The waste management obviously is not particularly just famous. For who wins sometimes that can be overshadowed by a lot of the other actions that go on at waste management including the 16th hole the par 3 um at the stadium course where it is literally a stadium built around the park stadium isn't it is it like 40. Or 1000 or is that too many that seems too many i feel like i saw 20 000. But don't quote me on that because that could also be tens of thousands of spectators rammed in around this path three 360 degrees it is an unbelievable spectacle like you see it. And i love the clips when you when you come off the back of it and imagine building that around something like the 12th the masters or building that around um the 17th at sawgrass or whatever it may be it is an unbelievable scene setting it's had massive moments there back in 1997 tiger had his only professional holy one there that's mad how at the time when you look at that video it looks rammed. But you compare that to now and it looks like it's like a ghost sound doesn't it and what's really mad about that it looks really downhill on that clip where i think it's pretty flat actually um it's not long hole i think probably the furthest about something yeah the furthest back they can play it's probably like 150 odd 160 maybe yeah i've played it um when the grandsons were up i played it about five five six years ago. And the grandstands were up um i can't quite remember what i did i don't believe i hit the green. But there was literally a few builders knocking on a few bloody bits. And bobs and i was i was nervous even just then.

Because it was just the amphitheater it was like you never play golf in a setting that's like that. So imagine filling that with twenty thousand let's call it fans spectators tv cameras celebrities um drinking yeah which we'll come on to the atmosphere must be unlike any anything else ever the closest thing i would say is at the first uh the golf national oh yeah. But even so that was just the t wasn't it i think the unique thing with the path three is no matter where you are sometimes it's a short one you can see everything you're the closest. And this is very not even that close. But was what was that hole at st george's that had were [ __ ] thompson are holding one. And we started oh yeah that was a bit like a mini stadium 14th. Or something that was more like yeah like traditional grandstanding what's. So unique with this is how it lets you wrapped around. So you walk into it you're like in a like an ambi theater yeah you're walking via a tunnel you're coming from the 15th which is a phenomenal par 5. it almost gets really overshadowed because you almost never see any footage on there it's a really good part 5 where it's like an island green risk. And reward and everything but it kind of gets overshadowed because the pathway is coming up. And then.

17 18 are phenomenal holes as well. But you walk through this kind of tunnel and it it must just hit you the the atmosphere the sounds the smells of alcohol like crazy crazy now i did see a start. And i'm annoyed that i didn't take a screenshot of it now about the holy ones that have happened there let me just see if there's been a lot quickly not loads no um that's going to annoy me i should have taken a screenshot over the weekend i saw a start um it was something along the lines of it was it's at least been 20 plus years since a holy one has taken place on the final round all right i know that. For sure um there's been a few holy ones as to go along but this weekend there was two holy ones um ryder i can't remember his first name i want to say samuel is sam ryder yeah. So sam rider on the third round saturday which again the atmosphere must be absolutely incredible makes a hole in one yeah which was a cool one on it pitch right the flag spun in dropped in. And then.

On uh sunday i'm gonna really get his name wrong again here now uh ortiz um he seemed to write almost a little top spin to go in i think the greens got really really really hard because he was only hitting nine nights what i mean it like bounced. And rolled in uh he also got a hole in one carlos ortiz then.

He went on to eagle 17. he saw that it's amazing of the year back-to-back eagles apparently unbelievable played two holes in three shots um but then.

The carnage pure carnage took place after both said holy ones now again picture of the scene amphitheatre loads of drinks going on you're there watching waiting. For something magical to happen yes. And something did magical happen yes celebrations were um strong yeah is a probably good description of it. So you might have seen it over social media this weekend as soon as both players got the holy ones obviously the crowd went absolutely berserk jumping screaming shouting but then.

Decided to do something that is sometimes happens at sporting events where beer was thrown yeah bottles were thrown onto the golf course marshalls were ducking out the way tv cameras were trying to dodge kind of these missiles players were trying to do everything they could not to get hit massive cleanups after ironically at the waste management i think it's over yeah um. And i'm guessing then.

For the next.

Hour and a half the bar was completely full of people wanting to restock the drinks replenish um huge delays in play from actually picking up the bottles not sure if there's damage on the golf course not sure if there was excess kind of waste water beer on the golf course. But it was scenes that you wouldn't i've never seen on the golf course before ever no ever ever ever. But you meant you mentioned actually you saw a clip from 1997. tiger did it. So basically i i didn't watch the golf but i kind of watched the clips and i was on social media. So i feel like i saw enough um to get a real kind of understanding of it and it didn't quite sit right with me but i'm gonna try and explain my point and i'm always conjured with the podcast that we obviously we record the podcast so it's a full-length audio podcast obviously and it's a full-length video podcast as well but equally we do kind of smaller bite-sized chunks that people can watch on youtube who may not normally tune into the podcast who might watch your videos occasionally. And see this random one pop-up and they'll click and watch it it might be eight minutes long or ten minutes long i sometimes fail with those because people don't know why i'm often they'll just jump on whatever you say and not kind of give it context so ironic i was really thinking about it this weekend i think how can i explain it in its simplest form that people might disagree with me that's fine. But can't take what i say incorrectly so i was watching the golf said online i watched the holy month obviously. And i saw the celebrations and i saw the the um almost euphoria between the players the people were there. And it looked like people were having an amazing time. So that i am fully behind but i did a tweet that hopefully kind of sums it up in my opinion anyway said i like how it's different i like how it's fun exciting. And noisy i love the stadium set up i just hate the unnecessary throwing of drinks i've never understood it and never will now that last bit isn't just about this event in golf. For me personally and everyone has different opinions different whatever i'd never understand it when you see the events and england did it in the you know the euros they did. So well people in big crowds just launching beer everywhere you get at rock concerts people throwing beer for me personally i'm never in in an environment where that's something i want to do. Or feel like it's excitable or something that ex you know it gets me going throwing a beer i kind of get it if you're holding the drink. And you jump up and naturally some of that comes out but let's you get it that's what all these people said well yeah again. And then.

Launched it down to green for me i just don't get now what i am behind firstly a massive behind golf having different events and um different kind of ways sorry different ways of the crowd enjoying themselves i love accident absolutely i love the way it's literally a stadium it's so different it's so unique and i imagine the players you know it's one week of the year absolutely love it i i imagine they do anyway i better get more nervous. But i absolutely love it i like the people that go have an absolute great time and thoroughly enjoy it so and that side of it i am absolutely well behind it makes golf look cooler and i said to you before off the podcast growing up golf was my sport. And it still is my sport i'll hold my hands up i found it quite difficult sometimes telling people played golf because i was scared of what they would perceive as. And how they'll perceive me it's boring it's an old man's sport you should play football you should play rugby so anything that ever happens in golf that makes the game look a bit cooler i feel kind of proud of because i feel like you know what i mean. So i'm absolutely behind that i don't want it to be seen as stuffy and old men and boring i love the explosion the excitement i just don't like people launching beer partly because i don't get it you've paid probably eight dollars ten dollars whatever it is. For a beer and now you're throwing it yeah secondly you're throwing it thinking well i'm not gonna [ __ ] that up somebody else can yeah how horrible is attitude lastly i mean i know it's out this is a really deep point it might not be as relevant. But you know people in the audience look like they're all it looks like they're all taking part but the better now there's some people who don't massively like they want to be there for the atmosphere but don't want to be covered in beer they might have won a new outfit they might not drink for religious beliefs they might not drink because of the bad struggles of alcohol whatever it might be and you're throwing beer all over them i just don't think it's pleasant now you could say well don't win that grandstand because that's what happens. But that's not fair like you can't say this is a grandson only people who drink beer only people who want it covered in beer i just don't think it's right yeah. And that's nothing to do with trying to be a killjaw that's just my own opinion yeah i think you've articulated it really well. And it's and you you asked me this morning about what i think. And i probably have not over thought it i've not thought of it into it too much because i'd almost feel like i'd slightly contradict myself because when i look on the tv and you write to your absolute points there i'd actually be like god yeah that is stupid. And then.

Why why are they doing that. But i know full well if i'm there i'd be one of the idiots yeah at least i would i just know i would. So i i would find it really hard for myself to kind of almost contradict it because you almost get wrapped up in the in the environment but you mentioned today.

If i was there with my family if i was there with my kids things would have i would react differently i don't think i'd i'd have the same reaction every single time in every scenario um. But you weren't the only one so i put a tweet out a series of tweets actually but just out of curiosity do you like the crazy celebrations on the 16th hole at the waste management 67 said they love it 15 said 15 said they hated it eighteen percent said they don't care. And that's like five and a half thousand folks what's interesting i know it was only can you go on some more detailed questions. But what's interesting with that is people might perceive crazy celebrations shouting. And don't forget golf we don't get much of that so people might be behind the more kind of shouting the more celebrating rather than being very quiet please other people might be seeing that more as the beer lastly even though i'll go into another question lastly is it good. For golf or bad for golf i'm thankful for this 84 of people do think it's good. For golf and i'd agree with that yeah like how many new people have never. And i almost think of the audience i almost don't think they're a golf audience as well in that grandstand the question i would have. And i don't disagree i think because i did this survey on partly because i wanted to put my own opinion. And also see it so you have to click the answers to get the results so i clicked yes it's good. For golf so overwritely i would probably say it is. But anything why i just think it's getting more eyeballs. And it's it's like the fun you're seeing players having fun yeah. And i'll come on to another point in a minute because i actually watched the last few holes of of um the golf last night my wife claire who doesn't particularly doesn't play golf not that massively interested um i was asking her a few questions about come on to a minute. So i do think you see players in a different setting i think they're a little bit different in that in that involved possibly yeah we i'll come on to another point in a minute. So good for golf 84 last last question what do you think of the beer throwing this it's actually this surprised me because. For a long time it was actually 50 50.. For a long time i was like what um in the end it became 62 percent with down vote yeah still 38 up vote i actually thought in my head at the time i thought oh surely it's going to be 90 down 10 up when it start at 50 50 i'm like what. And it's just just hit on the scale of down vote um so there was again i think it's probably hard i think. For that very very first time when some when samurai did it people probably just lost their minds. And didn't think they were going to do it. And it just happened it was just it was spontaneous i'm not saying it's right. Or wrong it was spontaneous it was it was saturday afternoon everyone's probably absolutely pie-faced. Or whatever the one i had in my head was not family friendly. So i thought i better not say that one so um i think in that environment it was like oh my god like i had whatever yeah that's not natural there's nothing natural about throwing like don't know look what you did with your hands then.

Yeah like a roller coaster that movement. And getting it's not this only uh the one person to do it probably. And then.

What happened then.

On the sunday when it happened again i thought obviously you know what's going to happen the players knew what was going to happen i felt really really sorry. For the marshalls because they they'd experience it on the saturday and probably didn't like it they're now like literally ducking for cover you had even cameramen ducking for cover and i thought oh come on guys maybe you could have learned from day one you know what i hate about it though is the fact that i've used the analogy before off camera to you that if you went to a nice sunday dinner with your wife. And they said unfortunately mr shields i didn't know your name let's just say they did the bar is full inside it's middle of summer we've got a lovely table outside. For you and you go okay let's go we've got three kids with you they're gonna play on the adventure play thing oh by the way we've got a big massive 40-foot tv screen outside as you know it's the manchester united vs man city derby today.

And you go for lava big football fan that's perfect you're eating your sunday roast watching the football next.

Thing rooney not rooney they're coming back watching you don't catch the day ronaldo scores that the winner and united win the game you're in every right to celebrate might give you a little fist but maybe stand up matt gunshick cheers he might shake hands another one of the dads who's got three kids with him and say well done old fellow well at no there's no instance where you're gonna start throwing a beer no no it's just because you're with other people why does that mean you have to fundamentally change how you celebrate. And start throwing beer i'm a bad person no. But it doesn't mean you're a person. But why i don't understand what part of it elevates the experience i don't know but this is why i really really can't say i'm absolutely 100 against it because i don't know why i'd end up being one of those idiots i would. And i'd probably hate myself for it i know i think that low on a deeper level though. And this is completely different television. But that's why i like football grounds all these things negatively happen whether it be throwing or people shouting things aren't right because like oh well i was at the football it was all right it was mob mentality yeah like if you don't believe that fundamentally why should you change who you are to fit in with the surroundings i just like to fit in. And then.

But then.

I must admit so then.

The second second holy one i thought it's gonna happen again and i thought yeah okay expected the two times however. not the other times i completely condone. But the other next.

Two times i thought what out absolutely ridiculous but that's the point though isn't it there's gonna it's on or off they're not gonna have it like you're saying and i kind of again i don't agree with it but if it's gonna happen at all it's on a hole in one in it but then.

It's like didn't you say justin thomas chipped in it was absolutely ridiculous in that set in that time thinking oh come on like you are now actually taking the mick a bit um he was at the back of the green he chipped in he was kind of giving it all this to the crowd like. And suddenly beer started getting thrown onto the golf course again i was like oh i didn't expect that like not that time because that they are i don't know um. And even justin thomas's face like i forgot are you you're joking what the hell's this about. And then.

The other time did you see the other one the harry higgs one yes we pulled the top up. So harry higgs obviously really you know well that's weird though cause i i didn't massive like that like i didn't like him doing that and i didn't like troy troy um no joel uh darham taking his shirt off. And swinging it around thinking oh i [ __ ] the outline it's up and then.

Beer was being thrown on again yeah yeah i like oh my god i think i think the thing is i mean again i probably wouldn't personally celebrate taking the top off. And spinning it but it's for me i found it a bit funny it's more when you're throwing so it's like i'm gonna throw this beer but i'm not picking it up some other peasant can collect this beer. For me i know i know i've overthought it but i've spent the weekend trying to understand how i feel about it it didn't sit quite right with me and it's a fine line as golfers you know as people in the golf media whatever we want golf to look cool yeah we want to inspire more people to play that's all great i do. But there's a fine line between showing people having an amazing time and just looking foolish and just like it's a mentality [Music].