Oh yeah that's nice i had that one that's naughty you know what i might even go. For that because desert island sticks so rick shields you're getting cast away to a desert island okay. For the rest of your days okay on this desert island conveniently there's a nine-hole golf course there's no green keyboards in pristine condition this is brilliant. So you've got to take with you a set of golf clubs okay there's two caveats here you have to have owned them at some point in your life okay. And it's not all in the kind of second caveat if you like it doesn't have to be the golf clubs that you've necessarily performed the best with because on this desert island where you spend the rest of your days you just enjoying yourself you're not necessarily playing for school you're getting up in the morning you're going catching i was going to say catching some coconuts. But you're going to go get some coconuts. And drink the milk whatever you're going to do. So you want clubs that you enjoyed so i wanted to talk and put it all with a driver even include a golf ball and then.

We'll also let you take one luxury item okay. And also we'll stick with a book but it's a golf ball just should we just take the book i can do a book your face isn't like you wanted a book then.

You pulled a really like you're gonna be sick face i think there's a couple of things i'm not a big reader. But i have been in the past okay. So i can't i can take a book yeah. So welcome to the first episode of desert island sticks wow i like this welcome guys it's a great little section right well it's funny this because so i have put a list together good clubs um i'm just trying to think of does any of them change now you've told me that the actual doesn't matter about the score. And i mean you could say about score. But um if you're there forever you just want clubs that you like yeah i don't think this would change right you ready was that a ball if you don't mind have you got a call i have okay um. And it's a bizarre choice but it's one that i thoroughly thoroughly loved using a lot of these take me back to youth yes a lot of them do because that's when i feel like i played the most amount of golf let's be honest. So the ball i'm going to take with me. And i'd i'd want number zeros going on fingers crossed it's going to say something good here strata tour professional nice okay let me explain yeah. So stratosphere professional was certainly a golf ball that i used a lot when i was growing up the pro-v ones were out. But they were way too expensive stratas came out as a sub brand of top flight top flight with terrible balls. But they made really good stratas there was the belata golf ball there was a tour professional then.

They brought out ones with like um uh like clubs. And and space playing card yeah playing cards. For numbers the other thing i really liked about i mean i just mentioned then.

The first golf ball i remember having a zero as the number. So i used to always want strata tour professionals zeros right so that's my golf ball spun like crazy cut up like crazy so as long as i get an unlimited amount that's fine yeah you do it's just that they cut up like way too much okay wedges yes okay. So again i'm probably not going to go. So much on um performance here because if i was going to go performance i'd probably want a bit more of a malady. But putter that i've owned i still own right now i've had it refurbished not that long ago is my scotty cameron long neck trillium okay. And it's pure and aesthetics it's a beautiful looking putter it's um it always reminds me i always feel like i almost i feel like tiger woods when i use that putter like for me it's a it's a putter that i just feel like is a beautiful looking putter i had it refurbished recently. And it's it's epic i think. So far i i must admit i was hoping. But i understand why you're going to go. For turbo later title balata but i'm not offended by the stratos or professional so you've got a tick from me there okay potter nothing matters if i give you a tick. Or not but it's nice to get tickets i'm gonna get a tick for the putter as well okay i'm happy with that wedges okay. So again my favorite ever ever ever wedges there's two reasons one of my favorite i and now i'm on the desert island i think there'll actually be three reasons why they've been my favorite right i'd go with cobra trusty rusty's yes let me explain first off they came in odd lops we did 57. And 51 always to go i had 51 55 and 59. it's nice like just for whatever reason certainly the irons i use as well the 51 55 and 59 would really suit suit me right now um i mean to be honest if i'm on a desert island i might go extreme. And like maybe swap like the 59 for like a 65. yeah the degrees aren't the end of the world here let's just go clubs. But yeah i love that i like them because they were really good wedges anyway i like the fact they're rusted. But why i like them on the desert islands i feel like what i liked about the trusty rust is. And even the trillium to some degree is the clubs you you have to take care of. So the trillium you had to put the oil can um substance in the head cover. And you got the head cover and you polished oil gun oil that was it yeah. So it didn't rust that weirdly it didn't rust but then.

The cobra trusty rust is you'd want them to rust. But also do you remember the trick about getting them not to rust yes putting them in coal now hopefully i've got coke on the desert island. But who knows if he looks right but i could use the the um maybe the gun oil to stop him rusting dip him in the salty sea let him rest against the palm tree in the sun and they would go really rusty and then.

With a tall professional strata you're having pure backspin too much backspin yeah. But i'd love it yeah because that's all i really want to do in golf yeah just get backspin yeah okay wedges i think again you're getting a tick. And i think what's interesting again we said this a few times we started golf a very similar year in 97 98. at the time your big boy wedges were cleveland. And colbert just before vogue is really hit the uk in a big big way. So i get why you've gone with that wouldn't i thought it at first but yeah i'll give you a tick. For that uh i'm gonna quickly glad to these cameras still recording they're just chilling out the lads here behind the camera today.

Um can i come back to my irons is that because you've not gotten no i have i don't think i'm going to get tick off here okay which alarms me [Laughter] i feel alarmed. And i feel like i might change my just okay my mind on the irons right okay come back fairway woods yeah i i don't remember the exact model i've just googled them now. And i'm not sure if these are still if this is the exact model. So a lot of people would probably think right now. And you might be the same would probably think i'd go with my old bluey my f7 the club i've had in the bag. For the longest right that's not the case okay not even not even close right the fairway would i'd go. For again it is this is going back old school i'm going to carry out it by i'd want this with a pro force shaft standard yellow. And put yellow and purple shaft yeah. And i'd want the titleist 904 f yeah now the nine off thank you thank you 904 f unbelievable fairway wood very again very classic pear-shaped a mini driver beautiful soul on it i'm not even looking at the pitch online now. And i actually want one like i feel like i want to buy one you should buy this set actually that could be a shout out like this is an unbelievable looking fairway wood it's it's got pro trajectory on it yes which is why would you not want that um it's just beautiful everything about it the head cover the shaping the profiling i'd say i'm not i mean i think it is 904f i would have. But i'm not any of those fairway woods from titleist in that era i had the 980f which was the year before i think 980 f oh yeah that's nice i had that one that's naughty you know what i might even go. For that because you've still got the um the woolen sock head cover you have indeed right so that's again i'm gonna leave your tick for that so five you have done quite well here thanks paul um something interesting i'm going to come on to the end that's i think strings all these together. But then.

Driver i'm looking at fairway woods driver putter and irons here come on let's go oh yeah of course you have let's go driver right now i'm fast forward a little bit more to the future now yeah because if i'm thinking to myself if i want a driver. For the if this is the only driver i'm ever going to use i want something that's probably not as old school because all those other clubs as much as they're old if i was to test them against modern day golf clubs now they're still coughing possibly the three would make there's a bit. But not end of the world i feel like the pro force a little pro 4 shaft you've got the bling vibe haven't you yeah i feel like i'd just lose distance gain vibe correct. And if one does that's what it's all about i feel like is no different to how it performs 20 years ago the wedges are no different 20 years ago the golf ball maybe a little bit. But i can live with it because you get more spin fairway wood again just because it's the profile the look. And everything else again i'm going to come back to the irons you want to know one quick treat as well i didn't mention i've just decided this now they're old clubs they're all brand new okay. So just just you know caveat again driver yes. So i'm gonna go with something that the one of my favorite drivers in the last six or seven years i think i know where you're going go on i preempt it 2016 m2 oh not bad 2016. And one method yeah um because i had the m1 over the m2 yeah i don't both. But m1 for me so the original taylormade m1 carbon crown the fact that it had the white and the black crown in the t-weight system at the back um beautiful sound beautiful ball flight really good driver really classic i'd have it in the 460 even though i actually gained the 440 as well but i don't know the 430 i love the 460 get more forgiveness loads of distance um sounded epic looked phenomenal i like the crown where again if i'm on the desert island i don't want anything to shine too shiny so the m1 had that feature as well yeah yeah good. So it's just irons left yeah i'm not sure on these irons now because if i'm at a desert island. And i want to set a light see i feel like i want to go more blingy forget about the desert island as such just think about the fact you're playing eternity in a nice course there's nine holes i like those islands though what irons would i want to hit. For the rest of my life i personally don't want to put words in your mouth i think you've got to go blades because we're not looking. For performance here i wasn't in the blades i'm going to stick with what i've got then..

And i know i'm not going to get a tick from you. But that's fine i can live with that because i think i'm going to enjoy myself much more okay i would go. For i could blade them actually but i'm not going to do right because i i love these set of irons it's the only irons i've had a hole in one with legitimate holding one it's what the irons that again at the time they're not sexy not that many people used um they would you know they're not if we put a list together they're not they're not in many people's top ten not even in many people's top 100 iron sets go on i know what you're saying i'm gonna go with the wilson v6. And i know you're disappointed i don't listen i get that i'd go through to pitching wedge in fact no i dropped the pitching wedge i get a trusty rusty pitching wedge i go three to nine iron um i just love the set. And and i know they're not the best looking in the world and i'm sure i'll i'll look on my desert island i'll look over to them and sometimes to go why the hell did i pick those things why did why did i choose the v6. But i know there'll be a town i'm on the golf course and i'm just playing the game in my life and i you know i've wrapped up 15 holding ones with the set i'll go that's why i picked the v6 irons that was good enjoy that it's really nice i think we'll do that with them.