Hey guys welcome back to the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast episode 172. um question for you go for it do you like football now again I honestly I'm Die Hard Fab wow this is really interesting. So I was very lucky. So last week I went to to the United Barcelona match at Old Trafford where we won two one atmosphere was genuinely electric it was ridiculous Sunday dead excited we're kind of partying around the house on Saturday afternoon like had a bit of a spring in my step yeah I mean had a bit of a long weekend I had a Friday off I'd spent time with the kids while they're up on half term. And Sunday um well supporting around I said declare my wife what we're doing tomorrow afternoon like you know United Iran. And she went we're going to a show I went what she went we've had this show booked in. For months we're going to Lion King with the kids oh I'm like you are joking I'm like what time does it starts you won't have to I said what time is it finished I've got no idea. And she was a bit annoyed with me granted because a bit like probably you. And many people listening she's known me now for a long time okay 15 years she's never known me to be one of those football fellas you've never known before like what call am I going to play in you've got the other yellow team. For a long time still played for us um no. For me honestly I don't know what it is at the moment. And without question hold up my hands up I'm I am a United fan but I'm definitely a glory United fan yes I am I think yeah no that's true. But I think it's to be fair I'm a Liverpool fan. So Arch Rivals we're always fighting about this aren't we oh yeah headlock like that scene from Step Brothers. But I'm the same Liverpool this year aren't doing very well and again I'll hold my hands up also you do lose a bit of Interest. Or I do anyway I'm never. But equally I think I'm a good level of football fan I think you're probably similar when they win. And they're playing well I'm yeah I'm happy when they don't play well I'm not like just room a weekend no you know what though I'll give props to proper Die Hard fans certainly if you support a team that don't pick up loads of trophies because to go home away spend most of your weekends following a football team take dedication indeed it's almost like every time going out playing around the golf. And not even getting close to your ability but going in week in week out sounds like you. So yeah. So I got chance to watch the second half and obviously was the first half how's it Lion King oh I didn't put a new Instagram story when you were dancing around celebrating well yeah never mind. And at the moment my my daughters are doing my nothing because one of them claims to be a Liverpool fan nice one of them claims to be a Bolton fan FedEx. So well I like that and I asked I asked my little boy he says I support lightning like who the hell do you live team I actually live soccer franchise. But anyway this is a golf podcast. But we do Venture into other sports occasionally um we don't know a lot about other sports. So how great about golf but we'll try our best uh there was also last night in the world of YouTube I'm sure a lot of people listen to this. And watching this might pretend that they don't care but they do deep down Jake Paul. And Tommy Fury fought and I watched I paid for it I'll hold my hands up holding their hands up today.

But I'll hold my hands up I pay 20 pounds sterling to watch Jake Paul and Tommy fiori because I am a sucker for the hype that's one thing that I'll I'm not the biggest boxing fan but I'm again I'm a casual ball and hardcore casual if that makes sense and I must admit I pay for a lot of these big fights because the weeks and the days before it I get absolutely suckered in by all the YouTube clips and little interviews they're doing and how you get two guys or girls obviously women's boxes will be huge now. And they're both so adamantly going to win. And it's like one of you got to lose and I almost can't comprehend it if golf could get something like that imagine how like if you had tiger and John Ram against each other going no I'm gonna win no I'm gonna win no you know I'm gonna ruin your career well it wouldn't work. But it would be exciting it probably brings us on to a very important topic and if we think about the things that we've just got excited. For there this weekend the football the boxing it's the hype it's the build up and sometimes the performance can be underwhelming yeah the boxing was to be fair. But but the hype and the excitement and the interviews in the build up and I think in golf the only time you ever really get in that is. For the Masters and the open and the radicals yeah you can you could throw that in there as well think going back to our habits of humans watching watching Sport. And watching a lot of this entertainment which is effectively what it is it is the hype at the moment there are two tours. Or three tours four however. many tours you can think of in the golfing world genuinely this weekend I I honestly I probably should have watched more I wasn't bothered about watching any. And I hardly watched any golf this weekend why won't you about this it just doesn't seem to excite me at the moment in certain spells and last week I was saying how amazing the product is. And it is when it's the right people at the right Tour event I'm like. So into it when I'm watching John RAM and Rory McIlroy and Scottish schiffler battling it out and they're playing some of the best golf they can possibly Play I'm. So into it I really am and when it's a really cool venue or when Tiger's obviously thrown into the mix I love all that at the moment and we've spoke about its loads on the podcast this week was the first um tournament. For live in 2023 yes it was in Mexico. And I said something stupid last week that golf course I've never heard of well I didn't realize it was that Golf Course where they do the PGA Tour it's got a massive cave bunker oh man I didn't know that that's the fourth holder why didn't I watch any why did I not why was I not engrossed by it I can tell you why because. And this so this is well before we come on why that is there's been I've seen a little few speculation almost videos around our videos. And some people saying how your auntie live and what anti-living it's the good thing is we're in a spotlight we do a club review where we are completely impartial. So if you next.

Week decided actually a love living with the biggest fan that's okay. Or if you decide that the PJ tour no that's that's the best tour that's okay. So say that when you're reviewing a golf club or a golf ball you're allowed to form an opinion and I think on live my take on it is the fact that they have got some really good play when you look at the list of the leaderboard you've got Charles Howell um Peter Ulan Brandon Grace Paul Casey Cameron Smith um you know looking at some of these names going right down you've got real big big big names on there well ultimately it doesn't feel like it means anything when they win no. So when you're talking then.

About the football the reason you you were. So excited about that football wasn't the fact that man U will play Newcastle United because that's a fairly exciting game nothing you know. But it's the fact that one of those teams like the boxing is going to walk away with the silverware. And one of them are going to be sat on the pitch in tears. And that's football that's that's the fight that's football finals for you um so you might say we're boxing you've got one who's lifting the belt and somebody who's but even then.

I mean there was actually a belt. For this fight but it was a Mickey Mouse one. But even then.

For me it's Mickey Mouse Michael Mouse but but for that it was more the fact that the. So arrogant and cocky which you have to be to be a boxer and confident One's Gonna Lose and you can't but the way they're talking so passionately into is you can't believe it's water there's something on the line whether it be silverware. Or whether it be ego like when you're looking at live golf yeah there's millions of dollars in the line. And there's some made up team form on the line but for me personally and people watching sometimes get UPS hours if you love live that's fine if you enjoy it you're allowed to enjoy it we're allowed to have other thoughts on it there's no bias it's just what we like. Or don't like but it means like does it does it mean that Charles Howells won that event no I must admit again I live in the golf space I can open up my phone. And I'll go on Instagram and I'll be I can pretty much find out the results straight away I had to even do quite a bit of digging to find out who actually won well. So that wasn't it wasn't super obvious I know they brought this app out now which I have downloaded um I did also feel a little bit I don't know a bit a bit disheartened the fact it wasn't as easy to watch as it was last year well yeah. So last year it was on YouTube straight away now you have to download the app which is free to be first. So once you download the app it is actually very easy to watch you just click on live. And then.

It starts playing but yeah it did like an extra barrier even though it's it's not. And then.

Weirdly the app is called live Golf Plus. And when you search for it doesn't actually come up until like the 12th app down weirdly which shouldn't make sense but that was how I found. And it might have gone up the rankings as obviously it's getting downloaded more um but yeah I mean you you watch it. And I've heard rumors that is it um a couple of players that are almost regretting moving over though which I don't know if that's true. Or not they are just literally rumors. But the players obviously they're playing um was supposed to be less golf I've also heard again on Twitter I don't know how true all these things are. But they're actually really are tied in they have to play 14 events a year which they cannot miss then.

Obviously you want to be playing the four Mages that's 18 events a year one of the big reasons the old claim to go over was less golf they're actually going to be playing arguably as much golf if not maybe more golf potentially. So yeah I don't know I wonder I know there's lots of rumors about kind of products kept because seems to be the name that keeps getting thrown around that he's not particularly enjoying it there's no fact to this this is just what's been rumors. And I'm pretty sure the PJ tour would take at least the first player back like that I think a million percent because imagine like the the pr piece on that a live player has gone back to the PJ tour I mean that is. For the PJ tour they're like yes under it would the live play have to give all the money back. And just be like right there you go there's 100 surely they might not be able to they might literally be a claw that says you cannot leave it and then.

I don't know what to do. But but yeah I don't. For me and again I'm sure lots of comments and people oh buddy always all about it's not about PGA Tour it's not about live for me for me I like elements of both products for me as a fan as a golf fan I just want to watch the best products yeah. And it's not always available week in week out yeah it's just not. And as much as you can try. And build up the hype and for me I'm still not connected to a team you know I know we spoke about it last week on the podcast about that kind of bizarre advert with a little girl asking Phil Mickelson who shall support I look at the teams and I've got I've got you know people are liking those in live like Sam Hospital we've had on the show like I could you know he I think he plays. For the Majestics and Westwood obviously I've had Westwood on the show before but I'm not I don't know I don't seem to want to connect myself to a team I'd say I'm a similar boat but kind of in Playing devil's advocate I can almost understand how people would if you have got. Or if your favorite player was a DJ is that. And you just he is. For whatever reason DJ's favorite player probably gonna gravitate towards him or if there's two or three guys in one team who are all kind of in you you guys usually might bet on. Or you like whatever then.

Maybe you would but yeah it does feel like because it's quite strange that like you should perform your children. And football you're typically with football you you grow up supporting who your parents kind of tell you to support or will you live. But there's a reason why you support that team isn't there and you almost don't even know that reason often well I even asked the girls I said why are you sporting Liverpool. And football and both times it was because of friends at school yeah. But but there's a reason isn't the why whereas I think about these new teams have been just made up from nowhere it's quite strange just to support a team however. you know on that you might have a bloke. Or a woman or whatever who's in their 40s 30s whatever who's watching it with the young child who's five or six and they might sell that support Majestics and that child now is going to grow up supporting Majestics it's quite strange see. So much start from the beginning because I can see the Premier League well the Premier League film. And I was like two I think. But I didn't see the football league form haven't really hundreds of years ago whatever it was. And we didn't see the PGA tour for well before our time yeah to actually see something start from the beginning all right. So the the ride cup and I'm pretty sure it didn't it wouldn't have had a much a strong connection with people when it first started yeah I don't know it's like I can't imagine people really support it these things grow off the history don't they have you ever watched the promotional stuff. For for the Ryder Cup or for the open the biggest thing you Leverage is the history you see the black. And white images you see the people lifting the cleric jug or the Ryder Cup whatever and that all builds into the narrative into the story without that narrative or store it's all fresh so it's I do feel like we are a bit harsh on live in some regards it's new like in four. Or five years time it might have built a bit more Legacy a bit more story it's hard right now but all we could speak about is our personal kind of tastes. And what we like and I'm just not really a huge fan I did try over the weekend to watch it a number of times. And kind of found myself watch in a bit and then.

Kind of just dipping off and I think the other thing as well like everything we've spoke about right there not once we actually talked about the golf no. And and with any other event did you see that shot that John Ram hit. And did you see this. And did you we actually end up not with live it's almost like everything. But the golf yeah really um yeah you know I want I feel like it should succeed it's got all the ingredients. But the moment it's just not quite ticking every box it's very interesting in two years time exactly and I might I might be sat here going bloody hell I can't believe I used to ever say that well I'm not particularly bad mouthing it. But I'm not as exactly like engrossed in it just yet it might be a live break 75 tall could be I'll cover rickshaw's team yeah see would people support that um potentially thanks. For you thanks for being encouragement of break 75 though on Friday um was we had a couple of contenders. For the best break 75 video ever in terms of just the whole vibe not not so much what you scored but just the vibe I think you. And Iona at um crail was a contender. For that and ARG of the new number one heavyweight Contender is you Ryan Ruffles aisleworth went live on Friday is doing very very well thank you. So much everyone's watched it and left feedback and enjoyed it the viewing figures had like what's out of 550 000 views over half a million views in a couple of days um and these videos are long as well. So it's great to see people are enjoying the kind of longer form videos. But I think there was a it was if that was a a cake that video in Spanish it had every ingredient necessary. So yeah good golf yep it had Ryan the good golfing it had an amazing golf course it had amazing um like Sun I think that's a big thing it had great scenery it had great videography he had great editing had um great presenter thank you. So that was your role in it no it was it was really really good what do you think genuinely it probably took me a while to to appreciate how much I loved Iowa like when we're in America in January I had a number of amazing golf courses lined up. And we've kind of teased a lot of them in this podcast so aisleworth Bay Hill which is out next.

Week. And obviously um Sawgrass as well and it had been quite easy in those three courses for Iowa to almost get lost a bit yeah you know the more I thought about it even when I watched the video back it was the quality of the golf course was just outstanding did look really good at the first tea how the stripes on that First Tee were just epic um Ryan was really really good yeah I've kind of really starting to look droopy told I didn't know a great deal about right I'd heard of him to be honest I didn't know because he was a Nike player I think he's not a method putter yeah he has yeah he said he'd never swapped that out he said he even asked me because I think I've got to spare one of that one at home. And he said if I ever need one I'll I'll pinch it off you because I love this putter um. And his sister is a really good player as well Gabby Gabby ruffle she's also a Nike athlete. And I kind of didn't know that um she's doing really well and it when I I contacted Iowa and um to be fine to be fair actually this is a bit of a weird flex. But I don't mean to be it was actually a connection through Tommy Fleetwood which was very nice. And uh and we went and played and I genuinely didn't realize I was gonna be playing with anyone on that day because originally because obviously you couldn't make it over because you just had a little baby correct um I'd then.

Asked friend of the show I own because I knew she was in America. But she couldn't continue her trip in America to join us it's like that was a bit like I met a loose ending am I going to play with I actually put something out on social media saying is anyone in the area to play around the golf with. And you know I was hoping that you know a big name tour pro. Or a fan of the channel would would take this is what you were hoping. For Tigers driving down the highway and Charlie's new phone scrolling on Instagram he's never his bloody phone is he Charlie hey Dad Ricky Rick [ __ ] here isleworth is like okay son let's go. And do it. So that's what I was fishing. For however. I actually got response by Ryan said I'm with you today.

I'm playing with you I was like oh amazing. So aisleworth had actually set it up he plays there um and they wanted someone to chaperone around yes make sure I didn't get lost. Or do anything naughty feeling those huge divots I'll agree um. But yeah listen I know a lot of people. And I just want to clear up any real rumors right now me and Ryan aren't twins no as as much I think people thought you was dad's not his twin trick as much as I got a lot of comments. And messages saying wow you guys are you guys twins is that your Australian twin you look more like his weird uncle Ryan's really cool look at his own clothes followers about like Ryan how old is Ryan he's like 26. no I think he's even younger than that oh no. But he like girls these cool parties and he was like hey Ryan now that Ryan's that freshman who's really gonna go to the golf team. And a new turn-up is weird oh yeah he's 24. um. And how old are you I played with a young Australian lad the other day she went I know I saw him on Instagram I went oh right did you followed him I said uh I said a lot of people are saying with brothers. And she kind of looks at me and went no I don't see it thanks love uh no. But Ryan was awesome a lot of people fancy a Ryan versus James Robinson match photos I think no respect to James Robinson it's going one way though it's almost like we've found like an American Australian version of James Robinson yes um. But we hoping Ryan does really really well he was classed on the video next.

Week Friday not even that next.

Week this week Friday possibly the hardest golf course I've ever played in my life Wow where the actual PJ tour playing this week wow Bay Hill wow Arnold Palmer's golf course Mr Palmer's golf course on the outset beautiful yep stunning. But it's bloody and nasty beasts and nasty peace I played it off the back T 7 700 yards I played with Mr Palmer's son-in-law nice which was really amazing experience as well hearing some of the stories the treat was amazingly well really did me. And the full team treated us really really well and it was Bloody hard if you honestly guy if you missed the Fairway you cannot I think I might have said this in the podcast you can't hit anything less lofted than a a time no fun absolutely literally you're like chipping out. And the greens were just I'll give you a little indication I don't break 75. sorry to spoil it. For everybody with another news person a quick note on Mr Palmer is one of your goals in golf to get the point where you're known as Mr Shields would that be really like I think. So because what age you have to be to be a mystery like you're not for example you're not saying if you met Tiger Woods it's not Mr Woods it's still I think it's still tiger let's be honest Mr Nicholas hold the hands up okay hold on by the way Mr Palmer Mr Palmer Mr player Mr player I've only given this Mr Fowler because you're throwing the certain Nick I did do her Mr Watson yeah when I met him. And he arrested me said Thomas just call me Tom the original t-dub um. So what we're going to be looking at 70 years old you've got to be a granddad yeah like that I feel like a granddad yeah. And then.

You can be called Mr Shields done really really well. And you're a Granddad Mister would Mr Shields reside said Andrews. Or America if you sell your soul and move over there and tell myself I'm not telling us all about no I I see you in um you could be like the modern day old Tom Morris yeah you could live above the Ulta Murray shop the open shop as it sounds good to me I I could definitely see myself living in the future in Saint Andrews in like a some sort of nursing home when I'm there putting on old videos VH hey hey come. And check out this let's go and check out this aisle worth video I did Mr Shields I've seen that legal driver six times it's no funny look they used to say I look like Ryan can you see it that was literally you that used to say you look like Ryan yeah um. So I could definitely see myself living the rest of my life in the future as Mr Shields in Saint Andrews nice I'm rocking up on a Saturday morning little Sunday bag a little Sunday bag like just a little pipe in a little driver 150 yards yeah. And like I can't do your game better it would just a little like a little poker just pokes it down there I'm just going right if I played that way. And just managed to like get round in 74 every time I think if you had a driver that you just thin it along the floor bullets it. For like 180. you've got like a little little weird seven mod that's like that older graphite on the shaft coming off a bit we just like it a thin grip that's one which like it just don't change it and then.

You have like a seven iron pitching wedge a chipper a million percent and you've got a bolt do you remember the type of Bullseye Port is like a like a mini golf. And they can use both sides because you've got this weird thing where you put with your left hand left-handed sometimes when it's left to right yeah I'll tell you what can I have you a bet a future bet okay oh like a if I win you delete YouTube channel not. So much a bear well it's gonna be a long way down the line not a bet but a challenge gone then.

Okay who can challenge you the first player to beat their age oh wow. So the first player to shoot less than their age that's gonna be a long time away well you can your best score is 81. So but imagine being able to do that that'd be people can that's impressive yeah that that'll be I think there's a longevity piece why do you want to continue to improve. And at golf well one day I want to beat my age what's the ideal age to beat your age I've got a number in my head I think is the idea like the the real I'd probably say 80. no I think 67. all right okay. So I think something 67 could shoot 67. we have to beat it all right then.

The 68. And shoot 67. yeah that's pretty good because I feel like if you're 80 to shoot 79 it's unbelievably impressive now if you're 68 shooting 67 is still very very impressive I can imagine you're scratched. And you just plot it along in one day shoot at three four five everything goes in everything goes in if you but I haven't said that what if you were refresh 90 to 89 . I need to get a fresh night here every every decade every decade you've got to beat your age yeah. For starting from 70. that should be really good video okay 70 got really good 70 year old 18 year old not year old. So you can beat their age let's do it let's do it if you are a 70 80 90. Or 100 year old contact the show and we'll get you on and speaking of scores there's a guy on Twitter that we've talked about before kind of off camera called Lou stagner and he um he's kind of his name on Twitter is Lou stagnant in Brackets golf stat Pro. So that gives you an insight into what he does a lot of people listening. Or watching well maybe you've seen his tweets a lot of them go quite big because I think uses our cost. And he really dives through stats and he brings them to Twitter he got a really simple form and they are eye-opening. And think I have found the secret to getting better at golf rail listeners I already kind of knew this. But let me get my notepad out because I could do with this as well to get better at golf you don't need to improve your good stuff what you need to stop the severely bad stuff right let me show you this start you ready. For this it's mind-blowing scratch players scratch handicap golfers average 1.8 ball birdies per round compared to an 18 handicapper let that sink in scratch players are 18 shots better obviously. But they only average 1.8 birdies more per round the secret to lower scores is not more birdies Celeste bogus less bogeys. And less nonsense well think about that. So I've had that a few times I feel like wow the more thought about it amazed me you got you've got an 18 handicapper on the First Tee and you've got a scratch golfer you I don't know the stats on this it'd be good to have the actual Insight but I reckon on average an 18 handicapper probably get zero or one birdies around I don't know the answer but let's even say they get one do you make a two on the second whole level that then.

Means that the the scratch handicapper has to get 2.8 birdies per round that's not surprising. But there's 18 Strokes difference so it's it's clear to see that were the 18 handicapper is is messing up is obviously the the bogeys. And the double bogeys that's how you get better at golf well yeah when it's broken down. And lose brilliant on Twitter he did some stuff really interesting stuff around the um when the event was at Scottsdale recently the seventh sixteenth hole the power three. And it showed like wearing 18 handicap award I hit it and like so many of them would be in the stands and everything it's mad but with that it would make total sense I can imagine a scratch handicapper having two birdies two Bogies. And 14 pounds yeah they could do the right that is what scratch golfers do we on the regular basis where it once again it wouldn't surprise I only might have three birdies three bows an 18 handicapper like you said can easily pick up a birdie they might Birdie the the easiest hole in the golf course a bit great Drive fumble it up to six feet. And knock it in but you're right the chances then.

They're going to follow it up with a double well that's a bogey you know five in a row six in a row 100 on the flip side a kind of similar thing you could also Imagine I know it's always half like this. But a scratch golf we could literally go out and shoot 18 pass and go oh yeah shot level today.

I actually got 18 pass I'm not gonna happen very often. But it could happen but equally you very rarely would imagine an 18 handicapped to get 18 bogeys because the argument if you're if you're an 18 handicapper you can make pass. And you will make pass every round might make half dozen you might make whatever. But you're also going to make big mistakes. And even I do you know I'm better than that handicap. But I go out and make a lot of powers and have a triple or go out of bounds whatever so it's like if you can eradicate those real high numbers you don't need loads of bird you just need to stop the high numbers. So what what's his uh what's his prescription make less doubles okay that is it that's the fact of it. But the actual the actual it's easy to make a double bogey is in it yeah yeah I it's not it takes one bad shot to get a double bug out of bounds. And then.

I've actually power in X ball so double Bogue with it out of bounds actually good really because you've powered it essentially I think the the slightly easiest skill is like say turning a handful of Bogies into pars yes because again that's where great players even if they hit a bad t-shirt they'll hit a good second shot up near the green. And get up and down or they'll they'll hit the Green in two and they might not they won't three put they'll two put more often than they'll three put um you know even when they've got into trouble they might play the way out rather than going. For the hero shot and getting it back into position and getting on the green and two putting I feel like making Powers when you really really think about it. And break it down it's just making sure you don't hit any of those really really horrendous shots that's the thing and with golf there's levels to the game as we know it's like when you play the Ryan Ruffles or you play with someone even better than that or whatever they will wow you with the balls tracking ability that's just a fact they will hit golf shots that you. And I just can't hit or you know might take a hundred girls to do it once whatever they will be very very sharp on the green. And they will impress you that's just a fact. But I found when I've had a scratch handicappers look like kind of Club level who are very good at a local golf level. But once you're going to move out of that aren't really amazing. But they're still very good at Club level they actually often don't massively wire there's a guy at Michael and I won't I won't name on here but it was a good guy really really lovely guy. And he was a scratch Golf. And I played him several times different years in the club championship and every year he beat me and I was this when I was like my prime of like four handicap at 17 16 the golf was my life. And I was quite a good ball Striker I was quite long. And all this stuff well longer than this guy in question and every year he beat me and and most easy one Club Championship and he'd almost hit it off the tee a bit thin but like kind of straight he'd hit iron shots of the greens that very rarely wowed would hit the green like maybe 40 foot away it'd then.

Roll up a 40-footer inside the Dustbin lid cliche and then.

Knock it in and just you just kind of do that all the way around. And it used to almost not annoy me because it was on the big thing. But it was almost a little bit annoying that like I always felt like I was hitting it better than him I was better out of bunkers than him I'd do more kind of shots that looked better. But he just got the ball around and that's the thing at Club love you want to be a decent Club golfer it's not about being incredibly talented is it just about not making ridiculous mistakes that person would have been hard to beat a match pretty hard to beat because words you've got to be birdian holes to beat him. And as soon as you make a mistake he's going to win the whole back anyway 100. And that's that's the thing it's like but my golf's a terrible place I missed the range a few times recently and I'm really really really struggling I don't know why I've lost a lot of confidence as well oh no yeah it's a bit good about it. But anyway um we'll talk about it yes no I just I just lost confidence I think I don't play as much as people probably thinking only play in the break 75 really if I do go the range quite a lot um. But yeah I just started spraying it. And I got got no confidence. And yeah that's not not good oh anyway um forget about me don't worry about that don't worry about that um I had an adventure on Friday why are you off gallivanting I was spending your day off with your kids spending quality time with my family yeah whatever boring. And I'm glad you have a good day very very well learned to be honest I was quite hungover from the match yeah well that is the problem when you're a hardcore football fan like you are you know family days are great. But they are going to come with a hangover because you watch the football night before. And obviously I did it the way a fan should do it [Music] it was a very nice experience drinking red wine. And the thing is though I might not say I'm the actual podcast because I'm not sure if it might be illegal not the mother okay I might have broken a law. But nothing nothing crazy nothing to get arrested by but just something that was uh not a done thing. But I think it is done by everybody. But not verbally the way of drinking all the way through the match but anyway we'll talk about that right okay well anyway on Friday when you were again galavantin do whatever you're doing with your family. And chilling I went on a little trip just on my own just me and my car and I went to a golf show so um as you well know like Orlando no I didn't go to Orlando Hey Jake some of us kids to look after um someone cares about the family right now um I went to Bunker live which is a golf show in Birmingham which I've been to once last year. And we went to Bunker live in Glasgow so I think they host two a year one in Birmingham I think this year it's not gonna be Glasgow it's Edinburgh I believe. And bunker is a like a Scottish media golf publication they have a magazine. And a bit of online content stuff like that and they host a golf show and it's nothing compared to the PJ show obviously In America which is absolutely astronomical I've not been. But I've heard from you and seen videos it's massive the bunkered one is NEC. And it's one of the kind of convention halls and I went down just for a bit well I went down to meet a couple of people a couple of old friends and a few people not seeing for a while but also I thought it's always good to to see and to be were. And you've said this before where golfers are just to see what golfers are seeing because we're very fortunate in a sense that like we get sent the latest. And greatest product by all the manufacturer to review but a lot of people don't see it obviously until it hits the shelves clearly that's how it works so these place at this one early on in the year are a great way. For golfers you know golf enthusiasts and Schumer to go and see the Paradigm the stealth 2 the Cobra driver blah blah and hit some and try them out and to be fair it was quite a decent event there was every manufacturing thing covers there like an indoor driving range Bay thing um there was loads of people queuing up to hit products obviously it's quite an excitable Vibe because a lot of people again haven't seen these products in the flesh. Yet um Titleist had some really cool stuff they had like um again you could hit all the clubs at their longest drive FootJoy all the shoes out and it was quite cool. And it was very nice a number of people obviously fans. And followers of the channel came up to me and said they loved the videos a lot of love. For break 75. brilliant she's good to hear but a lot of people again it still surprises me but said like oh I love the videos whatever. And I got into watching Rick I've only been playing golf a year but I love all the videos and it's just mad that how many people are still I mean this is great still starting to play golf. And new to the game and and very very early on they go to YouTube find you know your videos and other golf creators videos and that's really kind of what sticks with them so it's almost part of their pathway and so well that's it and not not kind of blowing our own trumpet or again other golf creators trumpet but if you think about if you started golf today.

And you were 25 32 even 40 whatever age it might be you know you obviously you already would know who Tiger Woods is clearly. But you go on a journey within golf where you'll learn who different players are he might learn he obviously Tommy Fleet always learn about the history of the game you do a bit a little bit of research you watch a bit of golf. And whatever however. kind of Hardcore you want to go with that but ultimately you go on kind of a journey from A to B where you start to become more of a golfer and increase your golf knowledge but what's interesting with that I think. For a lot of people now YouTube is the first part of call whether it be. For anything whether you're starting a fitness journey whether you want to know how to repair your car keys into a new battery in it whatever it might be YouTubers People's First portal call so if in routes if you did start golf today.

Or last year whatever it was that some of these guys were saying they would find your videos. And again other creators videos as early on as they would start to know who Atomic Fleetwood is. Or even maybe I don't know Bryce or whatever it is it is quite mad isn't it yeah I I know. For fats and I'm pretty sure you've been the same when we were growing up when I first started playing golf at pretty much 11 I would have loved YouTube yes absolutely I would have consumed it like crazy because. For me it's what what we did. And we spoke about some of the podcast before it's what we did with golf magazines yeah I almost had subscriptions to every Golf Magazine. And I binge them as soon as they come I like binge read of them absolutely probably one I'm definitely looking at golf magazines um but yeah it's like it's that side of life I feel like I would really immerse myself in that experience. And it's an exciting time for golf and you know I'm really proud of golf YouTube as it's grown and you know we've got like I mean over a thousand golf YouTube channels now which is beyond um belief um all doing their own little kind of Niche content. And every everything is different right. And you know if you're not the biggest fan of the videos that I produce there's other creators out there that you might be more fond of which whatever but then.

Also you know there's space and there's room for all different types of content creators you know whether whether you want you know exciting and you know energetic young Lads like good God or you want Bob the sports it kind of brings this kind of almost humor American humor to it or whether it's our videos where we go and play these amazing golf courses and kind of showing you the Journey of playing golf um or hopefully trying to get better or read the reviews um golf isn't a good spot I'd like to think. So and again that's why it's so cool to make this event there were. So many people there was um again. So all the major brands were there those are like Footwear Brands there was some clothing brands. Or activations where you could have got again have a bunker that was obviously indoor. And you could win a prize and stuff there was obviously food available hot like it was it was quite a cool place. And obviously I'm fortunate that I've been to these things kind of many a Time so no disrespect it's a bunkered live at all I kind of went. And although I thought it was good I didn't I didn't I wasn't Blown Away by it because of just kind of what I expected it to be. And that's that's not a negative thing that's just it was what I thought it would be. But again some of the guys I was speaking to that when you were golfers like one lad was like it's unbelievable it went everywhere you turn there's something to do. And whatever and I thought you know what if you imagine again if you are quite new to golf you've been playing 12 months. Or ever and obviously also had covered before that's like these things weren't happening and and you go to an event like that and you see all this in real life the first time all these Brands and all this different stuff going on. But it is quite overwhelming. But it was it was good it was a good event um it's always nice to see the people that watch the videos as well we're very fortunate we obviously with Rick's break 75. And the whole channel in general is thankfully. So many subscribers so many viewers and with the podcast as well but you do unfortunately just see them as a number don't you see a number on a screen. And like you know um that um recently if I have isleworth had 500 000 views great but that's like obviously 500 not thousand people it's all Trafford sold out eight times over or whatever well I I took uh some uh I kind of production manager and to the match and we're looking and again this this it was 78 000 um fans in Old Trafford in fact Matt was there podcast Matt went podcast Matt because now he's a massive United fan yeah. And Harry was there there's four of us isn't it um. And you lock in there and you think this is Pat 78 000 people in here like say what six seven times the amount of people I've already watched I was saying very very lucky very fortunate. And we've got some great fans speaking of fans I did actually ask on Facebook this morning. For questions for the podcast and there's Gordon there's bad news Rick unfortunately so the bad news is I don't really get time to do them today.

Because we need to actually go got something on I've got a very important meeting shortly uh however. we are this. And next.

Week's podcast will be out on Tuesday as always I'm gonna call it Friday aren't we it's in the Diaries recording it a little bit early the Downs although the the good news about news the good news is that means there'll be a podcast out next.

Tuesday. So people don't worry you're not gonna miss your podcast we have to do it on on um Friday because I'm off on Monday. And different things going on the potential downside of the Friday podcast is we might miss what happens at the weekend. So if something cool happens we'll miss it but the bonus is we've got loads of cool questions from the Facebook groups we are going to die through a load of those give us give us three quickly three quickly what's your favorite cheese from Luke Waldron you ask. For three that's your one to be honest it's a mixture between cheddar and Brie chatter and Bray at Miles mag int mignity says does guys let your steak well done yes I do I have a mistake well done let's have a light mistake. And if you don't like how I like mistake I don't care leave a comment down below that mistake um Rick Shields question for you uh Andy Buckley Taylor my youngest son is Left-Handed. And interested in taking up golf why do shops have. So little in for lefties it's just the demands as well it's taught really you know it doesn't it's not an excuse It's just quite literally demand yeah there's actually a silver me a golf club down in sorry there's a really candid shop. But again trying to find left-handed for juniors and ladies is even harder uh Dan Bart is Rick can do a what's in the back video we did discuss this. But you've told me that things might be changing things are going to be changing wow I'm not happy with what's in my bag right now. So I need to change and then.

A big one maybe to leave Henry are you I've Got a Good Ole Ollie what uh that's literally the one I have wheelchair yes yeah like you you go with that right all these huge news when is the review Channel going live with content wow well that's very interesting you asked that question Ollie because um you might hear a rumbling of noises going on in the background of this podcast very faintly if you really listen. And that is a rumbling of a new pod a new review Studio having its final touches manicured oh wow sprinkled in a little bit of salt the review channel oh yeah I've seen people say I've seen people say the review Channel's dead yeah I reckon you do one more highlight you could break the desk I've heard people say the review channel is oh wow dad. And that it's it was a non-starter well we'll have you know we might have just announced it a little bit too quickly basically we we had this idea of the review Channel mean guy are excited puppies sometimes. And we and we kind of like yeah the review Channel let's let's do it let's do it tell everyone. And then.

We kind of launched this Channel and then.

Was like oh yeah um maybe it's not going to be quite as quick as we expected. So the review channel is coming soon we're recruiting a brand new equipment editor. For it as well and on that channel you are going to see weekly reviews multiple equipment reviews every single week from irons wedges balls Putters drivers everything beers Fridays everything. And the studio is looking phenomenal the first video that's going to be launched on that channel is a brand new studio tour I think I'm your main channel oh what's it I thought. So all right well then.

The first video you'll see on the review channel will be a review well I don't know well that's a conversation I was thinking yeah because the the big channel the main Channel we want to show everyone what we've got what you're working with I'll tell you what then.

Last thing it's currently on 47 900 subscribers Wow Let's Get it to 50 000 before next.

Podcast well I'll be incredible that would be lovely yeah. But it's coming we do sometimes. And we are in the tongue-in-cheek we we big our things up. And we get excited about stuff. And we talk about we talk a good game but honest to God now this new studio which is 80 done maybe a little bit more it's like nothing you've probably ever seen before nothing I've ever seen before. And I'm lucky enough to have seen some amazing things in the world of golf it's going to be great. And if you like Club reviews it's gonna be a lot more Club reviews coming if you want to see Rick get better at golf you're also in for a treat because he's gonna get a lot more golf balls if you love me seeing love seeing me shoot high 80s then.

I'm really sorry it might only happen twice a year from moving forward it might still happen yeah let's it's gonna happen guys thanks. For watching listening be sure to like subscribe check out all of the other podcasts if you've not listened to me already big video about Friday Bay Hill there's a video out yesterday seven ways to get better at golf without even practicing I have one more before this video went to give one little final thought of wisdom for the next.

For people this week now the finishing the Run they're finishing in the car the putting the baby to bed they're doing whatever washing up and they think right that was a good podcast It's Over Now annoyingly there's only 40 seconds left I can see the timer going down without Googling it give me a give me a really good piece of wisdom that people can go to to bet on okay um sorry just think he's not Googling it if you're listening to this podcast don't worry Ricky's not Googling he's just thinking he's using his huge brains just to think I've got a really good quote. But I need to Google it um oh God where is it sorry one second can I do mine no no no no comments coming it's coming any minute that's coming it's coming okay I like this one right [Music] please right um do you do you ever hear a shark complain no no because they're up early biting stuff chasing being scary reminding everyone they're a shark oh my god I've always liked that grow yeah I thought something a little bit more like um comparison is a thief of joy [Laughter].