All right guys welcome back to the podcast episode 161 I'm your host Rick Shields I'm here with co-host guy yeah you sound. So American I've just got back from eight days in America uh from Florida Jupiter um I don't want to go I missed you yeah bet you did I missed it to all the girls um I I I didn't you know what it was a bit like how I probably played it down to my wife I almost tried to play it down to you I know it's part of this podcast I'm not I'm gonna go all the way from start to finish um I know you said it on the last podcast you want again reiterate why you didn't couldn't make it this week well yeah I kind of did a little um slight little dropped in there. But my wife's pregnant which is obviously very good news. For me and she's due next.

Month but it's something that I've not really spoke on the podcast too much just because no reason other than I didn't massively want it some things are private yeah it's not a massive secret. So I posted on my Instagram a little while ago but um yeah. So that's very exciting so I couldn't really risk it she's doing about a month's time so you're on countdown I am on countdown so I was um sat here in the the snow. And the freezing icy cold not bothered didn't you want to be in America anyway I didn't want to be with Ricky Fowler etc etc but that is this podcast is an exciting one because you've got a lot to fill me in with. And the audience I don't know a lot of your stories from America but what I do know. And what I'm super super excited about. And the audience should also be some of the content coming our way in the next.

Four weeks or so is going to be outstanding America honestly I've not traveled. For a while I've not been on a plane for three years what about the country well I have when I went on a cruise in the summer but getting out to America again certainly in Jupiter because I've been to Orlando before okay. And I Lando's Gordon and it's got a lot of golf dupes is a different level what is Jupiter it's South it's about two. And a half hours south of Orlando okay. So it's on the way to Miami but not quite there and you've got so many amazing golf courses you've got medalist which is known to be one of the best golf courses in the world that's where tiger plays which I was. Or come on to the medalists in a bit you've got another course called Floridian you've got the Bears Club you've got is that Jeff Nicholas's one um I would imagine. So I always thought it was it's called the bears. But I might be wrong um yeah I'm probably missing out on you've got a die preserve you've got um old Marsh Golf Club you've got honestly Jupiter Hills you've got 40 50 amazing golf course I'm not exaggerating okay. So we were over there doing a little bit of filming um you've just alluded to it a minute ago I got opportunity to do a 10 shot challenge against Ricky Fowler wow honestly it properly properly pinched me Moment Like Ricky as much as we've been growing up playing golf because he's quite similar he's about same age as you if not a tiny bit younger actually I think he's older than me let's have a look early 30s Adam is 32 okay I'm 32. he's 34. in between between you. And me so I feel like I've almost kind of grown up in my golfing career with him a little bit as I suppose you have as well um he's always looks so charismatic and and you know a really good golfer he'll admit it and we've we've got a podcast episode coming out next.

Week with Ricky exciting um and we do dive into the fact the last couple of years was quite a struggle. For him absolutely like he's really struggled but honestly the way he played I'm not gonna give too much away the other exciting thing is we played it at medalist guy it's the hardest golf course I've ever played in my life it's the hardest golf course what like 7 700 yards okay that's naughty than it. But there was. So many shots he needed to have in the locker you had to be able to carry it a long way like the first hole for example the very first tee shot and you're nervous the clubhouse is around the very first t-shirt is a 275 yard carry over Marshland like there's no there's no Escape you can't go right you can't go left you can't lay up you've got to step up there as the golf club is shaking with nerves that you're like what the hell am I gonna do I mean I was super nervous had Ricky Fowler there all the time I was there at medalist that day I was thinking is Tiger gonna turn up this Tiger's gonna drive fast because that is where he plays golf he plays golf at medalist um. And it couldn't have been nicer with us the GM the chief they call him because he's the chief of police he's actually just about to retire unbelievably nice we shot this beautiful podcast on the balcony we went and hit some golf ball the driving range was incredible the one resounding fact I've figured out about America the practice facilities are just unbelievable I think that's something I've never been I've been to America a couple of times. But I've never been to obviously that Jupiter area I can kind of picture the golf course you're talking about have a little look online at some of them. But one thing that's different like you said can play it's like Scotland with lots of golf courses Scotland have amazing golf courses where it's often just a golf course there's quite a small little driveway a little small practice ground to the side I imagine these courses like complexes aren't they we've got bunker chat practice greens with bunkers everywhere massive long driving ranges a lot well the thing is with the the golf course in Scotland as you've alluded to they never plan to have these practice facilities that's true like they've they got built almost naturally were built you know it wasn't as if it was this kind of Mega structure being built with all this knowledge that we have now. So you're right a lot of the the golf courses now they're driving range is a 400 yards wide there's a practice range on one side some of the tour players. Or the better players go on the other side which side were you on the I think Ricky I think Ricky knew something was going on the other side of the range I I think tiger was there I think he was dude I think he was I didn't see him. But I think he was I got that five I got that feeling in the air. And uh so we were down on the other side of the range. But you've got these buckets of not even buckets these beautifully wooden baskets filled to the brim with proving I was about to ask you if you just said golf balls what balls build to the rim I was like this is amazing alignment sticks all laid out like these beautiful you know bespoke alignment sticks you had loads of different targets to aim. For I spun around and there's this massive chipping green Alex no room was there actually hitting bars I saw him there. And Pete Uline who also um plays on tour he's a love live now actually but around there you've got this massive chipping green and putting green these different types of bunkers just like this is like golf Heaven yes I mean with Ricky obviously he's a member there does he do a lot of practice there as well yeah he does a lot as you see his go-to place you know what the other thing. And genuinely I think I overlooked this I almost forget how much practice tour Pros do well during that time we were at Woburn. And we saw polter and he was grinding. For ages and that opened my eyes then.

But you think without trying to make it sound easy because obviously it's a lot of graft well in those perfect conditions with those amazing practice facilities I bet it is a lot easier to get out. And grind and we'll be over here like Marriott Worsley park or something in the winter I feel like you could spend all day there yeah because because you know the whole vibe of the place you you turn up. And and I want to talk about a few different other golf courses one of the another just a quick one sorry before you go inside I know we can't give away the Ricky Fowler video obviously um but how was his golf. And what would you say impressed you the most about his game pays unbelievable repetitive drives straight and long just everyone to be to be honest and again I don't want to give it away in the video it really improved my driving I'm watching his because I had to the thing is when you look at that golf course you have to hit it long. And straight if you don't you are lost ball like there's no other option. So almost like forced me to hit it straight um but yeah it was it was very very good off the tee. And I would say or else really impressed me his um distance control with his irons yeah. And I think we've seen a trend in that every good player that I've ever played with um the distance control with irons is just incredible a little block of seven nine would have got a 30 footer all the time like they don't miss greens. And even if they do they get up. And down so yeah it will be a really really really good video I can't wait to get that one done we're gonna put that straight in the editing uh machine straight away um. And I'm already getting asked when's it out don't be too crazy but it's not gonna be out yet but hopefully as soon as we can get it out it will be out um. So yeah that yeah that was one of Nine videos we filmed nine videos nine videos a mixture of um obviously 10 shot Channels with uh Ricky Fowler a couple of different golf course I played a couple of break a break 75 a challenge with another tour pro which I'll come on to in a minute um three different podcasts two golf lessons off two of the best golf coaches you're gonna be. So good at golf now back to here like I can't practice it got off the plane and forgot everything he told you get me back to Florida um so yeah first day we arrived we didn't have much of a plan. And I've kind of skimmed through this not lightly but we went to our you know much of a plan okay we had a skeleton stuff going on um we found a little golf course we went to an 18-hole par three course called West Park uh wet oh what's it called Palm Beach par three I saw before you came in this morning a little bit of the footage of this golf course this is arguably the thing I'm most envious about that he did to either it looked insane I've got a little present. For you oh wow so down here we have to actually buy a new suitcase genuinely for all the gifts we brought back Santa Shields is back in town. So if you listen to the podcast Rick's just bending over now this this is this is a gift. For the office okay okay oh wow oh my days we've got flags. So these are if you're watching the video we've got Palm Beach golf club three different flags a red blue. And yellow which will be taking pride in place in the office we've also they are nice this isn't. For you but can I guess who it is. For Ed yeah one of our editors I've got him this cool Palm yeah he was quirky belts that's very odd that's nice it's a blue belt very good if you listen to the podcast you need to come watch it to see all this goodies this is. For you okay wow this is it he's got me actually one second okay there's a lot in this bag wow I'll get you two things the suspense is killing me okay. So I think that's a bit of you that it that couldn't be more me wow. And I got you that one as well oh wow guys thank you very much is that a palm Palm Beach season three yeah I'd like a hat. And I like a hat that's quite simple in design and this is it's a black hat with the Palm Beach parfi logo on the front very very me I like that a lot. And then.

There's a kind of a more of a salmon would you say sam little salmon number with a little logo on the front that is I thought those are out of place they are very very that's not the best stuff. Yet oh wow this this isn't either but I've got up for another member of Staff who'd reckon I've got that for Timothy of course a nice little coffee mug that's very nice so that's that's our well somehow I managed to spend 500 quid in the Palm Beach Golf Club of these so are you coming I bought a little Sunday bag with me it's like just like four back four clubs in a bag I'm a big fan of that. But this par three course and you should be envious I'm sorry to say this it was epic it looked it maybe um without giving any more work. For Matt over this bit of footage now just got a little bit of a clip maybe over just absolutely the sunset shot we got wow because this property it's an amazing story it's on a real exclusive plot of land and I think it was in 2005 that basically to some degree the government bought it back. And it's it's a public golf course right I love it and it used it was built by these really really wealthy family years ago in like the 1950s I think it was. And basically now for the next.

However. many years 100 years that is going to be recreational land. So Greenland is going to be a golf course basically they've got this beautiful Clubhouse the hospitality over there. And the food is unbelievable I've probably put on Three Stones since being over there. But the way you get the service is just. So good Tony the head pro he welcomes around took us upstairs we had we had lunch over on The Veranda looking over the golf course they just do it right over there don't they like they just seem to get service. So good that that is one thing. For again when I've been to America it is something that you definitely see is kind of elevated. And these venues they know are going to have a lot of passing trade. And if they treat you right you will then.

Go in the gift shop. And spend 500 quid so everyone's a winner they're amazing so that was Monday a nice little kind of get let's see yesterday Sunday ease my way into uh the different grass yeah like chipping on Bermuda [Laughter] uh that took a while to get used to did the putter come out a bit more of that noise because you can't put because it literally can't fall oh man this sounds like your nightmare well it was. But I just embraced it yeah had a few uh blame the grass a few sherberts yeah well that's the thing you can blame the grass okay look at this grass uh. So yeah that was really nice that was a video coming that was a video coming that was really. For me a practice round for just getting used to being out in America I've not been out there for a while just getting used to like say the different grass the speeds of the greens just being out there vibing vibing you really are American. So then.

The next.

Morning was the match against Ricky. So got to medley super early set up had some food like they got treated so nicely the driveway up there just the whole experience was amazing we had we hired this monster vehicle this Ford Escalade. Or something what was it what was the Ford called Expedition. Or something it was monstrous it was like a truck. So we pull up at medley tunes of Blair in like bad boys bad boys what you gonna do you're very polite. And kind but again the service just I can't get over how well you seem to get treated out there I know it's all a bit more about tips you know and but I think we could definitely learn lesson over here about service now how they treat people the way they talk it was just phenomenal. So they've made a list on the Monday Tuesday I was actually filming um. For Nick faldo's new channel your friend Sir Nick Faldo so we went and did um went over to Jupiter Hills which was a very exclusive Golf Course a little bit more metal issue I feel like you could have done what you wanted you can vibe you can Vibe you can turn up in flip-flops like Ricky did you can you know what I didn't say by the way at the end of that after the match with Ricky we went back in the clubhouse he got me this bourbon whiskey guy it was Bloody massive it's like a paint was it nice mine's a whiskey yeah you know what was nice. And again this is probably it shows my lack of experience in this department sometimes grab this bourbon okay. So it's quite big then.

They put this massive round ice ball in it like an ice cube but a ball right that went in it so the first few sips I'm like oh God that's gonna put my hairs on my chest I'm like oh God that's like literally burning my mouth as it's going down five minutes later. Or whatever when the ice just melted a little bit in the water it was like it's like nectar um. So yeah not sure if Ricky wants me to tell people that we have this big whiskey. But it was good it was good. And then.

Um so Tuesday out with Aldo and shooting a new piece of content for his channel and we we went and played a few holes at Jupiter Hills I hit this golf shot I played this part five just to tell you quickly so I don't think it'll make the video because no one was recording it because it wasn't on our Channel I blocked it down the right I was in these pine trees. And so I'm going to rip this two iron. And hit this big low chasing drawer literally perfect shot onto the green for Equal Opportunity three foot power but either way nice standard Shields either way it was quite good I was I was at least beating him on the first hole I birded the first knee. But yeah that's my little claim to fame. So those videos are coming out on uh. So Nick's Channel soon we had some whiskey on that day as well because he's got this River theme and then.

We did a podcast with him as well that was quite cool he was asking I was a guest on his podcast very good how times have changed the very day after okay. So we had they had this little setup uh Trump uh National this like condo which had turned into a podcast Suite ours on the right so Nick was on the left. And we did the podcast. But you know it's really good the very next.

Day have a guess who was sat in my chair tiger better there's nobody better. So Jack Nicholas wow oh was this one when when Nick Faldo interviewed him I think I saw that somewhere. So I was the day before Oh my days wow Tuesday night we had the biggest blowout ever nice we discovered a new drink which is baby beers babe explain. So we went in this Mexican bar okay okay we'd had a few few cocktails we're having a good time we said to the bartender again they were amazing what what drink should we try they went you need to try baby beers I'm like okay let's try baby beer. So shot glass quite a tall shot glass three quarters of it was made up of this liqueur Spanish liqueur called 43 okay that was in first three quarters of it. And it was it was a kind of a brownie ale color okay okay. And on top with a little spoon you'd tip in a little bit of Bailey's okay it looks like a little beer I just nail them in one yeah I'd like did you think of a lot of them. Or uh well there was 36 on the tub oh my word at the end of the evening we made a lot of friends though yeah we made a lot of friends. So that was uh that was Tuesday night uh Wednesday played at Floridian was that. For great 75 nice unbelievable track it was Augusta with palm trees wow. And I can't explain it better than that it's it at certain points you're looking and going this is. So like Augusta that big role in Hills white big bunkers massive greens um so that was I got invited there by Claude Harman the third who's Butch harman's son who coaches uh Brooks Dustin Johnson. And a lot of other players and down there as well bumped into Gary Woodland had a quick chat with him because he was having to put in lesson with Phil Kenyon weirdly enough yeah who's been on the podcast before um down there perhaps in with Ricky Fowler because Ricky's having lessons off Butch Harman now as well he's gone back to Butch which he talks about in the podcast uh because that's who used to have lessons often be coached by. So Floridian unbelievable track just the best Vibe on in the in the um Clubhouse I was a bit worried after being to Jupiter Hills the day before I was a bit like what are the rules because that felt very light yeah no vibe you had to stick to rules yeah it was amazing place. But there was a there was a high rule threshold um in the clubhouse of Floridian it said the Only Rule is there is no rules I was like okay this is my this is my flight yeah that's a little par three course which unfortunately didn't get a chance to play. But it looked incredible that had been designed by Butch Harbin which was right on the waterfront um. And just the golf course was amazing we shot a great video in the evening um really really good food was amazing golf was good that was Wednesday I'm trying to think now what else I do Thursday have I got my days right there my day front. Or behind but that's right isn't it these baby lockers have gone to your head what do we do Thursday then.

Around the session yeah how many nights did you sash it two two big sashes was a medium Sasha as well. Or just too big oh just two bigs we'll tell you about the next.

Big one in a minute what was that what was Thursday I'm confused about my time PGA was that Thursday yeah what was this was it I think Rick's broken PJ National wasn't it well what did we do Friday. And one day out so if you're in the car driving along wonder what's going on Rick's just looks like obviously just stopped working I'm gonna look at my phone just now look at each's he's lost a day um oh. So yeah Sunday we flew in Monday we did party right. So Monday we did plan B Tuesday we did Ricky Wednesday did Sir Nick Faldo Thursday with Floridian yes Friday the new video okay okay at PJ National which is where it's that really really hard tour course where they've got like the um it's like the Bears Den. Or something the last three holes are like really really hard right I can't even remember what the Tour event is there now. But they were prepping. For that so we couldn't get on the big course so in a little course called the match and the match course is all designed. For match play nice there's no tea pegs no tea markers right okay almost no powers. So basically you can just if you're if you're winning the hole Yeah you get you get to decide where we see off from love it you can make it as long as you're short as you want love it to suit you that's the best thing I've ever heard the greens were unbelievable like ridiculously ridiculously scary oh sorry I'm gonna reverse one night one night sorry after Floridian playing on the um where Thursday night I was a guest on another podcast okay yeah. So we did three podcasts ourselves. And I was guest on two cernic on the Tuesday. And on Thursday night I was a guest on Bob does Sports podcast yes. For those a lot of people listening or watching this will will know who Bob does Sports kind of are some of you won't. So it's a channel American Channel there's is it three. Or four guys three main characters playing golf have a lot of fun it's a bit different to what we do um. But very good and growing massively so good that you kind of got to meet those guys spend some time with them and future we tried to shoot a video but we just couldn't squeeze it in with the schedule um so yeah it was Bob is kind of the main character he's like um they don't have handicaps Americans it's often yeah. So Bob doesn't have any cat but so he probably plays off about 12 or 15. uh Joey cold cuts is still the character he said he probably plays off about 15. And then.

They've got another character this is not me calling this this is his actual name fat Perez yeah his actual name because he actually does look like fat Perez he looks like Pat Perez. But what was your Vibe when you met them did you go a bit like cooler. And did you change a bit like hey guys what's up it's Ricky Shield dog I actually went completely opposite way really formal British English yeah it's a pleasure to meet you all how are you doing nice to meet you nice to meet you no it was good we had a really good podcast they were very complimentary of what we've done on on YouTube. And the channel and they've got you couldn't make it because they had some merchandise for you you actually know I was cool he didn't did they yeah okay 100 they're asking where like loads of people asked where you were I said he's um he's here there in everywhere I said you're busy man fingers. And too many pounds because he has burnt fingers why has he got burnt things because they're in too many pies that was the problem that's why you've got to now [Laughter] um. So yeah we did the podcast with Bob the sports Thursday night we couldn't shoot a video annoyingly. But we'll get that done again in the future they want to come over to the UK I said I said we'd host JCB smash they want to do Scotland yeah fair play they're like five. Or six days you know what you can do as well then.

Cool you can take like the old course whatever you like let me show you some off the beaten tracks. And you rock up a trail and they're like oh my God Ricky cold cuts this is cool man yeah no definitely yeah I think that I think that'd be really cool to have them come on to that in a minute remind me of crail in a minute. So um Friday now the majority of the week and I'm not lying to you right now hit my driver unbelievable what I actually know it's growing unbelievable yeah like probably the best I can believe it possibly the best I've ever eaten off the tea yeah shots into greens not bad at all chipping. And putting putting mainly don't think a hold a port. For four day solid I can tell you why I hit them too hard the greens are just. So pretty hard yeah you know I honestly honestly can't read grain yeah I don't really understand great. And hear it a lot on the tour like the shiny side the way that the the one side of the hole is rough. And the other is smooth. But like you can we can stood over reporting it it looks right to left it feels right to left. But then.

The grain's going left to right you're like oh what the hell do I do now you know when you see a football pitch. Or a soccer field and it's like got the the lines around it is that essentially graying the way it goes right. So if you had a putt that should be going right to left the Green's on the opposite way I'd hold it up. But it's all natural grain it's not like you could I had a chat with one of the superintendents at the old Marsh on Saturn and he said actually you can get rid of grain. But it takes a long time okay into newer golf courses aren't that great. For grain and obviously a lot of these golf courses are still relatively new yeah even though they look they've been there forever probably 20 odd years they're still that's quite new in the grand scheme of things supporting was quite difficult. So Wesley Bryant from from it's he's a PJ Tour player yes. Or winner his brothers on that wall up there people can't see George you went on the podcast with us he was great. So George and Wesley have a YouTube channel Brian Bros um started off the being trick shot artist like so you've probably listened to the George Brian episode well Wes reached out to me so I'm in town should we shoot a video I said yeah now Wesley is renowned. For having a phenomenal short going okay that actually his nickname is wedgley wow that's nice because he's. So good with his wedges sort of videos I put other than me would you say might be the best putter I've ever played with my life so I'm not bad you get you're still in top ten yes um he we did a video where I hit all the full shots. And as soon as we got within 125 yards was they switched on he he played all the shots using obviously his own clubs. And stuff yeah I feel like the fact that you said your driving was going all well all week now he's gonna come into the fact that suddenly driving went to park you'll find that in the video okay oh don't do this to me I'm doing it to the audience um. But it was very very good it was very eye-opening. For me yeah to realize how Bloody bad with wedges I was I'm gonna tell you that a long time ago he tried to give me a wedge lesson try um his technique is. So like fluid and and how to snippet he's actually a magician around the greens yeah like some of the shots that you played I was like you've got to give me 100 attempts I wouldn't got that up. And down and he'd do it it's like Madness. So that's really cool good video I thought it was Friday Friday night was a quiet one we just had pizzas at the apartment Saturday morning super early in the morning got the opportunity to film. And do a podcast with Brad factson nice what a legend he is yeah he's often regarded as the best putter of all time um. And now he's gone on to be a incredibly successful pudding coach um is he still coach Rory he he's pretty much his only client right wow. So he's coached Rory he's worked with Rory for five years now which I didn't realize I only thought it was a couple of years you're right he is renowned of being the greatest putter in the world the oh that's ever lived the only reason he who at conversations he gets thrown in same conversations as Ben Crenshaw who's known as being an incredible Putter t-dub t-dub. And also Now Matt Fitzpatrick yes now the reason why Brad Faxon. Or Ben Crenshaw will probably never get that title is because Strokes gained information only came in at the tail end of Brad's career. So there's only really one true way of measuring who's the greatest Potter ever of all time and unfortunately Brad in we I think we pulled we talked about it on the podcast the fact that he just never will be regarded as that because of x y. And z um even though he does think he's the best putter yeah well you're always going to get different opinions. But he's definitely renowned for having such a simple stroke and I always remember you're using like a heel toe kind of bladed putter yeah he's. So so fluid um so we did a podcast out about a few weeks probably around Christmas time. And also Brad which we might oh god I've missed another point out here sorry I'm jumping all over the show after filming with Wesley Bryant on the Friday the Friday afternoon we went back to the Floridian to do a podcast with Claude Harbor in the third on the on the veranda up at the the clubhouse absolutely stunning. And we also um he gave me a lesson nice now on this lesson we went down to his teacher performance center which by the way is ridiculous we got loads of shots of that which will include in the podcast episode I do with Claude. But also in the video that we're going to release um I got hit in balls I was there hitting balls. And just literally just left him you had Ricky Fowler still smacking balls Gary Woodland and Harold Varner III all hitting balls there and I'm stood there going oh my God don't don't just Snapple quality because I could take one of them out it was safe enough. But I was a bit worried um it was those points when I realized how much they grinded yeah because they've been there all day the divot like the how many balls did hit. But so again it not to make excuses it's all set up for like that they just get buckets of balls and All Pro V wands and the grass is perfect there's driving range is perfect that's why they're. So much better yeah that's all it is it's not a big thing they hit a few more balls every day. So what big deal um so Claude gave me a lesson very very interesting you I'm expecting you to be so good at golf now and if you're not there's no excuses you're right putting lessons of the world's best ever putter you've had a golf swing lesson off one of the best coaches in the world period been to these amazing facilities why aren't you really good are you really good now are you gonna come back something to be really good at golf I think yeah wow um I think the only difference is between me. And those Lads is they don't have they didn't have these 36 baby bears yeah on the other night um. So sorry the other thing I forgot to say stop again I know sorry it's all a bit of a mess but it's you know I probably should have wrote this down but it's all from memory on the day I played at Floridian which was the Wednesday okay we've played again Claude Hardman set it all up which was amazing opportunity you know what I love I keep shooting your eyes. And you're talking to think what happened we then.

Sat out on The Veranda at the back the clubhouse there is. So good the food oh my goodness the food was good anyway we're eating there. And in walks in Claude he's all he's all dressed up right really looking Sharp and he says do you want to come. And meet my dad oh nice oh wow yeah I said I'm coming I'm having food my dad now. So walking and Butch harman's there and if you don't know Butch Harman he's renowned to be one of the greatest golf coaches that's ever lived and he coached tiger when he first hit the scene he started coaching tiger in 93 till about 2000. it might have been even a little bit after that made but anyway yeah it did it could have been yeah. So I walk up to him hi Butch nice to meet you and I'm not gonna do his Impressions what handshake did you go. For a traditional handshake or a bit of a you know what I do know it's a lot out there when I shook a lot of people's hands the really open fist handshake is that what you followed with no. So a lot of Americans go in with a it's like a I don't know a bit a bit intimidating okay. So what do you do a little just like a little no I did a rough hand Jake anyway chatting to Butch. For for two or three minutes and he kind of he went he's the guy that does the the videos I went yeah he went man I love your face. And I'm thinking oh my God he said you know I love about your videos your coaching videos. And I want everybody to listen to this I was gonna give this to myself I'm definitely I'm definitely whatever okay this is from Butch Harman one of the greatest golf coaches in the world he said you know what I love about your coaching videos is you are just like me okay go on he did you said this he said you keep it simple if you don't confuse things you keep it simple. And you get to the point he said that's why your videos are. So good anyway but where's your pal guy I want to meet that dude I just couldn't believe I'm like no that's very good praise from like I mean come on that I think that's possibly the greatest coaching Accolade I've ever had you know. For someone if that stature to to say he's watched my videos and and loves the fact I keep it simple I'm like oh my God that's amazing so um that's really cool podcast with Claude on the on the Friday afternoon that's really cool that's going to come out had less enough Claude Saturday morning did a podcast with Brad Faxon had a putting lesson excuse me Brad faction those baby dudes [Laughter] yesterday I'm still probably jet lagged. And I'm not quite with it so um where we're up to now Saturday had a less enough Brad faction guy he he's got me vibing with the putter he's still so much vibing going on. So much you've got me Vibes I'd see you on the course so that was it we put tools down Saturday afternoon because we'll find home Sunday when the tools were down um clubs were packed away camera gear was packed away we were potentially going to squeeze one more in Saturday morning a Sunday morning. But it didn't quite work out um so Saturday night he got sourced Saturday afternoon you got sauce what happened Saturday afternoon sourced it England versus France yeah we watched it in Duffy's Bar sports bar amazing food it was two. For one oh well okay on drinks yep we we we we got going yeah okay. And and there was nothing stopping the train nope nothing to stop you at all it was nothing. So we we get going. And we watched England versus France match obviously we're watching America there's nobody really watching we're the only ones that are bloody shouting at the TV in the bar you became a massive fan. For 90 minutes oh I I knew every I knew exactly where we made the mistakes Square it line it I was like come on we just I'm there with the salt. And pepper shaker going if we can just get bring Steven Gerard on will you I've not got Gerard starting I was looking at Beckham in the audience. And going come on back she can if you would have had that free kit in the audience in the crowd he was in the audience. So David Beckham in the audience so um so Saturday afternoon we go Duffy's we have a load of drink it was really good obviously England lost annoyingly. But anyway we then.

Decided to test my newfound skills we went Adventure Golf oh nice went to Adventure Golf with 36 holes we played all 30 you could buy beer so that was again not maybe the best idea in the world. So we did all that. And then.

Once we finished golf it was getting dark. And we had a table reservation I know you when you're talking about this at a restaurant Tiger Woods this place I don't spoil it for me oh it's going to dig it up bigger than that all right now I'm gonna play it down because I'm jealous Tigers restaurant we went to Tiger what's his restaurant in Jupiter great got a medal was it good be honest you don't want this stuff in my background we've got more stuff you don't want this stuff in the bag we got still working change is tuned where did you go oh wow did it have stuff in there let me tell you well we didn't know it did am I allowed to say this on the podcast you reckon yeah yeah. So let's see what else in my bag it's got his bag of tricks out again oh Rick's got a massive sack that's another uh hat I got you for me oh so Harry maybe sorry okay well put it on my side. For now and then.

That's a nice one is that one. For me or for Harry jacking I think. For Harry okay Harry can have it right the first thing we got pretty out of it by this point. So I actually know what all this stuff is oh that's what you got the bill in okay okay. So you got the billing tally it up that's the kill right now it says by the way at this point we were watching the match. So we're watching tiger at his restaurant oh nice okay you ready yep. So this is definitely. For me this next.

One or not because I don't want to be given some of his knot I'll give you one of these okay great okay I was just either one when you get you gotta go. For it I'm excited anyway okay I think we spent quite a lot of money in there okay. So they were very kind to us got me a Scotty camera they were very kind to us the first thing we got was oh oh t-dub hat that is very cool blue one. And a red one that is very very cool the tiger the woods Jupiter on the side okay wow just hide the Nike Swoosh. But yeah TW on the front wow Jupiter that is very cool thank you very much that is sick. And we were cheeky okay okay we we do you think we can definitely show this the manager gave us this didn't they if you took a glass just show it Sam Matt yeah yeah that's fine we got given this we got three of these if you get canceled I've nothing to do with it it's whether I'm allowed back in Woods's restaurant tiger if you watch it I'm sorry I owe you I owe you a little bit. For this but we bought some nice wine so I think it it's all right let's have a look drum roll please I don't lose weight to show you go on just anyway we asked. For the menus okay well that is pretty cool. So these are wooden bags [Laughter]. So this is we got three that's oh wow that's a wooden bat menu. So I'm gonna have one for the office I think Sam's Gonna Keep one. And uh I might get one so it might not be but you can see what you would have ordered wow that yeah okay tell me what you would have ordered I think I might I think we might have actually got four because I've still got one in my suitcase oh great. So I know I'll inevitably get judged on this but for Beard go for a bottle of Bud Light shoot me I like it um and then.

For starter I would have we also taught the staff in in here the bartenders how to make baby beers so everywhere we went we were teaching everyone how to make baby beers Korean meatballs it off as a starter nice they look fire um. And then.

I'm gonna go again I'm gonna stay on Burger I'm gonna go big fat burger I think I'm gonna go. For the Tiger Woods birder bird I can't even speak but again um and oh Stakes as well I just got pure beef and then.

Look at the sides regular fries onion rings I feel like you would have got a lot of sides I'd love to tell you what I ordered gone then.

People are thinking it's the best podcast ever. And absolutely I'd love to tell you what I ordered because I can't really remember all right at this point we were pretty out of it no I ordered steak tacos I did I did I did four of them came I had one only because the booze was just too too full of me. So yeah how cool is that though that's really cool in the back of the studio yeah love it. So yeah there was it was productive we had we got a few bits. And Bobs uh well it's been snowing in England so I know so I've not missed much now when are we going to Jupiter um I have the Baba yeah the baby yeah. And then.

Hit the next.

Year two weeks maybe yeah two weeks off. And let's go I'm sold no it sounds I think we need an office in Jupiter that's my new thing don't disagree no it sounds great. And obviously very envious I couldn't be there but it's great for the channels loads of content but um there's been quite a lot kicking off over here as well uh well something over here in the world of social media in the world of golf YouTube and one of the things that we've been asked loads of and I wasn't going to touch them in the podcast initially because I didn't think it was our place to come in. But I think it you know people are interested in your opinion. But obviously I think it was just before you went. Or maybe when you were there there's obviously news that good good um who a channel that we've worked with who were big fans are we've obviously done videos with them on the podcast as well great great group of lads some of the guys have parted away from the kind of good good um Team crew everyone kind of call it um I know a couple of guys were over in Florida as well as a few conspirish theories going around what was happening with you being there. And Bob does Sports. And couple ads X now good good um which one is here. For the video I just think people want to know what's your take on the kind of good good situation that obviously Grant. And Micah have kind of parted ways with a good good team they're going doing the separate own thing what what's your take on it I'm gutted really I am I'm gutted I feel. And I think the audience is gutted I can see that from the fans obviously you know there's a huge amount of following now. For good good we we loved having him over in July and I've spoken even in last week's podcast about um it was one of my favorite moments this year I think did I say it was my second favorite moment above the Tom Watson that you could ask you know it was really really good. And I love seeing what they were doing. And it was exciting it was new it was different. And you know they were pushing us. And I love that side of it from a business standpoint and just from a from a you I want YouTube and Golf to continue to grow and the more bet good channels that come out and the more it's going to push everyone forward. So I loved it and we collaborated with them and obviously um I'd like to think there was there was they definitely helped boost our subscribers. And I think we def well we definitely helped boost their subscribers we managed to get them over a million with some help. And some views Etc in July and I'm sure you can probably clarify this I didn't know any of this was about to come out in July could you see any cracks in the in the Empire no. And I think that's the thing obviously we it's a we have a random tangent. But it kind of makes sense my friend I just opened a new Cafe and on Friday I was working from home right I'll go. And take my laptop I'll have a couple of hours they'll see his new Cafe and I'll do a bit of work from there. And I got in and then.

But randomly the guy got work in his Cafe was a huge fan of golf YouTubers oh guy what are you doing Ian my mate was like just going to make all of all the videos of Rick what did that which is great. And we got on chat about golf YouTube who's a big fan he asked me about good goody so what the lads actually like when you met them because you knew obviously we've done that a week with them and I'm sure like you've had this I've had a lot of people ask me what a good good actually like and my honest answer is they're exactly what you see on camera really the personalities are you know Garrett is kind of a very very nice lad very good golfer he's kind of I would say a lot of the driving force behind it which I think is pretty kind of obvious pretty clear um you know uh Matt is a great guy he's a little bit Bonkers at times that's just his personality he can be quite chilled as well off camera. But he's also quite energetic and Stephen's quite a chilled guy um you know Grant lovely guy great golfer Michael Great Golf a little bit quieter a little bit more reserved but I think he's a bit older. And that kind of um comes across and Bobby was was a very charismatic guy who I spent a bit of time with because I took him to the shop a little bit a few times in um when we're at JCB. And obviously there's no kind of store shops near JCB. So we have a car Journey out and um you know the guys behind his Max and Colin Louise were all amazing the great group of lads. And I know it's kind of quite a conservative answer on that but they are what you see is what you get. And couldn't follow any of them yeah in July when we're at JCB again there's lots of conspiracies going around that. For the I'm part of some album splitting up and and I know that for a fact that that's not the case and I'll explain a little bit more in a second but yeah generally I'm gutted. For them I'm sure this is not what how they wanted it to end not end obviously it's not ending. But this how they wanted it to the bid to break up or to be any controversial controversy I feel like I feel sorry for the fans because I'm sure the fans love the fact they saw these six Lads together and obviously Mike had dropped out and they might have been re you know there's loads of reasons you know he's a little bit older he might want to start doing different things you know maybe whether it's pursuing a career golf actual playing career um you know he's married I think he was the first one married um obviously Now Grant has got engaged. And there's a few other things going on there might be a different parts of the life you know it wasn't that much of a shock. And obviously the guys brought Luke in didn't seem that much of a shock I think it was when Grant left it was a bit like whoa even when I was like whoa what the hell now I knew that Grant. And Michael were in Jupiter when I arrived. So I when I put my Instagram story on them I've gone to Florida Florida I think Micah. And Grant both messing with saying oh God we're in Jupiter as well now my first thought from a business sentence was gotta get them on the podcast you know let's let's do a bloody um Oprah Winfrey type type show. And get Grant and Micah on the podcast and that was my first thought. And I messaged you and you were like not not sure if I think that's the right plan. And to be honest the more I dwelled on it the more I thought why do I need to get involved in this. And the reason it's really clear why I said that mine wasn't again anything I love both of those guys you know the great guys it was more the fact that if you do something with those two just in that instance in that moment it might look. And it sounds quite Petty but are you taking slides of them against other guys which it isn't at all it doesn't mean you will never feel you might film with Grant next.

Year whatever it might be. Or Micah or all good hopefully you know we've not fell out with anybody and then.

They fell out either but and I'll explain even more more into that so you know it was definitely a little bit of a what should I do how can I work this do it you know do I want to be showing allegiance to anybody right now like is that is this the right time to do it. And inevitably it wasn't I didn't feel like it was the right time to look at taking a side whether that was actual sides. Or not side so actually I invited Grant and Mike to come and meet me one evening while we're over in Jupiter I I had a really good chat we chatted for like two hours I'm not gonna ex you know explaining this what exactly what we talked about um but you know they had their reasons for leaving um which which you know might have been different to what I expected while I was also over there I also spoke to Garrett on the phone. For about an hour and a half and spoke to Garrett and got that side of the story because there's always two sides of each story absolutely yeah now I think a lot of conspiracies. And everything going around at the moment are false. And wrong um why it split up um whether it will ever come out the truth I'm not quite sure um. But it's people grow people change people have different Ambitions people have different ideas of how things should work um and you know that's kind of where we're at with it right now I don't this isn't for one second this is not me spreading rumors. Or it's just me explaining that I've not fallen out with Michael and Grant I've chose and I'm sure they'll probably hear this I think they probably knew I was about some about it I probably didn't want to film with them that week because I wouldn't have probably watched a film with good good that week because it was just it's the wrong time right now. And I say things will dwell over. And you know smooth over and it'll be fine there's no point in me putting myself in a fire yeah. And I don't need to be there really um so yeah I've kind of got both sides of the stories um it's quite interesting. And we'll see if kind of it ever comes out in the in the open world yeah I think that's it as well. And that's always I think when you've got you know a group of there's six guys on camera there's obviously guys behind the scenes that people have to know like Max. And Colin and Etc and you know you've got team it's like any workplace it's not that unusual that people may leave to do other things. And they've all got their own channels they're all going to be on the YouTube scene. For the foreseeable future anyway and doing their own stuff so as a fan I think if you're you know you're a bit upset about it I would understand that that people don't like seeing the favorite group whether it be a musical group. Or obviously a good good breakup I suppose or but good good is still the guys making content as well. So if anything it's exciting it's like more to come and I think it's exactly what good do um going forward I think it's to some degree it's it's this kind of new wave of YouTubers they're coming out as almost like businesses. And I think to the fan that's not always maybe is obvious no. And you know because a lot of YouTubers it's similar to my story I didn't start it as this kind of out and out business I didn't start it with you know we've got like five editors now we've obviously got yourself we've got a big team now you know it's growing all the time but that didn't it didn't start like that and and you know it's developed into that way I feel like a lot of these channels now probably coming into the space with these kind of more business structure which I know that's the case um but maybe to the audience and right so they probably feel like it's quite organic and it's quite natural but the lock that goes on behind the scenes yes even more way more than I expected that goes on behind the scenes 100 no there is. And um I think what's exciting is obviously with your trip away this this last week we've kind of Forgotten in some ways how small the world actually is you know actually you haven't flown. For a number of years all the content we do is kind of local. But actually in a week you can go make some great videos I'm sure next.

Year there'll be collaborations again with good good you know with Grant with Micah with Bob does sports with your foreplay with all different play people um. So it's exciting I will open an invitation up though oh Tiger Woods to have them all on the podcast wow. So all six wow oh oh to be honest they should do one themselves yeah maybe maybe that's the way the audience finds out. Or it might not be what they want to find out I don't know um but but the options there yeah if all six members want to come on I'll be happy to be Oprah um a couple more things. And before we wrap this one up um good podcast so far I think decent really good um last week's break 75 with Iona Stevens is I think gonna go down as the number one recently five ever um combination of the golf course was fire it was God um Iona was fire she's bad in the other little run you normally have a hungry no she played. So well she's so charismatic you played well I think that the edit from the guys editing it it was a great edit it was I'm. So proud of that breaks 75 it's done really really well thanks everyone's watched it it's comment it's liked it that's it's got it on number six on the UK uh trending on YouTube which is ridiculous. For a golf video um this week we've got another good episode of break 75 or spoil it but Rick was decent again. So that's what you will um another great Golf Course right on the coast at Ely. So that's coming out Friday 4 P.M be there or don't be there and we'll be there please um and quick one I've got a little dear Rick it's a little bit more probably for me but I also want to hear your thoughts as well Nick Rick and I'll explain you'll see this why but it's a bit of a long message but I'll try and kind of abbreviate it it's from a guy called Wayne and it says confusion after custom fitting says hi guy and Rick I've listened to the podcast and watching various YouTube videos of the last few years I've taken on board lots of tips and info and this recently got me the realization that my second hand set of Nike Sumo SQ Woods I blindly picked up five years ago aren't really suit to me for example the driver has a stiff shaft and it's a nine degree loft yet my club head speed is only 85 miles an hour he's got brackets feeble. For a 43 year old I know um I know that Rick reviewed the Ping g425 Mac driver which I know you both are using. And it's one of the most forgiving drivers out there I thought that might help my game um taking on other points such as buying uh new clubs it's always best to get fitted I thought I would go and do exactly just that um although some actual distance would be nice the main aim is to find something that was uh hitting the fairways more often than he's Nike uh after explaining my situation with my local Pro he got into some balls of a Nike driver my old one then.

Moved on to Ping we also tried the TaylorMade stealth Callaway Rogue. And the Cobra Speed speed zone all these were fitted with a regular flex. And 10 degree uh Loft to both of our surprise the longest and most consistent driver I hit was my 15 year old Nike which I hit a few uh more balls. And afterwards then.

To confirm that was the case the Ping came in second the pro told me to save my money. And stick with my current driver which I appreciated is honesty I honestly thought given the Nike isn't really the right setup. For me coupled with how much technology has moved on in 15 years I was going to see some improvement from at least one of the new drivers if not the Ping that had my eye on could it be that uh Nike the Nike could it be that I just made the Nike work. For me over time and become comfortable with it despite the configuration of the driver would appreciate your thoughts on this and some guidance I think first off well done to the pro yes who who said stick with what you've got 100. And and this is why genuinely I'm. So I do believe that you should pay. For a fitting you know even if let's say it's 50 Quid you pay for a fitting the pro let's spends an hour with you and says to you your club's at the right for you well everyone's happy you've paid a small fee but you've got a good service the pro has been paid for his time and you're fitted with the right equipment and that's it if I was weighing in this instant I would probably then.

Want to see that pro. For life potentially because it shows up honesty is um isn't you know you think well if he's not just ripped me off the driver then.

When I do want some new irons. Or new Potter or whatever any new golf balls I'll go back to him I don't want to get good service what was the last part of that question it was um could it be that the night each was making the Nike driver work. For him yeah he's not uncomfortable with it despite the fact it's it's not the right configuration um yeah. But also things like stiffness of shafts can vary you'll know that now that was exactly when I read into this. So we said his Club has been 85 miles an hour. And now very very loose very very loose kind of number would be if you're 90 miles an hour plus with your driver you might start to explore stiff flexing shafts potentially but a bit similar to shoe size or apparel size whatever it might be you might be a size 9 shoe in most brands but equally there might be somewhere you need a tent or you need just just life in it or a wide or a narrow or exactly and same with clothes no you might wear a large in some stuff medium in other it just depends there's no industry standard. For stiff Flex so you know a stiff Flex in one driver it could actually be quite soft yeah a stiff Flex another shaft could be really stiff. Or big thing to look at is weight as well if you've got like an 80 gram stiff that's going to play very very strong whereas a 45 gram stiff knot. And also the length of driver shot length of it can vary with actual flexion of it exactly um the one thing to know on the old like Nike stuff like the SQ range is quite old now the shafts in them work brilliant. And what you often find when a shaft is a bit more of a kind of budgeting cheaper range they'll often fill it with that kind of more glow than graphite really well. So well not more glue the graphic but more glue than you would find in a more premium shaft so although it says stiff on it it might well actually be quite soft because of that and also as well when those shafts were getting manufactured the um attention to detail wasn't as good as it would be on a creep. So actually although it's got a stiff stamped on it it could actually be like a regular yeah that's just been sprayed up yeah the tolerance isn't quite as good. So there's a number of factors but but also as well there's so much that goes into it I think a lot of people might get a fit in once. And they might go in for let's just say a ping and get told oh you need a stiff and for the next.

50 years then.

Whatever they go I need a stiffener drive what things can change a swing can change shafts can change Etc. So I wouldn't worry about what you think it's not the right one if you've seen it there on a I guess a lot. But against everything in the the market I would recommend trying and if it's worked stick with the Nike it's quite a cool retro driver 100 um yeah I think it's I think you've nailed it I think together there we've we've give our fantastic listener great advice I've got one last uh request not from you. But from the from the audience um and if you don't want to do it that's fine um. But we would really want you to do this. So on Apple you can rate the podcast. And you can leave a review now I know you might be watching this on on obviously YouTube. So you're not on the audio version or you might listen on Spotify Etc but if you are an apple podcast listener. For Christmas leave us a review ideally five stars four stars will tolerate you would we at least three stars it's like no don't do it. But yeah if you want to leave it helps in the Apple chart. And just for a little bit of Cloud it'd be nice to climb the sports charts we often get in the top 20 the sport which you think. For All Sports football rugby whatever it might be to get that high is really good. For a little golf podcast big golf podcast but if you want to rate US and help us Clan those charts we would massively appreciate it and I'll consider that my Christmas present this year that's all the one there you go cheap and cheerful yeah. And it's free it's free um yeah I Echo those thoughts if you can also subscribe to the YouTube channel with fast approaching 200 000 subscribers that'd be amazing if we can accomplish that feat as well very soon pre-end of year might be ambitious. But you guys might surprise us hopefully you enjoyed listening to that very jet lagged interested talk about USA uh definitely won't be the last time I go about this year loved every bit of it loads of videos coming up your way soon but one last thing have you got your phone on you yeah have a look on the podcast Instagram I'm sure we're on like 99 900 followers no worries. So if you don't follow at the Rick Shields Golf Show on Instagram go and check it out you might be our hundred thousand follower because I think we're releasing this podcast today.

It's the same day this is recorded it's the same day it's going out. So you might be our hundred thousand followers oh my God I really appreciate that let me see actually what number is I think it's like nine ninety nine thousand nine hundred. And sixty hard so we need 40 more people to go and follow it so we hit 100 000 today.

I might follow it is that any good medium guys thanks. For listening make sure you uh um do everything that you're told to do uh Ricky Fowler podcast will be next..

For a week but we'll do an intro. For that so that you're fully up to speed with what's going on thank you Rick timeout peace.