The moral of the story is that rick should write a book not being confession [Music] you know one of my biggest i don't luckily touch wood i don't have many youtube regrets. But you are part of one of them however. however. i think my biggest regret massively helped you oh no idea what this is i do i think it might in fact it transformed you was it that's my biggest regret what do we do abu dhabi 2017 2017 wednesday the 3rd of january yeah etched in my brain that might be a bit early it's a bit later fifth. Or sixth of january okay i've been out in the program that day. And i play with danny willett current masters chat look you're looking at me like what the hell are you gonna do i remember because i remember us doing in dubai what year did we have keep going okay you remember it 2017. yeah. So i played danny willie that day okay current master champion right buzzing great video made two killer videos playing the prayer on with him had loads of challenge with him i'm done what a day the best ever right same year just signed with nike okay. And one of the nike guys came over and said oh this afternoon we've got a great opportunity. For you oh great what is it going to caddy. For uh one of our athletes on the back nine all right who's that tommy fleetwood okay great thinking caddying. For tommy fleetwood i'm not sure say who's he is it what's this what type of video is this going to be i've just played everybody the masters champion photography i'm sure i told you to do it as well did you not do it. So what route i thought i'll be nice i'll go on humor this thomas lad you didn't do it there's tom ladd see what he's see what he's about okay came met you on the 10th tee finno pass me the bag i said i'm not carrying this packet absolutely with like the longest strap on the planet. So anyway i decided i didn't caddy we didn't shoot a video but i actually walked quite a few holes with you you were telling me about the nike driver you had in the bag. And you didn't have many of them yeah. And i said i've got a spare driver if you ever need it. And uh it was nice. But we didn't shoot a video right we didn't shoot a video what did you go. And do that week. So it's not like a youtube regret because it didn't even exist yeah that's why that's why it's regret i chose not to cater. For you i chose that yeah you go. And win because because of me not because because i was not because i was a chopper really i just played with the masters champion basically i was like come on. But i think it massively helped you win because if i had carried fear. And lost a bit of confidence for you give you a few run clubs you might not have gone on to win the 2017 abbey championship hsbc and the race to dubai that yeah listen i know yeah. And saved me and then.

You won it again the year after yeah. And then.

You won the french open and then.

After that you never there's no chance of ever getting hold of you again until this moment until right now at jcp do you ever ever remember event i'm sure you will i used to work. For nike and we got you to come out to the greenwich driving range and you had to wear that outfit yeah rick shorts. And tights you pulled it off quite well but the tights didn't sell very well i'm not sure there was the real push. For the modern golf athlete look and so she sort of picked me should have picked someone you looked good you pulled it off but they don't they still have maybe in any retail stores of like middle-aged blokes were in tight. But it was a good idea dude there were confessions there's a regret. So we started a new feature tommy a couple weeks ago where people could email in their confessions we've had their tell it they're telling you yes. And that was their confession. And we can either forgive them. Or condemn them do i get to choose maybe if they deserve one. So if you listening want yours read out next.

Week or the week after email podcast it's a good one ready steering guy please tommy please read my confession i feel i've committed a golfing crime but not in the way you might think you don't have to keep me anonymous because owning up to your actions is the first step of forgiveness wow everyone has been anonymous. So far so robert johnson oh he's asked for it on your your head be it early this year i bought a new set of taylormade irons very unbranded good good which meant i was able to sell my old irons they were a set of titleist cbs that i've had about 15 years i decided to sell them on facebook along with a decent stand bag i listed them. For collection only they couldn't be bothered the hassle of fan in a box and send them etc here is the start of my confession i listed the irons on facebook had no response. For two weeks no nibbles nothing the price was fur. But clear nobody wanted them we need to get rid of these irons one evening i got a message from a guy asking they're still available and i replied instantly probably looking really really really keen saying of course the three of course they're available he explained he had been to the driving range twice once on beginner's golf club takes the nearest powerfree course he asked me are these suitable. For him bonami's title seabees i replied saying these clubs were perfect. For a beginner and if he came and picked them up i'd even give him top of the range golf balls brackets shriek's lady triple three i got three in a raffle he agreed and said he would meet me in about two hours i have to confess i was i wasn't 100 truthful these irons are not great. For a beginner in actual fact they're an awful set of golf beginner in x 100 shafts if he was my mate. And he said he was going to buy his eye. And adam and tell him absolutely don't go near them don't waste money they'll be terrible for you i feel really bad lying to this guy i wanted to get them sold i'm really keen to get rick's and tommy's opinion on this um as i feel really bad about this guy and can't stop thinking about it all the best rob johnson yeah forgiven well that was quick thanks rob no no conscious there you're happy with rob's actions i think as a beginner i don't think the clubs are actually that important i would say like if you know. And you never know it might be very good you might be able to hit these cb so and the premium golf balls being 80 triple threes not the worst not the best not the worst wow there you go um i don't like it i think he's been crafty i think he's been a bit naughty i mean if he saw them. For like two grand yeah like you know maybe that was out of order that's used by tommy fleetwood yeah i i'm gonna condemn him. But not the biggest i've just thought of this now i've not got the biggest punishment but what i want to do is condemn it yeah yeah why can't it's just a bit like shady have you done it to his mate why is he doing it to a fellow golf yeah. But i think he's overthinking it you know what would be great if said person who bought the irons from rob johnson can email at podcast at that would that would be good see how he's hit them might have flushed him yeah i'll reserve judgment does it actually matter how he's hit them is it still like a bad thing i think he just knows it's not. So much that he that he knew all along he was doing the dirty that's what sits a little bit wrong he feels like he's doing the dirty what is he like i don't think i don't think he is doing the dirty that much i don't think the irons actually matter that much to a beginner like. So i think his conscience is affecting his judgment yeah possibly. For the sake of balance i'll condemn him people don't work in confession my punishment for rob he's going to play the next.

Club comp by the back he's going to get a two. So it's all going. For the price we're obviously a two in the club comp so he's buzzing goes into club i was going to two how great finds out he gets like three pounds. For his two so you've got golf balls no uh you used to get money yeah he's actually getting money count though i've never had oh we used to get money in our account. So in fact there's nothing punishment still getting free questions no i've got it gone i've got it this is a brilliant world right this is a brilliant well i don't happen at yours as well rob the next.

Comp he plays in yeah gets two twos yeah okay. So he's thinking double the money he walks in the clubhouse mr pro has anyone had a two yet today.

Nobody's had a two. Yet today.

Mm-hmm you're in it you're it you've got the whole kitty this is this isn't like a real condemnation because like in order to do this he has to make two i know right okay last thing last thing then.

I've got it right he makes a 2. don't worry i've got it he then.

Triple bogey's the next.

Hole yeah okay. But he's but he's semi buzzing because he's made this two yeah one two right waltzing to mr pro has anyone made a two. Yet today.

Nobody's made a two right you are in it. For the full kitty yeah hundred pound is in the kitty you are going to get it all right what's in the in the pro shop uh in the clubhouse in the bar hey guys i can know this is going made of two guys drinks on me get the rounding fellas get the four diet cokes no fanta no i'm gonna get the round in. For everybody listen guys i've just had a two i'm gonna get around him for everybody right what little does rob know there's one group left on the golf course okay. And that one group the 17th a bit like jcb here is a part three yeah. And this one fella manages to box it for a one did you get the full part. And at my club the ones got everything got all the twos money so now rob's just gone in he's thought he's got 100 in his hand he thought he's got 100 paid for the round of drinks he's just put the drinks on the tab she's a long-winded kingdom he spent 50 quid on drinks for everybody because he's buzzing the guy who's got the number one takes all the two's money and doesn't go in the clubhouse to buy everyone a drink he drives off that's his punishment he should be condemned so i think the moral of this story is that rick should write a book not being confession anyway.