[music] thank you there we go that was a bit more like being in America yeah that was boisterous hooping. And hollering so welcome to the one Club live presented by MasterCard here at the 151st Open championship at Royal Liverpool my name is Rick Shields I'm your host. And I'm here with Max Homer Max it's great to have you thanks for coming along oh happy to be here I wish I had those those seats up front those look really comfy how how have you found your open week so far it's been good a little wet today.

But it's been good the golf course is awesome this is my favorite tournament we play every year uh something special about being over here playing uh proper golf as they say. So it's it's nice to be uh nice to be back I hadn't gotten to spend any time here really so it's cool to see the sights have all the fans out it's been it's been fun have you managed to explore much of a Liverpool just yet no I have my eight month old here. So I'm exploring diapers more than I am cities these days uh but yeah we got to we walked around a little bit uh. But so far it's been kind of just golf hopefully uh hopefully with an early tee time on a Friday we can go pop around. And and see the sights so you've got an afternoon tea time tomorrow who is it you're out with tomorrow I'm gonna probably play with Justin Thomas. And uh Matt Fitzpatrick okay just that's pretty cool yeah yeah we played together uh us too in Tiger. So uh no offense to Matt. But I wasn't so excited about playing with Matt as I was Tiger. But it worked out we got to giggle like little school boys uh while we walked around with tiger well you hot you were talking about front row seats before you had front row seats to one of the most incredible moments at last year's Open Championship as tiger walks over the Silicon bridge. And you guys stood back explained that kind of feeling I bet that was incredible to witness yeah it was wild he didn't play particularly well. So we kind of knew Friday it was going to be uh just kind of a stroll. For him uh all the fans were amazing uh all the all the respect he was given throughout the whole day was cool after every Green uh just standing ovation then.

We got to 18 Matt. And I talked about it and we said there's no way in hell we will be walking over that bridge before that man does. And tiger went last off 18 and Matt played great on Friday I needed the eagle 18 to make the cut so I'm a little nervous but it was actually kind of subsided by the fact that Tigers you know potentially playing his last uh Open championship Andrews who knows he's done a lot more amazing things than that. But he uh tiger hits his tee shot and he's staring at it and then.

He looks at his driver and he just felt like he's taking forever and me and Matt were standing like you know Stone figures. And his caddy tiger Scotty Joe slapped us on the back and said go ahead. And I looked at him like are you crazy I'm not going to be the one to walk before tiger. So finally tiger starts to saunter forward and the whole 300 yard walk up was unbelievable the amphitheater they have at that at that course on that whole especially is wild all the hotels apartment buildings the stands I mean there I've just never seen. So many eyeballs on one person what have you enjoyed about the golf course here so far I know you've had some practice rounds what do you enjoy about Royal Liverpool do you feel like it suits your game. And what kind of takeaways can you share with everyone listening today.

About the golf course itself yeah it's a really uh I guess every course over here is quite a bit in uh more unique than where we play in in the states uh obviously. So much depends on the wind and the rain uh and all of that but it's different it's not it's not insanely demanding off the tee um but the greens are really complex if you miss uh the Fairway on the wrong side there's almost no chance to hit it at quite a few pins in the second hole the way the wind's going to go this week uh I don't think you can get to a left pin at all um even from the Fairway. So it'll be it'll be a bit different but it's in unreal shape these are the best greens I've ever put on on this side of the pond um the runoffs off the greens are cool they're a lot steeper than normal. So you can still putt up these Hills. But I think you'll see a bit more pitching which is which is great there's just a lot of options um. And there's just some unique stuff um you know I'm staring at the third hole right now and there's out of bounds that lines the entire right side of the Fairway it's very concerning I guess uh it's a weird it's weird to see uh White Stakes that close to a green but I think it's a lovely golf course what do you have to do to your game to adjust from normal playing in in the states what you have to do to your game to adjust to the conditions out here this week do you make many changes. Or do you just try. And play your normal game it's a little bit of both you still want to be the player you are um you make little tweaks of the bag I feel like I changed a bit of my 60 degree just because the turf's. So different over here um I have a three iron and a seven wood I didn't even travel with the seven wood I tried it last year and the wind doesn't love seven woods so much uh so play a bit more with the three iron I just think really you're still the same player you still hit probably your same shot shape that you love. But you have to be more conscious of uh using your creativity when the wind's off the left and I'm somebody who likes to cut it I need I had I've had to get used to just how far left I need to start a golf ball we're just joking on the walk over here that 10 mile per hour winds over here feel like seen like 20 at home how much the ball you know Scottish Chef the last week was talking about it it looks like a ping pong balls in the air just getting absolutely swatted by the wind. So you do little things like that. But I just think that creative players uh patient players uh do do great over here leaving it in the right spot is just as important as hitting great shots you're gonna make your birdies. But uh it's out here where you I think you you get a little greedy. And uh the golf course that's when it shows its teeth so you just have to be a bit careful about that a lot of things have changed since last open you become a father yeah. And you're traveling with the little one as well how has that been at the moment is that put a lot of strain on your off course time. Or or does it actually do the opposite does it take your mind off the golf a little bit yeah it's great mentally terrible physically my back is. So sorry he's getting heavy uh I never knew 19 pounds could be so heavy uh but yeah it's fine you finish around at golf. And um you're you're a dad you're not a golfer anymore he does not care. So it is fun it's nice to have them over here uh it's it's uh it's gonna be cool one day to tell them that you know before he was a year old he'd already been to Scotland uh. Or he had already been across the pond he'd been to two different countries over here so uh it's it's fun it's fun having him over here it's great for me and my wife just because we get to still experience so many cool things and then.

I just go play golf a few days a week that's not like I say I think a lot of parents in there can sympathize this idea of traveling around the world with you with your little boy to be able to kind of deal with all that must be quite challenging. But like I say I'm sure you're adjusting to life as we all do yeah one of the I think a lot of people sat here listening we got to play in these conditions all the time as you can see beautiful British weather um what what do you think it does to you kind of your golf game do you feel like it strengthens your planning conditions like this all the time I know you probably didn't grow up playing in rain. And wind do you feel like us Brits have more resilience when it comes to playing in conditions like these yeah I I would say. So um I think what it does help though is you get really into that one shot at a time mindset because it feels like just survival you uh your umbrella's going sideways sometimes you have to ditch it you're uncomfortable uh you're hitting four iron from 40 yards closer than normal things of that nature. So I do think that uh it takes a a lot of willpower a lot a tough-minded golfer I guess uh to to battle through it. But that's why this is my favorite tournament I think whoever wins this event every year they had to do everything great you need to hit the ball great you obviously need to put in chip a great all those normal things. But you also have to be resilient as you said you have to be tough you have to be willing to get uncomfortable. And and still uh Excel so I think that this this tournament encompasses everything it's nice quite nicely you said that because we've got a little quiz. For you okay how good is your open knowledge hopefully good. So we had we had Victor hovland in yesterday okay. And the the challenge is simple in theory you get 60 seconds to name as many open venues past. And present okay okay no help from the audience. For until the last 20 seconds and then.

You can assist okay okay. And within a minute I'm gonna get the stopwatch going horrible okay would you like to know what score you've got to beat yeah. So it's 14 Victor got 11. oh yeah no chance I'm sitting at about five. Or six it probably he probably got about five or six on his own and then.

The audience really helped okay. So all you guys get thinking as well you ready yep when your marks get set go this one said Andrews uh Royal Troon uh Carnoustie it's amazing my brain is just hitting a wall um I think I thought of that myself um how do I not know these oh mirror field Turnberry I even played that one I forgot about it bergdale Jordan one there when you all yell at the same time it's hard. For me to think. And hear you guys Glenn Eagles he's just throwing ones out there anymore I'm not gonna cheat that's as far as I got is that it yeah 50 seconds right what was the scores Ross nine yes which ones did he miss. And you said Turnberry that one Prestwick Prestwick the home of the open Royal Rhythm. And Saint Ann's um I'm not sure I think there's maybe a couple others princes raw Saint ports only if you know that one past. And present to be fair see you did all right right we are I've got some questions to usher. And also I'd like the audience have a little think here we're gonna ask Max some questions three really good questions I'm gonna get Max to mark three golf balls up as he does normally. And also sign it and whoever asked the best questions gets one of these balls I've got some questions to ask you you can do that. And I'll pass over them out to you so these are from social media who is the second funniest player on tour. And I'm guessing he says second because he presumes that you're the first that was a good thing to presume I was just gonna uh say myself um second funniest Harold Varner is very funny Justin Thomas is mean. But he can be funny who else you know who the I think the funniest person is he plays DP is Eddie Pepperell Eddie Pepperell is one of the funniest people especially playing golf with them it is he's a he's a true Joy. So I'm gonna say Eddie I like that right open up to questions we got three fired in fast Tiger Woods top there at the front got that the question first quickly just in case there's no can't ask that one oh you're good anyone else got a question that jump behind potentially just in case there's any hard hitting questions all right you've got a a round of golf. And a night out with Justin spief Justin Thomas and Ricky Fowler who are you choosing around the gulf. And a night out sorry I'll do this while you do that I got it uh you said Justin speech. So I'm assuming you just had a night out um [Applause] I'm gonna say Justin just because we've done it about a billion times so I guess I know what I'm getting into and I know I'm gonna feel absolutely awful the next.

Day nice got another one coming in we got your nice golf ball he's got oh no what's that backwards what'd you put there man Mark 25. lucky number 25. And it's signed any reason why 25 is your lucky number uh my uh one of my friends in high school passed away knows his basketball number oh that's nice yeah nice touch yes question there with a young lad en as a Schoolboy managing to get all the practice in. And also do your homework at the same time because I'm always struggling trying to fit ink because we don't always shout out to me. So you're not doing enough practice and then.

And then.

I'm getting told off by my mum not doing enough homework so how do you fit it all in at the same time that is the best question I've ever heard the answer to that would be your dad sounds really smart at the moment he's uh um there is a balance the serious answer is there is a balance I think you uh one of my favorite parts of growing up. And playing this game whether I had made it uh professionally or not was I learned how to manage my time really well you start to become very efficient my one of my first coaches ever had always said if you got 45 minutes that's all you have. For the day go make it at a very efficient 45 minutes at the golf course and then.

Go get your real life stuff done at the end of the day off the golf course matters a lot more than on the golf course and I'm going through that right now with with my son you know I'm not home a ton. But when I'm home I try to make sure that I'm doing the most that I can I'm spending as much time with him as I can I'm doing everything I can. For him but then.

When I'm at the golf course if I'm going to be there I'm going to really be there. So I would just suggest if you if you got time make the most of it on the golf course and and I would also say do your homework because that is important nice good answer we've got the time. For one more okay one more question you'll go out there at the front see you on Rick's Channel I gotta get invited he's a he's a big time star I'm just a golfer I think a nice little 10 shot challenge with Max would be pretty good where would we play where's your home course uh well we could play you don't want to go there right now it's 115 degrees it might. So I might just travel to you I live in Arizona man it's this is hotter than the sun you come in the winter we could go we go somewhere TVC Scottsdale yeah deal let's get it done thank you everybody. For your fantastic questions the three who asked questions we've got some signed golf balls here thank you guys we all wish Max a huge thank you best of luck this week give Max a huge round of applause thanks very much [Music] thank you.