Welcome down to the rich Hills Golf podcast not only is this a historic podcast because is the first one that we've ever shot on video. And it's the first ever upload for the new channel the second channel the Rick shields golf show channel which has been through quite a few changes so far this week I'm your host Rick shields I'm here for the first time you're gonna see him on camera producer guy I feel a lot of pressure because normally when I'm doing this I'm looking down I'm messing on the pen drinking monster which people can see now it is sugar-free monster most doubt somebody actually. And very kindly sent me a Facebook message of the day saying that I shouldn't drink monster this is bad. For you so that was nice than. But is sugar-free you got me onto monster which is yes not good. But I feel pressure because I think boosters before when you listen to a certain radio station. Or a podcast and you don't know what that person looks like and then.

You see them for the first time it can feel a little bit weird. So this is what I look like. So this is me this is going home every one's not too disappointed. So yeah welcome down to the. And all these cameras will work out where we're looking soon if you are listening this is gonna be the same audio podcaster we've done forever you're still going to listen to it on Apple podcast iTunes Spotify wherever you listen to your podcast to. But we've now decided to make a visual version to sit on this new YouTube channel and let's talk about the YouTube channel a little bit more in depth because it has taken quite a few journeys until we've got to this point upload in this particular video is just the Rick shields Golf daily which a lot of talking about right now okay. So first off we've had a name change already yes this now channel is called the Rick shields Golf show channel without the channel it is a second channel my main channel my Rick shields Golf YouTube channel is still the number one place to go. For all of your fantastic golf videos which by the way we've just hit 750,000 subscribers everybody we are getting bloody close to a million is it gonna be this year well I think that's down to the people listening the people watching to hit that subscribe button it's free to do it doesn't take any time I actually believe now Google have potentially relaxed the rules of having a Google account to sign up. But don't quote me on that but if you've not subscribed yet hit that subscribe it's definitely worth it you are going to be notified when I release new videos. And believe me some of the videos we've got lined up are absolutely epic. So the new channel let's talk about that a little bit more in detail first if this is the first time you've heard of this new channel you might have missed a lot of things that we post on social media this week the whole idea the second YouTube channel was to have a home. For one the rich Hills Golf Show podcast that was where it kind of started this idea of a second channel I've gotten a lot of requests about filming the Rick shields podcast. And putting it on a channel it just did because it's different it doesn't feel like it needs to sit on my main YouTube channel the style is too different we don't know ruin those average views either hitting that quarter of a million every time now this might get three thousand views. So we don't want ruining that hey let's be honest with people right now so yeah that's the big that's a big one because you know obviously the the main channel that's been around. For six or seven years now a post what I like to think the best golf content online is a degree with that thank you. And then.

We want to kind of continue that that trend and I feel like it's it's got a level of pedigree that people expends a certain type of video and that is the big thing that we've had a few concerns about the main channel isn't gonna change no if you come to the main channel. For coaching videos there's still gonna be there are at if you come. For the best most impartial and honest reviews they're still gonna be there correct if you've come to watch some random and really entertaining videos that you didn't know you wanted to watch but you do want to watch when you see him they're still gonna be there correct this channel is where you can let your since we're gonna see rich Hills in the shower everybody unsubscribed yeah. So this second channel is a bit more likes a podcast potentially behind the scenes videos we're gonna tie with potentially videos that wouldn't be up to the scratch that we'd want to put our main channel this channel is going to feature things like bloopers mistakes there's a lot of them thank you we've got got years of footage of that which actually have weird that I've got an archived one. And I'm not sure whether to post it on up we'll figure this out it's a good one if this video can get Alma likes. And then.

We'll really start early yeah let's start on two thousand likes nice. For this YouTube podcast video will release the blue guys. And again it's a bit more raw like it this is not edited it's not we're not cutting anything out it's a bit more raw it's a bit more Rick shields more like say the idea initially was gonna be this Richfield daily where our original plan was to release daily. But then.

We realized that we don't do enough exciting stuff to quantify a daily upload. So that's on the Batman huh we're not Casey Neistat and Logan Paul okay I hit now. So we decided to then.

Go okay well that's gone Monday Wednesday Friday. And again that's changed so basically subscribe to channel but then.

I post videos as and when you are gonna see the main podcast whenever we film it you are gonna see it here on this channel you're gonna see podcast clips on the YouTube channel. And again if you are listening audio nothing changing yeah. And that is a big one because the listeners from day one the oh geez I don't want them to be thinking that are not to change anything it hasn't you've got the option now on sometimes weird the idea with the podcast on if you ever do this I'll listen to an audio podcast in the car. And then.

When I get home actually watch them and you try to see react yeah I'll either watch it again which I know it sounds a bit weird. Or I'll say like on 42 minutes in I'll jump on to 42 minutes in the video and then.

Watch them they're right you said to see the interactions always good because hopefully as well on this video format we're gonna be able to show images will show lips show things that we want to show. So if you wanna if you're interested in that but like say this first episode might seem a little bit different because we are we have got cameras around. And it feels a little bit different to a normal podcast where we start normally I'm most of the most I'm not clothed yeah that's true. And I think it would have come clean as well because this all looks nice you've got these things that supposed to be. For sound but look quite cool at the backwards new table the normal podcast before today.

Was filmed very recorded very rough. And ready we add random shoeboxes to hold the mics these and these didn't exist or didn't have these it was on a shoe box a shoe boxes we can't even show it I miss the old podcast already what we well we've just spent a lot of frigging money on equipment. So let's not been it off just yet yeah. So yeah like say it is a bit different. And the second channel this is the first video on the second channel we think anyway we just see how it develops we're going to be obviously with it we're gonna be transparent with you it's tied in in one realm. And it moved into something else so let's see what it moves into in the future but it gives us a platform I can post really different types of video that I wouldn't normally put on my main channel you're gonna find it here on the second channel the Rick shields golf show Rich's golf show yeah that's what's called an out good yeah perfect um welcome back to the podcast everybody basically yeah. So we've got we've got some fantastic topics we're going to talk about. So we've got some questions we've got a lot of questions today.

In this song some good ones thank you. So much for the support in the podcast we are still growing the charts we have gone back up now that we now that we've been off at Brown yeah I never liked that brown did you know not real it was like a a short love affair it was great at the time. And now look what they do that. For we've actually got new listeners of the week we go now or do we go in a bit first before we list. For the week let's just run through well let's yeah let's do this. For the week now but we also need to run through almost a checklist of a coolness from the week if we have one who knew we were watching. So it's a blister of the week you've got a subscribe to the podcast subscribe to both channels you've got to rate the podcast five stars and ideally you've got to share the podcast with friends and prove it with a screen shot normally as well and this is when you know I'm very strict with you have to start the email which is a podcast a trick shield calm start the email with hi guy in rick that's normally the one that gets it got guy reads the emails most. And i like that but weirdly this week's list of the week is from zack cannon. And he is an anomaly because he started the email with Rick there was no hi there was no hi Rican guy no hi guy in Rick it was just Rick was breaking the rules already. So I'm guessing this is gonna be first I was thinking I don't exact cannon well then.

I warned swim it wasn't quite Ed Brown standard I'll be there I'll be honest he's not a VIP just. Yet but it was a nice email sent it watches all the stuff. And then.

He sent me a lot of screenshot evidence so he sent us a screenshot of his five-star review that was a big tick then.

He sends another screenshot of him following the main Facebook page which is now just surpassed two hundred. And twenty six thousand followers thanks so much then.

He sent a screenshot following your Instagram nice Rick shields up Rick shields PGA then.

He sent a screen shot of Rick shields golf daily Hartley it's now called Rick shields golf show which is a very fine account now by the way on YouTube thank you very much then.

He sent all actually I think a bit a bit hasty err he sent a screen shot that he subscribes the main channel. But he's not gonna bail notification turned on so now he's still you can have it. For this week it's gonna be a temporary one yeah. But needs to up his game a fraction but if you do want to be listener of the week email podcast at Rick shields calm. And send us some screenshots of why you deserve to be it correct so we're gonna talk about a few topic of you videos released this week we're gonna talk about the Tommy video that release which by the way tell me Fleetwood he's not only one of the coolest men in golf he's self killed I mean you weren't there to meet him have you met Tommy before. But never yes. And no. So when I used to work at Nike I'll do quite a lot of events with him. So I kind of I did shake it on the meet him I don't want to go yeah because I don't really know him. But I used to play intolerance like kind of with Tommy when I was young he's from the same area. And what was weird with Tommy was he's obviously not a small guy. But he's probably what five nine five pounds he's quite slight is me now as a kid it was massive anyone that knows him. Or remembers from juniors junior days will vouch that it was really tall he was quite conservative early yeah massively. And I remember like I will you know our hardcore listeners will know I'm a long hitter because obviously I do you by 12 yards normally I remember. And this tournament was playing one time hold on right now we're recording this podcast ah okay I think we need to set the record straight you you might have outdone me once more than once. And the what noise got this always in can you include your first tee shot not your third. Or 50 I've got power not accuracy so what the game these days strokes gain hit it farm worry about that when you get down there anyway at this zone Junior compiles play him it was like a par four probably about the time let's just call it 300. And just over 300 yards and I was like 14 a smoked a driver. And have like 30 40 yards up into the flag so he little chip in and it was a long leash out of my three ball. Or whatever it was it was a big hit at the time constant putting out Tommy how Tommy hits it through the green. And we were like that Hayes world knew he wasn't the tank she'd up see this June it's like scratch it 14 15 he was unbelievable on. But he was like I said he was a big lad. But every time I've met him since then.

He seemed really cool really chill then.

He comes across well and on the video obviously I wasn't there sadly but he builds coming across they could really cool guy you know I liked about him wait I've met him a few times before but what I liked about me is he felt like he had time. For everybody including me it was really great with me we shot some really cool videos he was very accommodating to any requests accommodating to you know having a few little fun challenges that said - which was great. For the YouTube but anyone that even just stopped him out around the clubhouse or on the golf course he spent time with it was like nice it's nice to see. And he was busy we had stuff to do. But he kind of found time to speak to everybody which was great no as a cost guy the videos done great thanks. So much for watching everybody is still a chance to win a pair of Nike Air Max 97 golf shoes signed by the man himself that's illegal that's cause I'm the best giveaways to vote Dom because they obviously would intersect clubs whatever is really cool. And different but a pair of shoes that you're never gonna it's quite cool and wait you're not gonna wear them you could work them if they fit yeah. But it's a fact that you can keep them kind of forever they're from the videos. And loads of use your and well in them what was the criteria to win them again. So you had to so in the video Tommy discussed about what age he was. And what year he was when I started playing golf. And at the end once he signed the shoes he asked that question what year was it that I started playing golf. And it was the same year was I excited playing golf the guys listening. And watching a little heads up now tell me answer and go and comment if you want so it was 1997 correct. And he was six. Or seven or do we need to know the age was the year I think it was just a year yeah just go. And comment 1997 on that video from all this the year just tied in with the Nike Air Max 97 shoes like wearing promoting so it kind of works out quite well yeah really got really cool guy with thousands of entries thanks. So much for that we also just a quick one on on entries of competitions we get a lot of emails about the Callaway edge clubs and the are beset driver yes the winners have been picked they've just not confirmed we've had one confirmation of the driver the driver yeah the person we've picked. For the club's the Callaway club's yet has not confirmed they need to reply back once it happens then.

I'll announce it over social media by the way thanks so much for everybody shared that particular video cuz it went crazy like over six thousand views now I think I think like 22,000 if you're in the chance of winning that literally don't be got it if you didn't win it cuz it was twenty two thousand to one mmm there's more chance of winning the water I think statistically is there that's right it's logistically you've got more chance of winning ten million on the lotto okay. But who knows we don't make the rules and we've got those questions and look at this today.

Because we are on video okay. So stay in his chocolate by the way there's nothing else because Valentine's Day today.

Which is nice we have actually in our office at the front there's cakes there's a chocolate fountain. So I came in here with three cakes razorba for a very romantic annoyingly I put my finger in one of the cakes don't notice that was actually I think you might have put my finger in. And put a lot of machine regions gone them phone call that are you man of your word simple yes. Or no it depends who you ask I'm asking you you are I'll give you that okay remember yesterday you tweeted oh yeah that if people retweeted the video of course Twitter we would give him a shout-out I do we've done that I know got to build a shout out it was there remember the names Daniel Richards yes. And Paddy I don't say paddy Murphy but that's wrong there's a happy Miller oh so thanks for retweeting the tweet guys if you don't check me on Twitter by the way out Rachel's PGA Twitter's a weird one yeah I like it some days I don't like it others. But yeah Daniel. And Paddy retweeted the tweet that we asked a tweet and you got a shout out in this video this is. For you like officers have just got off we'll try and get those to come on Daniel paddy this is. For you shout out as we try and get the lights to come back this is the problem with recording it visually no it goes back on now don't have this problem. And there's no no oh by the way guys if you are listening in the car. And want to see the time when the lights came out on the Rick shows podcast go off to youtube and check it out yeah it's really good you'll watch the video just the lights go out. And then.

I go back on again so don't waste time this is honestly just see this podcasters as a bit of a test one slash maybe not our finest work I already don't feel like it's our best to put we apologize. But just cuz it's different it feels different it feels different because there's cameras pointing out and I keep one to look at that one which I'm looking at now and then.

I look away but a lot of the time we do podcast actually look at you it's just a normal checkup my phone yeah. But right so we have got some good questions today.

And as always this is just the way it works out I always pick people who've got surnames that hard to pronounce. And people listen all the time will know that. So taking your advice okay from last week. Or the week before I'm gonna say first names however. if they've got an easy to read second name I'm gonna say first and second okay. So you can tell who - basically. But drew okay it just drew said plans. For guests on the podcast what a fantastic question I'm greatly greatly a word it's probably what greatly timed question as well today.

It's very simple drew which you write is surname is long dream complicated um 100% right now as we have set this up we've got a table that's big enough. For three we've got mics that are big enough big enough. For three we've got an extra Mike we're about an extra pair of headphones and we are in a position now to take guests. And John or some exciting news or you know it we've already reached got to a hit list of people that we want to feature on this podcast the number twenty fourth biggest podcast in the world it's now it's higher than I again now okay we're actually the number one golf podcast in Great Britain again. So we asked people to come on and they declined that just why would you decline my wife it weren't for that page Rene we would be number one trust her to bring out a podcast when we brought out a podcast I never mind I have to get page on yeah that would be great that'd be really good gas tax they page if you're watching yeah if you're watching I'm gonna ask you now calling our podcast that'll work well in it if I ask will it not I'm not sure okay you I will fly over will fly over okay will do somebody else as well she came are you paying. For the wire oh there's my girl actually I think she would I think she would travel first won't you let's split it let's go what do they call it has got Dutch. And let's print it so um long story yeah we are gonna have guests they're gonna be different guests to what you may be expecting there are gonna be some high-end celebrities that we're looking to get onto the onto the decline. So we're go to actual of staff we're gonna go with people who've got interesting stories yes it with in the world of golf. Or if they're not in the world of golf basically if they're if you are known. And for their golf we're gonna try and learn more about them yes if you know them off the golf course we're gonna learn about more than on the golf course. So we've not got an actual date for the first podcast guests but we have got three podcast guests confirmed so far so stay tuned for that make sure you subscribe to the richest podcast Golf Channel and listen wherever you need to subscribe to it make sure you don't miss out on any of the fantastic guess we've got coming your way thanks for the question drew yeah. And that's the thing like just a note on that we are gonna obviously out some kind of golf YouTube as as such. But it's more of like a holistic look at golf so we want to try and get some really good storytellers on and one of which I think we've got is I'm going to say who it is what PGA professional it's worked in golf. For many many many many years but it has Pro it for 28 years and and he I think there's some really good stories I agree. So that will be really good I don't some that enthusiastic. But it will be it will be okay. So this one is from Kai Appleby okay. And hi guy in Rick it's nice that it starts off on the right foot and who are your two favorite people you've ever played golf with. And why one of my favorite people is Ronnie O'Sullivan nice. So Ronnie O'Sullivan had the pleasure of playing with him years ago when I was in the system people that don't know maybe in the States snooker player ever he's a tiger snooker to say the right is class the tiger Roger Federer offs do karate O'Sullivan a bit of a bit of a mmm a controversial character. But also wonderful so the magician they call him because he really is a magician he's hard over a thousand century breaks. And he's had 15 one four sevens career winnings or over eleven million pounds I bet that was one. For how many one four sevens which is the between that's in competition playing oh yeah they've had loads. So yeah one day I got a phone call at Mia when I was an assistant pro at me it was a Sunday afternoon I picked up the phone. And it was a guy on the phone I kind of come play golf course this afternoon. And I was like oh it's members-only I'm really sorry sir at the time is Members Only. But for some reason I kind of recognized his voice to a certain degree so I said not a problem let me let me see what I can do let me speak to the powers that be. And I'll I'll ring you back probably I shouldn't have give him any special treatment just because I thought he might mean slop it sit. But anyway he think he do that's why. So I asked him for his name what's your name sir nah I'll take your number down I said it's Ronnie. And I thought okay I think that's all of it. So I took your number down I thought right so I thought to myself okay. So I'm allowed to sign guest in mmm because if you're gonna play with me yeah. So I thought like off at five if I invite them down at five I can sign him in. And play with him this should definitely run out of them this time so ringing back do you know was definitely run O'Sullivan because. Yet a southern accent said it's Ronnie it was just that you know when you're. But let's say David Beckham rang up the phone you would rather than voice how would that sound but I think you'd recognize certain golf yeah certain celebrities voices I do honestly even though he's not particularly an actor. Or a singer I just feel like I recognize his voice so no rang anymore said listen yeah I'm up I'm happy to get you out on the golf course luckily there's an opportunity to play it would be a plane with me I'm an assistant pro Rick shields I'll sign you in bloody bar. So yeah that problem it's gonna be meeting my sports psychologist. So anyway the turned up we played golf or played 18 in the fastest time ever play golf in about two and half hours because he needed to be somewhere else he was the greatest quick break nice he was the quickest he was that sorry it was the best putter I've ever played with fact yeah whose class do you say - Peter - when I dropped one in now God next.

Flex a little bit Rory McIlroy boom well I think my favorite one to say that played McIlroy I am we say play well to athletes who holds them. But I'm counting on it actually it was sexist scrambles who only hit about five. Or six shots but so watch it again a little bit similar to Tommy thing for how far he hits it that played two holes and one was a par-5 one was a path three the par 5 I think Cameron who teed off first. But anyway I again smashed a driver I guess a lot of the stories they say so master drive was reality is nothing very often a lot of my stories its doubts this master driver. So much that's real honestly though I smashed a driver and then.

He hit his oh he hit first cabman but honestly now the distance difference was ridiculous like I know a joke. But you you know you might out drive me through off crunch when he might be 10 years longer that says I'll that's a big hit like I'm impressed he was honestly about 50 yards ahead. But that's about right because what is he's average like 330. Or something so if I hit one 280 which I'm thinking 290 maybe I think that's a big hit he absolutely crunched it. And but then.

When we got onto the green I hold that he lined me up for a Porter's about 24 and I sunk it so that was good. And I would say my favorite person blast went to get out that I've played with Rory McIlroy okay have you any others to stroll in a bit there's loads of lovely people are played with I'm just thinking like outstanding I think I've got a few called on doctor that you've played with probably Massa have to catch you at class gonna say NASA. So NASA ladies group ladies PGA Player LPGA player wouldn't number of times on tour now she was ridiculously amazing I really enjoyed playing with her you know who I think well what was really what an asset was I've got one more who I'd say young max he was class doing max. And also Paul Sturges upholster geez class we need to get Paul in the podcast told tallest man in Europe the tallest golf in the world at seven foot seven and a half inches this guy's mass I don't know how we'd get the set to accommodate him I think we should get Paul on. But he you know he was probably one of my favorite people to play one of my favorite people in the world just because he was just. So fascinating I watched everything about his life and what he did. And it was he was class. But yeah weirdly go on. And I think I'm out I don't know who else I played with it's my favorite to play with. And kind of think of people a little bit different I think. For me in general I to play with people that obviously have fun and not necessarily good at golf but understand how to play do you know what I mean like in terms of like sometimes you play with somebody. And you're further away they'll of course I'll hide with a flag just little things like that just be a bit more like didn't know how I know I obviously beginners don't always know how to play golf but people let's make it flow I like that you know and it's always good if someone's decent enough player but at the same time not bothered I'm not bothered as long as people I don't know what's the saying you want them to be you that's why I do like play me do because it's okay I swear that one yeah okay Louie Wilson has asked all Louis I'm not sure what will blue it will go with. And I guy in rick again so massive massive thumbs up for that if you listening thanks so much loves the podcast it's just what PC is well that's kind of guy at Louie is just putting love the PC cool. And he a cool guy and besides Golf related videos who else do you both tend to watch on YouTube well this is crazy because it's changed enormously recently I think when you say when we both say well the people want to say a lot people gonna be like oh no I think there's a couple of. So so the few there's a few channels that are watched religiously Philip DeFranco he was the first person I ever subscribed to doesn't news channels massive on YouTube. And he's really innovated his content and evolved it to a level that is just awesome. So I loved I loved watching a filthy Franco loved watching dude perfect for many years I think that again they continue to evolve. And the views they get is just what do you what do you say they got the three hundred. And two million men without many but it was seventy two seventy I think it was pretty much if not more than our channel I'm on two hundred. And seventy it was merely a fuse a month which is crazy. So I've loved ooh perfect and then.

I love Casey Casey Neistat when he was a daily vlogger he was a phenomenal daily vlogger really you know it changed the game I think in golf you treat it off YouTube. And YouTube felt like you knew him it was an incredible it told a story it was cinematic I think. For me are well put together he couldn't work a 1:1 drop just like your comment to watch that. And even now he doing it's like he might only release we do every three weeks I still look forward to I never feel like filled satisfied. Or want more why is good. So then.

Marques Brownlee nice growing all classes probably listening watching if you are watching we've not definite stole this pattern are you Marcus know the studio you know this isn't granted it might be red. And black can it might look a little bit like what you've done in yours. But completely different so don't copyright the video so then.

Yeah Marcus brown the mkbhd right now thank you what was his middle name uneven Alex it recently Keith nice. So they're more recently one of my favorite channels which you weren't a big fan of but you've become more of a fan of david dobrik david dobrik four minutes 21 seconds per video used to do two a week now there's one a week his videos are on believable he manages to cram in some of the most incredible oculus in current mean he literally could make a three hour movie from his life every week. Yet somehow crumbs it into a four minute 21 that's why it's so good because if we tried to make those videos a built for house long and we know where there is excitement it'd be boring. Yet it's going to go into Barbarita a truffle center. For our lunch and things are. And then.

A channel which has been around for donkey's years but has revolved himself into doing daily vlogs or not they're the vlogs three times a week logan paul hmm I'm gonna have to agree I think I can't believe you say I think you told me at because a doctor I watched some of his stuff just to see what's going on he's up such a big YouTube. And a little bit around the fights with ksi I might just tune in and watch a little bit here and there but overall I didn't mind obviously the whole thing in Japan wasn't a huge fan I think you mentioned it recently to me that his new stuff was pretty good. And to be fair it is really good I think if you are under the age of well in your thirties. Or less and you can have just want to sit down. And entertain yourself a 7 10 12 minutes whatever it is unbelievable yeah usually we like true Jordy I do like that's too good. And yeah okay I like I got mr. beast oh there's a lot I think I actually I watch a lot of golf youtubers obviously you do. But that's more just to see what's going on in the kind of landscape. And see what people are doing see what's getting done well what's been done not. So well and what in terms of actually watching YouTube there's a lot of people who like watching that's a lot of good stuff because I kill in it you choose just a great platform where you can we can do what you want you can set up a second channel. And put some fluffy things on a wall and call it a channel yeah. And release everyone you can evolve it. And call it what you want and change it and right let's do a golf questions about time. So Sean Thomas Horton okay it's got a really say name do you guys recommend using the same shaft throughout your entire set. Or is the driver. And Ward's different than the islands yes driver. And woods at different irons Ghana the day where steel shaft the drivers and woods that was like the trend wasn't it back in the 90s. And early 2000s where Tiger was doing it everything now. And drivers and fairway woods are graphite shaft yeah obviously the length of graphite shaft has got longer win with drivers. And I'll be honest almost as graphite has become almost as stable in woods so a steel in irons it's very rare now do you see graphite shafted irons well yeah I think because it made steel much like the things to steel shafts now in irons are. So so lightweight and and you know that like you said that the driver shafts now if you are someone like Tiger who swings it hard. And fast you can get some this 70 grams sauce still. Or 80 grams that still 40 grams lighter than the old-fashioned steel maybe even more so it's a lot lighter you can get more pleasure. But it feels almost as stable now in a very low torque you can get them a little bit. And have a higher kick point except whatever you want in terms of we've discussed this before and you've done videos on it and obviously for my experience it fitted in the past and things like that shaft flex isn't as important people think shaft weight is important you know torque is important. And that's really yes political is very important typically a stiffer shaft would be. And as usual word typically would be heavier than a regular shaft would have a lower torque so in some regard you could argue a lob to the shaft and the shaft Lex does matter. But it doesn't really smell we're getting a shaft that you like the feel of that and you know obviously it kind of suits your swing and for me I've seen results with you with like an A flat shaft which is like a senior flex shaft. And actually wasn't that much different to a stiff probably because it's soo isn't that yeah exactly yeah I totally agree I think the shaft it gets read into a bit too much. And another thing not just quickly on that obviously that the R and D now and the talent isn't stuff are super you know really good with browns. But equal if you buy a stock a near and stiff 3-wood and then.

You bought a regular 5 would in theory that they're off because once diffent one's regular but if you get a quite soft stiff and quite a firm regular they could actually be quite similar because obviously the quality controls great but it's not amazing well there's almost no industry standard no not that I know of like someone's regular could be the same as as stiffnesses as another brand stiff that make sense. So yeah if you got it I mean listen we could say it till we're blue in the face you know ideally ideally you want to be trying to get fitted if you want to go to somewhere else you know that specializes in fitting that if I'm always honest if you're gonna go. For a fitting try and pay for the fitting so the the fitter doesn't feel like they have to sell you something to make on their return because if you've paid for the fit in everything's aboveboard everything's kosher and then.

You kind of walk away with the right information whether that's to buy new clubs or not to buy new clubs I agree okay this is another first name only Simon what will be the next.

Innovation in golf I think we've got you immediately you want to lead towards club. And ball but I think there's more innovation gonna call them with all the products. So I've seen the sneak preview which I thought was gonna come out towards the end of the year. But it looks like he started to where I'm already the infinity golf room from now yeah Brookes kept because wearing yeah. So Brookes cap has been heavily involved in the reduction of this shoe and from what I understand I'm not gonna say too much just yet it's supposed to give you more ground force to basically swing faster yeah. So I mean that is something that could be interesting see if it works. Or not but I thought some something really interesting I think technology we're on the cuff of technology coming into golf clubs now with things like our course you know Garmin doing technology. And golf all the brands I feel like that technology hasn't been fully explored just yet no I don't know what is because I'm not what engineer the way our I always look at that is that if I go. For a run now which is most nights doing 5k three miles a night no big deal I said of no mention this all the time until I'll stop doing it which probably inevitably would be in like another three weeks I'm gonna mention it every podcast. So when you when you want one time listen think I'm not third guy mentioned running. For a while that's enough quit but if I do go. For a run now I would feel like it's a waste of a run if you didn't set a watch okay. So I think is good waste I know it sounds really cuz that doesn't it sounds stupid. But it would cuz I what I like seen it when they get in on my phone that the stats and etc I just feel and then.

It's like the next.

I do another one it's like it goes on top of it like last year you've still done the run. But it feels nice to have it all in one place accomplished it's almost like a video game yeah exactly. But then.

I think what is gonna cook this sure there's gonna be something that comes into golf soon is like that. So obviously this our cast there's game golf there's the GAO in products as well and there's lots of really cool things but they all feel there's always something that's a little bit like not quite it's not seamless yet yeah. And whether it becomes built into the to the golf ball in the golf club I think there's gonna be something now I don't know what an engineer something the next.

3-5 years that you almost think can't you would almost not wanna play golf without it because it would feel like a waste of around a girl yeah that's quite an interesting poll be interest. And see what happens from that mmm it really will yeah. So yeah there you go if anybody's watching from a technology company you heard it here first everybody copyright this podcast. And give all credits to to Rick this is a good one from Andrew Parker. And this isn't something that a lot of people will never get to experience. And you have suits you are lucky in that. For what was it like being at the Masters I saw Rick on the 1850 during the coverage front row directly behind the tea which remember that because I still never seen that picture everywhere what what was it like because that is something that obviously I've not been I imagine nine times that listeners. Or viewers haven't been you have been well I said like at the Masters it's phenomenal it's unbelievable. So let me explain the story so there's an opportunity for a friend of me friend and me to go out to the Masters I paid for my ticket I went as a proper spectator I promised I paid through the nose because there was no tickets available. So as pets spend extra money to get there because it was last minute all the flights were super expensive the hotels were ridiculously expensive. And so and we ended up getting one that was just awful the hotel was dreadful right. But either way the matter will go into a coaster we went we had tickets. For the Sunday I mean come on if you're gonna go you gotta go son Yeah right. So the Saturday we got their day early and it was actually bad weather on the Saturday. So we were quite thankful we weren't going on Saturday this was 2017 818 2018. So then.

An Tiger was playing then.

On the Saturday we actually found had already pre booked it there's like a across the road is Magnolia Lane which is I'm confused now isn't the area a bit dicey no not the area outside I'm sure I know I did I I'd heard that it wasn't particularly grey. But it was a lot better I expected it to be you from Bolin. So you know he no you know it's like in the rough areas it was yeah it was that it was my it was fine it just like any other suburban you think that almost comes from people are used to go into these really like Scottish courses down private roads. And stuff and then.

It could possibly the only thing is from what I've heard is that it basically the area cleans its act up. For when the Masters is in town because it's such an incredible time you don't annual income. Or is do you think it's also because it's the hardest to play golf course in the world I imagine it's the best-looking golf course in the world you expect it to be someone. But it's not you almost think oh well this is a bit of it yeah I must admit like literally you come out the gates I mean we hadn't. So so on the Saturday will mooching around. And you can't imagine you can't fathom for one minute that on one side of the road you're eating in some greasy restaurant whatever I want to say a spoon that's gonna say something Jesus because our place you know anyway like you're in you're in this diner that's not particularly nice and you can't follow them across the road over the hedge he's a ghost he's like and literally you're on you're on Google Maps and you see in the Gulf Coast you like literally across that corner is like the 11th green yeah he's like really can't get my head around how is it there. And this is a big main road you know what the roads like in America dead wide. And literally there's like a gas station and a just retail depart does that make it almost better. Or worse because part like when you got Justin Andrews is you kind of get into this area where you can feel it all kind of coming together. And you can see bits. But so in the open we can see some the ground stands. And whatever does it almost make it better that it's just they're all I've comfort about okay. So Saturday we found a house where it was like you pay up front. And everything all day was free all the drinks all the food the TVs everywhere in every room see house it's like a house they rent out it I think they only rented out like once a year its massive it's on this road again if you went on this road it's like million pound house after million pound house after million pound house like literally across the road from from the master from Augusta right. So you rent this house out I think it was there you know level house. So then.

You just go in like a bard it's actually how its massive and who do you pay the the people on the door. And get wristband but it's not like come around to my house its massive no I get that. But what I mean is is it like you come in this house. And there's a random person next.

Year they just don't I can't let you would in a bar but it's a house that's mad so it's like so first there's there's a there's like food stations it was a putting green in the back garden there was like ice creams there was there were women walking around serving your drinks. And whatever like you go to the bar and everything was free I mean it probably cost 250 dollars each to go into this house. So it was not you know. But we got there at breakfast we left at midnight and there's loads of TVs with the golf on all times every obviously everyone's there because there and this is only one house of maybe five. Or six that are doing the same thing like the one next.

Door was even bigger my outside of our now one there was a swimming pool there was a there's like pancakes out the back they were there was all different food stations where did you get your drink from me right there was literally bars. And you'll pay on the site so I think from what I understand even though it is a house it's been converted into this resort yeah play an air B&B to think in the summer people might I don't know because it didn't let me just try. And think it did have upstairs at toilets. But like the toilets were like rows of girls doesn't like a normal yeah yeah I mean yeah. So anyway it was it was amazing me my mate literally got there at the crack of dawn. And we're drinking from like 9 o'clock in the morning to like 11 o'clock at night were absolutely sloshed. And and literally drinking all we want eating everything we want having a putting green stuff like a little putting green out the back garden have like a bag full of old Scotty cameras and balls and we literally played about 15 times I'm not a big cigar smoker bumps outside smoking a cigar thinking I'm all that and literally across the way we were watching it on the TVs that is happening across the way like it's crazy to the point. And I'm gonna flex a little bit here Tommy fleet was caddy fee no text me because he knew I was in Augusta on the Saturday morning saying we've got tickets you want to come in it was a bit rainy I was going to this house I kind of went house I might live to regret that. But it was horrible weather anyway. So that night we actually went out in all gusta or it was. And again it was really nice nice restaurants nice bars right we ended up in like a sports bar. And everything dancing and playing pool whatever probably got in it that like maybe one two o'clock in the morning go into the Masters next.

Day which might have been a bit of a mistake so we wake up a bit a bit hungover and we've gone to the Masters so we get there to the Masters we park the car and we this is now why I said does it feel different because I'm I could be anywhere in America right now you know I'm outside the master I could be anywhere in America you go through the gates. And the gates it's like Disneyland it's like Disney Land for dads on kids or you know I'm not saying for that sounds like that's Vegas and it doesn't if it does anyway you go into these grand gates. And the security gate is like a Disney type experience like the gates it's not like st. Andrews where it's a ten do you not me yeah these are this is built. For this occasion everything streamlined you get a map you get your ticket you're going down to the front desk you're getting zapped in you're getting searched you can't take any cameras. Yet so where do you put your phone they have lock ups. And you guys a key yeah I didn't do that I didn't even tell I didn't believe me didn't even take my phone. Or two I left in the hotel what happens if you went in and you took a picture kicked out so I saw people get why don't just go in have the day and then.

Just before the dawn get a picture and then.

You get get go get kicked out us what is it. And if you get kicked out they don't only take your ticket they'll take the form of ID and then.

Your you as a person can't come back you go I mean yeah no I do. But I'm just thinking if I went some asses are once-in-a-lifetime I'm not probably go back again I wouldn't sent in my phone the end of the day get loads of pictures get kicked out. And then.

Be like you literally searcher like cause you can't take it all no all right I searched you before you go in you go through scanners to search when everything's all Cele I don't know what because I didn't see it happen to anyone is it the story about me buying some spy glasses yes. So I went on eBay this is a funny story I won't leave I bought some glasses that were like spy glasses. And it had a camera in the glasses right remember this but so and it worked they worked I test them at home they arrived they were they just looked ridiculous if you put them in a sunglasses case. And what they wouldn't never stopped you with those and even they've had them on they would never stopped you but if some old to see me with those glasses if you want to be listener of the week next.

Week get a picture of Rick superimposed on big massive glasses on top of his face and it's a podcast at Rick shields calm and you will probably be listening to the week. So anyway I'm feel like it's a long story but I think it's worth it this one I clips definitely. For YouTube so basically you go in there you get scanned and there are the whole experience because it's been because it's there all the time is. So seen yeah. So yeah that's awesome unbelievable. So things like the gift shop it's it's there all the time it's freaking expensive by the way if these are my tips if you go to the Masters if you're going to early run to the what's it called gift shop pick up a masters chair the green chairs is we've got one of the office which I've never opened in my life pick up that chair. And then.

Run to a location you want that chair to sit let's say it's the 18th green on Sunday Park your chair stick your name on it that is your chair. For that I can't that is just. So Golf imagine not in any of the sports when I go [ __ ] off and kick Phileas were down. But I said fork off kick your chair out the way why in golf it's kind of like all that that's that's rich your chair. For the day right oh and it happens everywhere so it happens online has been the main place at like 11 12 13 as you can imagine 16 is mental 15 is mental. And 18 is mental first easements on all these green chairs now what's mad is if you go to the 18th green before any plays happening there's just rows of green chairs horrible horrible now I don't know if Lila actually. But but they've been put there that morning they've not been pre put there they've been put there that morning by people how else were. And then.

Some people who've been there for many years have got like good what was quite cool on the back of every chair it says like the Masters 2018 you know like you get some letters own like the Masters 97. Or the Masters 95 or the Masters - and you think you've been in quite a few times you know that you know the scripts long story short we didn't do that. So we didn't put a chair down we've decided not to the first place we went to was the food up establishments because we were hungry cuz we were hungover. And it was breakfast time we brought the UH what's it called the cheese butter. And pimento cheese and some oh yeah one dollar fifty get isn't all unbelievably cheap all unbelievably thin. And again all of that process in the food is. So streamlined you get the cops which we've got the cops here in the office and again it's cheap right honestly the booze and the drinks in there is super cheap the food's cheap everything these fairly cheap by the gift shop which is I think I spent you got the host socks another button. And prepare socks I would reckon I didn't get that much I easily spent nearly $1000 it's probably not more I don't I haven't experienced um merch from things like that because in one way you've been to the masses and bought it so it's class like you know it's a memory so maybe getting something one little thing to Cather socks well it's just been made in China and shipped it's not like you're I mean it's just well the socks I've thrown them all the way because they're all touchy now cuz it literally just like the auger holes. And don't be wrong I would definitely get something the when but I don't know how it's out in the open I know it's different if you from the US or whatever or anybody who comes to the open you want to get a t-shirt but it's just I don't know I never for me I never get that like I want to by that time I like getting flags and stuff so anyway so we we've been to a food place we've got our bearings the next.

Thing that surprised me about Augusta was how close all the key points were like that came as a massive sum visually on TV I felt like all the holes were like massively apart from each other ligh light you it's actually squashing on what I would see is quite a small property right. But it doesn't feel like I went young the TV I'm gonna say the cliche one which is always cliched the undulation zillion it like down in 11 it down no intense down 10 the par 5 laugh where bubble one it with the hook shot of the tree the big dog locally massively downhill it's ridiculous the 18th shot into the green is massively uphill the t-shirt on 11 on well as that must have a down hill. So you can really appreciate the undulations the hole. For me was the 13th that surprised me the most the par-5 round the corner what problem my favorite hole in the world even though haven't played it in what came as a surprise because all of the TV is shots from the depends which way you're looking at it effectively the left side of the hole if you're looking from the green yeah back to the body everything's on the Left right I'm still in this place you ever see that hole shot from. Or maybe behind the teks it's really isolated yeah you no one's ever on that tee um it looks like that hole is in the middle of nowhere right you've got all the azaleas. And beautiful plant age on the other side of the fairway and the creeks and everything it looks stunning right on the left it's packed with spectators and the green chairs on the green chairs more stood up it's packed like unlike I can't get over our busy is on that last one's like we never seen on TV now. But you actually feel quite far away from the action I bet the players walking down there I feel really away from the action like 12th green 13th see 13th fairway 13th green and then.

13 14 15 it's pretty much stacked on top of each other another big thing as well as the leaderboards when you run yeah that's the one thing I missed Oh Custer was the live alone yeah I think that yeah I didn't like that like when I'm at the open quiet like the life even live feed however. when somebody does start to make a charge. And it comes up on the leaderboard the crowd goes wild as is they've just made him see the yeah this didn't happen like correct which is actually quite nice okay coming back let's describe Andrew Parker asked what the Masters was like though yeah it's good if ever get the chance to go make sure you take it he's actually if I wasn't erection cigars getting Howard. So and then.

Coming up to this point that you mentioned I was on the 18th hole right Jordan Smith is making a charge on the last on the last day right Patrick Reed was leading no one really wanted Patrick Reed to win. So everyone what John's B thought Rickie Fowler to win so we me and my mate got right behind the 18th tee prime location and Spieth was killing it at the time he was absolutely killing the game of golf right. So in the 18th tee and it's such a daunting tea shop like outrageously daunting dogleg to the right the trees narrowing so much it's unbelievable as a branch sticking out on the left-hand side anyway Spieth the sun's up there and he's he's actually I saw him on the SATs I hit it miles left when I was coming in that bar Sunday there's a branch just sticking out on the left right hit this little caught it's gonna call healing little caught it hits the branch that is sticking out. And the ball just literally dropped and plummeted and that was it that was the end of his masters the only shots are jordan Spieth unless stopped behind him like. And literally get shown loads on the footage because that's really he he didn't lose the Masters they're not like when he lost it on the 12th but he kind of he was in contention I feel like I'm not sure if that's people who were driving along going that was absolutely fantastic that like they've really enjoyed every second. Or little be like that's like when you mate as his best round of golf ever and he was right let me sort of. So on the first I think the three I in. And then.

Yeah three quarters six I'll tell you who I sat next.

To on the place yeah. So anyway the Masters is good well the benefit as well as well this this new podcast being filmed we can have the clips. So that could be one big clip potentially book all the little nuggets of this podcast and if you are listening in the car hope you enjoyed it how long are we on the podcast yeah. So basically guys I know this might have seemed a little bit different than normal podcast and we apologise because it's new it's different we've got a set we've got cameras we've got all sorts going on it's been a very let me I'll be honest with you I don't typically get stressed in this job this week's been a bloody stressful day we didn't even talk about going to YouTube. And Google oh yeah we did he touch thing what do we need to we'll save that one we'll put that in the bank the next.

Episode yeah. But then.

Again if it we could do it quickly. But if you're going that much depth it could be long ones that save that. For a rainy day you know bears back up content we might do some more questions. For clips either way guys thanks so much for subscribing to the Rick shields golf podcast either on YouTube on Apple on Spotify on I Heart Radio on whatever you listen or watch is on thanks. So much for tuning in hopefully you enjoyed this version there are going to be guests coming soon. And that is the end of the Rick shields podcast first ever videoed. And first ever should have got one quick question holy [ __ ] I said what's the massive like [Laughter] you.