[music] my friend and yours eldrick taunt tiger woods is back eldritch what's haunt um he literally wrote the internet yesterday he destroyed the internet. So i was quite fortunate i've been i'd like to say i've been on my phone less recently. But i haven't since i got this new phone i've been on it more which is annoyed me. But yesterday it was it paid dividends because i was sat there chilling out i'd had the kids all weekend on my own claire was away in york with the girls. So i'd done all my jobs the kids were happy watching the film watching paw patrol film. Or whatever and i was there sat there just having a little brew having a little minute to myself i'll flick on instagram flicks instagram opened it up bang the very first thing that was presented to me he posted it within two minutes it's almost like a new it's almost like he somehow he told me there was a video of tiger woods hitting what probably looks like a nine iron. Or an eight iron yeah a three second clip which i've i've never seen i i think this is arguably bigger than the clip he released like five years ago when he when he came back last time. Or three years ago whenever it was um because even though i think did we speak about it two podcasts ago there was rumors of him kind of coming back i think there was a picture of him holding a club wasn't there yeah that's right um this before the new year before this year ends to see him hitting golf shots full golf shots was. So bloody exciting it was i think he's going to be there. For the masters and i think he should be there. For the opening 150th at center he opens the one thing i obviously love him to be at both the open's the one for me but like you said it's mad because i i saw that yesterday. And like you said everybody in his dog was posting on social media. And re-sharing it and stuff and i got in there early yeah. And it just kind of shows that i think some people do it just they know they get likes. And reposting let's be honest but a lot of people do it because they absolutely just love tiger woods. And it does make you realize how how big of a deal he actually is that sounds. So obvious doesn't it but like when he does do this when he has unfortunately been injured. And then.

Come back it feels like there's a level of excitement that nobody else in the world of golf could ever in my opinion get close to well in fact i think if i just go on quickly um i don't know if i'm gonna be able to find this quickly i'm sure that some of my biggest ever posts on instagram are pictures of him. And videos of him because even that one yesterday i mean that from i posted that video pretty soon after he'd posted it it's had 23 000 likes it's been viewed 329 000 times i mean that's nothing compared to how many likes tiger actually had obviously tiger managed to get he got three million views on that video. And it had 519 000 likes and everybody i'm flicking through the light list everybody i know in the world of golf literally almost everybody i follow has like that picture from fellow tour professionals to to other social media personalities to other celebrities in different work walks of life um to different professional sports people in different sports everybody has loved seeing him come back well there's two reasons why people like it the first reason is people are genuinely just excited. For their own kind of what's the word i'm looking for like oh no don't benefit. But well it's supposed in a way yeah their own benefit of watching they enjoy watching tag awards they see that. And think actually it looks like soon he could be coming back. And you're a fan of him so you want to be able to watch him does that kind of make sense the second reason why people like it is because this man lives. And breathes golf for him to have not been able to play regards to playing competitively must just eat him up inside to see him back doing what he absolutely loves and literally what he does best how does it feel. For him how good is his upper body looking he's looking lean i mean his legs are obviously slim at the moment certainly his right leg in that sleeve actually that sleeve looks sick i hope he keeps that i actually googled it last night to see if i could buy one why not tiger wears it doesn't it um. And he's off her body i mean he looks like he's. So much working out he's ridiculous um so yeah really really exciting news um it was very interesting that he posted it yesterday why i just think a lot of things were going on yesterday. And he very conveniently posted it the same day that colin marakawa won the dp world tour race to the bar championship also the day that rory mcelroy ripped open his shirt in anger round i i just think on a sunday i don't know it was just a bit like there's one thing that could have topped that that video one thing that would have absolutely made it just the best video ever what did he post it on something. For a red that would have absolutely been the the um yeah i i just think that it's a very very very um calculated time to post it i'm sure it is i'm sure he's not pressed the button. And gone like laughing laughing watching the tv going i'll post it now refreshing the likes every five minutes like we would he's not going yeah let's post it let's do it let's do it i'm sure there's been he's got a team. And every you know i'm sure there's lots to go on behind the scenes there's obviously a bit of an ad there as well from the full uh full swing what is that do you speculate a new launch matter yeah. So he's sponsored by full swing never before my life they do really good simulators apparently. And he has one in the house and this it's kind of an ambassador and they've just recently brought out a more portable device almost to compete with like trapman or gc quad etc so obviously it's a bit of an ad in there as well it's what it is slight change of subject speaking of ambassador have you seen um i think this. So this podcast come out tuesday recording this on monday but some point today.

So what will be yesterday. For listeners it looks like tricks and argument announcing brooks kepler has a full through the bag ambassador whoa yeah i didn't know that you go on stricken's twitter okay there's an image it says 11 22 2021. So that'll be today.

The date um. And it's clearly brooks and they're gonna so by the time this podcast comes out i think it will be announced everybody will know. But it looks like they're uh signing which i thought he was uh gonna be a mixed bag guy. For the full seal but obviously he's decided to go with the tricks and route wow which is interesting it is because he's got his match up against bryson coming up very soon um at the wynn hotel in las vegas i think that's next.

Week. Or whatever um i honestly didn't see that coming and i can't believe i've actually missed that um but anyway awesome to see him back tiger get well soon get hit in full shots i know you listen to the podcast you're a huge fan if you obviously want a club i'm open my diary is literally free no we'll have to check the diary to see if we can fit him in tiger my diary is free any time you want me to come over you know maybe give you a little bit of a chipping lesson middle name is what would you say tono no tony you got close to taunt um yeah i'll come. And spend if you want to come and spend the week we are we can we can do some stuff to boost your social media i know you want to try. And win that pip that player incentive he just proved yesterday that he's the king of golf how funny is that he just won however. much that money that pot of money is worth is it like 10 million. Or something that yeah something like something crazy i just won that yesterday didn't it crazy crazy speaking of winning yesterday obviously it was the um dp world [Music].