Are you ready. For the first ever now what we call in this cuz it was gonna be nightmare t sharp I have extended it's a nightmare first hole I think sometimes more can happen I think tee shots quite over. And quite quick in it and I do think what do you mean. So I can. So I got a list of the week that's per and we caught offside corn not to be quite cool I've short on that sir ello TW Lots so LLL listing of the week oh yeah. And let's call this I call it she's got golfing nightmares from now it could extend it to all the bits it could be like like a third hole yeah okay about the minute it has to be the first hole golf new nightmare stories ok golf nightmare. So if you want to feature on golf nightmare stories brought to you by Rick shields emailed podcast no they're gone nightmare golf stories nightmare golf story yeah. So yes NGS I make a note that. And yes nightmares are is the pretty thing. And email podcast which is calm like I've got. And a few of these myself if I'm honest right you're anything I'm gonna read it word for word to bear with me I will tell you what a mile it's a problem James Wiig the best opening t-shirt horror I've ever witnessed was in Spain. And a boy's trip a few years ago myself and 11 other players in the group were already in our buggies adjacent to the first team quite the chat in whilst the last. For ball of a large Welsh society about to tee off we witnessed a few of the guys being a bit worse for wear earlier on the starter ones like trip the starter asks them to tee off so the first three of these guys hit or right shots but the fourth word was about to do something truly special he topped his driver about 24. And slightly left for now get to his golf ball and he's and he's blocked out by a tree so they should really take you medicine and just chip out down the fairway forget it ever happened but no he proceeds to pull this 3-wood out. And go for glory a beautiful swing and sweet connection pushing the ball straight into a tree hitting it square on the ball then.

Rebounds over his head flies over on the tea over the putting green and missing people by just inches and go straight into the Pro Shop smashing into stuff behind the counter we all stand there open mouth and look at the guy he's looking down the fairway thinking he's a beautiful she-hulk all in for us to rot laughing and he turns around and sees the carnage he caused he hopped in the Bruins and shoots off red-faced later on we saw him in the clubhouse instead of awarding our annual bat bad shot award it wasn't called bad shot we'll call it bad shot award to one of our group we presented to him in front of all his mate to in stitches and we told him the whole story we all sat down 20 plus blokes and had a beer and it was one of my favorite ever memories playing abroad from James wick - yes story. So like I feel like that happens so much on love strips yeah I feel like everyone's a bit worse where everyone collects down there the tea because everyone's kind of like yeah you know everyone wants to watch everybody tee off I mean that's classic they not only kind of tops healed is shot into the left anyway. And then.

Decided to go for glory the 3-wood man didn't even realize that it hits it into the tree no over the club oh sure love flowers class I think well like what that was a fight it wasn't his first shot if you know I mean his tee shot it's like if I didn't all right - by the top - TV I was a trapeze go away. And then.

It's it I'd like to know what the reaction was off of his tee shot mm-hmm everyone couldn't give you on a mine I might as well go. For the second end yes I've had a few stinking Thirsty's Abell missed one of them when I was junior captain the golf club I grew up our dogleg left the sensible plays to hit 5-iron to the caller then.

Hot comment yeah this was before the club changes. So it's a bit of a different hole now it used to be much more of a like a right angle 90 degrees over the driving range outside yeah you had to hit if you wanted to go. For glory as a cocky 13-year old I decided to go for glory with my driver for of maybe three I might be exaggerating a story two or three drives later that when our bounds couldn't decided to go on the corner and then.

To walk back to my golf bag pick a fire now and put it down the fairway that's one incident another one it's playing at Blackburn Golf Club in the Junior Open beautiful sunny day loads of people around the clubhouse lots of people on the from the watching my name get snouts on the thirsty ladies and gentlemen on the first two I think I've probably known as Richard then.

Richard shields blonde highlights it possibly at night David Beckham era on the tee from heart come on Rick shields steps up on the tee path. For dead easy hole nothing to it just look slightly up the hill and on the right-hand side of the hole was all the fence. Or out of bounds literally right but it kind of enough of it away so I think I hit driver maybe Pizza driver hit driver pushed it miles right this is the day's ways to play big draws pushed it miles right. And even the announce that kind of like I turned his head and what I didn't realize at the time it's actually it was actually a place. For green houses so I glass houses basically so I'm like I'm kind of listening out and I hear this like smash oh love it to go back to my back really that's a walk down the stairs back to my bag get a ball go back up the stairs hit another tee shot I repeated the exact same shot literally it must have gone through the same hole of the window in the other look lit didn't smash anything the second time but people are everywhere around. And to the point where I think I went downstairs got my ball back out again this is now my fifth shot off the tee. And I think I hit driver again. And just snap hook the [ __ ] so far left it wasn't real that's one of them that's two so far the last one open qualifying last time I did it years ago clanks it's off - shut up softy shot dogleg to the right decides hit to is it's not really Drive you run out of fairway nervous 50 odd people around the tee to iron first shot really toe we're on the range heat it like like a top kind of hockey draw to the border of the out-of-bounds posts. So it landed like touch and go right really touch and go so go a better player provisional hit provisional hit 50 yards into the outer bounds left right my first one I'm not sure about yeah. So I'm now hitting my second provisional ball hit it again pushed it miles right into a bunk got the worst line in the world so I went over that make sure I had that one it was the worst lie you've ever seen in your life in this bunker walk back over the fairway to my original original tee shot. And honestly when I say it was in bounds by inches it was literally six inches I ended up hacking out that hole made bogey. But it could have easily been like a nine or a ten and that's the beauty of YouTube because you could have stood there all day hit one good one and that's the one that we use isn't it oh no because there were people around I know I yeah I remember as a junior I used to really thrive off people like watching me I don't quite know why I genuinely did was now older I hate it now I hate it now. And it's funny because I think when people you know when I'm playing like the BMW pro. And when you now yeah did. For me I was a lot of people I think when people I see me because they've seen me on video. And the local of the videos get hundreds of thousands of views but they're not they're not there why it's different if you Tim Howard like there's four or five was around filming. And it's only when it literally that you've got you can see that I think I would rather if I had a video of me playing golf nine holes of golf. And it someone said that videos gonna get watched by a million people yeah. But okay that's fine if you actually said you're gonna play nine holes of golf. And fifty people are gonna walk around with you every single shot yes I'd be more nervous about the fifty people walking around me every single shot.