All right guys welcome back to the retails Golf Show podcast episode 193 with somewhere very special yes it's a very special week yes I am giddy you are definitely um we're here at wallsey golf club my favorite course on Earth top three the general manager's behind the camera. So for that moment it's top one I think North Barrack wallacy um somewhere else the top three we are here just down the road from Royal Liverpool the home of this year is 151st Open Championship the biggest week of the year in my opinion I I when when it's the open week I can't disagree yeah because the buzz the hype the excitement the just the the the buzz in the air it's just pretty special last year 150th at the old course in Andrews was special I don't think anything can top that in terms of what it meant this year however. it's on our doorstep it's our most local open um. And one quick thing to touch on for those people watching and listening we sometimes get people saying we shouldn't be wearing hats indoors and certainly in the golf club as prestigious as Wallace we shouldn't be wearing hats indoors we are have however. we're in hats indoors. For two reasons firstly my I heard horrendous your hair is probably horrendous that's one of two reasons. And secondly though we have just treated ourselves you treated me should I say to new open merch hats and there's nice in it it's more it's more for reason one um but yeah it's it's a really exciting week I I got an opportunity yesterday to do something that was one terrifying two incredibly exciting yes. And it came as a huge surprise and I want to talk a little bit about that as well we also at the end of this this can be quite a long podcast at the end of this we actually had a sit down should we release that at the end of this podcast as well maybe this little treat. For the week to let people know what it is then.

What they're waiting. For so earlier this week on last week now should I say I'm losing track of time we went up to Dundonald links in Scotland good good are in town I did a collaboration a couple of days with them. And we also got opportunity to sit down with Garrett and Bobby from good good and have a good chin wag about everything golf YouTube life outside of YouTube YouTube what what the kind of the future holds what their best memories have been so far and it also attacks so that's going to come out in a separate episode maybe maybe a Friday special I'd like that maybe a Friday special this week because we talked quite a lot about the UK. And the open and things like that so it makes sense I think it would go well on Friday. And also this week on Wednesday the 19th of July good God and Rick Shields are doing a meet-up another UK Meetup here at the wonderful Wallace Golf Club I am excited it's 8pm you don't need tickets um it's gonna be you're going to be able to see me. And the lads play a bit of golf we're gonna probably play the first I mean literally got the first hole behind us here. And as a group is just about to tee off um. But come on down I think you're gonna really enjoy it the guys are going to shoot a video down here as well. And and again thanks to Wallace you've been very very um just do great with your time nice Vibe Isn't it nice Vibe the best Vibe before we come on to your experience yesterday um there's two things to know firstly when this is out Tuesday this will be Tuesday episode. So yesterday but this is today.

Now break 75 is out at Royal Liverpool you Rick Shields tried to break 75 at the Royal of a pool with the grandstands I tried I tried to break 80 at rule Liverpool the grand stands up. And James Robinson your friend of mine tried to break 70. what uh World Wind of emotions was had many of you have probably watched the video because like I say it's already gone out. But won't do any spoilers playing golf with the grand stands up at an open venue is something very special yeah. And very kind of different and nerve-wracking you've done that to the extreme which we'll come on to in a moment but yeah you're right the holes look more daunting because normally yeah you might see rough. And you might be in your mind I don't hit the ball in that rough or whatever it might be when there's a grand stand that's just asking for your golf ball which again I've got Tradition now by the way so last year we were fortunately played the old course with the grand stands up I made sure that I shanked one into a grandstand it was actually more detention Village. But still this year I did exactly the same yeah I think that's my running thing if we are lucky enough to play true next.

Year guess what I'm gonna do on purpose of course it's um well speaking of people who don't shank into grandstands on the 18th I spent a lot of time this weekend watching the Scottish open. And watched Rory McIlroy clutch that'll to make the most insane birdie and when this Scottish open I think it's got such good vibes. For him coming into the open this week yep I I you know it's been a long time since he's won a major now nine years here at Royal Liverpool 2014. he has been knocking at the door for many many many many many years hanging at the door and I think sometimes when he comes into open championships is this air of expectation. And sometimes he obviously can't not saying he doesn't play up to his expectation but sometimes he doesn't quite fulfill those expectations he's coming in this week absolutely bouncing skipping with joy that he's just come off the back of the Scottish open win I think there's only a two. Or three players have ever won Scottish and then.

Won the open Phil Mickelson being the last one back in 2013 I believe um it's it's going to be electrifying. And I feel Rory's swag he's already here today.

The day after winning the Scottish open we're just seeing a clip of him on the Range actually um yeah I I I'm struggling now after he just won at school I'm struggling to look past him not lifting the Claret jug this week you're right I watch a lot of the golf this weekend I really I think now this Scottish open is a co-sanctioned event with the DP World Tour. And the PJ tour the caliber of players that you get in and it's the week before the open as well obviously it's insane it was a really really good event. And Bob McIntyre needs a special mention the shot he hit on 18 to put himself on minus 40 and think it was was incredible. And Rory he sometimes gets criticized for not being able to kind of close out and not be able to win these tournaments that people think he should be winning more of he Mr Furley make will put on the 16th. For a birdie and when he missed that I thought he's not only an extra bird indeed to get into a playoff he put his 17 and they hit the most insane 2018 for and then.

I sunk the pup for birdie which I don't think you think yeah I don't think he thought he's gonna sing that prop. But he quite hit hard enough it ended up in the hole he was obviously relieved. But made up like you said with that kind of Victory. And nuts shot when it mattered you're right how do you overlooking within this open yeah I just can't I you know there's a couple I've spoke about it before on the podcast I really really want Tommy Fleetwood to win yeah my heart is telling me Tommy Fleetwood a local lad um you know obviously he's a friend of the channel I feel like he's he's game's been trending very nicely this year um well your nephew mended me that was weird give people your contacts. But I have not seen it so I was literally flicking through Instagram. And there was a clip shared by the PJ tour which was actually from the Scottish open. And Tommy Fleetwood was there signing some signing some um fan merch. Or whatever and taking a few pictures and this young Scottish lad said do you know Rick Shields. And Tommy went yeah I know Rick Shields. And he goes he's my uncle and Tommy's response quick witty response was I feel sorry. For you yeah. And he said only joking only joking. And I was watching that going I don't have a nephew that's Scottish I don't I have one nephew. And he's not he's only 12 years old and he's not Scottish so that was a bit weird yeah I found that a bit strange. But it was quite good I uh got a bit of uh social media clout out of it I really needed it actually numbers have been down please help um yeah. So that was that was weird. But um what was weirder was what the chance I got the opportunity I got yesterday yeah yeah. So a few weeks ago got approached by the RNA in the open to be a presenter a reporter but the open Invitational okay it's not that weird a once uh one-off event that took 12 celebrities from all different walks of life. And they got the opportunity to play Royal Liverpool the Sunday before the open so I'm gonna put myself in your head now you're thinking great I'm at the open all week anyway some extra days work we'll say work you're walking around with a celebrity some of which you might already know you're commentating Life's good I was not wasn't nervous of course not Saturday night slept like a baby yeah it's like a baby I had a couple of glasses of wine slept like a baby I was like I can't wait. For tomorrow it's gonna be so much fun I wake up that next.

Morning at 6 30 a.m bright eyed fish 6 30 a.m I look at my phone first thing I do is I woke up. And I see a text from the person from um the RNA who've been organizing saying oh by the way Rick bring your clubs so at this point you're thinking Hmm at this point I'm thinking there must be a challenge yeah maybe they want me to do a bit of a beat the pro maybe they want me to maybe hit shot. Or whatever right so not had any confirmation I already had the club's in the car because obviously we're here for for open week and we're gonna need to get called up just in case and uh so rock up and I'm like you know swatting around and we get we had this nice fancy hotel in Chester and met a lot of these slabs um like Marcus Brownlee who we've had on the podcast before huge Tech YouTuber Cal freeze he's also a YouTuber Catherine Newton Hollywood actress Victor Cruz who's an NFL player and Bradley Walsh a host of game shows here in the UK and many many more tony bellu yeah Jordan Pickford um like a lot a lot of people he tried to pick a a quite a diverse a bunch of people well you'd imagine like everybody would at least know one. Or two of those people but they're from very different worlds but they're all the things that connected them all was golf yeah. And to some degree I was looking forward to reporting quite a chilled out afternoon thinking oh this is going to be it's gonna be the light work no problem I get there. And I'm getting the shuttle then.

Over to the golf course and still that I get told put your clubs in the in the van thinking why am I okay put the clubs in the van off we go. And there's still nobody at this point has told me anything okay. And get to the golf club and you know starting to meet a few people and and I say to the RNA God said am I playing. And they're going yeah I'm playing. And they're like yeah I was like do you want to say I was like yeah yeah you doubt. So what is a context on only a plane obviously at Royal Liverpool in open conditions with these celebrities with the ground stands up the difference when we played it with the grandstands up there were people now in these grandstands there was 10 000 people guy. And all 10 000 people on site and I'm again I'm gonna put myself into your head there shouldn't be pressure but for you there is a little bit of pressure because if I'm there as a fan. And I see Bradley Walsh or Tony Bailey or Jordan Pickford on the T and they hit a bad shot I might laugh oh well Jordan pittford's a footballer so what if it's a bad shot I see Rick Shields that's the guy for YouTube six million subscribers he must be an amazing golfer and I actually scratching my head as to why you're not actually even played in the open answered some of those questions yesterday so we got to the first T grand stand and and listen it's not packed packed bloody busy it's busy but when a four ball lets you play through that feels packed yeah I mean there was lots. And lots of fans on that First Tee there was also fans down the left-hand side down the right hand side of the hole right. And we were like I think we were the first group out. So um Victor Cruz NFL player so he's our first he's our team captain I'm in their team with um uh Jimmy genius Jermaine Janus and also um Margo Brooks who's like a an Instagram model I've been playing golf for a year she's unbelievable and Victor hits this kind of low Healy culty bullet which pretty much takes like the crowd on the left and like Matrix swerving out the way to miss this golf ball uh Jermaine stood up he's he looked a good golfer hey he is a good golfer. And I don't know because obviously his next.

Footballer I'm not sure if he's just I don't know that they're just made for pressure I feel like they don't really they don't they handle pressure so much better than most people yeah it's a bullet straight down the middle of the Fairway right. So it's all I'm up next.

And when I was watching those two guys here it was silence. And I'm thinking I I am not going to be able to hit a shot in silence here how nervous were at this point uh genuinely I've been very very fortunate to a lot of things in my in my golf in life I think they're probably the two. Or three I've got three highlight most nervous points in my in my golf YouTube life um BMW Pro I'm at Wentworth yep I cut it first tea yeah. So I've already played six or seven holes at that point the actual real first T yeah loads of people around don't think I've ever been as nervous in my entire life since that was right up there First Tee Augusta National now different scale there was only a handful of people around. But still petrified was that more because it's yeah probably the only time you're ever going to play it you want to hit a good 100 yeah that one was more. For my own gratification yeah it wasn't typically to please anyone it was my own gratification sound can stand up there I want to hit a great opening shot it's gonna set me up. For the day and it really did my driving was phenomenal update I think I've left it in America by driving. And then.

Yesterday I'm literally there and it's like I said it's been spring on me on a few hours before don't feel prepared um I'm teeing it up. And I'm thinking I can't hit a shot in silence here so I do the old Ryder Cup trick. So so I got announced on the T and there's a few bits of clapping and stuff and go on Ricky go on Ricky and all this so I encourage them to continue to make the noise Ryder Cup styling I'm like come on guys keep keeping up keep it up because I'm thinking there's no way I can hit a shot in silence as well if you eat a bad one you can always go well I'm not used to hitting shots with noise yeah yeah. So I'm getting them riled up and they're all going why cheering cheering cheering. And I reckon I stood over the golf ball for a matter of seconds two or three seconds and I just looked at the ball and I didn't think. And I just smacked it as hard as I could and and I looked up and to my relief to my absolute relief it just it was flying straight down the Fairway that must have felt incredible I've I've hit driver. So so bloody probably recently it's ridiculous I've got that I think I've got the driver Yips at the moment. And I see this driver flying down and I'm thinking oh my God and I do the whole I did a really cool Club twirl. And then.

I dropped the club like a mic drop with the driver and I kind of walked straight you know like pretending I was I'm pretending I was the most confident person in the world where that was the polar opposite of what I was actually feeling well from hole one to Hole 16 horrendously what's interesting though this is why the pressure was added I think I shouted four off almost every single team when you got to hold 10 obviously. Or tenth holes everyone sat on the first um it went live streamed on YouTube so at 6 p.m UK time it was live streamed. And I turned it on immediately to watch you which people can watch now because it's still on YouTube what you want to do if you do see it skip quite far forward. And then.

You got to 17th hole now I'm sure this week a lot of people have seen a lot of the um conversation around the 17th hole it's a new hole at Royal Liverpool we've played a couple of times it's short but it lacks in length it makes up for an absolute fear there's bunkers front left right you're dead if you go long Sans scrapes all the way down the hall wind could be howling any which direction grand stand behind you grand stand to the right of the green it's a tough hole yeah. And like I say I was just it wasn't it wasn't pretty between the second hole. And the 16th but there was some nice highlights in there. But I didn't particularly play great yeah just nerves I need to look out my my golf swing doesn't dare well on the nerves I'm far too handsy I need to I need to work on that. So 17th hole again teen off in within the grand stand of 17. it's great it's a really cool little grandstand and it was playing 140 yards which is as the longest it can possibly play. So normally the context that would be a maybe a wedge or a very soft nine yeah it's right in between nine. Or wedge and but it but it was the tea was as far back as it could possibly be. And it's that hole slightly elevated green always into wind I don't think we've ever played it not into wind because it's coming off the off the Estuary. So I'm still there we're running an RN and I'm in my head I've got an eye and I want to hit so uh Victor Cruz went first and it went with a nine iron I thought oh not quite used to this Lynx weather unfortunately Struck it well but pulled up short yeah Jermaine hitting eight Struck it well came up short okay. So I'm thinking I already had seven in my head so I pulled out the seven iron okay. And and it went live to me at that point it went like the stream went live to me at that point I'm thinking oh my God because also we were playing text to scramble that was the other that was the other thing I completely I didn't even think about that uh Margot was. Yet to go um a bit of pressure on you than here if those two guys are shooting time like this this was like this has to be good. And somehow I hit this little trappy drawery low-flighted seven iron that I swear to you guy I thought it was in the swing look you're gonna give you that I thought it was in it was absolutely all over the flag a mid-fly I was like if you're gonna make a hole in one this is the time I can't even imagine what would happen if that was funny if this is the time we make one on video this is the time like I just felt like it could happen. And it was all over the flag. And I'm looking it up and down I'm looking up and down I'm thinking I don't think it'll be long I don't I think I think this is good. And it literally pitched about eight foot past the hole and and stopped really quickly and honestly it was such a good feeling you can tell from the camera angle that it must have been literally behind the hole. So from Europe it must have looked it it was right over the flag it had a little tiny draw. But sometimes into wind my drawer can get to draw it it just held its line beautifully. So we wandered up there and I was just on top of the world at that point. And like I say you forget about the bad shots at that time I I take away the really good driver hit on one and this beautiful seven iron I hit into 17. so at this point you could almost to some degree leave a happy guy a great t-shirt on one with the crowd with the outdoor crowd and he then.

Stiffed one on 17 on the live stream yeah on the live streams new iconic call you've nailed it you've good swing on it the only way this moment can be elevated the cherry on top would be if you sunk the little right to left downhill put from eight foot. And what was really interesting. So we got up there and and typically we'd had a we'd had a process in our team Margo would go first and to kind of give us a bit of a gauge and then.

Either me or Jermaine would go next.

And Victor was really hot with his putter. So he would go last so we get up there not this time we get up there and I'm thinking I want to go first here yeah of course I want this I want to see this game what's your best yeah I want this. So what was weird though. And it you wouldn't have seen it in the live stream because they had to switch between groups there's three groups we had to stay on that green for ages ah ages right so which to some degree was a good thing because I pretty much saw that. And got put from every angle yeah I read it about five. Or six times me and me and the whole team were looking at it we had four local caddies. And everything and so we we collectively we had this pot pretty nailed I I had loads of time to line my golf ball up ready I look back and it I just knew that is that is where I want to aim it yeah if I hit straight Port that'll go in it's a little like. So right to left down the hill so it then.

Cuts back to us the camera's like I was like right you ready ready. And but then.

I'm like rushing yeah a little bit because I had all this time. And then.

It's like right you're live I was like oh crap. So mine in the office I'm thinking please please please please please please please do this like I don't I don't know if I've ever wanted to put to go in more in my life just because it's like it's great that shot the hit into 17 you're right I can dine out on that. For a little bit yeah to make the actual birdie because that is going to be a pivotal hole this week. And you're playing up a property as far back it was literally I looked on that it was. So far back I guess to keep the tea protected it would be a normal illegal tea for the tournament you're almost your right foot was almost in the rough at the point wasn't it yeah because. And that's why they do it. So yeah in the tournament they can move it forward. So I had this port and I'm looking at something completely please do it. And as soon as I hit it I was like I've hit it good that's all I can ask. For normally when I've hit it good it obviously stays online and it drops right in the middle and it's like oh I got it it did it. And it was live streamed. And forget the the forget the previous holes where I probably took a few Spectators out and hit some Dreadful shots under the pressure great t-shirt on one and and we've just been there today.

At the open yeah we've just been there at the open. And the amount of people have said it to me. And that's all I can just buy it out on that. For the rest we've walked past a number of people who've said oh what a bird you're a great shot great shot on 17. And all this stuff yeah nobody needed to see the other stuff. And then.

I hit a good drive down 18 we managed to get on in two and then.

We just missed the eagle putt I think we finished three under through we didn't play all nine holes because it was slower than they anticipated we missed uh 15. And 16 now um so 300 but we we lost by like five yeah I think the handicap's Catherine Newton's team Marcus Brownlee Cal freeze it. And Bradley Walsh's team won it was very very good it was very nerve-wracking it was something that in hindsight now I can look back on. And go God that was cool yeah like it is mad in it. But this year I've got to play two of the major tournaments on major weeks yeah that is good that's lucky it's mad at it I think what as well are kudos to the RNA in a sense that we've obviously been at the golf today.

And we're here all week you know the RNA and the opening particular it's the 151st event this year obviously it's such an iconic tournament there's so much kind of tradition that goes into it and it does feel quite golfy when you go. But very welcoming but it's quite cool to hit the RNA doing things like this with the open Invitational how they're inviting different people for different backgrounds different kind of careers you've got Cal freezie who's one of the YouTubers in the UK very kind of friendly with the sidemen and stuff you wouldn't necessarily think he would be invited by the RNA the Royal name should golf course. And Andrew has been writing cow for easy to do an event it just shows how much they get it. And they understand there's more demographics and just bloke to a 50 watching golf you know they feel like golfers know about the open yeah don't they golfers know about the open. But if somebody who follows Catherine Newton or Bradley Walsh or Marcus Brownlee or Carl fries they go oh what's this golf event the open what that you know they might not even know what the open is. So they need to Branch those those eyeballs that was I saw that I was watching the live stream obviously when you were you playing. And like you always get in in live streams you get some amazing comments some stupid comments and a few of the people like I don't know who any of these people are apart from Rick quite a lot of them said. But what's what the thing is though like we said earlier on in their own right A lot of these people are very very as he goes under as well as you said if you've been on the podcast before your tech review was like 14 15 million subscribers if not even more on YouTube in the world of tech. And the world kind of YouTube culture and youth culture he's a very prominent figures friend of Mr Beast and all these people he's this morning rightly sells shirt content he hit a great bunker shot on 17. he's been sharing it that's millions of views you can see on YouTube I'm sorry on Twitter the views that is hitting different eyebrowsers. And if that just makes golf a little bit cooler or helps one person think you know what I will go. And try golf I think it's a clever idea it's really good now on that I I actually got substituted in last minute. And the reason why I had to pull my clubs it was really sad news I I was actually replacing uh Ronan Keating around um you know a terrible family situation. So our thoughts and and prayers are with him. And his family at the moment but um it was like I say it was it was mad that I kind of got the call up it was one that I thoroughly enjoyed um. And had a couple of nice classes away last night to study the nerves and then.

Retrospect now I'm like the theme here to these evenings at Royal Liverpool and a couple of classes are red yeah I think if people are coming to the open this week. And they see you on an evening you might be Ricky well it the open last year you were very ridiculous I hit it too hard last year I did. And the problem with that was you literally stumble off the golf course. And I like tripped into a pub the thing is you did stumble. And you did trip as well I mean I just like I was wandering around. And literally it was almost like time travel people were forcing you to drink beers as well it was like time travel like one minute I was like I'm sure I was at the open next.

Minute it's three o'clock in the morning I'm having a kebab outside Saint Andrews one shoe on um. But this year with it being a royal Liverpool it's on the Wirral which is kind of how fast it takes to actually get into Liverpool from here where we are at wallacy you basically go off a little bit through the tunnel. And you're there so 10 minutes well I rode my bike passed here when I did the bike ride. So I kind of do cycle recently come on don't you mentioned it by the way doctor mentioned out this week is it out Friday Matt yeah. So we've got just a quick plug on that Rick as done and well Matt has edited and Rick has actually done the event of the 500 kilometer cycle we've got an insane like kind of behind the scenes documentary coming out I think it's really really cool. So keep your eyes on the channel for that it's gonna do that soon match needs voice over it. So it's down to we'll do some voiceovers after this um. So yeah it's been a really epic week I feel like also I want to thank everybody watching listening um because I'm pretty positive that near enough 90 of you would love to get 100 if not more I've watched the Ian Poulter video what a video what a guy um it's hit a million views in less than three days here's the comments are generally some of the best comments I've ever seen on any of our YouTube videos I knew that he would win people around. And when I say win people around he has got a very hardcore fan base but obviously with the whole live thing and this is something the players knew. And expected he did lose some fans um I think a lot of people watch that. And the guys that might may have changed their mind have since changed it back again to see Michael guys you're so good he really was is energy is desire to win it can really show he's a winner yeah in it I feel like you could anything you played against him you'd find it hard to beat him there's some guys on tour like. And obviously pull to the prime example tiger was a prime example who have been born to the have to win like you said all costs almost they will want to beat you. And someone like Ian who branded his way to the kind of to where he got to that was part of his game wasn't it yeah. And obviously in the match playing the Ryder Cup when it comes down to it he has that grip that determination to kind of beat you and these guys although they're coming on the channel and they're having fun they don't want to they don't want to lose no. And so far you know jokes are sad you've lost these guys she's fine the next.

Guy that comes on whoever that might be they don't want to be the first person to get beaten by you oh exactly I think what's exciting. For that series as well this 10 shot Challenge Series with these really well-known tour Pros is the more that we get done the stronger Bank we have of them. And the more hope these guys talk and obviously Lee Westwood and Paul took clearly taught on the same lift team and Adam Scott's done one time you think it was done one you know what I'm sobriety if you ask ex-person to film one. So that's in a quick text Adam Scott what was it like filming Rick seals oh yeah it was good I enjoyed it he had x million views. And whatever I think more. And more guys are going to be open to come on the channel. And we've got our site set some big big names I mean we've done incredibly well. So far Tommy Fleetwood Lee Westwood Ricky Fowler Adam Scott Ian Poulter I mean the lineup has been pretty epic. So far not missing anyone now yeah Westwood as well um uh I'll tell you what I want to I want to chat a little bit Yeah. So first off thank you for the comments amazing comments also I know we've talked about this last week the the comments on the new hit Channel have just been outstanding we have now filmed the first official reviews to go on the hit Channel which should be dropping maybe end of this week yeah just on that. For it again thanks how many subscribers 170 000. I think it's like 175 000 already what's really good I think this is the platform on the podcast where we kind of tell these kind of behind the scenes stories we've obviously had the facility built. And hopefully you've seen it looks stately on it is state of the art we've also filmed that two videos in there which is great. For you great for me and our um kind of channel manager Alex to actually get understanding how the whole room Works how the videos feel Etc so it's gonna be content coming thick and fast on there we probably would look between two and three videos a week maybe how much products out and stuff like that but it was actually really exciting it was great to be in there um it's such a good room to review reviewing products it's efficient it's very efficient. And I think it's like I say it's it's state of the art. And we've managed to do give you a little tease a fairway wood yes that is pricey very pricey um. But does it perform you'll have to find out come into a hit Channel near you soon [Music] Golf Channel. And then.

There is some new Putters we can say what the archives are out now if you want to which are let's run a rival Scotty Cameron yeah the new TP TaylorMade TP Reserve Potters not got great names the names are absolutely terrible I couldn't even tell you now I reviewed three of the putters I could not remember the names no it was like BT x3to yeah I'm just just on that obviously the video [Music] um. But yeah obviously Taylor Made um are well known. For their drivers they're getting more and more well known for the irons of the P series and they have got without doubts from the best golfs in the world playing their product but all they haven't really had for a long time apart from the spider range is a really kind of well-known high-end milled Potter range normally if you want a high-end milled butter you go in Scotty Cameron you might go. For the obviously too long um there's other brands as well et cetera even roll them some good stuff but you don't really think a Taylor Made do you well they brought something out they've got a range out that rivals in their eyes Scotty Cameron it's performance lead milled Potter that are like a piece of jewelry crafted Etc interesting I've got a question. For you who would you say is one of the most disliked golfers on tour. And I I would say and it's not not your opinion the general public's opinion of one of the more least liked Proto tour players Patrick Reed correct I want to change your mind a little story I want to change your mind a little story and I think I you know what right before the story he's gone up high in my expectations. So out of ten I dislike him as seven so if I can bring that down then.

You win okay I'm not gonna put a rating on it um yesterday when I played in the Invitational uh young lad by the name of Lewis was on the first grandstand. And he I was signing a few Flags a few hats. And he threw a golf ball down to me on one side of the golf ball there was a signature okay. And he asked me to sign the other side so I signed it okay. And I had to throw it back up to him there's no other way to get to him. So I threw the golf ball back up to him it might have been a bad throw Butterfingers it might have been a bad catch okay I'm blaming I'm blaming himself he can't defend himself uh there was a perfect throw anyway it just missed his grasp. And it fell through this kind of opening in the grandstand okay you can't get that back I'll throw that through all the piping. And everything else right and it was gone I was like how old was he 12. okay. So I said I'm really sorry I said I'll get it back. And he just goes how I lie I was like I don't really. And I was like I'm just literally about to tee off in two seconds I was like I'll say I'll get it back to you it's like. But how I was like I don't know. And the secretary from Royal Liverpool was also on the first T Simon who's an amazing amazing person I asked I said to him I said this golf course has come down she can grab it. So he went leave it with me he went around the back came back and said there's no chance that won't be found now till everything's taken down right this kid is like he's property straw okay I didn't rightly. So I say I say to him whose signature was also on the golf ball he said Patrick reads I said right leave it with me I took his Instagram details down I said I will send to you a golf ball that is signed by Patrick Reed. And myself okay I get to open today.

First day like first practice day near the media centers the chipping green first goal. For I see today.

Patrick Reed perhaps in the rain. So I went up to him and I said Patrick did you introduce yourself Sergeant Disturbia please I make videos online I didn't introduce myself. But I said Patrick sorry to be a quick story any chance you can sign a golf ball yes not a problem I went. And got sharp he came back and he signed it and he went and literally we chatted for about five or six minutes do you like a really nice guy what was the golf ball that you threw away. And what was the new girlfriend you gave him don't know the golf ball that he threw away. But the golf ball I'm going to be sending Lewis which is now signed is an actual practice Pro V1 that that Reid was actually using to change that's quite cool man. So he was literally chipping with one he flicked it up wiped it signed it gave me back I signed the other side. And I'll send it to Lewis last night yeah fair play to patch it read. So and you know we have a nice little chat and in you know would you take on a 10 shot challenge got a green jacket because I'll try and get that off him I think you know what jokes aside I think he'll be a very good person to seeing a 10 shot challenge you don't seem convinced we'll see you like him not that much um that is like in the floor now she's got three points from right there just a quick one then.

Before we probably have to get going um I just want to touch a bit more obviously while we're here on the open on this week on who we think is going to win at the golf course I said to you before off podcast this is probably the course even most of the old courses to Andrews that I know the most I've played it three times now very fortunate I know each hole in the head I can go around the golf course I know what holes I'm excited. For what Holes about make birdies on etc etc I think you've got to obviously put Rory McIlroy in the conversation he's won last week of course we went up before he's on form he's gonna do well I also think Scottish Scheffler is doing well he you can't see if I should see you've got crystal ball it's got a chef the wins what's that scratch Shuffle was there exactly open he's always there you've then.

He said Tommy Fleetwood I would love to see he's playing a very nice golf it's a golf course I'm guessing played a loads of time before he's a local lad might even have to stay at home this week potentially which always adds something nice to the guys. So firstly who are your are you still thinking Rory. And Tommy but my my heart wants Tommy my head is telling me Rory my wild card not massively wild card. But Bob McIntyre yeah. And actually obviously did he did incredible at Scottish if it blows around here then..

For me if it gets windy round at Royal Liverpool this week it eliminates a huge percentage of the field like straight away you know I would love to know I don't know how you'd almost ask a playlist and how they could almost quantify it but that feeling of being in contention at like a DP world event or PJ Tour event that Scottish open was obviously one of those what that must feel like in terms of nerves impression let's just say hypothetically if Bob McIntyre was in a playoff with Rory how he would have handled those emotions. And would you potentially beat Rory and won the Scottish open I don't know but take that and then.

Put it in the open that Mo you know that must feel so different again you've got to think that obviously you do sometimes get people winning on the the open. Or whatever you'd never dreamed of this week you've got to think it's going to be somebody that's won a major before that can handle that pressure yeah Alexa I just can't at the moment see past Ferrari I think if he has a good opening round he always has a good opening round well. And then.

He has a bad second then.

Yes his way of winning this week is the bad around the enormous throws in he does every pretty much every week as long as his bad round isn't that bad well that's the thing. And he doesn't have to go and shoot four or five on the powers you need to shoot a couple of five on the powers a level par and a three under and he wins 13 under wins it yeah I'm excited um I think this will be I do love the open week I I can't wait to see who comes out on top account it's that 17th hole. And that's gonna cause a few guys I mean he's probably the hardest on the golf course the grocery guy I don't think many people will make power. And definitely not birdie I mean only really a handful of golfers are gonna make 30 today.

Yeah this week I'm actually in next.

Week's podcast I'm gonna have a list of the golfers that make Birdie on that hole okay. And I'll I'll be in that list you've done it well done so we'll have a see how many other names are in that list you know what though actually I watched some of the footage back in the day on the on YouTube of when Rory uh won here. And then.

When targeted as well and one standout thing is the par. For 10th obviously used to be a power five and that was a guaranteed birdie hole now I know obviously in terms of actual score whether it's a four. Or it's a power five makes no world's ultimate the person with the lowest score wins. But I wonder if that will because that was a hole at 10th. Or if I'm in a great front nine and maybe one or two over you pull a birdie up on 10. it kind of resets the mind or anything right I've got a birdie back let's carry on it's building this round now it turns into a hard part four yeah if you're like one over through nine the next.

Thing you power. Or even bogey that I wonder if that can change mindset at all if that'll play A Part yeah well 10 11 10 is a power five. But obviously it's a powerful open week and eleven's quite short and fairly easy no the wind's helping you feel like that kickstarts you back now yeah um you know the the 15th is a phenomenal par five it's got. So long now it's insane so was it six six twenty. Or something yeah um I mean doing a spoiler alert. But you've got to if you've not seen already James Robinson playing that hole it was it's just incredible well what's insane is that is 620. Or something but it's wind behind normal so you although it's 620 if you get a Rory smash him on that could build the hit Summit Renaissance at the 400 yards plus one behind so actually you might see Rory go in like drive a seven iron which is insane excluding okay the likely names okay let's let's you may have a bet okay yeah just a pride bet an unlikely name you pick. And I pick and we'll see who finishes unlikely okay how unlike I was gonna say mean we will leave I think he's more in a likely category I think you can have him well I'm not gonna have him okay well I've got a name that I think you I think I've got a name that you're probably gonna pick after three one two three now oh no oh you're going that no I think they're that big what did you say I said Matthew Jordan [Music]. But I do also think Max Matthew Jordan qualified he is a member of Royal Liverpool who's played The Walker cup he's obviously a pro now Etc I've got a feeling he could have a decent couple of rounds his home Golf Club maybe that was too much I know that is a lot of pressure I won't be surprised if you see Matthew Jordan have like a 65 then.

Like an 82. Or something I don't think I hope he doesn't. But have the H2 that is you can imagine going out there feeling good playing these lights out. And then.

You'd be like Oh my days what am I doing and then.

Just being too much but who knows I I again I experience pressure in very different ways I don't understand I am not wired like a Matty Jordan who is going to be playing his home open this week he's a member like guy said at Royal Liverpool to be able to go out. And I'm sure there's going to be hundreds of people following him everybody that's ever known him in the area is going to turn out this week yeah. But could he shoot 85 in a cold Wednesday in Stoke [Music] because before we wrap this up we have got some questions off our amazing um fans followers friends maybe you could say on the Facebook group acquaintances when you go to school with it's in Tesco now it's kind of narred or down the aisle all right I've got a rule though if I see somebody in person I'm friends with on Facebook and we don't acknowledge each other I unfriend them that's how soon after the encounter in the camera pretty soon yeah yeah yeah as soon as I blank them get that go. For it right first one from Craig McQuillen when is North Barrack break 75 coming out Friday next.

Week it's a shame it wasn't the service was around North Barrack we we slightly we I don't think we could have altered our um the only thing we could have done is swapped the Pete video archfield with North Barrack that would have maybe made more sense. But either way than Steve Norris Rick Shields versus Jimmy Billard I think we've been chatting yeah I think a lot of people asking. For that he seems like a very very handy golfer you know what I think would happen with that game from the honest truth either he would play steady. And you blow up and he wins or he plays steady and you actually have a world and go if you want to power I really need to think I need to hit golf balls you're quite a weird golfer I feel like a golfer yeah where was it before good question [Music] it was crap. And I think it's gone much worse than crap correct you know what my name you've not called out at all this this podcast Ricky Fowler oh what am I thinking you you have big money on him I didn't have any money why I'm not talking about him in the podcast they've actually lumped a lot of money on Ricky Fowler. And I don't want his odds to change by people putting more money on him another thing we've not touched on this podcast we need to jack Leonard has said Rick versus FP when he says fp 's talking fat Perez he's talking fat press from Sports breaking news even though they announced it in their podcast first yesterday August Rick Shields synonym. And Bob the sports in Scotland she's gone for a booze up yeah basically I'm just gonna go to the pubs uh that's gonna be pretty epic we are hosting um The Lads from Bob the sports um Joey Joey cold cuts um Bob himself. And then.

Fp Pat Perez we've got really rubbish names they've got all these cool names with Rick Shields [Music] what are you the weasel. Or something yeah the weasel yeah it was a weasel great name. So name myself a weasel somebody called me a weasel as an insult actually call the weasel a lot of people call me fat on the videos snake [Music] [Music] [Laughter] it always does um a lot of these good questions there is no offense people have asked questions. But we've had a lot of those before so maybe next.

One no more no um just a quick note if you are listening to this podcast on Apple. Or Spotify feel free to rate us give us five stars that'll be really nice be really really nice if you listen to every episode of the podcast so far you're in the clubhouse you're an elite company um again if you're in the clubhouse your classes Rick's friend if you come see us week at the open say hi mate it's me Darren from Stoke um I'm in the clubhouse and Rick will know you bye face perfect great thanks. For listening enjoy your open week wherever you're watching uh we need to get back to the open because I'm just about to interview Victor hovland name drop see you soon foreign.