So it sounds like a great time um i just feel bad for listening that our podcast delayed the day because of that [Music] um because i think why i i've got a cold guy i played golf in the cold yesterday let me guess there's no cameras there she's got 75 million under par it's annoying it is because i seem to play good golf without cameras well. So you mean that when there's no cameras. And no pressure of two million people watching you actually play well believe it. Or not so played something until links nice um it was. For me the friendliest golf course you can play in the winter yes when there's no wind it's not ridiculous where we did i've done a break 75 there before it's where you recently saw luke willit play speed golf round there it's a link's golf course it's it's kind of next.

Door neighbor's royal lithum dan webster has been on the podcast james robinson is kind of based there. And live golf academy um and yeah i played really well. So we played in there were six of us that went we all had christmas jumpers on that's why i think i've got a cold at the moment because i didn't i wasn't i wasn't completely wrapped up in what i should be such witty vanclander six week christmas jumpers such a banter um you've got a party bus did you really. So we ordered the party bus from mia it's a mate of mine picked me up from my house drove me to mia that's about six months then.

Go back oh yeah i didn't want to miss out right i got fomo loaded the mini bus up this mini bus was. For 16 of us there was six of us we had lots of space golf bags change of clothes christmas jumpers maybe a few beverages yeah several beverages party boss music blaring bitter banter all the way to lyddham okay got there. For about 10 o'clock um on the hill already yeah we started from about 845 that's unnecessary that. So and i must admit i'm not a great normally when i've drunk and play golf it doesn't always go my way right it seems very popular in america don't it yeah over here we just don't seem to do it yeah because drinking in america there's something quite like aspirational about it you're on like a really warm lovely golf course it's like a cart girl coming around with a really ice-cold bud lights. And it just feels like so cool and over here you're walking onto the first tee with a shandy bath or something it's like freezing it's not so we got there um let's say six of us we threw the balls up i played with uh my really good pal john beasley who plays off actually plus six he's really good player and another mate of ours uh lloyd and then.

There was other three of them that played behind us. So get this this is amazing guy okay we thought what format can we play well let's play let's play an individual stableford nice. And friendly but let's also as the two teams of three play combined total stableford scores nice okay. So it's not two from four two from three or anything all three scores count on every single hole okay with yeah you won't believe what happened though right. So i i must admit i played really well i think i figured out something about pitching go on drinking yeah it helps no genuinely i was doing slow mo swings pitching. And pitched it ridiculously well like literally feeling like i was going in slow motion it wasn't. And i was hitting these unbelievable pitch shots i didn't hold the world i didn't hold anything in fact however. i might still want to get six birdies wow three bogeys nice finished three on the far oh my days i birded the last two to finish three under really good golf um while drinking on the way around. And also you know my open cup yeah the one that you we got from the open yeah that's my name on it that was my drinks uh container. For the day what were you drinking in that estrella nice. So anyway long story short played really well so i finished off i played off scratch so i ended up with 39 points stableford okay my mate john beasley shot three on the par as well. So me and him shot three under he plays off whatever plus six but his handicap for the day was plus five. So he ended up being two over par it doesn't seem fair it's not doesn't and my other mate who played in our group shot 35 points so you yeah okay i'm with you you had 36 34 35 39 oh sorry yes sorry four 35. So collectively we shot level par right so the scores for three three handicap everyone playing sandy caps 108 right so we thought we've blitzed this there's no chance they're going to do the same not even close right because i thought anything over 100 is pretty yeah they come in they're finishing off the three other guys are slightly higher handicappers not massive. But like playing like the teens and stuff handicaps they've come in first guy 34 points okay next.

Guy 35 points thinking hold on last guy 39 points they had exactly the same points as us 100 808. So we worked off a countback playoff we won it on a count back play-off and then.

It was me versus the other 39-pointer we both had 18 points going out 21 points coming back in. But i i went pah birdie bird in the last three so i won on the last three cut last three whole players oh my word how many is that that's ridiculous. So yeah i played pretty well. So what's handed goal finish out then.

Golf finished at three then.

More pints we had a quick scoop in the in the oh this was funny story actually quick scoop in the um club house yeah okay there's a santa thing coming in. So they had loads of kids turning up so we got out there pretty sharp but i was literally walking out. And a guy on in a mask comes up to me and goes hi rick so i think i must like be a bit of a fan. Or whatever he says you don't recognize me do you i think [Music] literally no idea who this guy is i'm thinking oh god this is awkward i said oh i'm really sorry i i don't know i don't know you are i'm buddy robo's dad ah james robinson's dad yeah i've met him once [Music] yeah remember not really. So anyway he was uh he was good fun um. And then.

Went into um living i had a meal book so the party bus stayed there all day bloody hell picked us back up we drove into living went to a lovely restaurant called lithum house having a nice bit of food nice steaks bit of red wine a few beers having a good time the party bus is waiting. For us when we want to go as well and uh so i'm there i thought let's have a dessert why not eh let's have a little cheeky dessert anyway comes out the chef hand delivers the dessert and he put this on it oh my days like and subscribe let's go 2 million so if you can see that on that camera. So literally came out with a dessert and then.

Written on it in chocolate like and subscribe let's go 2 million and then.

He said by the way i've entered a few giveaways. And something have a driver do you not know him obviously he didn't you just was a fan he was just a fan i didn't realize that he'd how did he see you if he was in the back someone must have told him all right. But you know what it's quite annoying they still charged me for that oh dirty anything you should have been paying you for being in there well yeah all good fun. So two things i feel like you've got a very organized group of friends who actually organise all that stuff i did it you did it i did everything i genuinely i mean that i bought the minibus bought the golf put the restaurant. So it sounds like a great time um i just feel bad for listening that i will podcast delay today.

Because of that well i feel about shot 68. So it doesn't really count when i don't see it i feel like i can't if i was with a guiller played really well i stay right when i'm not there did you cheat somehow what did you do to suit that score oh it's all coming out it's all coming out. So well we played yellows preferred lies you get five only five but five mulligans per whole and givens inside six feet no it's still a good score.