Hi guys welcome back to the rich Hills Golf Show podcast episode 157 I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy I didn't probably good yeah good thanks um I had it made a bit of a fooled myself this weekend trying to do a good deed uh-oh that shouldn't happen if you're doing a good deed no bad thing should happen no that's not what how life Works No I um I went to the driving range on the weekend I went to Clarks Golf Center which is local to me I I'm a bit of a an Explorer these days a bit of a traveler a bit of a Wanderer because it used to always be trafficked Golf Center predictable now mix up a little bit a bit more spontaneous a traveling driving range practicer yes. And um as you know obviously very quick one should get a wheel at home with like four or five different driving ranges on them before you leave just spin the wheel and um I was going. And also did a bit of housework this weekend cleaning up a few Bits. And as you all know you clearly know you are supported by um the best Footwear brand in golf by none echo echo nice. And they make great golf shoes they do. And not only do they kick you out the very nice ones the Kittles out here behind the scenes as well. And I've got several of their shoes now which is lovely. And there was one that I've got at home I've worn once. But they're just not fully My Vibe so I've got some others that are my vibe. And I've worn them once and they were white it's a little bit dirty. But they were literally one one. So I thought I'll give them a wise little it's only a pair of shoes don't be wrong it's nothing too exciting it's a second hand pair of shoes but one ones so I went to the driving range give them a bit of a clean up they look like they were literally brand new again they've only been worn once they almost are brand new went into the shop I was like I can just get 50 balls oh yeah no worries. And then.

One of the lads I know behind the till it's a little random one for you but I've got a pair of shoes here they have been worn but literally one size nine Echo really good shoes anyone want them can I trade them in yeah give me some cash. For him please for 50 balls so Darcy you can have a message obviously. For free just everyone wants them they're a size nine and they all looked at me like I just said can you give me 100 quid now cash. For no reason it was like I'd offended them wow. And they're like um [Laughter] so I looked there's a bit of a Queue at this point as well behind me and then.

The last one as I was saying this you went I can imagine you feeling better awkward now as well. And at this point he was trying to charge you. For the balls so I'm not trying to charge me for the balls it was like what I mean he's giving me the Tilt the little thing that you put your card into a oh you can make contactless because I was flapping it gave me the card machine my card wasn't inserted I started trying to put my pin in with no card in the machine I was like sweating. And shaking and fretting I was like oh sorry. So I got Apple pay I'm paid and then.

In the end I said oh you know if any of the the Juniors that you give lessons to here want them. Or you know just just take okay we'll take them back. And I really felt like an idiot if you were in that queue on Saturday was it yes. And behind guy trying to give a pair of shoes please phone in because we'd love to hear your view of this of this very awkward situation it got worse it got worse so I don't want to hit my balls I was actually hitting it well which is perfect brilliant. And um as I was walking out of the range I needed it away okay great. And it was about 10 59 on Sunday. And I was going to the toilet I realized that it was the um minute silence yes. So I thought right I'll go for a week and I'll come out and I'll make sure that I obviously stand and pay my respects because I could see people's answers kind of not q but stand around this TV and there's a little cafe in the range and the lady behind there'd stop serving she was kind of making a point. And rightly so if spending that minutes uh remembrance so I went for a way I washed my hands but uh avoid any extra noise or time I didn't dry them okay I'm going out of toilet with a wet hands. But it was water as I'm walking out the toilet. And also you didn't you didn't want to be allowed no exactly because like if you use the hand dryer it would have been loud. And you never know your watch might have not been sync with the world's watch and suddenly now starting to spoil a minute silent correct so I'm walking out the toilet with a wet right hand okay I'm walking out. And some fella as I'm walking out looks at me and goes oh you do videos with Rick Shields I love the videos mate puts his hand out to shape mine my hand's wet. So this is awkward. But as he does this the silences started right I think it's literally the exact time. So I didn't want to say yeah. Or do videos with Rick Shields. So I was going to nodded right the woman behind the counter starts doing this like a school teacher. And kind of again rightly so so I just went to this mate this fella like this as well he went sorry mate are you filming [Laughter] I was like oh my God like a school chat with my fingers on my lips no it's a minute silence anyway what I'm a woman at this point behind the tail is really lucky to see this oh my God everyone stood there like Hands by the sides watching the TV it's obviously dead silent I went silence he went oh oh. And then.

He realizes it was. So awesome oh my God it was that. So I then.

Tried to really obviously in the moment I feel I feel I'm getting like hot and red-faced for you it was the longest minute you've ever seen in your life. And eventually obviously that the TV kind of signified that it was back to kind of no not be the minute silence. And then.

I had a brief chat with him but it was uh I didn't have the nerve to say that wasn't summer hands that was just water how did you imagine if you said that it just as the minute silence was happening. And all you could hear was you saying that yeah it was um not the best of rain sounds anyway how's your weekend it was bookended with Badness. But the bit in the middle sounded good yes it was good really good um you might hear that I've got a slightly hoarse voice today.

Because Saturday night I went to Bongos Bingo nice it's the greatest night of my entire life. And you'd love it entire life I want to go every week a night out will never be the same again if you've been Bongos Bingo you'll know what I mean. But it's it's just electrifying electrified but before that I actually played golf yes I've heard um last week I feel like I've made Tiny Steps to the to the the right way okay um did quite a bit of practice Yeah I hit a lot of balls last week a lot of balls actually. And uh you might see the little documentary vloggy thing that I did. And it went out on Friday unbelievable messages people saying they love seeing that kind of behind the scenes and things like other so there'll be a bit more of that I don't think we'll do loads of episodes because it flopped on views. But I've got a Bonus bit with you as well but now yeah right now okay God part of your video good video by the way showed your journey of practicing people liked it what you also showed was our little mini long drive comp at JCB right we're both on a top trace of bay quite well I stand up though what was my best hit like a measly three three eight three three eight my mum then.

Calls me guy I think I've been scammed how's that. For Christ's sake O2 been on the phone offering me a new deal we want all my bank details I said you're not giving them have you no no. But I think it's a scam right. So I'm on the phone to her for five minutes well I'm getting stressed by her getting scammed I come back you're like you have enough balls now I'm done see you later so we won't go putting what I then.

Found out and watched the video back is that you carried on smashing them really tried really put loads of effort in beat me by three yards. And publicize it to the world nice the magic of YouTube baby um yeah. So hit loads of balls um played a tiny bit of golf had a couple of golf lessons I had another one since that you which you'll see next.

Week's episode uh big improvements I played at me on Saturday I shot level par which I feel like I do a lot around me level Park yeah it wasn't like it was that it wasn't dead longer. But um considering it's a new swing I hit the golf ball very very nicely wow very nicely indeed I felt very happy with my progress what did Beasley shoot uh if you actually know he chopped it a bit did he yeah like 66. um. So yeah no it's really good. And then.

Um yeah I feel much more in control of my golf game actually played with uh lad called Chris who's off plus three as well not that I'm a plus three. But he's a very good golfer um and he also has lessons off down and he kind of watches the videos but it's never played with me and he said I'm a lot better than he expected me to be yeah he said I watched you at Belfry. And thought yeah what the hell was that yeah he said. But I looked at it again and gone I don't know how he shot 89 or whatever and um I think it was quite nice impressing him yeah that was the weirdest weirdest 89 I've ever seen in my life because you didn't I strived after two years it was just weird it was a strange round of golf. But obviously like I said you're putting some grinding in some grafting some practice how you this is what baffles me not that the ones right. Or one's wrong and probably yours is definitely more right than mine is. But the way you have set about this little mini um couple of weeks I would hate it personally for example having lessons I'm not a huge fan of obviously golf lessons help you get there at golf and you as a PJ Pro a huge advocate of golf lessons but the reason I don't always like them is I think I think you're gonna go to a lesson suddenly hit it really well very rare that's the case isn't it you have to put a lot of practice in usually things feel mad whether it be changing your grip your posture your alignments it feels very weird you've gone straight in which is I respect I kind of can get that I didn't like how you went on the putting green at JCB with all these tools. So most people go around not playing very well at golf I'll go supporting green I'll roll a few putts Rick comes out with spirit level start I think my super spirit level. So I've had like roller coaster device that you drop the ball down to make sure the putt's straight a big piece of string a mirror a mirror glasses um yeah I feel like I quite like technical yeah I feel like I could go really in when it when if I'm playing I'm just trying to play I've tried. And be as least technical as I possibly can. But certainly when I feel like I need a fresh start and a reset I feel like anything and everything helps you know you are a Rob Potter. But you know what I really really enjoyed practice this week I I want to go to driving range today.

Really I'm going to find time to go to driving range today.

And hit like 120 balls do you think going forward though if you just hit more balls in general we've said this before off camera well I'm on the podcast you don't hit as many balls as people probably think you do if you could just keep that maybe once a week of a little nice session do you think that would just keep me going more than having like time off. And then.

Having loads of lessons and you know in a weird way because sometimes I don't massively like hitting balls I feel like I need something to work on yeah like because when you've been gone to the range it loads at the moment have you start a few little technical things you've worked on it's little things. And they're probably not fully correct what they feel like that the hell yeah that's enough barriers he tweaked a few things. For me but um I think. For me I because I've played golf since I was like seven I'm not not great at golf. But I can I can find a level of timing if I hit enough balls. So now I've been going the range every week. For like three or four months I'm finding some level of Swing I don't know how repeatable it is on the golf course obviously that's not always the case. But yeah I don't manage to involve little things like you. So one last hit balls with no thought whatsoever I think that's why top Trace has been. So good jokes sad because there's always something to be looking at definitely yeah honestly really really enjoy practice you know I've enjoyed I've been taking a bit of stats from a golf as well because a lot of people in the last episode said up. And over it or you're in full shots for and they've got a point but I feel like for me whenever I try and change anything my swing I feel like like I've got to change it in the full action and that kind of filters down into the shorter shots and I actually did I've been doing some measurements recently um using some kind of software to track my progress. And believe it or not it's Emma putting is actually pretty good which I can't believe. But it's saying my shot's between 25 yards and 100 yards is horrendous yep. But I actually think it's more 25 yards to 75 yards well I don't think I'm that bad at 90 100. I think because they're more swings yeah as soon as they get under 75. And it starts to get fiddly that's why I really I think I'm horrendous yeah. And that's like you said these these um stats. And stuff obviously can sometimes show you things that you didn't even realize you weren't that good on. Or things you better than you thought you were. But I think what I was actually when we play golf I think we have quite a similar trait that when we have a bad hole sounds obvious there's lots of shots that compound to make the whole bad. So for example if you hit a drive that's not fully as good as you want it to be that's maybe a six out of ten drive but that's not brilliant then.

You might hit a six out of 10 iron that just kind of just misses the green then.

You hit a six out of 10 chip and then.

You have a 10 foot pop for power which you miss and you blame the port and I do all the time I'll miss that path yeah. But you've missed a put that's 10 foot there was a stats on that. For a tour bro like oh nothing I don't even think it's 50 yes the chance of you holding it. And more chance to be missing it than holex obviously I'm certainly not tour pro we have to work back and go the chip wasn't great but why was the chip not great well I put my bad Iron shot there I put my bad drive there it's done it sounds obvious. But it's just fixing everything else isn't it it's not one they're very rare you're gonna get one golfer who's got one part of the game that's terrible that's perfect exactly unless like you say you've seen these stats and like every category you're driving your approach shots your wedges were brilliant. Yet you're putting was horrendous well then.

Yeah it's dead obvious. But um yeah I'm enjoying it I'm really enjoying the progress however. we've got a bloody lot of golf coming up in the next.

Two weeks I absolutely granted everybody else I wanted to put the clubs away. And never play golf on a golf course again for the rest of the year I'm being forced out there shut level part on me everything James we've got over the next.

I'm just counting down the diary one two three four five at least five rounds of golf in the next.

Two weeks yes all of them. For videos all of them coming soon to a channel near you in December to our Channel when I say here to a channel because that brings it on very nicely into the very very very soft launch that we did on one day last week of a brand new channel breaking news Rick Shields golf has a third channel. So we've got the main Channel 2.4 million subscribers we've got the podcast Channel which you may be watching on right now 190 000 subscribers I want more so we've set up right it's very interesting let me tell you the story so over the period of time of doing YouTube I think I'm probably best known. For either being a golf coach trying to break 75 doing Vlogs or matches but also a huge strand of the business of making videos is Club reviews we've spoke about it a few times on the podcast over the last few months about Club reviews. And we're going to do them. And we're not going to do them this time another because believe it. Or not and well I don't even know I said that lots. And lots of new golf clubs come out every single year I don't believe it lots and lots of new golf clubs come out every single year from all the different brands in all the different categories whether it's drivers irons hybrids Woods whatever it is okay now at the moment on the main Channel really we've just been focusing on the real headline products yes. So things like your tailor-made stealth Drive the Ping driver um real kind of Marquee problems yes that interest me that get me excited that make. For a great fun interesting video um that that majority people will want to watch the other side of the reviews on the main channel are these more kind of Quirky products. So whether it's buying a cheap set from Costco or whether it's buying the 250 pound box or 250 box of golf balls because there's a story behind those videos like there's there's like a question mark to go are these Costo clubs going to be any good because of the price. And also the same question is is this 250 golf ball gonna be amazing because of the price well then.

Also as well we kind of realized a number of years ago that reviews aren't really watched. For the review now obviously sometimes they are if you wanted to go out. And buy a new car or buy a new iPhone or buy new golf club you may go into YouTube and search for reviews have all done that for certain devices in the house or whatever it might be but most people if you get 600 000 views on a set of ping ions it's very I'm not for one second thinking that 600 000 people want to buy those ions and they're watching your video because of that they're watching it because like golf clubs are interested they want to see what the lights just a bit of entertainment really yeah I've got without doing any real market research I think like say a portion very very small portion will be watching because they might be interested in buying those clubs yeah. But I do think a huge portion you might be in this listening. And watching who just wants to know about new new equipment yeah I like to say just wants to be entertained it's a bit like Top Gear they're reviewing a Bugatti Veyron it's two million dollars very few people are buying that. And the guys that are buying it I'm sure aren't watching reviews. And they're just going ban it anyway. But equally sometimes Top Gear might review a Ford Focus or you know more affordable realistic car that people might be watching to actually genuinely going by. And that's that balance that's where they'll drive it off a cliff yeah exactly. So we found that we were stopping in as many of those videos that are more kind of generic everyday product because often as well there's not a massive story there is this. So there's not always something that we because we only really put two videos on your main Channel per week maybe it's a break 75 and something else so however. that looks the amount of clubs that are coming out all the time it's very hard to to film them put them on the channel. And almost without being kind of rude to the brand of the product like justify putting them on the main Channel really that's what the new channel says it takes it takes time to obviously film and also if we were to realistically if we were to put every single Club review on the main Channel the big videos that have the potential to really kind of go huge would get lost well. And that's it and also we know again and people listening might want to comment below on the video of this podcast and telling us what part of Rick's main channel is your favorite. But we know some people are subscribers. For coaching some are subscribers. For Club reviews and some are subscribers. For kind of entertaining golf videos whether that be Vlogs break 75s playing with Nick Faldo whatever that might be some people are subscribers. For all three or whatever that looks like but equally there is a we definitely know as a percentage of people who just don't care about golf clubs they've got an old set of clubs. And have a new set of clubs but they don't care about equipment that much just want to watch you having fun and learning and get better at golf whatever it might be so this new channel means we've got a place to put a lot more Club reviews there still will be some on the main Channel which we'll come on to. But there's another designated place for a lot more Club reviews so to find this wonderful um Oasis and sub reviews that are coming in the future search Rick Shields golf review what a name Well that took us a while to come up genuinely we sat down. And had we had like a working lunch and came up with this this channel name we've got a new green logo mm-hmm why not golf is green um a big coming soon banner. And considering we have literally just tweeted about it once in kind of a cryptic tweet that people thought was a scam. But it isn't and also a YouTube Community post the channel has already got 14.4 000 followers subscribers come and join early so yeah content will be coming on there soon it probably now will be early next.

Year um. But if we can blow that channel up. And get you know who knows 100 000 subscribers by Christmas that'd be great um but again it just to reassure everybody it's not the fact I'm going to be taking content off my main Channel. And putting on here this is content that just would have never been made would it it's like a b side to category that this content that's going to go on this channel would have been content that just never would have seen the light of day because we had nowhere really to put it. And I know people listening and watching Mike not quite understand how that would work but believers I know a little thing or two about this YouTube platform so that's kind of where we now directing all of our YouTube reviews it's a win-win for everyone let me let me explain if you're not a fan of Rick Shields it's fine nothing changes really if you are a fan of the main Channel. And don't want it to change good you're in luck nothing's going to change if you're a fan of Rick Shields. But you want more videos more Club reviews you get in them yeah. So it's not like anything's going to change other than there's more content. And if you don't want that content don't subscribe but please do subscribe yep. So we're going to be building something pretty special. For it we're going to be making we're going to go all out. But those videos like I say will be coming kind of middle of Jan maybe end of John. But jump in there early now as guy just mentioned right now is actually equipment hot season I wish we'd come up with this idea a couple of months early because we could have got this set up however. um some of the big reviews that are going to be coming out soon. So new um shame afraid drivers and new Holloway drivers Ding and ding drivers I think things are going to be good they have a copy of a ping. But still and the flobras are all going to be coming to the main Channel very soon. So contradicting what we've just said. But no we're not no because then.

The three big big big main content will be coming on the main Channel. But then.

Things like the three words wedges Putters some different balls an example of this is we got sent some new um Blades of the day from a brand I won't say what they are. But some new blades that look absolutely awesome flaming shade yes. But um they don't look drastically different and they won't be different that much to the old version so that wouldn't always justify a main Channel review because firstly not many people go out and buy blades and secondly you know realistically what is the story when it's a new set that aren't that much different to the old set. But for the new channel that's still a nice video it's these are the new ions what they look like giving people that you know in my opinion yeah I know yeah a lot of people care about knowing at the latest gear yeah you've got no intention how much they cost what spec do they come in. And again these aren't infomercials I'll still hit them and tell you if they're good or bad I'll tell you if I like them or don't like them I'll tell you who they're aim for and who they're not aimed for so all of that will still get covered. And but like I say it'll just be wrapped up on a new channel you know what I saw this weekend that was the most bizarre comment I've ever seen. And I want to address it now because it really actually almost upset me so sometimes we get conspiracy theories like the channel which is is fine you're always gonna get that when somebody's got a large following I saw a comment on a video. And this person said something like along the lines of I bought the Cobra driver because Rick Shields said it was a good one which you did on several of the new drivers they brought out. And then.

He said however. I was then.

Disappointed when he said in his podcast he was paid to say that what yeah it was the most bizarre thing because first of all. And obviously Rick is not paid by any of the brands to say their stuff is good. Or bad or indifferent obviously it's all independent reviews but what but having said that I can understand. Or I can I can get my head around the fact that some people who are a bit you know idiots would want to put that out there. And say oh Rick gets paid to say that which again obviously we know is not true. But you're gonna get that you're gonna get some haters but somebody genuinely said that you'd said that in a podcast. And now on our podcast and how should I think to myself right there must be somewhere else members unite I know have I ever said that in a podcast. But I was trying to think to myself what could it be that you've said that they've somehow got mistaken. Or twisted there's literally I got it what was it. And that makes sense when I said I'm sponsored by Echo they've obviously heard of Cobra yes oh when I said I'm just one of my top Tracer oh Cobra yeah there you go who knows um I've actually only screenshotted one of them actually because in that little vloggy thing as well I talked about how I'm trying to run 100 kilometers this month on not all in one goal. But broken down through the month and I said in the video I did a 50 50 minute four seconds how polarizing that time is the amount of people that's honestly the amount of people said um 50 minutes. For for a 10K you need to work on your Fitness I can't believe how slow that is no they've not honestly. And then.

Other people have said wow anytime you can break 50 minutes. Or near 50 minutes for a 10K um you know you're doing really well that's nonsense the first time I always think there's a loads of them being slow loads of them honestly I'm not joking after I've only got one screenshot there I've to find some more I have a rule of thumb. And people again if you're a hardcore Runner these times will impress you. But if somebody can run a 5K in 25 minutes. And therefore. a 10K in 50 minutes that's like I would say in golf in terms that's like probably break in 83 like it's a d you know your decent standard for non-runner yeah if you're a serious Runner like proper people can do like a 10K in half an hour if you're a serious serious Runner I'm not only getting my golf critiqued now I'm getting mine because also people are actually that fast at 50 me 50 minutes is bad they wouldn't be the kind of people that would laugh at that time they'd say Well done. For running I've got two new ideas okay number one I'm quitting yeah video title running running yeah nice like come in. And go oh guys I'm just not running fast as I could have done or we go all out fourth Channel Rick Shields runs oh okay Rick's running yeah running Rick don't like break 50. I like that coming soon make sure you subscribe um right I've got a quick one. For you I've got a Game trophy later on if not I got a game I have I've got gay I've got after last week's episode and you gave me a fantastic game show I've got a game show for you guys and your mic on please who's Matt Matt's not here there Matt Matt don't you dare Talk laptop please talk hello right Matt um did Rick make this game that's coming later on. Or do you do it. For him don't forget who uh who you work for Matt yes he came up with it wow that was very very convincing that. But uh I I appreciate it was 50 Quid you were gonna send me one yeah I think. So thanks for supporting the uh the game show um so I've got that coming up very soon excited okay um also just very very quick. And the last thing I'm going to talk about me. And my game um I'm teased in the video Channel richfields me in my game oh my God I love it and then.

We can do Spanish versions of all these channels oh yeah um I in the video I mentioned that I'm playing against a big big big big big big name by the end of the month. And people were guessing someone saying me yeah loads of people were saying loads of gases let me let me read a few. So it feels MP events some people said me um. So the list at the moment there's there's hundreds of comments let's see so a lot of people guessing Rory yeah a lot of people guessing Fitzpatrick he's always too big of a name uh Luke Donald Peter Finch nope guy charnock yep um. But I don't believe I've seen a comment that's actually guessed the player uh no one said Donald Trump lots of Fitzpatrick oddly enough um. So yeah Adam Sandler I think this person though is a good person because even though people aren't guessing him he's that big oh oh someone's guessed it is that big of a name that you could never disappointed like say if you said I don't want to name someone's name now because it's a bit mean. But I'm playing a massive match against somebody and then.

It ended up being somebody else it's like oh a bit of anti-climax this person is not gonna I don't think upset many people yeah I've seen one. And also by the way I've actually booked in yeah this is kind of enough any more developments on this actually being locked in. For a date so that's why I'm I'm saying potentially because it's like not fully fully but it's close it feels like it's locked in the sense of he wants to do it it's just getting that date nailed yeah we've got room between two dates okay. So yeah it should happen um will you win If he if I start telling the power I've got more of a channel this is why it's exciting because if said person plays okay. And shoots 400 let's just say you've then.

Got to shoot six of which you can obviously do if he plays amazing. And you play amazing that's also very close but equally if you have a bad day he has an amazing day there could be a massive difference that would also that sounds weird I reckon that's of your class video to see how well this guy can go I feel like at the moment the the players I've played against Tommy Westwood Adam Scott. And even uh Frank Kennedy the young the really young lad who's off plus whatever six um none of them have shot the lights out not the they've all kind of shot around level par yeah um. So it would be really interesting to see somebody just go stupid hello but the ones on where he shoot they're shooting around level power typically hard Golf Course oh yeah they're really hard silly you're gonna be fairly happy to break some of these courses if you're not playing obviously as well as you can do yeah um. But it just goes to show friend of the show Tommy Fleetwood one this weekend uh is that three times in South Africa yeah um. So yeah it was emotional finish he he was very very um overcome with emotions I think he's. For his own account I don't think he's been playing the golf that he's been wanting to play over the last couple of years. So the fact he's managed to get a nice win in 2022 I'm sure that'll spark his golfing um comeback that need to come back but he's doing pretty good you know what's mad though when you think of golfers like how good Tommy has been. And how good of a career he's had and I'd love him to win a major um I'd love into the open certainly when it's at like a birthday or something a royal Liverpool but like it's hard to win a major isn't it and there's lots and lots of golfers who will win multiple PJ tour events European tour events. And not go on to win a Mage and you do want to make the more you think about it. And you know these guys are playing. For 20 years sometimes on tour sometimes longer like how when you get that first major win that must be a massive relief like if it's Patrick now oh yeah he must have. So much more confidence and not only that he's done it he's beat the best in the world and he's gone on that Sunday and won a major and actually won a major it's not been handed to him like that must be not only the feeling of the winning but the feeling of like the tension would just go and it's like right that's done I can just go on. And get more now but then.

But that's it you then.

Continue to push on more don't you yeah well. And I think that's the thing though like that hunt. For more must be more exciting when it's not that hunt for getting you first because that first one certainly if it's takes quite a while to get to that point it must be such a relief on the other side I think it could be a negative I mean Target obviously wasn't affected by this. But winning one's so young because I've heard YouTubers say that sometimes if you start a YouTube channel and get quite a viral video quite early on that can be quite bad because although it can catapult you into a level of Fame it can get you almost chasing that almost Perfection that isn't always obviously achievable whereas if you win a major. So young in your career so early in your career could that almost have some time some negative effects I think. So definitely I mean you could say that's the bit where Rory was at potentially it won four majors really early on. And obviously had a bit of a dry patch since like the pressure kind of that I can't comprehend how he's not one considering where he's placing those made just for however. many times as well actually looking at this though this Tommy Fleet would win he actually did win the tournament last time it was played. But the last time it's played was 2019 all right that was his last win he's actually not one. For three years yeah really yeah that was his last tour win wow. So I'm no wonder he was overcome with emotion um. And also there's a big match coming up which I'm actually really excited to see uh we're gonna see Tiger Woods back on the golf course again before the end of the year it would have been a boogie sir it wasn't a family I just didn't know. So it's tiger and Rory McIlroy facing off against Jordan Spieth and Justin Thomas that'll be some match Under The Lights it was at night it's at night they're gonna light the golf course up do you think golf needs more stuff like that yeah I do I would watch that yeah I will watch that definitely. And even if I don't maybe watch it or live I'll certainly be watching highlights because that it's like 18 holes that I've good commentary I'm sure you love like Niles Barkley doing commentary and not Charles Barkley I'm crazy um yeah uh did I say then.

Charles Barkley doing the commentary. And a few other things and it feels like it's a real kind of event I'm really looking forward to that actually no I think you're right I think anything that is a little bit different. And that can get you excited to watch. And I think sometimes like we've said how with it went with Mages it's good to watch a major because at the end of it there's going to be a winner of like when Cameron Smith won the open he's won that forever the 150th open he's now made a champion. But equal on the flip side things like this obviously in six months time you probably forget who's won this match yeah. But it's okay like it's in the moment it's exciting I think the more variety in golf I do think is it is good. For the game and I feel like those four names I just mentioned they're kind of real pin-up boys for the PJ tour right now do you think live will do stuff like this thing going forward well they might hand pick their best players to create one-off matches well they've got a big window now of time off when's it start again sure it's February right. So it's not actually Mass because they've got to try and get 14 events in next.

Year wow so it's gonna be a lot busier I think a schedule than what they've had this year because was it 10 this year. Or eight can't quite remember less this year um and there's gonna be next.

So if you think 14 in. And I think the seasons from February till maybe September it's like one every other week really this will be the year where it really kind of embeds itself in won't it well I heard a room. And I again don't know how true it is it's like they're trying to get seven more real big names wow who Could That Be I feel like that's the exciting bit when they announce these names like you've mentioned before on the podcast. But I feel like it kind of then.

Dies off there was an interesting question um in fact I saw it on uh Henny's Instagram okay he works. For Sky Sports she was there with saying Scotland who we've had on the podcast before. And someone asked do you think the PGA Tour. And live can cause it a co-exist. And you know for someone who's working at Sky Sports who's obviously had such a connection with the players she's really good friends with tiger and stuff she said yeah I do think it will do it's like. And whether it will do. Or not but it's like I wonder if it will I wonder if there will be some sort of connection at some point yeah I'm not sure because I do feel like totally separate entities don't they. So separate well enemies yeah I've got a couple questions. For your Facebook so um just a note on this I feel a bit guilty sometimes because we ask for questions on Facebook in the group The rickshaws golfshield podcast group join it if you're on Facebook if you're not on Facebook don't join it um that's fine okay yep. And obviously we get lots and lots of questions we massively appreciate them all sometimes it's ones um that we've already answered before sometimes ones are silly somebody said before what color should I paint my living room Ricks um. So if you actually like orange green for the new channel agree with the new channel um so your wife goes Martin why is the world green what do you mean what a stupid question what do you mean stupid question why the walls green what it's a ridiculous question I don't know why it's a ridiculous question well it is a question because Rock Shields a new Channel's got a green Banner oh yeah sorry it's rather a question anyway two that I've picked out. And we will get through I think maybe one day we'll have like a chilled out Friday spash we'll just go through a load of random questions okay if a beer you have a beer what beer would you have you have one I really got back into lager oh yeah yeah really badly like a lager I thought this morning when I saw you walking in with um some frosties. And then.

You're using Stella as milk it was a bit weird yeah. But I've got much more into back into lager again that mandariner if it's gone everyone says that yeah I like Australia I like yeah I like any any anything anything wet guy anything anything wet that goes down my throat anyway wow very blue. For the dads um yeah hey pads I've got a question here would you uh this from Dylan I'll get my ones at ready would you rather never be able to have a Guinness ever again. Or never be able to have a sausage roll ever again you'd been one of the Guinness wouldn't you yeah I could live without sausage rolls I couldn't live without goodness even though I'm about all about luck anything alcoholic um okay. So um we have these little innuendos and I have to carry on I feel like I need a little minute to assess ment but anyway Neil has said if Rick could steal any video from another Creator what would it be. And why so I'm gonna put a little caveat on this he said any Creator I'm gonna say golf creator okay I want to say steel I'm going to say do. So what I mean is has there ever been inspired video well no not even. So much of being because I think if you be inspired by you could still do it. And just put twisting it and maybe acknowledge that Creator and say I'm doing this video Blah Blah you might have seen Peter finches or whatever this is similar. But I'm thinking a video that a golf YouTube has done well you almost wish you could think of Men In Black. Or you'd press a button and it's all forgotten about but then.

You do that exact video. So it's that good you wish you'd done it first but you can never really copy it only golf queries we'll try both. But well I think golf graders makes sense because we're a golf channel Channel I'd probably go with the most viewed golf YouTube channel golf video ever I'd like to meet at my golf one. Or something yeah golf Made Simple would you really yeah yeah what's up Reinventing the wheel wheel. But it's a massive massive massive video yeah I suppose I don't know I can't there's nothing that's that's jumping out of me I suppose because a lot of the good golf videos you could if it's someone who's playing the old course you can't do that. And which we obviously have done um I'm trying to think it's anything because no one's ever done anything with tiger I've did properly no because I've I'd steal that one um yeah I want to be I won that one okay steal I don't know I think the thing is with gold creators it's often it's only the way it's going now with the new channels that are coming through it's not always the idea it's a lot of the ideas this isn't being rude. And it's crazy but it's the camaraderie they have it's their personalities and that's not something you could just you could just borrow is it that should be different styles um yeah I don't think there is one that's massively Keith has said what clubs brackets not brand are an absolute must to have in your bag. So obviously you can't go putter because clearly you need to put it do you think there's a must. But for every gun this is a difficult thing from a plus five handicappers with 30 handicapper I do believe that every golf should have a lob wedge in the back I just think there's not that every golfer should use it loads. And loads but there are certain times on a golf course where Loft you need Loft to get over something to get over a bunker. And you know to get out of trouble whatever it may be because all the other clubs you could kind of live without you don't really need a driver to play golf you don't really need other clubs to play golf like so you need a Potter but I do think a club plus five handicapper the tour pro would use plus someone brand new to the game would still benefit from would be a lot wedge something like a a 58. Or 60 degree lob wedge I think they that that's a club that I think even if it doesn't have to be expensive it can be cheap even if it's 30 quid from Sports Direct. Or something just something that that's going to get you up. And over things question another question my own question for you probably a difficult one to answer because it's a bit of a a broad question but at the minute I've got as we speak 16 clubs in the back right I've got driver three would they don't go and then.

I've got a two iron and or a seven Ward and or three iron and normally it's my three iron that goes in the bag because I like it off the T if I need to just hit nine off a t it works it's easy enough to still get off the floor if I'm like a nice furway the two iron off the T is like a bullet. But off the Fairway it's very difficult to hear the seven Ward is incredibly easy to hit. But goes insanely high at the point I think if I was hitting that shot winning's the face I don't know where it would go do you think obviously I'm very fortunate I've got those golf clubs do you think more people more amateur golfers should have like maybe 15. Or 16 club that they can like flick between. Or just get one set and just get to know that set I certainly think there's an advantage if you travel. And play a different Golf Course all the time or if you're playing a golf course that the conditions change a lot so if you're at a lynx golf course and and one day it's no wind. And you might think well actually today.

I might benefit from the seven Ward I might benefit from that height to get to land on the hard greens where sometimes as soon as you wake up. Or you get out the car and it's like oh God it's really windy today.

Well that seven was redundant. So I wouldn't say it's a bad option you see a lot of the good players do. But I wouldn't I wouldn't change too many clubs in the bag like I say around that area of your clubs where you go from Woods that are definitely in the back your driver 3 would pretty much into that kind of middle section of a hybrid. Or a seven wood or a three iron or a two iron they can be very interchangeable actually I feel like it's quite a confusing time now even. For me and certainly I'm guessing for golfers because there was a spell in probably 2004 five where it was almost like you have a driver you have a three wood. And we've now brought these new things called rescues or hybrids where you get one of those and then.

You have your items and that was kind of like the go-to set. For amateurs and even for tall I'd almost go back as even just saying it was it was driver three with five yeah then.

Items exactly. And obviously we know a long time ago there was more longer irons. But now if it's a mixture and if you look at tall produce you see this and if you see it right through to amateurs where you get people have drive three well that's pretty much a staple but then.

You've got five Woods seven modes nine Woods becoming a thing you've still got hybrids they're still a thing you've got obviously people now using a bit more two irons you've then.

Got these kind of chunky crossovery vibey two iron three irons it's almost like it's good things there's more choice and obviously you should get fitted and find out what works for you but there's a lot to kind of negotiate isn't there there is there is. And then.


You dive into the world of different Putters like back in the day it was pretty obvious well I have that type of putter it's a blade now you've got different heads you've got different necks you've got different Lofts you've got different shafts you've got different grips you've got different everything on a putter haven't you really yeah um. So that Department's changed an awful lot as well I've said it before. And I'll say it again if you can afford not to never trade in a Potter it's the one Club I think driver yeah you've had a nice tailor-made that's lasted you five years you want the new one you want the new Cali whatever trade it in get some money. For itself to a friend give it away whatever it might be but with them take it to your local driver's account yeah. But with a putter I just think there's. So many portals I've sold before which probably needed to do. So in order to buy the new one but I wish I hadn't got rid of it yeah because you can just go I did it a little while ago which was a bit silly. But it made sense I'm using the TaylorMade Spider which I loved a bit and a couple of weeks which wasn't feeling right went back to an old blade that I used weirdly quite liked but then.

Went back to my spine it was like ah it's like a comfy old pair of trainers. So without having me old one I couldn't have done that and sometimes as silly as it sounds you need to round a golf a different Club a different putter in particular then.

Go back to yours and that's why I love this button yeah you're right I've just got one quickly Billy Wilson's. But hi guys I got a message on YouTube yesterday is this genuine if. So what do I do is this damn one again. And it's it's this is the message it's from an account called message me on telegram app great fan you are among the shortlisted winners use the above name to acknowledge your prizes that is not me it's not genuine there are a lot of spams scammers whatever you want to call them in the comments section now on YouTube it's very very frustrating unless it comes from my verified YouTube account it isn't from me yeah it's frustrating I think sometimes YouTube really needs to do something about it. But what I'd find difficult to do is is how they almost can because all I say all these people are doing I'm sure a lot of people watching it have seen the examples of this did you take your picture which is very hard to stop because anyone could set up a new YouTube account. And just put a picture on the name isn't even always Rick Shields is it it's just plus four. For some random WhatsApp number and then.

They just ruthlessly comments and all our comments are what we typically do once a video goes live I'll spend time finding these comments. And blocking them we should do loads of it yeah. But it's just very so I don't want to laugh at people that do get four. For these scams because there's so many going around the world now. And they are getting more. And more believable I get the more time emails off YouTube tube of Apple you're on Netflix your subscriptions ending click here and you actually click on the link I'm sorry you click on the email address and it's like one two three four five at live.com it's clearly not Netflix yeah. But they're getting more and more uh believable so yeah. But please notice your job watching or listening but if you see somebody getting commented too and you're you've got two minutes just maybe comment and say watch out John this guy's a scam we were also on that we're on all the time. But just in case we miss it or whatever you can police it yes um can we do the game show yeah one more question no I'm good right game show ready [Music] this is is his golf course. Or false cast oh Matthew pull it out of the bag so there's a rick you pulled out we pulled out the back Rick okay okay Rick thanks. So do you know the answers it's just me playing uh well you will nothing oh no Matt what'd you do with this slide I've got it I've got it full screen I know what I'm doing I've made this yeah you have to worry about me I just don't really know what to do yeah anyway that works okay right you ready okay. So it's the same format let's just go through this case you went here last week you wanna read out a list is it ten there's ten names there's a golf course. Or it's a false call yes if this golf course exists. And I say it's real yeah I get a point yeah side incorrect you get yeah okay you ready. So you've got the answers there yeah okay here it is yeah this is good this I've done a really good job on this quiz music together you think you think I'm just out there hitting balls in front. And I'm not the wrong guy once okay you ready yes Dismal River Golf Club dismal dismal b means bad Dismal River I want to go that is a golf course one little guy well done well done okay go spooky Brook Golf Club sounds believable sooner gopher not real false course it is a golf course spooky Brook Golf Club it kind of sounds like it could be real. But it also yeah it's like a mini golf course okay ready yeah hit me I think you're you there's a few listen I might be a member of this one actually it's gonna say you then..

But that's a bit offensive I might remember this one okay Choppers Lake Golf Club no way false course that is a false course yes. For two one okay I don't know if this one's uh family friendly mark this next.

One you ready yeah is this a golf course Devil's knob Devil's knob Devils knob like a devil's Creek five um Devil's knob I'm gonna go. For no it's a false course it's the goal oh God Devils where is Devil's knob who who knows uh right you can't do this one what do you mean Matt these are yours when I did this I must have been a bit drunk you ready it might be real oh yeah this one's real if this one's real okay okay cross the end Golf. And Country wow trust the end okay let's be real please be real because if it is we're doing a break 75 uh. And I want to take a trip to cross the end because it's a real Golf Course Rick what's the uh scores on the door so far we can't count that was your job give me a minute you got that one right one you got that one wrong one all I forget okay [Music] um what's the scores Matt I wasn't I was focusing on pressing the buttons what the hell yeah you had one job in this quiz uh anyway I don't know what we're gonna do here I think I'm winning okay that's how Rick plays golf what'd you get there I think it was a par you ready yep niblick's view nibblix that's. So fake and that's not a golf course that is a false course well it's. So easy that one right okay you ready yeah I can't believe kissing camels Golf Course kissing camels Golf Course true it's a golf course it is a golf course got to have pulled this back here it is a golf course uh two okay needle Town Golf Club that sounds. So fake cause it's just too easy needle Town fake even if it was up I couldn't say it's really like secretive that laptop yeah. But the next.

Slide is telling me if it's real. Or not and it's color coordinated all right but I could still consuming so you don't know about the reflection oh okay yeah yeah okay no I don't see anything. But if you did see that I didn't I can't see it oh I can now yeah I'm good yeah. But I can't I'm not looking go on which one did I just do I don't know a needle Pine. Or whatever no no next.

One dead horse Lake horse like a real Golf Course satin it is a real golf Arizona it is a real Golf Course really yeah shaking Hills golf clubs house two standard fake fake I'm just destroying them. And that's it so Rick I think I got seven Rick got um yeah. So I think Rick got seven guy got three no. So Rick wins I think I think [Laughter] yeah I think you won that one. So in the in the game in the match of game shows it's one all so we've both won a game I've made a game so I get an extra point for making a game um I kept score of our games we got actually another point for that so I've made a game won a game kept score of a game you've because now you're cheating you get disqualified by two points wow so it's one all okay are you going next.

Week I'll go next.

Week. And I will um I'll do something good okay might be a different vibe though we are massively uh taking inspiration from Ellis James kind of concept of made up games. But um that's fine he said we can um well thank you very much. For listening watching subscribing make sure you do subscribe to this podcast Channel if you've not done already uh when I shout out last week we had an influx of new subscribers. So thank you so much don't forget now we've got three channels main Channel rituals golf whatever it's called um podcast Channel and then.

Rick Shields golf reviews go and subscribe to all three if this video gets 2 000 likes we'll also make Rick Shields running Channel likes we'll get Rick Shields only fans right thanks for listening everybody peace out and we'll see you next.

Week that's a good episode yeah it was decent I think that was really good oh wow that's closer Golf Course.