Hey guys welcome back to the rick shields golf show podcast everybody episode 143 i'm rick shields i'm here with co-host guy um and this podcast very excitingly is brought to you powered by our really good friends golfbidder your best friend one of the top three yeah i would yeah i would say. So i don't have many so yeah yeah. So our good friends at golfbidder have hooked us up for the next.

Four episodes um you know that i love golfbidder going down there to their their super store they're kind of willy wonka's chocolate factory of golf clubs uh where sometimes they'll have up to 25 000 different golf clubs from all the major manufacturers you've seen the videos i've done there with p i've done other videos as well with golfbidder. And i'm going to give you a little sneak preview little sneaks. Or something there may be some more golfbidder videos coming very soon can i give them more ish yeah there definitely is more golfing videos coming soon. So they will be class. And hopefully who knows i'm not promising anything maybe a 500 pound golfbidder challenge versus a certain peter finch i'm not saying anything unless he's scared oh but that that's what's out there now this is tyler the podcast peter finch right now i'm on this lens peter finch you're probably gonna no i think think positive rick i've played really good golf today.

[music] you me 500 pounds each golfbidder challenge 18 holes let's do it sign on the dotted line get your people to speak to my people. And we'll make it happen wow that will be exciting. But yeah golfbidder what a company you've worked with them. For about six years i think now rick isn't it a long long time great partnership. And it's great that partnership is carrying over this year as well um. And also for use listening thinking what do i get with this well i'll tell you what you get out of this uh the next.

Four weeks. So this week and the next.

Three we are gonna read out a dear rick each person that gets their dear rick read out puts into a little pot right this little part at the end of the four weeks gonna pull someone's name. Or maybe not their name potentially because if it's a dear rick it might be secretive but we'll pull out like the for example their story man gets hit by golf ball in high story for example yeah that person will win a voucher um to go. And spend at golfbidder now the good news is i said a phone call a golfbidder okay we haven't come to the conclusion of how much this is going to be. Yet so by the last week we'll have an announcement and we'll tell you it could be like 25 million quid could be could be 2.50 it also could be but stay tuned yet make sure you get your dear ricks in email rick no it's not email podcasts rickshields.com yes um this is a mad start i actually didn't know this in the company started in 1997. now i know a lot of you who have watched my youtube channel. For a long time they'll know what golfbidder is it's a website where you can sell. And buy used golf equipment the best have used the golf equipment um they they're just a fantastic company you can sell if you've got a garage full of old gear you can ship it over to them. And you can get a nice big load of money in your bank account. And also if you're fancier trying a new club or trying something that secondhand you can also buy new from golfbidder as well nice you can buy from the website. But it started in 1997 and it was originally called mashi niblic the shop i didn't know that no the other day. And then.

Before going online to golfbidder in 1999 i think that was a wise move golfbidder has a good name. And it's simple not matchy nib looks um but no it's good because i think you said maybe off camera then.

Before we started doing some chatting as we always do is chatting along chirping sometimes we chat when we're not got a microphone we have to pay rick to chat to me normally. So it's like how's making money from our conversations so when they're not getting recorded very short one-word answers talk to me all right that's enough talking um but second-hand clubs are a good way to go yeah cars there's a lot certainly the last we said this perform videos last six. Or seven years there's only small incremental changes to golf clubs we all know that no one's getting the um wool pulled over their eyes these days. So if you fancy a new driver by all means go and buy a brand new one shine you take the wrapper off it's a good feeling but if you want to get yourself a good deal i don't want to get your pants pulled down don't get ripped off secondhand is a good way to go yeah we even see now a lot of tall pros aren't always upgrading to the latest. And greatest are they we look even like matt fitzpatrick like when he won his major this year like he has a mixture of obviously new equipment. But also some old gear in there as well even tony fenow who's recently gone back to back winds has got a nike vapor 2 iron still in the bag so it just goes to show that new equipment yep it's all fancies all shiny and again you can get that from golfbidder.com nice little plug perfect um what an adventure today.

Has been yes it has. So we've been filming a break 75 that's not this friday it's out next.

Friday absolute barry banger at wallacey it's all going to say about that because it's a good one is that what you're going to say about wallacey. Or do i say more at wallace yeah because we're not going to talk about it apart from this wallace's the best thing since sliced bread that's what i'm going to say. So been very fortunate this year to play some incredible incredible golf courses i've been very fortunate and you've tagged along a lot of the times this year actually tagged along tagged along uh some of the amazing break 75 venues we've played this year now wallacey golf club which is down the road almost a neighbor to royal liverpool hoi lake where it's got the open next.

Year it can often kind of maybe somewhat get overlooked. And i don't think that's wrong to say i've overlooked it it's not an open championship venue it's hosted bigger tournaments in the past like english amateur. And some of the latest events and open qualifying back all the way in 2006 i believe last time it hosted open qualifying it's one that could easily be neglected yes it's unbelievable the golf course unbelievable it's in my top three top three golf courses it is it is. And it might be because i'm almost intrigued to know what what you i know saint andrews is number one that's number one. But that's not on the golf course that's on the whole thing okay it's number one regardless. So have you got a two and a three because i'd be intrigued to know what what becomes above that for you today.

You're not saying i don't know i don't know i think bert dale is up there i feel like with burdell i really enjoyed it i played quite nicely which is always a good good when you play a golf coaching plate nicely. But i think with. For burkdale i hear how other people rate it so highly so that's almost made me rate it high do you get what i mean yeah. But honestly right now i would say although not played king's barn been a number of times that place is unreal i must admit other than that i really can't put many above wallacy on today.


It was lovely weather it was sunny it was calm the greens were insane the condition was ridiculous everything about it played okay well enough to enjoy it without giving it away you played well enough to enjoy it um the inside the clubhouse was ridiculous everything about it the history of the place is some things that i didn't know particularly. So we got shown around by uh ren who's the um front of house manager yeah. And a lovely lovely guy and quite simply the fantastic story wallacey and certainly uk listeners and viewers will appreciate this over here in the uk we play stableford a lot in club competitions um stableford is a format where if you have a blow up hole if you have a nightmare hole it doesn't matter because you quite simply on your net score you get two points. For a net par three points for a net birdie four points for an eagle and if you went the other way you get one point for a net bow gig and after that anything more than a net double bogey zero points so it means you can pick your golf ball up you have a bad hole. But it doesn't matter because a couple of net birdies it levels out yes. And the goal of the game of stableford is after 18 holes to have ideally 36 points as you play into your handicap the format stableford was created on the second hole there by dr frank stableford himself. And it's a fantastic story quite simply he hated the first hole the first hole was a nightmare hole. For him which a lot of people people don't like the first hole does it like they can be no i'm not saying that that venue yeah of their own golf you get out the car. Or whatever you hit a bad shot you've been excited all week to go. And play golf next.

Thing you're top one off the t or you come up with a seven it's like oh all week for that your round could be ruined could and basically frank thought you know what i've had enough of this i'm a clever man i'm a doctor i'm going to sort this out. So here prescribed golf nice the medicine of being able to say do not worry about having a blow up hole i'm going to come up with a format that's going to make everybody around the world enjoy golf more. And i do believe that that's what happened um was it 1931 the night yeah around that area was the first time stableford format was actually played at wallacey again created by frank stableford um. And like say in america i know we've got a lot of american listeners and viewers i don't believe it's a format that's used there at all yeah i know you've said that to me i didn't know that. But apparently it's not um but yeah what a little plaque on the second team it was all invented um. And then.

Also it um is the golf course where bobby jones qualified. For the open which went on to win so there's an unbelievable painting in there of him that he has signed that apparently should we say this about guster um i don't think we should say the value okay. But augusta really really really really want that picture yeah. And they have offered a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of money for that picture and what we'll see have said no they've offered about the same amount that the golfbidder winner's gonna win in vouchers wow that's just showing how much it actually is um. So yeah the original is there it pride. And place above the fireplace there at wallace in the clubhouse and the clubhouse is. So nice bobby jones signed portrait which augusta only have a replica of because again the story bobby jones set up augusta in the first place um with with aleister mckenzie's the course designer and even you go back to the history of wallace when it was when it was established in 1891 it was tom morris who got commissioned to design the golf course there's still four. For holes or four greens at the same as when he designed it yeah it's just anyway great place cannot rate it highly enough. And like i said that will be out in a couple of weeks. But we teed off at half seven this morning we flew round we did we had to because there was a chasing group. But we flew round a couple of nice games of golf and like i said that'll be out next.

Friday um had some nice food. And then.

We were heading back here to the uh to the podcast because we we want to make a podcast. And um you for reasons don't get into you had some issues with your car recently so i've currently been cruising and you know what i was really excited about talking about this in the podcast the last hour. And a half i don't know the brand of it though why not because then.

You giving them the exposure they wanted to give you in the first place i wouldn't give them that what was it to another company another rival company. So basically i've got i've got an audit and it didn't something went wrong with it and i wasn't very happy so i spoke to the guys at audi and said i'd like to have this rectified. And i'm interested in electric car and i'd like to try out one of the e-trons they've loaned me for a week an e-tron gt rs yes which is a ridiculous ridiculous car it's like a spaceship on wheels. And it's electric and it's fast as hell and they gave me last wednesday with 258 miles of charge in it that's the limit okay i've been driving it driving all week chilling out thinking yeah whatever if i get to charge it i'll charge it whatever right no big deal leaving wallacey today.

It was 32 36 miles to the office here to do our podcast. And on the barometer on the mileage it said 35 miles almost called it's gonna be tight i thought it's all right don't worry whatever. So set up on my way set off on my way at 12 o'clock 12 o'clock i set off right remember that time and i'm driving along and i'm thinking this is quite nice. And i won't go quite as fast i reserve a bit of the power and about halfway there i thought well let's stop off at a charging station i've always wanted to do this why not pull into a petrol service station pull off there's two electric charging ports i'm thinking brilliant this is this is handy as hell i'm gonna sit here. For 20 minutes 30 minutes have a quick coffee i can be on my way ready. For the podcast unfortunately the one that was in available was out of service. And then.

I continued to go to four more other charging stations one at a travel lodge which didn't work one at a fiat garage which would wouldn't let me charge it because it's an audi which i understand yeah um another one that wouldn't allow me to log in with my phone. And then.

The final one which was a tesco which i thought okay i'm in free of charge let's ch let's charge this puppy up okay um i was very conscious that i was leaving you guys waiting. And everything else not you guys listening to watching you're gonna get your your podcast on time but guy and the team here waiting for the podcast and so i plug it in i'm feeling quite quite chuffed about myself i walk in tesco grab a white monster nice i have a little mooch around probably about 10 minutes okay i'm thinking okay that that's probably should be done by now go back to the car it increased by one mile one mile that's quite poor. So i had to wait for literally an hour to charge like five miles just so i had now enough mileage to get to the office because i've been all around the bloody area around warrington trying to find a charging port that i've now managed to get to the office at three o'clock three hours after i set off which shouldn't have taken it should have been a 56 minute journey i've now abandoned the car in a local garage in a local car park that promised me on the online on this bloody phone thing i'm not blaming my phone sorry i'm playing blaming anything that's electronic now um they said there's gonna be a charger there was no charger there. So i've literally abandoned my car in a car park with zero percent mileage zero mileage i don't know how to do this. And i don't know what's going to happen next..

So i'm frustrated question for you you let things be last minute i get that you like the excitement the thrill right what i don't understand is i'm sure you can clarify this. For me you knew yesterday you knew on friday you were coming in right didn't you are you going to waltzing back to here yeah you knew that the numbers of miles were going down fast yeah going down quick the way you've been driving that car responsibly why did you not last night go. And actually have a quick look online go and do it last night half an hour in your car scrolling charge it up i've got time. For that busy man i'm a busy life is busy guys i'm a busy man no it was it was my daughter's birthday party this weekend we had we had friends around on saturday we had a big big blowout hungover on sunday yeah granted didn't want to drive um yeah just one of those things. But yeah i do live life on the edge. And sometimes i get my fingers burned and one of those day today.

Is the day i would get it if it was fuel well you knew that there. For example the petrol station because you didn't understand where the infrastructure was going to be that's the bit that's like a bit oh do you know the thing that i was hoping. For today.

And it's i'm not blaming wallacy for one second because it's not their fault it's my fault it'd be a judge they would have if there was a charger there life would have been rosy. Or the other thing that knocked me off and it's again it's not the driver's fault it's my own fault i've got to take full responsibility for my actions when i first pulled into that service station the first one i pulled into with with ample time thinking this is rosin there was two charging stations there. And i went to the one that wasn't it was out of order the car next.

To me on the screen had only been there three minutes if i got there three minutes earlier i could have had that that could have been me i could have been in that coffee shop sipping my drink. And i could have watched that car pull up and be out of service and go take that sucker i said this to you off air before you live life on the edge. And 99 times 100 you float through life every now and again like today.

You get your fingers burned. And i'm going to say it i quite enjoy it. But also to some degree i also quite like the drama of it all yeah as much as something to talk about in the past speaking of drama one second speaking about new cars. And electric yes i'm interested if anyone wants to email um go on speaking of drama people like break 75s because there's drama there's you making birdies occasionally she's making doubles occasionally um we've got a very good one dropping this friday at um delamere dunham forest i look at those two modeled up i always will at dunham forest good golf course um you challenged me we had a little map with it on that stream people have been asking. For a guy people want to see how good i am against you so they're going to see it you're going to see it. And it was a good match. For you and you um you're going to finally find out who was messed up on the day who is the people that say he was the golfer yeah at this table on that day um. But the other news is arguably even more exciting about that rubbish match doesn't even matter if at all no one's bothered not giving it away at all. But just enjoy it and watch it i played well i did play well i did follow hands i played well shoot me um break 75 last year we did like 12 13 episodes wrapped it up right people liked it this year that was a plan let's do 12 maybe 14 episodes you played some amazing golf courses the plans changed elaborate rick talk to me at the new plan. For break 25. switch me on my camera mat breaking news break75 it's going nowhere we ain't ending it i'm going anywhere just break 75 isn't going anywhere we are going to continue it throughout the year we're going to go. And travel we're going to go to different places around the world we're going to go to europe america africa australia we are going break 75 is going on tour it will not stop it will never stop until i finally break 75 no obviously it will stop is when rick can't charge his car. And his clubs are in it. But until that day it's going on yeah. So break 75 excited we are going to continue it throughout the year. And then.

The only thing that will change each year you're going to get a new series. So we're in series three at the moment no we're not we're in series two. So start next.

Year we might just turn into series three and episode one just so you've you understand when things actually got filmed so i'm really looking forward to that if there are golf courses in the if there's golf courses you'd love me to go. And play leave in the comments on this post or tweet me or at me at instagram um anyways there's lots you can send me a letter stick a letter on a pigeon whispering it's there go to rickshaws. And then.

See what happens yeah go to the local electric charger you'll see rick they're in tears. So um so yeah i'm really excited about that i think it doesn't need to stop the guys do a great job of editing it harry does a wonderful job he's also had some assistance off tim this year matt harry tim even ed has been out filming it this year. So hopefully you guys have been enjoying it i think it's a much better product it's not as kind of snappy snappy quick fire anymore it's a little bit more chilled out vibe it's a little bit more chilled out throw a meme in there if needed they're probably gonna get a little bit longer the episodes i'm sure that everyone's excited about that who's ringing me audi out yeah um you can't park your car there we've noticed that it's got zero percent um. So yeah brake75 is staying we are going to keep getting better at it. And i honestly right now i said it out on the golf course today.

Genuinely i don't believe i've ever been as confident on a golf course you're chipping there was one bad one i think other than that your chipping was like a different guy. And i can kind of i'm alright the bad one because it was like it was really tough shot. And it wasn't horrendous it was just a really tough shot. And also if the bad ones are happening occasionally there's a lot more good confidence will build. And then.

The bad one will start to go away. So i'm really really excited about that yeah i think spending time with the lads from good good that kind of raised my game because i had to because they're very good players doing the meet up where there was like 500 people watching. And i hit some really nice shots that gave me some massive confidence and i've just tried to snowball that confidence on top of each other on top of each other so fingers crossed we will continue it um. And listen i'm not going to break 75 every week. But the premise is not that it's enjoy sit back relax. And hopefully you can watch a bit of nice golf yes. And we've had some great emails this week we asked for emails and we're getting emails so if you want to email us podcast rickshaws.com obviously we're gonna do drix every week. For that uh awesome golfbidder prize that we don't know what it is. Yet but it's gonna be a lot in it uh however. i have an email that is a real um random one. But i want to read it alex i've always said punchy titles get me i like click bait i get drawn in the click click yeah clickbait the clickbait king yeah i agree with him. But it said greetings from the past. So i was like whoa okay oh whoa whoa what's going on here from a guy called mark leach mini charter mark leach um let's call him lychee. Or leech chow what you prefer leecho lychee i don't think anyone should be an oh rico obviously i got that experience. And he did he hated that slightly haunted me what was rico all happened today.

With the car which was the worst experience was it oh god yeah there's no gain from the ricoh incident well. So you get the thrill at least yeah i got i got the excitement. And i got to yeah rico it was like the only thing that we made rick a bit more exciting if you'd lamped him yeah didn't need to that i saw what he was dealing with. And bailed anyway well probably a really nice guy no sorry you are watching it. So it says hi um guy and rick this is a giveaway there what this might be hi guyandrick think about that. For a second greetings from the past so that might seem a strange thing to say but let me explain i am a longtime fan subscriber of the channel rick shields golf but only have this week joined the podcast scene okay i think a lot of people this week have we pushed it last week didn't we we did good week last week um if you want to get any more beef with torpro oh sorry you mean the podcast actual the podcast i thought you meant the podcast group oh no no no sorry you're right i know we did about the actual podcast the whole thing okay guys welcome reason being lychee lychee elite joe definitely reason being i forgot to get some books. For reading poolside whilst i'm on holiday this week so i thought i would find a podcast instead yours the first one that i came to probably to the top of the chart i don't know why but it might be that um and to my horror i discovered you're already 142 episodes in not wanting to miss out i've started binging from the very beginning and as i write this email i'm currently still in february 2020. such simple times before anybody had heard of the word covered and ed brown was the only name on the vip board remember ed brown i'm going to old school now. So then.

He says now i have no idea whether. Or not you're still doing listener of the week or what the current requirements are i've attached screenshots showing i'm following the facebook pages. And also shared the podcast group with my local community group i would love to be your listener of the week uh in the full knowledge that i will not know if i've been accepted. For about six months whilst i continued to plan through the episodes by that time i might have also forgotten i even sent this email so unexpected surprise if i get a shout out so mark leach lychee or licho or some people know mars you are this week's listener of the week if you don't notice of the week is you knew around here listener of the week was a big part of the podcast back in the early days back in the garage days og days the really og days. So he has actually sent us and he's a member of the group he's uh following you on facebook and he's also put a post in the facebook as well and shared it with his friends as well so big shout out for listener of the week right now he's gonna it could probably work out when it's not gonna be played like he knows at least for the next.

Two years of listening yeah it's not gonna this isn't gonna come it's gonna be a lot that's madness well done you know what dedication yeah well done. And i feel sorry for you listening all the way back then.

We may bring back listen to the weekend if you honestly binged and listened to every episode we've probably contradicted ourselves so often oh yeah 143 episodes that's the beauty of uh podcast weekly podcasts you do that sometimes maybe we should start deleting one imagine that if it once it was up. For a week it was gone she had to be in the clubhouse constantly quite good that would be good yeah we could say things then..

And then.

No one would be able to like they could record it i suppose uh also then..

So this is going to be the first dear rick sponsored by brought to you by powered by my friends your friend golfbidder gb i sometimes call him when i'm just chilling out gb um. So i'm not gonna read out the person's name because it's about his son and um i don't want his son to get complex okay uh my son's little joking sorry i had to bleep that out it says put a time stamp on that yeah hi rick. And guy my son x started playing golf seriously last year and got his first handicap in august last year which was 52.4 right after less than a year his handicap is 11.3. So he's dropped 41 shots in a year that's insane which i think is a superb achievement on its own. But in the last few weeks he started getting very frustrated and very angry throwing clubs and his dummy has been getting spat out the pram i love that he's emailing this i don't know he thinks he should be hitting every shot like a professional aka like a rick shields could you give him any advice and tips on his game love the podcast love the videos keep up the great work we both listen and watch every week p.s we're in the clubhouse so you said that was something then.

We're not going to say the nate the guy's name okay because. And how old is he well it doesn't say. But i feel like i'm going to say around 14 15. i was thinking like maybe 12. Or 30 yeah. So 12 to 15 bracket okay this is this is my advice. And it's three very simple words okay oh wow golf is hard that that golf is hard. And i think what's really hard certainly. For for this young lad who's obviously had tremendous improvement in a very very short period of time he's going to expect that same level of improvement all the time. And it doesn't happen because when you first start and you start your win is just to hit the golf ball 100 your win is then.

To hit it 50 yards. Or 100 yards or whatever that may be there's no you're not you're not disappointed with bad shots bad shots happen you're like well i'm expecting that over the period of time he's been playing golf. And it's not long is it a year just yeah how much a year yeah he's come down 40 odd shots. So he's improved tremendously well he must have great sporting ability he now has got to a point where improvement is slower it doesn't come as quick anymore he's not going to drop another 40 shots next.

Year it's impossible. So he's got to understand that there is a limit to um the the improvement scale. And if he's got down to 11 so quickly there will be a little bit sometimes you'll hit a brick wall. And sometimes it isn't easy to get down to single figures or to get down to five whatever his next.

Goal may be because again golf is hard. And he might have just got to a limit that is ahead of his of his progressive curve really he shouldn't be at 11 in that short space of time really. So he's probably got to a point now where he's getting frustrated he's thinking he's gonna he should keep improving and i'm sure a lot of people around him maybe even his dad or fellow people he plays with will be giving him oh god you've improved. So much i can't believe how well you've done and suddenly when that's that improvement starts to slow down you suddenly start questioning oh god am i still as good as i should be yeah. So i think my advice. For him genuinely is golf is hard i remember when i was a young young lad learning this game i used to get really frustrated i was definitely through the dummy out of the pram many many times um wasn't proud of it. But the time it's your emotions it's it's growing up it's you know being 13 14 15 it's dealing with a lot of different emotions that are going through you through your body. And it's hard to um control those emotions sometimes certainly on a golf course certainly a sport that you probably love that you want to just keep getting better at i think what's difficult as well you hear sometimes about when like footballers spit on the pitch. Or whatever or do bad tackles at the word then.

That youths may copy because that's what the professionals do now thankfully obviously golf there's very few bad examples that we see. But you sometimes see some golfers on tour slam a club or do whatever shout in anger break a club even occasionally. But what those guys typically our friend john bailey broke his paw this week well there you go but what those guys typically do very well they have the moment of madness. And then.

Very quickly maybe untrained i don't even know to get back into game mode again and if you're watching a tour pro not since that's why this youngsters do that. But you can't see it until it becomes accepted most amateurs can't do that if we hit a bad shot on scream. And shout and throw our club we're so angry our blood pressure gets so well our heart rate gets so high our blood pressure increased etcetera etcetera we got all fidgety annoyed angry the next.

Shot is inevitably going to be another bad one. And that one bad shot leads on to three or four or five and next.

Thing is an then.

Are on that hole. Or whatever do you ever go into blurry head mode yeah where like you almost can't focus like your eyes are like blurry. And it's just like you certainly if you're having an absolute nightmare in a hole and you're stuck in a bunker or you're four-putted or you've just hit two out of bounds off the tee and suddenly this kind of fog fills your mind and it's so hard to kind of snap out of it um so for me he's probably not doing anything massively wrong he's probably just learning to control his emotions he's he's improved really really quickly it sounds like he needs some new golf clubs from golfbidder so he's it's a great it's the best story we've heard so far yes it is definitely in the dear rickshaw just a quick one the one that this is something that baffles me about golf. And i'll never ever i don't think get how do i almost find comprehend this is that we went to as we said oh last week jcb to seniors event right past 72 mixture of tea some of the blacks from a bit more forward. But either way it was set up nicely tough golf course right james kingston the first round shot 62. i can't even dream i can't i said to you last week even doing that on a pitch. And puts 100 yards you still gotta make 10 birdies it's still unbelievable golf never mind a proper championship golf course under pressure when you played for money the next.

Day james kingston shot 74. so it's a 12 shot swing so think how good he must be at the moment obviously good anyway. But in a good you know in a good streak good spell it's a great shoot 10 under the very next.

Day shot two over so even those guys at that level have days and massive differences 100 so have you got the leaderboard there in front of you yeah he ended up coming tied third. So we still did well this is a mad one look at sandy lyle's scores was he near. So he did come near the bottom. But he had two the first two rounds weren't his finest at all check out his final round yeah there you go he went all right him out he went 81-83. So obviously again not his his best golf and 68 like that's crazy that's the flip side of it so it's like if he had three rounds and didn't shoot in the 70s yeah yeah 81 81 83 68.. But that's the thing though if these guys at this level are having. So i don't mean that by being a few shots here with that massive huge swings then.

Obviously you know junior's been playing a year might one week go out. And shoot his 11 overpass with handicap and that's nice played well today.

There's no reason why next.

Week you won't go. And shoot 23 over it happens and it's frustrating i don't think we'll ever get our heads fully around it. But unfortunately that is golf. And it's kind of why we love it because we also get so frustrated by it 100 i think i think that is one of the most fascinating things about golf where i if i when i was when we were running a lot certainly that month of may yeah i'm trying to do 100k in may i could almost to a degree i saw improvement every single run yes every run i got faster. And i would have been totally shocked if suddenly my one of my runs was five minutes lower yeah it just wouldn't have been you know what i mean unless i was injured. And i feel like in in that level of sport whether it was running. Or whether it was um i can't think of other any athletic sports really i'm sure they look at it. And go god i was .3 difference today.

I can't believe that difference in golf it can be such vast differences that like say it can just completely blow you out the water which is bad um i totally agree i wasn't looking on something then.

I've got it. And i've got it again so we've not talked we've not mentioned before the podcast we're going to talk about this. But i think we should um we've had an email sorry we've had it um on facebook we've had a question about you reviewing clubs will you review the title's tsr short answer is yes you will be at some point. But maybe a little bit about how we see you reviewing clubs in the next.

Few months years and how much of a priority is. And stuff like this i think it's something good. So on this platform where i've got the time to delve it deeper into how you see club reviews going. And how much of a priority they are in terms of the content etc i i've i've always over the 10 years of making youtube videos because i started reviewing products very very early in my youtube career have always enjoyed it i've never been as people know i've never been attached to a golf shop. Or a golf store totally independent i had no signs. For a club brand my honest opinion i feel like that i hit it well enough to give really good data but also i'll hit it across the face accidentally to give some reference on forgiveness dispersion things like that um i've got a fairly repetitive action that gives me some consistent really consistent numbers and i've really enjoyed testing products and i'll talk about whether i like the look of it the price of it the feel of it and over 10 years of testing products i feel like i've got a very very good gauge of what a product feels like in the very first few hits like i've hit so many different drivers i can kind of feel different you know different things that probably a lot of amateurs. Or a lot of people who don't test golf equipment for a living can't really feel sometimes and i still love it every year certainly towards titleist come out with new drivers every two years taylormade callaway uh cobra normally come out with drivers every year at the start of the year and ping come out every kind of 18 months or two years 18 months or two years but a lot of the headline drivers i'll probably still be reviewing because i do enjoy reviewing them yeah definitely um how much of a priority is now i feel passionate about it i still want to do it. But i think i can possibly prioritize all the content over reviews a little bit more like from the viewers from what people have said they like see me go out. And play golf they like see me challenge against other people they like seeing that side of things reviewing equipment is a part of the business a part of what we do. But it's not as i'm not reviewing every single golf club all the time yeah that'd be something no i think yeah 100 i think what we've said kind of when we've talked about before is it's still a core part of what you're doing we actually as kind of equipment nerds love getting new drivers in our hands i'll hit some off camera you'll obviously hit loads. And loads of balls we'll discuss it loads i get off camera you'd go through a very in-depth review on camera even on the podcast talk about stuff again so it excites us but it has become a point certainly a lot of certainly drivers and things where it has hit we know it's a bit of a limit isn't there so most drivers come out and they are quite similar. So it's how do we make videos still fun. And exciting while reviewing that driver um and like you said it's something we're going to continue to do. But it's just maybe not the focus it once was yeah. So yeah they'll still be i'll be testing the tight list i'll be testing all the different drivers. But for me i test product that excites me or i think that there's a interesting story around it. So for example a few weeks ago i said we test that ping chipper yeah because it's that's interesting ping a really established brand have brought out a chipper yeah effectively a gimmick golf club fascinating like they'll be i love testing different golf balls i love testing i'll test everything. But like say i'm not testing every single set of irons hybrids three woods drivers in the world it's just not feasible it's not something that i'm wanting to do all the time. But for your main real real flagship products from your brands and ones that have really interesting stories make sure you are subscribed to my main channel to not miss out on any of the new reviews that will be coming. For the foreseeable future yes you want a few facebook questions few quickies chris. So again if you're not remember the facebook group what are you doing join it rickshaw's golf show podcast group on facebook uh chris desperate asks what are your clubhead speeds with driver period i would normally say i'm 110. 110 miles per hour very actually very similar. But then.

I'd say we're quite close on driver but you're longer with irons i'd say club comfortably more this is a good one. For you matt bowden how often do you clean your golf clubs oh my god um never the other day when we played dunham i looked to my golf clubs. And i thought they are disgusting rick. So i went in the shop and bought a groove cleaner and i bought a towel with all intents to clean my clubs that i played i think i did it twice i got it twice i don't know like sometimes if i'm stuck on a par three i'll just get my tea peg go through the grooves. But i've said it before i don't like the clubs to look too shiny like i don't like them to look too perfect behind the ball i look i look down at it. And go it just puts me off i'm all looking at the club head where if there's a bit of dirt and a bit of a bit of muck on it just not not to affect the ball flight but i'm like yeah that's more it's more my style i like mine being clean. But i found if i actually the night before go play golf clean them and get a little excited to play worse yeah i do. So i'd rather just don't be okay sorry the last thing the only time i do really quite like it it's similar to that if if you go to like a posh golf course yeah. And sometimes you arrive early the clubs get whisked away and they get cleaned quite like that it's a nice tool because it feels like well i've someone's put the time and effort in i really appreciate that but i don't feel like i've put pressure on you i've not put the love in yeah. So the clubs don't owe me anything yeah okay where someone else has they've given the love forget that. So i feel like okay you're back lucas harford what course etiquette unspoken rules do you think are legit versus one do you think i'm minimal. So i suppose he means what things on the golf course make a massive difference that people should do versus not. So for example it's quite rude or you wouldn't walk across somebody's line in reality in the grand scheme of things when another 100 people might walk that green it doesn't make that much difference i don't know like i've been casually with friends and they've walked over my line doesn't make much difference but that's one i wouldn't do it just i would say the only thing it depends on is is the the squishiness of the greens yes true. And how heavyset said person was very true. And how big the feet are very true because suddenly if you've got wet greens someone heavier yeah big feet there's definitely indentations that take place which don't recover quick enough. For your put but probably recover quick enough for the group behind that makes sense i think um stuff like people standing in your eye line it's not going to make that much difference. But it's quite nice when you play with people who know a bit about how to play golf or maybe more established too but i don't like when someone's messing in the golf bag when you're getting a shot yeah. Or they're messing in the pockets and you can hear t-pegs. And coins and whatever rattling around like that i suppose i i used to be because i play a lot more competitively only at the club nothing massive i was a lot more playing golf like that where people were more serious. And kind of more whatever whereas now if i play with friends i'm a lot more just chill i don't really care if someone's having a chat or on the phone i'm in a shot whatever it doesn't bother me as much so yeah nice first i think maybe phones i know i've got been guilty of it i think phones actually ringing on a golf course can be a bit annoying yeah because you don't expect it dear it's the expectation of it all yeah um. But apart from that i don't yeah. So never last thing on this never pick another man's hole ball out take another one never never pick another man's ball out of its hut never pick a ball out the hole that's not yours okay certainly on a hole-in-one okay yeah we got it in the end that was nice. So thomas buckley has asked one question this might be his only ever question that he gets rid of on the podcast ever so thanks thomas buckley for this it is what is rick's best score on dino falls i've never counted fully. But i went my son my niece and my mum last week and i had four holding ones it's the best i've ever done i literally nobody cared it was almost like i should do it you should it's good though yeah it's really good i've got a question that's quite a good one actually it's a short one. And i feel like the answer most people would say is the cheapest. But i'm gonna double so it's from mikey middleton the best golf ball for those that tend to lose three or more around okay have you got well i like i've got a ball you're gonna say i think you're gonna say costco no yeah actually kirkland's signature. Or strixing ad triple three golf balls the reason i was going to say that was i think when you ask that question naturally a lot of people would say the cheapest because if you're losing three balls per round. And you're playing a lot of golf that could get quite pricey so first play maybe a cheaper ball however. like i can genuinely minute lose three balls around i'm not not in my drive very well if i lose one ball i'm quite happy with that which is pathetic i know. But equally just because someone's losing a lot of golf balls it might be off the tee they still want to play maybe a golf ball that's soft or that's premium well they trust whatever so it's kind of a combination if you're happy to lose three balls and we're not happy to but you're happy to pay to lose three golf balls i'd say play the best golf ball either fit you that you want to play if you don't want to spend a lot of money just buy the cheapest yeah the kirkland signature is a very very good golf ball uh maybe one more um from felipo sotto when are you coming to america breaking news because i've read a lot of breaking news things today.

Actually this is not confirmed. So not really breaking news we were definitely talking to the lads from good good about doing a re-collaboration in texas this year i'm saying nothing more last one then.

Very last one um it is from david muston this could be another breaking news one can you host a party next.

Year's sorry i'm getting excited coughing can you host a party next.

Year's open. And invite us all to join you i thought you could do breaking news you're gonna you're gonna host a party at the open potentially it could do you know what would be really cool. And i think we have to do it now before because i always leave things too late yep sense today.

Not charging my car why don't we buy a hat like rent a house in hoi lake. For the open yeah okay like proper like proper go to town yeah the rick shields house yeah would have access to the public though bar. Or for a fee but yeah. But like do it really cool do it every night that's the place to go do you think yeah i've just had a phone call about uh oh yeah i've just had a phone call from highlight saying yeah that's good okay perfect let's do a state agent at ohio lake we're going to buy one of the houses on the side of the side of the golf course next.

Year's open should be good actually i know it's a long way off wishing our lives away yes um. But next.

Year's open you're going to house we can do podcasts there people can come. And chill banter house you have to pay the password you're not going to go password banter house you're in [Music] one guest dodgy yeah it should be really good. So guys how long was that matt yeah it's nice it works thank you everybody. For listening um a little bit short and brief today.

Because i've got to go. And rescue my car thank you for listening thank you for watching thank you to golfbidder um we have got some really cool guests lined up over the next.

Couple of podcasts so sit back relax enjoy and we'll see you next.

Week that was a weird vlog yeah it wasn't weird see you later peace.