All right guys welcome back to the podcast episode 183 myself Rick Shields and co-host guy yes did you have a nice holiday pal I did indeed you look chilled. And relaxed today.

Looks. For me deceiving you're stressed out no I have well actually. So we had a podcast out this week didn't we it was recorded with dangri if you're gonna come onto later on because your short game is nothing short of decent now. So uh no it's actually quite good we're gonna go on slightly more depth afterwards yeah I think he's a miracle worker quite literally um magician you owe him a lot of money how much he's fixed you I think we sold quite a lot of books. For him potentially I think it's fair game essentially yes um I've not read it. Yet I've looked at the pictures though but I was there in real life. And I've watched the video so well I actually had the lesson off Dan and now I've read the book you're not yeah in a week I'm about when I say Reddit genuinely actually read it it's by the side of my bed. And I reckon I've done at least 80 of the book wow so yeah I'm up to the I'm up to like pitching next.

Those are the pictures because that's the best bit wow that's good picking. So it's helped me kind of solidify what I learned on the day but yeah hopefully you enjoyed last week's episode uh thank you. For sticking with us with the sound I know there was a few little um issues we recorded it outside yes which was my call that was definitely my calls when we're on site um to be honest it was probably the best place I think as well if we were all doing audio there was some rooms at Woburn it would have been fine. But then.

We wanted to do visual as well correct you want a room that looks nice. And Woburn naturally want to give us a room that they're kind of proud of as well let's get the two Hand in hands quite difficult so outside it was. And it was a busy day there was lots going on. So yeah I think the audio still worked really well um. But yeah Dan fantastic session. But we we want to kind of dive into a few things um first off thank you for everybody for their messages of concern yes like genuinely I know I got a lot I know you got a few as well like people literally saying are you okay well it will hold our hands up it was our fault we were planning. So last week I was off week before that we had a filming week which we're going to come on to down we'll work on London. But more like the Watford area yeah created some amazing golf courses the plan was that week was to do a podcast me. And you chilling maybe have a couple of beers and do a late night podcast that might have got a bit x-rated uh that's a bit weird actually not x-rated um what's the word 18. And over still a bit weird um I have swore occasionally potentially another beer or something a bit risque it sounds a bit more weird again [Music] we forgot to press record yeah um. So anyway we didn't have a podcast that week uh we did say almost comments people like where's the podcast then.

There was no break 75 because we had it kind of 80 ready. And it wasn't quite where we wanted to basically delayed that a week thankfully and it came out really well I think it did anyway sna which I'll come on to was an awesome venue I think to be honest we probably something we've learned I think over the time of doing YouTube it's Been 11 years now celebrated 11 years last week is sometimes like now because it's such a beast. And you know on the main Channel we've uploaded like two and a half thousand videos you know people really see that content as their as their weekly viewing experience correct um and and you know we have to treat it like that now and to be honest we'll hold our hands up we should have we should have uh communicated it better correct you the audience will you deserve that correct however. unless you actually does yes. But even then.

If you put them on Twitter a lot of people who watch videos don't use Twitter if it's on Instagram a lot of people you'll notice the actual video saying there's no videos coming which kind of defeats the object it wouldn't people wouldn't see it anyway. But yeah thankfully we have got. So many videos filmed I could be too many I would say I'm stressed out and we've got it's good we're in a good position we've we've done something new and we've we've Pim we've landed last week or two weeks now at the Grove I droved and that's a view we pulled up I got a helicopter um no we we base ourselves at the Grove. And from there we filmed several great 75s at different places The Grove Woburn Sundale Heath ashridge we also filmed the lesson with Dan and did a podcast with Dan it's the first week we've done like a block week filming like that yeah. For an awful long time and it was good there was lots of positives out of it to be rest assured there's plenty of content in the bank yes being churned out by the lads at the moment edited. So for the foreseeable future and we Endeavor to this for the rest of the year there will be two videos a week yes. And a podcast and this review channel that people have heard a lot about and there's rumors it's almost like an old wives tale a bit about Richard's review Channel all that never existed it's come in it's getting closer by the day the studio which is about three doors down from where we are right now I'm gonna say it it's the best indoor golf Studio full stop period. And agreed we've also got a new member of Staff who's joined the team to head up that channels his new all the editing all the production um it's exciting yeah we our mission. For that review channel is we're gonna drop a main tour of the review Channel Studio on the main Channel yes. So we're going to show you everything that's in the new review Studio which I'm really excited about. And then.

We Endeavor to drop the first review on that channel by the end of May yes. So thank you already for everyone that subscribed yes it's up to like 60 000 now it's something like that. So thank you everybody that subscribed our mission is to hit 100 000 within the first month of the channel being that'll be landed uh let's get a nice silver plaque in there. And then.

Like say every single week there's gonna be brand new golf equipment reviews going on that channel it is believe me I know we tease this pre-Christmas. And we we went a bit premature in the teasing of it but we didn't realize how much went into it it is going to blow your socks off when you see it. And a bit like everything we do here at Rick Shields we want to make it the best experience ever. So it's close it's very very cool you're right though we just got too excited about it. And spoke about it far too soon which is very much like us I don't think we really put a plan in place before we set up the channel No in fact we didn't we got carried away set up a Channel That's All Right we've got to do this now. But it's gonna be exciting and I think yeah we've got some ideas as well about what the content's gonna live on there um. But you asked me loads if you are a rickshaw's hardcore fan there's a few out there believe you can joking there's hopefully a lot there you can subscribe to the main Channel. And get your big hitters you break down your fives you're great coaching videos you're playing you've then.

Got the podcast all you get to hear about Rick and his daily life is Banter he's pulling up to the Grove in the chopper um not quite. But yeah that's something about my chocolate yeah anyway. And then.

We've got the review Channel yes. So there's lots of different channels and you can subscribe to three two. Or one or none or all that's right they're a bit Rusty but it's okay I think it's good um. And then.

In the world of actual professional golf it was fantastic to see Jason day one he did indeed he's been trending incredibly this year Well when he he went off the face of the Earth what was that this isn't a trick question I actually don't know what was going wrong with this game bit of everything. Or was it. So when he reached world number one yeah in January 2017 he could do no wrong he was definitely without question the best golfer in the world. And as opposed to some degree I wonder how that affects you mentally you know reaching that kind of peak in what sense because it you reached the top of the mountain for him his number one goal growing up with playing as a kid might have been to win a Mage and become number one in the world and he achieved that and it's almost then.

Trying to reset your targets and your goals and I think a lot of people listening can probably learn a little bit from this. Or sympathize with this when you do reach a certain goal after would you do get a bit of like a almost like a goal hangover don't you why is that how you felt getting a million subscribers yeah because you you're desperately trying to get to a certain Target. And a goal and when you when you hit it you have that pit that honeymoon period of like wow this is the best thing ever I've worked. So hard for this and then.

It's like what's next.

And in fact there is actually a book out there. And I've read it I'll say red I've started reading it it's called the second Summit okay. And it's all about that idea that there was a business card I think you might have actually worked. For Nike and he basically reached the summit of his business career and then.

From that he was like what do I do next..

And he actually kind of came up with a second plan of attack a different business idea to kind of create this second Summit I suppose for for someone like a Jason there I'm not saying that this is it. But it might have been the fact he reached such Heights and it was like what's next.

You know some people might have Ambitions of 10 majors. And becoming number one for 10 years but others might have just got to that goal and then.

Not been able to reset reset those goals yeah very true. And that might be like trying to break a certain score like if you go out and try and break a hundred once you finally shoot in the 90s it's like right I've got to reset those goals well that that's that's almost to its very definition of why golf is. So addictive because you might take this game up and your first objective might be Alex want to just play 18 holes and keep a score that might be your first goal you do that is 233 that's right breaking hundreds next.

The next.

One might even just to make a bow yeah exactly. And you do these things. And you break I remember we did a video with John Robbins who's been on the channel many times when the podcast three times I believe I remember him saying what was it it was something online you you'd be happy when he could break 90 I think he said to us. And I was like John that's a great achievement. But you won't be happy he's like oh well inevitably he shoots 87 and that thing gets on a break 85 wanna break 80. golfers you never really and maybe that's the case if world number one is such a pinnacle moment if you do hit that maybe it is a case of what next..

Or maybe it's the pressure of everyone chasing you oh that's too much yeah I don't know you've got a Target on your back then.

Absolutely everybody wants to hunt you down. And that's that's what makes Tiger's dominant so extraordinary because like everybody wanted to beat him and he could still hold everybody that drove it on didn't it it did there'd be some people. And again this might not be Jason day but there'll be some people you'd imagine you'd get to that spot and almost can't handle it why would people throw away the lead yeah I think another thing as well from memory didn't Jason day go quite through didn't he go through quite a big transformation with his body. And his strength and his physique I'm sure he started changing a bit of distance he did get better [ __ ] we went to Nike yeah I remember some Adidas stuff. And he kind of started to get a little bit more ripped and started to work on that to dry and again that might have been his way to try and Elevate his his um game because you actually see it quite a lot when and and we spoke about this with actually Tommy Fleetwood in the podcast when you turn professional and you end up becoming on tour you feel like you almost have to change things I remember tell me saying he kind of broke away from his coach he'd been working with for all those years and felt like then.

You need a new coach or a new caddy or a new equipment deal or whatever it may be James Robinson yeah our friend talked about it when you get onto tour you feel like you know there's. So much Temptation you feel like you've got to do things differently. And I suppose that could again be the reason why maybe Jason day when he reached world number one and kind of like started to look at what do I need to do differently you know what's mad I'm just looking here on the World Golf Ranking in September he was 182nd in the world I believe it's now back up to 20. I said I mean his game has really been trending similar to how Ricky Fowler's game's been trending I feel like both those two players have done. So incredible over their careers obviously Ricky not quite went out on a major just yet but I'm sure you know there's still time for him to do. So um both kind of lost forms but both the two talented not to make it back you know and it's nice to see that they're actually starting to you know make back and Jason day winning I always think he's pitching in his chip. And he's just insane extraordinary I think it's good when you obviously get guys who go out on tour. And they prove themselves whether that's by winning countless events winning Majors or or becoming world number one I feel like once you've reached those Heights it sounds obvious but you deserve to be up there a lot don't you and the fact that he's now kind of come back and is is a serious Contender. And may well contend this year for the Mages I think it's good he feels like a proper golfer I don't know how I'm determined proper golfers he's been there done that got the T-shirt yeah exactly. And you know to see him doing well is. For me I I like that do you think there's lots of individual sports. But it's one of the characteristics of individual sports you're put your um not performance your um word I'm looking for like your your form is. So outrageously important like you could be let's say let's say a footballer for example a lot of football players stay on the team through Merit don't they you have about three or four games you're still not particularly on form really where golf It's So based on form and if you just fall out of that and it's a Snowball Effect once you start you know going downhill with your golf it's it snowballs. And gets much much worse yeah I think that's if you're a footballer. And you I mean let's just say Harlan now. For Man City if he went Tang Asian robot scoring he's supposed to be in the team isn't he because he is. But in golf if you miss 10 cuts in a row it's quite different isn't it and the other thing with Harlan that says he doesn't score for 10 10 games and then.

The 11th game he scores he scores picks that confidence back up and then.


Time we wear golf it feels like if you miss if you're a tour pro and you miss 10 cuts in a row you're probably likely going to miss the 11th the 12th it just gets worse. And then.

You you're losing your cards you think though there's almost in golf sounds like there's more things to go wrong of course there is like you could be hitting it really well. But you put in the terrible you can't hold a putt you could be the opposite you could be put in very well but you can't hit the shot you want to hit you could be mentally you could you know this I feel like you might be having an injury or like if you were I mean it's hard to compare. But if you were a footballer Striker. And the ball comes at you and it's in a an open net you could you could miss it but it's almost so quick you'll have time to panic about it but in golf if you've got a half decent round going. And you suddenly start thinking oh that next.

Hole's a tough hole there's water then.

Oh isn't it when that water left but then.

It's out of bounds right like your head can go you've got. So much time for your head to go it's hard it's intense is he very very easy to overthinking off into I don't get how these guys do it. For four days in a row competitively then.

Jump on a plane to wherever they never practice round pretty much then.

Go into it again the following week I know they don't do it every single week the top guys they do have weeks where it's three. Or four events in a row must be hard it's it's must be incredibly mentally draining yeah on the flip side live there's event this year this year this week yeah um DJ won it yeah the playoff I believe um. And like it feels like there's a lot of live events happening in a in a quite a close window at the moment I think there's been was the one there wasn't one last week was there. So there was obviously Orlando wasn't that that long ago then.

They went to Adelaide. And then.

Um after Adelaide they went to Singapore and then.

It's back in tools for now like it feels like four events in a really short window one May 26th and then.

There's developed around the month after then.

London won I think I'm gonna go to London I've got a look at it I went last year to see what it was like. And as I said then.

On the podcast hello. And I wasn't Blown Away by living I'm still kind of on the fence which we talked about every week almost the event itself was great. And I think a year on with what other learnings. And you know infrastructure they can build from last time I think it's gonna be a good event to go to it's would you ever go to one I don't think you'll come to this one if I go no I probably won't only because again I don't at the moment because it's still very hot topic. Or controversial I feel like me going whether I'm going. For research purposes or whether I'm going as almost a cynic it'll be seen as I'm going as a fan. And I'm supporting it and I feel like then.

A lot of people but always live I I get I seem to be getting accused of being either very live biased or very against live or very PGA biased or very against PGA Tour like I feel like the audience from when I see comments like are either accusing me of being very very pro-lived. Or very very Pro PJ tour I can't kind of work out I think you should go because you just because you need to go you're gonna go because we might go to um British Masters Belfry you're not Sunday Pro DP World Tour I think we do a good podcast I think we should go say now I'm gonna go as as neutrals. And we'll have a day save your bed or some big glasses I like Peter Griffin sketch you know it's not actually be a griffin it was like oh that's really Shields like no it's not it's just what someone looks like Jones um I think we should go um I could drive as you could Source if you wanted to oh no you can't Source it live you'll be running on top off running around foreign [Music] support I would like to hear your take on it is um yeah because journalists that go because that who's the guy um Alan shipknock that got kicked out on the events he goes as a yeah he goes as a journalist. And doesn't mean he's a fan he's going literally the journalist I think we should go. And you actually get a feel I think you're right I'm gonna see what it's like going to embrace it if I like it I'll say I like it if I don't I'll say I don't okay have you thought you sold me honey good. For this they're like you need to get Rick at an event that's how easy you can be twisted no I think you're gonna try it I do yeah I do want to. And like I say hopefully you know we can talk about it on the podcast. For the for the right reasons you know I want to go as part I do I do want to see an experience well that's it because you can go. For it you can go next.

You could come back. And say you know what the event as an event was insane right you could love it. But you could also say but oh yeah I don't agree with the money's coming from I don't make massively Kahu won like you can have different angles you could come back say love everything about it you might come back. And say actually the golf standard golf was brilliant. But the event bored me I don't know the one thing I'm very very interested to know I've been to a lot of golf tournaments and I could describe the audience at a golf tournament yeah already yeah you know what I mean yeah I I've been to some of the biggest well the the biggest ones in the world the Masters the open the Ryder Cup. And I know what the audience is like they're all slightly different at each event yeah. But there's obviously a somewhat of a trend I'd be interested to see what the audience is like live yeah I know you experienced it last year. But that was the very very first event I am intrigued to know I was speaking I am listening to you. But I'm also the best title of this podcast which we won't probably use but I'm just thinking Rick Shields goes to live I could have a title I would say let's save that from when when I actually go okay no. But let's do it let's let's see what it's like. And then.

I think we are debating going to British Masters as well yeah maybe is that is that similar time would it be quite interesting to see the difference in events. And they'll be open yes I'm very much very very much excited. For somehow doorstep do you feel I feel weird about the open this year talk to me I don't know if just last year it was. So hyped up I feel like this year you can know you can't even get close to that hype. For for the open you're right like I feel like last year it was. So like the build up of it all like Saint Andrews 150th tiger all this Jazz like yeah it felt really big. And I feel a bit like that's not built built it's hard to replicate each and every year I think you're right I think when you had any open at the old course feels different because it's the old course it's gonna feel different it has to have it has that feeling of history. And it was where golf was invented with it being the 150th. And and the open and the RNA did a very good um job of pumping out that message you know this is where it all began. And all this kind of stuff inevitably that open felt ten times bigger than anyone I've ever been to before felt really elevated absolutely the fact that we also went working in Andrews about 10 times that year I think also to us we every time we've got to be a bit more infrastructure a bit more of balls it was getting closer. And closer and closer I think sadly I suppose off the back of that what what kind of goes up must come down. So to speak it's not like the Masters we can always building every year to some degree because the buses can do get better every single year the open count when the open's not the old course it can't because in my opinion that doesn't mean the actual event itself can't. But you can have some very exciting ones. And great winners but I think the pre-ex pre tournament build up is always most exciting at the old course would you agree yeah no well yeah more. So last year yeah than I've ever known before I suppose the one before that was 2015. I wasn't doing this job you were kind of doing you. But you probably still weren't thinking of it maybe the same I also think the opening that five-year window has changed a lot yeah like it's a big event I remember back in like 2015 you could just rock up on the door. And still buy tickets on the day yeah not the class now it's sold Port Rush changed well that was like then.

They have to ballot Port rush because of the infrastructure Royal Port Rush changed the open in a way that it's just magnified that the eyeballs on it I believe like it's made it more of like people you know there's a ballot now 12 months earlier you've got to get you you've got to apply. For tickets you know to some degree it's a little bit of a shame it's not as open I have mixed feelings on it because again it used to be you know if it's a nice Sunday if a nice Thursday and you wanted to go and you know you were a fan of what to take little little Jimmy he's never been to a golf event you could almost guarantee you walk up to the door. And you buy a ticket you can't do that anymore like yeah you have to plan these things a little bit more in advance it's it's uh it's yeah it's a tough one because in one sense I agree I well I do agree with you it's a shame that people can't just turn up on the day. And experience the open but it also is a good thing that golf now got such a fan base where it sells out. And it can't be over capacity and you have to put restriction on the numbers and you have to advance it's a good thing to guess and people like yourself maybe to blame for that in a good way that you're making golf more accessible and cooler and more people are following it therefore. it is selling out quicker yeah is it it's it's really since Port Rush it's really really changed it's become uh. And it's not a bad way again it's become a commercial monster like it's really grown arms and legs and it's attracting a much much bigger audience now um of people like say live wanting to go and watch the open obviously I've never been to the Masters yet but um the open the experience I think is brilliant I would always I know it's quite expensive I think a few of my mates have got tickets this year actually they decided to go they've been put off before about the price of it I think it's a 75 80 ticket now which is a lot of money. But if you want so you can literally go from six in the morning to what nine at night yeah in terms of value money it's actually quite good although it's expensive that kind of makes sense. But it's something I would always urge if you're able to and you're in the area or you can afford to to go to an open it's incredible what do you think at the moment with all of these kind of Live players resigning from DP world tour right it seems like it's it feels like a real end of the bomb decent World Tour will suffer I feel yeah like DP world tour at the moment I don't really know what's what's happening with it now I'm not finding myself watching it I I don't know where they've been. Or what they're doing well I've genuinely I saw was it where was it this weekend was it I kind of want to say Poland. But am I wrong in that it was is that Sweden I don't know it feels like it's really lost its way I must admit I've not been massively Belgium it looks like it was is that right yeah Belgium that was it that was it that's right well think about it the the weeks where you will watch the DP World Tour is the weeks when you've got your rories your John Rams Etc playing which essentially is a watered down PJ Tour event isn't it it's not really anything Standalone it's different. So to be fair if we use a live example again they've pumped a lot of money to try and get some of the best plays in the world which they've kind of done to a degree and at least they've tried to make the format different in the sense of the shotgun start and the three rounds it's not that massively Innovative is it. But it's a bit different the PJ sorry the DP World Tour is obviously four rounds of stroke play some great Golf Course admittedly. But suppose as well when you're watching for me when you're watching the PJ tour and somebody wins an event I adjacent day this was in theory he is the best golf in the planet that week isn't he ultimately I know you've got live now. But ultimately but sounds bad and no disrespect because somebody's been on the PG on the DP world tour is amazing at golf clearly. But it's almost like the level down isn't it it's kind of like I'm not as it feels like a real real stepping stone at the level it is isn't it I'm just looking through the the schedule you know. And and realistically the next.

Big event is actually the end of July end of June sorry early July which is the British Masters right. And then.

It's got the Genesis open which is another is a Rolex event it's the British is actually that much of a bigger one is it just the confidence we think it is because it's British Masters you're probably right yeah it's probably they have some decent players there. But I don't know I got a Rolex series is it no it's Scottish open's a good one Scottish open's great you know normally because it's the week before the open you actually get some of the huge names from the PJ tour playing in it as well you've got BMW the BMW Wentworth is big I have an actual Rolex series are they're not five yeah I worry I do I don't know what they're gonna do because it feels like you know because they've built such a strong Alliance now with the PGA Tour if the PGA Tour says we're not including live they've got to follow suit well yeah. And obviously the PJ the Live players that have resigned I mean they are real you know standout names. For for DP World Tour I think as well. And it sounds silly but another angle as well with the I think hurts the DP World Tour is the fact that if you are based in England. Or Europe whatever the time it's on it is is around Sunday afternoon when most people are demographic you'd imagine let's be honest it's typically males of a demographic are probably 30 to 60. let's just say roughly I don't know the exact. But I won't be surprised it's that it's gonna be probably busy maybe playing golf maybe looking after children at kids parties whatever whereas the PGA Tours aren't much much later it's perfect time for most people to actually sit down and watch some goal that's true so there's a lot of things and it's not in its favor I also think the big thing that that I understand why they did it I'm sure. For money reasons but the changing of the name yeah like yes I do think it was a real bold move to go from the European tour because it could have been the European tour powered by DP World Tour. But to change the whole name of the tour it does just seem like it's kind of like lost its away a little bit with that as well speaking of Tours though. And exciting golfers um I'm hearing rumors of this YouTube Masters rumors indeed and it's it's high enough and I know people listening and watching will be very interested to know on how far we'll get in with this what it looks like. And stuff so elaborate we're going to start our own tour the YouTube tour where we're gonna travel the world. And play it exactly the right time for everybody to watch and the the money's going to be good enough. For the creators but not piss the audience off yeah um you're gonna get to watch it live. For free on on any device you just pick up a device and it's on it's on um you can watch it anytime you want it's only it's only on. For an hour yeah. But it's 18 holes squeezed into an hour and an 82 normally wins [Laughter] um yeah. So the the YouTube we are calling it The YouTube Masters at the moment TBC [ __ ] title um it is a golf event that is going to be taking place this year with some of the biggest names in golf YouTube playing. And let's not give too many away right now but you've spoken to some big big names we've put The Feelers out at the moment we just need to get more confirmation we we need to get the back end right first I.E location date all those things which which will finalize at the moment once we get those through the likes of we hope to bring in good good Bob does Sports that's it it's Rick good about the sports play. For an egg cup now for all of your favorite YouTube creators there's thousands of channels now name three more then.

Um plus the Jacks yeah plus the Jack no ass on the end this is um I've got a list okay not on my phone on my laptop um you you throw some out there. And I'll say if you're on the list Peter Finch yes. And to be honest though I'm saying yes I've not approached them just. Yet they don't they might say that um James Robinson yes Gaz Gulfs from Gaz Jody Shore yes um Alex Elliott yes um Mark Crossfield yes they're on this list coach lucky no oh no that's no they're on the list of people who they're invited they will be invited. And it's up to them if they say yes. Or no correct this is the invite list yes um Grace Charis yes what about um some people that are known within the golf YouTube space that may not have an actual Channel I.E your Intimates yes Iona Stevens yes yes you're actually under the rituals Golf Show invite [Music] great. So it's exciting then.

Um trying to think. Or else there there are other names in there like tubes. And Ange yeah what about I'll choose an angel big big fans of those guys do some good stuff at the minute um. So that'll be three of them though so that was Jimmy Bullard they're all all invited um I actually sent Jimmy. But a lot of DM and then.

You completely ignored me I said it might be the fact he sent a DM to me. And I've completely maybe I just said what because he did a video with Ross Fisher if you watched it it's really good. And imagine if it's not a really good video and he just ignored me it was not ready I don't know. And that's what the tubes as well tubes yes back to me you said to tubes can you like Jimmy I said he's ignored me plug in their Channel don't watch golf life tubes. And answer Jimmy Billard actually just use an Ange yeah forget Jimmy Ballard Jimmy [Music] um. So yeah that will be it's in the pipelines at the moment once we've secured location. And date TBC very soon invites will start to be going out who would you be most upset he couldn't make it Grace Charis um I would probably be most upset if fat press couldn't make it fat Perez he's really doing good things at the minute just just him as long as he can make it there's a tournament yeah. And it's not is it about the best player this is what I'm not sure on the former is it about who's the best YouTube golf. Or is it about a fun day. Or is it a bit about well it might have been two days okay. And it's going to be looking like a golf tournament. For a scratch winner okay. And a handicapped entry wow but the scratch winner is the real winner. So who's your money on for the scratch winner what about um Grant and Micah yeah they're not in good. But they're still coming yeah they're invited great um I'm not sure I would imagine that someone like um Mike might win it yeah Luke Quan imagine a mica versus Luke final I think whatever happens I'd almost like to do it like a playoff s even if even if four Supply someone's five shot wins by five is that right well they'll make you shall 65 to finish there we gotta go in the playoffs a one-man buy-off yeah um. So yeah it's gonna be good. And then.

We we are hoping if we do a second day having a Ryder Cup style event it's a team UK. And Europe versus USA she's telling me the sizzle can you reduce the sausage it's it's get it's growing now like like a lot of things as well um. But yeah it's it's logistical it's hard it's not easy to do the level we want to do it at um. But but stay tuned it is. So we started the podcast up by saying we spoke about the review channel to it too early let's hope we're not doing that with this now this will happen this year what happened this year um no it's fine this is good um what else is coming up. So the other thing um I was going to ask you about is I'm a viewer of Rick Shields golf as you know I'm subscriber never leave a comment. Or like videos about subscribe and um I was watching your recent episode of break 75 Southport ninesdale um you filmed with that um young guy Channel character everyone said you look ripped yeah bitten yeah bit rip bit fat a bit of a mix at the minute yeah it's a combination of um eating too much. And in weights twice a week but it's like baby fat baby because you've had a baby yeah fat when you have a baby exactly you need to yeah produce the milk somehow that doesn't even make sense. But so anyway I was watching it I was enjoying it. And I was watching this video thinking wait a minute I um influenced by Rick Shields okay. And I went out and I bought a poveco golf shoes because Rick Shields was them I'm now watching breaks25 it doesn't appear to my eye that Rickshaw is wearing Echo what's going on let me clear up those vicious rumors okay okay before the lawyers start to come in right believe it. Or not those wonderful golf shoes yes they look comfortable yes stylish very stylish elegant yes actually sexy yeah they were I actually feel like a better golfer wearing them yeah I actually do yeah they are the new Echo Classics no. So they are Echo they are 100 I knew they would be Echo. So yeah they are a new strand of shoe that's come out by Echo they're a classic stylish sexy comfortable make you feel when I put at the moment okay yeah I feel like I'm I feel like I'm stood more like cam Smith okay because yeah okay because he kind of wears those white classic shoes. And Tiger's back in a classic shoe as well so yeah they're very very nice very comfortable. And I I wouldn't walk across Scotland in them no that's fair I think that I draw the line there yeah. But for 18 holes or even 36 holes playing golf in them if you had a black pair would you wear them to a wedding if you've got your shoes and you had to wear them mate you could dance in those slide well they're not because they've got grip this is the question I've got though. And I've heard you say this about them and I trust you I do a bit. But are they actually comfy yes wow that was yeah I believe that that's. So comfy well they are if you are looking. For a classic shoe that looks fantastic and are comfortable. And light and sexy Echo classic things that I needed to win come on putting pulls away and yeah. So we've got some questions as well um from our uh trying to think of a good adjective sound listeners yeah. And viewers boss uh really really good do feel we're quite Rusty with this podcast today.

Yeah these are the best trust me these rust is what you want okay terrible today.

Hopefully you're all enjoying it yeah um. So do you know I think it's good it just feels a bit Rusty what do you think Sam yeah. So we've not got Matt on it today.

We've got Sam behind the camera. And he said it's fantastic okay. For me so yeah our Facebook um group members have asked some questions Rick. So I'm gonna give them to you fire away so this one is from a guy he must be uh Swedish because it's quite um his name is trolls I think you say it they said why do I hit my golf clubs straight. And far on the Range but short and curved on the course [Music] the word curve does not sold it to me um I think hitting golf shots on a driving round is. So different to the golf course like it's actually ridiculously different into it yeah I think there's a couple of things one the mat if you're hitting off mats can can really this uh disguise a lot of bad strikes can't they yeah yeah absolutely. But you can hit. And it still bounces up you feel like you could be flushing it on a driving range and off a mat and you unless you're really being quite you know strict with yourself and noticing where you strike is you could you could fight every single shot yeah think you've had a good practice session go to the golf course. And not be able to hit it long further than 50 yards just done that with blushing have you I'm gonna have to give huge qdos here to TaylorMade have you seen the half now long video of the TaylorMade guys in the range is it good have you seen it Sam it's insane I saw the Scottish Chef Lauren um tiger little Kit Kat about divots yeah yeah. So it's literally it's a half LOL a half an hour long video on the Range when there goes to stealth 2 first tryouts it would have been filmed quite a while ago now and there's Rory there's Tommy there's Colin there's Scotty and then.

There's tiger they're normally filmed in like December yes it would have been a while ago there's the five of them. And literally they've got the tall bags laid out for them on the Range full of tailor-made product obviously with the grip on the shaft which loads of random heads and even wrote a six hybrid just anything that you think they might have a little play with in their all their specs. And there's just cameras behind them just filming it for half an hour and the chat they have between them and what's so funny is a lot of TaylorMade essentially an advert really the way that tiger is quite dismissive of product you can tell it just cuts through the BS like he just knows his tag Awards he's not listening to your nonsense. But he has chats with the Reps whatever and then.

He's hitting shots yeah. And honestly you know what it's really really good so I just want to say cue that's a tailor-made for that because yeah they like to push marks. And stuff down your throat a lot but that was really good content I saw the snippet of when Scotty was asking tiger about taking it yes tiger did come across quite like arrogantly like not asked he was in his favorite Street I think he was in real pain because. For that whole video he was quite not him met him in real life no we know when you see him when he's kind of being quiet joking like with Jay teens having a laugh he wasn't like that he was quite like serious in his eyes he looked like he was in a bit of pain Rory. And Tommy were great they were really good on quite well yeah you can tell they do. And then.

To be fair they've all quite a good mix now because Colin cow was a bit more excited kid. And then.

Scottish Seattle just almost can't believe he's there he's just chilling he doesn't seem like he should be there he's just chilling watching Tigers but yeah it's really good anyway that's a long-winded bit of nonsense that we didn't put in this question anyway. So that's that on why is that because it's just. So different yeah I do honestly think you know I was at an event yesterday down at the Grove hitting some shots off grass. And and like perhaps is enough grass it really does show you where you're striking it you just can't hide when you're hitting off grass. And I think it's if you are a driving range you've just got to make sure that you really strictly strike. And also spend time Hitting off the grass because it makes such a big difference I think the other thing with driving range I think we're all quite clever at forgetting any real bad ones correct on a driving range like you'll stand there. And you let 100 Balls and you remember the really good ones I actually went to driving range this weekend my kids on Saturday with two of them because Pearl's at a party and they hit 100 Balls each really really quick okay Power tease it to fly through it. And they were using top Tracer they were using the Goldfish game on Time Tracer which is really really fun little game I've not played it before it's actually really cool. And when they're whacking shots um they'll they they are like it's unbelievable they just forget bad ones yeah like properly forget them. And they can hit five shots. Or even just miss a few and then.

If they just hit one good one it's like wow look at that oh my goodness and you're like I think as adults a driving range we sometimes like that 100 I think on the golf course we're very different well also as well naturally you will be. But your badger on the golf course will put you in a horrible shot. For your next.

One so if you finish shot and he goes into the trees whatever your next.

Shot you're in the trees so it's like more evident of what you're doing pretty to get to that situation isn't it I really think we forget good shots on the course good shots yeah I think we forget about them this almost discarded really great. And only really highlight the bad ones you know unless you've hit an unbelievable unbelievable yeah. But you generally focus on the on the bad ones don't you I think as well when you're on the Range another thing is I do this a lot strike. But actually take a step back and look at the direction the shots not actually going that close I'll I'll beat the range let's just saying I'll I'll hit a four iron. And go oh man there's a crunch that and if you look at where it's gone I think well if that was actually going to agree I would have missed the green yeah on the golf course that might put in a pop bunker I might not go up in water exactly. So it's like out of bounds even best way of this and this isn't just another plug for top Trace about the top trace of 30. yeah it's insane how difficult that is you gotta hit 30 shots in order. And it gives you a handicap at the end of it I'm sure you've done it yourself and if you're not on you see how much 10 yards right or 10 yards left can make a difference yeah you know what is mad again taking my kids I went to a top Tracer range is how quick they have adapted to almost technology on a range like they'll hit a shot they'll kind of watch it mid-fly. And then.

Straight away they turn into the screen um but it made it it really did make it fun. For it but they really enjoyed this kind of challenge of trying to get these fish and hit these sharks and all sorts it was good you know what I was. So I the weekend you start went to Center parks for the week and there's actually driving range Out Center Parks yeah. And I had a little Wonder one afternoon I didn't take a club or anything obviously not to be further actually it's quite impressed and that's a really good condition I thought they'd be [ __ ] and old but they weren't and the range wasn't okay there was one guy grinding there the TaylorMade cap on him she brought all these gear I thought third place he's grinding. And there's a couple well it was a family there was a man I guess it was his wife who maybe mid to late 40s possibly 50 like a daughter maybe mid-20s. And they're walking back down to the Hut where they would hide the clubs from the other old hired battered drivers whatever he's quite an active holiday admittedly you might do a bit of whatever swimming. Or whatever you might want to do wonder what it is about golf that's made them think we're gonna go. And hire a golf club wax from golf balls I think it is just that it's whacking golf balls isn't it. And sorry did you say that they did one of them look like a golfer no. So there was a random guy on the Range he was a golfer he was nothing to do with this there was a couple who were not golfers in the door to like you know an adult as well. And they'd got a driver in handy steel Chef bad head obviously just hired it one each and then.

I'm guessing they had a good time they were walking back as I got there. So I didn't see him hit any balls but they've obviously thought out of the day oh yeah let's go to the driving range let's watch some golf balls I'll sing to himself like seriously. But I wonder what it is that sparked that interest if it's just the idea of just whacking the ball as hard as they can. Or like why do people aren't golfers end up going to the driving range because it's if we knew the answer to that that would maybe would help us get more people doing that yeah I want do you know what I mean it's a really good question like why would a random man is why on the holiday going at balls they could have gone in the swimming pool could have got to do badminton they could have gone on bikes Segways. But then.

Again why would why are they going to do anything well exactly. But I haven't said that though by the one guy that was grinding. And these couple that were walking away there was nobody else in the range. So it's not very popular but yeah yeah I bet the mini golf was yeah around the mini golf there at Center Parts he's one really good. And it and it's always busy yeah because I think people know what to expect from mini golf yeah they kind of know what did they expect would you know fully what to do if you went the one thing I'd want to do is just hit it has a could yeah with a big head yeah I don't know what it's called that big one the big one I hit it maybe that isn't there a range around here what's it called booms. And swings yeah. And that's very much about whacking yeah like a tank on the Range it should literally have whack balls. And I quite like that I love top Tracer Rangers don't be wrong I love quite serious golfers ranges but I love this idea I'll tell you what I went to Trafford Golf Center not this weekend the one before I think on a Sunday wherever it was a certain time nobody that has a golfer you know what I think driving ranges like that should do. Or they should be an equipment Fern that does this create big whacker clubs yeah big thousand CC driver yeah that's got lots of Loft. But the length of like a eight iron yeah. Or a seven iron because often when you see golfers go to a driving range it's hard because the length of the club yeah into 45 inches. Or so and they've got a driver head that's a bit battered but if you add forget the rules yeah if it needing to be 460 CC make it 550. For arguments sake stick 16 degrees of Loft on it yeah. So it still wax it you still get the big bright colors baby and you get a shaft length that's like a six Iron Man idea and and it's just like a any kind of any ax any bounces yeah it just bounces off the Loft. And goes up in the air called the bulldozer yeah. And even the other thing I have a grip that almost puts your hands somewhere in the right position I know there's been grips training but just a dead easy way of just going make sure your thumbs are there do that bit. And then.

And then.

Just whack it and well that's a good idea let's make one for I'm going to trademark though okay another question I wouldn't know I wouldn't know Andrew Morgan has said instead of rolling the golf ball back why not limit the pros to 10 clubs in the back tournaments would we see uh More Shop makers um win tournaments I think there's. So many more ways they could limit professional golf than rolling the ball back the more I think about it I think I hate it I hate. So much of it I think driver shaft lengths could be it I think Loft limits could be it because it doesn't it still doesn't feel that difference punish taller players yeah true. But I think like Loft limits. Or or I feel like it's also be a good one last clubs would be a really good one all the ten clubs be it's basically taking four out what four clubs would take out the bag we'd have to come up with a different Loft set up I mean I don't I'd almost just take out like uh a nine iron a sandwich. And a lob wedge take them out yeah. So what would you have as a wedge then.

So like you still have your gap wedge yeah a new sand wedge. And a picture oh wait yeah you're the kind of alternate clubs take out a lot of wedge that's one. So lob wedge that wedge nine iron that's me three you gotta take one more iron or two iron a five order three wood that'd be quite good though or do you even just have the most laughter Clubhouse be 56. things like that there's other ways I guess. But do you think there should be a Tour event with only four clubs I love it I'll tell you what I think there should be a Tour event as soon as you lose a ball you're out like. And it's still with lowest score wins though obviously but as soon as you lose your golf ball she could be you could be on the last six under and I'm too under so you're gonna win but you go in the water yeah. And I just power it so I win yeah look at that is this what left should do more after you think. Or is it I can get a bit too gimmicky I actually just feel like it's too same every event at the moment that's what I'm saying should the tours do more stuff like this yeah I really you know I feel like there should be tournaments where I know they do um the Zurich Classic is it classic where they it's it's pairs alternate shots I can't remember I would like I'd love a tournament where you you're in a pair okay. And day one I hit all the full shots you put day two you eat all the full shots I put yeah like you could even do 36 holes in a day I just feel like there should be more styles of events. But then.

Does it take away I don't know it's the only thing it takes away is The credibility of like Jason day's win this weekend he was the best golfer on the planet arguably he's not the best golfer that didn't lose the ball correct obvious that he's not the best golfer with four clubs yeah exactly. But anyway it's a good question a quick one for you from Jamie Holland were is the best Guinness Rick has ever tasted you're a guy likes Guinness if you've ever had a pain. And thought um that's better than the rest yeah [Music] the home of the home of Guinness uh Stephen Noble. And this is the one I'm picking up because I think there's actually some Merit in this um first things first did you see my Instagram Story the day of my ball speed no I'll see you do you see it Sam 169. sheesh that's a Trafford not stupid swings okay uh just you wear it at that on the record yeah Stephen Noble said uh he's guys still 12 yards longer off the two than Rick. Or has that changed I actually feel like you are I was gonna say this before this last trip sneaky little bit I know sit in your eyes you know I felt like about 12 yards was a bit of a running joke yeah one time four. And behold and all this Jazz right and I wouldn't then.

Say for a long period of time I kind of very very light whatever more recently there's been times where I've gone I can't hit a driver better yeah keep talking. And yes you've hit it 10 to 12 yards longer yeah open my hips up more is that what it is yeah on the way. But still not doing it correct enough opening my right hip up more I feel like I am and it's honest to God my balls but it's like 168 at Trafford every shot yeah it's almost getting a little bit I'm Still Still massively early extending. But a little bit more rotation should I focus a lot more on distance well if you're happy me being 12 yards longer I think I need to I need to focus more on distance your chip installed let's let's get you untaught the problem is at the moment. And you'll see this from videos that are coming up golf is a weird game yes where it's a lot of spinning plates there's yeah you gotta spin you're putting plate yeah spin your chipping you're pitching your irons your driver your sand saves your mental game yes all these right yes. And when you focus on just one they all fall down correct and they all body smash on the floor and you gotta go and buy a new plate to spin it again yeah I agree. And I've had exactly that recently driving was great. But it went off vice versa I think that's the game the addiction there'll never be a day everything goes right surely there won't be maybe there'll be one in you golfing life. But I can't see it I can't I'd love to have the perfect day any ability regardless we could shoot the best score that we are capable of shooting 100 you'll still look back. And then.

Go I could have done better yeah couldn't you yeah 100 unless you are literally shooting a 59 which we haven't we are not capable of doing now you'll always look back. And go I could I remember that little six foot I missed coming down the hill that slippery one I just underread it yeah it's um I'm getting close to having a round of golf where. For me everything goes well then.

There's always something in there and even then.

There'll be a mental block I'll get to a whole new um playing one level power through 16 holes make smash out of bounds see ya yeah I'm not that guy uh this is a good question actually I know I've got a little take on this um from Luke Jones. And he's put thoughts on the cost of a Titleist fitting at one of their centers so ironically we're just being well burn is the home of titleists performance Institute whatever you want to call it the top as far as I know fitting Center in the UK. And I believe it's 500 quid for a fitting and that doesn't come off the clubs so you're paying 500 pounds and then.

If you buy a set of items you add the 500 pound onto that and from what I understand they're full yes it might go against the grain I am completely in favor of it I'm I think I've said it on the podcast before I'm in favor of paying. For a fitting yeah I believe you should pay. For a fitting yeah. And the fitter then.

Provides you with the best fitting information they can. And that would go as far as even saying your clubs that you've currently got are perfect. For you paid for your fitting so the fitter's got what you need out of it he's making money from that fitting which is fine because it's a service SSL clubs on top of that great. But no that driver I'm going to Tweet The Loft I can't be that driver that's the best driver. For you but what do you think should come off the price no no no if if you pay. For a fitting yeah. And I would love to see almost I'd love to see fitting centers where you almost couldn't buy golf equipment so so it's almost like you go in okay. And you get fitted for what is going to go into suit you okay. And from that fitting you get the information you need so this is the length you're probably gonna you're gonna need this is the grip thickness this is the liangel this is the weight that we believe is going to be perfect. For you within your budget these are the recommendations that you should look. For and then.

Off you go yeah. And then.

Go and buy them for wherever you want you've got the information but you've got and then.

And they might from that whole almost prescription that diagnosis of your golfs and might go well actually one of the recommendations of drivers we've got is actually the one you've already got in your bag. And yeah yeah I think that again what I think Luke's point on this. And I'm guessing he's kind of somewhat against it I don't know if he is. Or not but it feels by even asking the question he is just fair enough I think some sometimes as golf as we see it a lot anyway. Or I feel like we see a lot so there's questions or people's opinions about price of things but that's like any Walk of Life you know if you're walking around in anything other than uh a Tesco trading that costs 10 quid you're paying too much you could argue couldn't you because a Tesco trainer at 10 quid you can walk in. And get around from A to B you know if you're driving anything old better than a full 500 pound car that you've got secondhand it's you're paying more you know what I mean there's always every Walk of Life. And what it is you can start to pay more. And that might be for exclusivity it might be for materials it might be for almost clout so you know a Rolex 100 Grand until the time and the 10 pound cashier you weren't 100 Grand rollers for all the reasons aren't you it's like with golf and fitting you know you can go into your local golf store American golf. Or whoever and get fitted for free until this product that's just part of it and no respect to those places. But the level of fitting will be a certain level if you were to take this fitting Center it will burn. Or whatever any brand of fitting Center not just titles we have to pay for it you're getting access to the absolute best-in-class Fitters who know that product than anybody else on the planet hitting the best golf balls off grass The Experience from getting there and you know the service you would I imagine never been fitted there properly with the imagine that service you'll get is best in class. So you're not paying for a fitting as such you're paying for that elevated experience it'd be a bit like if you I'll use Jaguar for for argument's sake at the moment just because I can relate to easier if you've got a jaguar. And need it fixing and you can you could take that Jaguar to get it fixed at Quick Fix couldn't you yeah yeah new tires bit of a fill up of oil. And you got you're going to get a level of service. For a level of price if you had the opportunity to be able to take your Jaguar to the Jaguar F1 team and straight away they can fix it put the tires on within within not only the highest possible specs you can possibly get in the quickest time by the most qualified people on the planet to do that yeah you've got to pay. For that service and that's similar to these typeless irons you know at the end of it your irons will still be somewhat the same. But you've had that absolutely first in class best experience you can possibly well that's it as well I think sometimes it annoys me because you know golf is our Sports I feel like it's part of me. And I'm part of it or whatever and we all do we work in golf. Or play golf when people then.

Get carried aways narrative that golf is too expensive because of things like this were to get fit foreign McLaren obviously I don't drive McLaren. But people run to have two yeah people people do you know you can get to work. And back in a I said a 400 pound car that might not be quite as desirable. But still does the job all. But same with golf you know that I like these options out there because there's some people who will go. And spend 500 quid on alligator leather head covers for example because they want to that doesn't mean that golf's expensive does it no. So I think it's just something to clear up that if you want that fitting I'm sure it's great. But it's yeah anyway. And the last one is from Chris Girling. And he says what's Rick's best ever Round Golf is it not necessarily your best score I'm gonna throw a caveat in here you can't say um Augusta hmm um like the best round score-wise I think you can go either way I think you can go he said not score. So you could you could see so he could have a round where you were five under got to last. And shot a nine so it wasn't your best round because of that but up to the it was the best I've ever played. Or it could just be the best round you've maybe enjoyed the most or you've remembered the most or however. you want to interpret it there was definitely a spell on it was it was it you that I was shown the other day. Or someone else where when I was many many years ago when I was doing the Quest. For the open and I found I was practicing a lot playing a lot of tournaments in just local tournaments I definitely found that I got into somewhat of a other groove it wasn't exceptionally amazing. But actually felt quite confident shooting on the Pan actually when you look at my pj record in that kind of time period I shot some forer unders three unders two unders quite quite a lot like I shot four under a Conway Golf Club had two Eagles and just came second to Phil Archer well if I I don't remember that round that well I remember playing well I remember my two Eagles I got but but it was like I wouldn't say that was my standout right the golf it wasn't the most enjoyable. But but it was probably the most control I had over my golf ball ever that's a nice feeling though yeah. And certainly you you know Conway it's a very very very difficult and finish into the round and I I was 400 maybe through 15 I think. And I was thinking I'm not going to hold on to this there's no way. And I did I felt like I really could control my ball flight. And got through some very difficult holes to finish for on the bar um so I think that definitely from a ball control I think there's times where I've played quite literally with mates where I went to um me. And a few mates went to JCB Golf Club um a couple of summers ago and it was beautiful weather some Pals I've not seen. For a long time we had nice we had beers we you know yeah Nash around the golf we were staying there. For the full week and it felt it just felt super super chilled and relaxed um I really enjoyed the round I played with Iona yes I thought that was special I thought it was really really good. And more recently I've actually been really really enjoying uh the rounds that you may have been having with the scramble yeah the break 65s. So we did one at JCB yeah that was really light because it's a very positive round of golf into it I think it's I like it because it's a team element which played as a team I want you to find my support. And it's you and I wanted to hold it which is different I mean I never wanted to miss ports. But you know you can't have a team but you still got that kind of individual element that like if you hit a good shot it's on you or like if you were bad on the night a good one. Or whatever you feel like you've saved a team it's a nice yeah I really do like scrambles like we did we did one recently it's going to be coming out in a few weeks at Woburn. And funny we've just been talking about Target the state well button but we did one at Wellborn. And and when I've even watched scrambles on YouTube I know lots from good good do it. And Bob does they've got nice feels too haven't they well they have. And also we'd be a little bit hypocrite hypocritical to be saying about the PJ tour with the same every week if all of your videos every week were dead serious stroke play it's nice to have that mix isn't it yeah. So there's a few there there's kind of like rounds where I felt like I had real control of the golf ball and it felt like you know it was it was I was I was the practice. And the hard work was starting to pay off there's rounds that are just iconic at Quail with ion a way it was just like everything would just seemed to be going well. And the golf was good. And she was great her golf was good my golf was good it kind of it worked out as a great video. And then.

Like I say more recently it kind of our breaks 75 65s where it feels like there's that team element and that's why like I used to love doubles match play yeah. For that because it feels like you're part of a team and it's like come on like let's because golf is. So individual so much of the time isn't it the you never really have that team element to it what's mad is it doesn't have to be does it doesn't have to think about it by its nature yeah you're hitting a golf shot. But we've just created formats where typically most time you play on your own but there could be so much I know college golf is very much a team game that you play on your own yeah. But your scores all accounts whatever all the best four of six whatever count but like they could actually be so many elements that you said where you have literally alternate shots. Or you play a hole then.

After the next.

Hole player three plays the next.

Hole and all counts are on score yeah I think this is probably the only other one which oddly as well is kind of a team when I played uh Sawgrass with Nick the caddy yeah because that again felt like a team exactly where beautiful weather the golf course was spectacular I played nicely. And it felt like he was part of the team like it felt nice that like it's not just all on you all the time I get it um. So yeah there's a couple little standout ones I don't know August the national when I played August to National yeah um thanks. For listening everybody it's a bit of a random one today.

You can find that don't worry about it um it's fine hopefully everyone enjoys it yeah I'm not sure about today's episode okay how how can I read I'm gonna rank it yeah from personally it's it's struggling to get five stars wow it's about ten five stars five stars I've got to deal with that it's a it's a three. And a half I could do better okay well I got four. But it's not me rating it to you guys if you've not rated the podcast yet be sure to rate it only rate it five stars uh thanks for listening everybody loads of content coming soon do not worry nothing's happened just lots of things have happened just remind me one more time what brandy. Or new shoes yeah on table as well Echo these are a bit thirsty Echo I rode my bike in them this weekend which is a mistake. And my golf shoes you're all doing Echo thanks quite literally right guys thanks everyone stay tuned lots more to come and we'll see you next.

Week probably Tuesday why not.