Me you match play i get five shots i will wipe the floor with you have you got the confidence to do that. Or not i don't know loads about this new social media goal or whatever it is. For the pj yet i've heard rumors that there's a 40 million pound pot that's going to be accessible. For the most popular players on tour and it's about where they rank on the money list how much social media following they have how many times are googled. And things like that i mean you'd think this is somewhat of a retaliation to the scare that they had maybe with the premier golf league. And what they've seen with football recently with the european super league which obviously now has kind of not gone ahead like it's a really interesting one do you think is it just rewarding the most popular players. And are the journeymen gonna get forgotten about a little bit um it's a tough one isn't it because like you said with the european super league. And which obviously the football that's dead and buried now the whole point of that was that this there were six premier league clubs who obviously think that they deserved more because they are the ones that bring in the eyeballs to the football match in the uk in england whatever. And in a sense with golf if tiger woods bryson rory dj couple a couple others they're really the people that get you watching the pj tour aren't they and when they're not playing in certain events they don't get the eyeballs so they they probably wanted to reward them because they have a greater value don't they so how do you do it in this day. And age stuff like social media like google searches etc would that be unfair on the lower level players or do you think they'll just take it in the stride do you think we might see more tall players setting up youtube channels possibly it would be interesting start some beef now the tour player um pick one highest level. But one that might respond and one one that i think i could have one that you think you could beat with five strokes. So you've got a five handicap on a player but they've gotta be a big name i don't think i'd beat any of them we'll do it. But for the purpose of this clip i see last time i called people out it all got a bit heated yeah we've got loads of views from it. So all right if can i look at the world ranking. And pick somebody for you then.

Let me have a quick look you have a little thing who's i'm trying to think like what is the actual question you've got basically you've got to pick out one of the top 10 players in the world who may reply give them some beef. And then.

Try and play them to raise their profile as well so you've got dustin johnson first off if any tour pro wants to collaborate come on the podcast we boost views for people we give them followers yeah everybody that's worked with in the past they have gained more followers from being on the rickshaws golf show podcast. Or being on the rick shields youtube channel okay fact yeah. So if any any aspiring tour pro who wants clout who wants following i don't know this is not. So much of a threat this is just i know i'm just saying in kind of a threat um somebody in the top 10 world rankings i think you could possibly call i don't know what this is i don't know what this has become i basically need to call somebody out at all bro. So you could you can they give you five shots. And what do i got a video a video you have to you have to give it some like real meaning. And have to believe it when you say it if i believe it i'm looking at um number eight in the world i was gonna go bryson okay um you could do him tyrell hatton with five shots no chance if you shoot two under after i break 75 these guys try to keep 65. um all right well i'll do it direct to camera if any tour pro thinks they can beat me. And give me five shots for media clout for social media clout so they can get their 40 million pound bonus which i want to cut off then.

Come at me dm me why don't we dm some pros now. And say that that'd be really funny dm five of the top 20 and say me you give me five shots i'll wipe the floor with you you have to say i was sweating confident before you have to say it word. For word me you match play i get five shots i will wipe the floor with you have you got the confidence to do that. Or not no the heck i will see what i do at jcb today.

Okay if you if you break par today.

You've got to do that okay you've got to dm five of the world's top twenty five great part of that i'm going on tour okay um interesting chats anyway i was just hoping that you could really pick it up i just i know. But i'm just not sure if i'm there with it yet.