The u.s open this year would have comfortably been a film because you had you you had your villains yeah not shouting. For from one golf event to another us yeah we've covered quite a bit already this podcast. And sorry if you've tuned in not to listen to golf you're getting a lot of golf today.

So so the bat nine of sunday when i dropper sat down and started watching it was i couldn't believe the leaderboard it was outrageous who are you rooting. For honestly ram really yeah because of what happened a couple weeks ago because of what happened two weeks ago yeah the fact that he was leading i can't remember the memorial by six shots going into the final round who's guaranteed to win i say guaranteed we've just after talking about the u.s yeah the amateur champion he was almost guaranteed to win it his first win using his new clubs is signing a different deal um first win becoming a father everything like it was his stars were aligned. And he's not potentially over the last few years really fulfilled his potential has he really you would have thought he'd won a major by now but he's quite it's world number one now yeah he's obviously an unreal golfer i can't get over i watch him how much speed he gets from that like almost three-quarter swing i've grown to really really love him yeah. And honestly right now and i know i'm probably a little bit honeymoon period he's really getting close to one of my favorite golfers yeah i just love. So much about him i love his attitude i love his passion i love how he gets annoyed and that sounds ridiculous but i love seeing that his golf game is just different level i want to hit that shot that hits off the tee that little peeling fade that starts down the left how lucky was he when he went out of bounds ridiculous was it 14. Or something whatever it was. And that that is in a golf tournament you do need a bit luck where louis houston hasn't i love louie he's such a calm relaxed never looks too faded he's won obviously the open at saint andrews many years ago i think it was 10 years ago. Or so he's come second so many times in major tournaments it's outrageous the difference between ram and um louise mahazin in that final six seven holes his ram was looking at attempts. For birdies and really really giving it a go where louis was holding phenomenal power puts like he was holding on where round was pushing those two that ram hold on 17. And 18 as left to right slippery ones were outrageous ridiculous he got he got lucky stroke unlucky on 16 because he was way across the green. And he hits this port a little bit too hard and it hits the cup quite a lot of the cup and stayed out but if i'm honest if it would have missed it it's going well it would have been six ten foot 12 foot past right. So he got a little bit on because it could have dropped and it could but again you need a bit of luck the put on 17 was just out of this one i hate left to right puts i do hate him. And he holds an amazing one there and he's done that put quite a few times on the final few holes he did it against dj he did it to win i think the travelers back in one of his first ever tour wins he has the ability to hold big puts when it matters his birdie on 18 is one of the greatest birdies i've ever seen. And it sounds crazy that because he hit this amazing tee shot down the left side of the fairway in prime position he had 220 yards left in i think he pulled a five iron. Or a six iron hit this little peely fade he was very very very unlucky hit the kind of side of the bunker. And spat across the bunker face so he was on more of a down slope three yards left he's on the green putter. For eagle weirdly two yards right and it lands in the bunker more he would have had a much easier shot the shot he played from that bunker under that much pressure blows my mind it absolutely blows my mind because he he really thought about it he had to he couldn't go towards the flag he had to play out sideways he had to use the contour it was one of the great shots i've ever seen under that amount of pressure. And then.

To stand there and hold that put for birdie to set the clubhouse lead to set the benchmark that louie had to beat i was looking at going this is this is. And i was not bothered about this tournament as i mentioned earlier i wasn't that bothered about us open it just whatever reason went under my radar in that split moment i was. So glad i was watching history being made hopefully he continues to win many many more majors the fact that he walks off the green. And got to hug his little boy he's only got his he's a few months old and his wife there uh a really lovely moment on father's day everything that happened two months two weeks ago i was literally crying my eyes out sat on the sofa on my own at one o'clock in the morning going why does nobody shout four [Laughter] andy shouts four which i love about him as well i just love it i think you know. And and we didn't live in the in the area of sevi we spoke about this before you know when when david cannon came in a few weeks ago and gave us his lovely book with sevi we didn't live in that era but what it means to spaniards and what it means to europeans and certainly john rahm the u.s open is a tournament that sevi never won. And really wanted to win um it i just it was literally talking about the amateur championship being a film the us open this year would have comfortably been a film because you had you had your villains yeah not shouting four you had your ups you had your downs i mean louie again on 17 they hit it into the hazard up the left-hand side um end up needing to take a penalty drop um nearly made par wheelie with the second ball had to eagle the last hole got really unlucky with a a bad lie down the side of the fairway on in the rough on the left hand side who couldn't go. For the green in two annoyingly had to lay up had to try and hold his pitch um just awesome i like it well obviously everybody that wins our major deserves to win a major because you wouldn't have won it it's four days of competitive golf with the elite golfers in the world you can't win a major without deserving to a major that makes sense but i always like it when somebody wins one that i feel like really should have one in a locker do you get what i mean it's like when sergio finally won at the masters obviously now with john rahm there's been a few players like molinarion in the open who have been up. And around for a long time yeah. And you almost think i don't mean rounds 26 there's no mad rush. But you almost think i'm glad they've got one now because they don't become that player that's the nearly man you know. And i think now he's got one there's no reason why he won't go on to win obviously loads more another quick question. For you then.

And again i know so this million times the podcast but i don't watch loads of tall golf and i probably should start to watch more but rory ended up coming tied seventh and he finished two over for the day so i think he's won over the tournament that must have been one of his best chances in a while really it's now been. And it's mad to say seven years since he last won a major is he gonna the last one was the opening. So literally going to bang on seven years ago again he's only how old is he he's 30 he's 32 she's a very young man still is he going to win another i must admit looking at leaderboard last night i honestly if if my heart wanted john ryan to win i was looking. And going. But honestly i was looking at leaderboard going rory surely got the greatest chance of winning this because rory. For me and there was a start that weirdly came out this weekend um players who have the most under par on the last two days in majors okay yeah rory is number one he's 54 on the par in. For the weekend of major tournaments wow i can't remember what time frame that is now how crazy is that because typically he gets off to a bad thursday yeah that's what happens he didn't this week he was right up there. And typically and again i think rory is an outrageously good golfer not. For one minute i have a question in that and he will i think he will win more mages i really do. And a bit like almost john ram i think he needs to get that one in. And then.

And then.

I know he's already won five as he won four four i know i know he's already had them but they almost feel like a different time zone now right think of the change in golf last seven years who's come on to the scene. And one kepker's got four in that time speed of course a long time ago seven years ago yeah now john rahm as well you know what what else is match if you look right. So seven years ago go on so matt wolfe for example oh come on that's annoying there's somebody when you type in matt wolfe there's somebody that's actually a filmmaker that comes up first on wikipedia one sec so matt wolfe is 22.. So when rory last one a major he'd been 15. how mad is that that is mental like these guys now that are really up there. And competing were like literally mid teenager. And rory last on a major madness yeah. And and i was watching yesterday. And the only thing and i'm not jumping onto this i don't want this to be a big deal or anything for me the difference was there yesterday john ryan was holding puts a lot of people weren't rory being one of them. And literally john ryan stood there and he had to hold otherwise if he doesn't hold those puts on 17 or 18 he he's third fourth he's in the pack you've got to hold those puts and that that is the big the big big difference in that situation. But honestly from what i thought was not going to be a great tournament i honestly thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it sunday afternoon with that packed leaderboard i mean you look at the leaderboard again. But shout out to um uh how'd you pronounce it cern in the italian guido yeah i don't know how you say it that was class i was a big fan of that yeah um because he's come top four uh tied forth the fact you can see bryson colin marikawa zander schofly uh poor casey back up there um bryson until he's kind of collapsed on the back nine shot eight over about nine sounds like me i'd like to say it's just one of those things. But um that's what happens if you don't shout for you get the evil rick shields vibes is that karma possibly.