We've got some quick fire questions to get started with well they are quick fire they're kind of either all uh answers. And it's just to get a little bit to know a bit more about you and we do these when whenever we have a guest. But we kind of tail them a little bit more for the guest in questions you'll see what i've done here feel free to expand on them um or just give us your one word first one nine holes or the driving range oh give me nine holes yeah i'm just i i get i get in a zone on the range. And i always hit a grade on the range and i'm i just need to get on the course more so i'm gonna go with nine yeah i think that's the popular choice it is netflix. Or youtube oh youtube for sure is there okay is that even a question it shouldn't it shouldn't be. But unfortunately we've had a few people say netflix was a little bit disappointing about it's the one that's a little bit more tailored to you steve jobs. Or elon musk hmm i mean that's that's like michael jordan. Or lebron james like they're both clearly top i don't know how i pick between them i'm gonna i'm gonna go with steve jobs because he made a couple of the products not physically made but he's responsible for some of the products that are the only reason that i am into tech right now. So i'll go with i'll go steve jobs tiger nicholas i'm gonna go tiger and i know some of the people a little older than me might not go tiger but i'm going with tiger good show driving. Or putting i mean i wanna say driving. But i'm gonna go putting because i i feel like that's the strongest part of my game and the what they say is true you drive. For show pup for dough i feel like that's really uh i feel like i play with a lot of people who pick driving and then.

The the putting falls apart and it's kind of a pain to see so i'm gonna go party this next.

One might not be the best but i kind of got a little bit inspired by partly it's slightly tacky and it's something doing so much of recently but zoom call or face to face meeting huh uh you know zoom call is good i like a good zoom it's quick people want to get off. So they try to try to get everything done as quickly as possible face to face you gotta go somewhere you know you gotta you gotta put you put your nice clothes on and everything you don't know what kind of pants i have on right now if you have any exactly that face then.

First app you open in the morning uh well the alarm goes off and then.

I'm gonna say uh twitter twitter favorite golf brand if you have one callaway that's something we'll come on to a little bit i want to elaborate on on that a bit okay. So this one augusta right you can play a guster which obviously is the holy grail. For golf because it's like impossible to get on to but augusta on your own with no playing partners you can't film it's just you going out. And join the course or 18 holes at your local course with two friends and tiger oh man that is a good one that's a really good one um i'm gonna say uh 18 with my friends. And tiger at the local course because i would learn a lot from that i would learn about how he attacks the course how he plays i might get some swing tips i'll probably never get the chance to play with tiger again maybe i'll get to play another really nice course again but i feel like watching tiger tear apart galloping hills in new jersey would be something pretty wild that's the name of a golf course galloping hills wow i feel like what's worrying is that marquez has probably got more chance of playing with tigers. And eureka which is gonna just destroy rick yeah exactly. And then.

The final question again is a little bit more tailored towards you something i was personally interested to know you're going away. For a week's vacation but it's a little bit of work as well as obviously would be for yourself you can't just turn off that much you can only take one smartphone what you're taking one phone um honestly right now i'll take the uh iphone 12 pro because i know a lot you know there's there's better phones of certain things. But a lot of photos and videos from this phone look better than any other phone at the moment uh and if i'm only going you know playing a little golf maybe i take some videos uh take some scenery photos i'll probably take the iphone just to be safe it was actually your review watch of the day. So we've been filming here and rick's got an iphone 11 pro yes i have we're all team iphone here. And he's been crazy he really wants a new one he wants a 12 pro but you wanted a mac didn't you i wanted a max and i watched your review and i must admit i watched your review and actually i was ready my my finger was pressed on by. And right at the end you kind of said oh whatever the line was i'm not quite sure when i went oh let me just let me just put that away. For a little bit and i want i want to because obviously shops and stores and stuff are closed over here at the moment they've only really just started to reopen again i wanted to get my hands on a mac to really get the feel of it because i've got 11 pro. And obviously with the max it being a better video and a better photo we use iphone a lot for some of the clips that we shoot up i mean the video footage is incredible yeah it's. So good yeah uh. So do you have the you have the 11 pro. Or the 11 pro max 11 pro i have had boxes in the past but this time with the extra benefit of the mac's phone i felt like there was something a little bit more special in there yeah i mean i watch your videos. And i i feel like i can see the iphone footage like when you get those moving angles. And those iphone shots i see that i'm like that's a perfect use of the iphone camera for that stuff uh yeah the max is just it's a great camera obviously don't get me wrong. But a lot of my review is focusing on should you get the 12. Or the 12 pro max right and the difference between those two is. So small you could get either one and be fine but if you have an 11 pro i won't talk about either one of those upgrades there's they're going to be an amazing camera again you get hdr added to the mix with all the you know the sun coming in the side of your shots. And stuff like that so it could feel like an upgrade i just wouldn't spend another 100 or 200 to get the max just because it's the max it feels to me it lost there it feels a little bit like apple's products are getting almost like. So i think i just got the uh the new watch. But se version i always kind of like having the better apple stuff but for me the six it didn't feel i mean obviously always on display. And it had a few different features like was it the ecg. And stuff which you know you might use once or twice a blood oxygen but it feels like apple's products are getting closer. And also with the normal 12 and the 12 mini in terms of obviously you know much more than i do. But in terms of the specs they do feel quite similar to the to the pro this year yeah a lot of that is just in like how mature that's the word i like to use how mature the product category is. For their phones and their watches and even the ipads they're very mature so the difference between the best one and like the almost best one is almost nothing i want to dive into golf you get some great great questions on you know some of the answers there what's your greatest golf achievement uh is definitely my whole own one uh i don't really have any other golf achievements. So i feel like it has to be that um talk us through it yeah yeah okay. So the course got torn up it doesn't exist anymore which is sad um. But it's a course in new jersey i was playing with my uncle who doesn't play much. But he was a lefty it was on the back nine i want to say it was like 15. Or 16 or probably 15 and it's just a short par three a little bit uphill and i remember i was playing it was the course was almost empty. And my uncle was like he was like kind of like walking out of the woods. Or something and i was like not sure he was watching my shot. So every time i play with him i'm like making sure he watches every shot so i was like here goes nothing. And i said it out loud because i want to make sure he knew i was hitting i hit the shot two hops rolls in hits the pin drops. And we just looked at each other like i think that just went in. And i usually just had to run up to the green and make sure it really did go in um yeah i've never hit another hole in one since. But i think that's easily my best golf accomplishment that's super rare have you got a hole in one i have yeah it was uh it's definitely up there as one of my greatest accomplishments i i got it in open qualifying. So i was trying to qualify. For the open in 2017 so three years ago now the only thing and i can't actually believe this happened considering i pretty much only hit golf shots on camera to some degree my holy one was not on video now luckily. For me there was probably about 40 to 50 people around the actual golf because it would have been a tournament it was on the 17th hole. So quite near the clubhouse my group had a fairly decent following and it was quite a nice picturesque par three that was the only saving grace that there was lots of people around. And you could bloody hear us when that thing went in i mean the whole amphitheater of the whole exploded. And it was such a flush golf shot. But yeah i was asking everyone someone said anyone got that on videos. And literally no i couldn't believe it. So i still need one on video i think the day when i get one on video that's when i catch you up on subscribers that's when i overtake you on twitter that's when i take you over on instagram because some of your numbers not only on obviously youtube on other platforms i mean you like 4.4 million followers on twitter right i think that is probably correct yeah i mean it's i don't have a hole in one on video either. So i think that. And it's also you describe the the atmosphere that's real though i've witnessed some other hole-in-ones i used to be a caddy i had it for a hole-in-one and on the same course i got torn up playing it years later uh two holes or three whatever the last hole was is also par three. And i saw someone else freak out and start sprinting towards the green i was like that's a hole in one well i've been present to about 11. like i've played with people yeah yeah i've seen a lot of holding ones summer classic where you can prop a seat go in. And everyone explodes on the tee others are a little bit more subtle where you're not sure it's gone in. Or it's a blind green and you've walked up to it and you're walking around and going just check the hole has it got it has someone gone oh yeah it's gone in. And that's a much that's a much more subtle kind of approach guys had two i have had two but there's a the story's not great the first one i had as a junior i was playing with my friends like father who was a junior kind of coordinator. So that this was a witness. But it was honestly a horrendous shot i tried to like punch a fiver a bit of a tiger stinger thinned it it was horrendous it bounced over a bunker went over the green couldn't see it go in at all got that it was in. And i was i think i was 15.. So part of me was obviously over the moon i've got a hole in one. But it was a horrendous shot. And what made it even worse this is the worst part of it it got put in a local magazine it's like obviously a time distribution like a little local magazine. And it put it down that's going off the yellow tees when i was playing off the whites which are further back. So we said something like guy charlotte hit a 520 yards. And i was like no i was trying to do a little stinger from like 150.. So that kind of ruined it but so marquez obviously we now know that.