All right guys welcome back to the rich Hills Golf Show podcast everybody episode 176 correct can you tell my throat. Or my my voice is a fraction husky yes because I had a an evening this weekend. But several evening this week so we want to talk about that you're an animal it might have been the greatest Night of My Life um but apart from that there was a bit of golf being played we've dropped some Banger videos recently we'd love to talk about yes. And it feels like the golf world is getting ready. For the biggest tournament in the world it opens in July I quite like this kind of husky voice um yeah Masters is around the corner is indeed. And also in the UK the hour has gone forward so we're now seeing daylight it's a little bit better an extra hour which is a massive it makes a huge difference because what's nice now we've got light in the morning you wake up it's sunny. Or it's light at least which is great yeah it's not quite Sunny. Yet yeah get on from where. But I want to go and do nine holes you're gonna do nine holes no one's stopping you nobody the Masters is like you said literally coming around the corner at the speed of light. And um it feels like I like golf again it does feel I mean it's always um exciting when you've been through a hard cold winter yeah you know when hardly any golf being played yeah Golf Course are terrible certainly here in the UK sorry to say that. But they are um it's it's dark it's now it's the light is starting to shine through you don't sound excited I get that you are I think a little bit of that is to do I can't really really sit here. And and wholeheartedly say I've been through the deepest Darks of winter it's one enough here down everywhere that's very true so I think part of me is like I'm kind of saying it's part of the audience. But also sat there thinking Rick you cannot say it surrounded you what time of the year you've been playing Sawgrass Iowa worth um well even just a little lyric Vibe though being out and about and being at home in the actual hour of light it gives the option if you want to go and practice your short game at night you can you won't. But you could I could even watch so yeah uh yes a very good um match play event this weekend I hope yeah I watched bits of it I was I'll be honest I was really really really that's three reallys hoping it'll beat Scottish Scheffler versus Rory in the final. And it wasn't it was Sam Burns. And Cameron young and obviously Sam Birds on to win two great players um in their own right obviously was to say then.

Offer Sambo's won five times on torn out in three in two years which is insane big time player Cameron Young. Yet to win I believe he first came on my radar at the open he did really bombing it yeah. And he made legal on the last to come second yeah just pipping Rory. But but kind of on that a great event it just and also lastly kind of on that as well a lot of people did seem to be enjoying the match play format um. But it won't be here anymore isn't all the wgcs are going now yeah I must admit genuine I love match play as a format I found it more of a challenging watch this weekend in a sense of it's just a bit more confusing you know with the brackets I think in American Sports they have much more kind of knockout it's not the World Cup in football isn't it sometimes we have like you could still you wouldn't have to win your you could lose a game in group stages then.

Gone to win the World Cup. And there well you can even in theory um. But yeah it just felt a little bit I I really do love um I love uh match play I love that event that that golf course in Austin just seems incredible one I'd really love to play doesn't seem like Texas um obviously text is a big place though I mean some of the biggest names in the world of golf were there a lot of them were trending in the right direction with their games you know when you when you throw in the mix like a raw replay. And how good he's playing John Ram Scottish Chef like you've seen players Jason days back Jason day Ricky Fowler I mean it's just it's it's really electrifying at the moment um. But you're right last night I was kind of keeping my eye on it. And I've kind of had a few bits going on at the moment. So I wasn't watching it intently but you're right if Rory and Sheffield would have been in the final I'd have been glued to it I put a thing on Twitter about that and the other people that agreed with me I thought people would be like oh it doesn't matter who's in the final it's still the final but yeah it felt like the consensus was people were rooting. For it to be in a Rory and Scottish Shuffle final and it made me think a bit broader. And almost about YouTube as well that like in that instance the final is the final obviously The Winner Takes also to speak. But people still want to watch people at either the root for or that they're interested in it's a bit like with YouTube golf obviously we see so many people watch the videos and thankfully so and other creators as well get loads of views loved it good good are killing it now. And you know boardland rivaling PHA tour numbers to some degree and then.

At all including yourself the best golfers obviously otherwise you would be on the PJ tour but people want to watch you play golf it is interesting isn't it that we root. For personality as opposed to Ability personality is. So important it really is I find that you know going back to these points why why have I maybe not connected with Sam Burns as much as as I'm starting to with Scottish Scheffler yeah. And I've actually we've met Sam I met I met some MasterCard last open and interviewed him really nice guy really cool as anything um but it's almost the way that the media kind of puts certain players on on a slightly higher mantle you know certainly like PJ tour and stuff like Scottish effler is their pinup boy right now into really as long side we're Rory I think it comes from two things if you've got massive personality Eve with with good level of ability you gain um prominence. For example I think beef Johnson would be a great example it's obviously a great talented golfer he's kind of got his. So much Fame if you like from his personality he's kind of eat not alter ego but he's kind of he's off course kind of personality as well and on the flip side it's got a Scheffler who's kind of got to where he is now off just absolute abilities he's won. So much in such a short space of time even though he doesn't necessarily I've had a few people say I was a bit boring. And I kind of could see that for some degree quite a clean-cut guy but when someone's so good that really sparks my interest and if Sam Burns want to go and win the next.

Five events in a row I'm sure I'd feel the same about him and want to watch him if he confused two together I eat a Tiger Woods you've got absolute dominance and a personality that's so unique and interesting they actually get these real Superstars yeah no you're right. And it's really great to see kind of all these players in the mix at the moment Rory is really his game is trending yes he's got Scotty Cameron in the bag has which to be honest Sparks even more rumors about this kind of TaylorMade potential I'm not saying it is happening. But potential and he did he did he cut down his driver was about an inch. Or half something I saw an interview it might have been half an inch but this is something actually that's very interesting because when I was a clubfit. For Nike and many moons ago which I've alluded to many times in the podcast I know but I would obviously fit average golfers for golf clubs and most leading Brands now whether it be a tailor-made or a Callaway Etc do you make the drivers too long in length I believe. And the reason they do that is because the longer the length of golf club the faster you can swing. And therefore. occasionally it'll catch one that goes miles so that's why they make them longer but you do see a trend. Or you did see a trend that tour Pros would always go a bit shorter in length. And it kind of went a little bit more like some experiment longer like Bryson because he was trying to smash it. But if the club's sure to typically not all the time but you will catch the middle of the club face more which actually results in more ball speed in there. For more distance and Rory was absolutely bombing it he also made a really good point he almost felt like he could swing it faster because it was shorter yeah like you feel like. And you can sometimes get that with like a three holder. Or a five or sometimes even if it's like a um not a kid's club as such but like a Juniors Club feel you feel like you're swinging it really fast because it's it's in your control really um but yeah Scotty Cameron in the bag look he's looking very very good is he gonna win The Masters yes is he gonna win the Masters this year Maybe he'll win a masters well he'll win a masters I can't see my plain Devil's Advocate he's not won a major. For 10 years correct nine years so why why because he's going to win a masters I almost life wouldn't be fair life's not fair well it's it's wrong life's wrong um yeah I feel like his game is really trending he's always putting himself in the right situations it is the tournament because of the pressure no well yeah. But I think Rory will win The Masters being honest I do I think I can't imagine a future I said in 10 15 20 years time where he hasn't got a green jacket he's just too good not to however. the reason why it may not Hartley's had bad experience there before which may potentially scar him he's probably too good of an athlete thought that's a scary I mean he might overcome it. But as obvious as it sounds if you say with another major it's almost guaranteed yes because there's four a year there's only one Masters per year obviously what is he now he's a couple years older than me about 34 now. So he called in theory with a master till the age of 50. because that's what Phil Mickelson did recently I did with the PGA um. So he's about let's say he's like 15 years left at the top level maybe 10 conservatively it's only one a year so those ten he's got to play well to win one obviously he's gonna play better than everybody else in the field again obviously out of that 10 there's going to be probably three. Or four where somebody just shoots the lights out and wins outright just even that potential borderline outsider six if you start to narrow it down it's not quite as simple as yeah I was going to win one the competition is always also getting stronger well that's it. So when you actually look at the numbers of it and you think about it I mean it might be a bit silly they've got six Masters realistically. But if you think of it kind of that way. And roughly narrow it down it's got to it's and then.

Within those we've got four great rounds and it makes you start to think she's gone now imagine if someone said to you in the open in 2014 you will not win another major now the next.

Nine years yeah you wouldn't believe them I suppose it's a little bit like back in the day just just before tiger was kind of hitting the scene whoever the the new Hot Shot was then.

Let's let's say David the valve. For argument's sake and it's like oh David Duval's definitely going to win a masters like it's almost written on the in the Stars little did you know Tiger Woods was around the corner. And almost have blocked every opportunity that's it if it could happen with Rory 100 in the field now this is actually probably the Masters I am most looking forward to ever there's a lot of that to do with the fact it's going to be PJ. And live again 100 we've not seen the best players at a field for a while now the PLAYERS Championship was the most obvious one there was no DJ there was no Cameron Smith we're not seeing him since the opening that's what I mean. So to get them guys in a field with obviously the PJ tours Elite as well and how this tournament were I mean you could argue. And and people may disagree with this but by introducing Liv and the PJ tour it's almost elevated the Mages even more because it's the four events we are going to get all the guys together uh there's. So many if I said to you now I've got a crystal ball. And John Ram wins the Masters would you be surprised no if I said the same Scottish Scheffler no Rory no you keep going on. For a few more couldn't you you could get to 10 guys who you honestly Victor hovland you would you could keep winning exactly went out and won I wouldn't be surprised exactly that's and sounds like he shot the course record for the back nine or front nine front nine I think he was on a Sunday he just got his invite again you know I now saw that made up. For him I think it's good honestly yeah it. But then.

You could say Dustin Johnson exactly because Cameron Smith in a strange bizarre way again I've talked about a couple of episodes ago I've not been keeping my finger on the polls quite so much we live I actually don't know how these players are playing no individually because a lot of it's now kind of gone towards that team element I don't know how well Dustin Johnson's playing at the moment I don't know how much grind. And practice Brooks Kepler is putting in. And of those guys fueled with motivation because of all the comments the bad mouthing the you know the disregard from from the PGA Tour Etc are they going to come out all guns blazing just to prove a point potentially another name I've not mentioned there your friend of mine eldrick Tiger Woods oh my God that's what I I genuinely forgot he was even playing you know what that's a good thing because that shows that golf is in a strong place no I feel terrible let me let me ring him no I mean at least I WhatsApp him first because normally when tiger kind of does come back that's all the folks I'm tagging me back. And don't get me wrong when the event starts the week starts there will be a lot of cameras on titles. And rightly so and I'm a massive advocate for that because I'm a huge fan but the fact I've got all these other names in the field that are I mean they're always names in the Masters field that could win it clearly it's the best players in the world. But this year in particular I'm looking again now Justin Thomas again you put into that list uh Jordan Spieth so many names you're looking through the list who could genuinely genuinely win it and you would not be surprised very very exciting I tell you what I'm excited about though guy what I'm not quite sure how I even forgot this one I've seen all of this action in The Flash you will I'm going to the Masters this year every single day that's too much stuff every single day of it the par 3 tournament on the Wednesday every tournament day I am gonna be there watching taking no pictures. Or videos because there's no phones all the camera's allowed um. But yeah I'm excited to be there on property last time I went was 2018 yeah when I was there on Sunday on TV I was on TV behind Jordan speeds when you smashed it into the tree on the 18th to lose his chance of winning. And Patrick Reed won uh I don't want to get sued but I also feel like I I feel like I a different winner would be would be nice well as we've just said then.

What an exciting year to be going um. And I think the golf course is going to look absolutely spectacular yeah I mean I think the golf course is gonna look the best it's ever looked I would agree there's been some huge changes Tian 13's got longer a few other little tweaks I'm just excited to be there excited to be around excited to see the golf course. And kind of see what see what happens can't say anything publicly but just you know just see what happens just if anything happens that might be taking my clubs all right okay. So the trip over there just you know just so I feel part of it yeah I might be taking my golf shoes. And a few golf balls and a few teas you might get around the golf fight over there surely if you're going away. For a week I think I'll probably get around to golfing definitely well I might play the Mario I'm here. So yeah I might get around the golfing yeah cool we'll uh we'll see what happens there why are you in a weird way why are you speaking weirdly just because uh just might get around to golfing when I'm there while I'm there um stay tuned um yeah. So that was all very very exciting last week we dropped a banger video we did uh JCB you. And me yes smashing it up bird is Galore yeah something Batman yeah played really well front nine nuts are great a lot of that was to do with you. But back now we'd have to play a lot better we did. And it was a format we thought would be quite interesting. And quite different and thankfully the audience enjoyed it it's done well on views but it's at 550 000 views already which is brilliant. And people watched it quite a long way throughout the video which is good we get to see a lot obviously I'm sure you guys listening. And watching are aware. But when you have a YouTube channel there's a lot of analytics behind that you can really dive into. And it helps us hopefully make better content that people are enjoying. But the videos are long in length now that's one thing I think this was an hour. And six minutes give or take and as people were getting bored. And turned off quite quickly then.

We'd obviously make them shorter but thankfully lots and lots and peak of people the vast majority watching it all but what's interesting not all in one stint science the range yesterday actually uh my wife has been some friends at the Trafford Center as well I was like ideal I lost the range. And grind and grind I did 80 balls in it quite well oh. So you know uh and Matt who works there one of the Trafford land said oh I'm watching been watching break 65. I don't tell him what happens because I've not finished it. Yet I was like oh that's what a lot of people because it's now we're in again now over an hour long people watch them in Parts yeah definitely it was it was a good video Yeah comments were really good um I think it's a format we might experiment with moving forward well we definitely are because this Friday break 75 is back bigger better stronger through multiple players three players you've got your Rick Shields is standard you've got your guy charnix somewhat standard you've then.

Got drum roll please two-time DP World Tour winner Tom Lewis silver Medal winner in the open 2011. um phenomenal. And I don't say this word lightly you know me I don't like to use objectives but phenomenal golfer yeah um English lad played a lot on European tour Moodle to PJ tour. And for a couple of Seasons well as well at the moment he's in this kind of transitional period where he's trying to get back on you know the main tours but he absolutely bombed it he's driving oh my gosh he's he's good friends with Joe Miller who's a long drive world long drive a previous World Long Drive champion and uh you can tell Tom Lewis shifts the golf club fast well yeah we won't give too many we won't give any real spoilers away um. But when we play with these guys or you play with them and I walk around or whatever I often leave thinking why isn't said person winning every week on tour because they're. So good and I left again thinking the exact same about Tom um as I said he's had a great career um he had a second place at the WGC at FedEx Saint Jude Invitational in 2020 um I mean if you come in second place on the PJ tour you're a good golfer obviously. But to see these guys in real life it's just insane and one little small spoiler I want to put in for context so this honestly was one of the takeaways of the day. For me was hold 10. power five downwind you hit a good one. But a bit right yeah I didn't catch it didn't quite catch it I ABS I'll be honest now I absolutely nailed it as as good as I can hit a driver. And it went down the middle and it was again I would consider as long. And a little bit past yours but again you didn't quite catch yours genuinely so it was like you would say that's good drive it's great whatever Tom stands up. And whacks one and I jokingly as he hits it I don't carry mine thinking it won't carry it but it'll carry around and then.

It'll run on Miles it carried it by a mile I think it was still going up in the air literally as it went past yours. And my ball well that was it. So then.

When we got down to my ball then.

Obviously his was far ahead this wasn't an eagle thing it was genuinely want to put context into video to show off all these guys hit it we measured the flag from my ball. And then.

Worked out from obviously the T length how far mine had gone mine had gone 311 yards which for me sounds about right win behind and I nailed it that's how far it went might get that one in 20 drives his was like 350. scene honestly in the flight. So yeah that was classed. So it was me. And guy we play Scramble versus Tom Lewis stroke play not match play stroke play the reason we went stroke plays we know we've got an hour in us and we definitely want you to watch all 18 holes so so yeah that was pretty epic that's coming up I'll tell you what also came out last week that got incredible reception. And I was a guest on someone's podcast guy yes last week you were. And it's gone down and done really well so in December I got invited over to America I think have we did we talk about this on the podcast last time well Sir Nick Faldo has set up a podcast. And he had me as a guest I was on episode number two um straight after episode number one obviously which was Jack Nicholas. So yeah a little old me episode number two. But the comments have been great um I'll tell you what's interesting about it he talks about my finger in it yeah you bent finger. And uh I've had some loath message about it apparently I need to get it sorted yeah apparently it's like some sort of trauma wow yeah. So I need to I thought it was from holding your phone. So much it's just bent you've adapted my little finger on my right hand is just is flexed it's perfect. For interlocking grip luckily for me because I couldn't do it any other way um right hand no it makes sense um. So yeah that was that was good loads great comments on that um. And then.

There's also another video gonna be coming out with uh Sir Nick Faldo on his channel where we actually go and play golf so stay tuned for that also I wonder if when he won his last green jacket in 1996 I believe it was he thought one day I'd be sitting down with a young Rick Shields. Or not golf on YouTube it's a bit mad really it is a bit mad what you're doing in 26 years time who will you be sitting down interviewing oh God a new guy does virtual Holograms. So uh Mikey how did you get into creating an ft golf swing hey hey zaxio that's actually the girlfriend like well whatever like yeah they're like hey gtft how did you become the biggest golf I will even be called golf no who knows what what is the future of golf gonna look like um longer hitters well they're gonna roll back the ball. But people find ways around it'll get bigger they'll get stronger they get faster they'll get leaner we didn't talk about the ball rolling back then.

Because it kind of felt a bit dated when we started to do the podcast. And to be honest I still don't quite get it yeah you know I don't understand it I don't know why they're doing it um it seems I I don't agree with it one tiny bit I really hope it doesn't happen I've we were when it got announced we were actually out filming I think with Tom Lewis I think. Or is it when we were out that week yeah. And it came out in the evening and because it was. So busy I didn't really get a chance to read up on it very much I still haven't I've looked at bits but I don't feel like I've educated myself enough to discuss it prop this maybe in a coming podcast we will do. But I think in in the answer the RNA are thinking that golfers in the ball longer. And longer and longer and that means that when they developing new golf courses they actually have to be made longer and longer and longer which takes up more land which means more water and more maintenance exactly and of course that are sure that just can't be lengthened are gonna get walked all over. And just destroyed um so I can kind of some degree understand it. But I suppose my argument would be like when you had the open this year it's Andrews and obviously was playing fast. And it was playing short really because how far those guys hit it the best player still wins. And you still have to hold puts to win so the guy that hits it longer Brighton for example he didn't didn't win it um I mean obviously Cameron Smith does give it a good Tonk as well it's a lot. But they're all longer um so yeah I'm not not fully sure about it. And we've had this discussion before um obviously off camera one of the great things with golf which you've said many times is the fact that you can play the same golf courses as these Legends in most situations with the same clubs. And ball I love the fact we can do that in golf like there's no other sport um you cannot go. And jump in one car and drive around Silverstone you cannot go and get a well you can probably get the right tennis racket. And tennis ball but in fact with tennis actually is the only I've got one is the close darts no yeah. But you could run the same London Marathon as well Farrah well that's it she is good with the same trainers. And do the roughly the same time half as half as fast I um he did two hours. And 10 minutes is it roughly something like that. For those guys yeah. So if you if you did listen to last week's podcast hopefully you did if you're in the clubhouse you definitely did I am running along the marathon 23rd of April I mean I'm committed I'll put a link in the description below. For the charity thank you because it's the only place we've actually announced uh the during the London Marathon we've had nearly two and a half thousand pounds donated already so thank you for list for donating uh to a great charity call it's never you that supports uh parents of children with cancer so if you can donate it would be really appreciated I'll put the link down below uh training um how can I describe it I've practiced my chipping as much as I've trained. For London Marathon okay. So every night 5K 10K to 50 working up every every night honestly right I'm worried about it really yeah I've done nothing I've done that absolutely nothing are you at the point now you think it's important to do anything to do what we're gonna do I'm going away with my wife this week. For our 10-year wedding anniversary congrats thanks and then.

Going straight to America I'm coming back I've got a really busy week when I get back. And I'm running the little Marathon so where do I train I think that there is time of it not much like you could have got this one dead early. But to be fair it's the fact that you're getting so close to it now what is it going to make much I don't know if it would make much difference. Or not I think my goal this is my goal going into it run 10K yeah which I can do walk 10k run 10K what 10K. So that's run walk run water that's 40K that's the marathon yeah what's the time Golem with that in mind it originally was four hours now it's anything under six okay I think that's fine yeah what to run it. For 10K two hours to walk yeah that's three hours yeah six hours yeah try. And do it under six I think you should yeah you could do that you can do it on the six piece of cake how hard can it be from the marathon right how hard can it be um also just a quick one on um just to update the audience we had some very very exciting chats. And meetings about oh yes working title this is not set in stone the YouTube Masters yes we've got some great chats the ball regardless of being rolled back on no it's really important Powerball YouTube Masters is rolling forward yeah. And it's rolling forward at a fast pace so we won't say work oh no oh yeah no the only thing is I've got an email around that leads to where you were this week. But that may or may not have been where the thing he was at how did they know I was there because he took a picture with you all right yeah okay um. But yeah UK based UK based good chats we've we've started to draft out the format multiple days crowds lots of creators we want to make the most watched online golf tournament ever yeah which it only has to beat the 2019 YouTube after nah it's just YouTube there's YouTubers online creators what would you like to get someone like a Bryson there who would technically a YouTube golfer why not invited invite him now on that lens well I'm I'm actually I've got a unique way of him I think I don't think I need to invite come on I've got a unique way of doing it I don't want to say it just. Yet all right but I think at the fan fans well I'll say it I think when we get to a point where I want fans to vote who gets the invites. But almost have like some sort of submission yeah we'll see we'll work it out. But yeah really exciting with news with that yeah I'm excited. For it I think um people it's exciting jokes are sad about the future. And like where things will be. But were will kind of golf YouTube be in five years time ten years time like will those personalities literally be as big as PJ tour Stars I mean you could argue to a couple people that are. Or well you know to a degree um who knows GM Golf right about the sports um so we've had some good questions on Facebook um as always you can rely on good old Facebook can't you Facebook will be there in 10 years just tuning away won't it uh it will all right you don't have a delete Facebook people like to slag off Facebook. But they understand it's always there I think Facebook will do what Elon Musk is doing with Twitter girl. So I got I got a prompt the other day about I'm gonna be losing my blue tick on Twitter third world problems that's because you've got to pay for it yeah. So I paid for it obviously have you got to wear blue now no I've not really yeah I don't know what to do. Yet I might not do it. But because if that's the case I think uh Instagram's doing the same well that's what I'm saying it'll be cool to not have a tick. But what I'm trying to say is it I don't think it'll be long before then.

Twitter goes um we had these guys paying. For Twitter blue we now need to pay pay I think they should pay to tweet wow. And then.

It's like I think you should pay to be signed up. And I think you'd lose a lot of people I think that's what happened with Facebook I can't yeah I'm not sure I think they make enough through ads. But who knows so it's this crazy world we're living we won't pay people to watch videos pay them to like the videos nice hate to comment on videos nice nice let's do it. And so the Facebook group as we we say um there's like a hierarchy of um commitment to this podcast you're communicational listener and that's fine we we our viewer we respect you we we thank you for that we'll tip our hat to you a nice friendly nod kind of like that guy or girl he kind of lives in the same Village as you whatever you might kind of half recognize or you might go to school with their brother or their sisters but you don't know them really but you walk past and give them a kind of polite nod absolutely no uh don't know differences there no nothing settled is there somebody you see every week that you're trying to talk to here yes is this someone you see at the drive range you're like there's definitely no beef here I think then.

If you are a listener of the podcast. And you certainly watch on YouTube yeah you're starting to become friends now we know your names when we see uh it's a it's a handshake. And it's a good to see you again because even though you know each other's names you're not fully sure yeah. Or you might have been mutual friends on a stag do yeah six years ago went to Prague you then.

Friends on Facebook yeah then.

If you're a subscriber well come on yeah you're basically family yeah you know when you you know when you're in a group of people right. And there's all different mixtures of relationships in that group of people and you and you the first guy ah good to see you probably all right yeah you're thinking I'm not quite next.

Person oh I pal a little fist on next.

Person it's like massive high five it's like it's like the the upwards one yeah I mean it's a it's a big hug game good to see you pal. And then.

The last guy is like a it's almost no words it's like a no word like I'm out like. And you've always lucky to the light yeah. And no words need to be spoken there's nothing it's just a big hug. And it's just a good is that the clubhouse people yeah that's what they get into. So if you're in the clubhouse and you're listening to every single episode of the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast that's what you're getting off frequent no words a hug no words um no tongs on a Friday a bit of time um. So yeah if you are in the clubhouse. And you're in the Facebook group you can expect to know um dialogue called Rick okay imagine that they open this year's one's blabbed it big Kev from Aintree depends what state I mean if you were bloodied I absolutely love it post midnight yeah Hog's claw big hugs before that handshakes. Or over the top what what you call them [Music] I think the old traditional handshake which is still I'm a fan of that's almost died out a little bit to become a bit more of this kind of upwards like like football's after the national anthem yeah walk past each other that sidewards Vibe now in it you know what genuinely it was one of my biggest fears when covert kicked in what to do after going back oh that handshakes were going to disappear now it's March 2020. the common hits we don't know what's going on we're in isolation we can't move we can't go to the shops Richardson Richard's at home is thinking I've got a YouTube channel that may. Or may not survive um I've got three young kids but you know one biggest Warriors I hope they don't die out I was obviously like I love a handshake fist bump stayed around though you know I'm glad they didn't stay around the foot tap [ __ ] up yeah yeah you remember the foot tap yeah no they just do foots at first [Laughter] I've never ever touched your fault that might have just been that might have just been an excuse my wife gave me because she didn't want to do it it's a Friday night love it's a foot tap Sunday morning foot taps wow anyway anyway. So on the back of that um that's [ __ ] Taps the weirdest thing you've ever said by the way um. But anyway it's fine Lee Smith and by the way I said [ __ ] foot tap not anything else tap Lee Smith wants to know. And it's not at you so don't take offense about this what's your question why do even scratch golfers Duff. So many chips but tour Pros hardly any I know it's practice but the ratio seem way off I've got an idea behind this but I'll let you have your say as well so basically saying why does scratch golfers he probably means really good golfers still Duff chips Etc whereas tour Pros hardly ever happens the difference in a scratch card from the tour pro is probably eight shots yeah like think about it think about a scratch golfer is is off the app is there a handicap tour Pros are off like plus eight the eight shots better than the scratch handicap the difference in a scratching eight if not more yeah. But but also this is something I feel like I discussed this this weekend with somebody else oh in fact no I tell you what I saw this it's a great point. So Nick Doherty was on sky as he always is this weekend. And he was had a Zen put in green which very good. And we'll talk about those in a bit more they have to come in soon I guess absolutely and he had a 10 foot putt and he said which is a stat that I'd heard recently as well that tour Pros on average only holds like 3.7 out of 10 10 foot Port. So 4 out of ten ten foot putts and amateur golfers for me included have a 10 foot for bird you don't want to expect to hold it well even Toppers are four out of ten right. But what he then.

Went on to say is the reason people have this perception that torp Rose hold almost 10 out of 10 is when you're watching golf on a weekend you're watching the best players in the world. And all of that you're watching the ones that are playing the very best on the planet which is why we're in contention. So if you're watching Jordan Spieth win the tournament or come top five he probably is holding everything inside ten four because he's playing. So well and the same in this comment tour Pros admittedly don't hit as many bad chips as scratch handicapper the reason you just alluded to the rate shots around worse better sort of say what topos do hit terrible I've seen tour Pros hit bad golfers horrendous golf shots now you very very rarely see them because when you're watching um the open let's just use an example. And you focus on your roaries and whoever who are in contention there's also a guy who's tied 101st who shoots wherever he shoots who fats one thins one Shanks run out of bounds that happens. But we even alluded to it last week that that tee shot Jordan Spieth on 16th yeah at the Valspar yeah. So that wasn't horrendous Three Wood off the T yeah horrendous massive blocky slicy thing that even a 20 handicapper would hit his recovery after that was spectacular yeah. So the tour Pros definitely do hit bad shots I still think as well they understand this. But a lot of golfers um don't understand like handicaps and ability so what I mean is if you're a scratch handicapper. And I'm not I'm speaking a bit more on the old handicap system but I think it still Rings true that means that YouTube level part on a good day it's not every week. And a little bit of this was a personal thing to me. But it was it was it was fine. But in the video it's just gone live it was at jcub somebody in the group commented saying how's Gaia. For handicap sometimes it's like well to break 80 is 7 over par obviously it's not a million miles off a full handicap. But I don't play great every time I play golf and also other than that you know we are going playing different golf courses off the off the back tees that are tough there's obviously the pressure of the camera. So it's like you don't always play to your handicap so if someone's off a 10 handicap it might be quite rare they actually 82. they do do it again. But it's the same with tour Pros they don't always play this well week in week out but the ones that we see doing that are the best best in the world 100 I I. And yeah you've you've highlighted that perfectly well Jamie fans would ask you Rick where would you do a reverse 10 shot challenge with a member at a local club. Or a subscriber Etc I definitely think there's a reverse 10 shot challenge to be had with whom we shall see because I think they could be definitely leverage if let's say talking to a few high-profiled celebrities yeah who have a handicap of 10. Or above yes I think that that could be a real way of bringing that in no I agree um this is one. For me and I'm gonna hold my hands up to this one so I will hold up. For the whole question but they're held up right now it's from Chris Ramsey he said where are all the podcast guests guy seems like ages since I've had one on the Pod now third point. And that's why I've addressed it it has been a little bit of slacking on my behalf on the podcast guess we've had some um fantastic ones and when I say fantastic ones I don't even mean you're you're Ricky fouls. And Tommy fleetwoods because they kind of feel like ones that we get a little bit more sporadically and it's when you've done like a 10 shot challenge with them that we then.

Obviously get time with them but we haven't really had many guests on of any kind of note as of late and that's something we actually had to Chow this off podcast that I want to start doing a bit more again it's kind of been a bit of a time thing for something it's not that does it's not a time in a sense of reaching out to people. But we have a set day we record the podcast which obviously a Monday and it releases on a Tuesday and then.

The rest of the week we are obviously um film. And other things it's kind of got into a bit of a routine if thankfully the podcast doing great numbers on audio and on video we've kind of got a format that works so I'd honestly I've kind of been lazy but it's kind of been a case I'll have to reach out to people which is fine make sure they can do Monday. So we don't want to move our recording day and it's a bit of an afterthought but it's something I want to address so we will I can commit to this after the Masters. And kind of get into the summer we'll get some more guests on I think a nice little guest every month yeah I agree I could guess the episode each month on a Friday. Or something I do think we need to get some more on. So that's something that was noted. And we will do well just off camera here we've got our Polaroids of some of the guests we've had on I've had some incredible guess like Adam Scott Tommy Fleetwood Sir Nick Faldo uh martinborg Myers Zane Scotland Lee Westwood Sophie Walker um George Bryant uh I can't see who those ones are the GM Golf will Davidson Robin Heisman Richard Hammond like the list is phenomenal Brad Faxon Claude Harman. So like we have we have had a nominal gas but yeah we'll probably look at how we how we talk we did have a little brief chat with um on Instagram with Joel Darman yes um. So we yeah we wanted the other one we want to try. And do if we can make it as sound as perfect. And have visuals as perfect you do remote ones yeah they're not the best in the world because there's that bit of. Or you know what it's like on Zoom there's that bit of delay and but if we can get it where we've done you know really good podcast episodes I don't even think I even think that's like minward Leon yeah without um David cannon on yeah we have had some incredible as well this shouldn't this shouldn't matter. But it to be honest it kind of sometimes does is that it's quite with the guest episodes I love them because not only do we get to spend time someone really interested. And we hear their story which we actually both really enjoy they're also ones that people do remember yeah because people might not remember us talking rubbish in six months on a set episode because why would they what's like a David Cannon you really do remember the story the only downside sometimes to guest episodes is they don't always do quite as well on like views as as sometimes other ones do it's a bit more unpredictable I guess. So maybe it's a park that I'm not worried too much about that I just will get them on. And if whatever they do they do because that's the problem sometimes with with that YouTube. And we we know this topics a lot is it sometimes make a video that gets amazing comments. And people really love it but it doesn't get loads of views whereas other content gets loads of views we don't feel as proud of it do you know what I mean. So it's just that balance of yeah I won't be too worried about that well we'll look at we'll look at I think what a month to be a nice nice time frame last question from Facebook Jack Leonard has said if Rick was on the PJ tour. So imagine it okay take yourself 30 on the piano crappy myself uh would you be a Ricky Shields. Or a Rick still Rick or Richard Shields III I've never known a rick to be a tour pro that there is one back I think either which I think of the obvious ones. But there have been a guy we'll be in five years sort my game out um so he said if Rick was on the PJ tour what would his signature look be I.E Ricky Fowler won't orange. And tiger wearing the Sunday red what would your go-to go-to luck be on the PJ tour a boy yeah black. And black trousers I'd never wear shorts even if it was an option I was a tall throw nice shorts um not floral. Or pattern shirts quite kind of block color um I'd want a bit of an edge what could be my Edge cigar I don't I don't have a caddy carry my own bag I got another caddy yeah um no you have to have a caddy. So what else could it be how would you stand out from the Beard's a bit different there's a bit different um what about we're in airpod at all times I know every I've got it well it's so easy before every shot I explain it to the camera yeah it's about to the camera come here cameraman right. So this one is I've got 160 yards after the flag I know I'm three shot in in the lead um I'm chasing down. Or John's Pizza chasing me down but he's just dunked in the water so he's got no GPS that's what you actually would do you'd be terrible at playing in the moment you'd be looking to scoreboard all the time something like right here we go hey tired I fancy this yeah like this wind's just put off the left. And hit it yeah zoom zoom in zoom in you wouldn't need commentators that would be my little niche I've got a couple of emails as well. For you um they're quite cool so this one is from a guy called Richard Robinson okay last name. And he says uh Rick Robinson great name yeah Rick Robbo. And he says just a quick email say how Bloody sound you are this feels like a a fake name between me. And James Robinson yeah it does put the names together um just a quick note to how Bloody sound you are I've just come back from X where I saw you guys being big fans of the podcast. And a YouTube channel I couldn't miss the opportunity to ask Rick for a selfie I also knew my daughter would love it too you didn't have to say yes. But you did Rick's a pretty famous bloke now he's obviously staying very grounded. For a play my daughter loves playing golf which is pretty good if you ever wanted your girls play a few holes with her I'm sure she'd be loved loved to. And be a great role model I know she'll have playing golf the older kids and she was picking it up she's 12. And we live in York thought you might like her response when I walked up the selfie of a sub screenshot of the reply so as lovely as that message was it was more the actual screenshot that made me want to read this email out. So friend of mine's 12 year old daughter you wouldn't think that's necessarily our demographic. So he's Taxi's daughter who is called Betsy by looks of things. And it's a picture of you and the guy and he's not very he's not but any context we're just setting the picture in um 24 minutes past seven so thankfully you weren't too sore I wouldn't imagine this point well uh she's put two minutes later I am she's replied what you met Rick Shields she also incorrectly but we'll let her off for this once you she then.

Again he then.

Replied like a smiley emoji she's then.

Replied one two three four five six tax in a row how come that's not fair whilst he filming a video he's so much taller than you laughing face when did you meet him. And finally spot reply so I'll let you see that yeah. So we'll put that in the um we'll maybe blur out a WhatsApp picture Matt but we'll put that in brilliant to the to the um video version I was actually crouching down a bit there as well you're told in real life a lot of people say that don't they it's on the the taller. And genuine that people won't the thing is um I genuinely don't know of a point I'll ever say No in fact I did say no didn't I when I got whacked in the advice bad dude. And I said no to that fan. But apart from that I've never say no to a picture the only as long as you've just asked nicely yeah as long as you don't get Rico at the bloody open it was washed out of his face. And being an idiot but you know if you stop me at a golf club ask for a picture of course I want to say yes. And you know um and it seems as well since you're a little portable um Apple pay machine where people have to pay the five pounds straight away it's really helped on it because the amount of money we're making from that is brilliant no picture it yeah that's five pounds there's Apple pay Reddit seamless um I've got another one if you want it come on you thought you was a bit of an inhaler well I'm just gonna deliver something I wanna I wanna put this on in a minute let's see if this works I don't know if this works I don't think it's gonna work forget it forget it forget it. But I really listened to it first what you can hear it still no not now I don't know how long to talk what are you doing gotta ask the next.

Question I can't wait you're doing that I can't ask that question it's a long one. And it's a serious one as well so what is it all right I'm really interesting. So this one I won't give the person's name on this just because I don't know if it's if it's necessary or not but it says hi guy and Rick old school like that I was wondering if you could help with some advice a small bit of background to why I have a son that suffers severe anxiety. And depression and Gall seems to be a good way to help easing his symptoms he enjoys the challenge that it brings what he doesn't like is the pressure. For people watching and first T nurbs my solution is we're about to move house in the next.

Few weeks. And I was going to make a few things. For him to practice on I'm quite handy with building and physical work but struggle with tech I'm going to make an astro putting green in the garden. And possibly a simulator in a net in the garage I can build the net Etc. But can you help with any advice on what else I would need. For a simulator I.E a launch monitor a computer a projector I'll have to watch what I'm spending so if you could please help the list of things I need to buy so don't get ripped off by a good salesman any help would be greatly appreciated well first off what a great sport for this son to be into with kind of 100 you know it's nice it's getting out there first T nerves nerves people watching I don't know if it ever really subsides for anybody I'm sure I've been listening and watching knows what that thirsty nurse feels like obviously it's about managing um your emotions you can try to control it. And there's definitely ways of doing that pre-shot routines Etc definitely help you um with regards to a home simulator well I it's hard I'm probably not the best person in the world to um speak to but I think the cheapest way is yes a net you need a mat I would then.

I think that when you start to get into projecting the image on the screen it becomes much more costly right because you've got to get a really good computer through your projector on the screen where now there's a lot of launch monitors which are much lower priced launch monitors I don't want to kind of give any names around we can actually connect it to your phone. And then.

You could buy a TV and maybe stream it to your TV that sits that sits almost in front of you as you hit it you're not looking at the screen you look at the TV screens you'd actually hit a shot into the net but then.

You'd have to turn to see the TV of where it's going to as a price point of view that's a much more efficient um low budget price point of view. So yeah you don't get the simulator where you get the projector. And you hit a shot um but that definitely starts to rank up the price um when you start to get into that world yeah I think kind of echoing what you said then.

When I first read the email I thought first of all that you just exactly said what a great sport to be in. And I think obviously there's deeper kind of levels to anxiety. And depression and little simple things are always a quick fix. But how do you think that there's something about golf that can help ease those potentially I think the kind of mindfulness mindfulness state of being on a golf course. And to some degree you're thinking about in a ball into a hole and you've got lovely nature around you I think it's a good place to be I imagine. For this for this um person in question um and also you know in terms of the symptoms of of not liking people watching I don't know if sounds silly if practice is the answer to that no because like you said I've heard stories at Tiger on the first tease asking himself. And that's Tiger Woods in his pump um I think it's probably it's great if his dad's gonna build this stuff because what a great dad. And what a great facility to have at home to improve your golf if he loves golf that must be everyone's dream to have a simulator when you're putting green at home so that's really nice one to do. And I think you should do it if you can which it looks like you can. But I think on that it's it's probably more about trying to understand that when people look there's a difference between looking. And watching isn't there so when you're on the golf course and you're letting a group through or you're at a hole that's adjacent to another hole you're letting somebody hit first naturally you do a lot because it's almost you can't not in a way we're not really watching you're not really bothered are you not nobody else is. Or or is bothered. And if if they are bothered about your good. Or bad shots only a bad shot he says more about them and the analogy I use I think probably people can relate to even more. So is that if you were in a gym. And you're in all right shape or whatever or not even know right [ __ ] whatever and somebody walks in who's very large the big muscle men don't care and look at them and they're more about not looking at themselves in the mirror at their big muscles and if they did look at the person who was large. And give them any grief that just makes them be an absolute goon doesn't it and I've never I've definitely never seen anybody if you're in a group of lads maybe I'm a bit of a stagger or a society yeah you can you're going to get maybe a bit of rinsing on your first t-shirt correct. But no one's gonna give any abuse to a kid who it's a bad tee shot. For example on the first hole if anything's words of encouragement oh never mind pal get up there hit your second shot better or whatever like people support generally support people in golf and that's it and unless it is you're living. Or unless on the first tier you announce to the clubhouse that you're the best golfer to ever played this game which nobody would do. But if you did then.

You're kind of within your rights think oh God I need it this well now if I don't want to look an idiot. But as a rule although everybody feels pressure and me included if I was one of the first teams people watching you just do. For some bizarre reason but you have to remember that nobody's bothered no. So although it's easier said than done I'd probably focus on that more trying to get that into your head actually nobody really cares. And if you get better at golf as well off the side effects of having that all that stuff at home then.

That's awesome yeah exactly um nice email good I'm glad I'm glad I gave it my attention that's what I was going to show you well I've got a new favorite city in the world City okay Liverpool oh yeah wow it's just the best in it. So whether you like what elaborate I know so this goes on to Saturday night and why I sound a little bit hoarse and why uh my eyes might be a little bit red today.

Um. But the greatest night of my life again just the greatest night of my life so because of this very podcast okay I'll explain why in a minute on Saturday night in Liverpool. For the second time in the last six months I went to Bongos Bingo nice absolutely incredible it's just the vest I love a lit I quite literally love every single thing about it you lose it in in Ambitions a thousand people there just having the best time of the life um you stood on the benches you sometimes occasionally play a bit of bingo which isn't the main thing but because of this podcast last time and speaking about Bongos bingo Johnny Bongo yeah the guy behind Bongo Bingo got wind of me talking about it on the podcast sent me a little DM. And said if you ever want to come down again we'd love to have you. So I absolutely took you up on the offer so as a friend of ours um 40th birthday so we went down there's a group of us um and a couple of people I've not met before or only met recently but really really fun people uh me and my wife and there's eight of us in total Johnny Bongo said come down reserved us a table was he there he didn't actually do the Bingo calling because he's got a bit of a sore throat right. But he was actually there I've met him um we got a reserve table right at the front right you cannot be any more at the front. And so we didn't have to go early thankfully and all that was great I had a few had a few beers. And sauces on the way um went to docs for some food then.

Went there look about 20 minutes we sat down and Johnny Bongo messaged me saying hey Rick you want to come backstage like do you want to come to this place called The Bungalow where they all hang out I was like absolutely. So went back to the Bungalow and uh so I'm there meeting Johnny and he was a really nice guy. And uh what I didn't know the guy who actually did The Bongo calling Jimmy the massive fan wow. And he was literally like shaking like. And he's about to stand up on stage in front of a thousand people and just give it big licks and he's there like desperate to meet me he'd brought a Nike Square driver to show me nice um it was all he said because I I looked. And went oh you're gonna pull me up on stage aren't you and yeah I think. So and I was like no don't like I can't be off on stage I think I've been embarrassed about that. But 10 minutes in I would have definitely been on stage um but yeah absolutely epic. So big shout out to uh Johnny and Jimmy and the rest of the crew because it was absolutely epic. And Liverpool is just it is such a cool sister to go out in my only qualm of that story is. And this is a call out to Johnny bungle himself I was at his Pub quizzes at the shipping forecast in 2014. I told him you were a fan I said you just started I said guy wouldn't like it I was like the first bunk was bingos like 2014-15 I've not even been since 2016. So that's how long ago I was going. And Nas didn't get invited he said he said well guy want to come I said no it's not his it's not a scene I preferred it in the olden days those are the quizzes that was a bit more of the raid I was a bit more kind of student he wasn't as well known now it's too commercial how you know what I wouldn't have gone if it had been invited oh good good. But yeah it was honestly why do you like Liverpool. So much I just think it's a it's a really vibrant cool busy I mean the sun was out dances classic well we stayed right near Matthew Street like literally above Matthew Street um. But like the city like the shopping and everything we walked down to the docks grabbed some great food and we walked around up to the um that place that you said where the Bongo Bingo is um after that we got a taxi back into town we actually ended up going to Burger King weirdly. But like it was packed there was a nightclub we didn't go thankfully it's open until 7 00 A.M 7 A.M a few great ones there's one called funky box I actually didn't want to end up in funky box es have a jingle. And it's on the radio and it was I think it was funky box 7 A.M one pound shots funky box 7 A.M one pound shot I mean you'd loved funky box oh yeah it was really cool the next.

Day we got up. And the Sun was shining. And it's like you can go from seven o'clock funky box one pound shots yeah to wait to 8 A.M I heard a tweet in sun shining nice little coffee shops yeah I'm big fan. But you've basically from it cool that's all right no that's it. So stay tuned lots more to come um next.

Week's podcast might be a daylight we'll see how we can work it because I'm going to be in the USA I don't mentioned before I'm going to the Masters. So over there in the Masters at the Masters with my golf clubs seeing what happens I think it's just in case anybody pulls out the tournament not gonna happen I'm there Paul I'm ready if any tour Pros think you know what I've always fanted a caddy. For the par 3 tournament I'm your man yep I'm your man imagine that blood and turn it up Boogie box sometimes yes I will not know we're out stay tuned lots more to come uh exciting few weeks very exciting few weeks you're not going to want to miss it make sure you subscribe make sure you're following along thanks. For listening thanks for watching and we shall see you next.
