All right guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast everybody episode 173 I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy Channel nice how are you guy are you good Richard Shields how are you I'm all right I was just saying no I'll be honest momentarily before the podcast started my levels of energy at the moment are a low yeah. And that's because we've had a tremendously busy week nothing to do with your antics on the Wednesday night nothing no. So we are actually recording this on the Friday normally record a podcast on Monday release it Tuesday releasing it this time because on Friday because we can't do it on Monday. So therefore. we probably won't be able to touch on loads about Bay Hill the arbor Palmer Invitational but obviously the Scottish Shuffle wins it I was gonna say this should we try. And guess who's gonna win Sky Shuffle I think Rick Shields are going to win thanks. For your break 75 people have watched the rate 75 they'll sure know that I do not win uh I think I could play that Golf Course um if I applied it 10 times I don't think my eclectic score would even potentially break power have you ever heard that thing about if you're gone infinite amount of monkeys with an infinite amount of typewriters they'd end up one of them. Or whatever would end up writing the entire work works of Shakespeare perfectly what yeah because think about it's an infinite. Or unlimited amount of monkeys just literally as far as the eye can see there's monkeys they've all got typewriters they'd just be typing away just pressing random buttons. But statistics well no it's fact that because it's infinite one of them would actually take the whole works of Shakespeare perfectly what do you mean by this if I get if I if. So if you play in depth if there was infinite Rick Shields yes playing infinite rounds at Bay Hill there might be a chance I break 75 80. there's much more chance of a monkey type in the whole script of Shakespeare than me breaking at Bay Hill um genuinely you've probably ever hopefully a lot of you have seen the episode if you've not gone check it out um genuinely one of the hardest golf courses I've ever played in my entire life you know what it looks insane it looks. So so hard but I think there's something really cool about dropping that video the same week the actual event really good because you can see somebody that people feel like they know. And can relate to. And what they actually shoot because I always say this we've said this loads of times that how good it would be to have on a Tour event a scratch handicapper a nine handicapper 18. And 28 all play in the tournament in the final or the first group of the day the final Group whatever one of the groups of the day of properties and seeing what they actually are you're that guy essentially in this you're the guinea pig I right now we've only seen Thursdays around the gulf John Ram has gone out. And shot Seven underpower in the first round I can't comprehend how you even do that well genuinely now I know we've done these 10 shot challenges. And I know John Ram um is handicap came out recently at like something stupid 12 I think I think I would need a 20 shot Head Start against John Ram right now at one of those courses as well backs yeah just I just can't first off I I played off the right off the box at the Bay Hill the same teas that the tour Pros are playing off um the conditions of the golf course was Sim somewhat similar I would imagine they're playing on faster greens now you'd imagine because obviously they speed them up as they get to the tournament um the rough that's the thing. And it's really difficult I even I was watching it on TV last night. And I'm like it doesn't even look that bad because it's not it's not like links up to your knee roof would you like wisping you just know that that's gonna struggle but that sometimes looks worse than it is occasionally honestly the rough at Bay Hill is. So dense and thick and and I'm going to use a very American word kind of gnarly oh wow like it it honestly your ball goes in even it might only be five yards off the Fairway you're probably looking to find your golf ball there's no guarantee you're even gonna find it because the ball just kind of sinks yeah um. And then.

You you again I play off the bat to you so it's a ridiculous length golf course 7 500 yards or something silly I'm then.

I've then.

Got like 200 yards into a par four and I'm looking down and going I don't even think I can hit lob wedge out of that lie honestly it was such a demanding golf course now watch these guys play your sound right that just it's a different it's not even one level two level. For me it's like it's five levels further down the line yo what's mad I'm looking now at the scoreboard from Thursday again this is the out chooses this is old news. For people but as it currently stands um Ricky Fowler which is good to see shot fall under par right I mean that's crazy that's what I want to come on to. So four in the car right it's unbelievable good golf score but I think sometimes maybe naively everyone knows the guy at their golf club is really good who's the club champion he's off scratch plus one plus two whatever who may occasionally when everything goes well. For him shooter fall under par so you've kind of seen that score at your home course but we just think about it realistically these guys are shooting four in the par at these golf courses that are. So long that are. So difficult with so much pressure the crowds and all sorts but that's the word I think that's the worst thing with professional golf in a sense of trying to relate to it because if we use that running as an example now if you're fit enough to run a marathon. And you do it in four hours right at the London marathon. And on the same day Mo Farrow ever does it in two hours ten. For example you can be like oh my you can actually kind of understand the difference they've almost doubled your speed all the way around. But with golf you'll never although you can play like you've done the Tour event the courses in similar condition you can never do it on the exact same day. So you can't really still get an understanding of how good these scores actually are sometimes just thinking as you would as you were chatting then..

And you're right it's almost uncomprehendable and that's why I think the videos that I've managed to do at real Championship golf courses do go down. So well because it is showing you the the reality it's showing you this is honestly you know I'm not saying I'm played bloody brilliant. And you've seen my videos in the past and sometimes I can play God sometimes I play bad. But that was a significant I don't genuinely believe I could play like Golf Course enough times to ever feel like I've conquered it now um. But what was interesting I was thinking as you were talking is golf one of the rarest Sports I'm not saying the only sport one of rare Sports where the spectators actually apply. So much more pressure when you're playing in front of them all the tour Pros just think differently. For example um I'm gonna run the marathon in a few weeks time yeah eight weeks time now when I'm running practicing. Or whatever so much raining and I'm running in in the road and there's no crowd obviously you know I'm just I'm just running along. And I'm not I'm not getting any adrenaline there's no there's no extra support that's taking place there I know come raced eggs I've done half marathons before I've done 10ks the crowd really spur you on like they don't make it harder. For you in a running race they almost make it easier for you similar to I could imagine a football match certainly if you're playing at home like the home crowd almost really kind of drive you on don't the you know that's the key though the home crowd yeah it might be different against the way crowd well I feel like golf it's almost like every golfer talks about being super outrageously nervous on the First Tee even the best players in the world wants to get past that some of these guys just must absolutely thrive on the fact there's hundreds of thousands people watching I think there's a very good point. But I think what we have to try. And remember is the guys that get to this Elite level have kind of worked their way up. So they have been the good Junior golfer who might go to tournament where there's everyone's mum and dad walking around then.

He gets maybe like kind of County amateur stuff where there might be a few the members of the golf course walk around and that kind of builds up and builds up and then.

He gets the challenge tour where there might be a few thousand kind of mooching about if you couldn't handle that level of pressure you would never get to the next.

Stage if that makes sense so if you've got 10 golfs from a golf club and put them on a PJ tour for a day and there's 20 000 people around the whole that absolutely flap it I know I would but these Elite golfers they're kind of made for they've worked through and if they couldn't handle it they wouldn't have got to stage but I suppose you said that when they feel like nerves in the First Tee I bet that is. So much more about right this is the Masters it's Sunday I want that green jacket it's as opposed to there's people down the left. And right worse for roles I'd be like that guy in the right and that um that cap he's gonna get nailed at the Pro V1 all of them they're all in danger but yeah no you don't want to see though instead of these PJ tour events. And and the players playing on the PJ tour will live. Or whatever it might be I would love to see an experiment to show how good these guys actually are it never happened obviously. But you get like the top 10 in the world go to a random normal run-of-the-mill golf club and play in the Club Championship we've got like Joe Smith who's a plus one who's the favorite who thinks he might shoot six to nine 69. John Ram Rory McIlroy 57 and 61 and win like imagine seeing the actual levels because that's even again going back to weightlifting if you watch the World's Strongest Man than doing like 500 kilo deadlift. And you can deadlift 120 kilo you're like that's four times what I can lift that's insane. But just don't get that with the golf as much I'd love to see more reality of how good they actually are you know what they should actually do then.

They should have a Tour event regardless of of what tour I'm not getting into all that politics again um. Or actually we might be doing later on there in this episode um actually one Tour event each year is like you say it's at an unbelievably public golf course it's like 6 200 yards bucket holes just imagine four rounds of golf. For those guys where most powerfuls they're going to be driving. And literally chipping on the green most power fives like par fours like what would they actually get to what number could be up to like a tournament could be one at 50 on the par I think it would I think it should be done it'd be really funny. So today's podcast that was quite a nice kind of flow into the intro we've got quite a lot to cover we've got obviously big news on the PJ tour kind of going down the route of Lyft which has caused a lot of stir. And again we are appreciative records a little bit early. So people might have heard a bit of this by now we want to hear your take on this Rick all the time I'll be honest with you I don't know a lot about it just yet okay because it kind of broke yesterday did it. Or a couple of days before so basically there's going to be more events on the PGA tour now that there's going to be no cut. So essentially at the minute they have is it the wgcs. And the FedEx there's no Cuts obviously earn your way in to get into those they're now released I think it's another is it. So sweat from next.

Year I'm gonna google it now because I think I should know a little bit more about this. But I have looked at some some bits of it I've heard some opinion I've heard Rory kind of Defending it as well um there's gonna be more events from next.

Year where you've got no court. For basically the top players and the whole point it really is is sort of the PJ talk. And got to sponsored and say look um MasterCard so sponsor this event or whatever it might be and we can guarantee you that Rory Tony finau Scottish Affleck will be there Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday which should therefore. mean TV viewings are going up anyway because people want to watch those guys. So it's worth a lot more for them essentially it's it's copying the live modeled some degree it's yeah it well it is because I did definitely see the the tweet in Instagram that lived out of facts of like flattery is the best form of uh imitation is it imitation is the best form of flattery um because effectively our PGA Tour are saying yes we actually do believe a no-cut model is more beneficial it is more beneficial to a number of different people obviously sponsors like you say they get more more bang. For the book the viewers yeah like I must admit I can't think of a time where I've planned to go to an Open Championship on a Saturday. Or Sunday and been disappointed because I've not seen the favorite player however. you could argue that would have probably happened last year at the open like there have been a lot of fans that would have been so lucky to get tickets on Saturday and Sunday for the open last year now obviously the open is still gonna have a court. And everything else and tiger wasn't there yeah. But like it is a bit of a shame that into it is. But I suppose it's kind of part of the magic yeah. But with this new thing they're saying there's going to be at events that are going to be um 70 to 78 players with no court. But it won't apply to Majors The Players or the FedEx Cup playoffs and five spots can be earned through performances in non-designated events. So I think the whole point of this is the saying yeah there's no court we've got you can still earn your way in whereas obviously would live people are arguing. But there's no real way of earning yourself way in oh I think there is to actually have the Asian tour. But I think ultimately we were quite concerned I know you were quite concerned about live starting. And PJ touring almost too much kind of friction but you must say it's probably making the game better for both parties isn't it this competitiveness yeah it's it's super interesting at the moment the world of professional golf like I mean the the people who are really benefited are the players I mean they're making. So much more money over the last couple of years whether they have something to live or whether they remained on the PGA tour they must be like bloody hell this is we're cashing in on this um it'd be interesting to see what viewing figures look like yeah I'd heard some reports that lives even figured last week weren't particularly impressive. For the one in Mexico I don't I don't you never really get to see PJ tours viewing figures as such because I think it's quite a complicated way of monitoring. And viewing figures certainly in the USA um if it's not online so it would be really interesting are genuinely more people watching golf right now. Or as it have the opposite effect where people are like I don't know what to watch therefore. I'm not going to watch anything. So I don't know I get a bit like that you know really sometimes if it's almost like too much Choice it's like oh I can't choose I'm just gonna not bother bye I do honestly. And I think sometimes I feel would you get out with the things that you like though. So like again if you're going to Netflix. And there's not really anything that you fancy and watching there's almost too much Choice like I know what I can't remember making a decision but if you like golf if you went to a restaurant and there was a burger. And a pizza and you like both you're probably not gonna go hug anything then.

You go oh it's hard to shoot but oh I'll go for the burger all right if you love watching golf I can't imagine someone's gonna sit down and go do you watch live. Or PJ tour and then.

Go I'm not gonna watch either I don't know I I've certainly found myself in situations a bit like that really with the golf yeah a little bit wow not just at the moment certainly when the the Wheats Clash you have got to make a choice. And I think sometimes that choice is kind of. So complicated or hard to do. Or you're not quite sure which one you want to watch on that's why I end up either watching highlights or don't particularly watch as much live golf where this week it's probably a bit easier obviously we've just missed it but the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill what event like you can only really watch that there's no other choice. But um yeah it's an interesting turn from the PJ tour they've obviously had some kind of uh Joe Cool backlash that is almost copy. And live um it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out and and like I say I think. For a viewer they want to see the best players more of the time and this is not this is offering that. So one of the features this week I've copied from the internet okay. So there's different like I don't actually know who does it. But there's different I think it might be GQ. Or other people whether you get like a celebrity we couldn't find one today.

We've got you substituted um. And you ask them some of Google's most searched for questions on said person okay. So I typed in does Rick Shields. And loads of different things came up so I'm gonna start the bottom and work the way show her to think about this okay what some of them aren't super exciting some of them are a bit more. So a bit more juicy okay really juice. So what bag does Rick Shields use use people are asking it on Google currently I use that I think I've had a couple of versions of this it's the Ping is it the who. For Crazy Light it's a skinny one I think it's the Ping e Crazy Light you're a skinny bad guy aren't you love it. But then.

You know what the other day I was thinking God there's a lot of stuff in here in my bag I have. So much bloody stuff in my golf bag well can we talk about my issue with your golf like we discussed yesterday on the golf course yeah this is a sin. And I'm surprised you're the guy that does this. So Rick carries an umbrella which is fine you just want to get caught in the rain keeps his umbrella in his actual golf bag like stuff down in the clubs as opposed to the umbrella section at the side I don't like it in the umbrella section at the side I don't think the bag is big enough maybe if I had a bigger bag. But I don't like how it sticks out like it looks a bit wrong it looks a bit kind of like it shouldn't be a blood do you think on that mat what's your verdict your course is an outside bad guy it's really I'm surprised by you I thought I really are maybe it hurt actually well anyway you do you next.

One what Potter does Rick Shields use well. So I want to come on to this in a moment because we we've did a lot of filming this week. And I've been experimenting with different Putters I put one putter in the bag and it lasted three holes and I've gone back to my even role er2 yeah um I don't know why I can't stop using it that's a good thing I don't pop buddy great dude yeah. For me it's one it seems to be one that I like pretty well yesterday actually I did actually one that I kind of go back to a lot um I've probably got similar to a cover I've probably got too many choice of putters. And therefore. I kind of go back to the one that I've used for so long to be honest this year I do want a proper putter fitting. And get get properly dialed in with it what brand does Rick Shields wear well it's an interesting question. So you might have seen since July last year a lot of my UK and European followers will know this brand the golden eagle this is lyland Scott a brand that has incredible Heritage in the world of golf yes then.

Transitioned beautifully into the world of fashion beautifully. And now they're trying they're getting back into dominating the World of Golf again you wear it well I'll do my best I need to lose a bit of Tim. But to continue to wearing it better I got a marathon that's true I'll be ordering a small soon uh yeah. But I I mean growing up what's what's fascinating. For me and the brand is um you go on Facebook every now. And again now and you get the memories that come up from 15 years 16 17 years ago I'm there rocking it a young Ricky Shields and I'm there with the golden eagle little Island's gone nice so it looks good so yeah it's a brand that you should check out the link is in the description of this podcast does Rick Shields do lessons I do not anymore. And it saddens me um I love coaching I love being a coach there's a reason why I got into YouTube as many of you know um I think over the times of of increasing the amount of content we make. And how much more of a production it is now um the only time I could feasibly coach would be a weekend. And obviously I've got three kids and a family so I decided to spend time with them rather than coach this is a good one this is the exciting one how does Rick Shields make money um how do I make money. So we make money on YouTube yeah it's not a secret we make money through um sponsorship such as wonderful sponsors at lion Scott Echo top Tracer um. And then.

We also uh do the podcast yeah that makes money we do Facebook that does all right. For me I think that's something that it's a question you hear getting us less now because I think five. Or six years ago when YouTube was just kind of really taking off people like how does a YouTuber make money I think most people now are Savvy to it that when you watch a YouTube video maybe before that. Or during that or at the end as an advert and that advert could be for kind of anything really sometimes you can skip them. And sometimes you have to um watch the whole advert and obviously when that advert is played YouTube YouTube maker revenue. And the Creator makes Revenue very kind of almost similar to to when you might get a local free newspaper that doesn't cost you a penny but within that adverts that you know local businesses might be paying that paper but they're advert and it's very kind of similar model really obviously on a larger scale um and then.

I'm gonna get into the world of boxing I think that's next.

Yeah. So I'm going to call out Jake Paul right now oh how how long in the round actually last with Jake Paul how long in a round would he last with me I reckon you'd last five seconds I reckon he'd be really really yeah joking yeah no I'm cocky here seven back in the day the biggest okay. So there's a few more of these and then.

Only fans only fans yeah it's weird that we ended up actually though the only fans were refunding money. So rather than making money losing money people paying that number one I'm paying them back yeah. And this might have to be a bit quick it's quite a long answer but what does Rick Shields have in the golf bag uh ping forth in my golf bags not like clubs ping G4 30 Max um 25. ping G4 25 ping g425 Max yes driver in the bag uh Cobra F7 Fairway Wood um I've currently put a new three iron in the bag which is I believe is the Titleist u500 I've got Titleist T100 irons I've got um even roll putter I use vokey wedges. And I use Pro V1 yep been quite similar for a while now really it's not changed I need to change everything yeah every single Club my bag is going to change question did Rick Shields qualify. For the open no um okay cool uh does Rick Shields have merch soon hmm watch. And then.

We've said this a lot I don't genuinely. But we've often said soon before without an actual idea more like it'll calm it'll eventually happen soon we've now got an idea. And genuinely it'll come soon we did a merchandise survey. And for a lot of people who listen and watch probably not even filled out like 40 a thousand replies you've told us what you want and we are going to deliver on those demands yeah you are coming soon um last question very simple one uh does Rick Shields have a wife I do I'm like if that's actually the most searched question that might mean a lot of um people out there look in the game interested in Rick Shields is he taking is he off the market I don't know what clubs he uses that can rank first who the bloody hell would marry him ah yeah I mean that's more what more what it's like the probably more feel sorry. For my wife so we we have had a busy week we have I do feel somewhat drained because this week we've been out filming. And I play golf back to back times forgot how Bloody hard it is let's get the violin out walking. And playing golf certainly hitting the amount of shots I do well we played JCB yesterday which again I'll come in a couple of weeks that video we are banking videos a bit more advanced now being more organized. So it's quite cool that we're filming stuff now that might come out in like three or four weeks time well just a quick run on that so Bay Hill was last Friday this Friday to coincide with the PLAYERS Championship we've done a really good job here Sawgrass break 75 at TPC Sawgrass again off the back tees with a caddy wow with the iconic 17th hole coming up. So that's gonna be that is going to be I think you're gonna on the same weekend of the same week. So it's gonna come out Friday yes then.

The following week I filmed a really cool video this week um with a little Aston yes I know you you didn't come to the trip um. But little Austin wow love a little place honestly I was really impressed with um little Austin beautiful setting really really good golf course I also played with a Hollywood a-lister which I'll we'll come up I'm not going to kind of give that too much away. Yet that'll come out in the video and then.

Like you say yesterday we you and me played at JC we have a little bit of that or do you want to save it well first off JCB a bit similar to Bay Hill it's a golf course I could probably play 100 times off the back tees off the proper batteries. And stroll to break power however. yesterday I'm not that's all we're gonna say it was Thunder on it it was a very different format. For break 75 um but it was fun it was really good yeah I'm excited that one to come out. And that format if it goes down well we might do a bit more often who knows. But I've got a couple questions for you Rick it's that time of the show we've had it for a while with dear Rick so this is that um point we need to be really thinking oh by the way sorry quick one little Aston yeah I meant real life Ian oh wow the secretary from our made-up fictional Clubhouse who's called Ian you know about Ian he does oh wow I don't. So he does now anyway. So I met the real Ian who's the the manager at little Aston he would be a perfect Ian for us now there's no Doreen Doreen there. And there was no buzz okay you can find him. But here we've got him you know what's mad then.

Statistically obviously we're very great for a lot of people listen to this podcast we could say a person now they could be listening so look there's Darren for example he's driving his van right now Darren in his white van he's driving along thinking oh my God I'm Darren I've got a white van there's John yeah who's out walking the dog of course in a field with many Johns yeah. But we're talking about you John what about um Peter and treadmill there's a pizza on a treadmill listen to the podcast definitely yeah. And there is a um Sarah yeah who is currently um she is playing golf okay. And she's listening yeah why not that's the least statistic one I think not sure about that um headphones the golf course is it a good thing. Or a bad thing okay Sarah's driving to the golf course about to play golf. And she's listening um very quickly on that I remember years and years and years ago when I was a kid um I was in in my bedroom watching TV. And tucked up in bed and with I'm a dressing going on well start again I said just a quick one on that right yeah I remember this funny story I was a young kid yes I was probably under ten eight. Or nine and it's even my room and I was in bed with my dressing going on. And on TV was Sesame Street yeah okay. And on Sesame Street they started saying you know basically how did it come about now right oh I've got fur in my body. And all this it's like I know you watching you've got fur as well and I'm sat there in bed with my dressing gown I'm looking down going I have got fur on how does he know I remember jumping out the bed running down to running downstairs buddy whatever from Sesame Street is can see me. And she's like what she can you can see me I've got fur on. So yeah just reminding me of that little funny that was uh God's pictured very differently in my head. But yeah it's good. But anyway so do you want some dear Rick questions let's do it okay. So um I've got two do you want number one number two well I don't need either right now. But I'll go with them okay. So for everyone listening at home they might be thinking what's just happened um or watching there was a moment then.

In time that we've had to cut from the podcast something absolutely. And I mean this gigantic has just happened I'm actually still shaking I think I feel like it was a moment do you remember the TV show like this is your life yes it felt like that. For a moment yeah. So I was presented with something that's insane that you'll all know about. And believe me when I say this everybody is going to know about this in the entire world make sure of it yeah frustratingly we can't talk about it now. Or mid podcasters obviously we had to cut there something happened in the studio somebody came and met us with some very important and very special news and right anyway I don't know how I'm going to concentrate. But I believe we're on a day Rick suddenly my energy level has gone through the roof I was quite kind of lethargic this morning. But now I'm fully operational even I feel flustered for you Rick so anyway dear Rick is from Anonymous. And he's asked because he can't be asked with the hassle from the members okay camera can't see screen Can it can you see it no of course. So it says recently I've been playing pretty well brackets for me and averaging around 37 points over the last four rounds I'm pretty consistent around that Mark too I've won one and come second another comp and then.

Fifth just this week admittedly though from the front forward winter tees making the course shorter than usual and not counting for whs purposes however. here's the kicker I've got TaylorMade Sim Max that I bought a few years ago driver that is I've not used it once during those four rounds I'm driving with my Wilson Staff three wood. And the 21 degree driving eye and it's also Wilson's staff I've lost one ball over the course of those four rounds and the 21 degree hybrid has out driven my playing Partners drivers on a couple of occasions and he said I don't know about you. But I think a sweetly struck drive now is the best feeling in the golf. So my dilemma I can't use that driver I've got it set on a full draw setting and still slice it like Roberto Carlos but the teas are about to go back to the kind of normal summer position. And they're probably going to be out of range. For all the path Falls so my chance of improving much Beyond where my current handicap is will be reduced do I. And the two questions here do I a except that I'm gonna hit lots of good golf shots. And keep getting comments on other people like there's no way you can be a 17 handicap with that swing. But knowing that I won't score very well because I'm not going to hit him a driver. So he's not getting the most distance that you should kind of be getting or should he get some lessons on the driver take a risk that you might go backwards in kind of terms of ability before going forwards. But ultimately that might help him get down to the kind of low-team high kind of single figure handicap that he's hoping for gotta be honest your head's still going in there I'm seeing your mouth moving. And I'm and I'm hearing words but right so basically should you stick with a hybrid or should you have a lesson yes as a guy. For me he's obviously enjoying hitting hybrid on a shorter golf course and he'll he'll learn those skills and he'll continue to hone them skills as the golf course gets longer but yes I would definitely look at maybe don't go from hybrid straight to driver like there's quite a few clubs in between there. So let's say you're hitting this hybrid 21 degrees of life is it just three wood as well. So long story shorts it's this driver horrendously custom shots he's three wood and he's driving iron are working. For him but he's obviously losing distance once the course goes back to full length housing gets handicapped down I definitely think if you can take some of those skills that you feel more confident with with your three wood now. And be open with a golf coach about how you can potentially gain more distance with a driver then.

That could absolutely be the perfect pathway the other thing I'd like to try. And uh try out is maybe like a mini driver you know something a bit more lofted right. So it doesn't need particularly a three wood it's almost like a bigger version of a three wood but with a little bit more Loft that could definitely be a nice pathway are you okay no I feel like I've not given the right answer. But there was another deer that I'm not going to bother with because I think your headspace now is flustered I'm not I'm not sure how I'm gonna operate. For the next.

Few weeks no I've I've now got to. And again all will be revealed soon I feel like I just need to get onto the practice ground. And grind why more than I ever have done in my entire life yeah I'm nervous. But anyway we'll come on to that shortly um I've got some good questions on Facebook and one I've actually answered on Facebook um but I'll ask anyway first of all um give me seven reasons why somebody should join the Facebook group golf now seven oh wow okay it's free yeah you get really fun entertaining content yeah you learn about every member's holding one yeah guaranteed um there's you get to see pictures of Ian Doreen. And baz yep three more and you also get um once you get approved it's like a satisfaction level do I mean yeah I know you approve them yeah. And as long as you don't say anything dodgy you won't get banned yet one more um it's free okay even though I said that first. But it is free fair enough. But a lot of people that don't like Facebook because they don't like Mark Zuckerberg I would then.

Follow the Rick Shields Golf Show Instagram account still Mark Zuckerberg I would then.

Look at making sure that you follow us on the clubhouse which believe it or not is something we set up on Twitter like Elon Musk therefore. we think we still have a MySpace account somewhere that you can check out. Or write a letter oh yeah stamp the dressed envelopes at Rick Shields at a random golf course somewhere. So the question actually is. For the chills at the clubhouse Mike swifferness says any thoughts on playing break 75s at some more affordable golf courses So I responded and I'll respond verbally as well now 100 this is the plan just in reality this time of year. And without being rude a lot of the more affordable golf courses aren't in great condition yeah. And to be fair when we look at actually a lot of the break 75s we've done been very very lucky to do some super super high-end golf courses no question about it. And some that probably majority of people listening and watching and this is me not being flashy. Or anything we'll maybe never get a chance to play some of them have been really high-end exclusive private golf courses which to some degree I love the comments where people go wow I'm probably never gonna get a chance to play his golf course but now I feel like I have played it through watching your video so that's real benefit the affordable ones we've still done a lot of the affordable ones certainly let's say like crayle up in Scotland and Ely like those ones are very you know playable yeah uh we've done the Marriott Worsley Park. And we've done a few others as well so yeah we could maybe look at doing almost like a a budget series that's like budget get break 75s yeah. But that's it that was we've said this before there's loads of great golf courses out there that don't have to cost a fortune it's just that typical. And always the case but certainly well we're on the north west of England the kind of more cheaper golf courses and more Parkland courses obviously which get a little bit wetter and a bit damp and it's kind of we don't really want to play those courses and film and it's not fair on the golf course as well a lot of these golf courses obviously Pride themselves on you know having good membership but also attractive visitors and if we go to The Venue when it's not in its best condition and film a video then.

Hopefully you know half million million people watch it doesn't look great on that Golf Course yeah you're still in Cloud Cuckoo Land I had a really good question I've lost it um anything you want to say why I fill in. And find some questions um I don't know anymore I I feel like my reality of life has changed um there's Monday yesterday we released a brand new driver video can I just say before we come on to that a little could we say a little bit of why you're excited like what's just been announced in the sense of what it is. But not what it work what it is it's every golfer's dream okay that is a sentence. But it's not yeah okay yeah um with with the video we released yesterday the Wilson driver that was one of the most interesting reviews I've done this year yeah drivers arrived from Wilson. And let's be honest over the last few years Wilson have well even if we go about like 50 years Wilson have had an incredible reputation for making very good products certainly in the iron Market I think there's still one more Mages with their items. And any other brand I'm pretty sure as well they've won something like a major every decade for the last five years five decades or something so they've incredible I've used the irons loved them but in the driver Market I think at once upon a time they did really well. But with the introduction of TaylorMade and Callaway and ping and Titleist now kind of coming more to the Forefront and Cobra Wilson have lost huge market share in their driver Market you even to the point and obviously I was part of this they did a TV show driver versus driver there was driverless driving drivers Driver 2 which I was a judge on the TV show which was super interesting over in America. And mostly filmed in Chicago and it was on the Golf Channel um where you got um if you've not heard of it. Or seen it you got quite literally normal people would design a driver and Wilson would then.

Decide over many different rounds in the elimination processes it's almost like X Factor meets Dragon's Den meets Golf Club manufacturing and it came they came out with a driver at the end of it yeah the cortex um from that point then.

That was again a very very good products. But in my opinion and again I was even on the TV show it was priced I think way too high okay like it was priced well into the 500s. And it was almost there competing with TaylorMade colorway Etc yep well I think this is where this driver that brought out this year the Dyna power is a much cleverer drive. And I mentioned in the video in the fact that the pricing is much more affordable to somebody great compared to some of the big names. And the performance was Bloody impressive well that's it Wilson uh quite a strange brand. And I said that in a kind of nice way because the number one in basketball. And it actually comes to things like basketballs the number one in tennis when it comes to rackets they are a massive sport in Sporting Goods brand. And he said over the recent years in the golf world they've been a real competitor. And they've made some really good pieces to Kit like you said notably irons they kind of lost away from mid to early to mid 2000s with some of the deep red range Because deep red are on their Marquee drivers. And then.

They really they kind of change the Deep Red Brand to be more kind of budgie and I think that kind of they have the Wilson Staff more kind of serious line there the Deep Red is a bit more budget. But I think they kind of got a bit lost. And it became a brand that people just saw was a bit lower than your top brand. So it's kind of you'd have all those Brands you reeled off Callaway TaylorMade Titleist Etc You could argue people might see Cobra's been half a tear below that and then.

Wilson again kind of another tier below that so they want to make a serious driver they've employed more um guys in the r d team I believe they've upped their team they're kind of really wanting to go Full Throttle on this driver but yeah they're in a tough spot with price because if they charge 500 quid. For a driver it's gonna be very hard to turn people away from stealth 2 from Paradigm to Wilson let's be honest if they charge 300 quid well naturally as a consumer you see that's been it must be worse because it's 200 pound cheaper yeah. So this new driver the carbon version it's 400 quid is a good price point well the carbon one's 400. And the um Titanium one was four nine that that is the window at the moment where there's there is a gap because even cobra have fallen out of that window like cobra have kind of got a bit guilty. And getting into the mid to um mid to high 400 pounds for a driver where that kind of Gap where F9 sat all those years ago in 350 pounds I think he's a real sweet spot I think what's hard. For Brands to do is we know that now you know most the golf Brands who are making equipment are making good clubs that that's a fact. But people often go for fittings with one or two brands in mind so people might say right 2023 I want a new driver I do plan to try. And stealth two and I fancy try and power down and they might try those out and they might bring something else into the equation but really if you put a Wilson in in the golfer's hands even it performs as well they're going up I didn't come. For a Wilson I want to have that new paradigm that John Rams using and winning with I want that stealth 2 to do like the stealth. And the carbon face story Etc you've got to give them reason to go well actually I'm hitting this Wilson as well as these two and there's X reason and if that comes down to price and it's a little bit cheaper that could sway some people do you think do you think in this day. And age right now where you know with the internet with the the presence of tour players and everything else do you think as an industry golfers have become more brand snobs hmm do you think do you think it's changed over the last 10 20 years that's a question I don't know if it has you know what's interesting I I think there's more loyal fans to brands. So I think there's fans out there now that almost would only ever stick to one brand personally I see that a little bit more these days. But on the flip side when I say about brand snobbery like some of these kind of underground Brands like let's say but I don't want to do these guys a disservice. But like Vice golf ball like Vice is almost quite a Cool brand to like isn't it yeah it. So it's not it's not the big boys it's not a Callaway or tailor-made Etc but it's a brand that's managed to Captivate an audience and excite people I think on that there's two things I don't know if there's more brand loyalists now that would have been 15 years ago 20 years ago. But you might appear there is because of the internet. So 15 20 years ago if you were a massive Cobra fan let's just say you might just have the gear. And goes to golf club and play it was now that same game have a cobra hardcore fan Instagram page yeah it's a bit more visible I guess yeah. And I think on that though well like we said before with with products. And certainly with golf ball but everything there's so many Brands out there but there's a lot of brands that are established. And in some ways it feels there's a lot of golf ball Brands but actually this Titleist is Bridgestone the streaks. And they might only be six or seven in reality for people to actually really choose so when a new brand comes that kind of disrupts disrupts the marketplace in some way I think it can become quite cool like a vice it's like that's a bit different out of the Galaxy in the first team everyone's going what are you using Pro V1 number one Bridgestone number two Vice hand backwards I think. For me it's been a it's is it almost these new like let's say Wilson was something such a hardcore Heritage like. So many older golfers will know about Wilson as a golf club manufacturer how interesting now let's say a new wave of new golfer that's coming into the world which is is a huge amount over the last few years that they actually know the Heritage. And the story of Wilson and a Wilson giving that message enough that have they have they pushed hard enough in that category are they almost relying. So much on their Heritage in a way though how much does Heritage matter. So for example if if Wilson had assigned Micah Morris and Grant would that have them not to get a whole new audience going now Wilson's cool I know Wilson from the basketballs he's at school I know it's a brand I recognize it like what that does just the newer golfers occurred at 50 years ago the ions won the open they probably don't know. So I think Heritage matters in terms of building like credibility. But does it matter to a new golfer if they don't if they know a brand new. Or old or whatever does it matter to them as long as it sounds. So cool yeah that way yeah Wilson Wilson that'd be Horrible's not cool is it really though it's not a Cool brand even the logo possibly looks even just a little bit kind of older styling the logo would look cool like a jumper a baggy jumper like a song that's quite cool like like a student at St Andrews Champion style jumper 100 on a driver though is it that good. But does that matter I don't know. But then.

Again Callaway's logo isn't great they tried to change it but it's kind of gone almost like calligraphy again that's like yeah I mean they've had that. For a while but if you're with that Wilson driver well didn't you I really liked it loved it for the sound not long I would I would consider it it probably it would take me a little bit to really TR I'd almost it sounds ridiculous I'd almost have to test the Wilson driver slightly more just to make sure I've gone yeah no that is definitely the right choice to get on me yeah like it's almost like am I definitely writing this. But I've had Wheels lions in the back loads of times it doesn't faze me at all I put a Wilson set of irons in tomorrow without as much thought but Wilson driver just feels like that's quite a big shift on new equipment though and I've mentioned it a few times through this podcast about I might look at tweaking and changing and completely having a full new set of everything which I genuinely think I'm going to do this year we're going to give you one more final update of um the new studio that is being built next.

Door now last week um certainly if you were very early early early to the podcast last week a little a little couple of minute clip was left in where I had to go. And tell next.

Door to be quiet as they were building yes um guy very nicely swept up the mess over the mess I'm not I'm not gonna say it's my anyone's fault um. So that's been built yes it's what now 90 built uh yes looking good yeah it's looking good I hope it's really looking good no it's looking absolutely class I think we've said this number of times the review channel is coming very very soon we're thinking around the start of April it'll be here. And ready to go and we wanted a base where you can review golf clubs indoor still some outdoor as well. But something for the new channel we see a lot of that being indoor because it works really well the facility don't get carried away but I think it's world class I think genuinely when we first launched that channel. And we're gonna post the first Reveal video on the main Channel because it's main Channel worth it I do actually think it's going to blow people's socks off I actually think people are watching fell off right they've actually falling off our feet yeah that does happen. So yeah it's class is that why the builders could walk out with no socks on every time yeah I mean that's a legal requirement I've set in say it's double shoes no shoes are allowed in the new studio I'm actually going to test Barefoot yeah should do you know I'm excited though about the new studio um new channel obviously it comes off the back of it if you like your golf equipment reviews like seeing Rick review golf clubs well good news there's gonna be loads more maybe two three a week potentially everything. And everything everything and anything you're gonna review yes everything. And the other benefit is I am going to be in there every single day grinding my little hands off yeah getting better at golf every day you go out where's Rick all right it's grounded well that's the thing there's not really any excuse then..

For you not to be a really good golfer I'm quite literally I want I want I want to go from the podcast Studio to the Grind Zone [Laughter] that's a dungeon I want to be in there just just getting work done we've got I've done to give too much away but I cannot I can literally work on every single part of my girls getting laughing in that room all you'll do is go. For ball speed and we've got we've got one of the don't give too much away one of the world and I mean this biggest simulated screens I think it's going to need to be replaced probably weekly yes. For the amount of grind I'm going to be doing in that room also we can do some more tip videos. For Facebook and stuff so if you want if you want some more little tips um they will be coming I believe it's gonna happen I'm excited I feel like my head's gone a bit after today's little thing happened halfway through yeah yours is really gone this feels like a really good strong performance first half yeah half time came big announcement second half has been sloppy yeah we've with one lead one nil lead slip it will be worth it when you can announce. Or when you do announce it guys thanks. For listening watching make sure you like And subscribe check out every single video we're going to be releasing over the next.

Few weeks because honestly it's gonna be epic Sawgrass is out Friday 4 P.M break 75 at Sawgrass it's possibly one of my most favorite episodes ever. And I keep saying that a lot easier every week but genuinely it's one of the greatest episodes ever and then.

We will be back home little Aston followed by JCB mean guy loads more videos. And uh I'm gonna now go and lie down in a dark room and just consider play with yourself [Laughter] on that note uh yeah amazing. And make more only fans right thanks for watching see you soon and peace.