Hey guys welcome back to the richfields Golf Show podcast episode 153. I've got a little bit of husky my voice can you tell yeah it kind of sounds quite good through the headphones though it does sounds like um an old man in the corner of a golf club with a whiskey come over let me tell you a story I'll be in the future let me tell you a story about a series I used to run called break 75. I wonder if in like how old are you now 30 something mid 36. So like in like 30 years and obviously you're probably not doing YouTube anymore let's be honest if you're still playing golf I think you will I don't think I'll ever start. And you're a member of a golf club let's go it's quite a nice golf club I imagine I'd imagine so what would people do like the young 20 year old lad who's actually trying to get on tour who's the good man with the club was off like plus one what would they think of you would you be like cool still. Or would you be like oh my dad used to watch Jimmy Smith videos what's videos in in VR no no no no like 2D videos yeah oh my oh it's just in 4k yeah oh how did you watch that sort of stuff you put goggles on right no it's on the TV yeah did your dad have a TV you haven't actually have a TV you had to hold a phone to watch it yeah yeah no I did what the hell yeah that's him that's the old guy who's uh you'll pop it nowhere 200 yards he'll be the guy that was two gloves. And I was like a bag full of woods he's got an 11 wood I will be a tinkerer. And I'm old Absolutely I'll have so many I mean luckily I've got some clubs now. But I've so many different clubs or I could just revert straight to swingless yeah I think you'd have the guy that accept is going old. And just says right enough loads of words of hybrids a little chipper or you're gonna be like playing with blades and extra stiff shafts and I was like Richard you'll be Richard by then.

Just to grow into my name 67 you shouldn't be using these oh I can still use these watch this watch this I can still get 120 miles per hour Club at speed they're like you start talking miles per hour we're talking gigatrons a second a good job well today's podcast is a random one it's actually recorded on a Friday rather than the usual Monday because Matt behind the camera is on holiday how do we speak there he. So we've had to move it forward so therefore. if anything massive happens this weekend you're thinking why is Rick not mentioned that Tiger Woods recorded a 57 at his home course. And it's gone viral that's because we didn't know we literally had no idea. And he actually got beat by his son Charlie who shot 56 yeah I feel like it's gonna be miles in the future it's only Monday it feels like the weekend is such uncertainty we're like What could possibly go on what could Poss I think I might have one running me out to a run this weekend might watch a bit Italian not a great deal really I might be playing golf this weekend wow I might be getting a Sunday morning early round of golfing um. But we can say because it'll be gone at Marriott I think. So yeah wow yeah. So we'll see how that goes down why so Carter is around he said you fancy game I might yeah go on then.

I'm not filming it. But I'll just date mine Saturday night is he actually yeah a few Brewsky's a little takeaway Sunday morning we're gonna go. And have a little knock around Mars nice like a 7 30. no way you're playing at 7 30 having beers on Saturday yeah I don't think we're not filming it well if he doesn't film it more fool him I'm telling him he's not um yes little 7 30. I'll sound husky than I do now a little buggy if it's not too wet we're drowned. And it's a good job to always talk like this because you'd have women flocking you all the time I actually think I want podcast to be number one in all the charts. And he'd have male well male and female golfers would like it because it's Golf and there'd be a certain demographic who listen but you hate golf oh I know but this podcast is. So good it gets me in the mood um I don't think that's quite gonna happen. But I actually don't even know what's happening this weekend I know you guys listening will have known yeah well that's one thing we're going to talk about. So today's one of random shows we've got quite a good few emails we've got um some good Facebook questions I've got a question for you in a bit of a topic I want to come on to but yeah it is live. And that leads me very nicely almost like you're going to mention this on to the first talking point of the podcast. So it's come out today.

Again this is Friday recording this this morning that uh you might have heard that Liv has become kind of co-sanction with the mean at all to try. And give their players access to world ranking points and make their events uh world ranking points worthy part of that phrase this morning it's been announced that uh the official World Golf Ranking are not going to be allowing Bangkok which is this weekend. Or Jada which is the weekend after to receive world ranking points however. it could mean that next.

Year once this review has gone in place the official World Golf Ranking board might decide that Liv is worthy of world ranking points by being sanctioned by Minotaur however. they may also not. So my question to you Rick really is what does I know again we speak about live a lot. But we have to it's such you know it's such news what does this mean. For live and the players that have signed up because they must have been you know Cameron Smith yes. And get into the open until 60 I think it is he's gonna get the next.

Five years of Majors he's pretty cushy you guys like a Sam horse will do a talk about a lot if these world ranking points don't come to fruition what does this mean. For him yeah the guys like him I think you see the tremendous drop-off in world ranking stature of the players that have gone to live at the moment yeah plays like Dustin Johnson I mean I don't know where he is in the world right now. But he's real I don't know where he is in the world right now he's actually probably just played in Bangkok. But like where he's in the world rankings he has dropped isn't so let's just have a quick look so we can get some facts right world ranking golf um another one I saw the other day which is probably a little bit more justifiable um Phil Mickelson is outside like the world top 100 now. But right now when you look at this Dustin Johnson is 23rd in the world sometimes hard to measure because he has one of his own live. And the a lot of argument was like well it's not the same field it's not the same type of golfer. But it's still a very strong field these days yes you cannot look past the strength of the fields you know maybe the first event in London you could probably go yeah it's a bit of a it's not that strong a field now you have got some of the biggest names in golf like you've just said cam Smith as well cam Smith has not moved down now to third in the world. So he's not actually changed that much just yet but they've got to take it seriously and the the world ranking points are needed. For Live players because like say they want to get into these events around the world um it'll be very very interesting to see how it actually comes about because I think we spoke about this a couple of weeks on the podcast about world ranking points I don't think I was quite fully aware of the of the um what's the right word the criteria to have an event to have world ranking points. And there's something on big along the lines of these invitationals is a big sticking point when it comes to world ranking points they're getting around that now because agents horror events are actually now becoming qualifying events. For live yeah. So I think they are getting around that kind of loophole in system they said the Masters is an Invitational by definition. But you have to be invited by being certain criteria yes isn't it yeah like they're not just going to invite somebody just invited you to hit three million subscribers to go right as a treat we're Innovative Masters I'll do it would you actually. So you get invited genuinely would I think would you not care what you shot I wouldn't give a damn would you slap my hand off. For 285s yeah yeah [Music] I think I would um what about 79.95. So you've got 79 in there that shows you've done decent we've got 95 as well I think that's okay could I shoot the 79 first. But would you not want it as a dessert so you have a 95 it makes headlines everyone's like oh my God Rick Shields got the worst score ever um not so easy now is it sun. But then.

You get the 79 I'm not sure either um but yeah I think it does make a little bit of a mockery of the world ranking points at the moment because of all this kind of split divide. And different tours and everything else um oh it'll be interesting to see how it comes it seems like they're getting their own they get in the way by getting world ranking points even though it's not this event or the next.

One I think it could come down I think it. For them it's arguably the last piece of the puzzle for for the live because if they can have massive massive massive checkbooks obviously. And pay players squillions to play and they could still get into the four major championships play in those events I think that's them kind of settled then.

Isn't it if they can't get world ranking points sure it has to be a part a time where you know guys have already made the bed. And I'm going to keep your friend to Sam hallfield not. For any other reason he I think he's a great example of a really good talent whose world ranking is going to slip you know are they gonna get the future Sam horsefields if if in three years time live still got massive chat books which he will have. But they haven't got world ranking points sure there will become a time where players like no I do want to follow the PGA Tour path. And play in the Mages or I get an account to this happening if the big guys aren't playing in majors does that then.

Start to devalue Majors you know if you want if you won the Masters let's say. And there was an Asterix because there was you know no Dustin Johnson there was no Cameron Smith blah blah does that then.

Feel like it's not as it's like winning the Premier League without Liverpool potentially City Chelsea would it still feel like the Premier League I don't know I don't know. So it'd give United a chance um yeah I think I think it's one of those very interesting topics at the moment. And um it seems like they're going through any different way they can get around these kind of restrictions let's say uh a Minotaur does it do anything. For those guys I mean I don't even know really what the Minotaur is I think it's essentially the Asian Euro Pro right you've got you've got the Asian tour then.

The Asian um is it the foundation tour. Or something that sits below it which is a challenge tour really. And then.

You've got the Minotaur I bet you're a pro will like. But yeah you could have used those guys I'll imagine if they add that would have been a good way if obviously we had Rhys on the podcast last week hopefully you enjoyed that episode we also filmed the video with Reese uh which will be coming out next.

Week it might even come out this week actually it is. So so good well we teased it the fact that in in the podcast that he's gonna get 100 pounds per birthday he did well he did very well what a golf. And again speaking of the podcast last week we hadn't seen him play had we no we then.

Went to go. And see him play and he's unbelievable it just what was the big thing that stood out to you is ability to just put the ball in play off the T in position a there was not a single shot he hit off the tee really that was any remote danger you didn't question where the ball was gonna no he had quite a low ball flight at times which he said he's almost like sometimes History Nice. And it great but it was such a good good flight that's never looked in danger that was one thing. And his approach play was good as well as distance distance control was outstanding yeah one of the best I've ever seen. For anyone I've ever played with we'll hit a few wedges that he wasn't over the moon with upon you know actually hitting them and I can understand why because in terms of actual Direction there were a few degrees off which on a short shot is quite a lot. But because the distance control was. So good he had an eight foot ten foot Port unbelievable he really was. And it goes to show the depth of how many great players there are in this game you know I mean if he said in the openly bit on the podcast last week if he played against Rory mcilroyer four rounds of golf he'd probably be eight shots back that's what he said on it two shots around which unless we actually had ever did that video it's hard to actually determine um. But he had a bunch of birdies in him he didn't seem like he would make a mistake but he is one of hundreds. And thousands of golfers of that ability right I'm gonna say something that's a bit bold you might disagree with this he is an amazing golfer. But as you said there's completely different levels to get to the top top boys insane levels right honest to God now this is a silly analogy if I'm going to say it if you got a big portion of average golfers at a golf club right. And you could somehow fool them and and they walked round with us and Reese and let's just say Reese but exactly the same as he did that they didn't get any under pressure by more people watching. And whatever I thought you could convince him on that day so you could convince the audience that he's on what the best player in the world yeah that sounds silly. And we won't give away how many birds he had but the way he hit the golf ball if you were off an 18 handicap until this is the world number one Rhys Nevin. And you watched him played you know yeah okay right you had nothing to argue no you couldn't sit around. And go uh is he yeah because he just yeah it was it was very very impressive. And uh he was a really nice guy. And hopefully he'll come across great on video yeah um. But but again it just it's really thinking after we filmed with him after playing with him it was early this week like it is bloody hard to make it as a living as a golf professional these days. And it's insane it must have got harder I think you're right because it's always been obviously the elite level it gets obviously the recognition the TV. And stuff like that but there's so many more people now who are becoming full-time Elite amateurs who are getting looked after by England golf. Or whatever which is great to see. And there's such a Improvement in obviously knowledge as well so Club mechanics swing mechanics clubs balls uh Fitness yeah you know access to information the internet YouTube Etc. And things like obviously the coaching's improved things like trap man the practice facilities have got better I think there's more people now who've got a blueprint in front of them who think right okay if I finished as a lad at my golf club the one that you met at West lanks actually who apparently said a year out playing oh yeah there's a bit more of a blueprint now people say right um a good standard I'm 18 I'm gonna you know my parents are funding me I'm Gonna Leave college. Or sixth form whatever that might be have a year playing full time and see how you know what doesn't work out I'll go to university then.

Which is quite cool you know why not give it a chance. Or I'll get a job maybe I know maybe that wasn't as much of a known 40 years ago it really wouldn't have been it's interesting that then.

It's only going to get better players getting longer the short games are getting better the wedge play is getting better. And better and I think also people now are more alert obviously of how important is keep your body in shape in the practice I think people get more motivated more dedicated it's quite outstanding I I almost wish I know it's hard to turn back right if we had that note I feel like even in our area we didn't have that knowledge like growing up no I felt very blind. And maybe because my parents were into golf my mum wasn't like dead she wasn't like she was a member of the golf club. But it wasn't as if she was like um like a you know really good play. And she knew the pathway herself because I didn't have a lot of people to guide me through that pathway yeah I again I got stuck in this trap of being a really good golfer at my golf club. But I never expanded my wings at all I never tested myself and unfortunately that really affected my my performance because yeah I wasn't putting myself in these more challenging situations. And and improving because of those yeah see I was a bit different to that maybe because I was a couple years younger. But I kind of did do. And I knew I was nowhere near good enough was deep down hurt like I am entered the Faldo series which was the elite still going around the Elite series. For like junior golf and Aluma handicap was low enough to enter I never made the ballot. And that was frustrating I think I was like four when I was 16 I couldn't even get in. And then.

One year the hosted a lot of qualifying venues as well so if you were handicapped long enough to enter. But you hadn't made the ballot you could go and actually play around the golf and try and get in and it was at um oh what's it called in Middleton the muni um oh yeah the Himalayas of Manchester yeah exactly. And I played the and I played with Andrew Maurice Sons Andrew Murray who won the European opening night Tom Murray he actually was he was off the same handicap as me. And he just had a really good round he got through and entered into the yeah I think he then.

Got into the Faldo series. And I don't think he then.

Did great within the series. But he was good enough to at least get in I wasn't good enough to even get in. And at that age it was a bit disheart. And it's like I'm not even good enough to get into these tournaments never mind win them and do well. And then.

Some of those guys like Ollie Fisher was absolutely dominant in that. And he's going to have a good career really good um. But those guys who who are like that who who are winning stuff who aren't even golfs anymore it just shows you the levels isn't it it's insane however. this also I'm saying that the pathway. And stuff this is also isn't super new because there's been golfers playing at ridiculous levels the hundreds of years yes I I adopt my cap to them this week. And we had a we had a fly-in visit to Prestwick yeah up. And down in the day mackie's trip on the way back obviously loads and they'll get spicy nuggets oh they're relaxed now they're good and we I filmed a video there of back in 1860 it was the host venue the first ever Open golf shot was hit on the 17th of October 1860 the open as we know it now we've just got had 150th. And this was 62 years ago. So 162 years ago so they've only missed 12 opens in that time frame and on that First Tee in 1860 17th of October eight golfers battled it out to become the champion golfer of the year they did. And um Willie Park was it Willie Park won the first one um. But we added a little challenge where I tried to beat the course record set in 1872 I believe yeah something like that um Tom young Tom Morris well what's insane to Prestwick golf club is there today.

It's in the we've done a break 75 though one of my favorite tracks random golf course that in some ways shouldn't be how it is. But yeah it's perfect how it is it's bizarre the original Golf Course was 12 holes not 18 as it is now a quick one I love 12 holes what a number I adjusted more than nine less than 18. oh that's great 12 holes how good was it like we I flew around we were filming it was just over maybe under three hours I think we got rounded. And you could do it quicker not filming definitely. And it was just about the just the right amount of holes. And most of the holes that it it was back then.

Obviously aren't holes today.

So they've read on the t's they've put Greens in some Fairways some greens were real greens it was two holes that were still actually real holes. But it was like basically cross-country golf you know the golf course yourself with David Fleming the head pro walking around giving you advice giving you lines some of your decisions he wasn't very fond of sometimes they paid off you hit drive. And holy should never hit driver on but written you better and actually worked out well and you did. But what a what a story The opens actually got we know that we're a huge Fanboys of the open that's no secret obviously. But when you go to the course and when you see the actual holes they were playing now we'll give a little bit of the video away the original plan was you play with hickories yes. And that was because it would be fun to see you struggle with hickories however. our concern was if you go out. And try and beat young Tomatoes score with hickories you're probably not going to because not only was the tagwoods of the day. But you're not used to those golf clubs it would take you several holes to even understand how to swing them it'd almost take me weeks and weeks to prepare exactly so then.

If you let's you want to break 47 let's just say you shot 57 for example then.

You've not done it but also we'd like yeah. But I'm not not that you'd give the excuse but with that element of the video like yeah. But you're not used to the golf clubs and stuff anyway you played with your own modern golf clubs from the year 2021 2022 to see what it was like. And it just highlighted we won't give it away but how good those guys were I'm gonna give one little thing away okay I played the first hole really nicely yeah okay the first hole is at like nearly 600 yard. And they used to call it in the back in the day a bogey seat yes it's what an average golfer would shoot on that hole Yeah I scored a five because it's pretty much like a par five now I just got a really nice five against the cost record I was already two behind insane. So young Tom Morris on that very hole recorded a three it was an albatross it's like ridiculous with Hickory golf clubs with a gutty golf ball it would probably only hitting at 200 yards he managed to make a three it's insane. And I made I'm a great drive a great iron shot a really nice wedge shot and two pointed for a fire I'm very happy with it the way we did because if you had been using the Hickory golf clubs I think I wouldn't in some ways I would have thought oh my word this course feels. So much longer because using those clubs but do I see you take it on with real modern clubs. And still in Parts struggle yeah yeah it just really it just really shown how good those boys were the video will be coming out very soon I think it's gonna be really good one. But also I just want to mention I don't think David Fleming might be my favorite head pro in the country um yes I'm trying to think of why I'm at David if you're listening watching I think now why you're not um. And a true Gent he's been there for 18 years he doesn't look it he looks kind of young and you know fresh fresh face ready to go and he's been oh is it only the fifth head professional at press something like that yeah literally a handful. And David Fleming has a phenomenal Golf Shop um on site it has some of the best stock anywhere he looked after the lad he looked after you with a nice heart we've also got a little bit of a prize pool of product to give away in the actual um Prestwick video which will be coming out in a week. Or so um but the whole venue there even like in the secretary yeah that's such a nice guy really knowledgeable here there was a bit where we did eat. And lunch the food yeah oh what was the chef called David Chef had been there. For 45 years insane um he gave us this nice little cookbook which which um was raising money. For charity because he unfortunately lost his wife and and we out and it was really nice they took us in this you missed this bit they have a vault there right. And I think you guys were setting up the cameras. And stuff and I went into this vault in this spot they were like all of this amazing amazing old including original scorecards from the 1864 open that's insane like they've been properly written out. And everything each group had a gentleman walking around with him to make sure these scallywag good golfers didn't cheat basically yeah that's what's mad back in those days golf professionals will look down upon it was their amateurs that were seen as the the gentleman. And the wealthy it's crazy it was almost like if you got too good it wasn't seen to be in being polite I think it was because if you had to work if golf was your living that was quite like were these casual businessmen who would have owned land I can't say Erica oh my word never's not right either Aristocrats Aristocrats um hey when that happened you could have used your mic there. For the first time Matt should we hear Matt speak yeah this chance to redeem himself um. So yeah it was it was like frowned upon want him like professionals weren't allowed to go in the in the clubhouse at many times. But the first ever opened it was 36 holes they teed off at 12 o'clock noon they played two Loops of 12 went to the Red Lion basically got smashed. And had a bit of food came back and played the other 12 holes very similar to how Edie breaks every fives but that was all done in like a six hour window that's how golf should be unbelievable what a great video I'm very much looking forward to that one coming out. And I think everyone will enjoy it. But Rick I've got some emails for you there's a mixture of I've got a few good ones so if you want to email us please do it's podcast Rook shields.com one thing I want to mention to people are writing in we appreciate your emails. And we try and read every single one of them we really do. And we reply to someone who read up to some out if you send us a long email it's really long we really appreciate it and I I personally I know Rick does we love reading them. But we might be able to read them out when they're so long so just be aware of that like we're not ignoring you it's just hard to read out long ones that makes sense isn't it so this one is the nice one actually Rick. And it's um something that I think people should just um take a moment to think about. And anything we can do to help this I think is is worthwhile it's from I just tasting it first name it's from Connor says thank you. For saving me he says hi uh guy and Rick this email is nothing more than a thank you I've really struggled with mental health recently. And as a man it feels very hard to talk about being on the golf course and watching the videos and listening to the podcasts are some way some of the only times I feel at ease. So thanks for keeping me going from Connor oh very nice. And I replied to him and said that you know we were going to read that out. And just say his first name but just a quick note said to him in the email you know as a man. Or whatever even if you're a female it can be very hard to talk about mental health. But don't let it be you know if you had a broken leg or a sore arm you'd go to the doctor and talk about it with no qualms problem shared is a problem absolutely you know anyone listens out there I know a lot of people are struggling. And it's we all have time so it's it's tough but speak to somebody there's there definitely will make you feel a lot better. But thanks anyway Connor and we're really appreciate you reaching out however. we've had an email here Rick from the complaint he might be yeah it is. So it's from I'll read him out Stuart Smith okay laptop's going in front of me okay hi both oh we're not even first names I need your help okay as I said I have some really irrational anger building up that's the title of the email which I've just missed off was called a rational anger building up having watched Rick's videos. For a good few years now I absolutely love them so keep doing what you're doing okay my favorite videos being any of the on-course ones where we play different golf courses however. there is something that is starting to get my goat which wants me to get annoyed. And I don't know why okay why oh why does Rick always use anything except a ball marker to mark his ball on the green mainly teas. And pitchforks surely poking these into the hallowed Turf the greens will be better suited well we'll be better suited using a ball Mark. Or a coin like I said it's quite irrational which had me thinking what may be a good section. For the podcast might be asking people and us what are little things that I know you on the golf course. So maybe next.

Week we'll do that if you've got anything that I know you're on the goal of course it shouldn't do we'll put some Facebook as well let us know. But this is your time now to explain to Stuart Smith why the hell use a tea. And not a ball marker sometimes and I've had this as well in the in the recently five videos I've had a lot of comments I actually don't really think about it that long I I'll do use ball markers yeah aunties. And pitchforks and beer cans and all sorts to mark my balls is YouTube Gold plaque sometimes you gotta Flex um yeah I don't do on purpose sure I'm really sorry I don't think it's all the time. But it's probably majority of the time yeah if I was playing in a more serious competition. Or whatever it may be I would definitely use a ball marker because it's somewhat disrespectful using a t-pack and there's a lot of golfers around my only argument would be this is a weak one I'm gonna run with it is by using a t. Or a pitchfork or some description it's more visible on camera so people can maybe see it a little bit more bricks if you're listening to this Rick Smith it's quite a good fit um no I I genuinely genuinely use anything I have no yeah I've got loads of ball markers in my bag. But often just a quick t-pack stick it in pull it out uh clean your balls yeah. And pop it back in so yeah yeah I agree. And exactly the same if I was playing the comp I would always use a actual ground ball marker when we're playing just even on a break 75 I'll use a tease I'll tell you the ball Mark sometimes a tea. And I've had that people have comment on it for me before and it's not really a big deal the only ones I've I don't like and I've tried them in the past I don't particularly like the poker chips no I'm not a fan because certainly if it's in someone's way it's like yeah they are a bit too big do you remember though back in the day. And I feel like this has definitely died off and he mentioned uh Stuart mentioned this in the email about poking stuff in the in the floor it's gonna make next.

To no difference to the to you know to the performance of the green because people walk on with spikes. And everything else but ball markers have definitely got rid of the the spikes they used to be a round circle with like a little Spike yeah that would keep it in place yeah that's just flat really gone that answer yes I wonder why they feel very much like a plastic set that you'd get like when you start playing golf the Auntie knows you play a golf. And at Christmas you'll get your packable markers I've got literally at home I'm sure I've got a bag somewhere of like little tiny um metal ones from different golf courses and underneath it wasn't so much a spike it was almost like a little bit of uh like a round buttony like little yeah yeah. But more like a press a knob little knob like a little knob it's a little knob little knob yeah um just yeah um. So Stuart I apologize for you the next.

Time I go and play you don't use a little knob I will use where's this going this is fine uh right okay I've got a little discussion point. For you Rick and also I would love people watching to get involved with this in the comments below um and if you're not watching you're listening hey um emails could you emails you could do oh you could I'll try it podcast ricksheels.com yes it really excites me how good you're getting that email address out just a quick one though. And I genuinely don't know that I've got 10 seconds be quick is it podcast at ricksheels.com. Or podcasts podcast okay I think we're gonna do one podcast if we did several podcasts maybe we could actually do spin-off podcast I thought this before how can we monetize the podcast more. So maybe we do like a Friday banter well there's no structure based out of this really. But even more lack of structure and we'll just chat if we've got more lack of structure it's gonna really get silly right so this is one I know I've just joked then.

About listening versus watching. But if you are listening it might be worth just uh when you get in out your car. Or finish your Run finish mowing the lawn what else you'll be doing why else would you be listening rather than watching what could you be doing walking the dog yes um you could be painting yes you could be shopping shopping yeah it could be in the gym it could be the pumping I just want pumping out now to like literally right a second pumping oh my God Anyway come on right. So we had not last week because that was Reese episode the week before we had this little discussion about our new golf clubs a waste of money. And it was a bit of a tongue-in-cheek kind of joke if not Joe. But topic about how you know new golf clubs are innovating very much etc etc. And ultimately you know nothing's a waste of money if it makes people happy and wants to play golf but I went to the driving range at the weekend which I told you about you know the story what's coming and um I was in there talking to the manager of the American golf store. And he showed me a set of irons just out of it just out of wasn't expecting you to review them nothing like that just now look at these ions they've got in there quite good so my discussion puts on these ions and a bit of a more holistic look at golf Brands as well and it's something that confuses me and hopefully you've got an answer to this but you may not there's a brand called Ben Ross which UK listeners will probably be a word of maybe an American man I've heard of this brand. But Ben Ross as far as I believe was a British Golf manufacturer is a rich golf manufacturer. And they launched probably 20 years ago this might not be completely correct but in that ballpark and they were essentially kind of designed to be premium-ish golf clubs. But probably two-thirds of the price of your big boy Brands yeah. And you did reviews on bandross before yeah at least even when I've been working with you you've done some. And we've had the drives and whatever um but now Ben Ross have been oh bought and owned by American Golf okay now normally when a retailer buys a brand I often think it devalues the heritage of the brand. And it becomes a bit more cheap and a bit more profit driven yeah. So in the UK one of our biggest Sports retail Sports Direct essentially owns probably eight percent of the brands in the slazengers uh Everlast blah blah all have Dunlop all of which in the day were very good brands exactly your goal literally might be silly people don't know this. But 20 years ago yeah great. And even seven ballast was was rocking the sweaters. And the jumpers and even the clothing I'm sorry even the golf clubs were really good an everlasting boxing were a massive brand. So there is that worry that sometimes again whenever you know this happens it can devalue brand the products gets more inferior however. from what I've seen from Ben Ross they've got a set of irons out right now they're a new set of items that I've shown you a picture of I'm gonna put them on the screen. And just show you again Ricky get your eyes on them that look absolutely pure the guy American Girl gave them to have a hit of on the Range I was hitting some balls you know what do we do a good I didn't come away absolutely Blown Away I also thought they were perfectly good. And decent now these ions as you see from the video are a forged set of irons that have a very distinctive tailor-made look certainly some of the RAC I think tp's a number of years ago. But even the new seven MCS they look you can they look similar I would say they've been heavily inspired absolutely I would wholeheartedly agree now these iron aren't cheap cheap they are four to pitching wedge. And you can get them fitted as well it's 699 okay 700 pound if you went into American Golf. And you wanted the equivalent in tailor-made the p7mcs for the same number of ions you're looking at 1099 pounds so where I'm getting to with this is there's a 400 pound difference in price both a brand new shiny. And a wrapper whatever firstly I know that one of the reasons why Ben Ross can be cheaper they don't pay tour athlete. So where's Taylor Made A paying the wages of tiger Rory blah blah blah that cost a fortune don't you think that was Ben Ross's biggest tagline as well back in the day yeah it was that you were out to Opera actually the guy in the street the woman in the street that plays their clubs you're our tour pro you correct that I remember that. And also you know you Brands like TaylorMade and callaways they do definitely spend a lot more on R D. So they're the guys that really find these new technologies and smaller Brands May copy Be Inspired yes Be Inspired. But basically my point was two things firstly does this prove that a good quiet set of ions should be more like 700 pound. And not over a thousand pounds which is driving people insane certainly this tough you know economical climate you know things are getting tighter. So that's one question I'm going to post it should clubs be cheaper this is proven it can be. But secondly and this is what's bad of me as a golfer I've tried those irons out. And I know they're quite good but yeah I wouldn't want to use them brand snobber is a thing yep it is like you if if I asked golfers. And walked around the driving range and asked them what their favorite brands are it's probably going to be the names that we know TaylorMade Titleist Callaway ping it's very rare yeah I almost feel like I could ask a hundred golfers at driving range I don't think any of them would say Ben Ross yeah personally would that that you're right. And that goes with Heritage it goes with having very very premium products for long periods of time like you look at a brand like Ping they've been known for being excellent for a long long time as I've titled TaylorMade Callaway where someone like a Ben Ross because it's had such a twisty windy road of a pathway a journey I think it loses a little bit of that credibility with with a general golfer you know like say it was a standalone brand it was super cheap almost a bit cheap. And cheerful kind of vibe and they've been bought by American Golf that's that's a disruption in in the kind of the the journey suddenly bringing out irons that look much much much nicer from slightly more pricier than like if you just said to me six years ago. And show me those clubs and gone these this is going to be the clubs that Ben Ross bring out in like six years that are gone no way like you're joking because that doesn't seem to fit with their model at the time they've obviously evolved. Or American Golf want to make some more money out of them whatever it may be but I do think there's there's a like why the Pro V1 is. So successful it's been there through everybody's golfing Journey for the last 22 years and it's made little tiny changes so much but where I think there's a big market. For clubs like this a probably new brand new golfers who don't have that loyalty to Brands you know don't have that loyalty to TaylorMade to type this Ping's colorways Etc who actually just see that setting go well I like these and they are 400 quid cheap. And everything else yeah I mean. So there is a market. For any type of these Brands but I do think Brands snob reob. Or the perception of brand values are very different you know. And and golfers as a whole um do prefer these kind of Premium brands from what from my understanding anyway yeah you're right it does baffle me a little bit how like if I know I've had a friend. And it was the 30th birthday the 40th birthday whatever. And they were going to treat themselves to a you know premium set of ions. And they're going. For custom fitting and they said you know what I'm gonna go. And get whatever I hit best whatever I like if my friend walked away with these I wouldn't put one second poo poo them but I'd almost think. But why what's the reason if he says it was price it was the price you go okay that makes sense. But I still feel like but he's the very I don't know it doesn't quite feel I don't I think it's because it's a brand that is you're not used them being like that little bit more premium. But yeah they're still a long way off like would you recommend a friend to go. And spend 700 pounds on a golf bitter set that's like maybe two years old but was a grand at retail. Or would you say go and try that I still I still would no I know we've got skills yeah. Or even just second hand in general because I just yeah. And and it's maybe just not even that quality control that reassurance that trust that that set of golf clubs are going to be good. For a long period of time where something like this I'm not saying they won't be but you're going in Uncharted Territory yeah like what are they going to look like in three years time I agree all right nobody we don't know because we've not seen them do you know what I mean where you you've seen old sets of taylormades. Or title stopping whatever and you go okay well that's what they're gonna look like in three. Or four years I don't know it's just it's talk it's we're talk it's just weird in it it's like there's a clubs that I've tried they felt good they look very very good they're much cheap competitors but yet it doesn't feel the sun doesn't feel quite right and it might be I am a golf snob and I'm happy to help well I'm not happy to but I'm willing to hold my hands up and say I must be um but but it doesn't just happen in golf this it happened in cars as well yeah. But how many there's a couple of cars that I've seen that would pull up a petrol station go that looks nice like what the hell is that looks really cool. And it's like a skoda yeah. And on a poo poo skoda at all but it's like oh I didn't expect that to be a skoda and it's like that brand connection like for some reason I've got this kind of negativity there's no personal reason against the car of that of that brand that's not like being a bit no I know. But I'm not meaning to offend anybody with that it's just my yeah just my perception of what that is I think it's had a bad history hasn't it it's not made particularly great cars it's probably trying to change that image now. For example a bit like Ben Ross or other brands you know it just got me thinking and I think a lot of golfers. And rightly sir we do complain about the price of golf clubs certainly going up. And being super expensive but again in a long-winded point there are more Alternatives out than I would you know we're in nowhere affiliated with American Golf we think is perfectly clear from some of the previous podcasts we've done where we've actually angered them let's be honest um. But it might be worth trying if you're looking for a set of forged items and you want something that's a bit cheaper than its competitors maybe try them out and if you do try them out. And you think they're great let us know if giant hit the rubbish let us know my last thing is the price gone up of those because the price of other ions have also gone up yeah maybe. But I suppose as well that's that's the forged offering and we'll say they do do cheaper cast clubs I think that you can just stuck between a rock. And a hard place if you cost them too cheap let's say 399 they feel like they're nowhere near the level of a title as the Taylor Made It ping whatever Mizuno if you charge them nearer and you get too close and no one's gonna pick them. So you have to be in that sweet spot but then.

It's still expensive what I'm getting out of here that price that you're telling me there six or seven years ago was the price of a brand new set of Television yes they might have been 399 at the time that's what I mean. So I feel like I feel like because the the top line bar has gone up so much everything else is under it has gone up a little bit as well no you're right I remember like I said six seven years ago a set of nice photos Downs well 699 well that that uh Golf Magazine you brought in the other day yeah everything was the top top stuff was six nine I mean it was 20 years old. But still it's um even but even when I was at Nike in 2014 15 16 whatever the top I know Nike wasn't seen as high-end as Taylor Made Etc. But it still was the same price point. And it was like 699 instead of forged irons. So now so the new new ones of that in it yeah you can't get a set of irons brand new will be in five years. Or will it hit a ceiling will it just keep going up. And up and up who knows do you want some Facebook questions do it. So um as always if you're not a member of I want a one word answer from you Rick if you're not a member of the Facebook group what are you a plonker nice offensive. But yet radio friendly I know I'm not like flonkers like a canceled I was a bit of a plonker it's not even your villain. Or your thoughts okay. So Joe is the guy who wants to pull a bit later I think it's Ricky Ricky's a flunker in he Rick is it yeah 100 bunker okay. So from Ryan ho would RS I presume that means Rick Shields um or it could mean I don't think somebody else famous with an RS um whoever gets one first wins you should know some Hello Rick Stein z a chef although I win one nil Uh Wood Rick Stein Rick she has ever sponsored golf pro supporting them to get them to the DP World Tour I must admit it's crossed my my mind I know like 10 times I'm I don't know what it looks like. Yet but after speaking to Reese and and spending a bit more time with these kind of Pros they were trying to make it it does fascinate me like I am quite interested to see what that wouldn't would look like it'll have to be some sort of content plan I've almost I'd almost like to audition. And try and audition for three pros a year and we follow the journey and we sponsor everything we you know we fund it fully but on on that they've they make content around it yeah what would fascinate me as well is let's just say. For example you had Reese who we filmed it today.

And he played an event and shot like an 18 so that was a really hard event. And the next.

Day we filmed I'm gonna shoot 63 it just shows how good it actually is. And how hard the events are yeah it'd be really good to have. And then.

We can almost like attach them to the channel we can have them on the podcast we can chat to them we can bring them. For videos and then.

When they get into the Masters that's your ticket you can I can see you there with shades on cap on lanyard around your neck lanyards multiple. So they're like Disneyland it doesn't matter what it is I've got the open right six years ago on yeah. But that would that be quite cool in it it would yeah it would. And maybe we'll look at doing that next.

Year Steph fans valve money so I hope I'm not butchered your name there I think I probably have are there any club releases that you guys are genuinely looking forward to testing. Or do you think they're all pretty much the same you know same gear new marketing Etc um I always get quite excited about the new drivers certainly from TaylorMade. And colorway yeah. And ping a little bit as well because they've do a new one out um. But nothing that's I'm always intrigued to see what TaylorMade bring out yeah now normally after a big launch like stealth you normally don't get back to back massively Evolution as opposed to Revolution. So it'll be it'll be a guessing stealth 2 of some description um I feel like Callaway kind of keep flipping and yeah flipping out there they're on Rogue this size will it be epic again I don't know they they I feel like they need to kind of do something quite big this year potentially driver they might not think it. But certainly to get the juices flowing um yeah yeah it's a real tough one it I feel like the brands are probably scratching their own heads going what the hell is getting hard fellas you're right I think I'm in two frames part of me thinks they're not gonna be any better. So I'm not excited than part of things. But you have to do something. So what can that something be that's quite exciting what is that something definitely this time last year we were starting to get teasers about the new stealth drivers this was like before we even knew what it was going to be. And it was like oh my God something new like really really new. And I remember going down. And we we went and hit it um just in North hands yeah I went. And hit it North hands and I was like genuinely. For the first time a long time I was like ready to stand over that driving girl bloody hell this is it. And I was like ah yeah this isn't yeah this isn't that different I think what more Brands surely need to be doing in the future is I know we've had a little bit with our cast. But this you know infusion of Technology you know it seems crazy that you know we know there's rules in place by the RNA the USGA these governing bodies who determine what they can do with golf clubs. But why you know why can't they do more with technology I don't know what it looks like whether it does connect to your phone it measures your full bed speed you know it can't be that difficult to do. And another thing I'd like to see whether this would be financially viable I guess it wouldn't be what you really don't but you know lots of golfers don't play competitions do they I would I'd love to know the split of actual golfers in the UK. And then.

Versus who actually play Club comps I bet it's a smaller split than you think yeah why isn't that more illegal golf clubs because if you only play wreck like with a friend I could say Recreation I can't speak today.

I can't say fancy can you say recreationally that was interesting yeah um. And you wanted a 500cc drive or a really hot face driver I mean maybe then.

People were playing comps with them which would be cheating. But why why I think Brands probably might get a little bit more scared about things like that like a brand becoming almost known. For making illegal clubs rather than genuine clubs and I suppose if they were actually if you've got that much r d I don't know if you've got an illegal one today.

And it went miles let's just say you would never then.

Buy the normal version for the next.

10 years would you because it'd be no need to. But you buy the next.

Legal maybe there's no limits that's true it'd make it give us much more to test it will be good if if Brands would do some things at sometimes. But who knows is that the class um we're getting a lot of requests about going to Australia I've noticed that it's weird that because actually last night I was watching Grand designs Australia. So it's fate yeah um possibly Wilson I've seen the one from will Bobby he said do you guys ever drink whilst you're playing. Or is it usually too serious um no I do play. And drink yeah not not on video. But I actually enjoy it more than I thought I was ever gonna do draw drink drinking. And playing yeah drinking. And driving but not that kind of drinking and driving 360 yards yeah I really like it I think that's the future um what uh considers they're being made going uh oh sorry I read that one wrong just. So you know I'm done now I'm out of content so I'm free within this okay this is from John everyone has a swing thought okay. Or multiple ones when you step up to the ball watch your most common swing thought and does it help you focus do you have a swing thought yes line changes all the time at the minute I'm trying to stand close to the golf ball which means I feel like it's gonna cause me to not really extend as much. And then.

Swing kind of out yeah it's hard to explain. But it doesn't really work I have two really I feel like I'm trying to get my right knee to touch my left knee on the way down and swing left yeah that's that's all I think about currently. But then.

I have multiple ones as well I have lots of sometimes I'm stood over it and actually I know some of my shots haven't shown it recently but I feel like I'm I'm having much less thoughts chipping now well that's pitching I was gonna come on to I think swing thoughts though every professional golfer in the world I guess has them they're almost a bad thing sometimes because many of them well the the shots that I am most comfortable on I have no thought. So if I was in a bunker I'm not saying I'm great. But I'm getting it out every time I've been somewhat up and downable I open the face shuffle my feet and hit it I don't think about anything to you I just think about where I want to hit the Sands yeah see I don't even think the most maybe subconsciously I do. But I don't even think of that. Or same like a bump and Runway I might look at what I want to do with anything I want to land it there. And come around that and use the break but then.

When I'm over the ball I don't know it's a short swing I don't think of anything yeah I think I'm thinking Less on driver. And the opposite and thinking more on Wedge shots naturally yeah putting I'd possibly need to think a bit more because I don't think I think enough um I think will yeah uh uh oh question. For you oh okay Mark Lee on the last break 75 guy hit a ball out of bounds then.

Decided not to go back to T to replay the shot this was clitheroe yes as other groups were waiting. And uh you see gave up on your score why didn't you use the new rule to allow two shot Strokes drop from where balls went where guys ball went out of bounds yeah um well it was it was a lost girl. But it was actually out of bounds. But anyway it only because my scores borderline irrelevant really isn't it so it's I I don't think he could have used that reel because like I say it wasn't out of bounds I don't know if you can't uh yeah. So I don't know if the lost ball you still have to go back or if you yeah I don't know I think a lost ball you've got to go back yeah it doesn't really work. And also it's a local rule it is. So it's not actually a I think most golf clubs have him it's a good idea because it definitely speeds up play. But the only spells in that situation would have been worth it but I suppose in hindsight you'd probably you're always going to be in a bad spot probably if you've lost your balls you're placing it in a place. Or dropping it in a place not ideal but anyway I don't know um Andrew Tyro can you use Rick's break 75 scores on the World handicap system see what's playing handicap is correctly I recall when you had uh did the Pod last year. And did it yeah. So like I think last year it weirdly gave me like a plus one. Or plus two handicaps I had a good round at Mia I think my lowest round of golf this year has been level on break 75 where was that there again oh the caddy with caddy one over at St Andrews level at Saint Andrew sorry yeah the last. So I've had a couple of levels so it probably they'll probably use that so it'll probably be about scratch I feel like my bad ones are getting better. But still throwing in a couple of 80s and they know just a quick note on that though I think well a lot I know people watching just. For fun and there's one coming out today.

This will obviously be a couple days ago when you're listening. And watching this but like not defending your actions undefensible but when you have a bad round they shoot a bad score yes sometimes you have played these courses before sometimes the courses you've never played. But it is a lot harder to go into new costs. And that's something I'm obviously the benefit of me playing with you which I really enjoy is it is a lot harder going to different courses you don't realize it sounds obvious. But you know as a golfer of a member of a club when you go elsewhere it's very rare that you play as well as you do your home course you often do shoot high scores which you know you don't know the lines of the brakes on the pace the greens every break 75 you're playing a new course. So it's hard much much harder to shoot around your handicap if you had a handicap I think if each one of them would never do this because of time restraints. But if each one had a practice round first yeah. And then.

The next.

Day I played I probably I would do a lot better this is a weird one hammers put why is Rick's pinky finger bent he is bent a lot of people ask that I've seen that. So as you know is you the one normal wow. But on this one's flat one's not I don't actually know some I think it is a it is a thing a disease like my disease I uh my section of my skin there is too small basically. But yeah it's been it looks painful weirdly that which doesn't hurt me at all. So right now this is definitely worth watching the podcast. For on audio I'm bending my little finger back as far as I can it's not very far. But it's not very straight the thing I can't do I can't stick my tongue out very far I don't really want to see it that's quite far it's far enough I have uh what you call it the bottom of your mouth tongue like tongue tie snipped we had both our girls Snips no it's not if it goes all the way down though tongue Tides when it's like you can't move tumble. Or maybe it's just a tongue of tight tighter tongue tongue right I think on that note you know what I was gonna say at the end of this podcast if you want to rate US on Apple five stars I don't know if you should um maybe rate US four. And a half I can't do fortnite James head if you were to make an illegal Golf Club what would it be what would you want it to achieve um that's a good you know what I don't want to go. For a driver because that's just too obvious because it could always go further it could always go straighter I want a putter okay that shows you the line of the put some people can people are clever I'm down we've been to the Moon I mean sure there's glasses there's glasses now from put View where you put these glasses on it's like almost like VR. And you can actually see the line of the putts. So maybe that linked with a putter that could you know like Tiger Woods games remember back in the day yeah it's a show yeah. And you'd be able to just line it up and knock it in I was thinking very similar to that. But not anywhere near as high tech and something as a trading there just be a laid on the top of the putter that just showed you where you're aiming yeah. So you've got like a three foot straight pull and you put your laser on and it's aiming to the right well you're obviously gonna miss it you think I think that's the thing it's a trailing Aid I think I don't know if it's a real putter oh maybe that's a video idea maybe it is. But that's something like that oh yeah obviously a driver um yeah yours went to longer. And straighter don't you so there's not really much you know you could think of there really what about uh Taiwan sorry a quick one I would like a club where you could almost dial in the distance better from 100 yards. So you just have to aim it they'll keep some skill but it's almost like um a trait a club that would only let you swing a certain length through to a certain length the ball would only go that distance um like a swingless golf club but you swing it but you swing it but it but it has a limiter on it yeah. So it's almost like once you get to halfway you can't take the club back any further like it almost wakes its way down and then.

You swing through to halfway and as long as you make contacts there's still a level of skill and aim right the ball should go that distance could work you know like the clock face drill yeah. But one that's like it's all it's it you can you can set it in maybe this is why big Brands don't do illegal clubs because their ideas aren't that brilliant he's a he's a buddy brilliant at the moment the clock face Golf Club yeah I'd buy that Millions if you buy anything you see I mean you bought some sort of Instagram it's coming today.

The chocolate fire guy have you seen these uh again it was on Instagram it's like a business card okay all right the hello 1995.. For it's only one you don't hand it out scan it yeah scan it on someone's phone okay. And also you get a sticker to the back of your phone so if let's say big important meat oh Rick what's your contact details like how can I find you you literally scan your phone to their phone. And up on their phone pops up all your information that's good that is good because we have a lot of big informed memes Rick how do I find you on Instagram Twitter Facebook how many times I'll tell you when it will be useful come on. And I'll have to set it so I don't have my phone number on there but when let's say um we go filming somewhere yeah okay. And don't race behind the bar goes oh what are you doing with all those fancy cameras they look fancy let me show you Doris. And you can go all right we have a YouTube channel oh what's the channel name. And you can go oh oh actually this do you think she's got a phone cable doing that she pulls out she'd walk up with a house phone what do I do. So then.

It's just gonna have links to your social platforms so rather saying search Rick Shields you know I'm gonna say get your phone out girl it's in the car on set then.

What's the car they unlock the car so my next.

Thing then.

Okay my next.

Brain you know clever idea how we're gonna get to three million subscribers yeah I'm gonna have it now on my phone I'll have my phone on one hand. And my business card on the other and when like I go shopping or go anywhere just literally like tap people's phones and and like yeah oh YouTube oh look at this Rick Shields I've got to subscribe yeah you know what I think we should do whenever we go to services. And it's like you know the urinals have done little boards and stuff and have like messages on should be like one for you and it's like what if your shaft's not stiff enough search Rick Shields golf tips I like it lean a little bit left yeah check out Rick Shields want to be longer than average Rick Shields golf there's loads of ways you could leverage that in all do you struggle with your flop game oh nice check me out rickshaw's done whatever it is want better balls no that's really work anyway I think on that note I'm all out of innuendo find out how to clean your balls check out michelle.com yeah let's do it let's get a lot of services toilets love it it'll be very expensive. And have like a poster of me like my big beard looking down at them and going like judging yeah my bad right anyway literally it's been the innuendo show today.

Hopefully you've enjoyed it all Matt's fault hopefully you've not listened to with young children. And we'll see you next.

Week and we'll have more things to talk about hopefully peace.