Welcome back to an exclusive podcast I'm your host Rick shield here with guy producer guy and we've got a world exclusive today.

And it's an exciting one guy I'm very excited more. So that you've let me out the office very nice location we are in a different location because we have got a sit-down podcast interview with the man behind the premier golf league under Gardner thank you. So much for sitting with us pleasure this is uh this wasn't the plum was it you know we weren't expected to be add the master man behind the premier golf league this early right no it wasn't the plan the plan was to carry on really just doing what we've been doing. For the last six years which is to have conversations discreetly. And see where we got to but actually yes thanks to a couple of individuals we became a matter of public record probably about ten days ago. And here we are now. So we'll go easy on you thank you is that the plan yeah well my first question is I've seen obviously some bits online yeah well what is the premier golf league okay. So it is a concurrent team. And individual world championship concurrent in the sense that there'll be 48 guys playing they'll play every week as individuals so nothing changes it's an individual sport they're also at the same time they'll be playing for 12 teams at 12 teams or for its 18 events it'll start in January each year and will be finished in August. So you've got a shorter season than people are used to. And it means they'll be the opportunity for fans to miss our play for four months and players that have a rest they'll be playing 10 times in the US and eight tournaments outside that be three and Asia 3 in Europe one in Australia and one in the Middle East as individuals I'll be playing every weekend for a purse of 10 million dollars well ice yeah it's nice it's probably also what they're worth. And after 17 events you'll have an individual world championship champion named and worthy of the name because that have played the best players in the world every week during the season different courses different climates it's a it's a true test of the best and then.

You move into the 18th event which is the team playoffs because what will have happened every day of every tournament. And by the way this is three days not four. And there's no cut Wow interesting. And is that the idea to keep the best players in the world you know in a tournament in contention you know in play yeah the fans right yeah because you know essentially we are just fans this is that's where this began I was gonna I was gonna come with that I think we'll come on that a little bit more where it all started yeah. But going back to the team element the team championship on the final 18th event yeah. So something that we've never seen in golf before no. And I think it's important the team element is designed. So that fans can become impassioned I think it's a little easier to to become tribally associated with a team that it is with an individual. But it's also about generating the content that everybody I think might like to see. So of the four players per team the team principle will have to pick two scores each morning before they go out that's interesting is yeah those scores will count towards the team championship. So you're going to have a situation where the team principle will be asked right who have you pick today.

And then.

Why and there'll be a reason you know it could be cause setup it could be how the guys feeling that's interesting yes. And then.

So if the principle picks a player for the team that day you know said player plays horrendous yep you're the player from the team he hasn't been picked plays amazing you know the score won't count towards the team correct Wow. And it has to be exciting it's jeopardy but it's also you know I want to hear the guy who shot the 65 of the 66 come off and say well I told you should have picked me because he went out and shot a 70 for now the reason it matters and this is also key because seasonal narrative making sure that we as fans are engaged from start to finish every single shot counts. So you've got a situation where one guy is picked. And he's playing badly you're interested in that you're also interested in the dynamic between the team members for the guy who wasn't picked at the end of the day the team principal might have made a bad mistake and the bad mistake counts because where you end up after 17 events as a team will determine how you go into the playoffs. So the playoffs will be a weekend forty million dollar purse a true spectacle no matter on a global sporting stage it'll be big that's how we'll end off the season. But if you finish top of the league after 17 events you get a buy-in you're through to the second round but because you're seeded 1 you get to pick who you play against as a team and you get to pick the order in which they go out so it's a genuine advantage to getting the decision right every day three days per tournament throughout the entire season because it gives you that advantage going into the playoffs ok it sounds a lot of pressure. For this it's the team principals a player as well well or would it be like a a manager as such yeah. So obviously you have team principals in Formula One yeah. And some of them are well-known I should imagine that the players whilst they're truly competitive will probably allow something well they'll want somebody else to take them they don't want that pressure of playing. And think about how one of the teammates play they didn't pay no it's like a playing it can it be a playing captain. Or someone who sits off the sidelines and you know manages to some description it'll be it'll be their choice so so far that was a lot to digest yeah yeah you did well to explain you saying that six years of planning building up yeah you know that's you've probably been living. And breathing the world got you know premier golf league for all this time yeah. And to summarize it it's a World Golf Tour yeah you're gonna travel around the world yeah it's 18 events yes with the best players in the world playing we can we count on those 18 events yeah it goes from January to August yes. So there's a genuine off season yeah where Goff will be somewhat missed in the premier golf league right I do think that's important it was important to me when I'd said this came from a blank piece of paper. And it's a there was a flight of fancy just give yourself the opportunity God first. And foremost a fan and you know around 2014 Tiger was missing from the game. For a period of time and they've been talking at talk about a world tour of course from the time when Greg made his attempt back in 94 so this is not nothing new it has been potentially proposed in the past. And I got to know some senior executives in the game on a professional basis just because of the work I was doing. And over that period of 18 months I got to learn an awful lot about the game in its politics and I found that it was such a good experience because I was a fan as a fan when you walk into the inner sanctum you can sometimes think oh I thought it was thought it was different I thought it was different. So I sat down with these guys haven't got to know them and I said just casually over a drink one night you've got to do the world tour please you know why haven't you done it. Yet and the answer was I won't give you the precise words. But it will never happen. And it won't ever happen because of the 30 or 40 years of vested interests that have been built up in the competition and of course the European tour and the PGA Tour were neck-and-neck they were comparable up until 97 I do think we need to come on the PGA Tour. And European tour in a bit but yet so they were the neck-and-neck. So when it dawned on me that the game probably wasn't going to move ahead in the way that fans wanted it to I tell you what I didn't. For one moment think that I would be sitting here now talking to you all I did was take the opportunity to say right if you had the opportunity to start again what would you create it became a minor obsession with me. And as I recall I started writing and then.

I think I stopped three days later. And I'm not entirely sure I slept during the three days because I started to compare golf to every other major sport and was able to pinpoint moments in time where sport moved on. And that's an f1 it's in tennis it's there are numerous examples it does sound very much Formula one yeah style having on the way it's been put together. And I can individually it would follow exactly. And I understand that idea in Formula One yeah it's just that it's. So you know revolutionary in golf it's almost like whoa that's because that's a big thing it's that yes you've got your individuals going out week in week out. But I don't know I you know I'm a fan of golfers but I'm not a die-hard fan of golf that's you know if I just want to watch good golf where this almost blends those two interest I want to watch great golf yeah. But also I'm intrigued and following potentially a team or a player because that that kinda keeps you invested in the tournaments and if it's 18 events and then.

You could imagine the offseason well really the only thing only concern I have is if I follow a team. And I've got a favourite player or favorite players and there's 18 events that all sounds great but will I still be able to see my favourite player playing the Masters. And put the green jacket on well that's of course the majors are entirely separate from the rest of God. So you could still this doesn't separate this doesn't stop the majors not in any way because I think that such a you know I've seen a little bit's that you know because this is the only opportunity you've sat down. And be able to actually talk you out of this which is key. And there's been so many rumors speculation you know potentially probably you'll see it from truth and not true that's been powerful the majors you're saying will not be touched from what you're looking into. So there's a other keep going back to it where fans we appreciate what the majors are to the game the term our views in the past is sacrosanct there beyond that they don't need me to tell anybody how special they are they also determine of course who plays in their events. And each has a different set of criteria so when you ask me will the players be able to play that's really down to the those who operate the event. And I I'd find it hard if they decided to exclude players who are playing on the league. But there's gonna be no premier golf league event on in the middle of April. For example no in fact the way that the schedule is proposed will put the guys in situ. So we know that they want to have the time to acclimatize and the schedule they are at when I say sacrosanct they are. And indeed yeah I'm not saying they can get better because they're as good as they can be. But also the majors then.

Become the time when those who play on the premier golf league come together with the rest so if anything they lift it further up tennis had this when they formed the ATP 1000 series which was designed it was sponsored driven to get the best players to commit to playing a particular schedule just. So that fans knew where they were going to play you've got those which are best of three sets. And then.

They transition into the slams the Slam is of course the equivalent. And you play best of five so it already works there is the precedent set. And that's exactly how we see this obviously this premier golf league needs players hmm what's that been what the process been like so far I'm guessing you've spoke to a number of the world's best players yes I think that's as a result of the last 10 days become known this is really we have we have done everything that we could. And should have done to present the opportunity and that's all that this has been about so it started with the idea of what would we like to see I must confess you know we then.

Probably I was I spent the first period of time waiting. For somebody to tell me no move on this is never going to work. But we started did that happen you know in six years it hasn't happened once I first became interested in the views of those who fund the sport. And they are the sponsors. So we went round and we canvassed the views of those who but that without whom the sport would be very different and we listen to them and we said are you happy if you're not happy what aren't you happy about. And a couple of themes came back and the first thing was not knowing where the best guys are gonna play which is something you get as a fan because you can get caught up in a story. And then.

You wonder well why isn't he there that week when am I gonna see him next.

That goes back to your point guy this enables you to see the best player that you the guy you want to see every single time because there are only 48 on the course. So they're all getting filmed I think they locked into play in the events. So that is really the the gist of this if if we didn't get the strong impression from funders. And broadcasters that this is something that they wanted we would have stopped we've got to know we've built relationships with a lot of people in the game I mean a lot of people I'm not going to talk about them today.

And I might never talk about them but at every single stage we wanted people to understand that the motivation for this was principally to deliver an alternative that maybe more fans could get behind. So when I talk about the funders and the broadcasters they're aligned with us we want as many people to watch this sport as possible because we believe that there is a connection between the number who hold watch. And the number who actually play it we take a 30 50 70 year view of the health of the sport this is in the best interest of the game as far as we're concerned if more people watch it. And if I get more people to watch it you've got to create your best possible product every single time you go out don't leave people wondering or feeling disappointed that what goes back to the three days I had the experience years ago in two consecutive tournaments where I was following an individual who I particularly wanted to see play golf. And he missed the cut both weekends and you can you can sense the drop when a star of that nature is missing I've been in that situation myself yeah I have in tournaments where I've set out - yeah I'm going on you know Sunday. Or a start today.

Yeah. And I can't wait to see that player and for tales about Friday on Friday which kind of sudden is not there. For the weekend and there isn't there's like an air of flatness sometime certainly when it's the big big guys like you walking on going ah what would happen if yeah you've missed. So you know and this is a pain a lot I'm ready to go to the events people paying a lot of money to watch the events people pay a lot I'm gonna to sponsor the events. And yet those headline players can sometimes be missing that's it. So when we started the conversation with the funders we said we want to know where the guys are going to play. And also if they turn up we don't want them going home early. And then.

As a third a lot of these are multinational brands. And they would like to be able to convey their message because the reason they sponsor golf is because they're trying to convey their message to the fans of golf. And golfers got for the time being a very strong and attractive demographic I mean it hasn't been growing as it should. And it it's been aging on average it's a very attractive demographic you understand why the money pours into the sport it's to reach those guys so they know as the guys who fund it that that you need to have the best possible product and that's not just taking the top 48 golfers from the official World Golf Rankings it's also about making sure they're the most entertaining because entertainment is key. And you know when I'm on a golf course as a fan and wherever I go I've been traveling a lot I always take the opportunity to just get out on the course and watch and I'm not I'm 48 years old and I'm not the oldest there in fact you know being a live golf event is somewhere where as a 48 year old you can actually start to feel quite young in relative terms now that's that's what we are hoping to address to change that yeah because it's the 16 year old right now who needs to have a reason to start to believe. And believe that they can become impassioned about this you can do that because yeah the morning stuff the picking of the team's the team it's something that f1 does particularly well. And I'm I've been along and I've been in the pits and I've had the world-class experience and it's great but yeah what the key is the race is finished it's then.

What happens between driver. And driver or team and driver they manage to keep the attention of the audience through to the next.

Event there's moss there's almost more story line to some degree yeah. And that kind of leads me on to I like the idea of the team format I think he's different. But in terms of the teams like obviously with f1 a lot of the teams I think all the teams I don't they follow f1. But a lot of teams and the car obviously manufactures who do you see the teams kind of beam is it going to be club manufacturers. Or brands or or the commercial partners I'll be honest because of the the precedent that Formula One was in my mind seven years ago it was a straight read over. So you go okay you've got Mercedes. And Ferrari you got tailor-made Callaway that's where this began until I started to listen to the playing side and actually no it was decided well you know if these guys are are going to be interested in doing this they are masters of their own destiny that's where that value should go. So they won't be manufacturer driven they'll become brands in their own right and I do know that there is already a very strong appetite from people you might recognize those who are associated with the game are extraordinarily successful individuals who would like to be part of the ownership of a team you see it in football Premier League you see it NFL you see it MBA you've now you will within golf have the opportunity. For you know truly obsessive fans of the game to get that close to the action and that will bring another layer of personality. And personality is what will drive the engagement of as far as we're concerned the younger the younger audience. So how many teams was they again twelve twelve teams. So let's just say and fanatically yeah if I had the backing. And had this I could own the team I mean is it almost as much as that ology yeah. And just in due course is it the players that are gonna roll on the team potentially I say potentially because there's been a lot of speculation in the press this only happens if everybody wants it to happen when I say everybody I mean yes the best players in the world. But also the fans and also the funders and we'll come on to what what we might got to do with other tours that's how this happens. And in the first instance we will look to ensure that the best players in the world have the opportunity to own a franchise if they don't want to we will move on. But that is where this will be guilty question have with that then.

Would be obviously the players that you're gonna attract are gonna be the best players in the world. So if one of those best players has a franchise yeah two. Or three other guys who are also in their own right amazing players. And want to play under that umbrella of such a buddies at team you know not gonna feel that they're do their own team. Or they want to don't know most represent another person so this is the opportunity to get into the weeds. But on that there will be a shared ownership pool. So because these are corporate entities we have the ability to create a pool in which other players will participate. And that pool will have a share of each franchise now the importance of that is that you can take the list of ownership down to 36 guys 48 if you want to they get to share in the value. But you don't want to limit the transfer market so you can have younger guys in the pool. And because they have a stake in all twelve franchises via this holding company they they can then.

Move what you don't want to do is tie some guy in to a franchise now where he might want to go. And take a better deal somewhere else down the line so with the beer like a transfer like window there like in football and so well as yes if this all comes to pass you're gonna have a draft system at the end of each season you'll have promotion. And relegation now promotion where from but we will offer obviously. But it's important and this is it's already appeared in discussions that we haven't been involved in online. But certainly with the playing side you want to be able to refresh the pool you want to give people the aspiration to get up and to participate at that level so you need a draft you need to have a system which fairly regulates so if you haven't had a particularly good season you could be in jeopardy you'll find yourself back in the playoff but that's no we haven't spoken about that that's another part of this you get past the draft system. And then.


You're into an open transfer market so whilst we should we come to pass we will not be front. And center of people's minds from a competitive in your face every weekend even during that close period you get to keep the interest levels because people should I imagine be that was the interest that's it's that transfer market as guy mentioned with soccer football that you are interested in yeah. So right now yep how many players are in how many have signed on the dotted line. So the answer is none because we haven't asked any to. Yet okay. So he's that going to come at a point in time yes if I've explained it to the guys that we've been talking to him bear in mind we've been talking to their representatives mainly. But over a lengthy period of time this is an opportunity where we are presenting a choice it's their choice. And if they decide that they want this to happen then.

What we have done over the last six years is to build an extraordinarily capable platform of experts. So that the business in terms of every single question you would ever want answered we've now last for the last two and a half years we've partnered with a group out of the u.s. called rain probably regarded and certainly by us as one of the best if not the best investors and advisors in in sports and media globally so two and a half years of these conversations will come to a point in the next.

Proverb a handful of weeks where the players get to make the choice. And that's all that this is about anything that's when it's look some we've not touched on this. Yet and maybe we should have done looking to launch this tour in what year you know what's the when in it so what we're looking to do is January 2022 okay. So it's a couple of years out yeah. So as much as and again I think we have to talk about this yeah there's been players that have spoke about it yeah some publicly. And some of just you know either brushed it at the moment yes some seem very interested yeah I think it'd be wrong to not talk about the world number one Rory McIlroy yeah you just two days ago has said it's not. For him yeah can you discuss yes what I start. So I found it fascinating and he really made me think because I'm no different from anybody else Rory speaks. And lots of golf fans tend to listen and that's because of who he is he is exceptional he's exceptional on the course he's compelling you know when you see him going on a run you can't take your eyes off it. But he's also exceptional as an individual so as I say I'd listened and I thought okay that's very interesting it was interesting probably from a couple of points he talked about being on the right side of history. And I thought to myself yeah we all want to be on there we all want to be on the right side of history. And that's what we spent the last six years hoping that we might become he talked about Arnold Palmer and his participation in the conversation back in 94 where Greg was proposing a world tour the thing that first struck me then.

Was I was thinking wow actually you know I have a completely different view of ala Palmer's history because when I think of Arnold Palmer the king I think well he's one of the guys who created one of the most fundamental schisms in golf back in 68 knows him coming together with other greats including Jack Nicklaus that led to the formation of the PGA Tour which was a breakaway. So that was the top 200 players breaking away from 27,000 other professional golfers because all professional golf in the States was controlled by the PGA of America up until that point. So he actually took it upon himself with a group of guys to say I'm gonna make this better so that was Arnold Palmer to me then.

If you read Dean Beeman's book which is a very interesting read he. And Jack were part of a group that nearly broke away from the PGA Tour back in 84. So he he was active he wasn't only well the best players the game was ever seen. But he was active enforcing the game to move on. And then.

By 94 you know I just listened to what Gregg has said. But Arnold was apparently in the room. And when he realized what the conversation was about. And where it was going he said you know what completely understand it if you guys want to have this conversation. But I'm gonna step out now that time he was 65 years old he'd done it once he nearly done it twice. And at the same time he was talking about this creation of the Golf Channel which was the next.

I should imagine chapter in his life. So that was my view everyone has a different view on history. And we will all be judged this could be forgotten about in a few weeks time. Or it could and this is the reason we're doing this in 30 years time we look back upon as the change that was good. For the game and made it stronger now the second point which I have spent a lot of time thinking about was the autonomy issue it had mentioned that quite a lot yeah. And do you know what I'm not surprised because it is it is prized amongst all professional golfers the ability to decide what you're going to do when you want to do it. But that is the fundamental when you go back six years ago to why we started to do this as a fan no I I want to know where we're always gonna play. And if I'm gonna chain in every week I'd love to watch already play and you know what right now if he was playing within the professional golf league. And I had anything to do with it I'd be getting out alongside Brits koepka every every weekend because that's what I want to see as a fan I'd like to see those two guys go head-to-head. And there isn't another sport that is has a global status which allows its best talent not to compete yeah that's a good point from somebody you know I am obviously a golf fan hmm. And I've got to the point now where I don't watch that much golf truth be told by the majors the Ryder Cup and in the old event here or there depending on who's doing well and whatnot I will put golf on sometimes on a Thursday on a Friday. And I kind of don't know who to expect to see sometimes the big big guys are there sometimes they're not. And it does confuse me a little bit more say as a fan. And if I'm honest I do want to watch the best players yeah you know if I am going to have a choice I want to watch the best players competing against each other all the time. And I think that's gone back to your point that's why we watch the major championships while you watch the open the Masters the Ryder Cup because we want to see the best players like we've seen other sports like we've seen f1. And tennis and and football soccer we see the best players going up against each other majority of the time does. And this is I think it's a very important question. So ask does this continue if Rory doesn't get involved well as I say it's the decision of a much larger collective I was probably a little confused at the end of listening to what Rory had to say because the first thing that came through to me with the headlines he's out death now etc obviously that's not the way I feel because I'm saying here talking to you. And you know the Mark Twain quote the rumors of the ptl's death have greatly exaggerated this isn't about an individual I did I wasn't entirely sure what I'm out meant. But all I would say is that this is a conversation now I've barely spoken to Rory over the last six years haven't had the opportunity to have the discussion about the things that mattered to him I have with others this is a this is a conversation that is is big is intensifying now. But it's a conversation that we are the catalyst. For we didn't want to be out in the public domain we wanted to have it discreetly and if at the point in time we said to the players do you want to do this they'd said no you'd have never heard about it this is now playing out on a public stage it's not a it's not as a result of anything we've done the story was broken by somebody else now that that debate is happening do you know what I feel actually this prevent presents an opportunity. For that conversation there should be others in it there should be fans involved in it there should be sponsors there should be broadcasters there should be other bodies in the sport because this is meant to be the creation of the top of the pyramid you talk about the breakaway that became the PGA Tour European Tour was a similar breakaway you then.

Talk about the breakaway at the top 22 football clubs in in England who walked away from the Football League's control which was a 90 to strong group of clubs that these things occur. And they're designed to make it better now when the Premier League was formed probably a lot of people. And I'm unfortunately a strong fan of a club that is not in the Premier League at the time I do remember thinking. Or what's this going to do to everybody else by creating a better product right at the top of the pyramid more money flowed into the game. Or interest and what was the second division now the championship became stronger that's the principle behind this it will only happen if it's what the fans want if the reaction to this on Twitter. Or everywhere else is do you know what don't bother we just won't it's mixed at the moment we did the poll on Instagram just last night was crazy. And new over 3,000 people have voted on premier golf league and that's just in less than 20 hours right and it was just a few top line to the fact that was gonna be 18 tournaments with three days no court best players in the world playing week in week out. And I said do you like it thumbs up no do not like it thumbs down right now yeah get an exactly accurate number right now which is crazy let me just pull this up right now it's on fifty-fifty I'm not sure if we can pick that up on a camera it's literally 50/50 on votes thumbs up thumbs down. And see if that can be picked up. And that's over it's over 3,000 people have voted now I mean that's crazy I mean this is I say post Rory McIlroy's comments it'd have been interesting to do that a similar poll maybe before rorish whether that swayed any persuasion. Or not yeah. So would've been interesting I've got to say um I just got off a flight from LA when Geoff first track off his piece appeared and I was severely jet-lagged. And I thought oh here we go that that as I said it's something that we wouldn't have chosen to do because we're far more discreet than that. But what it has done is it has given us the opportunity because there are people out there who track these things they've been I think three. And a half thousand articles written thus far there are sentiment readers of what is going on online I've got to say I've been surprised. And delighted by the response that's going to say what do you even think of that at that 50 50 yes that's quite it's a cut through I mean how does that make you feel it do you know what it makes me feel as though the last six years having been a waste of time. And the reason I'm sitting here now is not because I particularly enjoy speaking into a microphone what it is that's the only reason you were here right now it is solely. So that we've been listening to the question we've listened to the well yeah who are the guys behind it there are lots of people in the game who know that who's behind it there are lots of people in broadcasts in the US yeah we haven't been hiding from that part of the world we haven't been hiding at all we just we're not relevant really is that my view was always this is not about any individuals this is about what's good. For the game and the debate that then.

Began to rage if rage isn't too strong a word but the interest in this the question that you've asked there everybody started to have a view and that is utterly brilliant because you know go back to August of last year. And Golf was a huge topic of discussion. And it was breaking out of its ordinary channels that's happened to a degree with golf now um. And I believe that the debates that our existence causes is healthy as I say if it's not viewed as something which is in the best interest of the game long term it's something that the fans are not interested in don't want to see happen the players will start to get this feedback no we are aware that they have been also following this the sentiment. And I think yeah although it wasn't planned it's I'm probably grateful I was gonna say if you could have done it differently would you have stayed discrete yeah. And we'd have probably looked to control the message here with we we are people have talked about how much financial backing we have yes we need to come on stars at some point we've got a lot needed to I guess yeah just a quick one just before. So there's couple points I want to go on yeah we talked about Rory McIlroy yeah there's a man we need to talk about he ain't going to be fair Tiger Woods yeah have you spoke to him have you had any feedback I think not only we want to know I think everybody listening. And watching also want to know do you know what I can appreciate that everybody would like to know would you forgive me if I just treats all player matters as entirely confidential okay because as I say we haven't asked anybody to make a decision part of the conversation we've been having with players. And their representatives is actually about how we will genuinely look to work with other with other torts that is part of the conversation. And it's not until we're through those conversations that we will have a view. And then.

We will say to the guys is this something you want to do. Or not is that - well obviously the essence loads of negotiations going on behind the scenes. And loads of talks and I'm guessing you're meeting agents every other day phone calls you know crazy you phone must be on 10% charge all the time you brought up topic there which I think we need to talk about yeah the PGA Tour yes. And the European Tour yeah with the premier golf league how do the PGA Tour. And the European Tour exist what's your thoughts okay. So if you were to go back to the original documentation I'm talking six years ago it said that we would this was ultimately driven towards annalistic approach to the structure of the game. And recognizing that there are various parts of the game that are absolutely essential PGA Tour European Tour Asian Tour. And all the way down to the bottom of the pyramid because that's how we were looking to create the integral structure the strength that has not changed. And I we the first official release we put out we said no we just want to clarify one thing we intend to work with collaborate with other tours I know that the reaction to that was yeah whatever of course they'll say that. But we're creating a lot of value the value can be shared our view is that we would like everybody to be involved in this. And you know if that were to involve subsidies a share of equity value a share of commercial drone venture relationships. So that you can start as a sport to approach media. And sponsorship what I collect basis it is our intention strong desire to achieve collaboration with PGA Tour with the European Tour ideally we'll be in a situation where we can at least discuss that in the coming weeks there is no reason as far as I'm concerned why that shouldn't happen there have been various people who have tried to arrange those conversations over the last 12 months. And they haven't happened and I can understand why not you've not spoke with the PGA Tour European Tour. So again just from a point of view of confidentiality I prefer not to go into that detail if the people who've been speaking to us can choose whether they want to have those conversations I'm Edie it's not it's not wise to do. So your door is open. And you willing to I would decay yes. And I will say just I want to crates the wrong impression by omission I haven't spoken to the PGA Tour. And I did see a letter that was sent to the players where I think in the first paragraph it said by the way they've never approached us there's a reason. For that because I thought I knew the answer if this can't if this moves forward and it's the will of the players. And the funders that this should happen then.

I could see a scenario in which we can all get together. And agree what is best. For the entire structure as I say there's a lot of value to be shared and yeah can they continue to exist it's essential that they do because they're part of the fabric of the sport you could say well hang on a second. But the European Tour was neck-and-neck with the PGA Tour as I said up until I think Colin Montgomerie probably back in 94 95 he won the European Tour order of merit. And he won more money than Nick Price I think that year won the equivalent US. And then.

Something happened and the something was Tiger. So by 96 he was starting to emerge 97. And then.

The economics of the sport changed because he changed the dynamics a few guys are spoken about an icon. And he is a true icon now the divergence in economics created a situation which means that if you've got the better purses. And you've got the better fields then.

You're also that self-fulfilling prophecy because you're then.

Getting the world ranking points although there's some debate about the fairness of the allocation of them but it almost becomes more difficult for what was a competing tour. And is now the second tour to ever compete again. But the fact of the matter is the best players in the world tend at the moment to spend most of their time in America the European Tour continues to exist I can see a scenario where the European Tour could become stronger as a result of what we're doing we're feeder rights are granted to the European Tour people stay in Europe. For longer there's not the exodus that occurs what will be super interesting. For me in the talk in five ten fifteen however. many years in the future would be if there's you know the successful premier golf league hmm then.

There was leagues below that like we see in football team either League Two. And a league three because I think if they're Premier League that the premier golf league kind of takes off. And people start buying into that team format and the three days and it all got a product that it becomes what people become used to its den gonna feel quite weird watching four days of stroke play in the European Tour every week yeah I mean that that would be I think the ideal structure where all nations all regions. And it's really down to the fundamental question how large should the market be I've read that the PGA Tour and the European Tour should just merge and get on with it it's difficult to merge 400 odd professional golfers into one Tour because you can't get 400 golfers on a golf course at the same time so that's difficult and when you're when you're within a membership structure and everybody has an equal vote then.

If you need 75% to vote for it the structures that were created in the late 60s made it very difficult. For this or to move on just from a practical point of view I'm not suggesting that there should be an entire restructuring all the way down to the lowest level in the game but the question is how many professional golfers does does the world need to see it's a good point is again going back to the sports how many Formula One drivers do we need you know how many damage do we know I mean this is a really interesting topic one that's definitely on social media a lot yep money yes in two ways we're going to talk about it yeah first off a lot of people on social media have said the players when they go because they're gonna get paid load of millions of dollars. And that's the only reason they would go yeah how what's your take on it is it true. And you know I just love to hear your thoughts because again there's lots o rumors about money yeah. But obviously hearing it from you it's gonna come straight from the source yeah. So I've had this conversation in recent weeks with players and all their representatives and I've made made it hopefully abundantly clear to them that this is not about money as far as we're concerned yeah you you don't sit down seven. Or eight years ago and think this is what I'm gonna do. And expect to make a lot of money out of it because you know that point you're thinking well how likely is this to happen it was a passionate thing as far as I was concerned if you're doing something which is in the best interest of the game. And it's in the best interest of the game long term because you think more people will watch it. And therefore. more people will play that is your. And that is your motivation it just. So happens that what is in the best interest of the game also happens to be in the best financial interest of the the best golfers. So the two things are are entirely aligned it's been I was asked the question a long time ago isn't this just a corporate takeover announcer is no. But even if it was that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. For the game because if you're driven by the desire to generate as much cash as possible which frankly every tour is you're driven by the economics of the game the economics of the game based solely upon the number of people who were tuned in. And watch because if they're not cheering in to watch the sponsors aren't interested the sponsors aren't interested the broadcaster's are interested. So everything comes back to the number of eyeballs that you achieve whilst we are doing that we will be successful as a as an entity if we're not. And that by the way means that we're entirely aligned with the interests of the game going forward making sure that in 20 years time when no we're all slightly more decrepit it's those who are currently 12 to 15 16 year olds who have had the reason to fall in love with the game. And they're replacing us so yes yeah the I've listened to the debate I've listened to no laying up talking about well in relative terms what is that golfer worth relative to the tennis player. Or the the Premier League player or you know whatever it happens to be and there's an argument to say that people deserve more again the tagline that I've heard is you know the rich getting richer yeah is that again do you feel that the best players in the world warrant getting paid more money it's well to ordinary human beings it's it's difficult because you can't imagine the amounts. But again in relative terms it's what an individual is capable of generating as a value. And the top players probably realize that when the sponsorship and the broadcast dollars come in they are largely driving that value. And its value that's being shared by 210 members on different sides of the water so 400 golfers if and this is why the PGA Tour was formed in the first place it was because the economics were being shared by 27 thousand other guys it's why the Premier League was formed because they wanted to go to control their own economics. And they broke away from the football league to do that you know the it hasn't happened to the same extent in tennis. But in relative terms golfers not that I would ever argue this but world-class golfers probably aren't paid what they are worth on those metrics I mean very large amounts of money yes. And I would never sit down over a pint and argue with any fan that any one thing with money in sport because obviously like professional footballers get paid ludicrous amounts of money and everybody knows they get essentially overpaid but ultimately if you could have Cristiano Rinaldo at your club you'd happily have him and if a club paid four hundred thousand pounds a week so be it and it's a bit of that for me as a golf fan personally it's just a personal thing I want to watch the best product and see the best players and I don't really care how much they win some people do which I get. But I don't know cuz it's it's it's hard to you know as you mentioned is you know normal human beings we can't quantify yeah the fact that they could put an extra zero on it it doesn't it doesn't matter they were in 1 million. Or 10 million it's a lot for them but I just see millions and millions and then.

It goes on I think it's more. For the player what they're trying to you know work out from their own brands and their perspectives and their livelihoods and their careers yeah. And you can you can actually you know if you choose to be a professional athlete you're taking a huge risk because you don't know how long you know an injury loss of form it can be just around the corner you're taking that risk if that's what you're going to dedicate yourself to then.

I should imagine the view of professional athletes around the world as well if that's what I'm worth. And when you go back to what it's worth sport as a an asset class has only been rising with the disintermediation of content and I don't need to explain what everybody else knows sport is the one thing that continues to drive eyeballs yeah I'm not gonna steal anyone elses trout Ryan. But I particularly liked it's only live once when they think you'll know who that is I thought that's genius. And we've been partnered for the last 18 months with division of Omnicon the bigger media businesses in the world and the guys that we've been working with in the u.s. of the top media buyers in us sport on behalf of their clients which include include number of the the biggest brands in the world they spend on average about two and a half billion dollars a year buying advertising space during live us sport and you can go. And choose your content on whatever platform but those who have the live content that people actually want to see and it's that they're going back to feeling compelled you don't want to miss it that's why sport as a set there's a special asset class that's why we're talking about numbers which to ordinary human beings might seem quite extraordinary. And good luck but it's because everybody like us wants to see that stuff alive and if we all want to see it it means the sponsors so you know we could all look we could all argue and say that yeah there are far more deserving. And not me but you know health service you know but this isn't debate about socialism if there's demand you know that's the big thing is there yeah we well Rick put a tweet out earlier on doing that he was spend some time with yourself yep. And we're doing his podcast there's a lot of interest a lot of really good questions and many of which have been answered which is obviously yes we do good job then.

Rick. And but what was really good it was in a bit of tongue-in-cheek. But actually I think there's something behind this. So a guy called Paul has said. And he's actually hashtag joking but I think it was quite good he said can we have walk-on music. And personalized shirts like the darts so I think it's been a joke in that book that got me thinking you know is the potential. For team strips for a different way of the golf resorts behaving on the golf course and somebody else also asked will the players we miked up. So if this is going to be a decision. For the players I love all that stuff so the original document was everybody might because personality is the key. And it was my impression that his difficult. For a golfer to convey his personality particularly with the cap on and the glasses and very control statements now I've spoken to players about this and there are some who would be a little concerned to be miked up because what this example I like a fight with you know professional golf before. And I spied with my mates before and they got yeah potentially now that said you've got your network coverage which cannot be anything other than what it should be when you've got 48 guys on a course you can film every single one of them. So you can go team you can go Corvin to red zone. And I fell I want to watch that team or one watch that guy you know conversation that earlier part you said sometimes I don't get to see my guy fact of the matter is if he's not within 4. Or 5 of the lead he's latter-day Sonny you're not going to scare anyone at all. But this is where personality comes out. And when when we first started talking to guys in the US on the broadcast side about this years ago it was 12 teams of six seventy two guys. And they went why have you gone 72 and I said well it's just because it's the cut. So it seemed to be the logical place to start and then.

They said actually from a broadcast point of view if you can take this down to 48 we can make global stars of 48 yeah we can we can build a story around each individual plus you can get it out in a shotgun now the first two days of every tournament will be a shotgun start which again from a fans point of view you know I'm waiting. For the guy I want to see and there might be three or four that I'm keen to see but they're in different halves of the draw which also means hang on a second so the guy I wanted to see win this tournament unlucky because he's gone out at the wrong time the wrong side of the draw because the weather's going to change this gets them all out it means that there's no slow air. Or dead air you know got action going on all over the course. And you're done and dusted in five hours now from a broadcast point of view they believe that that is as good as it gets. For a fan now you can you can go to shorter formats various have been tried. But if you if it's important to you that you maintain that the core strength of the sport you don't change everything overnight but what you do do is you make that entertainment as strong as possible. And that's that's the key driver yeah that kind of make sense because again even if you go to a tournament live you know sometimes it's actually hard you don't see much gold no I've been too opened in the past I've been to the Masters in the past I've been to golf events you know all around the world. And sometimes you go in it's like I kind of want to watch it but it's like when do when do I go. For it yeah like when do i when there are you see gone wall. Or do you walk around do I follow my favorite player suddenly I mean in the hospitality 10. And then.

Not watching the golf where if it was just five hours that's what you gonna get. So going back to your original question from your phone about the entertainment of what people can where they can wear whatever they want. So can they wear shorts that's the big question okay that shouldn't in this day. And age that should not be the big question but the answer is yes actually had a tweet asking can they were shorts like will they wear uniforms like well they were kids. So as to generate the team identity as I saying their legacy deals that people can continue to wear exactly what they were if that's what they want to do in three five years time the to generate the real value within the franchise's a lot of that comes down to brand to be regarded as a team you wear the same team kit. And that gives you also a collective bargaining ability as a set of players also from a sponsorship point of view it means you're not having to put all your eggs in a single basket you know you you do a deal with a guy. And he's injured already misses multiple cuts on and you know that's not the value that you're expecting as a sponsor so you know could we even see teams actually wearing a kit or a uniform how does that kind of look moving forward yes. So as individuals the golfers will go to care. And wearing exactly what they were. But I envisage a situation in three feet up five years time where in order to create the true brand value of the franchise they'll start with one looked like a team and of course a team tends to wear the same kit you I can envisage a situation where you walk onto a course. And there are other people around you wearing team colors same team. But so it's all most of it cover stock Corp yeah was like you know that was a perfect team uniforms because you have the different golf courses. And and people played for a team I mean you see in the Ryder Cup yeah we need by the way we need to come on - right I mean radical - let's come on to it now yeah Ryder Cup with the premier golf league than the Ryder Cups it's a burning question people want to ask does the Ryder Cup still exist with the premier golf league yes is the answer. And I'm very close to some of the guys who are involved in the Ryder Cup from an organizational point of view it's quite possibly my favorite event I'm looking forward to it already. And I will never cease to. So it's not only will it. But it has to and yeah this is the premier golf league has little bearing on it it stands alone. And it's it should never go anywhere so out of interest hmm have you spoke to the Ryder Corp and it's all you know what was the conversations like with the the board at the Ryder Cup how does that work I will say that when you're talking to golf bodies what they care about most what we is what we care about most it's the long-term future of the game. So of course where you have Ryder Cup as an example you've got the Professional Golf Association the PGA both here in the UK and of course over in the States their interests of their members and that fundamentally is also where our interest lies because we want to make sure if we are successful there are going to be 35,000 other professional golfers who will also be more successful because more people watch more people play that means more lessons it means more equipment sold the entire ecosystem of the sport should be stronger as if we are in the best interest of the sport all of the sport will benefit. So from from those guys points of view I'm sure they don't see as I know they don't see is in any way a threat. But if they believe that we are going to make this the sport stronger then.

That should have a natural benefit to their members. So the members of the primary golf league let's say in a couple years time yeah they will still be eligible. And be picks for radical teams etc it all work in unison well put it this way the guys who play in the premier golf league will not be our employees they were continued to be independent contractors all we will ask of them because it's all of as as I say as fans. And the sponsors want to know where they're gonna play so we'll say if you want to play them please contract to play 18 events a season what you do. For the other four months and including time in between it's your time all we're asking from you is that you allow us the opportunity to tell the fans. And the funders of the game where you're going to be 18 times a year. So write a cup the majors entirely sacrosanct but they are their own organizations. So I mean just to quit when I'm not. And again you might not be in the position to talk about this book players who are in the premier golf league they'll still get awarded the ranking points. For not only world ranking and radical / majors and stuff as that obviously I'm guessing that's a conversation you're having at the moment but is there anything you can tell our listeners. And viewers about that right now yes I mean it is a conversation. And you can tell I'm doing my best to steer away from disclosing anything that it's it's down to other people to discuss if they want to what I would say is that if you understand the official World Golf Rankings properly fundamentally it is a system that was created as I understand it by Mart McCormick handed across to a company limited by guarantee here in the UK it has an incredible board of incredible people. And you know the real greats of the sport now what it is designed to do is to simply create a system which allows you to say write any professional golfer anywhere in the world that happens to be playing in a professional environment we will rank them. And therefore. they're weighted and a system of that type has to be it can't be biased towards any whomp particular part of the world or or one particular format it is it is meant to be neutral because all it is is a grading of professional golfers wherever they happen to be which is why you have the waiting system. And the points are allocated on that basis I would find it odd to have a world ranking system which is neutral cease to recognize any of the top players in the world because they happen to be playing on a different format I would find that out now I did I can't give you a definitive answer obviously I've been honest at a lot. And everybody has a has their own view particular on the playing side because those points whilst they are relevant to us as fans are also the equivalent of cash in some sponsorship contracts I would very much hope that should we come to pass. And there are players playing the premier golf league that they will continue to be recognized by that system I'm just going to ask obviously I very much doubt you can say right now. But obviously there's 18 events I think you said 10 of which in the US yeah have you guys obviously chosen the course is all that you know got a course that you want the events to be held up the answer is we haven't chosen them I think if you go through our team. And if you put the message out on your phone where would you like everyone's going to have probably there'll be those names that crop up on the same lists we would like there to be. And we're visits there being six courses which become permanent fixtures within the league now the reason for that is that as a fan you can become attached to a course when if you turn there every year be it as a spectator via broadcast. Or going live there's a heritage that builds up. And there are a lot of courses out there that would fit that now we've also been approached. And as you you probably won't be surprised but we've been approached by courses in the last 10 days so courses that didn't know about us have inquired and said by the way we would love to host you. So ok that's all one God but is it I'm sure the viewers. And listeners want to know is it literally a bidding war if I've got if I'm at a golf course. And I've got a wad of money can I pay you as much more as I want to host an event no it's not. So we as a team have been working on this for some time and we put a very I believe well thought through set of criteria this is about creating diversity within the playing environment when a player looks back in 20 years time they'll look back first of all on majors that they've won I would like them to feel proud about having become the champion of the premier golf league because as I said earlier it it will be the true test of the best. And that means you've got to be able to play in different conditions on different types of grass different environments because there are 60 odd million golfers around the world. And our experience is different well depending on where we're based you know I'd like to see guys competing in different environments difficult environments the types of invites you might get to see them play against the wind as much as anything else. But probably once or twice a year I'm not saying it has to be entirely different I'm just saying that to mix it up and to create that level of interest but they will be the best courses in the world. Or from that category but as I say a lot of metal a large amount of work has gone into that and it's part of an ongoing process I'm intrigued and this you know this might be downline obviously you see a lot of Ryder Cup course is now that are being you know bespoke design to host Ryder Cups yeah is that something that could happen potentially down the line in the premier golf league is it going to be a golf courses that are well known you know reputable golf courses yeah. Or is it gonna be golf courses that are built completely bespoke well the bespoke build is something which obviously caters. For the fan primarily so I had a I'm sure like everybody else wonderful time in France and it was a course that immediately lent itself to 50,000 people being on it every day. And to have a course that is capable of having that many people on it. But also where those who are present can enjoy their experience because of the gradient. So if you and we are building this. So that we hope the excitement that builds when the premier golf league comes to town or comes to your nation that there should be anticipation for that it happens in Formula one the and the the familiarity of people knowing where the second that occasionally changes but you be can become sufficiently familiar as a fan with where the circus is going to move on to next.

Now I say circus because it's entertainment. And people should be getting excited about it. And yes there will be I should imagine nations competing to have these guys to come to town. So the bidding part is is part of it yes. But it won't override the quality of the course that the guys are playing on. And when you talk about the discussions we're having this is none of this is set in stone. Yet because nobody has signed it even if people choose to commit they will still get the opportunity to say hang on a second I'd rather be there than there yeah if you give me a choice between the two. So the players may have a say in it absolutely okay yeah this is we are facilitators no nobody owns golf nobody can ever own it it's owned by all of us anyone who watches it anyone who likes to play it it belongs to us all. And we are just another facilitator. So we seek to do the best that we can do to create the product that yeah we would like to go yeah I think much like I think what that leads me on to then.

Is it sounds like the players gonna play at golf courses that are challenging what courses that they want to be out which is great it sounds like that the fans that are lucky enough to attend the events gonna be at courses that are amazing they're gonna showcase the course. And its best way and they can get you know really good kind of access to plays. And see the golf shots etc but what for the for the viewer at home then.

How do you see how did you think the goal of the viewers consuming the media would it be traditionally on a television. Or do you see there being apps made around it is it gonna be an online experience you know there's sort of aspects to it yeah how does that look yeah I think. For the people listening and watching this is your opportunity to you know yeah to give them an insight. So what's this from a viewer from someone who loves golf yep how are they gonna benefit from this this is your opportunity to okay that dress it up from your side. So everything that you can think of. And I mean because the world is evolving on an hour-by-hour basis in terms of media consumption. And what is possible an answer now won't actually be the answer in in January 2022 because it will have moved on further what I will say is that there will be every opportunity. So you will as a die-hard fan of the game if you are the guy who just likes to tune in. And check out for seven hours of golf then.

I'm afraid you're only gonna get five but I will tell you that the five hours you get will be the most entertaining that you can via your big screen your what used to be called the the primary screen I'm not sure it is anymore. But you will have the access to that that you recognize. But probably the best that you've you've got on a traditional basis you then.

Go online you can go via whatever source it happens to be from an app point of view. Or other streaming but you will then.

Have the opportunity to become your own producer this goes back to they're only 48 guys who do you want to watch. So you could just pick you will be able to pick because it's you know from a production point of view you've got a large field it's difficult particularly when fans aren't aware of where guys are going to be playing. Or when they're going to be playing. Or even when they're going out in terms of the draw. And if they're not relevant to the tournament in a traditional sense because they're not in contention then.

Yeah why are you going to show now this gives you the opportunities to say well there's actually there are there are a handful of guys who I'm particularly interested in. Or there's a dynamic now if you then.

Go to a different form of voice because you're sitting watching the golf I must confess they've been times where I thought come on guys yes just give me a little bit more than you're giving me now I can tell you the younger demographic are drawn by different things. And I say younger demographic I'm talking probably the 12 to 18 year olds now if you give those guys the ability guys and girls the ability to listen to a different type of overlay now it's not the type of overlay that we might sit down and choose to listen to it's not the sort of voice-over that you would necessarily expect to hear on network but there can be a different form because what is happening of course in the world of media is the choice is getting broader. And broader so if you want to listen to a slightly irreverent view where actually you know you're of an age where you you know you can tolerate whatever the language is you hear now they completely understand why that would not appeal to a large segment of golf's current demographic. But you don't choose therefore. to go and access that content well I tell you what if you're 16 years old and that is your form of entertainment. And you're watching the best players in the world at the same time then.

Why not so you get the freedom to do a lot more with this type of format. So essentially two people could be watching the same tournament but getting totally different experience is because they've chose to watch it a different way yes. And just as an example I guess the format will lend itself as well as any other to those are interested in in betting the ability to to select. For example a fantasy team now we are creating we're taking that fantasy sport onto the course. But people who already enjoy doing that will probably find it more interesting to do within the Premier League I'm intrigued about something yeah obviously the entertainment. And the actual ability to consume the content in whatever way they want to as a viewer yeah I'd completely appreciate I want to know something does that come at a cost what do you mean does it cost the viewer to take on this level of entertainment. So it's no it'll be no different from the existing cost of plugging into whatever media you plug in two different models exist which are sponsorship. Or and/or subscription driven from our point of view we would like to have every single golfer in the world feel as though they're part of what we're doing and so part of our business will be a membership platform. And that of course has the value we wouldn't propose to charge people but everybody who has any engagement with media in its less traditional sense appreciates the value that they bring to that platform that's why we're here today.

So there will be extraordinary interest in our audience. But will they be asked to pay through the nose. For it the answer is no. And that goes together as well with two key prices at events yeah obviously Ryder Cup majors yep always come at a premium ticket cost premier golf leaking where is that going to be a standard tournament ticket price is it going to be a premium I'd love to ethos. So Dan is market driven there'll be we have a strong desire to take this to the best places in the world where there is an extraordinarily strong fan base. But you know there aren't that many markets around the world that necessarily plug plug in on that basis it'll be reflective of the local market and what is deemed to be good value we want if we want people to come. And watch we want them to be engaged at every single level you don't price people out of the market if you want them to come it's all about money mm-hmm it's a hot topic yeah social media it's the you know every time premier golf league gets talked about money seems to come in to the back end of it yep there's two points of it yep first off backing yes I'm guessing you're not funding this out your back pocket how is the structure of the back in put y'all gather yeah what is the you know it was again I'd love to be able to tell my listeners. And viewers about the backing behind premier golf league okay. So the backing behind it is diverse it involves individuals it involves private equity there are across the group probably about 60 different shareholders because. And that started off with friends of mine and then.

It grew now from I think the angle you're coming from is probably what's been reported in the press. And that diversification now includes some very large groups I mentioned the rain' group earlier the reason we selected rain is because there we regard them as the best in terms of their industry knowledge their own backing is exceptional the work that they do is exceptional. And we've been working with them for two-and-a-half years they have a 30,000 foot view but they also truly understand the detail and when you've worked across all sport and that includes Premier League the Manchester City deal they did recently it includes NFL that includes UFC it includes media they are in terms of their experience. And their ability truly exceptional and we're very fortunate to have that the strength of partnership that we have another part of the group now is the probably the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world which is the public investment fund of Saudi Arabia. And I can tell you that they are extraordinarily passionate about the game in the same way as we are. So I'm sure it's going to question a lot of people know does that mean then.

The premier golf league will be hosting an event in Saudi Arabia yeah do you know what nothing has been agreed. Yet so it'll be part of the process and I should imagine there will be an event in the Middle East. But but it hasn't been it hasn't been finally determined okay. So there's that side yeah an interesting obviously. So all in all mmm the funding behind it is there a top-line figure that you've managed to get behind the premier golf league there is a top-line figure. And there have been some suggestions in the press but that's a matter of match between ours and our finances what I will say is that the backing that we have is more than sufficient. And the number of inquiries we've had from others in recent weeks who would like to supporters has of course been nice but we have sufficient backing to ensure that if as I say the players and the fans want this to happen it will happen properly that's a conservative answer. But got respect at the moment um okay. So there's this talk about obviously back in how does the premier golf league how does golf as a whole the up benefit from the premier golf league Israel Israel incentive is there a charitable section to it yeah I'd love to hear that okay. So obviously the work the brilliant work that's been done by the PGA Tour over the years from a charitable point of view is exceptional we will have twenty percent of our business owned by a foundation premier golf league foundation now we believe that all generates probably a large amount of money in terms of dividends. And also a large amount of value over a say a ten year period and we could see that value being two billion dollars over ten years that is important to us. And where that goes we will give that decision to others. So from a golf point of view we want that to go to benefit the game that does mean that we won't be putting more back into other formats. And tours if that's where we get to as I say we want people to share in this but the foundation will own 20% of our business. And that will if we are successful result in a two billion annuity. And a pot that will go to charitable causes within 10 years. So effectively to grow the game to go back into golf to you know give potentially young golfers opportunity to get into golf to fund coaching and deprived areas to build golfing in areas that aren't you know known for golf at the moment that's the kind of yes. But as I say that will be just a decision made by others we. And that's I believe how we can start to weave in the other key elements of the game because we want that to be shared. And we want this to provide the opportunity for those to come together and say well this you know there have been so many different initiatives since 2014 when there was concern that grew. And you you had all these different strap lines appear I'm aware of those initiatives and to me they don't look very joy nup they were all pushing in the same direction. But this presents golf with another opportunity to come together and make sure that is done on a truly joined-up basis. And you know turning that into a an annuity that goes to benefit those who require it is important to us okay sounds good that's a key I think that is a key element I do obviously. And II would take note loads of time yeah we appreciate it thanks. So much I'm sure you know the listeners and Watchers of this it you know really you know in let's hear it from you is. So you know different and be able to quiz you on in to be able to pick your brains which is great yeah we asked on Twitter before some questions okay gonna fire through them pretty quickly okay. So the first one from Sofie Walker will Olivia women's premier golf league yes I would hope. So we've had conversations which we've been asked the question by some of those involved in running women's golf well you know could we do this the answer is absolutely would would we support it without question. And if I think it should happen as soon as it possibly can do you almost set it see it sitting alongside the primary golf league ie same venue same you know ladies men absolutely playing together yeah competing potentially together I can I can see that in due course in terms of competing together. And I've been to events where it's happened and I find it very entertaining I'd say is a bare minimum the same course if if golf is coming to town then.

Why not have the equivalent women's format prior to. Or post from a cost point of view it makes a lot of sense and that's that's been one of the things that has been put to it I can see it benefiting women's the women's game profession the professional game a lot in the near future it's just something that we we started down the men's side because quite frankly that's enough to enough to take on. But we'd be delighted to have that conversation progress great this is good. Or bad i litterly think we have answered every question that we had on Twitter wow that wasn't we just had one question no the fact we had loads of questions. But I think throughout the process of this podcast I think. So you've answered so much and got into detail and you've been very honest I'm not like the actual chat has been super honest yeah it's the fact that it's the first time you've you know been able to speak publicly about it all yeah it wasn't the plan to go in front of the cameras. And the lights and the microphones but I've been brave enough to do. So and I think it's the right time to do. So like you mentioned and you might say it might have enforced a little bit but it works yeah I just want to finish on one thing then.

Yes the last one people listening people watching that may be sat on the fence yeah um you know. So I think there's a that's with Instagram poll it's 5050 you last kind of wrap up how can the people that maybe start on the fence. Or or a absolute no what she kind of message to those guys to finish off this the message is we're only doing this because we believe it's what we as a fanbase want. And hopefully this will have given people a better understanding because this it's the motivation which is key if you're doing things. For the right reasons it doesn't actually matter whether it happens or not it will only happen if enough people believe. And yeah that's why I took this opportunity because I want people to truly understand. And come to their own view and if you know in due course the feedback is do you know what would were just entirely happy the way things are that's great you know i we will we will then.

Move on this doesn't have to happen it should only happen if everybody. Or a sufficient number believe that it's in the best interests of the sport fantastic and and when will we know more information about players being put a little bit more on the spot about this is the decision-making time is there a date in mind the viewers. And listeners so I would say that you will only know. And should only know the view of any player once they decide to make their view known if any even want to come on the podcast you've got my number okay also I don't let's listen to all the way through please rate the podcast five styles yeah Andy thanks. So much free time it's been a pleasure I think we've got. So much information about this it's been incredible yeah thanks. For listening thanks for watching and I'm excited I'm intrigued mm-hmm I in camp I want it to succeed. But I'm also a little bit like it'll just be fascinating to see how it all turns out yeah I wish you all the best of luck thank you everything goes to plan. And I look forward to seeing golf at the best level with the best players week in week out thanks so much for your time thank you thanks so much for listening to watch everybody.