All right guys welcome back to the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast everybody I'm here in Augusta the episode 176. Guy where are you at the moment Salford Manchester right where I want to be nowhere I'd rather be right now um it's been I want to tell you about the last couple of days guy I want to tell the audience because it's been a roller coaster ride yeah obviously it's the Masters week it is the most possibly the most exciting week of the year mm-hmm um I went to the golf course yesterday I saw the path three course I saw many many a star player. And I also walked the entire Golf Course I am jealous and I might have had a few beers I thought you did because you started off since episode 176 177 Rick actually. So I will pull you up on that uh. But yeah you are over there. For what I can only imagine is probably the the week of a lifetime because not only are you at the Masters. For all the days this is argue with the Masters that I feel in my lifetime. And you might correct me on this but it feels like the one there's arguably the most competitive that I can ever remember yeah no I totally agree it's it's been really interesting again being on the ground. And seeing the Live players because effectively I think there's 18 of them in the field of 89 players. So it's a huge chunk I mean there's a there's a high percentage chance that a live player might win this this week. And it's been really interesting I've seen absolutely zero animosity from the crowds to Live players wow from what I've seen yeah um. And I've also I don't know if you picked up much on TV yesterday there definitely seems to be a real mixture this year of practice rounds of Live players PGA players even the par 3 tournament there was there was Live players. And PJ tour players choosing to play with each other um it's it is interesting there is definitely a hype there's an excitement there's. So many players hitting incredible form um you know you can't really ever look past Scottish shuffler at the moment I uh well I'll tell you what let me let me just go through very quickly what I saw yesterday I thought you start one step earlier tell me why it's like you're at the Masters now you've been before obviously I've never been probably 99.9 of people watching listening have never been let's be honest might never ever go what is it I've been to the open several times I know what that's like what is the Masters actually like tell me everything it's heaven on Earth it is honestly guy it's it doesn't it doesn't feel real it doesn't it is everything. And I'm when I say everything once you arrive on property and by the way listen I've been invited this week very nicely by Mercedes-Benz and we actually get to go into the entrance of Magnolia Lane it's insane so we drive in and as soon as you cross that line as soon as you pass that sign that says Augusta National members Members Only every single blade of grass every leaf every Branch every um every single element of the of the property is perfection how they do it I have no idea well isn't it going to be on quite a normal main road then.

Magnolia Lane's off it like what's that even like it's such a I mean Augusta itself is actually quite nice we went to the town even last night. For a couple of drinks it was quite quiet. But it's actually quite a nice town and the main road outside Augusta um people are going to keep me because it is a famous name. But I can't think what it's called that one I don't know if it's called Magnolia Drive. Or what kind of road is it then.

Like a busy dual carriageway. Or as you know America as you know in America every road is Big. So it's about a four to five Lane Road outside I think it's four lanes with a with a rope a lane in the middle. For uh helping traffic come in and out um there's shops there's petrol stations there's um bars now whether these were here when it all started I very much doubt I think these have all developed because of the of the location uh there's not many properties there's not many houses there's a few scattering around. And typically those houses are massive. And they are typically um hijacked. For Hospitality this week so the owners of those houses obviously cash in every week because as they give up the keys to their house for either Hospitality or entertainment or whatever it may be but down that road you've got you've got restaurants you've got bars you've got Hooters yeah things John Daly is there every day I don't think I'm gonna pop in there this week I'm not I'm not sure after our podcast talk get in there right I'm not sure I'm not sure I'd be welcome um. But there's lots going on it's a very busy road. And then.

As you drive into Magnolia Lane or even just getting onto the property if you're driving by a car or a bus or whatever and as soon as you cross that line it's like you're in the most tranquil um out of it doesn't match up the main road and inside the property just don't match up at all and as you get in you've got these beautiful places and and we're in this really nice Hospitality House which is just on the side of the tenth hole. And actually at the back of the house is an exact replica of the 18th green what you can put on that you can put on there's the same speed the same undulations. And so me and Sabu I'm here with this week's sub Carmichael Brown so it's me inside I'm here with Mercedes uh we had a little putting challenge yesterday guy they're the fastest putting greens I've ever ever even thought of like imagine imagine fast greens yeah times it by 10.. So we had a little pot on there that was pretty cool um had a quick drink. And then.

And then.

Obviously Wednesday was the practice day in the path Three Tournament. So we headed out to the par 3 course which by the way this year the end of last year sorry once it had been played last year they basically blew the whole Golf Course up and started again on this par three course so I I I've never seen the par 3 course before so I don't know what what differences it is. But it is packed yeah rammed full of patrons um it's a very different crowd to other um championships as well the tournaments. So let's say the open obviously you've been to the open many times I'm sure lots of our UK listeners have been to an open hopefully it's a it's a mixture of crowds of golfers obviously it's um quite a lot of I would class there's non-golfers there though as well you know Hospitality they might have been treated by a certain brand or whatever it may be so it's a real scattering of non-golf as I would say at the open as well which is great. For the sport I don't think you get that here I think every single Patron everyone here is a hardcore passionate golfer yeah everyone's dressed in golf attire again that's at the open you don't really dress in golf attire you can wear what you want here at the Masters everybody is is wearing a tire ever a golfer tie everyone is carrying around a see-through Masters plastic bag because they have raided the merch shop which I'm. Yet to do I'm planning on doing that either today.

Or tomorrow and don't worry I'll be bringing plenty of goodies back for you and the boys thank you um so everyone's walking around with these bags it's very relaxed it's very tranquil yesterday you could take a little digital camera in with you for still images for personal use okay um. So videos and things not to be used obviously I was potentially looking at trying to do a little vlogging there yesterday. But I was not going to risk getting my hands stacked by Augusta National. So I just decided to enjoy myself um you'll love this one obviously no mobile phones yeah it's hard how did you cope with that I have. For the first hour I have serious withdrawal symptoms serious withdrawal symptoms I'm checking my pockets all the time I'm I'm a guy I need to talk to people of course you do I have to communicate because I've got I've got I can't use my phone um. So we we gotta shuttle into the um because we stayed about 15 minutes away we've got a shuttle in so we met a few of the guys that was with us as well again looking around the par 3 course I think the very first golfer that I saw was let me think who who exactly was it now because they almost hold it the very very very first shot that I saw I've got a funny feeling it was it was John Ram was the very first golfer I clocked eyes on. And I literally saw him here I think he was on about the seventh hole. And he nearly hold it it's the very first shot and it's on a really the part three courses on a really small area of land really but the way that the banks work around the greens say is a filter it's a it's a it's a spectacular day it looks. So good that obviously I would love to go to Augusta and play Augusta goes out saying every golfer surely that's the book at this golf course but that par three course of watching that thinking I want to play that almost as much it looks insane I'd say what would be a really fun challenge or a fun video to do here you only get one golf ball okay all right. And once you lose it the round is over nice because as much as it's a par three course guy there are. So many chances that you would put it in the water it's scary like some of the greens I mean there's I think it was the third. Or fourth hole it's like 57 yards because I could hear the players and the caddies and it's a really fun day obviously some some players have their actual caddies there some have wives and girlfriends or Sons or granddads or dads carrying from which is great loads of little kids of the of the players running around in these. And I'm supposed to say guy I don't know how to do this perfectly fitted boiler suits yeah they must give the measurements. For every single kid of theirs and they tailor these boiler suits to perfection even for like little four-year-old like it's crazy um so that's it's got a really nice vibe to the place and again people are having fun it was a nice sunny day yesterday saw three holding ones wow I saw him with with my own eyes. And so I actually saw Sheamus power get hole in one on eight followed by back to back holding ones or nine that was incredible yeah the holy model name I watched it I saw it he had a hole in one on nine I saw it what were we think in that moment by the way when you saw someone go back to back what what happened what was everyone saying the the only thing I couldn't actually see the player hit the shot on nine okay. So I didn't actually know it was him again I knew it was his group. But I actually didn't know it was him again. So I couldn't I couldn't quite see him but there would have been people there that would have definitely known it was him that went back to back. So anyway as we're on as we're watching the ninth green and we're watching the players come around it was honestly such a nice spot there was loads of kids with um I'll send you some I'll tell you what I'll do I'll Chuck some pictures to Matt to edit our podcast. And he may be able to throw some of the pictures in because I took quite a lot of pictures on a digital camera I think that should be okay fingers crossed um there's there's little areas where kids go with a masters yellow flag. And all the players sign it was really nice. And again everyone's everyone's really present because they're not on the phone yeah everyone present on the on what you are seeing in front of you. And I think that's what's. So special about the next.

Four days as well because you are you're not allowed to take a mobile phone in. For Championship days or a camera at all obviously and I feel like again I went in 2018 but obviously technology has come on a lot for five years that's the one standout feature for me that I was looking around yesterday. And just noticing people just being so present watching it with their own eyes not through a screen not through not through checking the phone or scrolling on Instagram just being so present it's almost like when you're there and you've not got technology and you've not got access to the outside world you almost forget the outside world exists like you want you can't even comprehend that anything is going on outside the gates of Augusta once you're on site. So anyway as Sheamus power um the night holes like a play-up hole so the players behind play up so while Sheamus power was waiting. For his um was waiting. For his um the group behind to play two players hit at the same time which I didn't know this at the time so again I couldn't see the Knight t-box so exactly two points in time I heard and I couldn't see it because it happened so fast but I was there kind of was watching a ball sounded like it hit the flag okay. But then.

There was also another golf ball that landed at the same time that kind of spun off the greens. So I was like what the hell. And in my mind I actually thought someone had someone had either hit the flag and then.

It had ricocheted off and spun down to the front my other thought was um I thought that the the somebody had slam dunked it straight in the ball of Sheamus Powers which was still in the hole from his holding one had jumped out. And that had I was very confused um. And again I can't check social media I had no idea of knowing until I got back. But what I didn't realize the group behind had Scottish shuffler in and he slam dunked it on the ninth hole straight after Sheamus power just got his hole in one honestly there's two balls in the hole at once two golf balls in the hole um it was just it was just a really fun time. So we spent about probably about an hour and a half watching the par 3 tournament I saw loads of different golfers I can't probably name them and you know I've not got time to name every single golf that I played obviously tiger doesn't play in the in the par 3 tournament why is that has he never done well I think there's two reasons personally one a winner of the par 3 tournament has never gone on to win The Masters yeah now if anybody's gonna break that rule it's going to be Tiger Woods okay however. I also think because of the property size of the par 3 tournament it wouldn't surprise me if it's almost some sort of like safety risk you'd be too crowded people watching genuinely I think if he played the par 3 course I genuinely don't think the path recourse has almost got the paper capabilities the capacity to be able to house the amount of people that would be around the path recourse makes sense I just don't think. So anyway do the players do both then.

The ones that do play the power 3 cost then.

Obviously go. And have a practice rounds as well I'll take it they'll just do the part three I don't know because I know I think on a Wednesday they'll probably go. And play nine or hit some golf balls play the par 3 course and then.

And then.

Finish because the path three course started at 12 noon and probably went on to about four four pm so in that time we probably we were there till about maybe two ish two half two three o'clock. And then.

We thought well actually the golf course right now is going to be dead it's gonna be no one on the golf course let's go. And walk the entire golf course that's what we did mean Seb we walked the entire golf course. And I just want to say this opportunity as well to say um thank you to all the fans and supporters of the channel who stopped and had it with me and had the self opportunities because I had a digital camera there and loads of American supporters and fans who listen to the podcast watch the videos love the channel and it's really nice I love kind of mean fans that you know tell me I've managed to improve their slice by watching a video. Or the dick in the skateboard because I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all the fans that definitely came up and and come and say hello yesterday um so we walked around the entire golf course now you've probably heard this a million times you've heard of me guy and probably a lot of other fans and listeners would have heard it as well what you cannot comprehend on the TV is how Healy the golf course is yeah I've heard you say that we walked around the golf course. And and I'm not exaggerating here guys it was what it was really really hot like really hot yesterday it was a hard walk really like a really some of the hills you know you're catching your breath um um. So concerns about obviously someone like tiger be able to walk around this golf course in the heat it's a tough It's a challenging walk it really is when you get on the golf course it is it just it it doesn't look real that's my only way of explaining it the stand is. So unbelievably pure the teas are absolutely Perfection the greens are massive some of them sorry. And some of them are really really small uh sorry my laptop's just unplugged let me just plug that back in um the greens are outrageously undulating the rough is non-existent not really I mean honestly it's like it's hardly anything I would class it as like semi-rough right um. But you go from Fairway to semiruth to pine straw hmm so really you've got to hit Fairway or you've got to be just off the Fairway um then.

So we want the entire Golf Course um we took opportunities to kind of you know have a look at iconic holes around Amen Corner um tens I just want to talk about 10 quickly tens the massive dog leg around the corner to the left outrageously downhill like it's massive downhill and I saw something on 12 which is a sneak insight to how Augusta looks as good as it looks okay. So on the 12th hole the part three the famous part three over the little the the burn the raised Creek with the bridge and it's beautiful hole and on the practice day there must have been players played that morning because there was a patch of grass that was probably about two yards deep. And maybe 10 yard probably seven yards wide okay where the teen ground was that day where loads of divots had been taken place by the players who would win. And practice that day okay yeah August National didn't like that it looks too messy obviously. So as all the players had finished and most of the patrons were starting to walk off. And head head home there was loads of green keeps on the golf course like a scary amount like hundreds. And hundreds caught in all the fairways and everything else so I stood there on that 12 I was thinking what are they doing here. And they had this little machine that I've never seen before and it starts it up and he revs it up right and it's going along. And quite simply it's almost like um a um how can I best explain it it effectively is a slicer that slices about three inches deep. And about half a foot wide and it gets dug into the grass and he went across this grass and effectively cut in three goals going side to side they cut out that whole section of grass all right they cut it out it was gone. So now it just looks like sand and it looks like soil underneath so they took it out and I'm asking the guys what are you doing with that grass because that'd look quite nice in my garden that's a nice Augusta grass I was like you need to get that stuff on eBay what I didn't notice on the side of the green Keeper's um truck was rolls. And I mean rolls I've got pictures I'll put I hope they put them in this podcast rolls of um brand new Turf okay. So they just dug this Turf out and then.

They rolled brand new Turf in that same area and they patched it up guy I promise you on my life you would never ever ever have said a golfer's hit from that spot that day. So it's like a literally a new team essentially a new Teen area it was perfect it was perfect. But it wasn't big like I say it was about two yards deep. And about seven yards wide I was like oh my god I've never seen anything like it they must do that on every single par three that on the practice is there any part of it obviously it looks. And it sounds incredible with that being said he's only part of it almost feels a bit too kind of fake. Or like is it just kind of work in that environment if you know what I mean does it almost feel too pristine. And almost a bit almost like Disneyland or does it just feel like the gulf is Mecca is this is Disney. For dads I'm mums and kids but um I don't know because there's such a Mystique around it like if you haven't seen that I wouldn't have known and only probably there's probably only 20 people around at that time probably looking at this I mean we've just revealed some Secrets here on the podcast exclusive. But um it just it just doesn't I don't know how they do it I don't know how they do it everything is perfect I'll tell you what as well you'd really appreciate ball lashes food Outlets the food Outlets unbelievable unbelievable organization like. And I mean that the organization is. So bloody slick like everything's stocked up the drinks are already been poured you get greeted like really nice like Hospitality again American Hospitality hi sir nice to see you if you want some food you head into that lineup. And it was sorry about my American accent. But like that their their service was exceptional it was really really quick you've seen online. And on it's the food is unbelievably cheap yeah like you can get like a pimento sandwich. Or an egg sandwich for like 150 which is hardly anything a couple of beers probably about three. Or four dollars um I wouldn't know I didn't have that many I needed water and hydration um the toilets again this is crazy just a quick one the queue. For the toilet first was massive. And I'm thinking oh God I could really do with it. So I'm stood in the queue because of the slickness in the organization and because they've got members of Staff in the toilets keeping the flow going. So it sounds a bit weird I know directing you whether you need a number one or a number two yeah. But kind of like keeping it going it was on the Queue went like that really what it was it was just you sold me on the toilets I mean they're. So well oiled that the whole thing is. So well or constrained orchestrated and oiled and and it's just it's just a perfect Beast um so we walked the entire golf course we got to 18 and actually ended up bumping into Robbie Fowler um Liverpool Legend a little chat with him he actually plays at Wallace all right wow but if he wants us to tell that on the podcast but um and then.

So we we stood there on the 18th hole and we're talking about how we'd play the 18th hole because that t-shirt on 18 is. So tight it's ridiculous um but but just the whole vibe of the day was absolutely phenomenal um you know there's no it's just perfection everyone's seems dead happy. And put you know it does sound really really good. But you can't be watching that on TV can you. And yes. And experience the actual magnitude of the property in the golf course but you're right watching on TV definitely is is a huge fan um I think I jokingly say like well not jokingly I always feel like I'm I prefer the open over the Masters another you have to have a preference with the four Mages. But we obviously talk about it and you've joked that your favorite depends on the time of year in July it's the open obviously you know in April it's the Masters but I do think this year I mean obviously the last open this is Andrew's 150th was special. And that will that was just something. So different with it being again at the old course it was 150th we went to St Andrews. So many times last year it felt like it really meant something to us but having said that this Masters does feel different I don't know if it's the combination of Live players PJ tall players coming together if it's the fact there's literally three guys who are absolute top of the game there's a load of guys below that if it the hoverland just speeds your JT's Etc like literally a friend text me before said who's to put a bat on I was like I literally don't put me saying there's 30 guys who've had a crystal ball now I'm sorry Monday they've won I would not be surprised. But this feels different this year this feels bigger uh and what I've loved as well and I feel quite strange saying this is a massive tag Woods fan I love Tiger Woods. And I love him in every Mage I want to win as many events Majors as he can well I do sometimes think leading up to a major there's a lot of hype around tiger rightly. So and what sometimes slightly worries me is it once tiger does retire that terrible day when he maybe crosses the Silicon Bridge the last time whatever he does. And he retires where will golf be. And I actually think this year with Scottish Scheffler with John Ram with Rory that's not actually been as much tiger talk which actually is quite refreshing I think those three guys are carrying the sport forward well it's only it was only last week's episode when we were talking about who we think win. And and almost we actually can't believe we're even saying this almost I I actually forgot about tiger I just forgot about he's even playing um so yeah I think it is exciting I think the 150th open last year was was. So much about the history and the venue almost more over that's almost the biggest story than the the eventual winner I would say yeah where this year obviously it's at the Masters every single year it feels. So much about the winner it does feel. So much about who is going to be wearing that Green Jacket come Sunday is it going to be a you know a a Rory McIlroy who who is. Yet to win I actually saw him yesterday he looked like he was hitting it. So good um is it going to be Scottish Chef that's just gone on this outrageous Run. For the last two years is it going to be a John ramu again A lot of people are tipping to win a masters. But then.

You could genuinely 89 players in the tour in the tournament you could probably only maybe rule out 10 of them 15. and I think that's fair yeah I've actually had a quick chat to Bernard Lange yesterday I've got a quick interview we might pop it in this podcast if the audio is good enough um I don't want to spoil it too much. But I actually asked him the question of do you have to hit the golf ball a certain distance. And he said yes right. And he said there are a number of players that cannot hit that distance therefore. will not win round the Masters right. But that it's just the golf course he said he's he's too short he he said he carries it about 270. And he's he's too short to really compete here at the Masters wow he's got to be hitting at 300 yards 290 300 yards you just do um I also had a cool Flex I'm not going to name names. But one of the best players in the world someone we've talked about a few times in this podcast top three player in the world um introduced himself to me yesterday he watches the videos and wants to come on the channel and wants to do a podcast wow that's insane my head nearly exploded you have told me off who it is. So I'm not gonna ask you questions now but I was very very impressed at the level of caliber of said golfer. So we have got someone lined up to come on for a tech he wants to do a 10 shot challenge even though I actually think I need to give him more than ten he needs to give me more of a 10 shot Head Start um exciting time. So that was really cool. And we've got obviously we're here every day I'm gonna play a bit of golf while I'm here as well um it's just been a fun trip we got to play we got to do a couple of days driving in the Rocky Mountains these really nice Mercedes some incredible cars we got to go to Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta where Atlanta United play in like ridiculous Stadium um you know it's been a really fun week. And I went to a party last night nice I went to Paige spiranax party very nice to chat with Paige for a little bit um got to listen to some country music which was fun had a few cocktails I've even called them cocktails now. And a few cocktails um yeah it was really good that was quite a fun time. And then.

Like say at the Masters every day I'm gonna pick up some merch for you and the boys I'm going to keep reporting in. But I think probably next.

Time I'll be able to do a podcast is when I'm back home. And let's lock it in for Wednesday morning and I will tell you absolutely everything about a certain exciting moment that might take place over the next.

Few days I'm very excited this is even a short. But sweet one we had to get something out it was good to hear from you good to hear what you've been up to you paint the picture well Rick I could visualize myself walking down those sturge with you. And Seb putting the world to right uh maybe next.

Year we will be there. And we actually we'll all be there um but I'm very excited to watch the Masters I'm excited. For you to be there I'm excited. For your exciting thing that we can't talk about and I'm excited. For Wednesday's podcast where we could talk about everything so stay tuned in Rick it was very very good short. But sweet yes thanks everyone. For listening stay tuned lots more to come um and we shall speak to you next.

Wednesday but probably the podcast will come out Thursday is that fair. Or will it be Wednesday I think we can maybe get Matt to pull his finger out Wednesday. But we'll see Wednesday Thursday everybody put it in your diary next.

Wednesday's podcast genuinely it sounds ridiculous my heart's just started racing it's one that you're not going to want to miss right guys everybody stay tuned lots to come. And uh guy good chatting to you I hope everyone's good back at back at HQ you're keeping everyone in shape Tip Top condition and uh we'll speak to you next.

Week later hi everyone it is guy here Rick has sent over the audio of his interview with two-time Masters champion Bernard Langer it's really insightful it's only short with some really good bits in there about the uh the change to the power 3 course the change to golf course. And also what it takes to become a Masters champion it's audio only really so if you listen to the audio podcast no issues if you're watching this podcast video we've not got any video. For the podcast bit so we'll just put some images up hope you enjoy it and see you next.

Week so thank you so much for joining me um I mean it's a really exciting time of year the Masters the golf course have been out there today.

Looking at it it looks as stunning as ever you're just talking about how the part three changes. And you've been out there and played the part three today.

Yet you can't tell there's any changes been made at all oh it's it's brand new yeah it looks like it's been there. For 30 years everything is grown in you don't see anything that looks like oh this was redone. And it's perfect and and totally different at the same time [Applause] it is well they have experts uh green Keepers they have no limitations in money I guess. So they can do whatever they want. And whatever grows fastest so instead of putting seed in they probably put sort out and and you know sometimes they have underground heating Underground uh cooling or sub air system they can suck the moisture out. So it's it's quite fascinating what they have done with the golf course here do you think the way that they've lentened the golf course in recent years do you feel that it's starting to now favor the much longer hitter. Or is it still worn on the putting green well I think it always favored the longer hitters no doubt about it. And if you look at who won the most here Jack Nicklaus was one of the maybe the longest hitter in his era Tiger Woods was certainly one of the longest in the modern area. And it still favors long hitters no doubt about it because if you can come into a green with a second shot with a pitching wedge. Or Ada and you can hit it higher have more Spin. And stop the ball on a very short Plateau or or you know immediately if you're coming in with a forehand it's not going to do the same thing. And you have more control over distance and directions with a shorter Club so it was always that way do you think there's almost a minimum distance you need to be able to hit it off the tee to win at Augusta yeah I think. So it's getting harder and harder for medium or shorter hitters I think to to win their um especially you have to attack the profiles. And if you can't reach them in two then.

You gotta be more than brilliant with your wedge game and your putter to do that. And I think Zach Johnson Managed IT years ago to you know to win the tournament without going. For the puff eyes but that's a rarity I mean most most of the winners that's where they make the birdies. And Eagles and you know try not to to make too many bogus if you can play the part fives well you're going to be on the par which is always a great score in your opinion what's your favorite hole Augusta you personally. And actually which holder you dislike the most I my favorite was always 13 the perfect. And because it's for one beautiful for the eye to look at with the race Creek with the flowers and the azaleas and the trees it's a dog leg left par five it's a risk reward hole where you can take chances. And make an eagle but if you mishit it and miscalculate stuff you make a seven or an eight so it's it's a big difference so that's really has always been my favorite and and there's many many great halls I really don't dislike any of the holes I really don't I think they're all very challenging very different in their own way every Green is different there's not two alike. So I I don't have one hole that I really dislike is that I'll I'll rephrase the question then.

Is there a almost a nemesis hole. For you maybe not one that you dislike but one in in that you've not particularly played well over the years no not not even that I mean there's some holes now that are extremely challenging number five. For instance number seven is just gotten too long. For me 17 is really a hard hole. For me because I don't have the distance you know yeah it's our pill. So the drive doesn't roll where I landed and then.

I'm hitting a three or four iron into green that's designed for a 8099 and and that's the challenge I'm facing now but in my younger days it wasn't a problem tip this week who's gonna win it well I'm gonna give you three names okay. But that doesn't mean they're gonna win uh John Ram Rory McIlroy. And Scotty Scheffler but I really and I've said that many times this 40 50 guys that can pull this off I think tiger can still do it as well yeah I would never count tiger out if he can walk he still has to clap at speed to you know be out there. And we know he's mentally extremely tough one of the greatest Putters ever and he can handle the pressure. So I I wouldn't count him out he knows how to win around here he certainly does thank you. So much for your time all the best and uh excited. For the masters of Stein this week foreign.