Hey everybody we're back episode 156 of the rickshaws Golf Show podcast we've got something big to celebrate today.

We have um Rick broke 90. only just now we have been now officially on the air three years we have indeed happy three happy three year anniversary guy happy 30th birthday here's the next.

Three yes in the next.

Three um yeah. So what you'll know the exact date what was it exactly was it put on the spot now it was I think it was Friday if this week just gone. So that would be maybe the fifth or something anyway fifth of November let's see it uh we released the first podcast in 2019 um and here we are 156 episodes later it's crazy you want to thank uh whoa uh now you've put me on the spot you oh thank you. For making me do it every single week yeah forcing forcing me get on that Bloody my Crick put your phone down. And get on the mic now I'm joking um the team behind the scenes so Matt who does the podcast um it's not always been Matt as well Harry's been involved uh the guys who work. For me have set up these wonderful cameras I want to thank black magic for giving these wonderful cameras that are amazing um yeah just kind of a lot of a lot of goes on behind the scenes to get to this product out yeah believe it. Or not and uh it's exciting it's it's really cool we've done two live shows one in Manchester one in London maybe explore that into 2023 again yeah um this was funny actually uh James Robinson yes um he sent me a WhatsApp over the weekend. And he had half a golf ball okay. And it was a resin golf ball okay give the significance you can remember yes from The Cutting open at the show at the Manchester golf show. And somebody at the Manchester uh live show that we did. And one of his clients came to a lesson with him with half this golf ball said is there any chance you can get Rick. And guy to sign this golf ball golf ball at some point we're going to be signing half a golf ball um yeah it's been a really fun Journey we've really enjoyed it hopefully you guys listening watching thank you. For subscribing if you haven't already if you're watching this on the second Channel just a heads up you might not be aware you've not subscribed to this channel so make sure you subscribe to it we're fast approaching 200 000 subscribers on the second channel so if you can get us over that by the end of the year that would be phenomenal. And also if you're listening make sure you subscribed on every single platform whether it's well the one you listen to on mainly but Apple music or Spotify or whatever it is. But it's been a fun ride and we are looking forward to many more episodes coming your way soon absolutely yeah big thanks to everyone in the clubhouse you guys are oh yeah sorry. For it and you guys for listening yeah. And the ones of you not in the clubhouse yet um I don't want to thank you and say this to all of them so if there's 155 now 156 for this one's listened to if so one has spent 100 episodes listening I'm not thanking them because they've not done it all yet wow only when you've got them all I'm joking thanks everyone and we asked in the group as well and the Facebook group at people's favorite uh memories and people love the gastric so we'll hopefully get some more guests going forward. And Mike Griffin said I enjoyed the darts. And badminton phase they were quite short-lived they were all that the next.

Phase would be 2023 I think Rick Shields off some big phases kayaking well there's something I've. Yet to announce I'm running a marathon next.

Year oh wow so I'm doing the London marathon in April so there'll be there'll be Marathon running talks I know we've had a little bit of running chat already on the podcast but they might be a little bit more moving into next.

Year um yeah what could be another sport kayaking the one I don't think I'll ever get into personally fishing fishing no no there's no offense to any Fishers out there it's just not something that's really appealed to me. But I feel like fishing and golf should go kind of hand in hand because you can do them on your own you're kind of quite Peak well she'll be quite peaceful we know golf isn't that peaceful we're going to come on to in a minute about peaceful Golf. And not peaceful Golf and bad golf and um I wonder if it's stressful when you've had a bad day fishing I reckon if you're really competitive potentially yeah. But in theory it's supposed to be about getting out in the fresh air and enjoying yourself as is golf actually isn't it engulfs very rarely relaxing yeah true I feel like you can have bad luck in both Sports yeah well today's podcast we're going to come on to we're going to talk a bit more in depth a little bit more in depth about um your golf. And Belfry I'm guessing the vast majority of people watching this have seen the battlefield episode of break 75 so we're going to go on to that in depth. And talk about your bad golf and actually how well the video went down which is great that's thanks. For everyone for watching but people like not liking you see not start again people like seeing you play bad but not in a horrible way in a relatable way yeah. And there was some bad golf play Bad a pair of us which we'll come on too um I had a weird weekend okay something weird happened what happened right. So two two weird things one one more so weird so on um Saturday night me and my wife went to Trafford Center okay this was bonfire night yeah we weren't into the. But we couldn't be about going out. For it really went to Trafford Center I didn't have a look around had some food as we were leaving. And there was three kind of youngish bloke kind of walking towards us. And probably about late 20s early 30s whatever I don't know and you were thinking you've got Flex uh your chest was out that's it protecting your wife yeah okay. So we just had to cut something there I said that wasn't um allowed oh wow anyway. So these three labs are walking towards me one about a tax cap on. So he's obviously he was a golfer. And you thought they might be golfers so there's three Lads walking one's got to take this cap on as we're walking past they kind of look at me and one says all right guy I said oh hey are you all right Lads whatever yeah you know obviously watch the videos you listen to the podcast that's not that unusual thankfully many people obviously watch them. And we see them in the great blah blah the next.

Day I'm um in Wigan right so for people who are from far away Wigan to the Trafford center it's probably about 25 minute drive I've been to sainsbury shopping. And we then.

Nipped into b m Bargains a lot of sweets and stuff for good prices so we went in and I got some brown sauce big big thing of brown sauce for beans on toast and um we had a beans on toe stage we had a beans on toastage anyway got my brown sauce and then.

My wife wanted some sweets and you know Starburst usually called opal fruits well they've now Reba out opal fruits if you knew that I did. So she wants an opal fruit okay it's about the till I've got brown sauce yeah Noble fruits right bit weird combination ain't it. And she's in lesbian says I've had enough of you every room in my life no she said I'm going to Sainsbury's I forgot something right. So I said okay I'll wait. For this so I'm still at the till with brown sauce and opal fruits and these kind of shots there's a bit of a rule of thumb where if somebody has got loads of shopping and somebody be handling like one item or two sometimes say do you want to go before me yeah. And this couple had loads of stuff they didn't say that so that doesn't matter which is fine that's that's how cues work. So I was looking on my phone to kill a bit of time scrolling put my phone away locked somebody's looking at me. And he's probably thinking why is that guy got brown sauce. And opal fruit is this somebody else that also dips their opal fruits in brown sauce like exactly. So I kind of awkwardly smoked I meant all right anyway okay anyway hi mate he went this is weird I went what he went I saw your state the Trafford Center no way we wanted the three Lads you went yeah I was like that's weird he went yo no do you live around here like not far how bizarre is that it's a random lad two days two times in like 24 hours at totally different places um. But it was a bit embarrassing that I was wearing the exact same outfit as the day before oh yeah yeah apart from a boxer shorts socks. And t-shirt I had the same trainers on the same trackie pants on the same jumper on loud do they have the same uh Titleist half well I don't think he was the title I couldn't remember their faces. But um that's a bit weird so that was the first weird thing. And the second weird thing this isn't as weird but um I've been watching a lot of YouTube on the TV yeah before I had this weird Obsession recently with watching North Korea documentaries right I don't know why just quite enjoy it on last night on Sunday night I thought you know what I'm gonna watch a South Korea documentary feel. So variety that's the kind of life I live so I searched on YouTube it's a great app YouTube by the way and a search for South Korea Vlog right came across this couple okay kind of standard like YouTube vloggy hey guys we're South Korea today.

I'm just going to place down the microphone hopefully you hear it listen to what happened next.

You ready dinner time [Music] what. So we use it our song [Music] now it is royalty-free music that other people can use. But how dare they use our theme tune to the podcast for a documentary is that the one we have now that's our podcast our podcast oh my goodness um right copy right strike that couple in South Korea how dare they um oh you've had you've had an incredibly interesting weekend guys I have. And I've got a game for you now okay ready. For this before we can I just say I almost got hit by if I work on Saturday oh wow please tell me about no big deal went some friends friends are friends mutuals well no it was a bit bizarre. But anyway Back Garden firework I I hate backyard and fireworks I actually think they should be banned I really do yeah uh. But I went anyway and you never in the right place and the you know the the parameters are never right anyway a rogue firework shot sideways into the was it into a crowd. And uh luckily no one was hurt. But that's the second time now I've almost been hit by a fireworks yeah you gotta be careful with fireworks haven't you. So anyway well that's literally and I'm not joking the best thing that happened to me this weekend wow the best so it was a it was a quiet one that said Elise. So come on watch a new game so this isn't necessarily gonna happen a lot but I have taken huge inspiration he took a shout out so friend of the show John Robbins who's been on the podcast three times now he's got the haptic ball he has a podcast with his friend and fellow comedian Ellis James and I'm a huge fan of it listen to it for a long time can we still be friends with him though oh because. So since coming on our podcast the number one podcast in the whole of golf three times yeah. And being on the live show yeah. And and generally being a friend yeah okay he's turned his back on us yes. And he's set up his own golf podcast with some golf professional called beef you might have heard of him and um yeah they're doing all right yeah. And it's on a Tuesday do not listen to it don't give them any more don't even in fact let's delete all this segment do not listen to John Robinson beef Johnson's Clubhouse No it's not called Clubhouse what's it called um it might as well be they didn't ask me yeah call the club. Or something the uh beats Golf Club Beast Golf Club yeah uh John is a friend he's a great guy. And uh in fact I want you here so you can't see my book um anyone who's very old podcasts about five years ago they did a game. And the concept was John is a Harry Potter fan okay. And his co-host Ellis hates Harry Potter okay. So we gave him 10 names okay. And Alice had to say if it was someone out of Harry Potter. Or Harry notter so it's a character right so I thought I've got one for you okay I've copied it basically it's called us open on open oh okay okay you started playing golf in the Year 1997 I did. So I have been online and I've looked at some of the players who played in the 1997 US Open right the way it works in the US Open by the way because there's better names than the actual open and if you get it correct you will get a point okay if you're incorrect I get a point okay okay. And there's ten okay. So the US Open or an open no exactly that okay. But if your first one go for it dick Mast is he a golfer he's not who's playing the US Open. Or is he an open if you made these have you made these names up because there's not five that I've made up. And there's five that are real okay dick you've not made that name dick Mast is he a US Open. Or is he an open I mean I can imagine him being very popular on another website um dick mast the name is too bizarre. So you're going. For open no I'm gonna go. For an open okay you go. For an open I think he's not played in the open one point to guy dick Mast played in the US Open in 1997. oh dick Mast dick Mast what a name next.

One Corey Clark he uh he's an opener he's an open open open US Open that's incorrect oh God Chloe Clark did not play in the US Open was that a name you just made up yeah nice well it could be real people as well. But next.

One Brett Byrne is he a US Open. Or is he an open bro this is a good game by the way uh Brett Byrne you can play along at home as well by the way when you're in the car I think he is a. And after Russia opener he's an opener another one down okay next.

One Randy Wiley he's an opener correct yeah next.

One up very American Slade Adams he can't have made a name. Or call Slade he's an he's an opener correct Rick yeah okay here we go next.

One nice simple name Ian crane that's Ian crane opener oh I've got in there the nice simple okay next.

One we've got uh four more Mike Holbert. Or Holbert you can pronounce it how you want um my Coho. But imagine if one of these guys are listening to in the car it may well be yeah 20 however. many years later 25 years 25 years later they go in god I got mentioned on the podcast Mike Holbert tear up in the 1997 US Open. Or did I make him up is he a noping I think he's a US Open correct I pulled it really down here. So it's 4-3 to guy right come on next.

One Ben Spence is Ben a guy who teed up in the open oh is he a big fat. And open I'm also trying to think of like if you've come up with names. And you've I know you've done this this morning I presume you've been like looking around going what name could I make up here I'm gonna say he is a nope. And correct Ben is my friend great okay. For all no it's now it's five oh no yeah you got the point sorry did you say I said nope correct. So it's for all you're correct come on oh down to the last two okay I think you might get this now I don't know because I might have thrown a little curveball in there Taylor Bell okay by the way how many have we had a split of no pins. And opens at the moment uh does that give it away too much to help you do you think. Or well because if we've had six no openers it means that the next.


Two are definitely going to be openers with we've got a nice split. So I'm gonna say Okay Taylor Bell Taylor I can pitch him down the first tease when advise he's got spiky hair oh have I made him up you tell me it's a name that you would have definitely spotted on the list I think he's an opener he's an opener oh five four it needs this last one maybe you will get this last one I don't know was it another curveball rod butcher he is an opener correct this is five all five all right good game very you know what I'd love to know how people did at home that was a very good day let's maybe do another show later on down the line I feel like 5-0 was fair yeah should we do decider now pull up a name. Or make a name up okay I'm gonna go straight on. So if you just wanna keep the audience excited opener run opener that's the name of the show did he play in the U.S open in 1997. okay now. And I'm going on to my record I'm going to the Golf Channel okay okay I've got the leaderboard okay. And I'm gonna find one or not so I'm looking like I'm finding one oh okay let me just find one I might use this is the decider five all okay okay in the match. And I will be verifying this if right. So I've looked at some now I'm gonna make one up okay it looks like it could be the way okay got it okay Greg Forest I feel like you would know someone called Greg Forest Ry John plant. And Ian Bush but I did not know anybody called Greg Forest I feel like you do um oh God. And I think you've done something Sly where you've you've actually found a first name of someone who played in the open. And then.

Made up a second name before we announce if Greg Forrest is real. Or fake what would Greg forest look like if he was a player in the 1997 US Open would have been young gold journey man yeah he's qualified yeah he's a pro at the San Diego uh sorry San Francisco Municipal okay okay he's worked in the shop forever he had real prospects you know in when he you know he Once Upon a Time played in a qualifying group three groups behind Jack Nicholas. And that's his claim to fame I feel like he might have iron head covers as well so a bit quirky about him iron head covers yet lives in a trailer yeah on his third wife yes I like that seven kids he thinks okay that's Greg. But does he exist. But did he um Greg Forest exists in that capacity did he play in the US open oh I'm gonna say this is gonna really annoy me if I get this wrong. But I'm trying to work out your psychic rather than the name I'm going to say he is an open oh you got it. And you know what you're working as well I found a Greg Town yes I love the Greg. And I'll get rid of that and I'll go in a forest you read me like a book I knew I knew that yeah because I was just trying to think how would I do this. And I think that's how I do it yeah well very good very good well I'll I'll come next.

Week I'll come with a counter game oh okay okay. So we'll we'll go I'm one nil up in the series yeah. But I'll come I'll come and challenge you next.

Week okay. So just to know um except we are ripping off Ellison John's podcast. But he's he's in a golf podcast so it's all even fine um so that was fun quick email before we get into your um Golf. And this kind of like does link us nicely into actually Rick. So I've had an email I've had lots of good emails if you want yours right out what what should people do podcast rituals.com he's just that don't actually send an email just just just write to that just shout it I have an idea in your head. And go send this to podcast.com so this is from a guy called Tom okay. And just ask for some advice and I think you're qualified. For this it says I am 17 years old and I play off a three handicap shot recently a 70 around Royal Saint George's wow this is the open venue of 2021. I only missed one green. And one furway wow but took 37 putts I was too under having birdies on seven. And twelve then.

I was standing over 30 foot put on the 16th. And three-potted I then.

I made a good pop on 17 and I found the green on 18. all I needed was a two putt from 20 feet to have my first ever 69. that's his golf scores um I three putted. And wanted to burst into tears two weeks on I'm still having nightmare to the 18th green how can I get over this. So basically it's three point on the 18th green if you're two ported in shot 69 he's gutted two weeks later he's still gutted how does he get over this. And I'd like to question the legitimacy of his score okay what par is Ross. And George's uh let's have a look because how has he had 37 ports in shot I'm presuming one or two on the par we shot level par 70s 70 is the is the past uh yeah it's a good play actually uh yeah it is the part okay he's allowed to what it was another Mercer he's got his name he's called Tom um I won't say his surname because you called Malaya Tom Forest [Laughter] um. So yeah I feel I feel that one by the way every Anonymous email I'm gonna call him the first day. And then.

Foreign um I feel that first off for a 17 year old I you'll remember this as well it was. So frustrating playing it's still frustrating playing bad now but as maturity grows you'd like to think you can handle it better you've done it more often. But when you are young it feels like it hits you really hard don't it yeah like when you when you I remember being a junior golfer you know I started playing golf when I was about 11.. And through that that stage between 11 and 16. 11 and now 11 16 like if I had a bad round or it would really affect me because it felt like it was your life hitting there on the head 100. But it is without exactly the same at that age you've got golf who've got school. And some family equipment whatever it might be but in reality if you play Bad at golf that means so much more if you play Bad at golf now and you go home you've got kids who want your attention you've got business to run there's more going on yeah it feels like it's the the the the center of your Universe at that time. And I think what Tom needs to be aware of I mean the fact he's knocking on the door breaking on the power already is phenomenal at 17. he's obviously played really well it's not been like fluke ground of golf do you know what I mean where he's kind of everything's gone his way is it a lot Fairways a lot of green. So he's obviously got the promise and the potential just keep putting yourself in those positions it'll happen do you know it's it's probably frustrating now. But you'll learn from it so next.

Time you're in that position you'll feel a little bit more comfortable to achieve those goals um if goals were easy. And you could do them without really too much stress. Or pain they wouldn't be worth achieving you know as well good great advice as always but I've thought of a new way of trying to process golf because golf is as we all know anyone listening to this either obviously Players golf has a very deep interest in golf the two things I've tried to try. And think of everyone listen to this whether you're I don't know how many tour Pros listen if any of anyone listening whether you're a tour pro. Or you've not even played your first round of golf yet has to accept everybody listening you will lose a golf ball again you'll go out of Bounds at some point in your life you'll go out of bounds that's you're gonna yeah at somebody in your life Gonna Miss A two foot putt yeah everyone understand don't care again if you're tall Pro. Or not you can miss a two football you're gonna three port. For a record score something's gonna happen it's frustrating but it's gonna happen and the second thing I thought of this from your own experience I'm really happy this happened in a very bizarre way that breaks any five recently I've played really well at Wilms low people have watched it will know. And I saw quite a few comments on this I missed a pot in the last hole that's the level part we talked about this briefly last week and it was a two foot pot. And I was a bit gutted. And obviously people commented oh guy I fell for you there no how was Garnet more annoyed. And missed that Paul and because it was on it's very rare I was in regular people including myself would see the golf again on video this was an instance where I had it on video I watched the video back I thought right okay if you gave me that put again. And said guy you've got another chance at that Port let's forget that one happened let's give him a look in real life Mulligan have that put again. And I did it. And I'll hold it but there was a counter offer as well. So if hold the port however. what you've also got to do is is the golfing gods are going to pick one golf shot they want you to play again. And you have to do that one as well yeah. So next.

Thing okay I've knocked this two foot put in that's great. But I've got a whole a 12 foot that I did I get earlier on I've got I've got to hit a great bunker shot I've got to hit a great recovery shot it's very easy to focus on the shots that didn't go in clearly. But how many times we played golf were good shots happen it's the same. For Tom here he's reported the last that is frustrating. But I bet you in that round you had some great up and downs to even counted what you've just said Dave you've got a really good point first off you put on the last was a really tough Port he had a lot of swing in it. But imagine again you got that opportunity to play that shot again but you but because of that you had to play the third shot into that green yeah exactly you might miss the green. And hit it in the bunk exactly do I mean. So it's it's um golf has its ways of balancing out um yeah. And I think you know you're always I don't even when guys have like when Jim Fury went out. And did you shoot like a 58. Or something stupid I'm sure he would look back at that round and go oh I left a couple out there which is unbelievable to think. But if you actually honestly said what about all the putts that you hold. And all the shots that you got lucky with you forget about those you forget about the good breaks um do you think as well as part of us as golfers would say if you're a golfer. And you were two under par on the 18th t you will you straight away think I'm too under if I par the last I'll shoot to underscore whatever you almost hit that path. For granted in a sense you know what I mean you almost think that well I'm 200 now I need to stay to. But you've got to still put the work in and I think when when errors happen on the 18th hole. Or obviously 18th Green in particular it does stay with you a lot more. But the 17 holes before that and things have gone well you know if you've played well things have gone in for your bunker shots have gone close or you did Miss day out of bounds by a few yards. So it's very easy to focus on those shots but remember the good shot take the roof with the smooth Tom and it will come back round. And you'll be shooting in the 60s I mean it sounds like you're on well on track. For that anyway um talking about shooting in the 60s I almost did that front nine last time I played golf you did um. So as guy alluded to earlier the episode and the latest break75 has gone out we teased it last week this fact that it might never see the light of day um glad it has gone out for a number of reasons one it's killed on views thank you thank you everyone for watching the main thing and two I don't know genuinely and I try to remember over the weekend if there ever been a video that's had so many um positive comments you know as a whole as a collection of a community um I think that video very much shown I did it in the intro of the video golf is bloody hard. And when it's not going your way it's very easy. For it to get away from you and um as we said you know that that video could have looked very differently it could have been ridiculously edited it could have looked like I shot 73.. But we didn't obviously it was all legit. And it was all every painstaking shot that hit got put out on video. For an 89 and you know I think at the start of the video I caveat to that that I wasn't particularly impressed with my performance. And I wasn't impressed my attitude I think in the period of time playing I felt my attitude was really really really bad across on the video it didn't come across as bad. But I was very moody. And um but the positive the comments that have come through that says thank you for making it putting the video out it's relatable we all have bad rounds of golf you know it makes me feel better about my bad game of golf um hopefully people learn a valuable lesson after watching the video that you know sometimes it doesn't go your way and you've gotta you've gotta you've got to accept that that's golf I've got two questions for you then.

The second question which will come on to a minute is how are you gonna I know you're not happy with your game at the minute how are you gonna hopefully Rectify that I would improve that's the second question. But the first question is something we've kind of touched on. But I wanted to try and you will be as honest as you can. And maybe a bit more in depth there's tell everyone listening to me because I don't really know this as well the actual Journey you've been on from playing golf that day to getting home then.

Debating what through the video to releasing it the video going live to I'm guessing checking comments the feelings you know is there any mad stuff you end up doing that you're not told me even while you've gone online looked at your old swing. And thought Oh God I used to swing it better or have you debated not like what genuinely from from going out. And shooting that score to now what's the actual again Journey quote unquote been like I definitely think it helped the fact that we stayed over that night at The Belfry you know what I mean because I think even before that though at what point on the golf the day did you think like this isn't going well what part do you think I don't release this video I think that's probably the 10th a hole that I absolutely love. And look forward to playing so I was eight over through nine anything like that that's not great I had a really bad run of bogus. But it was all they were just really trivial Bogies weren't that they weren't I couldn't really put my finger on why I wasn't being able to get the hole in the ball in the hole in less shots. But they were very trivial little mistakes. And I was I was the frustration was building. But sometimes that frustration can turn into almost a bit Tyrell hattonesque can go into can turn into a really positive run can't yeah um after the halfway house. And you know scuffed a couple of sausage rolls and a beer maybe that was a mistake. But the tenth hole really really annoyed me because that is a hole that's famously short Par Four I've played it loads of times I've had great success on that whole I've birded it many times I think I've even eagleed it in the past. And typically the worst score I'd get on that is a five if if the worst worst. And I'm stood there with three wood in my hand thinking I should be able to hit this on the green pretty comfortably or at least get close and to basically like top it I basically topped it into the water in front of me and it's like oh my God like how is you know I think it was at that point I realized that my ambition of trying to shoot underpower. For the bat nine evaporated pretty quickly and I think a suit I think 80 was my number that I thought if I can get in on the eight in this round of golf I'll walk off this round of golf really really kind of almost quite pleased because I shouldn't have shot 80 today.

Or under 80. and as soon as that hole happened the 10th actually weirdly made an unbelievable up and down for both for double bogey it was like oh that all all the wind fell out my sails it was like oh God I just want it to end now because I felt how I don't feel like I'm hitting it well enough to be able to string a load of good holes together as well. So explain this to people again listen if you just if me and you're just playing casually you don't want to play badly but you wouldn't be that bothered but how does that differ then..

For people for people listening how can people relate to that feeling because people who go. And play in a competition local competition they don't want to play bats they feel what it feels like is that what it you know how can you explain to people is how when you know that upwards of a million people might watch the video does that start coming up do you start thinking of that then..

Or what point are you. So used to it now it doesn't really cross your mind it's more about the actual golf or how does it feel definitely uh an air of um concern in my mind about being judged I think I think that's something that possibly is all the time I've been on YouTube is something that you're almost fighting those demons you know people are gonna watch it they're gonna have an opinion they're gonna judge it they're suddenly. And suddenly people are not gonna like my channel because they see I'm playing bad golf. Or you know so suddenly someone is going to go you know what I'm not going to listen to this guy anymore because he doesn't know obviously doesn't know what he's talking about I think things like that start to weirdly go through your mind. Or irrational thoughts really um and it's just like um I want to make a really good video an entertaining video that comes across as you know it's enjoyable and that's separate from the Gulf really yeah you know the the video production. And and that's it it's very difficult and and I'm very privileged in position that I'm out I get to play lovely golf courses get to film it get to make these nice videos you know it's it's a it's a dream but sometimes when you when you're thinking about Golf and you're thinking about the production you think about the outcome you know I've done it before though it's not something new it's not I've been doing this. For 10 years but a lot of these little facts can suddenly kind of get on top of you. And you're thinking oh for God's sake why has it gone like this I wish I wish it hadn't gone this way um you know someone made a comment and I read it this weekend it was like you really need to focus on your golf if you want to go out there. And break 75 don't talk as you're playing and I'm thinking yeah. But that's not what we're doing we're making a video it you know it'd be a bit Crap video if I didn't talk you know what I've noticed more than anything from the comments on this video how few people I might be wrong in saying this might just be a minority but it feels like it's a majority don't actually care what you shoot there's a definite yet wave of fans who watch and probably in the intent that we want them to watch it's an entertainment product you know the video goes out every Friday and it's just an entertainment where you can sit back. And hopefully be entertained for an hour and whether that's a good round of golf a bad round of golf the camaraderie between you and me or me and all the guests or whatever it may be the golf course that they've always wanted to play or been intrigued to play the way that we film it hopefully is very very good. So you can you know appreciate the quality of the production. And at the end of it you watch that video and you go I enjoyed that that was worth the time that was worth 50 minutes of my life because you know I enjoyed that product um the break in 75 is more the series the series name as opposed to a real serious goal because. And again that's the only one thing that frustrates me is like people say oh you'll never break 75. Or or come on Rick you've got to do this to try. And break yourself but I've broken something five it's not as if that's a lifelong goal that I've always tried to achieve well in simple terms it's like if somebody had a series where they were just going to golf courses trying to play to the handicap you know that you've said before your handicap probably is about a two at the minute let's just say yeah on a good day actually what your handicap should be if you play it to that you'll shoot 74. you have a bad day it could be whatever yeah. So yeah the 75 number is more the score that I'd expect to be shooting around about um. So yeah. So then.

The double on 11 became then.

Almost like a a bit of a fun kind of like um I had completely gone now because I had an unbelievable Drive down 11. I've seen my driver really well that day did it a good one like the weirdest second shot in that green I had a pitching wedge in my hand. And I pulled it so far left it got really plugged in the bunker like horrendously plucked and at that point you think well Nothing's Gonna Go My Way right now I know you kind of semi-joked about. And we've discussed it but truthfully now we actually thinking this is never going to see the other day at what hole around now. Or a bit later on I think he was probably on the par 3 15th. And then.

Is there a part of you that feels like well the camera guys have come down the golf course have given us the course they're gonna wonder why the video there's all these things I was almost thinking right when can I rearrange this video because also I was going away yeah I was going away. For the week after yeah. So I was thinking we can't film another episode in the time I'm gonna go away. So it's not as if I you know if I was off the next.

Week I think almost me going away on holiday in my family helped that video be published yeah because I genuinely believe if I wasn't going on on holiday I think we would have I think I would have probably wanted to reshoot that whole video wow. So me going away thinking oh God we've not got time you know the camera crew coming down um I mean we were down there. For a meeting the day after which we told you with uh flame of Tade products that we're seeing for next.

Year so it wasn't completely obviously wasted trip as such but you feel like God you know um I think weirdly as well. And it's not the golf course's fault one bit they were super super help helpful. For us often when we're out there filming it's we pick really quiet times of the day and it was really slow that day. So I think sometimes that plays into your mind like suddenly you your mind starts playing tricks on you because you've got more time to think about your golf. But yeah 15 I three put 50 in the par three I think it was 15. Or 40 in the par 3. because I hit the green and it was like right I've actually hit a shot that looked like a golf shot. And then.

Three put from nowhere and I'm like oh my God I then.

Play out par five I hit a terrible tee shot left a decent Three Wood Into the Bunker on the right I left it in the bunker and then.

I got up and down I think genuinely I don't I think if I didn't get up. And down on that part five I'd have probably called it a day if you hadn't released a video I'm guessing you would have felt some leather relief initially because you'd be like right that doesn't matter I can forget that would you have almost felt guilty to the audience 100 that they're not seeing a true round of God it was a lovely day around a championship golf course you know I know how well it would have been filmed. And I know it would have been a nice video but that was the thing it was almost my score in my head was ruined in my ability to play golf. And I'm genuinely my attitude on the day I think we've gotten the editors did a wonderful job to make it not like I was being a sport little brat when I was playing. And I think all of that helped when I saw the product well that's a big year right that's a big thing that you like when you threw that ball in the water that's something that you probably think oh that shouldn't have done that like I don't want people to see me doing that's a bit you know we've all done it. But the fact that like with the lads but like a meme but after it it's almost like you feel like you're laughing at yourself so it takes that away that like you don't like a spoiled brat so much it's more like we're taking the mick out of yourself I think the other thing is that really helped as well. And so when I went away to on hold there with the kids obviously I think about work. And whatever touch myself what I'm gonna do with this break 75 I'm gonna release it on my knot. And I came up with this kind of idea well I thought well I think it needs if I'm going to release it it needs it needs an intro it almost needs a bit of a a bit like I always go back to that film Eight Mile yeah you know when Eminem stood on stage. And the final rap battle and he basically slates himself so you've got nothing else to say so so so the the other guy had nothing else to say and I thought right that always kind of stuck in my head and I thought well if I can almost get ahead of that tidal wave of negativity. And I I can come out. And go and we kind of even teased that on last week's podcast I thought well if I can get ahead of that. And explain how my hands up and go this is me playing really crap just just be aware like if you don't want to watch it don't watch it. But I'm just letting you know this is me playing really really badly. And I'm and I'm embarrassed about the way I play so I think me getting ahead of that. So it wasn't a complete surprise because if we'd if you came into that video the original Star I was. So big and energetic and I think then.

If that can people have been going it would have been a journey. But it just yeah it just it was like a spoiler alert without actually spoiling it. So when you're on holiday and stuff or after the round of golf is this something you'll chat with your wife about yourself played really bad enough to release it. Or just not really mention it no I never really she sometimes if I've played nicely I'll tell her shot 73 if I've played bad I'll I'll sometimes just kind of go. And I'll again justify it to myself I'll go oh can I gotta played bad today.

But I said you know what I don't think people might enjoy it. So because I do I do know people will will enjoy watching it I've seen that because again as much as I don't agree with the psychology I understand how golf fans love seeing torpo struggle at the open you know when they're shooting like Hiatus. And they can't make par I know there's a fan out there that loves seeing that I'm not particularly that golf fan I love seeing birdies and phenomenal golf that I almost can't even comprehend being able to do. So when I thought well you know I still shot and it's not a great score but under the average of a normal goal for 89 I thought well you know people might learn from it they might be able to laugh and joke about it they might make them feel better about their own game or golf like all of those things kind of came into mind and then.

Kind of post that I started to have a look a bit more of a reflection about right what do I actually need to do to be happy with my golf again because it's a weirder at the moment this year's been very very strange we've done more break 75 episodes I don't even know how many we've done actually I've not counted I've numbered them didn't we because we did 12 last year. And that was like through a three month window um. And it kind of had a start middle and finish yeah this year it's not it had a start. But it's not it's not a finish that was our objective to try. And just roll it over but I think with that sometimes I feel like I'm almost on a treadmill where I can't actually just stop. And take check of everything and try and practice and improve because each one of them are filmed you know week in week out. So I've got a strategy for next.

Year I would like to film them I want to film a little bit more in bulk and maybe go to a location let's say Island for example and go and film five or six episodes in bulk because I think that's where I play better when I play more often you know back to back to back. And then.

Also having a bit more so I've started a bit of a vlog um that might go out this Friday in replacement for the break 75 which is basically my journey to try. And feel more comfortable in my golf game again um so working out you know a couple of I've been for a couple of lessons I've been for a lesson since I uh last on the podcast with Dan Whitaker we've had on the podcast before uh who got me Swinging it really really well you know years ago and I need to look at maybe you know how can I work on my on my putting it's something I do need to work on my short game how can I apply myself in a practice mode more. For me I don't like practicing when I've got nothing to work on it kind of bores me a little bit yeah just hitting balls yeah I know you like you like that don't do that now you like going to the range. And you've been really good at that and you've seen Improvement in your golf game because you've you've been enjoying just routine going to the range hitting golf shots I feel like me just hitting golf shots I just I don't find it that enjoyable. But when I'm using top Tracer technology but for me I want to be able to work on something when I'm hitting golf shots I feel like I have to have a task so whether it's it's some so with my lesson with Dan which hope hopefully if the video looks good we'll put it out Friday working on stronger legs working on Club face control working on a path that's more exit left and up and suddenly then.

I'm actually inspired to hit more balls I actually didn't hit balls this weekend but I went out in the garden quite a few times just with a club I have in the garden and just almost probably did about 100 swings without hitting a golf ball. And I like that I need something to nibble onto and get my teeth stuck into um so yeah I've got a big match against the tour pro at the end of this month. Or early next.

Month we've not quite fully agreed it just yet and I want to feel more competent in my game I want to stand there and go right I think the worst I'm going to shoot is a 78. that's what I need to get to that that in my mindset I I don't think I'm ever going to be someone who can go. And shoot 65 I just I might do it once. And you know every blue moon but very rarely like I met John Beasley or I cadded for in in open qualifying he went out this weekend and shot 63. I can't shoot that number I just can't I've got I've not got the game um but I just want to make sure that my worst round is is not disastrous yeah that's all I want I feel like I just want to get to a point when my worst round of golf is going to be a 78. And every now and again I'm going to shoot in it throwing a 68 out of nowhere. But most of the time it's in between those those 10 numbers I I get that and I'd love to do the same. But in reality is that actually achievable I don't mean that. For you I just mean like when you look at Rory will number one he can go. And shoot a 78 an 80 and for him shooting 80 that's gotta be like you shooting a 90s yeah seriously doesn't it. So is it actually achievable that will ever happen. Or do you think it's that you might shoot an 87. Or whatever but it's like literally once every three years whereas now it could be more I don't know what what how does that look I'm trying to think of of a golfer like I put I mean. And I'm not stats I I can't imagine John Ram ever shooting a big number no just maybe not. But just a quick one then.

You make John bees or you start 63 what did she would open quality eighties exactly yeah. And and that was in one way it's different he was open qualifying. But he had the camera crew there and he still did it yeah. So I don't know I don't think it's a dish happening way because obviously practicing your golf is going to massively improve. And it'll definitely improve your good scores and it should improve you bad scores but are those random ones. For everybody still gonna exist possibly and that's that's something I'm intrigued to see it maybe it won't and there is some golfers who are a lot more consistent. But like I always go back to Rory again I know I do that quite a lot. But he can literally go 78 65 how does that happen yeah. And maybe it's the fact that yeah I don't I don't can't sometimes comprehend of how they can shoot high scores because when you look at them shooting 65 you can't imagine doing anything else can you really. But I think. For my own sake my own sanity I've always you know I I love playing golf I love being able to create videos I just feel like at the moment I'm getting in my own way and not maybe loving it as much because I just don't feel comfortable whatever it is like remember the Roundup West Lance was probably when it really really started the right I just never felt comfortable that day like well with that then.

You didn't feel comfortable. But where's the balance then.

Sit and this is obvious conversation we'd have off camera. But where does the balance then.

Sit. For you as a Creator if you know at the minute break 75 is hot people are loving it. But you don't feel great in your game which obviously important for you does it become hard say I'm gonna have a few weeks off because the other videos are doing really well there's a thirst. For them I know but it's it's if I didn't take a break I don't want to make them weekly okay if I didn't if I didn't stop making them I don't want to make one this week yeah because you have a game yeah yeah I just don't feel comfortable I don't want to go out today.

And make another one at The Belfry one hopefully I'll look back at the belfie run and go okay that was the turning point where you were like right that's the that's that was the change do you know what I mean sometimes you need that don't you need that yeah you know sometimes yeah sometimes you might sit on the stand on the scales. And go right now it's time to do something the battlefield was the binge on it that's when it was five double cheeseburgers that right this you need to stop sat in the car exactly too much it's I think you do need those points in time when you go right okay it's got to this point I'm not happy with it let's do something about it. And it and it all kind of coincides you know it's a good time of year to look at improving your golf game yeah you know also like the Belfry. And I said it in the video the golf course was spectacular. But leaves like everywhere it starts we talked about it where were we when we talked about it where it felt like it had gone from Summer to Autumn really quickly better with Marriott last week it's gone from like summer yeah to Autumn slash winter in no time in like two weeks. And that again something you go do I want to play golf. And when the weather's like this so it's kind of if this was May June I'd probably be like well it's sunny day let's get back out there. And play right I think now it's not a nice time I think I'll probably park it till the end of the year early next.

Year. And then.

Re bring it out feeling a bit more confident and again people listening doesn't mean we're not going to make content obviously I'll be making content it'll just be different you know I've got a couple of opportunities to play some tour Pros before the end of the year I've got um some opportunities to to Vlog this journey of my Improvement which I think could be quite interesting um. And then.

Hopefully next.

Year get that kind of spark of playing golf and enjoying it again and like say bulk recording these Break 75s um if I can get excited. For yes would you agree I do I think um hopefully it has been eye-opening to people. And relatable that everyone plays bad golf definitely and the fact that you know everybody's got their own um like guns concerned so for example when you play a bad round of golf you're thinking this is going to get seen by loads of people. But you know there'll be some people who go and they go and play Bucket List golf course and they want to enjoy it and they go with a few friends and they just play that bad that it becomes hard to enjoy and they feel gutted I've waited two years for this golf trip and I've paid a fortune to come here and I'm having a great time with that my friend but I'm playing that bad it's hard to enjoy everyone's done that or there might be some people who you know might be that might be their first time representing their golf clubs golf team yeah. And they play the first match and they get beat seven and six and they feel embarrassed or whatever you know they've been given that responsibility if you want to call it that a plane ripped into the team and they've played bad they've experienced it you know whether it's somebody who is a good golf at the club who is in the Club Championship who wants to go out. And shoot a couple of 69 and then.

Go to 85-82 like it could be the time where you're going to play with your boss. For the first time or you're gonna play with your future father-in-law or you know mother-in-law that's it and you make an embarrassment of yourself your situation is very unique in a sense that it's getting put in front of lots of people the benefit is they've enjoyed it. But there are lots of people who go out. And everyone like I said everybody's done it. And you shoot a horrendous score but it does happen. And um I think that's why people appreciate it don't they I feel like I'm in a weird position because let's say. For example and I'm sure 100 if Rory went out and shot a high score there would be a video on YouTube about his score you know and and every single shot but there's a lot of people out on tour that would shoot in the 80s it's never seen like a day no there's no evidence of it there's nothing there's nothing to kind of attach it to where we know obviously if I go. And shoot whatever score or make a video It's Gonna luckily we've got a phenomenal audience who we're gonna watch you know videos 800 000 views already it's like there's a part of that that plays on my mind must do whether whether it's not almost at the Forefront of my mind. But it's but it's in there somewhere it's got to be I think a big thing as well with with the potential criticism. And there's not been too much for my I've seen on the video which is great. But there obviously has been at points and you'll always get that obviously when you put yourself in front of millions of people but I think sometimes that comes from. And I don't mean this to sound like almost condescending. Or whatever but it's like it's from people that don't understand so because your YouTube channel is literally called Rick Shields PGA. And you're a PGA Pro I think some people are maybe newer to the game. Or not been around it as much or whatever they think well you're a PGA Pro. And that means that you're should be on the PGA tour which obviously it doesn't mean that does it means that you're kind of a goal professional who makes you live in from golf whether that be coaching. Or having a retail store or whatever it might mean you know did you turn Prof like three. Or four yeah I was off three. So when you turn pro off 3 that means you're typically on a good day shooting 75 on the golf course now just because I'm not suggesting you think this. So I hope that this clear but just because you do your three years of qualification. And come out to PJ Pro it doesn't give you magic wand but now you're going to shoot 65 does it maybe you have less time to play golf exactly it really doesn't mean that. So and that's not what not for one second I dig getting under the PJ obviously like you know people that do the PJ training often do it's a working Golf. And the good golfers you know and I think the UK average an 18 handicap. So a four handicapped golfer is far enough better than average the very talented golfers it doesn't mean you are a professional golfer it means you're a golf professional doesn't it really yeah. So I think that sometimes are well worth something people go oh you shot 89. And you're meant to be a professional golfer it's like well it doesn't really mean that it's a wit it'd almost be better if if I was classified as almost a semi- pro well yeah it does you know if this was football you'd have you'd have your different layers I think in golf everyone gets tarnished with the same Rush as soon as you turn professional yeah Tiger Woods Rory McIlroy me we are now suddenly professionals. But obviously we all do different jobs in the industry well it's even the same in a silly way of having a scratch handicapper whose handicap is literally zero point whatever. And then.

You've got somebody who is a newly turned PJ Pro who has just lost the status. But they're off four yeah in theory. And that's not always the case in theory the scratch handicapper should be four shots better but you both play off scratch yeah. So it can it you know it can almost make your scores look worse because people are putting you in that different bracket um whereas I can imagine it lots of golf courses this weekend just gone there'll be a guy who's off three. Or guys a Photoshop 95. it happens doesn't it on tough golf courses I mean maybe that could be one thing I looked. For next.

Year is almost you know we did it a bit last year with the 12 episodes that we did I think we did after 10 episodes It's actually magnets to the handicap a bit more because now professionals can get handicaps I think that would kind of maybe even help me justify where my games are you're right I think we should either do that. Or they'll do that as well. Or maybe the series is still called break75. This is what like a off-camera conversation. But when you get to the golf course you take into account how you're playing recently yeah how your swings feeling what the course is like the course. And you might go right in today's week 75 I'm just trying to break eight see yeah it's about hard links course. And again the people are going to turn off because it's about it's time to break 80. But it gives you that bit more leeway in your mind or equal you could go in today's break 75 actually break 70 because it's of course I know very well it's it's calm the Green's receptive I'm swinging it great and that might give us that bit more variety yeah. But just call I'll change the number but that's the thing like we want the number to be a question mark where it's like sometimes I can sometimes that's it. And that's it's not it's not a goal a lifetime goal oh it's no exactly whereas Jim golf started in a new Washington break 65 where I think he's never shot that one his call kind of quest his journey again he's about actually trying to get to play a game of golf one day where he can break 65. it's kind of a similar concept. But yeah actually a different final result we're not going to end this video when you shoot 74 because you have done before yeah. So yeah all good all good fun battle happens people throw golf balls away people snap clubs after Club as a junior before a while um I actually really enjoyed it you know I got absolutely off my mum. But I really enjoyed it what do you enjoy about it the feeling of power yeah what job was it it was it was a it's like a 99 I was playing at Rocket Hall oh yeah in like the Daily Telegraph event a part of a junior team. And I was playing terrible I got this part three. And that's why I'm presuming it's about a 99 or something maybe an 18. and I missed the green and I just had enough and straight across my knee wow I loved it wow you know what though I actually didn't think it was going to break as easy as it did you feel quite good about that it can it was. So clean and it made that really good metallic like cling I was like. For a minute I was like oh my God yeah it serves you right there Iron you get in my bag. And then.

There was a bit of regret. And then.

Later on there was a lot of regret because I got toasted by my parents. But my mum sorry just a quick one Matt how far are we in okay just a quick one before we wrap this up I think that's been quite an in-depth analysis of your game. And you're going to improve by having lessons. And seeing Dan Whitaker and the next.

Episode you probably shoot 62. that's great um if you've got any emails please email them in podcast rickshaws.com join the Facebook group all that good stuff rate US but quickly I witnessed something on Friday I was impressed with give you a bit of props after giving you a bit of a stick about your game you went to your old um College myersco college which is a a college in just north of Preston north of Preston around the Preston area. And it's a college it's got um 5 000 students apparently they do things like Sports golf basketball agriculture um all sorts of different stuff yeah equestrian stuff. And Rick went and they were um very excited to see you I don't should I say the thing that you got given I'd want to save that. For the time maybe I was going to come on to your talk basically is what I was going to allude to you can either come I got given something by the principal which I received next.

Summer yeah we'll keep title it. For that um but you gave a talk in front of the students that study golf there was the higher education. And the further education groups it was probably like a like a textbook like theater kind of haul room thing lecture theater. And there was probably 40 50 students obviously. And Rick gave like a two-hour kind of sit-down interview with Rick Daniels who's the kind of the boss man of all the golf stuff funny guy and he was he's impressive enjoyed it thanks He got interviewed. And grilled um some quite in-depth things that you answered I had to lean on you for a little bit of backup yeah it was you were sat in the crowd. And I was like they're asking me questions like I actually don't know if I know the answer to this yeah the guy nicely jumped in. But I really enjoyed it um I think on the topic of golf YouTube. And building all that it's possible my favorite Topic in the world to discuss but um I if I was yeah going on to Mastermind that's probably my expert topic um yeah there was a lot of young there's a lot of these young people they were obviously studying um golf basically what's the actual degrees. And Foundation degrees whatever um and those kind of people they've got a great track record at MySQL for people that want to work in Industry of going on to do great things um you've got your guys Andy Carter Peter Finch um Rick Shields. And loads of other guys who work for golf Brands who work at venues like Mark Addison at JCB so people are looking to get into that it's a great place to go. But they're a good bunch of um youngsters yeah it was good at the end. And uh we have got some spoil this we've got some videos lined up with these people um with these students it's gonna be exciting yeah we're gonna film down there in a couple of weeks. So it should be good so thank you very much for listening to the podcast thanks for being my uh my counseling couch for the week and counselor guy appreciate that my psychologist and uh we'll see you all next.

Week happy three year anniversary again birthday and uh saying that same say that to myself peace we'll see you next.

Week thanks for listening thanks for watching subscribe let's get over 200 000 by Next.

By the end of the year yeah nice um I'll do a quiz if I have one next.

Week I'll be incredible bye.