So Rick when did you buy the hammer driver when did you order it feels like this is already like a legal interrogation right the hammer driver. So I've seen it online for a number of years and for some reason back in the last year obviously we tried to load the different clubs last year like the gold driver and the illegal golf balls and 750cc driver etc so this kind of hammer driver was always on work. And I wish list really and I thought the can't still make it because I feel like when I've seen it online the advert look so low in 1932 thousands will come back to advert in a minute the commercial. And I thought no way they still make it. But weirdly I started getting more requests about yet on Twitter we started to seem way more Rick you've got to test this like on Facebook right you've got to test this hammer driver I thought they can't really make it there so anyway start searching it and it was actually really hard to find on Google it was really ankle like if you actually just put in a hammer ex-driver it's really hard to find bar sloth forums. And still quite negative reviews negative connotations anyway long story short I managed to find it and I used to find the website um I'm actually gonna pull the website all right now yeah I think you need to it's it's among possible one of the worst websites I've ever seen. So at this point now this is what Monday the video should have gone live. So people have seen the results of it and how it performed and it wasn't amazing was it. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it was it was this is ratted to you. And when you sit finished filming in one way it doesn't hit it phone with yards like it claims so therefore. it's not very good but but the part would you pay a hundred and twenty quid so we just works out fifty dollars I think I think on the website it claims that it's worth. And six hundred dollars okay. But everything's on sale yeah as you imagine right the big buttons say bye I've had no out of our now. And like the world's fastest shaft alone is 250 well actually I'll go grill got something stroked dick I'm back on the website it's just ridiculous right I paid long story short. And I don't know whether it's changed the time of recording of this podcast but I paid a hundred and sixty-five dollars four hundred and twenty pounds which will get my dragon right now it's on one hundred. And twenty nine ninety Wow dollars I got ripped don't tempt me but yeah you have to order it in the next.

58 minutes 22 seconds my gosh plus you get free 70% off flat shaft free power book free 70% off flat shaft maybe get a second shaft do with what you will free power golf ebook free worldwide shipping free hammer video lesson by the way I received none of that. For freak when I ordered mine you did receive a really good head cover though they had covers class that was actually good. So I don't know where we started I didn't start with with so the inventor of this golf club is called Jack ham that's fine let's just because what we say is Jack ham which is correct H a. And then.

Why don't you scroll down to his list of achievements that we will just read out off the website literally off the website. So Jack ham is the six-time long drive champion okay I'm the number one golf club designer in the world right this is on the way we're not making this up this on the website right let me let me scroll down to the about Jack the hammer hammer oh yeah okay. So lots of me first line the only human alive whoa to average yeah four hundred yards off the tee dot dot dot it's hammer time of course okay if I used this is a quote if I used any other driver I'd lose sixty yachts Wow I'm a very next.

Swing due to outdated technology okay. So let's just say he's hitting with a hammer right phone's yards yeah you put a sim telemedicine marks in his hands it stood out everything down to 344 a make sense. So this is his list of achievements okay this is I cannot stress this enough I am reading this off the website that you buy this driver from okay it's not it's not me making any of this up how many achievement has he got real flakes I'm just gonna prepare myself make sure what seemed comfortably 15 okay I'm ready we have everyone please yes. So Jack the hammer ham six time world long drive champion okay I have Google down I can't find any okay on the website guy do not question holds six World Records day yeah again hard to find put this on the website his drives have 11 seconds of hang time okay let's put that into some perspective tour overage probably about eight nine seconds yeah having that's a master's degree in engineering called literature be true he's the only human that alive to average over 400 jars of tots palace. And he is over 50 years old my son treatment he's not the only man alive. Or 50 years old though the only man alive to have fridge 400 yards off the tee in he's over 50 years old he created this on his website cannot stress it enough he created grip hit a rip it okay when he gave lessons to no other than John Daly oh wow the John Daly from open fame of to 1995 right this is where it gets great if that's not enough it can hit an 8-iron 260 yards every time I lightly every time every time what I like about that is can hit an 8-iron 260 yards every time like can almost feels like. And will be kinetic like occasionally he has smoked one. But can do it every time it's like if it said he hits his 8-iron 260 yards every time yeah this is great this is actually one of my favorites right now in one round of golf he drove is actually spelt incorrectly in one round of golf he grove I was blessed I guess it means drove unless he's done that. For legal business eight par four so I drove eight power falls and had only 29 golf shots okay hold on this doesn't make sense had only 29 golf shots with 43 pours does remit it just work out the math there. So I'll say yes. So he had one round of golf sign where he drove eight par fours yeah. And had only 29 golf shots it means the pull down so he's had a lot of ports with 43 pots so what's 29 are they 843 it's. So calculated for this no no no 70 at 43 72 72 shot level par after driving eight par fours what. And this is Wow if only the hammer could put well if you could put it be like happy gilmore I'm gonna win through these pretty quickly on a 350 you had to chip back hundred yards because he flew the green by a hundred. So no it's not lost at stake are tied he's got 20 rushing laughing he's got to a par four that's in 358 yards. And a jackhammer tease it or try anything's 358 Stu green gaedriver he mistakenly hits at 458 correct and then.

Has the chip back hundred yards he's banned from every driving range in re obvious in it he loses all the golf balls he out drives all the leading pros by over 100 yards he holds ten patents which could be true yeah I could hold tell me what's betrayed giving lessons to all of the leading pros. And added 50 yards their shots in 15 minutes yeah. So he's teach coach Rory by that standard well he's actually got a list of who is coach okay okay he genuinely wants to help every golfer play better golf it was graceful such a fit case of such an impact in history help others play golf he has eight course records with a low around 58 he must be able to put that day oh yeah in addition such that's the achievements up there bullet-pointed it continues to go on in addition to holding six guinness world long drive records again hard to find a person have helped too many of the leading PGA pros as well as many well-known since 1998 my hammer system has accounted. For many for more than two hundred and eighty-nine wins on the PGA Tour including 41 major championship victory so it's a Jack as coached for to a major winners I've shared my home assistants and many golf professionals well-known celebrities you include okay you ready how many big names is it really probably smaller names that well I'm gonna start in reverse order that start small go big okay Sylvester Stallone yeah that's the smallest name on this list Sean Connery yeah John Elway Michael Jordan okay okay the Michael Jordan unless these are just people who have the same name I feel like you could you could get away with teaching someone who's called Sean Connery who's not Sean Connery. Or Michael Jordan or John Elway who's not Elton John or Michael Jordan or Danny Edwards it gonna be hard to find another Sylvester Stallone I would agree let's see what Steve Jones one major Don Coe Jones one major Freddie couples here we go now we get into the office like any couple doesn't strike me as a guy that would really grip it and rip it no Freddie couples homicide majors Jon Daly three majors Sergio Garcia one majors this is not dated website also before we won the Masters he got in touch with John John gave a few tips. And he wasn't gusto or jacked yeah yeah yeah Greg Norman three majors Craig's won more than three has he not I don't know my knowledge on this film it's on this sheet I'm Elena's gospel okay Phil Mickelson five majors ready you have to can you guess the last two obviously he's not coached Tiger Woods I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say Tiger Woods because well that guy is where you're actually mistake. So it wasn't Butch Harmon it wasn't Sean Foley's cocaine he or anyone know Tiger Woods is on this list uh one name. And then.

After that his Arnold Palmer I've got question all right okay how many standing I've got a question. For then.

Is it down as Tiger 14. Or 15 major zero so we didn't get involved with the Masters recently there's a few testimonials they just random people on Facebook or yeah yeah oh these are just like common people not high range celebrities Oh Rick beanie let me just read this proofread this before I read it. And Westeros in five they're not I graduate they're quite boring I don't think I need any more eminence to be honest I've owned one. For two years and loved it anyway so long story short I ordered this driver in in October for one reason and another and I don't mind say you know apparently got held up in customs it didn't get over here to the UK apparently he's never actually [ __ ] one here to the UK and the reason I know that is because I made the mistake of when I ordered it I use my real name. And unfortunately I use my real phone number yeah she had a few calls since October I've had many phone calls many emails many voice mails from no other a shammy nice really we need to get him in. For a podcast no other than Jack the hammer ham himself he has my number I have it saved in my phone I should now be on this list potentially should now be out driving me I feel like maybe I don't quite sit above still Wester slow. So I you know on that list on the website probably be on that list I think. So I should be on that list I think you beat below I've got blue to contact yeah. So you're not the Facebook list you're like a celebrity list but you quite low down on the rank potentially for it you know so I'm not sure what the repercussions are gonna be after the review I reviewed it. And that's amazing I'll be honest I didn't mention any of this in the review because at the end of day the the YouTube video that we did we reviewed the product yes the product claimed to be the world's longest driver yeah the product. And the product claims for the world I claim to be the worlds that have the world's fastest shaft and the products prove the product claims to help me hit the ball 400 guards yeah if you've watched the video you know that maybe it's not the only thing is since you've been having these phone calls with Jack how am I feel you've started talking a little bit more American like when you unemployed howdy guy well I said hey guy I'm gonna help you hit the ball 400 yards today.

Since many phone calls from Jack. And voicemails and listening to Jack I think God one phone call well listen to him. For 10 minutes yeah well I was actually on a treadmill I actually ran I know no big deal people probably think that's the biggest lie of this whole podcast I believe that jackets it falling 20 I'll will new on a treadmill treadmill he rang me at like 9 o'clock at night I'd knit to the gym. And literally spoke for 10 minutes and a unmuted it and came off the phone gasping a breath anyway you're alright yeah I've just been on the treadmill he hadn't realized cuz he's no that long he also reckons he's got a system that that will guaranteed to make me hit the ball fifty hours longer I'll be honest I can't hit the ball fifty hours longer I can't no I carry it just under 290 on GC quad 310 total distance whatever I cannot hit it 50 yards. For I can't carry it 340 so long story short I don't even know what the story it was basically just a nice story about the website a bit more. And as I said hope hopefully people have watched the video. So you know what we're talking about hope there's we're sailors now there could be a problem with the Edit they might never go out it won't be unless he Sue's us yeah. But I feel like we've got another be quite good I'd be quite good if you have to do a apology videos I'm his corner. And then.

I reckon they don't I'll tell you what I'll do an apology video yeah if he gets Tiger Woods Arnie. So that's us alone Tiger Woods tiger and says you're being honest if there's some evidence or if I can get tiger. And Sergio on a phone call that ring me up and say and vouch for Jack the ham or that's true or just get one driving range from the USA to call us and just tells that he is even if that's the case if that if if that happens I'll happily apologize. And do an apology video on the main channel on the main channel okay if if literally I think one driving range is a bit too little 10 driving range I think 10 driving ranges I want a personalized video message from tiger I mean if if jack has helped tiger 140 majors it's the least Tiger can do to just give you a call rats even like an audio message on email someone else's email it hey it's Eldrick I know. But I feel even that Colin Connor sketches could fake that I feel I won with a Twitter DM Koreans verified Twitter DM saying this is Tiger hey Rick this is Tiger its way about Jack correct lay off Jack he's a real deal I wish I could hit as far as him if I did I had a probably 120. Or 50 majors I know if Jack could have putted we wouldn't been talking about Tiger Woods right now he'll be Jack the hammer out.