Um going back to my point bryson was incredibly impressive um he then.

Went on the week after to play in the world long drive championship. And came eighth i think we said in the end um i'm becoming a big fan i really am i just i think. And even since the podcast on thursday i think i've become even more of a bigger fan what's changed. And stuff social media's class it's really good like you can you're really getting involved i'm really getting involved do you regret all the stuff you've said on twitter now like calling about the chat. And four and stuff oh no he should still he should still. But you should but like the stance you took it was quite strong. And like called him out do you feel like he should not have they're just trying to get clicks um no in a serious note like i still think there's a couple of things that he he could do better just just. For me it's more traditions and things like that that he could be shouting for any you know whatever but on top of that i've got to kind of give him a lot of credit because of what he's doing for golf the excitement like when when i'm on instagram this is a good barometer. And i'm going flicking through instagram stories i'm excited to see his his circle at the top of the page now question then.

He's obviously getting massive on social media. And he wants to be growing his youtube channel and his other stuff does a part of you feel like i'm guessing obviously you'd love to collaborate with him do you ever feel like because of all the full stuff on twitter that you might be like no now jack. And he wouldn't even even know jackie will know about that um yeah i think you would be bothered. Or not who knows we'll find that way should we collaborate why don't you invite into collab right now see what happens bryson if you're watching i'm really sorry i'm really i'm really really sorry about all the four stuff and no first off what you're doing. For the game of golf is phenomenal keeping up um you're really changing the game if you ever want to do a collaboration let's do a collaboration you can teach me how to hit the ball a long way i'll teach you how to shout. For in a safe responsible way um i think a collaboration with bryce will be sick i think there would be a lot of that'd be a really popular video you know what though as well like speaking about i know we are kind of obsessed with social media to some degree. And obviously but like from watching his actual youtube videos i was a fan of what he was doing. For the game and some of the distance stuff and obviously i'd seen that not shouting for wasn't over the keen on that jokes aside but from watching his youtube channel and certainly the behind the scenes stuff you do see him as a kind of normal 20-something lad with his mates chilling with him. And actually i think. So and as nice as aladdin is. So many other people could do that as well. And make you feel more connected with them because it's like it is hard sometimes you see them on the golf course hitting gulp shots you see them in interview afterwards where they might be quite kind of standard like yeah you know i've hit it quite well today.

I need to work my chip into there. And it's quite like almost semi-robotic not as much in golf as in like football i think it's very robotic in football. So well media trained but even then.

We spent time with minwoo lee you see this lad in real life and what he's into and his stuff and you actually become so more so much more connected with them i think. So many more golfers if they've got the time like should should do more on social media to get that fan base not even. For making money but just to let people in a bit more yeah you're dead right. And i feel like what you i'll tell you why i really again going back to i watched more clips since again the podcast was on thursday him on that full send podcast with the elk boys i mean it's a real it's completely removed from golf i mean it's. So different uh i mean those guys are absolutely crazy. But you saw a totally different bryson again like you saw i felt like he was a guy i could hang around with that guy. But did you not think though as well i completely agree it's kind of that should be obvious because when you think about it when you're playing golf you act differently playing golf than you would just chilling certainly if you're playing golf with other people. And you're playing golf for money and you're playing golf professionally it's very hard to be yourself and to well not to be yourself but well you have to show the other side of you and that's why every now and again you get that kind of golfer that does i.e a sevi. Or like a john daly or a beef yeah they get massive amount of like loyalty. And fans because they are bit different whereas somebody like again knows about matt fitzpatrick he might be an unbelievably nice lad i'm sure he is not cool. But i'll never see him as being a golfer correct and i'd like to see more of that side of their life but it's difficult i guess isn't it yeah. And some of them might not want to share it they might want to keep things private and get all that completely um but honestly i feel like what bryson is kind of doing at the moment with not only what he's doing on the golf course. And his golf and how he's changing the game how he's hitting the ball further i honestly believe he's going to dominate at some point i'm not quite sure when it's going to all click into place i really do think he's going to go on a run run to dominate. But the fact he's going into that these long drive tournaments the fact is he's doing videos with like the nelk boys. And he's doing like really fun things he's doing that thing with bro with brooks capco in vegas where it's him and they're running this match for 12-hole match yeah i might not be dead into that. But it's it's a bit different it it reminds me of kind of maybe what we do on youtube like we like to try. And do different things we like to try. And entertain the audience i feel like he's doing that but in his own kind of special way that's what we need like we've said. So many times about how we got into golf massively tiger influenced that and certainly kept you going. And so many golfers now if you're under the age of 35 maybe even a bit older maybe 140 pretty much you grew up loving and watching tiger we do need amazing golfers that play the game very well we also need those personalities that can inspire people correct. And bryson i think he's driving now you.