It's when somebody who isn't maybe as sensitive comes over and goes all right brian you're off the wrong foot what tea is this not the whole problem with golf we're having a 10 minute debate about somebody going off a tee like that's what gold. So dear rick's one of our best friends at motor cabin um we said last week. And we had loads of emails for dear rick so pretty well on this one it's not the best ever which i do say sometimes. But we've got a lot so if you've sent yours in don't worry don't listen to this thinking mine's better than that because we've got another eight weeks to get through and how how can we vet them because you can't read every single one of them. And vet them i try oh wow yeah why are your galvanton at home living the life in your ferrari i'm reading directs um. But we've had loads and some are really good. And as i said last time what if i mix it up this is a bit of an advice-y one again. So again well they're always gonna be advice but this is a bit more something i wanted to think about it's not too long um. And if you want to have yours answered and read out and put us the prize draw from motorcade trolley so first place in another eight weeks time is going to win a motorcade second place going to win a multi bag. So we've got to do podcast And write your dear rick i'm not sure if your acting skills are going to be they're going to be able to contend with last week well i actually had one this week that i was really going to do. And do that again. But i don't want to do the same joke twice. So maybe this week's a bit more of a serious last week i watched it back and listened to it back it was hilarious that clip thank you. And so this week's is um again i never i'm going to call this guy's name his name's brian. And there's no reason i can see here at why shouldn't be named. So you've named him now brian so says dear rick um let me pre-face this question with this fact i'm not currently a golfer okay interesting i'm soon to be 34 years old. And i can count on one hand the number of times i've gone to a golf course with the intent to play around with golf i don't own any clubs. But i do have a golf bag. And it's filmed filled with some random clubs that my girlfriend's dad let me borrow so bits and bats and you're still thrown in um i'm how i'm however. looking at considering joining a local club and starting to play it's okay great email to receive from brian he's wanting to play golf obviously he chose to listen to the best golf podcast around. For hints tips and banter buns loads of banter so my question is about an article i read a couple of days ago online. And i wanted to hear your thoughts on it don't you mention on the podcast apologies you've addressed this before so he came with apologies as well really nice nice guy brian isn't he so far i've got a lot of time for him i have maybe too much time um but then.

So it's not the biggest question but i'm gonna go in with it now i wanted to know what your thoughts are about beginners playing from the forward t's. So as i'm sure you know being a fully grown man um you know the macho thing would say that i go for back tees however. i'm a total beginner and i can slice a driver shot you know three fur ways over would it benefit me to start by playing from the forward t's. And working my way back up this could be a one-word answer today.

Rick it could be the quickest one ever. But what do you think because i think there could be negatives. And positives to it um let me get mad around this i think the wording first off let me start on a few things i think the wording of the fronties should be fronties you know i still think a lot of people see them as the ladies tease. Or potentially the junior t's i'd see that as being sort of a term that people use certainly the red teas here in the uk are perceived as a lady's tease right yes. And i agree it's definitely becoming a thing of people saying forward tease however. i would be i would worry about the reaction i would get at my golf club if out of the forward tees would people say you shouldn't be off though i'm not in the wood but i don't know if they would say that i question it i think people would say what are you doing off those teams they're the ladies t's. And even more so if he in iron and took a big divot out of them because those are normally most the used driver on a lot of the teams like a par 40 you know. So what's the bet say that like what's the benefits of brian going off the forward tees well first off the golf course is less challenging. So he can go out. And play a path for where it might normally be 400 yards off the off the members tease the the men's tease is what they've been known as it might be 340 yards from the fronties. So there's a massive advantage there that you can actually play a much shorter golf course it's almost you know taking a little bit of that that um that fear you know what what what i don't like about. And this is why i'm kind of trying to word my answer here very carefully is brian says he's not in fact he's not a golfer. Yet but he can count on a number of hands how many times he's gone down to the golf club with the intention of playing golf. And something stopped him is that what we read into it yeah why what like he's not said he's played golf. Yet has he like what's stopping him from going out i don't know if that is that i don't know no no he does say i'm soon to be 34 years old i can count on one hand at the number of times i've gone to a golf course with the intent to play around the golf maybe maybe where he lives the golf course might somewhere he eats as well possibly. Or socializes maybe he means the outside wins the golf club to play enough lessons or not have something i don't know maybe you're right about i don't know didn't leave enough information for that for me i don't want to have any obstacles for golfers non-golfers soon-to-be golfers to have any reservations about getting on the golf course ideally it should be as easy as possible ideally i know it's not always the case because there's barriers there's you know sometimes people don't feel fully committed to go out and go and play on your own brand new you want someone there to guide you want somebody to give you a bit of advice um so let me answer this should he play off the front tees i don't know because there are pros. And cons because if again if he plays off the front tees is then.

When he steps gets better. And moves his way back is he going to find that really hard. Or is it a nice little yeah. But is it a nice starting point. For him you wouldn't go to the gym and everybody has to lift the same weight would you wouldn't say you and a bodybuilder was the same gym you have to use the same weight. But he can do more rapture than you only like you want you'd go on a light weight. And then.

Work your way up i don't know if that's the worst knowledge ever but i don't know because again i i'm trying to think of him as well of the the backlash he may face from members of the golf club. Or the committee um like will people be more likely to shout across three fairways to him hi brian big bry what are you doing off that tee yeah i mean i don't know if that's a thing. Or whether people will just go oh it's it's fine i'm struggling with another say we could do i'm just struggling. For an answer because well let's do again. So i'll be brian you say oh big bry i big briar i do oh yeah i am good thanks you're going playing off today.

Yeah okay um enjoy it thanks i will hit my shot oh brian just a quick one i don't if you know. But you're playing off the red tees the front tees oh yeah i am aware of that it's just that i'm not very good at golf. And i find if i go and tease further back it makes it really difficult i don't really enjoy it so i thought if i go for forward tease and make it a little bit easier for me i'll enjoy it a little bit more and hopefully come back probably join put more money into the pot of the golf club that'll therefore. make the golf course better conditions will have more income. So it will probably affect everybody really he might buy some lessons to pro shop buy a new putter off the pro. So he's gonna obviously make it money from that might make some friends and yeah you crack on big bro thanks six foot five. And if you want to fight on me outside later i think though it's the wording of me on that situation it's the attitude people would have towards him like i said it in a in a nice way then.

Like oh well by the way brian just let you know you're playing off that tee. And the way you've then.

Explained it and clarified is fine it's when somebody who isn't maybe as sensitive comes over. And goes all right brian you're off the wrong foot is this not the whole problem with golf we're having a ten minute debate about somebody going off a tee like that's what golf's like. And you're not wrong in saying that people will have a moan at him i'm more i'm more worried about the reaction he's absolutely yeah exactly. But you're right him to be put off no. But you're right that's what will happen maybe not his i don't know. But some golf courses i can guarantee if a male went off the forward t the ladies t the red team everyone call it. And played golf somebody would have to say something to them or report them in and have get try and get them told off yeah which sounds like school they would do it yeah you're right. And that's the problem we have with golf that people are too quick to do you don't even know. But somebody could watch him he could have a disability he could whatever reason want to go off that t but also as a junior we used to play cross-country golf and go to different holes but also sometimes go off the reds the forward t's it was class because par fives become long par fours par four's become reachable path fours. And actually can improve your game massively. And it's not always weirdly easier because ditches hazards come into play when they might probably get another t or you might get much closer to the green or whatever it may be you know and this would never happen it's almost a bit like you you'd want some level of like a and again i'm sure brian and non-golfers weren't like this almost like a bit of a learner badge you know that people go oh it's all right he's learning a big blue hat yeah do you know why it's like it's all right you know what that guy over there is out he's not new to golf sorry he's new to golf let him kind of find his way like you would on a car like you wouldn't drive you don't overtake. And learn a driver on the road yeah because you're like all right i'm sensitive to that situation. And maybe that could do with being out on the golf course. But it's not going to happen is it really yeah i think you should go through if you want to afford to he's got them. And if somebody stopped you as a word just say make it alive just say the rickshaws golf show podcast said f off yeah perfect okay. So um and anyway brian soon you could be rocking a brand new moto caddy to really impress your new friends at the golf club mel at worst it's like mate you've got all the gear no idea you've got a motor cab here which we all know is the best electrolyte in golf you're walking you're waltzing down the fur way with no stress no strain you look. So invigorated so alive so alert so full of beans well that's where brian also with his new energy has learnt to drive the ball 300 yards ah so he can go you know what it doesn't matter put me off the targetes i'm playing that much better now because i've got my new trolley yeah i'm absolutely sorry the head there. So guys make sure you get your dear rix in not too many you know what i've realised though the answer to all is d-rick says get a motorcade that's yeah it is it really it really is that simple anyway. So we've got some facebook questions.