I then.

Start walking off the green he doesn't shake my hand right so i'm walking off the green i'm thinking i've won the match i don't really care the next.

Thing i know he he has his graphite shaft with his grip on as i'm walking away he smacks my arm with the graphite shafted and i actually get a graphite like splinter in my arm oh my dude next.

Thing banks are on the floor we're all on like actually are you ready. For a deer rick let's do it what i like about dear rick is it's sponsored by my favorite people in the world someone could say yeah by motocaddy i'm the best it is. And the beauty of a deer rick is not only to get a little bit of her time it looks anonymous. But you get a little bit of her time on the the world's biggest golf podcast will you get points withdraw. For a moment or caddy how many episodes is it left now the system number seven that was very i don't know that was very loud this is number seven. So there's only another three eight nine tens three more left so if you want yours i'm gonna be upset when this ends i will be if you want yours read out send it to podcast rickshields.com we've had. So many it's hard to get through them all this one we literally can't get through them all this one is um again i need your advice really dude this isn't an easy one to answer this i'm fully insulted i've got my laptop in front of me nothing's on it i'm just on my screen saying no scrolling no phones my phone's not dead. But it's just dormant i i'm all ears okay. So my name is use bleep um i got into golf last year during the first lockdown i started off by going to my local driving range one of my best mates. For a bit of fun before i knew it i was obsessed okay me. And my mate had a few rounds a local course at the back end of last year before the golf course is closed again once the courses reopened this year me. And my friend designed decided to join a golf club in stockport it's done if it is stoppable. But in stockport as my uncle and a few of his friends play there i feel like it wouldn't be stockport yeah it feels like that's more of it yeah stabilization in stockport makes me think it's something like a brahmal. Or a brahmo park code we're trying to throws off the scent potentially true um so if your friend at stockpot golf club turns up in five weeks the brand new motorcade it's definitely not him since starting i've been given a handicap and i've been playing nearly every single day i've been playing with myself [Laughter] i mean that went that one that one differently tonight than i expected that wasn't the deal that was me i have been playing myself i've been playing by myself come on i've been playing yeah with myself um with my best friend who has also joined the golf club with me. And other people who've met at the club or friends who only mentioned sounds even worse he's been playing golf on his own with his friends and with people from the golf club she's got a variety of vibes yes. And here's the problem my friend is around the same skill level as me. And we shoot around the same score however. he has a really bad temper and often gets very frustrated whenever he makes a bad shot this could include throwing his club shouting at himself loudly and being really snappy with me this results in there being a really awkward silence for the rest of the game and brings down the mood massively snappy with him it makes playing the game unenjoyable for me and makes me think i should have come out by myself. Or with other members who don't get so angry at the point was just no fun this happens nearly every time we play oh my god i understand golf can be a very frustrating game. And i'm not saying i never get annoyed with myself but the difference is i don't take out on others. And get super over the top angry or make everybody else feel like shouldn't be having fun any advice would be much appreciated please don't use my name in bold font well his mate needs to get a grip don't they hmm that's a bit pathetic i get the feeling it doesn't have his age but i feel like he's quite young because his name without giving it away is kind of a youngish name yeah. For when when another if i was playing with a golfer who was affecting my enjoyment of the game of golf i'd have to bring it up certainly someone i'm playing with a lot like if he's making me feel uncomfortable i would have to say listen this is not fair i'm coming out spending time enjoying the golf course. And you're making it making it not not enjoyable would you actually say that you're being a it depends how close it is to him yeah i think his best mate. Or his one of his close friends i'd say to him i don't want to if you act like this again i don't want to play with you it's almost like speaking like as a kid yeah would you do this face to face. Or in a text i'd do it when he was most pissed off well if he lamped yeah well then.

I've had one fight in the golf club i got hit this is a funny story it was actually a match i played in college right. And people were literally i think you were 12 at this point oh 16. people who knew me at college would know this story. And uh me and a lot of i think particularly ci we're having a match. And it was only nine whole match. And during the match he actually snapped his driver during the match because he must have hit a bad one over his knee or something yeah. Or whatever right so in his bag he had a a graphite shaft snapped in half one with a grip end on it and one with the obviously the driver head on it shoved in his bag right we get to the last hole and the match is really tight right i don't give him a short putt to win the match. So fought two foot whatever it is the greens are horrendous where we played right yeah i don't give him this short putt to win the match right he misses it. And it's literally a thought he misses it lips out the most disgusting now i might have said something that riled him i can't quite remember. But i think i think i said something along the lines of like i can't remember. But i'll try and remember it annoyed him it annoyed him i then.

Was like walking off the green he doesn't shake my hand right. So i'm walking off the green i'm thinking i've won the match i don't really care the next.

Thing i know he he has his graphite shaft with his grip on as i'm walking away he smacks my arm with the graphite shafted and i actually get a graphite like splinter in my arm oh my dear next.

Thing banks are on the floor we're all like actually scuttling on the floor. And there's two of us it was like dead quiet sunday night. Or whatever we're playing this match or might have been midweek literally just me and him scuffling on the floor and it probably lasted about five minutes and we both watched our separate ways and probably never spoke again who won i won the match i'm saying no no no no forget the match you're in the fight oh come on um obviously um it was like it wasn't really it was like it was a bit of a pathetic scuffle trying to talk me through the actual fight was it fists getting thrown. Or was it more like very headlocks all right i mean like headlocks. And no come on like whatever it wasn't as much like put your boots up let's go yeah it was more like headlocks on the ground almost like like wrestling submissions yeah like wrestling getting on top of each other digging each other in the ribs. And things like that i mean i've been in a few fights in my day you might not think it pretty face like me. But i've been a bad boy back in the day i used to get in some scruffles i used to this is a really funny story completely going off this derrick. But um for whatever reason at college where i was at i didn't see eye to eye with i mean a lot of people i'm not. But i didn't see eye to eye with the football crew the football academy right not just a player the footy lads not just a team for whatever reason me and the football and i'm talking a lot of young lads right for whatever reason i'd be for them right right and there was one day i got back back night back out from preston after a night out i was drunk. And whatever and i'm walking back to my dorm and suddenly there's like five or maybe ten of these footballers walking the other way right oh shields i like it and i mean legget right. And i'm running around college i'm trying to get school these are football ads i'm a golfer i mean i probably had golf shoes on you know knowing me going out on the night out when i was 16 to 18.. And i'm running around the back of the campus and everything else and suddenly like literally all of them managed to find me and i just curled up on the floor as it just and that kicked the daylights out of me it sounds disgusting so yeah i don't know if anyone you must have been alright i was i was a prat yeah i don't know why i don't know whether i stealed several of their girlfriends probably something that's not true let's get it let's be honest you know young good-looking golfer like me probably just going around flaunting it is that ricky shields with his burberry hat on oh i want a piece of that oh my days i can't get over this. But yeah. And then.

I only had one main fight at school tell us that one my mum always said to me if you get in a fight don't throw the first punch because then.

You don't get you're not in blame which i found a bit of a weird theory because if i got knocked out the first punch i'd always lose a fight i didn't mean a lot we didn't go to i met on the park after school really i was looking i was sticking up. For a mate of mine why are we talking about this on the podcast. But who knows me and me were he was getting like bullied by this little lad i didn't i didn't want to take it. So i approached him and said you're out of order whatever else. And you know back in the day it was like we almost set a duel after school you. And me on the park right so everyone knew about everyone in school knew about it right so me and this ladder meeting after after the park and i always added my head to my mum said don't throw the first punch because if you as long as you don't throw the first punch you're not in trouble yeah which i still get one right. So i'm literally stood there ready for this fight and i had to let him throw the first punch because as long as he did that then.

I could unleash the power that's fine. So he threw the first punch it didn't typically land well and uh i finished it with a couple of blows anyway that was uh oh my days it's got me sorry just cut you off i've got my google up then.

Auntie joshua west is off apparently go ahead in saudi arabia august 14th auntie joshua one sec sky sports news anthony joshua has now said he doesn't want to unify the division. And fight tyson fury he wants to fight golf youtube creator rick ricky the boy shields oh my days ricky hammerham i knew rick was decent at golf i knew you could make golf videos i didn't know it was really hard. And tough and a big scary man and now i do they used to call me rick hard when i was at 60. [Laughter] [Music] we've not been drinking tonight wow all right okay mo caddy i'm really sorry you've sponsored this section of the podcast it's an absolute joke [Laughter]. So in order an answer to the dear rick this week um fight your mate beat him up and just realized a lot of you i actually had a fight with at school he's a guy he's a king god for now he might listen how funny would that be all right anyway um what you probably should do is not fight him on the 18th green send him a nicely worded message that you can take some time if you do it face to face you might get a little bit heated you might get a bit agitated back confrontational. So this week actually it's not dear rick it's dear guy it's send him a message type it out show it to your mum your girlfriend your boyfriend whatever and read it maybe go through it change it a couple of times and just say dear brian um i really think you're a great friend get on with you. So well off the course you know you're great yeah yeah attitude when the golf course gets me down a bit it takes the fun out of it just maybe in future just relax a little bit. And you know let's let's buy guns with our guns i'm actually sweating well that was good anyway um. So dear rick's done right that's funny i i don't advocate fighting by the way no always throw the second thumbs up um i think i've got the best golf club in the world ever.