All right guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast episode 154. racking them up yeah now I can say that every week at the moment I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy um there's been loads of golf on this weekend. But I'm really sorry to disappoint everybody listening and watching I know I've not watched a great deal and I'm pretty sure you've not either no. So this is a golf podcast where we might not talk about the most relevant stories in golf this week well that's fine because we know that people listen to these podcasts like in the future is that right yeah yeah. So they'll be like looking back and they won't care who won what events and more importantly you won't know like more the more impressive matters is I had two crumpets my breakfast this morning yeah. And you this weekend had a soul paint solo paint yeah Manchester I did. So we've just been talking about this before the podcast and thought we'd bring it up but anyway knowing hopefully in this week's podcast we can bring you some fantastic content we hold things somewhere from somehow it's not always me I feel like the people that listen to the podcast. So they're in the car they're on the run or whatever they can deal with this kind of start that's a bit slow. And a bit tripe we know that YouTube viewers don't have very long attention so if someone just turned this video on now and God I'm out we've lost him the gun forever well don't because there's some fantastic content coming and honestly I flick through some of the questions today.

From you guys the fans. And there are some absolute Barry belters. So there'll be some content coming your way because I'm gonna answer some questions today.

Which I don't think I've ever answered anywhere in the world oh now I'm gonna be sticking around if I was listening to this I would be. So sticking around but we've had as always as well we've had some great emails and uh if you want to email us the email is podcast correct. And you've actually got really good at doing that recently shouldn't be that archery 154 episodes down the line we've got emails um I also want to tell the story because we're not an opportunity yet on the podcast to talk about Pro oh we did do presswick about how our manic filming week last week yes my round of golf with Andy Carter that wasn't filmed on camera a casual round of golf which I've almost never done which oh because this was filmed with yeah the last podcast was ages ago actually in real life yeah since that there's been two Live Events yeah which I'll be honest with you I've watched all of 10 minutes of that standard um. And don't really know a great deal about those two events this year at this time round I feel like because they've gone now more East because it was Asia Bangkok. And then.

This week it was in Saudi Arabia I feel like the time difference has thrown me out a lot more where when it's been over in the States you can watch it at night yeah I'm much more in tune with it because it's on it's on a more reasonable time. For me but it's a strange time for golf because it doesn't feel like the seasons have really started well they've not really have the let's be honest it's like the new year it probably gets going I like I think you hit the nail on the head a while ago. And I wasn't sure when you said it. And now it's actually making more sense there's just too much because you've got obviously uspga tour you've got the DP World Tour you've got live aramco this weekend a ramco ladies event in New York so they were the men's game it's like which one do you follow do you follow all three if you love watching golf you're in front tricks a lot to watch. But it's quite a lot to consume isn't it this weekend I had an opportunity I was uh Saturday afternoon I was there with the family my daughter sat money watching TV I thought you know what I'm gonna pop the golf on I'm going to see what's happening because I looked on the leaderboard. And our friend Min Wooley was doing pretty well at Valderrama one of the hardest golf course in the world which I want to talk about in this podcast because I'll come back in a minute about Valderrama. But I popped it on sky and we watched about probably 25 minutes of Min Wooley and a few other players it wasn't very entertaining not nobody's fault as in none of the player's fault but it just was a bit flat like again because I don't really know why I'm watching I'm not invested in it as part of MIM Wooley hopefully winning I'm not really watching it from a standpoint of it being a major like whoever won that Spanish event this year this week I wasn't that bothered yeah that's I don't know I can't quite put my finger on at the moment I feel like with. So much golf happening I've been coming less bothered about it which is worrying me because somebody who is it called fan. And who loves consuming content if I'm not consuming it is the average Joe blogs who isn't that into golf consuming it it's a weird one though isn't it with golf because I think if you played football soccer. For those in America and you're either you know play a five aside or you play 11 aside just to try and keep fit or whatever I would imagine that literally 99.9 the people that play football obviously watch football but equally I don't know what the stats are I'd love to find this out of how many people actually play golf watch golf certainly around the Mages I'm sure people do tune in. But it's quite a big commitment isn't every week to watch the golf and now there's three different tours to choose from and obviously um the PGA Tour this week we're in um Japan at the Zoho Champions Zozo Championship um just just so much too much golf this weekend there was. And it does it worries me that you can't the best way of consuming content at the moment is on Instagram. Or Twitter through YouTube Rick Shields golf on YouTube has the best content um yeah because it's because it's uh yeah it is actually yeah give me give me three reasons why your content is better than the PGA Tour I don't make as many birdies. So it's more relatable yeah okay I sometimes top it. Or shank it so it's more relatable more relatable and you can watch it on your time true. And really the longest videos we ever make is about 50 minutes too long that yeah. But if you've got 50 minutes you're not going to spend to watch a full tournament it's what 4 8 12 16 20 hours I've got a question. For you go on all the honest answer I think I know it. But do you watch YouTube on the toilet 100 do you reckon statistically there was always somebody in the world on the toilet watching your video yes. But there isn't it right or right now I'm gonna look at the start right now uh let me see how do I do this you're better go on YouTube Studio real time real time I'm on it I'm gonna I'm on it give me a minute uh real real time okay yeah in the last hour we've had 12 000 people watching videos in the last hour in the last hour sorry some of those have gotta be in the toilet yeah they're 100 yeah I wonder why this would be a good email. Or let us know any of the social media links where's the weirdest place you've either listened to the podcast or watched a rickshaws video like what could the weirdest one be funeral that'd be a bit of a weird on that one yeah well you're you're airpod. And listening to us chatter along while you're at a funeral yeah that would be weird there's one um I remember that one we got tweeted. Or you got tweeted was it the groom on his top table as well that was really good fun um where else would be a really weird place like if you are a dentist you know when you go to the dentist my dentist watches the videos like they have the music come down there yeah imagine if instead of having the music on you constantly put in the rickshaws Golf Show podcast listens up. So you view all your dentist guys are already scared they're already terrified most people anyway going to the dentist lie down. And all you can hear is is those couple of Northerners chatting a bit about Golf. And crumpets yeah anyway we've had no love crumpets are wow okay there was a slight um malfunction there with the camera. So hopefully that's not been not ruined the podcast who should we blame uh Matt yeah as always. So if you've had if you've got something you want to tell us email us podcastbook but we've had some good ones this week Rick and just a quick note I think I said this last time the length of emails I've had loads more long ones we do read them. But we might not read them out on the show because they're too long but we've also had some shorter ones I've got a super short one here off Jeremy fellas please explain the science behind potting without a glove I've always I always put my glove on a few times I take it off see if I know it's a difference I don't notice any difference should I be taking my glove off to put well it's two factors here to come into play okay number one factor is the feel having your naked hands wrapped around that beautiful flat grip it gives you the kind of feeling through your fingers like putting is a very sensual method okay motion keep talking. And you know you wouldn't wear your glove in the bedroom as what everybody knows oh so having having the naked hands pressed up against the grip allows you to control the pressure of your hands to allow you to to feel the sweat if you are sweating a little bit it's okay feel it embrace it lube it up um. And then.

And then.

It's all about feel yeah the second factor which I think might be the most important factor is the coolness of it it's fashion it's all out fashion isn't it let's be honest if you're not hitting your shot into the green. And knowing full well that balls on the green and you're not ripping your glove off folding it and just caressing it into your back right pocket yeah are you even a golfer I'm a more of a bat left guy I think oh yeah right let me think no I switch it whoa. But sometimes I'll actually put my glove I actually quite like golf bags when they have a little velcro bit on the side yeah that's that's definitely a trend you can stick it on there. But it's very strange so just simple thing isn't it but like everybody pretty much puts out the glove on well he's not always been that case and it hasn't because you look at Players like Jack Jack Nicholas he was always grip on glove on um you've had very famous golfers over the years put with gloves on without question. But I feel like it was the year of was it was it tiger it probably was tiger on it let's be honest he would have I think it might have been just before that. But I think he was definitely the one that everyone commented copied what he did you know oh I think also would have done it really cool like David DeVille you've done it quite swaggery on it yeah. But yeah it's not it's it's a thing that I certainly grew up just never putting my glove on I remember you know if you play with the golf. And they put the glove on you kind of give them a bit of a funny side eye look like really you've been you've been you've been to this have you ever done any weird things copying off tall Pros when you be younger do you thought was quite cool well Club twirl Club twirl like I was desperate to learn how to Club twirl um luckily it was quite came quite natural hit the green. For 50 yards Club 12. I think that that's something you definitely copy off tour Pros um like that you've seen it load on on um social over the last few years where you almost walk with the putter yeah like it's like a bit of a swag it's like as if your Caddy's got the bag. And you're walking the putter yeah like. So that's something you definitely do um one thing I definitely did. And I saw it way back at Royal Rhythm years ago when the ladies open and she was famous. For it in um uh Dame Laura Davis would never Tee It Up on some holes would never tee up on some holes would would not tee up on some holes yes Chuck the ball down get the club head. And like dig it yeah I can reverse dig it almost. So so the ground just stood up a little bit you pop your ball on it and I remember seeing her hit driver off it dead windy she bulleted this driver I still do that quite a bit on par threes now. And again so that's definitely something I copied off tour Pros um the picking one thing I always do. And I reckon you've maybe noticed me doing doing it and I've definitely picked it up from tour Pros have you noticed what I do when I get my golf ball out the whole a lot of the time you like tap the hole with it I like tap the side of the hole Yeah. And that's something again I've stolen off tour Pros because it as if like and I've been part of me as well is a little bit superstitious I think well if I just tap the hole here. And repair it and make it perfect surely the golf Gods will will one day return the love. And allow me to actually get some balls going lipping in the hole rather than lipping out yeah. But then.

What's weird is that when you start waving to the crowd there's no crowd there bro Dip in My Heart yeah um. But we've had a story I've got to read for you so I'm sure you'll remember the fake hole in one we had a few weeks ago where the guy had a guy playing behind him hit a nice shot yeah. And he put it in the hole we've had one that Borderland beats it so this is um it's a family situation. And it's a strange one so I'm gonna read it to you a little story for you real feel free to ER my brother and I are 18 months apart. And got into golf when we were about 11. Or 12 years old our mother had been invited to a corporate golf day and went to driving range to get back into swing of things we both joined uh hit a few balls and got excited. And got into the game be like you were the other one from what I believe right yeah having not picked up a club. For 25 years herself she wasn't really impressed anybody with her skills but the three of us got into it hit the public golf course a couple of times a month and my brother and I would hone our skills a few months into this there was one hole where my mother. And I hit drives into the Fairway but my brother hooked his uh t-shirt in some thick rough my mum took her second shot towards an elevated blind Green from about 140 yards she hit it pretty solid seemed very happy with it from what she could see then.

She went to and helped my brother look for his golf ball I walk up to the green to search out for mine and mum's second shouts and the mother's shot was as good as she thought it was about 10 foot from the hull I see that she's not paying attention to the direction of that I mean on the green. So I casually kicked the ball across the green and into the hole and starting to look for my golf ball as her and brother come up towards the um green my mum looks a bit confused she can't find her golf ball so I say better check the hole yep an eagle she gets a rather exciting giddy about it and 25 years later I have never told my mum about what I did. And she is still dining out on that shot today.

Sorry mum wow that's that's evil that pure. And utter evil because you know why that's evil there's two reasons why firstly it's been 25 years I'm not telling his mother and secondly there was no need to do it no she's already at a good shot is it a good shot The Last Story we had was the guy that kind of hit it on the green while they were still lurched a little bit angry maybe whatever there was no reason to do that to his poor mother she might have got a genuine birdie instead she got fake Eagle. But weren't weren't the when the hole in what happened last time was that not a mistake from the guy who was on his own yeah. But he thought it was just mate sorry behind him yeah that would be a joke correct it's like more of a joke yeah where this was more intentional very very exactly yeah this had intent he had intent like in a court of law he's not gonna like to stand on here well the other guys they might just get they might get off haven't gone wrong yeah you can get away with that. But this to your own mother I mean that's unexcusable um yeah I think if he's come if he's emailed him. For any level of sympathy he's wrong he's banged out of order give me five words to sum him up wow um but don't swear evil yeah conniving conniving conniving. But yeah I'll do liar yeah absolutely cheat yeah an absolute disgrace of a son phony yeah what what a strange yeah maybe just keep that to yourself maybe don't if we've got his name yeah we are let's find him. And do what with him tell his mom I'll tell you Mum I think we'll do that thing where we did it years ago on episodes ago in the podcast where as a form of punishment he has to stand up against the wall. And we sting like two irons I'd like to do that bottom yeah another email um it says Rick golfer's girlfriend needs your help excuse me um. And it's uh it's basically it's from Lena Ferguson or is it yeah I think it's Leanna. Or Lena I'm sorry one of those two um would that be Lena l e a n a yeah okay I think it's Selena hey guys hope you're having a good day uh where are you having a good day I think. So so far so far so good don't ruin it for Alina just writing to say that me and my boyfriend Callum are big fans. And always watch your show together nice Callum has got to be into golf this year and it's something I love doing with him and really appreciate him sharing his passion with me he even got me my first good set of items for my birthday this year what a nice guy well done Callum um he is turning 25 on November the 21st. And it'll be great surprise if you could give him a birthday shout out on that week's podcast he's been a big fan of the channel for years now I must admit I put this email to one side before I kind of read that fine print so we're gonna actually say happy birthday to him now a month in advance but okay nothing at least we're the first people to do it if you want one actually on the day go on Rick's cameo [Laughter] um also if you have any tips. Or ideas that will be a good gift to buy a golf that already has everything that would be great after five years of birthdays. And Christmases and beginning to run out of ideas um thanks for taking the time to read this and look forward to seeing what you guys have planned the channel in the future so happy birthday Callum from us and from Lena yes Callum straight down look this main camera Callum happy birthday Rick Shields I hope you're doing well I know it's a very early a month early. But hopefully you have a wonderful time and uh you can start watching our Callum Lena two things I think a great present. And this is. For everybody listening genuinely this is my go-to present. For somebody who doesn't know what to buy somebody as a gift personalized golf balls I just don't think you can go wrong with it you're going to use them you're going to. Or you might save him yeah do you think it's a really safe like a nice box of Pro V ones let's say. So it's like 40 odd quid so it's not a dead cheap present but you can like personalize the numbers you can have 25. For his for his birth date nice is he 25 yeah he's 25. And he's 21st of November so you could have 25 on it yeah. For his birth for his year of birth his age you could then.

Have on the side of it you could go two routes okay okay you can go lovey-dovey bye give me an example who might to my little calendar nice always keep your glove on oh nice wink. Or you can go comical yeah okay right this ball belongs to Callum please return to. And put his phone number nice I love those ones but you can go different ways. But I just think it's a really safe present it's not doesn't cost the world if you wanted it to cost more you can just do multiples of that I mean you could do two dozen three dozen if you want it to cost a bit more um. But I I would appreciate that present almost for the rest of my days for the rest of my life first like joke here bit lovey-dovey whatever it may be Pro V ones personalized number little message done yeah I'm trying to think of a better idea isn't that I'm kind of struggling. Or potty toilet potty putting potty toilet party button oh yeah that's surrender yeah I'm not a huge fan of novelty presence. And certainly in the golf space give me give me some that you used to get as a kid and one I've had not even that long ago if my mum was golf pens. So pens the grip comes off and that's the actual pen bit is. And then.

Yeah. But when did you use that as a pet they're not great um that party pot have had that before that's horrendous like a little map that's supposed to go on yeah there's a few really common ones like a a shot counter yeah how bad is that I know a ball cleaner do you remember like the like the kind of plasticky squash it like. And inside of it was a sponge like a shell with a sponge in it they were terrible I've had before like a plastic Christmas tree shape it's probably not this big filled with tea pegs terrible yeah okay they're actually from Halfords Alfred how foreign [Laughter] bought you a glove they brought you like a phaser yeah large had to get out of the box not me I'll get out of the box hold. And slap him across the face with it that was a terrible present then.

All right does it get you they get your size wrong. And it wouldn't be the glove that you would like what's wrong with fazer do would you wear a face glove right. And that leads me into my next.

Email about brand snobbery um that's brilliant so this is from Aldo. And he says I guess I am a brand snob as well I love my tattoos golf clubs but I've tried other brands especially in wedges and woods I even had Kirkland wedges and I loved them after I really gripped them which is the first shot with the grips out brilliant the thought of buying less expensive premium Brands house crossed my mind the main reason I don't is because I can't resell them in case I don't like them I want to upgrade later I have sold my irons. For a good chunk of change so I love the fact that with big name brands you can sell them later on through the years I recently sold my old Titleist 710 ap2s which I regret in Brackets. But it funded my t300s of course not all but definitely helped me to upgrade that oh yeah. So not all the money that you got for them obviously went towards CP hundreds but it definitely helped um so for that reason I will continue to be a brand snob again I don't care what people think um. But I play what I like thoughts on that I just think we are wired to to choose brands that we trust quote unquote the amount of times I'll be literally I brought up in last week's podcast I'll be driving down a Motorway. And look at a car and go oh that's nice I like that and I see the brand of the kind of go oh yeah it's bad I know. But I think we are wired like like I'll go shopping. And I know for example those baked beans are cheaper than Heinz baked beans. But I'm picking up Heinz baked beans every time do you get the brands do you get beans with no extra salt. And sugar yeah a little bit reduced I think yeah we got full of juice actually it's fine really good I like ketchup as well a little bit reduced juice a little bit because when you're having your burger your chips. And your pizza it's good A little bit of reduced yeah. So I think I think unfortunately we are hardwired. And it'll be the same in golf shops if you go in a golf shop next.

Time have a look at which golf clubs are presented the nicest I can guarantee it'll be your title if you call away your pings your tailor-mades won't it your phases yeah you know we'll be they'll just be tucked in a corner yeah they won't be given the same prime location. And again when you're as a customer when you're going into these shops. And you're looking around certainly if you are actually going into a shop. But even if you went online I can almost guarantee the major players in in the space will have prime location on the websites I agree um actually interesting you mentioned ping a minute ago because we have now started to see their new products yes. And ping have done it a very interesting way last couple of years or last few drives it's a bit frustrating for us but they have um released them earlier in um what would you call it Asia Asia and Australia I think they were doing that this year no they are that's really important actually. And the new one is it's a g435. Or what is it I've forgotten now uh g44 g430 yeah sorry um. And I'm actually gonna be honest I am a big ping fan I've currently got the driver and the Three Wood I've actually got the seven mode which are kind of put in. And out the bag the new one I'm sure it will be fantastic. But I'm really not happy with the coloring and I know that sounds silly and it's a tiny thing but pinga know being quite classic aren't they and this year it looks very similar to last year's the g425 when you look at the golf club like looking down they've started to put some like paint on it like lipstick some people call it and I know it sounds silly it's such a small thing but it really doesn't look that good yeah I I think I like it I'm just looking at some images online now. And there's two drivers there's a well there might be three actually but there's a I'm looking online now at the 4 30 the g430 Matt yeah okay the one that we're currently gaming in in the previous model that has got um a completely matte top with a little bit of detail towards the back you right with the kind of white lines around the lipsticky bit the G4 g430 LS Tech has got like an old M2 Vibe carbon glass they've gone carb on the crown of the ls Tech which is very new they've still got the turbulators are in matte black. But the back of it now that to me I'm a big fan of how that looks just images online we've not got these products yet and hopefully when we do will be the one of the first um certainly outside of Asia to review it um. But yeah they do look very good I've also got the ions oh what are those ions I showed you today.

What are they called it nice No the pink ones I showed you the eye I can't remember I too oh yeah the new pink irons I can't remember it's not very good of me they look yeah ridiculous no. But as I said I'm sure these new ping drives will be spot on can't wait to get them in your hands get them tested Rick. And we'll obviously post a review as soon as we can um. But yeah looks wise they do look good don't be around they do look really nice it's just that that bit of paint I just feel like when you're putting the club Behind the ball I personally I like it to look fairly simplistic I just don't get that I don't think it adds much if it was there. For like alignment purposes or something but it's just to make it look a bit newer and it has definitely got a look so people said this of the Cobra um rad that's the one rad it's got a bit of that Vibe the same kind of just a little bit Yeah personally again not seeing it in real life I think I like this more well yeah. And there's there's one thing that I've definitely become much more aware of over my period of time testing golf clubs even though it's been 10 years I don't think I like shiny golf clubs shiny crowns on drivers yeah I think I'm all about Matt. Or mat or carbon or something because I I put a driver down the other day it's a new one and it had a gloss TSR it was a TSR I played the castle last week. And he had one and I put it down and for me it was quite a sunny morning I felt like there was. So much going on on the club head like I could see my mate stood over there because the reflection I could see the trees I could see the sky. And I'm like I don't I don't know if I like it it's too much going on. And I put my driver down because it's matte black and I was like oh yeah there's nothing going on there yeah all I'm seeing is Club head ball. And whack where when when I've got a shiny gloss driver down I'm like oh God I can't I can't focus yeah here um yeah. So I did play a casual round of golf last weekend with Andrew Carter the charter uh my mate John Beasley. And a pro who used to be a pro but now he's not a pro we played at me we had a fantastic match um absolutely white I mean Carter was on my team I wiped the floor with it oh. So that so I wanted to talk white I mean he was. But he's pathetic I mean granted we went out. For a few Scoops the night before but he was just he was just really bad did he embarrass himself. Or John bees at one point I know unfortunately he didn't have the greatest quest for the open Final qualifying but even to randfins kind of nudged me and went is he still is he is he still turn pro car I'm not joking can't I'm sure he's listening apparently listen to every episode does he he's telling me every single episode wow. So everybody listening don't tell Carter this and let's see if he texts me this code okay okay. And I'll I'll share it on the Instagram but nobody tell Carter to text me this code okay okay smelly sausages [Music] see if he taxes with that. And if he does he's listening to the podcast okay nobody listen everybody don't tell him. And then.

This is this is gonna be proof If he listens. Or not yeah if he doesn't then.

He's a liar I must admit when you said a code then.

I think she might really good like I don't know what. But smelly sausages wasn't what I was expecting. But fair enough you do you Rick. But we've also this week not only have you played with Carter and battered him and embarrassed him and destroyed him even though he's on my team he didn't work for mercy and we have the match but anyway still let's make it bigger uh We've also filmed some absolute Sally stonker videos and um they will be coming to your YouTube channel in this next.

Week. Or so we've been busy we have we are really busy that's stressfully busy at too busy um because as much as you share good news yeah go on Okay the reason why we filmed. So much this week I'm gallivant and again that's where you come on holiday with the family now at the moment that means we might not have a podcast for next.

Week yeah okay we might not do. But we filmed Shadows YouTube videos coming our way we did. So there's some very very exciting ones and um so we give a little hint of what they are. Or yeah yes okay. So one of them is a golf ball we've been shopping we've been shopping uh well let's start again I've been shopping Rick's been spending. So I get through the good stuff I find stuff online it's gonna be good and Rick has to pay for it but we have found some very interesting golf balls now everyone listening to this knows that golf balls can be quite pricey. Or they can be quite cheap. But normally when you buy the cheap ones they're not a good quality they're not very good brands you don't know where to trust them I think trust is a big big thing what if I told you Rick that Callaway make a golf ball you already told me last week all right okay yeah okay yeah Rick yeah how to make a golf ball at the moment it's about a pound of golf ball what yeah a pound ago that's it it must be fake it's not colorway it's a Callaway it's real genuine you can only buy it from one retailer in Europe oh it's gonna be off one of those dodgy websites. And it is a wish no it's not it's off Amazon oh I've heard of that yeah I've heard of that yeah I've got I've got Amazon Prime it's on Amazon. And it's about a pound of golf ball and it's a Callaway ball that is what's called an SMU. So it's only available at one select retail that can I make it exclusively. For um but it's real it comes a nice box let's buy some we then.

Bought some and then.

We fast forward to that's all the time we reviewed it and let's just say Callaway have got a secret golf ball they don't spend I'm gonna stop any company yeah stop. For a second this secret golf ball okay May question why golf balls cost any more money than what they do exactly yeah because it works. And what's very strange is Callaway spend no money on marketing it you won't see it on their own website you won't see it really anywhere other than this retailer Amazon. And it was yeah a little low little known retail they're called a little small retailer. But no. But what you would see on there but I think people may not buy actually I've never heard of that ball before I'm not sure why is that. So cheap but it was exciting yeah very very good we also went shopping at another big retailer called Costco yes um they've got a new package set out which we bought a few weeks ago actually. And we've only just come to now review it that'll be coming out soon um and also we've been shopping at another retail store one of the biggest Sports retailers in the world and they've decided to make their very own golf equipment yeah. And I think what was um quite good with these videos is we often obviously test the latest. And greatest expensive stuff like the Ping drives that are coming out soon we'll obviously review those. But so many golfers maybe not people listening to this podcast maybe a few but so many new golfers or non-golpers starting to play golf want to buy something easy and simple and package sets are the go-to. And package sets can be great I mean in my first ever set was a lynx Junior package set you had a three wood looks like you drive at 5799. And a Putter and that was all it had a little pencil back um. So I think in some regard package set. And your first set of golf clubs is arguably the most important set of golf clubs you will ever own here here. And we've tested them and um yeah they're very interesting results are some decent stuff out there there is I think if you look. And you you know you don't get scammed obviously we had we had the golf ball instant a few weeks ago the refurbished golf balls the Pro V ones are both American Golf. And they were absolutely shocking shocking shocking shocking to the point where the actual the CEO of the golf ball company message me you know not particularly very happy. But said well said because there was truth the golf balls were absolutely Dreadful. And and I think unfortunately things like that when it seems too good to be true stops a lot of things that are probably too good that are. So good it's true from flourishing yeah I mean. So it's it's a bit frustrating so yeah some really good reviews coming soon um. And there's there's a little break 75 out this Friday which I I don't know if there might be a power cut on YouTube on Friday that is YouTube did talk about shutting down. For Friday Friday I'll tell you what then.

If for any reason the break 75 can't come out on Friday I'll do a standalone after this on my own until you do every single shot I hit because I have played well guy played fantastic. So that is going to be coming out on Friday uh I think you're gonna really really enjoy it. And we've got I'm trying to think we've not got another oh we've got a couple that we're filming oh we've got one we're definitely filming this week yes which is a one of the biggest golf venues in the UK yes Married global globally recognized um hosted a number of Ryder cups I'm sure you can probably guess that's coming up this week um we're also can we say this what's happening Thursday yeah I'm getting my hands on the brand new TaylorMade driver question did I say that yeah you can. But if you're gonna hit it yet or not I think it might be more of the Spiel oh. But maybe I don't know I'm sure we can Center here we can hit something um. So we're going to be seeing the brand new TaylorMade drivers. For next.

Year um which I cannot say anything about yet because you have all these bloody embargoes and all that crap so um but it'll be interesting because will it be something new new will it be just a better different version of stealth that's my guess yeah you'd imagine. So and we've not seen anything yet at all genuinely my prediction is it's gonna be like something like a stealth two yeah is my prediction yeah you'd think. So because certainly with Brands like TaylorMade and you spend so much money in that first year of bringing a brand to life and getting people to know the name if you didn't change it the following year and it kind of lost a lot of hard work that you've done so I think that's one beauty of keeping with the name. For a couple of years and the good thing I think then.

Is if you're a guy who's got a current stealth. And you're a hardcore fan you may upgrade but because a new one if it is still stealth you might not be as bothered upgrading whereas if it went to whatever it's going to be called something different you feel like oh okay that might be the case who knows. But I think they hopefully will stick to stealth I want it to be called stealthier stealthist stealthy we know what's mad I saw online of the day they've now released a version of it all in black which I think you could get as a custom up anyway. But don't think it's mad how when Brands it happens in All In All Sports happens like football boots you bring out a pair of shoes. Or a golf clubs a certain colorway then.

Bring out a full Black Version and the full blacks on everyone gets excited about. But then.

If it came out in black and then.

They brought out no white version everyone would want the Ry it's like when all the TaylorMade drabs went white. And then.

They started to release them in Black again everyone's oh my God 15 in Black yeah it's mad in it isn't it weird I think stealth I get where they had the face red because it got people's attention. But it would look cool it all in jet black yeah I think once you got over the hype you don't I'm surprised not more of the tour players use the black face. But I guess they might be on the contract they have to wear they have to use the red one yeah it'll be interesting we'll we'll uh won't we'll tell you anything about it. But at least I'll have a we'll have a glimpse at what that's going to look like I'm excited. So somewhat I feel like I'm always excited to see the drivers literally see them. And see how they've changed what they look like and after that it gets the point where it's like is it gonna be better. But I suppose at the same time that's kind of still quite exciting because it's like I'm ahead it can't be any better but then.

Is it gonna be what are they gonna say longer faster straighter feel like I want to get one of them on the podcast what would people think about that about what a driver. And a podcast so Mr stealth why are you. So quiet why are you. So fast oh why so slow um yeah I don't know we've always kind of stayed away from like chat to give us something we've always kind of stayed away from it because we don't want to seem like we're you know getting to Pali with a manufacturer which we don't really do. So but you know it would be quite fascinating I think an X I think you brought it up last this week an ex-employee of one of these big Brands who comes on like a mask. And the voice is muffled it gives all the inside a secret that'd be quite good that wouldn't it it would. But yeah they do I think what impresses me the most is the marketing these brands do the products are already good of course they are. But like we said they don't change much year. And year but yeah they still make people want to buy an Apple the best at it the best between the same phone up pretty much every single year. And marked in a way that people want to buy it it's amazing and you know that's what TaylorMade and the brands need to be doing and that's where I think titles kind of don't do it as strongly because we've got such a loyal follow. And they can they don't have to yeah ping a cat in between aren't they. But ping I think now are going to be releasing drafts every two years that's kind of set in stone that's it now I think. So which I think will be I think it's a good move yeah I do I've not heard I'll have we have you seen glimpse of Cobra. Yet yes illegally yes glimpses illegal glimpses that's supposed to Brighton really had an impact on. So when Bryson joined not when Bryson joined Bryce went to long drive world he really had a say on this new driver and he's remember on the podcast we did he got excited about it yes I think Cobra weren't too happy she was shouting about the driver that was following the one he was using. Or just been put in the bag even oh yeah you're right I think the next.

Cobra is supposed to be good well considering he came second in the world long drive Championship yeah I think that was actually with the current one though I just had the new one they would have won you to come second too um one last bit of news one okay. And people might have to wait the audience will have to wait two weeks to find out the answer to this I'm currently bidding on something on eBay you have shown me this I won't pretend I don't know. But I'll pretend they don't know for the what is it well I'm glad you asked I never ever been on anything on eBay no okay hardly ever I'm a buy now type of guy okay if I see something I want it now right. But I'm also enjoying the game you're the kind of guy that buys shares with a manager of buy high sell low that's you that's not that's my Philosophy for life um so at the moment I've always wanted a stand we went to presswick a few weeks ago and above the Pro Shop above the in the Pro Shop above the actual Till There Was A beautifully beautifully mahogany could be okay Sky Cameron stand okay. And it was housing like four. Or five Sky cameras with the head covers it looked amazing okay now I've only got maybe three cameras at the moment oh let me get the violin out sorry that sounded awful didn't it I know what you meant I couldn't resist yeah feel bad. For me and they've not got a stand my Scotty Cameron's haven't got a stand you know I blameless Trust yeah get her out um. So I've not got I've not got a stand for my Scotty Cameron's yeah at the moment they're shoved in like a tour bag oh God okay right. So I need to stand you do because how can police shouldn't be doing that ostrich leather toe bag handmade oh what's funny you know what I was trying to tell the story trying to be related oh yeah like look at me buying stuff off eBay um yeah. So anyway I'm bidding I've been outbid at the moment oh no I quite like it six thousand pounds no it's Dirt Cheap I think this could be a video though which would justify you buying it I think because what's going through the business yeah. So of course of course it's a tax plan but the thing is Scotty Cameron's are a strange Beast because people that buy them don't really buy them to improve the putting do they just you buy them because they're a piece of jewelry. And I think people almost know whether you can get some Putters that are packed full of technology that are bigger they're bulkier that higher moment of inertia. And stuff but ultimately Scotty Cameron's are just absolutely gorgeous aren't they they're such nice Putters. And they hold the value very a bit of that email before but being a brand snob Scotty Cameron's are probably one of the only golf clubs that really hold the values to the point was actually often worth more yeah on eBay. And actually look it's got a camera which is I think that's how I maybe started this journey. And there's so many on there that you think oh my God like that looks battered yeah yeah it's like 700 quid yeah you're like wow that's crazy I must admit after the searching last night um I text who I thought used to be a Scotty Cameron fitter who was a Scotty camera fitter yeah it doesn't work from now. But I actually want to go for a sky camera fitting yeah yeah I think I feel like I want to go. For a fitting anyway a putter fitting because I'm swapping and changing like you can't believe at the moment guy okay I've got a problem yeah yeah I know I've got I've got a big problem with putting at the moment with my life. But putting mainly and I'm constantly swapping change in tinkering messing and I feel like I just want somebody to go the full fitting and then.

Come out and go that's your prescription if it doesn't work blame yourself yeah because then.

I can then.

Point the finger to the fitter then.

Rather than the putter. And then.

I'll go for another fitting I mean because you do have a lesson with the best putting coach in the world. And he told you what to do. And he said that Potter was terrible he did. But yeah I think I I would like a putter fitting. And would you go for Scotty to take it you're gonna go we're not going. For a bit of Technology you got like the even real Vibe had for a while but Scotty I've got the technology Vibe as well now have they yeah a few chores. And yeah we don't know if you've got Scott. And didn't get a blade I'd be see you then.

I'd break your stand you know what we we went looking at we were in a pro shop a few weeks ago. And I was actually just looking at Putters I honestly choose Potters. So much about the grip yeah. So much about the grip it's ridiculous it is ridiculous considering you could just swap the gray. But I know what you bought having said that this I could pick a putter without even put in with it just holding it a few strokes. And I can just tell if I like it sometimes then.

The field I just got a an odyssey once it was unbelievable. And it was the White Ice I believe oh was it I can't remember anyway no I told it was I got it it was Odyssey white hot two ball. But then.

It had like two almost like a number seven fangs coming off it oh yeah. And the face of like a Steely insert I think it's quite firm. But to actually stroke it it felt so stable and you had the two balls alignment but the feel was minging. So that can happen. But having said that I can if you just stroke a pottery. And just tell yeah I'll literally look I put a stand. And and I got rid of them I need one why have I like got one of them and I'll literally pick that I'll look I'm not looking at the heads I'm looking at the grips and going oh that's a thick grip then.

I look at the head. And go I quite like that head so you're telling me you could go for Scotty Cameron and you could walk out with a mallet and a thick grip because that's totally against my whole ethos of Scotty Cameron's Scottish should be belaged with skinny pistol grips but it'll look good on the stand once I don't use it okay there you go now I would love to go in with the mindset I want a blade to be honest I do often use Blades of some description a slightly bigger blade. But some description but as long as it's got a thick grip then.

I'm fine and you still look past the thick grip not really with a Scottish certainly if you go for bladed Scotty they have to be a pistol if you went for a big chunky Scotty which I wouldn't like but then.

I'd kind of give you some leeway from the fat grip but if you're going. For a nice Tiger Wood style Scotty I think it has to have a skinny pistol grip. For more feel like I talked about the uh because you lose feel with a thicker grip I like them thicker that's what she said with no glove on um we've got some Facebook questions uh I've not really been through them. Yet so if you want a pixel no vein straighten um would uh Michael avoster would an app on your phone similar to Tinder. But to find golf games and your area be something people would be interesting we have actually spoke about this and there are actually ones out there we spoke about this in other podcasts that apparently has mentioned the same thing before Slater does. For talked about it which we didn't know that they'd ever done so I would call you causing buddy beef but apparently someone's commented you mean like tee up golfer's friend sounds like a good idea yeah. So there are actually ones out there um if your playlist is from Stephen Walker if you're playing 18 on that 18 holes on a nine hole course do you get to play through when you're back on the First Tee had some older chaps rather rudely enforce this rule recently just as they were about to tee off didn't give the best thirsty feeling. For us hmm no I wouldn't say. So I actually don't know how that gets police on the nine Hole Golf Club well there must be a rule in place I think Ed in there he's a member of Nano of course let me ask him they'll obviously be a rule in place. But I feel like I don't know actually it's a tough one Mark get ahead I'll ask him live on the Alaska Head live now uh let's find some other ones um what does Rick do to warm up any yoga. Or stretches playing more golf this year than ever before my body is telling me. So um I I must admit I'd never feel my first Wing if I had no warm-up I don't think it would be my fastest in the world yeah you've really made an entrance there Ed got a question. For you are you a member of a nine Hole Golf Club yeah when um you might be on that camera when you get to the ninth hole. And then.

You go back to the first to play that's ten if there's somebody else on the first as the first who gets priority you can talk into Matt's mic I'll try this. For the first time Matt's not allowed to talk into Mike but you can add is it working it used to be whoever was coming down the knife get to play. But now because of all the booking system you have to book back 90. all right so you'd have to play nine and then.

Finish at like 10 plus 12 and then.

Finished early you have to wait oh my word what about if you get around slow would you miss your tea time I never play slow song over the group in front you might be playing slow anyway thanks for clearing that up yeah everyone Matt do you want to say anything about the subject I'll stay quiet because I always play slow oh. So that's true do you want to apologize. For the podcast you've ruined I yeah I am very sorry. For all the podcasts oh I'm joking I always see the comments on Facebook and in the Facebook group and on YouTube I'm sorry for going on holiday. And I'm sorry for deleting one on the podcasts yep apology so thank you for all the amazing work you do Matt well done that was good um goodbye see you later um have we got any more questions today.

We have got loads. But uh someone said Michael Todd any thoughts of Charlie Hull coming on as a guest that'd be good it'd be really good we definitely need to get a few more guests I've got one the one who you mentioned is a day is that actually the day the balf oh maybe okay bought a better one wow we're really seeing the real side everybody feels today.

Yeah I'm joking go on. So we might have someone this week which will be next.

Week's episode. But on the same afternoon I noticed there was somebody um retiring from professional golf. And messaged them and they said yeah they'll come on in the next.

Couple of weeks all right do you want to give it away he's not been dead confirmed. Yet I see it and then.

I can judge my excitement off of it am I think it's gonna be yeah good now joking they're good yeah very good some great stories there Amazing Story. And he's got to do a different role I guess now yeah quite interesting yeah that would be interesting um Matthew Gilbert what's the most useless bit of golf kit you've bought. And used never or once you've bought some cameras there's a guy coming for the start um wow that's good I've bought so much crap I've never used have you have you I can't speak today.

I think I'm a weird Voice have you since did you do that before working in Gulf of that next.

Did you yeah yeah training age remember David LED better swing setter I have that I've had loads of things to be honest I used to buy them. For clients when I was coaching them um thinking I've used that all the time. And I never use it and I'll sometimes give it in fact actually come to think of it I remember we used to do videos at Prairie you had loads of crap lying around um tennis rackets. And trading AIDS or them swing hitting bags um this is an important one uh kirash Patel has asked if Rick is now a top Tracer Ambassador I am still right unless you've been signed is he now an unlockable character in the new PGA 2K 23 game I don't know what the relationship between top Tracer. And that is. And I think Topgolf are involved in that. And top Direction Topgolf are associated should I be a character in the new video game I wouldn't play as you I should be in the car I think I should be a character do you yeah okay I would not want to play as me because I want to break 75 booms inconsistent off the team not very long that's what she said in my irons sometimes hit the green if I don't hit the green I put. And sometimes never get up and down would be fun be realistic if you want to play golf and it's like realistic and frustrated and then.

You smashing up your PS5 and if yeah. And you could unlock I think an extra unlock option should be uncensored Rick Shields I would love Rick shields on the game which Rick's roulette before you go you do this little roulette wheel. And you've either got like quite good Rick we're gonna shoot maybe around par you've got like a bit annoyed Rick and shoots eight over and you've got horrendous for it where he shoots like 16 over I love your glass love it uh Paul littlewood littlewood should Rick take some hickory clubs to the driving range to practice I know I don't think they're gonna come back in fashion at all to be honest I think if I did practice with him I could get them going. But the turbo they are I'm interpreting that question potentially that he then.

Thinks that I've improve your normal game it's almost a different swing isn't it yeah I think it actually ruined my normal game question. For you actually on if I could ruin it anymore question for you I've seen this a few times and I've got mixed opinions on this mixed sort I hear some people say that like did you want to start golf with blades because if you can get used to playing blades then.

You're making the game easier in a sense when you start you know the Ryan's what do you think to that um I think there's some level of Truth in it. But I would I think it would put more people off playing um if they started with blades does that make sense I think more people would quit yeah exactly before they even get to the point of hitting more cavity irons well what I don't quite understand about it is I think people perceive that if you use a blade you have to start using to learn learn to use the middle. But surely that's the same in using big cavity you still want to try and hit the middle I don't know I think that's from those truth in it a bit of a wives tale yeah last question uh Josh Richards um what is Rick's new log Bridge I've been using I don't know how long it'll last. But um a tailor-made high toe but not the new one like an old Bigfoot it's called yes it's horrible um. So on that now we'll see at the moment it's staying in the bag but we'll see how long it lasts guys thanks for watching hopefully you enjoyed it press with video comments on that have been absolutely incredible thank you so much for watching that loads of videos coming up soon fingers crossed we will do our best to get a podcast out next.

Week if not it'll be the week after ah. And with that note thanks for watching be sure to like subscribe to the biggest and best golf YouTube podcast in the world got the biggest make sure to like And subscribe to the best golf podcast and biggest golf podcast in the world there we've said it full play joking. And get me into 320k to 2K 23. yeah peace bye.