Is um in july there is an event the jcb championship yes now i'll give you two points if you can tell me where that event is at all right let me just see the acv championship is it at jcb gold from country club two points fantastic. So on the twenty on the date oh okay it is sunday 29th till 31st of july 2022 that's this year um there is an amazing event. So it's with the legends tour and um it's a three-day event and you can go as a spectator let me just run down the players this is the thing. So first of all jcb is an amazing golf course it is exclusive. And it's very hard to get a tea time there a lot of people have watched your videos and fell in love with the place because there's some fascinating hulls the 17 which is the par 3 down the hill island green is insane there's not a bad hole in the golf course. And it's probably the chance that most people have got to actually go walk that place because even just walking it is unreal yeah it's it's a real delight. And like so you've seen me play a few videos there um and it like i said it because it's. So spectacular and manicured and peaceful and beautiful it's definitely going to be one of the best events if you can make it you've got to go. And the best thing is ticket prices are on sale now we'll put a link down in the description. But it's at for it's 20 pounds that is good. For youths which are 17 to 13. Or 13 to 17 year olds it's just five pound and if you are a child of 12. And under it is free now hear this lineup key players that are confirmed now host of the jcb championship is the 2011 open champion darren clark yes bigger than life character yes like ryder cup legend one of the i reckon one of golf's most iconic characters yeah really he is going to be hosting the event. And playing the list gets that this carries on you go yeah okay the next.

One four time major champion hello ernest l's ernie ells what a guy the big easy one of the best golf swings you'll ever witness the effortless power he will be there it'd be interesting to see if he's still got that effortless power thank you of course next.

Up one of i say darren's a character the next.

Player is arguably bar tiger maybe the name that gets mentioned most by non-golfers okay i would say two-time major champion john daly yes john daley is gonna be playing in the jcb championship. And remember that name because we're gonna come back to that name in a moment because there's something incredibly exciting happening to me and to happen to potentially one of you watching or listening to this video we've also got your friend of mine three time major champion 34 times winner on the pga tour vj singh how good is that yes you wanted to start the vj singh appreciation group i founded it get a picture with him next.

Up two-time major champion. And top ten world ranks for over 250 weeks between 2001 and 2007 ratif legend jose maria i love barbell two-time masters champion and 2012 ryder cup captain absolute legend over here in europe well worldwide over in europe he is literally an absolute legend of the game. And then.

The final player that's been confirmed but believe me there's many many many many many more legends playing in this but this is the confirmed list right now eight-time european tour money list winner a 31-time european tour winner colin montgomery yes. And that list is ridiculous darren clark ernie ells john daly vijay singh ratif goose. And jose maria olisable colin montgomery is just a slice of the players that are going to be at jcb championship we were very passionate. So talk about us on the podcast because often golf events are perceived expensive which i understand. So if you've got a family of four or whatever this is an event that is 20 pound. For an adult it's obviously free for kids under 12 and it wasn't a 5 or if you're 13 17. so it's it is pretty cheap um. And the players are going to be there absolute legend there's um. So many things you can learn i think you can go. And see the events from watching these guys played off if you've never been to the open or to an event before which a lot of people haven't seen it's quite difficult sometimes it gets them and obviously tickets are expensive. And it's a lot of time etc but if you watch these guys play golf it's just different certainly for me watching off the t is impressive because deep just whack it miles. But that's not always relatable but what i think people can really learn is that when you watch them get up. And down from around the green it's firstly how we play different shots but also how much like effort goes into each shot on that that grit that we lee west would spoke about if you see like let's just say colin montgomery misses the green on a par three he will then.

Take his time not not in a slow play where he'll really think about his golf shot he'll hit the right shoulder bump run eight iron up. And that's something a lot of people can learn from. And i think genuinely because this is such a kind of intimate event i reckon you'll be able to get up close. And personal to a lot of these players like it's not going to be like the open where there's there's fifty. Or thousand spectators a day there's gonna be hopefully thousands but you can get close you will be able to potentially chat to them you'll be able to essentially get things signed have a selfie with them um. So again 20 pounds for adults 13 to 17 year olds it's just what did i say before five pounds. And children 12 and under is free now i want to see you there. And raise you for the exciting bit yes. For the really really exciting day before the 28th on thursday the 28th now unfortunately the only slight criteria and i'm i'm quite thankful for this on the 28th there's no spectators okay. But there is a celebrity pro-am okay now in this celebrity pro-am there will be a legend yeah a celebrity yeah. And then.

However. else you can get in there by either stealing the leprechaun coins. Or fight or i've been able to you know skip down over the chinese wall what i'm unless you are a listener. Or a viewer or a fan of the rick shields golf podcast or rick shields golf channel in any capacity because the wonderful people at jcb have donated a spot to play in the program and you're the celebrity exactly weirdly so listen to this lineup if you want to play with me in the celebrity pro-am it gets better with legend john daly that is crazy. And john daly jr yes. So john daley and john daly's son and me and potentially you watching this video right now you can be playing jcb. But i mean that's that in its own right is special it's unbelievable john daley. And john daly jr is special he's been playing with me it's slightly disappointing i'm sorry. But either way it's gonna be phenomenal i'm gonna make a video about it and this is how you enter you must jump onto instagram. And follow me the rickshaws pga and also the rickshaws and also follow instagram page jcb championship do we leave a comment on this video. Or not you can do just say hi rick have entered. But i think what is. So unique with this like you said then.

You're playing an amazing golf course a ridiculous golf course you play with yourself people obviously watch your videos. And want to meet you in real life and play golf with you you're playing with john daly he was an absolute icon of the game. And his son who without putting pressure on is potentially going to be an icon of the game he is an amazing player we are going to be drinking diet coke smoking cigarettes eating peanut m m's all the way around baby it's going to be awesome. And so yeah you've got to follow jcb championship on instagram you got to follow me rick shields pga. And we will pick a winner very very very soon to play with in the pro-am jcb championship 28th of june live yeah just a quick one there will be some people watching who may not use instagram it's definitely worth setting up an account just following rick following the jcb championship. And entering because even if you don't use it for anything else other than that it's free to do it'll take you two minutes maximum to do it. And we'll put a post on my instagram as well just to clear up out exactly how you enter but it's gonna be i mean i'm ridiculously excited i'm gonna shoot a video with john daly yeah. And baby potentially john daly jr also we're gonna use another legend hopefully to film a video on the day before on hopefully the tuesday or wednesday we're also going to record. And film some podcasts while we're down there so let me know in the comments down below on this video who do you want us to interview. For the podcast or not interview as such have on the podcast as a guest from that lineup whoever whoever's gonna be playing in it it's gonna be epic and i am ridiculously excited if you cannot tell yes i can tell um golf over the weekend i've got to be honest i know we got slated a little bit last week because we didn't watch.