Now the moment you have been waiting for ladies gentlemen and people of all ages some big big big big big big big news the guy to my left rick shields you've got a new sponsor so yeah this is this is really exciting news. And it's more because we i love sharing these ideas and these um reasons why i choose to spawn get selected with certain spots brands so you might have noticed certainly over the last few months i've been wearing a new footwear the company is echo yes okay. And echo i have been testing these shoes for a long time that is a big big keyword. So i reckon pre-christmas we started talking about echo they'd seen the opportunity of maybe looking to sponsor me and i would you know with any sponsorship because obviously i've got an audience i'm always quite protective about what we pushed to the audience that was a huge under exaggeration from your part you aren't just a bit protective you are very rightly. So very protective about you have to genuinely like the product and you've been very fortunate that lots and lots of brands you won't mention have sent us product for you to test to try not for reviewing clubs and balls or such but for clothing and shoes and you are the most fussy person i've ever met which is great over the last nearly 18 months i couldn't even imagine how many footwear brands have sent me shoes i mean my garage is literally full of boxes however. none of them have passed the test. For me nope up until i started wearing echo shoes um i started wearing them pre-christmas and they just sent me loads of different sizes sorry those different styles shall say genuinely hands down the comfiest shoes i've ever worn ever like not even not even a question to the point where i am literally wearing every single style of shoe even some of the golf shoe styles like i went to center parts at the start of the year yeah i wore them every single day on your instagram people i looked closely. And i called you a gcw which if you know you know i literally wore echo shoes for every day of the holiday like almost like semi golf shoes yeah there's loads of amazing styles. And i think what i love about echo is they are a shoe brand like they specialize in shoes massive of course offering as well they're not just a golf shoe company. So we're a danish company family owned making shoes since like 1960s 1963 and for me what i've loved about them so far is the fact that. And i've never seen this in different shoes before the toe box the area like where your toes are this is spacious like. So they're kind of snug in the back of the heel they're nice and kind of fitted in the middle section of the foot but then.

The toes have room to breathe um so that's what i found really comfortable so for me when i'm looking for a new pair of shoes or anything that i'm gonna wear comfort is obviously key fashion is key performance is key now they don't make a lot of spiked shoes. And i was worried about that first remember when we have the charge because i've often used certainly when i'm playing serious i prefer. Or i used to prefer a spiked shoe a lot of the echo ones don't have spikes they have like kind of the the really it's like an integrated traction yeah where there are some spikes. For options as well i was worried in different conditions wet conditions where it's a bit slippery that the the non-spiked wouldn't work yeah i've not seen any evidence of that whatsoever no well when if you think about it probably 10 years ago when spikeless golf shoe emerged from from several brands including echo as well it was very much like a super trainer. And they were very comfortable to be if you were assistant pro. Or i was in american golf on my feet. For 10 hours a day they were quite cool to work because they were a golf shoe. But like a trainer but yeah you wouldn't get any traction when you're playing something slightly wet t-box. But the echo ones have a bit more don't they yeah you know what. For me as well fascinating because when i used to work at a pro shop when i used to work at mia we used to have loads of different shoe companies and loads of different styles and customers would come in and say i want the most comfortable shoes and at the time i was like i had no real alliance to anybody. But over time there was a definite trend like over time when you show people different shoes you get to try them on. And then.

You get them to try on the echoes there was always a response these are the comfiest these are the ones. And people have very very eagle-eyed viewers have spotted that i've been wearing it echo really since the start of the year to be honest and i've seen loads of comments saying i'm a loyal echo fan i would wear nothing else than echo um they've done me great you know service over many many years and already i'm seeing that yeah already i'm seeing why people are such loyal echo fans 100. And i think what the great thing is. For the listener for the viewer of obviously the main channel as well and social media followers this isn't going to be something where you're getting pushed footwork down your throats every week you know that rick left his previous clothing. And footwear brand and if you've watched that video you'll understand the reasons why rick and we kind of chose to to move away from that we've spoke very close to the guys echo and you know like you said the biggest thing. For you is that the shoes fit you well you go on your feet a lot yeah. And that you know they suit the audience as well and and that you're not going to be starting pushing down people's throat we're a little bit heavy to talk about it of course the announcement. But this is going to be a regular thing. So this is literally just to give you a bit of a heads up of why i've decided because it's a big partner ask a lot like some of the putter video reviews recently where you can see your footwork. And all that was before the actual sponsorship the deal was signed that was because you genuinely like them. So much and i've worn them as well and i think they're really good um. But yes once again don't worry it's not going to be a big thing you know. And also an obvious reason if you think about it echo don't make golf clubs they don't make golf balls. And they never will. So this has no you know if rick's now reviewing a titleist driver. Or callaway driver it's not it doesn't have any influence at all whereas if you were wearing humor footwork. For example well people might then.

Question when you're testing a cobra club or whatever it might be a footjob a titleist or whatever it is um. So there's no kind of issues there at all always guys you know this if you're loyal fan i've always been super cautious about this relationship between what i wear why what i kind of endorse. And how close that is linked with manufacturers like i just think it's a really not not a clean transaction if there is any kind of integration there. So for me i always try and keep it ridiculously separate whatever i wear or whatever i get involved in will not be involved with manufacturing you know as well this is a kind of not that people need this note. But for people watching and this is why it's. So important for you when going with echo is that. For a golfer your footwear is invaluable. And i think sometimes we underestimate that as golfers because again you're walking between four. And five miles per round which is a long way if you're playing twice three times a week which a lot of people are it's a hell of a lot of stray on your feet you need something that's comfortable you want that performance now i know a lot of people think well you know driver's got this this technology. And iron's got this what's a piece of footwear well footwear has a lot of technology into it to keep you comfortable to keep you traction et cetera and the big thing with the vast majority of the echo shoes they're actually gore-tex as well so they're fully waterproof and all that kind of stuff so a lot goes into them it took you a long time to try different shoes and find the one that fits you best literally and that's we've landed yeah. So guys like saying nothing changes for you but we just want to give you a heads up you know it's been a little bit of like say people have been commenting what you're wearing what you're wearing it's just an opportunity to sit down and explain the reasons why um i'm a massive fan i am i really am and it's great to be able to partner with echo hopefully for many many years to come and uh thanks for everybody's support and and i know you understand the situation that i'm in and why you support it so much so um you'll see many more ecosystems you can you can tell these stories longer than it's a social media post. But one thing though echo i think you've made a mistake by signing rick because look how good of a model i would look whether ready. For this if you're listening you have to watch the video [Music] that's what i'm gonna be wearing by the way that's almost as white as your teeth really that is the echo biome is that the c4 that's the c4 i think yeah i've got a meaning grey yeah i'm literally wearing golf shoes in the studio. And that's not just for this that's what you do every day i literally wear these all they're just like they are just like trainers really aren't they. So great thanks everyone thank you so much that was really good.