Can we just really celebrate the fact that sam horsfield won this week sam horsefield sat in this very seat in september. And the podcast with him came out on september the 28th my birthday just but then.

You dies everybody [Music] and so he went over in belgium at the seoul dal open or the belgium open a lot of people have been calling it uh 13 under for his tournament uh one by two over ryan fox and paul yannick um had his girlfriend izzy on the back which we weirdly met we met her last week we obviously filmed with matt at matt with sam six seven months ago and we didn't know about his girlfriend at the time if he actually met her then.

We went to the british at the cat speed today.

British masters on friday a couple of weeks ago we were following him around next.

Thing we got speaking to her she did she stopped you. Or did you. So i saw a couple like a kind of a mum and dad really like like looking over at sam yeah like as in like taking pitch. And i thought i'm sure they must be related and i kind of said oh you are you sam's mum. And dad and one of them said no i'm actually um how did how did it work is he's dad is his dad yeah i'm sam's girlfriend. And she goes to my school where i used to go back in the day um she's studying golf studies um she was just wandering around at the british masters i'm not sure why should end up carrying. For him well his caddy has got some family issues at home unfortunately he couldn't caddy um and i know that on that after the third round salmon said he wanted to win it. For his freeze i think he's called mike don't quote me on that i think he's called mike. So yeah. So we literally we wandered around for a few holes with izzy we seem like a such a lovely lovely girl and uh next.

Week they go and play in belgium and bloody win that's awesome well the story was i'm sure you won't mind the saying that she met him was it worth carrying the score she was doing the scoreboard carrying they got chatting i think somebody said into dm's not sure which way that was. But why not that's how it works um sam's a great guy izzy was a very nice girl very both down to worth. And he went on one so he won i think it was 333 000 euros not bad yeah. And weeks we signed the contract i think we're 25 yes great i'm glad we we got that sorted yeah we did um i think he could be a real real world beater that's his third win i think now in the european tour dp world tour. And he was saying which i kind of forgot. But i did know. And they said it that he's won twice. But it was in covert time there's no fans this was a big one. For him and on the last of you you obviously saw the highlight see i watched a little bit of it live because i saw he was doing. So well he hit a bit of a pull t-shirt on the last thing he has three wood or five would have been striping all week put it in the trouble yeah that shot he hit out there was. So good then.

Ryan fox in a bogey so he he kind of won quite comfortably that's putting up to world ranking number 64. so he was outside the world a hundred when we're thinking with him yes. And then.

He was i think he was inside it recently. Or before this but that top 50 is where he wants to be well obviously number one. So he wants to be but top 50 is when it gets serious isn't it. So he's really climbing the ladder and he's been out injured for a while with the hippie yeah about three months off because he's like i think his last tournament before he came back. For that fed british masters was the oh my amigo no no that does it what's it called now the dubai desert slink io oh yeah okay did quite well in that yeah he did um. But he's killing it he's such a good guy he's such a guy like we watched him on the british masters we literally watched him on the 17th he hit a great tee shot par five dog leg right he kind of pulled this firefoot i think we saw that on the story a couple weeks ago put it in the bunker literally just lobbed it out with such beauty. And finesse and hold it for an eagle walked over to t had his golf ball and just gave it to like this little lab it's like this kid's face just like lit up and it's like those little i don't know they're really important moments um aren't they because like that kid might take that golf ball you'll remember sam and you know whatever happens in the future and imagine the following week that you got on one and you're the little kid you've got his golf ball and was like that's sam horsefield gave me his ball next.

Week he wins i wish i'd cut it i wish i cut his coffee i bet you do i'm gonna i'm gonna take i should have taken off that kid that's not gonna shut up why are you screwing up to a kid at the time golf ball give me that golf ball back he's my friend uh no well done sam absolutely awesome. And then.

Also other friend of the show minwoo lee's sister won her seventh lpga tournament minji lee um i mean she is mimwoo talks. So highly of minji lee and i bought a few holes um when we were down at centurion. For the ramco series and i play i watched a few holes with her she was ridiculously good like i know they have a huge competition between them. But um seventh victory so she's like just everyone everyone knew wow that's gonna come on so that's the only question i've got when the podcast was smaller. And we had fewer guests on so like when we had minwoo one for example and then.

He went on to win it felt really kind of attached to us because we'd done stuff with him thankfully now the podcast is growing. And growing and we're getting more and more bigger names on ie bryson's i.e victor hovlands how much can we still claim something to do with those things okay like literally 100.. So next.

Time lee westwood wins which i'm sure he will again. And we can claim 100 okay. And it's real is there a lifespan after the podcast no okay nope it's forever that's ideal it's a contract forever if you've if you've been on the show as long as you win at some point in the future literally then.


It's it's out we've we've made that win happen this fight as well when you come in this room good vibes come off yeah apart from falls. Or just anything yeah well i think i think i almost extract i feel like when you finally break 75 i could claim you i'll have it on instagram with you made up my mate rick shields broke 75 must have been the positive podcast vibes yeah i try. And like i'm so i'm so uh selfless i just give my give my good luck my fortune uh good will to all these wonderful guests.