All right guys welcome back to the podcast my name's rick shiels i'm here at the rickshaw culture podcast i just introduced myself i love that episode 147 i'm here with co-host guy my name's guy charlotte i'm here at richie's golf show podcast today.

We've got a guest absolutely this is it's an intro because this is the friday special friday treat. And you don't get these very often so treasure it with all your might you know what i would see a friday treat like when you give your kids maybe pocket money yeah look you're gonna get five pounds today.

This isn't a normal thing don't get too used to it. But here it is enjoy it you know what's funny is the moment like jude will find like a pound on the side he'll go oh can i have this money daddy i said yeah you can have money it goes great i'm gonna buy like a bike with it. And you're like you need to learn something um anyway today's podcast we have got a true superstar celebrity on the podcast stop it rick i'm here every week it's not a big deal we have got one third of the biggest tv shows in history former top gear presenter yes now grantor presenter. And also youtube channel owner yes from drive tribe richard hammond on the podcast never did i think in my wildest dreams that i'd be saying richard hammond is coming on the podcast on a golf podcast yeah that's the weirdest bit because he's made it very very very very very very apparent that he doesn't like golf no he said it on national television in front of tens of millions of people how dare he. So we're going to find out today.

Why the hell he's here we had a word with a quiet stern word. But yeah the good thing is this podcast has already been recorded like two weeks ago now yeah. And we know we can promise you this it's really really good is that bad to see what your own podcast i think he elevates it you know yeah absolutely it'd have been a good podcast richard hammond turned it into a very very very good podcast yes um he's funny humorous he is um very intelligent very very good on we're talking you'd expect he's a tv presenter um. And we figure out in this episode why potentially richard hammond may become a real golfer and a golfer i would say our podcast normally is like steak. And chips it's good it really is good i'd like to think he was a peppercorn sauce yeah the elevation that he needed the onion he was the onion rings on the side yes he was little the special service yeah he was the real real star he deserved that 10 gratitude tip he did he doesn't get it from this podcast he deserves it. So we're not gonna hold we're not gonna dive into this we're not gonna keep waiting any longer exploded then.

We're gonna keep you any longer sit back enjoy this phenomenal podcast golf podcast with richard howard uh richard thank you for joining us on the podcast well thanks for having me alone i'm excited intrigued. And i'm thinking which one of us gets the sinking chair or is it you deflating are you actually deflating. And the chair's not sinking my chair is just literally sunk by about eight inches i love the speed it was going out it was real proper gentle that's quite an expensive effect wow i'm back i'm back in the room okay as we walked in i was dead impressive yeah this is a proper setup these boys have got it all i'm jealous now i'm realizing no there was a we like swans it looks nice. And smooth on the top but down below we are paddling at the moment my chair's paddling yeah downwards um we've just been out on the golf course. Or should we say the driving range and i've just given you a golf lesson i know thank you i couldn't believe when we first started talking that you of all people have got into golf i know it's i don't think it's brave i think it's brave yeah i think you have maybe got the reputation of somebody who uh hates to say it as as given golfers beef yes mocked it mocked criticized showing off it was. For effect i don't think there's anything wrong in being someone who's prepared to say right i've spent 25 years laughing at something. And calling it ridiculous and now it's gonna turn like it yeah there's anything wrong with doing that. So where did this come from how um yeah what did you what did you not like about golfers um i'm going to be honest some of you clothes i'm really rude i'm look i'm what go on give us some examples well everything you wear the things you put on no no no no i it's specifically it's the hats shirts trousers socks shoes one glove this is where you've all lost one glove um there's shoes with it. But they i don't know it's honestly and if you want to be serious about it i've always taken the mickey because if somebody comes along and they're really into something you've got two choices you either go oh that's interesting and then.

Find out about it or you laugh about it and we that's kind of what we do as brits isn't it i was saying to you actually on the way out to our session on the driving range. For which i thank you it will come to that. But um on the way how i was saying to you how if anybody's doing anything if you're really into it. And you're with other people doing it it doesn't matter how you look like my interest i suppose and i can confess it here would be hill walking. And and this weekend i was up in the lake district. And i bought myself a whole load of new kit which i haven't done in years so i went into a little shop in keswick and i bought walking boots new walking trousers a lot of because people coming down the fells looking like crane flies with the legs flapping about i'm not into that i don't like that but any sort of special purpose kit it's more fun to mock it unless you're into it okay. And now what i'm saying is i've got a complete about turn. And after taking the mickey relentlessly i i told my two colleagues on the grand tour told james and jeremy on camera and i'd saved it because of you know we talk off-camera which cool stuff but i thought i'm gonna save this to see what they do. And we were on a boat i can't remember what we were doing. And i had at that point had two golf lessons which is all i've ever had in my life. And i just had them and i thought i'll tell the guys and see how it goes down and they were appalled honestly. And you see it on camera that no jeremy didn't speak to me. For a couple of days genuinely hurt and you were quite happy about that i may i wish it had been longer after two days he did um. So i'm quite happy to completely about face and say no i'm going to take it up. And what changed your mind then.

What made you start thinking amazing light uh genuinely um long story short holiday south of france i always take loads of mates with me we always went to big plays loads of families together and they're blokes i've known for years and we were the villa was on the golf course yeah it sound maxine. And the lads went off to play golf and i thought well i can't i'm not doing that i don't play golf and then.

They came back later that afternoon grinning sunburned being drunk if i'm honest but that had a fabulous time and they were just like being. And that there had been some competition and they just had fun you felt like you'd missed out a bit of a bit of foam or you were like yeah there's walking boots on anybody want to go was proper jealous um. And so um and weirdly one of the people on holiday with us was my daughter's boyfriend cam lovely young bloke plays golf. And we came home straight into lockdown the first lockdown so he had to stay with us for a couple of weeks because we had to isolate and being a mad king golfer i i sidled up and said mate am i too old to start he said no you could never go. And he mowed me like a little fairway and a hole and a green and we just had a little player like i said this is brilliant. And i decided i'd quite like to get good at it that was stage one yeah stage two. And i think you know what's coming turns out it's impossible it's quite literally impossible it actually can't really be done. And when you think about it that's quite obvious of course it can't it's a tiny ball. And a stick and a massive field how are you going to get that over there. And internet doesn't work and you've got water yeah. And bunkers and rough and wind and rain almost the more i've spoke about it's loads on the podcast golf is really hard yeah. And to crack it i mean nobody can yeah you literally cannot crack it because you could say 18 underpass building every hole is cracking it. But even that's not the only way you could actually complete golf is if you went round 18 holes. And every hole you got a hole in one and to your point that's impossible so i don't i don't disagree with the fact golf is impossible another reason. For giving it grief you just said 18 under par bird in every hole. And you better yeah because like if you do a lot of something it involves a language of its own. And that means if you're not part of it's like i don't follow football for the simple reason for whatever reason when i was seven it didn't quite chime with me i didn't get into it being brought up i was in birmingham in suburbia oh let's go watch the footy. And i never did i don't know why. And so i never connected with it so i didn't have that language i didn't have those reference points and if you're standing if i'm sitting at the bar and everyone's talking about birdies and whatever and i'm thinking going on about it must be rubbish must be rubbish because i don't understand it it's strange i don't like it i don't like it. And so you don't approach it yeah. And it's quite off-putting so you should stop talking in code and speak in language that we can all understand. And then.

You might find mind you i thought about this on the way because the the lesson we just had i really enjoyed it good thing i did progressively did you feel braver to have another go um. But i was thinking about it on the way yeah they should make themselves more approachable. And stop making it so off-putting because they have to wear special clothes and there's special rules on the golf courses and the special language and then.

I thought wait a minute do they want to do they want to stop it being exclusive maybe they don't like i'd like riding bikes is my favorite thing in the world i don't want everybody to do it i'd rather they didn't i think people who work in the industry who work in golf people like ourselves. And golf coaches and golf clubs they want more people to play golf yep because it's going to grow the game. And inevitably make more money for the game i would agree with you in the fact i don't believe golfers actual golfers who play every day on saturday every week on a saturday or every day they don't want more golfers on their golf courses the golfers you just described right for me biking i've ridden motorbikes since i was 16. that's one of the most important it's one of the binding most continuous. And important threads in my life riding motorcycles i honestly if you haven't got your full motorcycle license by the time you're 17 you're banned for life because you didn't want it enough yeah. So it's too late you've missed that but if you join in too late yeah you kind of no no it's like like blokes who take up. And and women who take up biking in their mid late 30s because they've suddenly got a few quid and go and buy a really expensive bike and matching leathers no you missed it i'm sorry you weren't riding around on a 50cc bike at 16 with a pair of wellies taped up to stop your feet getting wet. And a waterproof jacket on so you're not allowed to ride around your calfskin leather's now matching your r1 you're not allowed i think there's two things i don't know i think if you weren't playing one in the rain if as a kid you weren't out on the course borrowing the equipment. And having a little go there's too late you missed it you didn't want it enough you can't take it up now in which case i can't take it out what's some of the most ridiculous rules that you think of in golf at the moment um all of the rules just all of them yeah the fact that there is there's quite a lot of weird ones around golf clubs aren't there yes go on okay how could i cause me if i go down to the golf club okay there's there's a few things you can do if you want to not abide by the rules okay first off quite a simple one wear your hat in the clubhouse oh my cannot do that people tell us offer them in here on the comments do they yeah it's our clubhouse. So there's that's very that's very old-fashioned isn't it that's that's old-fashioned courtesy i don't mind that i like that one's allowed if you um meet the captain of the golf club okay let's call him bob yeah you can't call him bob you're not allowed you have to call him mr captain. For the entirety of his captain year i do not i'm lady captain yeah i'm mr president lady vice i'm mr chairman. And junior but if bob's bob isn't he well listen i've known him for like 30 years because she is mr captain when you walk in that clubhouse if you walk i do not that's not yeah it is if you you're saying that. So that i make a complete whatever of myself if i go into them no that's true if you walk onto the first tee. And your golf bag has more than 14 clubs no that's not penalized what does somebody inspect that is there a club. And i've got one more one that i think. For some golf clubs okay you are not permitted to change your shoes in the car park what you have to go. And take your shoes and go and change them in the locker room provided now hang on i don't mind a rule sometimes that's so that when you arrive at the club the car park isn't full of people yelling and shouting across their cars and wrestling themselves out of their loafers and into their golf shoes yes that's all right i don't mind that wrong there's a certain standards. For all because you're if you make the place smart you've got to contra if you want the place to be smart you've got to contribute to that yeah all right listen there's some the other one as well if you get a hole in one yes okay you've you've achieved something pretty special yeah okay yeah you though then.

Go into the clubhouse. And often there's a bell you ring that bell with pride you go in i've i've just made a hole in one re you ring that bell with pride however. that means that you have to buy everybody in the clubhouse a drink served you're right no i don't know i've been too good. But what you're saying is you're right that's the is that a british thing only. Or even in english i think holding one definitely hats in clubhouse is more relaxed um i would say shoes in car parks are normally at posh golf clubs. And you know what i think it is also to do with. And and i must admit i do agree on this side once you finish around the golf typically shoes aren't as clean as when they started your golf shoes they might be grassroots you play it outside don't you yeah exactly. So always a common thing that golfers will do they'll get both shoes. And to get the excess grass or mud off the shoes they'll bang the shoes together bang bang bang bang bang in the car park yeah. And all that mud and all that grass is then.

In the car park. So i think that's why this is awesome that's why also there's a reason to change the shoes in the clubhouse do you not think though. So a lot of these rules are genuine. And a lot of them are more classy well i said classy. But more kind of original premium golf clubs maybe more historic jobs yeah posh that's the word i was looking. For but what annoys me as a golfer who's played since being very young is whenever golf is portrayed like on television it's always that side of golf that you see. And as you saw today.

And i think that is what puts people like maybe yourself off previously when actually there is. So many more younger people playing golf cooler people playing golf courses without dress codes different types of goals what about short middle-aged brummies there's a new one who's talking about me i've got a question for you two um and it was still in the car park right. So somebody's there banging their golf shoes together to get their medals in the car park i am appalled um what what are they standing behind what car ah okay this is very interesting because i do believe there's a there's a connection typically golf if you certainly go to a nice golf club it's an affluent sport. And often golfers may ride around in some very fancy cars i've seen some of the best cars i've ever seen in golf club car parks they do like a nice car don't they right what are the no-nos what could i what could i go in what could i not cars wise yeah i find that. So if i were to set off in uh 1937 1927 model a ford that's a vintage possibility okay it's a very very old car yeah a lot old. And it dropped a bit of oil it's vintage is it still is it like a classic vintage. Or like a bit of a knocked up vintage oh is it in good condition no not really i took it trailing recently it's absolutely appalling it's covered in mud no too muddy just use them clean it there's a barrier at the front gate that just wouldn't lift 1968 mustang 390 gt just like the one in bullet loud oh yeah. So it's going to be this is two disturbed golfers it'll disturb golfers three courses what about a nice estate well that's a nice bmw estate are you talking about the drivetrain mike's got a v10 engine i should i should explain i think drivetrain is our thing that we do which is we haven't got a studio like this. And i'm a very at least if we did have a studio like this the seat wouldn't yours would actually lift up yours was that a height at all um yeah. So mike has um for reason is best known to his own scottish self um he's decided to put a v10 engine in it. And a manual gearbox and uh i'm going to find out tomorrow how lethal it actually is i don't think that would be allowed in it's quite loud in every sense of loud. So we're doing a challenge tomorrow yes which might be already out on the on drive tribes youtube channel um where we are going to go head to head yes around aintree yes you're going to be on the racetrack in this in this souped up bmw five estates ridiculous yes. And i am going to be inside of the racetrack because of the golf course there. And i'm going to be playing a golf hole a 400 yard golf hole i i can't really sexify the golf hole i can't say it's raw ring the only thing you know. But you can't maybe hit driver it could be difficult and the challenge is you're gonna do two laps of the race track yeah a race against me to play one whole of the golf course. And i believe from all accounts it's going to be incredibly competitive the stats tell us it should be really close. And when you're setting up a race like that and we did it on top gear. For years stupid races you've there's no point doing if the outcome's obvious you've got it i don't know. But we will know by this time tomorrow we will know about one of us tomorrow will be just covered in glory suffused with victory the other one broken wretched never able to show their face again because they lost a raise that nobody else understands. And that's then.

Finished sparkling career i think there is a very interesting um correlation between people who buy cars okay. And often i might be in in the certainly in this category i would think a lot of people who certainly spend a bit of money on cars uh it's all about the show it's all about being fancy. And being the part and driving up and pulling up to the workplace in this fancy vehicle or going to the golf club in this fancy car i think there's a real correlation between how people buy cars. And want to show off and how people buy golf clubs and want to show off is it because you can you can spend a lot of money on golf club i can't you you can spend more on cars yes they are bigger. But yeah they are they are more moving parts they can move you around more yes um there is a definite um stature symbol symbol when golfers turn up. And they've got a bag of really really expensive clubs and typically that comes out of a really expensive car but surprisingly not always i've seen really really expensive clubs like some of the top of the range being dragged out the back of a of a work van really yeah because you see this it's something i've wanted to do on drive drive. For ages but mike and lucy won't let me because they're basically in charge they're just off camera that's why did you notice i'm actually getting a digging at them what i've wanted to do people whose bicycles are worth more than their cars. For years because you often will see somebody with a 12 grand mountain bike on top of an old shed of a courser. Or something honestly worth 500 quid and what you want to do ask them why yeah what's wrong with you that's what i want to say um because what is. But so you would get that in golf somebody will turn up with. And what could what could if if i was going berserk on a set of golf clubs what could i spend. So there's it's certainly if you went more towards the asian market there are some golf clubs. So there's a brand called honma which is one of the most expensive ones. And you can get a set of golf clubs that are completely customized to you. But when i say customize i don't particularly mean in specifications i mean in gold. And bling and detail and customization with richard hammond hand printed into the golf club and they they look absolutely stunning and and the drive the head cover is made out the greatest leather known to me painting it beautifully. And it's hand stitched the craftsmanship is magnificent. And the golf bag is is again it's handmade it's been handcrafted to the exact specifications it's too much joy it's like a marksman spencer you could genuinely you're at least talking five figures. And sometimes maybe maybe you could push it to six figures i think a set of clubs if you went silly expensive could be close to a hundred grand if you went. For these hummers but there's actually a bentley so bentley makes them they're 16 000 and again they're just all super exclusive super rare bentley as in bentley well they started making golf clubs before cars really no. But but there's there's got to be some element of this bentley have made golf clubs surely because they'll have a showroom somewhere and you know well yeah because they can sell it i mean is is there a is there a limit beyond which you could spend up to this amount. And that's that's getting the golf club that you physically can never be better than that you can't yeah i mean what would that be the performance in golf is very interesting because unlike car performance there are regulations in how fast the ball can actually be hit off the face regulations there's a little legal obligation legal requirement. So there's a there's two organizations or governing bodies the rna you said governing bodies. And i'm bored sorry sorry the rna in the usg are these quickly they have they have tests that every club has to match before it will legally be allowed to use in competition use. So it cut well it can't hit a ball any faster what if i could do that well you can. But there's room there's a test that it has to pass so if it passes that test and obviously someone that can swing it faster. And hit it further than somebody else but is there a sweet point in golf kit is there a here's what what i'm thinking is years ago it was a program called top gear nobody's ever heard of it um with two other blokes nice fellas um i was the main host yes they were just a little old man. And a little [Laughter] but um we always said that um secretly actually the answer to the question car is volkswagen golf you don't need any more than that if you need a bigger one then.

You've got the money get a range rather. But other than that vw golf is kind of gti that's that's you're never gonna you can't use a faster car than that on the road i love golf oh wow well there it is it turns out it was a pun all along subliminal message that's what it was um. So we decided that was a secret that must never come out because we made a living obviously out of helping people agonize through the decisions to what car they should have. And admire but that's the video but what i mean is that is kind of as a benchmark you could drive all your life. But pretty much on the road certainly golf gti you can't really you can go around a lamborghini hurricane. But realistically you can't use any more speed than the gulf can give you. So that's what you need yeah is it the same in golfing equipment yes i would say. So we we've done loads and loads of equipment tests where we we've even bought gone out and bought some of the cheapest clubs you can possibly buy just to show you you can still play golf with the cheapest golf clubs available that have no custom fitting. And you're right i think i know what you're going to ask at my skill level i can make them work okay. And there will be a limit we did a video where i took on a tour pro. Or an ex-tour pros played in the open unbelievable golfer he used the really cheap basic golf clubs super cheap and i use my normal golf clubs which are not ridiculously expensive. But fairly pricey a couple of grand win a match against each other and i think do we have it in the end i think it was half to show that actually quality of golfer still outperforms quality of equipment it can't it can make you better. But is there a level of equipment as a beginner like what i am could hold me back because that's i mean i did there were cars you could give a new driver to go around a track on. And there would be worse yeah the slightly more expensive one because it will answer better it's just better to use the big thing. For someone that's a beginner it would be more so you have golf clubs that are tailored more. But better players and you have golf clubs that are targeted. For new golfers so if a new golfer got like a set of blades very small like what the pros on tour would use you would find it much more difficult to use those than you would a nice big kind of chunkier more forgiving head so there's a point but as a fine-tuned golfer you could make the blades the really small gloves sing you could make them work for you i i remember i went on a track day once and on that track there you tried out a lamborghini an audi ray of some sort of a ferrari i probably shouldn't know all the names of this and to some degree i struggled because i couldn't make the gearbox work i couldn't work out the clutch into the perfect timing i couldn't make that car sing as well as the demonstrator you know the professional driver it makes perfect sense and a bit like the small blades on the golf clubs because in a really really fast car it's designed to be on the edge same with your fighter aircraft versus an ordinary aircraft um if if it's going to be able to change direction quickly. And be that nimble and responsive it has to be on the edge on the limit effectively if you're not concentrating it wants to drive up that slope and over the edge tomorrow it doesn't want to do what you want to do um. So it requires constant input and i can imagine it's the same with golf yes the big thing that has changed is something that we talked about well rick mentioned in your lesson before golf equipment has hit a wall really because his rules that his governing bodies have put in place however. what's been the big change in the last like 10 years. Or so maybe 15 years is what you saw before with the lesson was the launch monitor. So now when people are buying clubs there's. So much more emphasis on getting ones that are tailored to suit them. So that can be in terms of length of the golf club the weight of the golf club the material of the shaft how thick the grip is the handle if you've got big hands. Or small hands so all these things now could be tailed to you so you can go out. And buy a set of clubs that are basically fitted. For you they wouldn't work necessarily for me or for rick but once you've then.

Bought that set if you've been fitted well and correctly by a trained golf club fitter in reality you wouldn't need to swap those golf clubs forever potentially because of the the rules in play unless these rules suddenly change which they won't can you write all this down because i have to explain to my wife if i spend money on anything. And i need something you know it needs to be the good stuff because it can make a difference the simple analogy it's like buying a pair of shoes if you went to a shoe shop. And bought it just grab the shoes they may be your size but equally they could be two sizes too big or too small you could pick a driver off the shelf and weirdly it could be the one for you equally you might want to try five different heads and different shafts and that's something that you would worry about as a customer the fitter should do all that. For you you just hit them and they find the one that works if you get a good fitting they will give you the prescription they'll say okay this is what's suited to your game um. And i think that's again a huge difference i guess because unless let's say you're a formula one driver you jump in a car. And you adjust the seat yourself you can change the steering wheel you can kind of custom fit it yourself really to some degree apart from f1 cars where they have it molded i'm guessing um. But yeah it's it's it's a very interesting sport in in equipment. And unlike again i know we keep using these analogies in in uh cars there's no limits in cars they can always get acceleration quicker i guess there's no limit in how quickly ultimately he's going to struggle with aerodynamics coming to play in the end. And then.

It becomes finessing it to an incredible degree we're probably not far off it happened with sports bikes so i started riding motorbikes as a kid and it was i suppose i sort of said 900 this would mean nothing to anybody. But you know they wanted to be quite they look great powerful bikes then.

Gradually sports bikes became the thing but then.

By the mid to late 90s they couldn't go much further on the road they're still doing it but that's not where the excitement lays so it's in you're looking for a different type of thrill so i think there is there is a there is a limit definitely there's a limit. So after your golf lesson today.

Yeah. And your bit of experience oh yeah what are you excited about. Or moving forward what would you like to do with your golf what i'm going to do is job one find my golf clubs good start. So yeah i'll dig them out of the barn where they are. And and then.

I'm going to go. For a little practice i'm going to go up to the driving range at the golf course near me. And somewhere and i'm going to all i want to do is get to the point where i can play a round of golf i think i think what we should do is hook up when i feel i can i'm excited about that. And then.

On so we'll do that here. And then.

On drive tribe i want us together to do the people whose golf clubs are worth more than their cars yes they want to do that that must have happened 100 percent the other one i want i'd love to do i want to run this idea pasture is let's get some bentley golf clubs yeah. And let's get a bentley car and let's have a little bit of fun let's get just turning really expensive i think i think a runway yes some bentley golf club okay i bent the car yeah we can have some races let's try. And get one with a drop top let's try and get you know and let's let's try and land golf balls in the back continental gtc's what do you want. And let's land some balls into the back yeah yeah they'd love that let's see how well a cup holder takes a golf oh on the fly oh what a shot that would be let's see how responsive the steering wheel is. And the airbag when we smash a golf ball at it again this is not things we've thought of on drivetrack we might do those we do have a place. For things we might put that on what next.

Which is a sort of sister channel to drive tribe where we put things that we know drivetrain was actually like this a lot of drivetrainers would love golf because it's got kit in it. And it's a sport it's really difficult you get good at it and yeah we wouldn't put that on drive drive because we try. And keep that just for car stuff otherwise there's only so much room and they get cross and boards we get the bentley yeah we wind the two front windows down yeah okay yeah. And not me with your incredible skill now you have to hit a golf ball through oh yeah is it moving. Or is it stationary i think station's the start i'm going to take somebody's head off i think i think moving makes it easier. For richard okay what because if it's i'd have the windows open driving a car. And you're going to fire golf balls at me can you see the floor you're hitting the golf balls right i'll drive if you want me to drive i trust you that's because you know i want it like you could be aiming at the window. But because maybe and i'm only predicting the future at the moment you might be perfect i'll give you lead you could slightly miscue it and then.

It goes through the windows yeah. So listen it's food for all of us together in our respective organizations to make make content that's never been considered before i think it can work i don't see where there's any problems where could go wrong um before we come on some questions from our fans. And listeners they've we've got loads as well do you honestly think you could ever get jeremy. Or james into golf um um what would it take um um uh some sort of strong drug to knock them out i don't think. So i think they've taken the stance too strong to step back i mean i haven't i'm gonna do this before i did it. And now it's quite liberating to talk about it i have a bit of grief i also would like to see next.

Time you're filming the guys if when that comes up maybe checked pants yes full golf outfit visor on them on you one glove on as well how am i going to explain that how am i going to you've seen a clubhouse you take your hat off. And you ring the bell and you buy it on a drink and yeah you're never allowed to change your shoes in any car park okay yeah we could try. And introduce these things and then.

I won't have a job and i'm going again i'll have more time to play golf yeah. So that's quite good yeah i love that we have had. So we have a facebook group for this podcast and uh we put a quick picture on then.

It's blown up a lot of people ask you questions are they nice questions we're not going about a mixture we're just going to go right if you're listening. Or watching this is the place to be in the rickshaws golf show podcast facebook group because you get access to questions like this to ask richard um. So stuart mitchell has said why is the vw golf called golf when you can't get golf clubs in the boots i do know that's a test i've never done with them. And this is why our two worlds need to work together more because there's a lot of things got to work out you could if you put seats down by the way i don't know honestly i don't know the story of why it's called the golf i know what no i had a golf before my car now it was good uh tdi wait a minute your life is golf yes you had a vw golf yes. And you didn't think to investigate why it's called the vw golf yours is not a naturally inquisitive mind because that would have been my first question it's named after the first thing in your life. And you didn't think i wonder why i never thought the only thing i know is you have to take your longest golf clubs out. So you drive it and you're three wood which is the longest in length if you take those out the clubs then.

Do fit in the back that's from experience the golf yes the volkswagen golf teaching us about cars refers to the gulf stream i never knew that. So basically um the passat is it means trade wind yeah i knew that was a win because there's a car's name oh wow let me get some up um i've got another great question here go on from simon um can't pronounce his surname sorry simon what's your favorite japanese car um um i still like a supra i always had a soft spot. For them gtr's nice um my first car was a toyota corolla liftback yes i don't know that's a japanese car there's one in the blues brothers it's a brown one it's not a star of the film it's on a street scene as they walk past it um. So possibly that i still like i'd have an sx um i don't know i could go i'll go on and on now won't i get bored very quickly mx5 if you think about it sorry yes the polo refers to the polar polar winds yes one said there were there were i knew there were a lot of winds. So scirocco was another one they were nice cars. So golf golf is basically the gulf stream you know this is the problem with cars i'm bored already. So when you said are the nice questions there were some there's also a bit of a bit of a dig here from daniel jones who says please ask him have you ever crashed a golf boogie um i there was an incident when there was a golf buggy crash when we were away doing our live stage shows. But i i i we were i can't i was too drunk to remember who crashed it it might have been me it might be one of the others i like the fact i was too drunk to know who crashed i don't know i don't i don't think i've crashed a golf buggy the problem is if people ask me those questions. And then.

I'll always get corrected by somebody else and says yes you did in 1999 yeah i saw it oh yes sorry i just say yes i probably have something we've already alluded to. But bryce sparling has asked has jezza and may disowned you now that you're in a golf podcast oh yeah this is well they're not here. But to be fair the chances of them stumbling across this um how many cars do you actually own um quite a lot i sold a load though to set up um a classic car restoration business called the smallest cog turns to demonstrate t-shirts yes um. And so i had to sell quite a lot of them to buy equipment for that i had to buy like um and what's the small what's the smallest car tomorrow's cog is a car restoration business out um where i live in herefordship. And it's uh set it up initially with a guy called neil greenhouse and his son anthony they'd restored my cars for years absolutely brilliant and they lost their workshop i was just i took the chips in every friday. For fish and chip friday and we start having a chat and he was a bit um a bit miserable what's up well i'm losing the workshop. And that would have been it so i said well i'll fund us into another business that's all i can usually do my grandfather was a coach builder. So i'm in that it's in my blood i'd love to do that. And then.

I thought that might make a tv show and it did turn into one. So wow that's what i've been doing today.

So this morning you were doing that oh yeah we were just finishing off a car. And delivering it to the owner well he was coming to collect it that's very cool that. So is there a number of how many cars you own right now how many cars have you ever owned as in like wow one point at once the big one um i've probably reached sort of 20 yards at some point. And more motorcycles than cars but i've thinned it right down though i'd say i had to so i don't know some i uh a couple of weeks ago i had an incident with an electric car yeah an audi e-tron gt rs phenomenal loved it every bit of it. But bloody charging the thing yeah it is an issue you know it has been mentioned really it's it's couldn't believe how bad it's an issue if you're someone that doesn't like to plan i'm not anti-electric car at all they can be incredibly exciting i've run a mercedes eqs which just because it's got 450 mile range which is what you should have had um. But i mean the way they deliver their power is exciting whisper i don't mind the silence it's exhilarating they are more functional. And i think they will form part of a broader carscape they are one solution. For some people in some situations other solutions would be synthetic fuels made with renewable energy that can be used in the existing car fleet. And doesn't mean we have to scrap the entire global car fleet. And turn all the petrol stations into charging stations the carbon footprint of which will take thousands of years to offset. So that doesn't work it needs to be a kaleidoscope some electric some synthetic fuels if it goes depot to depot like a bus you never see buses in petrol stations because they don't fill up in them they fill up at the depot well they could have a big tank of hydrogen at the depot which is topped up regularly fill up there that would be the solution. For them so there will be all sorts that's interesting very interesting any more questions yeah there's lots of people asking they can't believe you started playing golf a lot of people are asking where are you getting jeremy you can't have a go at me dear subscriber um. For playing golf because you found that out on a golfing channel so why were you looking at it you can't follow my logic there. And also the amount of people asking if you crash the golf cart is quite worrying richard. So i do have a reputation. For that you do yeah well you drove me around the golf cart today.

Did i crash splendidly thank you you know what i've never felt safer it was it wasn't upside down it wasn't on fire because i thought he can't count again no does that mean. So i'd have to tell my wife i thought he can't there's no way you can crash another another thing. So it'll be fine when this podcast goes out i'm not too sure so the video of your lesson may be out now or it may not i'm not sure on that if it's not out yet wait for it it's a very good one but i want to compliment you both actually um so get ready for i never really compliment rick so he's going to get excited i've got that impression. For a new golfer i was genuinely very impressed by your potential. And the fact genuinely did you have a one ear shot did we say at the start. Or was it even one it was like a we called our practice swing yeah yeah exactly which seriously hand on heart. For a new golfer is very impressive. So you definitely have got some um skill and i think some speed we saw some signs of speed when you wanted to hit one you could. So that was my comment to you richard thank you. For you rick i have not seen you coach although you do a lot of coaching videos which we obviously put on youtube. And thankfully we help lots of golfers get into the game and improve i've not seen you one-on-one coach really for a long time because you don't do it now really i was impressed thanks pal i thought you made it simple richard said you know make it simple i'm not a big golfer don't use all fancy terms. And it was good maybe we could start a series. And you the first guest on this new series teaching celebrities i think i'd be good yeah who's now then.

I'll have secretly got really good. But i'll pretend at all and then.

I can really improve. And then.

You'll look brilliant i look brilliant everybody wins yes perfect don't quit now you're not hard to quit no i'm going to keep prancing richard you have been an absolute pleasure i cannot wait. For our little challenge tomorrow i'll have to have my running shoes on and my shorts i'm ready to go on possibly one of the hottest days of the year tomorrow gonna cook so we'll see what happens uh rich you've been amazing thanks very much for listening watching uh subscribing do make sure you check out drive tribe fantastic youtube channel which makes some really fun cool content um. And also the smallest [ __ ] the new business well with it still shout out and is that going to be out at some point that's out on discovery plus at the moment it's going to quest now we're on the second series of it. So that's going to rumble on hopefully. For some reason amazing check that out guys thanks for watching and we'll see you all very soon.