it's actually quite nerve-wracking how are you feeling i'm all right actually yeah how are you getting on yeah not bad just uh rick's nervous anyway t-minus 20 minutes as well i look nervous watch my hands i was born. For this one left let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so uh health and safety has gone a little bit mad after the second part of the show safety glasses are on. And not only that safety gloves we're going on we can't get it there we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the winner of the ignorant ball chopping [Music] [Applause] how are you feeling i'm not gonna lie i think he's a little nervous oh [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you.