Have you done any on course commentary i don't know if you would have done with tiger no. But i've played golfer tiger [Music] what yeah this is this is my favorite story that is yeah. So uh when i was an amateur i was supported by nike. For five six years and did you play the old course i did i think i want to see the image yeah it feels. So surreal but i promise you this is a true story it's a dream come true. For any golfer you know especially an aspiring golfer to play the home of golf with one of the greatest of all times for me that is literally the best of that on the gusta tag personally old courthouse tiger it was special. So this was on the day tiger arrived in his private jet. And so no one knew that this was the day that he was going to arrive. And when the director of nike asked me if i'd be interested in this day with tiger my response was the double act. Or the real tiger question because i genuinely didn't think that would be real. And so obviously i said yep love to do anything to make that happen. And a week leading up to this day we got sent through the post a letter from tiger just yeah i can't wait to welcome you. And see you there signed by tiger which i thought was sick. And you still got that i still have it and i've actually very recently got um the photo from the day and that letter printed off i stole a few coasters as well because we had lunch um signed by him and our tag for the day so i've got everything basically put into one frame which i'm about to frame out of the new house yeah. So um yeah we were there at st andrews we started off in this tiny little gym room. And you've got five bikes lined up and you've got one opposite and so we're all set on these bikes and i and who are the other four um. So lauren white who i believe is now a coach out in the states. For college we had conor purcells um just some other amateurs basically aspiring amateur golfers who nike were kind of keeping their eye on supporting yeah i guess. So yeah. And so yeah it was a total of five of us. And i was very lucky to be in the middle seat. And so when we knew that tiger was gonna come because we had the security guards we had his probably managers all radioed up saying he's coming down the stairs he's talking about what's going on with this oh this is 2015. Or something i feel like i was i feel like i'm going to google it i feel like i've seen this image you might you've posted on your instagram definitely yeah of course i have a contract once a week yeah i remember we were all discussing within each other you know are we going to get off our bikes are we going to stay on when we're greeting him do we bow down you know. And i remember when he stepped into the room i literally felt like god has walked into the room and i'm not even joking even his skin looked artificial because obviously he had his gym top on he had like a blue tank top and his arm was just glistening i was like are you real. And so that was an incredible experience. And he knew all of our names as well so he said hi lauren nice to meet you i'm tiger hi ben i'm nice to meet you i'm tiger he said hi. And see i said hi you know it's the most amazing thing. So i've never pedaled so hard in my life i've just absolutely it's just an opportunity to promote tiger and the open his kind of comeback on the bike what was that about it's just part of the day trains yeah exactly. So we're asking questions about how he trains and why he trains and all this sort of stuff and then.

From the gym we went to the practice ground so he kind of spent time with all of us and he was asking us loads of questions he was it was not about him it was all about us which was amazing i wasn't actually that nervous because he made us feel very comfortable yeah. And um did you say you were fifteen years [Music] yeah something like that okay. So um yeah. So we were on the driving range i hit his driver he was like don't have a go at mine oh my god this is sick. And then.

We played uh the last three holes on the old course um as a six ball as well why not that's the ones to play as well in it and then.

Obviously at st andrews it's it's an intimate town everyone knows everyone and the root and the word goes out right tigers around and then.

There's crowd that starts to appear and then.

From there we went to a different building which is where we had our lunch to wrap up the day no cameras no photographers. Or videographers or anything it's just five of us and tiger and um by the time we went back downstairs to leave and that was the end of the day the whole building was surrounded by people i've never seen anything like it. And that's i actually felt sorry for him in that moment because i thought wow he really you know that he's amazing and you know people love him and they just want to see a glimmer of him but in that moment i really felt quite sorry for him i thought wow this is your life i'm speechless though you might have stopped playing competitively because you've completed golf you've played golf tigers like that's what else i'm done i can go tomorrow it's his fault. But isn't it yeah there's nothing else to play well that was it you you pretty much not long after. And you were like well i've got to play the tiger tiger andrew's last three holes yeah intimate dinner with him hit his driver well there's five others as well that is yeah sorry sorry lauren white whatever. And um because we were in scotland we asked him oh have you ever tried iron brew he's like no never tried iron brew. So because he ordered uh coke i like him i don't like it in scotland but he had never tried iron brew before i don't know if you're saying that but i genuinely do believe in it i'm going to choose to believe it. So he had iron brew for the first time with us yeah that's great he took his eye. And brew virginity wow that that's pretty epic yeah it's amazing it's a yeah it's amazing story. And imagine open 2022 yeah the old course you're presenting you're on coursing your whatevering whatever whatever skill you decide that they decide to put you in big t comes up you stabbed my driver that time hey hey what would you like him to call your insult insi just whatever he wants i think called worse little fist tom good to see you again remember that time when you showed me how to drink iron brew that would be cool i would hope you remember swimming oh my god probably doesn't that here's a question. For you [Music] you.