So for golf i think she's unbelievable role model i think whether she'll get many people into golf i don't know i don't know if that's hard to measure it's really hard to measure. But with millions of followers that she has millions on youtube on well maybe not new youtube millions yet but she got some massive views on youtube on instagram twitter whatever other platforms she has it would be wrong to say she doesn't bring people into gold last week or week four last we had sophie walker on who was absolutely class the comments about sophie walker's podcast were phenomenal people loved her yeah i must admit. And you should be good because obviously she's got loads of good stories she's media trained but she's probably even better than the thought just the conversation was. So good and we as always had questions from our awesome facebook group if you're not a part of that feel free to join it's um the rickshaws golf show podcast on facebook and we'll often ask for questions before a podcast and we had loads for sophie but we could only pick half a dozen and one of the questions was um what do what does sophie think of like page branic. And is she good. For golf yes. So i put that forward to sophie and if you remember if you've heard the podcast listen closely i actually said at the start we can cut this out if you don't answer it which we never do the podcasts are always kind of long form. And just what you hear is what what goes on there's never we don't ever cut anything because there's never then.

To cut really. And sophie said well i would want to call that i don't know i'll answer that question you know. So we had a discussion about paige spironic and um the clip on youtube on the second channel did quite good numbers people were very interested in the topic yeah now we did use quite a provocative thumbnail a little bit now i don't say click bait cause. For me when i think of click bait. And a clickbait video will be you saying rick shields i'm quitting youtube. And you click on that video and it's go right guys i'm gonna review the new pro v1 today.

You thought i was gonna quit youtube. But i've completely misled you i think there's a gray area we sometimes get wrongly accused of click bait. And like say it for me clickbait is when it's really really misleading like when it's completely not related to the video whatsoever where if it's just a juicy part if it's a headline story of that video. And we use that for the title that's not clickbait well i mean if you had any if you had any industry like you had a restaurant you're not gonna put on the windows we sell rubbish food are you gonna sell you know we sell succulent nuggets correct our vibe in this place is very chilled out entertaining vibe you can enjoy it exactly best drinks best food best atmosphere. So it's not really clickbait but anyway we did that video about paige did good numbers. And off the back of it paige who has her own very very successful podcast was a little bit annoyed at us more. So you um i would say and she was a little bit angry. For a couple of reasons i'm gonna let you elaborate on this big in a minute let me just set the scene she was a little bit angry that people keep asking is paige good. For golf and i can get that to some degree. And she was also a bit annoyed that you kind of sat there. And didn't slag her off but also didn't figure up you just kind of very muted and the third thing she was annoyed about was that when we put that video out onto twitter the link to youtube we didn't ever tag her it just said is she good. For golf or is this good. For golf and then.

There's the video below it she would have liked to have been tagged and she felt like you had a relationship some degree where you speak on dms occasionally you really kind of pally and stuff so that's where we're at she then.

Did her podcast. And for about 10 minutes lit she was almost shouting she was very very angry she she was very kind of rightly to some degree again she was upset that you know leaders yeah girl. So it's really interesting for me the topic the question obviously came from one of our followers as you mentioned and we asked sophie her opinion that was the question she was a guest on our podcast. And we asked sophie's opinion i sat back i didn't really say a great deal because it was again not my time to say anything. And i feel certainly in the past over social media albeit instagram youtube i've left several messages um you know like i said we've exchanged messages me. And paige before in the past and she's jumped on one of my videos before in the past there's like a little cameo role and i've always been outrageously supportive of what she does i think what she does in her probably break it down into a couple of things let's let's start off with golf first what does she do. For golf well she makes golf look cool yep for one like she makes golf she's always out there in beautiful weather swinging the golf club fantastically she obviously is a very talented golfer she probably would admit it she didn't wasn't talented enough to make it out on full tour which is obviously super hard to do. So would you say she was a better level than yourself obviously in the women's game i think she yeah because she went through that like college yeah game. And everything she can play then..

And i feel like when you go through that kind of college build up and you've got that that pedigree of of competitiveness in you she probably could switch it on and properly play and she practices plenty she's got a great golf swing she's obviously looking at now getting new clubs she's had sponsored clubs in the past and now she's almost like reviewing clubs on her youtube channel and seeing which one's best of her et cetera so for golf i think she's unbelievable role model i think whether she'll get many people into golf i don't know i don't know if that's hard to measure it's really hard to measure. But with millions of followers that she has millions on youtube on well maybe not new youtube millions yet but she got some massive views on youtube on instagram twitter whatever other platforms she has it would be wrong to say she doesn't bring people into golf she doesn't put people off golf let's be honest yeah she's definitely not doing anything wrong. For golf correct so she's got to be bringing people into golf that's that side from a business side i think early days. And sophie alluded to it on the podcast when we had her in i don't think she quite got it right from the early start which is hard because she was. And she said it in her instagram bio she's the og the original instagram golfer girl yep she is without question. And i think at first you made not wrong decisions. But companies um it's the right word almost wrongly um utilized her in in a way that she maybe wasn't quite switched on enough at the time i should probably again admit that now i feel like she's got a business lined up she would charge a lot of money for appearances a lot of money for ads a lot of money for sponsorship deals whatever it may be and she justifies that value because again to get eyeballs and the interaction she gets on her post are outrageous the engagements through the roof she's got i think collectively it's probably upwards of 10 million followers i think because she's got oh. And maybe not quite but i think it's got three million on insta roughly same on facebook at six quarter of a million. Or something on youtube and then.

About 400 000 on twitter and then.

Tick tock as well she's shortboards of 10 mil and her engagement is high yeah every time she posts loads of comments um. And you know in that side of things as a business i think she's doing a really good job as well. So there's no. For me there's almost no massive downside to it the only thing that i think some think is a downside is that she is using her beauty her sex appeal whatever as a advantage. But i don't think that if i had it i would do that as well do you know what i mean. So if paige is listening there's no beef there's no um i didn't say a lot in that podcast because it wasn't my time to say anything um. But i've been chats to her since we've cleared the air and she's hoping to come on the podcast soon yeah would be good i think do you wish you had said this on the podcast now last week oh well probably the only the last maybe the last line i should have maybe said looking back at it i watched the clip back. And gone i didn't say a lot did i. And i don't know why i didn't say a lot there was no reason why it's not that if if let's say sophie which i'm sure she wouldn't have done. But if the guest had started saying oh i really don't like you know she's not great for golf then.

That's probably where i would have jumped in and gone no you're wrong there yeah it was probably just because i was in agreement with sophie well actually neither of us rightly. Or wrongly kind of expressed our views because on that youtube clip a lot it actually got really good not only did it get good views it got really good engagement which is the biggest thing. And it was a grown up conversation it was completely a grown up conversation. And like i said it was obviously gonna get clicked because of the thumbnail let's be honest. But the actual comment section was really good. And i think most people really enjoyed it. And the like to this light ratio was really high as well it's quite common if you get like a clickable video that people do dislike it. For whatever reason but it didn't the only thing i think i would disagree with her to some degree not maybe disagree. But is she said in that on her podcast as well that she's very kind of sick of people saying is she good. For golf and she had it last five years so i understand that she probably is sick of it that through five years of her making content. And good content people are saying is she good. For golf but i i also on that i get sick of people asking me am i sponsored exactly like are you a are you a real pro you get paid to review those equipments the questions that i get asked. And we see on social media all the time that i get asked all the time and that's it and i think unfortunately. For paige if she wants to continue growing what she will do in gaining more subscribers. And more followers and attracts more non-golfers and golfers to the game unfortunately for her if you like that question is gonna happen you can't have both ways you can't be gaining new subscribes. And you're the same as this you can't be getting new subscribers and then.

Be upset and people say you're sponsored because new people have questions to ask exactly so if a page as long as she keeps growing which again she will continue to i'm sure it's gonna happen it's gonna keep popping up she might say well she's not better of us to ask that question. But equally we had so many people are enjoying the conversation. So i think it was i'm glad you've kind of sorted out with her yeah there's no beef well there isn't we've not we've probably not had the opportunity to ask many people the question either because you know when we did put when we when people knew we had sophie on the podcast probably that person that you put picked out wasn't the only time somebody asked about paige like she is a hot topic in golf. And rightly so because she has such a massive following so there's no beef i can't wait to get her on the podcast um if we have to clear the air again i'll clear the air. So bang my watching not anger um and it'd be great to do it stop hanging in your archery it'd be great to do a youtube video again in the future the last last last thing i would just kind of semi-disagree with i think she made a really good argument. And she was very passionate. And it was great to see the last thing i would just say it wasn't quite fair she said in her podcast that you we were kind of again slagging off other influencers. And you're an influencer and that wasn't quite true what we were getting into is that we're not i'm personally not a big fan of when people come into golf create a space whether that be instagram. Or youtube and don't really have an interest in the game but i've thought that's an easy way to get some followers because quite a still a small market really and there's a few people i'm not going to start naming names there's a few people who've cropped up on instagram the last couple years who put such a such thing golf at the end of the name. And just post pictures and don't really actually play golf and i think that is wrong someone like mia bake has done a great thing we should come into golf. And she's got a great phone she actually wants to get good at golf she's doing something good for the game she's making it you know we had her on the podcast and she was great. So it's not that you've got an issue with influencers it's people that choose an easy way to get followers that's the problem i think there's different categories of influencers i mean i don't i know i am that. And even though i'm not the biggest fan of that term i know i am an influencer that's what kind of comes with the role but it's like you said that there's different categories of golf of influence should i say. And that that's not just in golf that's across all genres whether it's in the beauty world whether it's in the um hair and makeup whether it's in the protein stuff from like muscle people i bet i bet that's a nightmare because as soon as you get a bit beefed up in the gym suddenly you're promoting protein bars or whatever and you're getting a following from it and getting paid from it so it's it's just that fine balance it's not against influence as a whole there is just some bad nuggets of influencers out there which sometimes bring the name put a bad mark against influencers remember when i used to be an influencer when i um started pushing the mini egg chocolate bar exactly. So you know if you don't like influencers you like me as i said there's some good ones that was a really good one um. So hopefully that's cleared the air that'll be a good clip for youtube as well so i've got another thanks paige.