For some reason i was hitting it well. And my longest drive of said day um was 328 yards. So i saw this you did 28 yards. And my plan for the day yesterday was to go down. And just very casually have a little bit of fun with the kids you might have heard me on the podcast before i've talked about this idea i want to get the kids really into golf and really enjoying it but as soon as they're almost enjoying it take them away go do something different. So that they're hungry for it so for the first 45 minutes that was my plan we did circles of five shots ivy would hit five jude would hit five i would hit five. And it's just a bit of fun run the warm-up area of the top tracer and to the outs of the average guy looking they looked over to you and thought what a great father what what a what a great role model he's having fun he's including them he's making he's making sure they're safe behind the barrier when each other was hitting. But deep down young rick shields had a little thing in the back of his mind niggling him getting at him and annoying him he couldn't let it go and it was like four days down guy had absolutely mulled one 328. what could you do about it. So well wow or could you well so the kit the back of the driving range is like a little putting green with a couple of holes. And uh when it was my shot the kids were kind of over there messing about like safely i think kind of i wasn't watching them anymore i had about 20 balls left in the in the machine roughly. And i thought um i've got to give this a go well just to put some context in last night um i sent you a screenshot of how well i've done it but how well you'd done and you said oh yeah i had five shots at the end i might have told you a little lie oh okay i told you. So no not a lie because i did whack the last five shots okay. But i might have hit slightly more than five ah okay put it this way i was at the driving room just today.

For three and a half hours on my uh listen sis on my top tracer app this is mad it actually says yesterday have you guessed how many golf balls i hit on top tracy yesterday 150 uh where has it gone now uh that's a lot of golf balls no higher 200 higher one 255. total shot yesterday on me on top tracer i best not tell trafford this 388 golf shots oh my would. And let's be honest how many what percentage of that was you trying to beat me uh i can't imagine the kids hitting that many. And not getting balls i reckon the kids probably hit a hundred each so you've had about 150 uh 180 odd yeah. So did you beat me let me tell the story let me tell you please. So the first 20 shots in the machine and i had all intentions that was always going to hit yeah of course i can do this in 20 shots i think i've been speed training i can get some distance on this i managed to get my best shot. And i felt like i was crushing it 321 yards that's cute. So seven yards behind you so i was like oh crap. And i knew you'd bring it up in the fall absolutely i knew it was gonna be a discussion. So i was like oh no. So the kids were like the kids weren't enjoying themselves much anymore that the idea of me dragging them away when they're happy i think what i what really upset you was when i saw jude say to you why does that big strong man hit it. So much further than you you know what was funny though this was funny like my last 10 shots. Or so in that 20. they came and sat on the bench at the back and i turned the top tracer screen at them and so every time i hit i told them all i wanted to know is ball speed number because then.

You can get an idea can't you. So i'd hit one and i said anything over 165 tell me right i'd hit one. And i'll hit it rubbish and go oh daddy that was only 153 i'm like don't tell me those ones. And like and like saying it dead loud i'm like oh or sometimes i hit a really good one and it went offline and like they go oh that's gone along like ivy i've gone a long way to the right daddy about other people around me i'm like shut up so uh anyway the kids kids got hungry i thought that's it i can't do it seven yards i've just got i've just got i've got to accept it i must have picked up some distance. So we went in the cafe and as i was walking through the golf shop i actually contemplated. For a minute there was a there was a box of like top flight xl's like 20 balls in a box i must admit a grandson i thought should i. But i didn't good so i went in the cafe we had some lunch um the kids bought some ridiculously expensive dinosaur toys yeah i'm not that really wounded me. But after we had some lunch um i thought how do i how am i going to get more time hitting golf balls now you were fueled you have a bit of rest there's no excuse i don't know if that might slow me down a bit you know what i mean protein. So um i had a luke says ball i wanted a monster having this i had a little sport i got i got a cappuccino to give me a bit of a coffee coffee and uh like injection i thought it was weird what someone texted he said why are we doing stretches in the cafe at trafford golson. So what happened then.

Was uh the kids were like the kids were like can we go on mini golf cause i promise i'm going go mini golf all right without even looking i didn't even glance at because they've got security cameras that show your mini golf without even looking now it's too busy that daddy's eagle needs feeding i said it's too busy we'll go on later. And my wife and uh my other daughters were coming meeting us. But they got stuck in traffic and whatever so i thought i've got a window here yeah i've got a window of opportunity yeah. So i bribed them with dinosaurs with ice cream ice cream okay it's a nice day yeah. So brian with an ice cream went back to the till got a bay okay upstairs this time oh okay. So cheating a bit more elevation upstairs and uh so the kids were sat at the back eating their ice cream. And i'm thinking this is it come on yeah yeah i can do this right. So i start absolutely talking them and i'm i'm full what are you talking about full hill i'm getting ready fastest ball speeds i've seen a ping driver almost ever like yeah one six eight one six seven very solid thinking to myself come on this is it right a lad from the driving range was there called martin i really like actually he made a suggestion because i said to him i was telling him the story. And i'm saying i'm saying to you and you know i need to beat guys three two eight i'm my best is three to one at the moment right he said to me should i hit one four years already no little tip i'll tell you a bit more in a minute little tip he said if you actually put the target to the left it almost hit like a bit of a raking hook okay. And i must admit i didn't really trust it massively on this so i did it okay yeah this killed me this killed me right. So now the target's left and i'm in the page with the the bra the barriers yeah. So like you've really really got to hook it to it this target right i absolutely crush one like the best shot all day did you hit the side right crushed it. But it went exactly the line that i was already hitting like exactly right no word of a lie. And i swear to you on my three kids life and i'm looking at you right in the eye now 332 yards three yards out of bounds honestly i could have like because it would have gone in yeah if i would have gotten the target if that ma matt if you're listening you you made me aim right anyway i have to let my off because then.

I noticed what driver he was hitting. So at this point the kids have finished their ice cream so i went and got some more golf balls and it's quite quiet in that top bay so i got them all the bay each which very irresponsible of me because one i always said to myself don't just put them in a bay. And make them hit so yeah completely didn't listen to my own rules. And two they're in the base upstairs good fall off not really being super advised right now i shouldn't apologize to your children for being such a long kisser so my wife texts me again saying like i cleared the traffic i'm on route i'm like great okay. So i've got probably half an hour here okay jacket comes off okay jumper comes off i'm in my t-shirt now i noticed matt has got a sim 2 driver yeah okay in like a hazardous smoke super low spin setting nine degrees. So i said to him what driver you got there let's see do i have a hit it's like yeah it's fine i cranked it down to seven degrees okay. So it cranks it down to seven and at this point i am absolutely muller in it getting some of the fastest ball speeds i've ever seen right i'm getting like 333 a three sorry 323 324 and then.

Finally get one at 3 25 i'm sweating my head off my kids i don't even know where they are i don't even know where the kids are anymore. And like i'm grunted i'm shouting i'm like i went in the bigger bay i'm like going. For it kind of got a blister oh my word oh my god you've literally if you've been listening you've got yeah you've actually got blister on my hand which is oh my word like that hurts right oh no. And i'm sweating and i'm like i can't beat you and i couldn't beat you and then.

My wife my wife walks in and i just feel i feel a shadow of a man am i i feel the disgrace to myself and she's going what is what are you doing where the kids ice cream in the herd dinosaurs everywhere one of them's in the net i can get off the edge she's like where the kids are oh they just they were safe. But i kind of it's a long story short i was longer i knew i knew as soon as i logged into a long drive i had to commit well i've also.