All right guys welcome back to the podcast the final episode of 2022. yes what a ride what a year. And it hasn't been a crazy year it has indeed been a very uh yeah I was up. And down it was hopefully no down yeah well I've not made any up. And downs right for sure um yeah. So amazing 2022. first off I want to start off by saying thank you for everybody that listens and watches and it means the world tours and it's really appreciated and also thank you to you thank you to you uh obviously you helped put the show together and uh I think I don't think we've missed that many episodes this year no it's been a solid year of being consistent with it um which is good I think we've had some um we've had a nice mix of episodes that blown on trumpet we've had some great guests on last week obviously Ricky Fowler which is awesome. And we've had some kind of smaller profile I guess it's been really exciting I've had some silly episodes some rather blue episodes um but overall I think it's been nice Vibe it's been a good mix um yeah Ricky the Ricky Fowler episode last week the comments were fantastic on that episode thank you everyone that checked it out if you've not done. Yet make sure you do um could you probably hard to put you on the spot here could you almost name a favorite episode of the podcast yeah that we've done this year oh no I am from the spot I think um again that's a guess they're the easiest ones to remember we've had some great guests who obviously had the uh Garrett. And Grant from from good good came on we've had one of your teachers Rick Daniels came out oh yeah. And we've had it was Bryson last year now actually Adam Scott was phenomenal we've had some great ones. But sometimes just the ones that was chatting rubbish are my favorite. But that could be the vibe today.

This is episode it's 163 163. And this is going to go up just after Christmas yeah we're actually recording this pre-Christmas we're not that dedicated not coming on is it the day after Boxing Day this goes out yeah we'll be we're not here Boxing Day recording this no we're not. And this is that weird time of year between Christmas. And New Year's Day is it hopefully you're talking dates. So it's the 27th of December hopefully everyone's had a wonderful Christmas oh we should have said that start the show. For Christmas merry Christmas everybody um yeah I think hopefully going to enjoy this whether it's whether it's um you know what I think a lot of people will be doing listen to this go into the skip yeah to the tip yeah it's that time between Christmas New Year where you're like right I need to sort out your cardboard your Plastics all your cardboard boxes all the stuff that you've collected over Christmas you're like right I'm gonna go to the skip. Or the tip however. you say it and what do you say well the title skips we get at your house. And then.

The tip is the the. But now the more called recycle centers over here in the UK um so you might be going there you know what I think a lot of people will be out walking the dog yep having a little bit might be even on the way to golf because I reckon a lot of sneak around to golf as long as the weather's good here in the UK that time period is a nice little time to play you might not get to play obviously Christmas Day obviously you might get to play boxing day then.

The day after boxing day today.

This comes out might be a few people on the way to golf as we speak do you know. So shank it St Andrews do a tradition each year on Christmas day you can play. For free oh my word however. I don't know if it is this Christmas day. Or the Christmas day it's just been because it's a Sunday oh wow so I wonder if it I don't know if that it obviously it doesn't it only falls on a Sunday once every seven years and the old course is shut on a Sunday. But sent Andrews every Christmas day it's free golf that's interesting how mad is that um we're also a bit under the weather today.

Both of us have got us a bit of a sniffle don't feel a million percent neither do you. So try not sniffle too much down the mics but if it's not our best performance that's the reason why yeah we are you can probably tell about the audio we're a little bit muffled today.

Um it's been a lot of filming outside in the cold the last few days um testing some new. And exciting drivers for 2023 well the good thing is. For everyone listening after that thing now it's like oh they're gonna come in weeks these videos are gonna come in very very soon literally in a week. Or so from now the first one will drop some exciting gear. And it's been a nice test process this year there's been a lot of balls hit some indoor data for Pure numbers and then.

Some outdoor data and it's interesting to see how those two marry up isn't it because that's the big with one of the drives in particular one of the things we've actually found yeah it's indoor testing when you're hitting in the simulator the def the numbers can skew your perception of a driver absolutely where when you get on the golf course. And you're in a real setting the numbers go out the window it's all about Fairways your voice is going now is that what if you've got a big drink I've got this is it's a nice little uh it's just coffee okay just because it sounded like New York coffee uh this is a beaker I got from Palm Beach golf club. And it genuinely I think it's heated up my drink wow it's made it hotter I've just got coffee um. So yeah there's a couple of drivers this year which performed very very nicely indoors. But we were a bit of a different animal outside. So reviews of those will start to be coming early January. So stay tuned make sure you're subscribed yeah very exciting time. And that's the thing we've had this discussion before it's so hard I almost feel some level of like not sympathy for people because we're on the same boat but when you go to get a new golf club and you're spending now a lot of these new driving me 529 Pounds Sterling which is a lot of money in it let's be honest it's a hell of a lot of money if you're going spending that much a driver you should get fit we all know that um. But it is something just to be a bit not cautious of. But just consider that when you do get fit either indoors. Or on a driving range there are some amazing custom Fitters out there you know we've got obviously launch monitors. And you can use decent golf balls. And you can hit your own one first. And hit obviously loads of Brands so definitely recommend doing that but it is different. And then.

I think all of us naturally I think we have to be honest about this when you're hitting driver you start you look at distance more than anything. And it's very easy to launch wanted to delete bad shots and that's not something that I think customers are doing to try. And pull the wall over your eyes is because obviously if you hit one that's a horrendous snap hook it's gonna screw it's like really screw it skew your data. So let's just say hitting a whatever drive it might be and you nail it six times out of ten and there's a couple of horrendous ones I understand that if it's it's a real real anomaly then.

Take it out but those battles that you sometimes might take out on the golf course can be horrendous. And the other drive that you've accessing against that one that's not quite as glamorous not quite as long but a little bit more steady that you might think that's a bit boring that on the golf course can help you play better golf it's just it's just trying to do that thing where if you can test it on the golf course as well it is. So important yeah. Or at least go into your fitting with the mindset not just even if you're into a screen or you're hitting into an outdoor driving range with a launch monitor really look at the ball flight as well and picture you're playing at your local golf course and go well if I hit off My First Tee where would it end up if I hit that on the second would it go out of bounds because the fit is saying that's not too bad. But well actually I know on the fourth hole I can't hit that shot because it's out of bounds you know what I mean go into that mindset we also might be slightly under the weather because earlier this week we had our Christmas do we did indeed well it'll be a week ago now as this goes out. And um how many years of course in reality it was four days ago it was Monday yeah. And it's now Friday yeah this is going on Tuesday okay it's confusion isn't it. But yeah we had a a very very very very um good Christmas works that out compliments to you. For organizing it all it was like an activity night it was we did coloring in that's gauges that's the that's the pass around this desk you kept going out the lines I did bang out of order yeah um. So we're talking about coloring in and then.

We we actually had a few bits and Bobs we did we first off. So there was out on the actual stuff now it was eight of us one unfortunately uh Amy works as well was missing. So it was normally nine. But eight of us went out first location after a few beers here in the office finishing off the Ricky Fowler edit no it wasn't it was the Palm Beach edit actually we went out to um junkyard golf we did in Manchester which is uh mini golf. And twist it's adult mini golf it's adult mini golf yeah it's really uh raunchy. But you're not going to take a kid there are you really certainly not a knight no I don't even know if you didn't you probably could in the day I don't know. But um yeah we got a few funny looks. And we all walked in with tall bags and Scotty cameras and spiders yeah um no we didn't do that. But it was competitive. And um I don't want to um you know get too carried away but I did uh destroy you in particular you kind of blew it a bit though yeah I blew a little bit I didn't want to wait I thought I don't know when that's a bit too low. Or too competitive so I get a nice second place well do you come a second to last okay. So sixth what I wanted to do is we went out with all our editors. And just like the editors to make my score look a little bit better and they just couldn't do it this is real life yeah not really joking. So that was really good with the junkyard Golf. And then.

We had a few more beers we went for some food at Blue's Kitchen in Manchester which is really really good. And then.

We went to flight club Flight Club is the best thing on Earth ever full stop period it's. So good now if you've never heard of Flight Club and this is not a sponsored read. Or anything uh we paid full what for the whole privilege but it was a privilege it's darts made commercial it's. So good so it's a bar they've converted into all these little ockies where there's dart boards everywhere and they're interactive dart boards but they're actual dart boards I was worried I'll be honest with you I thought it'd be plastic. But the proper proper the proper darts proper dart boards really good service and loads of fun games and that got very competitive and boozy and really really really fun yeah well I wasn't drinking I had to drive unfortunately. But you you were um you put a lot of Ale away. And you are a a good Drinker I'll give you that if you want a handicap at drink you can see me right at the end you might have questioned that. But if you had a handicap I'd say you were I don't got carried away I'd say you're probably uh single figures not easy yeah easy. But I'll often break 75 drinks yeah. But um and you're short game is actually quite good you're you're sharp was very impressive yeah I take plenty of shots. But then.

You were very worse. For the next.

Day so you're definitely in your old age you're getting worse hangovers I think it's honestly genuinely no no if puts amazing it was the most hunger I've ever been like in my life it was just we went out really early we started drinking it probably well one o'clock here in the office I finished an evening about 2 A.M wow in the casino um. And it was just from that it was beer shots red wine cocktails vodka massive an animal. But it was really really good it was it was very good. And that we actually got talking a bit like nerdy we left at the Flight Club the darts place and we were saying like how can we make that. For golf and you think that Top Golf is is kind of close to that in a sense the top golf obviously it really is Catered. For golfers and non-golf as people go it's kind of simple you can hit golf shots obviously there's different games there's points Etc. But I suppose the difference is still there is that it's got to be a huge facility although it although Flight Club was big it was indoor you can get those I don't know how many how many dollars can those 40 maybe maybe more I don't know either. And every one of them was full with Christmas parties. Or work dues or couples on dates and it was really really. And it was like how can you make that into gold I mean we did obviously mini golf. And we did you know we have been obviously top goals before. And stuff but it's like is there a world where something like that that's like works nights out people have a drink can work in golf I don't quite know exactly how it looks in our drunken State we were like we're gonna do this we're gonna make this in golf um. But no it was it was no if you've never done it I don't know how many is there any is there many of them is it a massive I think there might be a couple. But I don't think there's loads. Yet but I might be wrong I'm not not fully sure it was right up past Street as you know if you're if you're an OG listener of the of the podcast. And you're in the clubhouse you know we definitely had our Dart spell and it re relighted a fire massively I think it's it's it sounds weird it. But it's kind of very very different to Gold but yet somewhat similar in a sense that obviously going. For the big numbers that starts by hitting the long drive it's like oh yeah you got a hundred there. Or you've got 80 or whatever you hit the hit the 20 twice whatever it might be is equivalent towards I think the long drive. But then.

Getting you double at the end however. it's a bit more like I'm getting a scene whatever because this game of Flight Club is not super 180 it what's the 501. Or 301 it's a bit more but anyway so I'll be precise towards the end and it's a bit more like you're putting isn't it and you're more delicate shots there's kind of some level of similarity that I definitely saying now the other thing we didn't pick up on last week because of the Ricky Fowler podcast we didn't talk much about the PNC no the father. And son or a little father and son or father and daughter or daughter and mother and whatever it was a real mixture yeah siblings yeah not siblings that's brother. And sister parent and child challenge yeah uh PNC is that what it stands. For no no apparently parent. And child I think it used to obviously be called the father son. And now it's obviously it's it's broader than that isn't it um because obviously some of them haven't got kids and Nelly Carter played with the dad Etc but um Charlie Woods it's all about Charlie Woods in it it's mad how over the last kind of three years or so when he's been playing that how he has become like in social media world and media just in general it's like a mini version of his dad like everyone is. So excited to see him play golf he is he is I mean he's really turned into a teenager in front of our eyes I didn't know this year old he was I felt like it was like this mythical number that nobody knew. But now it's obviously it's 13. and he's playing this couple of years now he's really grown up um and what a player I mean he struggled obviously because he had an uncle injury. But I mean how cool is that at first when I didn't because I put it on. And I saw him walking and him and tag obviously they have so many similarities in how they obviously act and behave and he's walking like it I was like surely he's like imitating his dad's wall yeah it came out that he'd roll his ankle at the driveway yeah which definitely affected his golf. But you think like obviously he's 13 years old. And he looks incredible but you hear some people are a bit more negative on Latin oh you know he's actually not that good. For his age group in Florida or whatever it might be I'm not sure if that's the case or not I know he's done some good stuff I read a mad stat and I don't know number so I won't I won't get it perfect or something on Twitter so might not be fully factually correct at the same time his dad at his age like outrageous amount of tournaments yeah. But is it we yeah it's very difficult what's mad is it he's always obviously tag was his son he's gonna kind of to somebody in the Gulf will live in his dad's Shadow which is in some ways a blasting in some ways we will drive him insane. But either way it's like what's crazy is he's. So good at God I mean you watch those shots he played off the second to back tees I think there's like five different T's out that day they had the tour pro tease. And then.

Obviously like the next.

Ones and it kind of went down I'm sure he's playing off the same maybe in the teeth than John Daley or at least the same teas he was on like the second to back ones. So he watches shots his hitting he's only like a power three it's like 160. so he's playing obviously like proper power three length holes and stuff and he's nailing it and his ball speed was like 153. Or something with his drivers is it like seven iron one sixteen yeah he's not eating it much less than I am really let's be honest. But you think it's it's mad because in one way how good can he get obviously it depends how much he wants it to push it I guess. And you think well if he isn't at the top of his game. For his age which some people say is not how good must these kids actually be out though it's scary how would a tiger at his age I know it is do you see it did you ever I've mentioned it before have you ever watched that documentary on Netflix yeah. And you look at that and you think these kids are ridiculous yeah um. And you know I think Tiger has made that Benchmark even earlier yeah because as you know when Tigers hit the scene everyone then.

I'll get get my kid into golf. And that that age I reckon golf probably people used to take it up at seven or eight years old you'd imagine it suddenly went to three years old yeah. So suddenly these eight and nine year olds are actually like little mini tour Pros you see it in the Drive Chip. And Port yeah that they have an Augusta every April they're unbelievable. But what's also insane is some of those kids will inevitably go on to be European tall players. Or uh PJ tour plays whatever might be major winners Etc but some of them just will get to a party just not improved it's like with Charlie now obviously no pressure well it's got a lot of pressure because people are watching. But he's 13. he might just get better and better and better and better and and could end up you know getting on tour who knows love to see him on tour a weekly he could get to 16 inch kind of plateau yeah. And if you look there was a lot of the players there obviously who had the sons. Or daughters playing who were obviously Sons. And Daughters of tall Pro and he could tell they were great golfers. But none of them run tall I mean little John Daly's got a great chance he's brilliant. But you think like how much of golf is it Canada nature versus nurture versus just pure ability like if you think about it you know if you if you are tigled his son. Or John Daley's son you'd imagine you're playing golf from a young age you've got great advice you've got all equipment you could think of in the world the best facilities. But yet there'll be some other kids who have just come from potentially nothing who would want to be better than that is it just pure skill. And I'm comparing it to football as well the thing in golf you've got to prove yourself you're worth you've got to go out and shoot numbers low numbers really low numbers to get noticed to get seen to get into different tournaments this that another I'm sure I'm not buying by this I'm sure type being Integrity dad opens a lot of bloody people absolutely he'll have the best equipment of whatever you know the best practice is he's got a little mini golf course in his garden you know what I mean. So there's not gonna be any issues about that but he's still got to go out and shoot low numbers to get into tournaments yeah this time the other ball is it maybe a little bit different because if your dad is Messi. Or Ronaldo because Ronaldo Jr is like doing good on all this apparently there's almost a name not sure um yeah your name does your name almost carry you much further because really it's very hard to there's no number on you as a football exactly no you think that because again if we use just a football Sun as an example you know they could get into the the Aston Villa youth team united youth team whatever it might be. And you know they could be saying the coach goes oh well you know it's got potential it's such a body's son or I like the way he touches the ball you know he's not the strongest kid who's got they can almost perception in golf there's no hiding place it's facts you go out. And if your tag with the sun John Daley's son whoever's son or daughter you go out and you shoot a score and that is on you isn't it you could say all they're gonna progress. Or they're gonna get tall because we know Tiger's quite a big guy except you think his son might grow up because he's quite I don't know if he's short. For his age but he's Charlie yeah he's not seeing me I think he's he's pretty tall. For his age yeah 13. not sure I think he's got um well I don't know. But anyway he's got potential to grow even more his dad's like six one um but interesting to see what actually how far he takes it and how fast you want to I mean it looks like he wants to be a tall person he's been after interviews I don't actually know you might actually say oh no I want to be a scientist. Or whatever I have no idea well Charlie if you watch it. Or listening if you ever want to come on the channel feel free if you want to bring your dad that's fine yeah who's the chef bro um if you want us to come out there we'll we'll do it happily um I would imagine his dad's super protective over him oh of course yeah like way more than that because he's seen what the media world can do to him um it almost somewhat surprises me that tiger lets Charlie do these po press conferences after even. So I feel like I mean it's teaching him I guess to speak in public. And you know if that's what what he wants to pursue as a crew he needs to know those skills but I'm almost not I'm surprised that I could just like have him so far under his way I think the good thing is that the level is out with the PNC tournament it's very like Rick's just coughing I feel like I need to cut as well I've got lots of Sniffles um if you watch this by the way Nike weirdly moving away from the mic it's because I'm trying to sniff. And not do it down the mic um I think in that environment where it's quite well it's very friendly. And it's a little bit less competition but it's done in a very friendly manner the question is very nice isn't it it's very public it's getting ready. For the wider world no matter what he does you know he's 13 now you know in five years I'll obviously be an adult um that confidence building. And speaking to grown-ups in that professional manner that'll take him a long way and the way he talks again he's only 13 you think well even if he's not a goal. For you imagine he's going to go quite a long way in life. So third play the numbers to shoot in that event By the Way Insane are actually ridiculous like Vijay Singh. And his and his son won it I know they were both sub 60 rounds was it maybe 259s I mean it's ridiculous it was a scramble event. But it's pretty good going that isn't it yeah like really good going. So I think it's obviously grown hugely in popularity the last few years I'd actually like to see more tour players playing it yeah I know Justin Thomas. And his dad seem to play it because you know Justin Thomas's dad Mike's been coaching Charlie I didn't I know his dad's a PJ from his grandmothers I know his grandma passed away but they were all yeah Mike's been coaching Charles that's good. So I think again I've known it from my own experience trying to teach your own kid is very difficult oh yeah you know having somebody come in. And Coach your kid and the kid listens to somebody else's dad more than they'll listen to their own dad or mum um so they um but Jordan Spieth played this year with his dad that was a new one I'd love to see like more players playing in it like I think it's such a great cool event really good time of year like just before Christmas it's just got a nice one you have to have won a major don't you. Or the PLAYERS Championship so like that's how you get into it oh there you go back still could be more people because I I thought it was only Mages at first there's somebody on who hadn't won a major obviously this accounts. For for the women as well Nelly called Etc but there was somebody I can't remember it was like oh he's not. But he'd want to play his championship ah if you think about it they've all yeah I didn't think I really didn't think about that at all right amazing I think it likes it's a really cool event it's very cool um what's up next..

So let me just have a quick cough okay sorry about a little pause I uh have to go blow my nose feel bad yeah yeah it feels a weird vibe today.

Because we're kind of like we are both under the weather I don't want to keep saying that's not exactly ill. But a little bit like there um it always happens pre-Christmas yeah well it's a bit of illness you know what it is bloody those big manufacturers faults well yeah we are. But what's making what's power me through is these amazing questions on Facebook. So um we said this before we'll say it again if you're not a member of our group on Facebook there's no excuses the only excuses they don't use Facebook yeah. And call it Barry burner love a little burner account um but yeah join it it's the Rick Shields Golf Show podcast there's loads of people there seems to be a lot of people get holy ones again at the minute which is good people put it in there if you seem suspicious about that no it's because no it's not there's 80 000 people in there. So statistically there should be one person every now and again getting a hole in one and that's what we see and what I like about it as well when people put in a post they've had a hole in one it gets loads of likes so everyone's supporting them so what did what was the odds did we say hole in one month. So yeah in theory there should be a lot yeah well if they're playing golf a lot which I think most people are then.

There's going to be good odds. So if you get hold in one let us know I've only had two so I'd like to see more like either one qualified easily one um I've had two yeah I'm feeling one on camera next.

Year well. So you've almost read my next.

Question so we've had some great questions have questions the first one I'm going to read out from Pete Wilkinson. And next.

His name it's got top uh contributors we must be again in the group uh yeah he is sad what is your most ambitious goal. For 2023 so let's maybe have like a video one and it may be your own golf as well what you're saying um I would like to get a video to have a million views in a day oh wow okay. So I think our record at the moment is three days Ricky Fallon one might might actually have beaten. Or be beating now yeah um I would love a hole in my own video definitely like a re like when I say video I mean all bells. Or whistles like a really good golf course with like a mid iron like a seven or an a Titan we've got drone up we've got shot Tracer we've got main camera we've got zoom camera and it's like the perfect holy model that'll be good so something like that I mean that those two videos might coincide reward well that's the thing is you're right there with it with a video that gets a million views in a dag I think it's possible what's quite weird is we we've had some videos thanked that they've had millions of views. But it's normally ones that obviously reach a wider than just a golf hardcore audiences and it's like the illegal golf clubs people who've got a very loose interesting golf might watch that but to try and get one that gets that many views only in a day it's gonna be I don't know what it would be I'd love to do it maybe it's a hole in one it's either something spectacular. Or disastrous yeah. So it's either me flipping a boogie upside down 360 which we we can do we can do there's more possibility of that than getting the hole in one possibly. Or a hole in one so you need to capture people's attention so something like that and um I mean awkward YouTube no you know if he did though I'd give him the reason today.

Actually quit actually quit get a million views. And then.

Be like I'll come back now I've accomplished my goal um I'd love to do more of these 10 truck challenges exactly I think that we've had that uh chat obviously yesterday. And today.

It's like the 12 the 12 shot challenges maybe that's a new one yeah the 10 shot challenge is the uh they're. So good because I think there's there's a there's a when you're watching that you want to see well people know these guys are amazing they know that you're a decent golfer. So it's like well 10 shots is going to be a good hand. And it seems to always be a close really it's a great number that we've picked there well out of the four matches three of them gone down the 18th it was only Adam's got battered me yeah well they're also around the 18th. But they're all right yeah they're close yeah I know you're right. And um well that's my exam we went with actually stroke play because otherwise if it was match play. But like we've got 18 holes like I said there's three of them that have come down to stretch. Or anything could happen there's nicely the players chilled and you know you don't always see that side of them so I think people have enjoyed them we want to get some more um some names in the hat isn't there there's names in in yeah big names we've got a massive hat into the room it's huge um. So we've had a question I'm gonna answer this one first I think my answer might be similar to yours right. But it's from Niall Whitehorn he said do the new releases from Brands looks at you guys. Or does work in the industry just become part of the job. And nothing else new to try Etc so for me I do get super super excited to actually see the drivers more than anything. So like when we know there's a new TaylorMade new Callaway Etc coming out I can't wait to physically see it what it looks like and what its name is I must admit from there really that's probably where I've started to not get excited because typically all the brands have the same same story we've used more carbon we've saved weight it's there. For a bit more forgiving it's a tiny bit longer and that's it really isn't it I I I get excited about seeing products I do. But it has to be physical yeah I'm not asked about pictures yeah not even a little bit okay I have to see the product in my hand to really appreciate it that's what I get most excited um. And for me it sounds like the feel and sound of drivers yeah like I love I love my game that I play with myself a little bit look at the driver. And think I wonder I think I know how that's going to feel like that driver looks to me like it's gonna feel do you win this game very often yeah what's the score 2-1 Rick 17 nil to Rick yeah there's another Rick somewhere crying in the corner he keeps getting it wrong um. So yeah no 100 still get excited obviously it's been a number of years now testing new products um I've been lying if I said certainly really really early I want to start reviewing equipment that was probably Peak excitement almost almost borderline 2X yeah where now I feel like I'm at a nice position where I'm almost like a professional excited yeah I kind of I know where it's all sits. But I'm also quite realistic yeah I think that's it as well it's about it's kind of having realistic expectations of what a new driver might bring. So for example I've currently got the Ping g425 Max and I actually adore it now find it to us place where my driving's come on a lot I don't know if that'll always obviously be the case I think we're very quickly I could kind of lose confidence again not that I want to obviously. So I'm excited to try not here to get a new ping driver. But I'm not expecting it to go miles further it's more a case of I love the one that I've currently got let's see what the new one's like and it might sound I bet it sounds a bit different so it might feel a bit different but I'm not expecting it to suddenly go miles further so I think it's just having realistic expectations as well I'm definitely going to change driver this year wow news flash breaking news definitely someone's driving along the motorway now with a cup of coffee that dropped it all over the lap what what's she said my worry. And I'll be honest with that is that you're gonna go. For a low spin monster correct and I think I'm not I'm not I'm gonna be sensible I think you've hit your drive really well. So I'm interested to see what you got oh well I've got one idea unbelievable recently but that's now it's the time to change exactly that's the thing isn't it it's um it's easy because I'm a bit little bit the same I went to American Golf of the day and I've been hitting my g425 Max brilliantly so they tried to try to electroly LS Tech head yeah because I thought of making mine well what could I get out of a bit more distance maybe. And it's a nice driver actually but I just noticed it was going a bit more offline just like well it might go a bit further. But I'm gonna miss more fertilizers Johnny Brian it's not really a question but he said just a big thank you really the podcast really adds some depth to being a rick seals fan. And hearing more in-depth interviews uh sorry views on things like live or good good or even what you got up and got up to it's in Andrews is just as great as the videos. So that was that was very nice I've had a text of Harry what's he saying we're ordering food all right okay well um I'm actually not hungry I'm actually not hungry honestly that's a really bad shout out when you're on a burger. For lunch but I don't feel hungry so I'm gonna skip it you're right yeah I feel a bit not great. But I'm worried about it I don't want any attention I don't want everyone in the comments saying get well soon guys I'm actually fine it's got a sniffing um so Josh Richard just said did Rick think he had a better chance of beating a product Ricky Fowler if he's playing a much easier course. So it swings a roundabouts so he shot three under our medalists if we went around Mario I would expect him to shoot seven or eight under yeah. So it was just always gonna really matter yeah I think the one thing I'm annoyed about myself. And I'll really try and improve on this going into next.

Year every time I've started babbling yeah I think that's borderline inevitable though to some degree because you're kind of gonna be a bit nervous. And but I feel like it's it's almost like if I can start well. And hold my hold my nerve a little bit the other big thing as well it sounds really tough but playing in that format in this like when he's 10 on the par a double bog on the first doesn't feel that bad yeah does that means I know what you mean because whatever shots yeah where if I was level power. And I go oh no I'm too over crap like it's really weird well also as well all you've got to remember is although Ricky Fowler starts level par he's not going to finish level part he's probably gonna shoot three. Or four under so if it started that you were like 10 under. And he knew he usually gets a three that might make you a bit more yeah um question here that I have actually changed my views on kind of as of late. So it's quite a good one to ask it's from Jess Thompson and his ass he'd love to hear our thoughts on indoor golf he said I asked questions every time be nice to read out on the world's best podcast by the best friend that's going I actually haven't read that last bit. But Thanks Jazz uh that's not what you guys you actually didn't write that last night yeah no. So I was always somebody that would rather be on the golf course. And hitting balls that's just what I I always was growing up I'd rather be on the course doing nine holes. And hitting balls in the range recently I kind of weirdly flipped I've not played golf on the course now since for the Ely which is however. many weeks four weeks ago. But I've been the range a lot and I feel like that's given me a bit of my goal fix I'm hitting balls thankfully hit it quite nicely that's making me go more and enjoy it more which is nice positive Snowball Effect the mobiles I'm hitting in the back I'm hitting it the more I'm going blah blah however. I don't at the minute feel like I'm missing the golf course too much. And so on top of that kind of separate point was I know you watched this video Eric anderslam with the new adventures in golf we went to South Korea were about there's more indoor golf facilities than there are Starbucks if you've not seen this video people watching listening you should check it out it's really good it's I think it's on scratch TV it's on scratch TV it's adventures in golf it's something if you just type in South Korea adventures in golf whatever area come as long you probably find it straight away. And basically it's like a little mini half an hour 25 minute documentary about it's really good golf in South Korea and how it's so much bigger than popular to play indoor golf other than out than obviously on the course now I probably obviously wouldn't rather play a game on a simulator versus playing an actual golf course I'm not going quite that far. But I definitely understand it more that if you are a golfer. And these facilities are amazing as well by the way you can have a drink you have some food you can practice bunker shots yeah on a simulator indoor yeah you can practice this put this like putting green that has like games on it. And it can measure your success rate from uphill puts downhill putts the simulators as much as I'm a big fan of simulators I've used in the past these simulators um work with the software. So if your ball is finished with the ball above your feet the mat moves the balls above your feet I mean it's very it's it's not real golf. But it's as close it's the closest I think we've got. So far absolutely um yeah going back to what we mentioned at the start of the show this flight club I think there is something 100 there's a there's facilities where it could all kind of all become Under One Roof. And also think about it when you play around the golf what are the things that you actually enjoy the most it's playing with your friends maybe beating your friends. And hitting great golf shots that's really it I mean some people to be fair enjoy the walk. And enjoy the scenery and I also massively understand that as well but for me when I have my best time in the golf course it's playing well it's playing and maybe beating a friend that can still be done on indoor golf can hit great shots it can Muller long drives you can pick one you hit a shotgun simulator yeah okay. And by the side of the simulator there's a tunnel okay okay an enclosed tunnel yeah very long. But a tunnel and then.

In that tunnel is the treadmill okay now inside this tunnel it's all screens 180 degrees 360 degree screens. And you've hit your tee shot and you step onto the treadmill yeah. And you walk to your ball looking at the scenery here in the birds tweet look and then.

When you get to you have to look for your ball okay. So you have to like look for it like you're looking around and you've got the time it comes on yeah three minutes two minutes 50. wow like. And it counts down you have to find this golf ball yeah Imaginary Land. And for that reason I'm out um Aiden Watson a quite a good question is what's the best. For Unnecessary golf accessory I have a little chance to think of that because I looked at it. And you know what I'm gonna go with I want to hear your thoughts on this if you can beat me this isn't a great one a nice pitchfork because you should always have a pitch full ideally. And you should all always really use at least use a t I know it's not ideal but something but nice pitch for it with my golf club or Scotty Cameron ones it's just something nice isn't it they just I like it I end up losing them um I would say even though I've got one in my bag and probably never use it a Groove cleaner wow okay wow oh I didn't know you're that guy oh oh no he's coughing now. But then.

He was oh I was confused I was a bit ill didn't mean I'll tell you what last thing I'm gonna say yeah that you should always have in your bag rain gloves yes great Shout yeah a couple of you can get them pairs rain gloves are worth their weight in gold absolutely Jordan Richardson has said uh favorite break 75 course from this season you're gonna go crail you're gonna Crayola it's hard to say after buying it God favorite color because the only thing I think that's likely kind of makes it hard to answer is there's more than just a course there's how you play there's the weather there's the vibe of the day there's things that don't sound stupid you'll see on camera like what the food is like sometimes makes a big difference how we felt on the day crayon must be up there um oh God I'm trying to think of course is Crayola was a spectacular don't get me wrong it was unbelievable. But I don't know if I'd rank it the highest just because it it was when was it November time October was it November we filmed Crayola probably did like that made it feel a bit different I would love that if that was a summer night exactly everything else was exactly the same yeah. But it was a summer night in July I think that goes to the top okay um oh God I'm struggling. And I've got one coming out early next.

Year that I filmed in Jupiter that's called Floridian that's pretty spectacular um I think I can't remember any golf courses now weirdly I'm really struggling we obviously Royal Liverpool we did Hoy Lake we did uh Wallace was up there yeah that was a pretty big one food you know what I think it was well let's see Wallace it was unbelievable amazing golf course we played both okay okay respectable um the food afterwards was outrageous um the hospitality everything was brilliant yeah I think Wallace might be up there however. after Wallace I probably had my worst experience in the world wow that's Apple the electric car oh yeah we mentioned that we didn't charge Rick forgot that you had to charge electric cars um are you guys this is from Stuart Mitchell are you guys excited. For the open being on your doorstep in 2023 yes yeah yeah an exciting video coming next.

Year we are gonna be playing at Royal Liverpool we're gonna do a break 75 at Royal Liverpool a few months before they open let's see how we get on. And it we might just release it 151 days before the old because why not why'd you not do that uh sounds right someone said will you play some courtly sorry someone I missed I want to read people's names. But Keith Ellison has said will you play some of the golf course in the Southeast. For 875 I think what we're going to try. And do next.

Year is try. And bulk record episodes so we'll put ourselves in a location whether that's UK whether that's Ireland whether it's over in the states or Europe put us out in a location and film five or six episodes in a run yeah. So not ruling out the South but for us to go all the way down there just for one episode of IT ambitious yeah. And so I think we are planning on making did we say 36 episodes next.

Year at break 75 yeah potentially yeah I mean it'd be nice to get well at least two a month which would obviously be 24. And I think we want to get more than that's a year probably 36. it won't be weekly we'll try. And bulk record them and then.

Bulk release them and have a couple of weeks off and then.

Go again so really exciting in times yeah there's a lot more questions than that. But I think we're gonna probably wrap that one up they keep it quite short. And sweet today.

And they'll get a lot more stuff to do we've got we've got to finish off the reviews. For these new drivers that are coming out on the hopefully have YouTube uploaded have YouTube open. And the rickshaws golf YouTube channel present yeah on the 4th of Jan. And hit refresh all the way through all day I don't know when we're going to drop the video. But fourth of Jan hopefully is when you're gonna see the first review of 2023 yeah no it's exciting like you said the start of the podcast Rick big thanks everyone who's been watching the podcast listens the podcast watching the main Channel videos uh everything all that support we massively appreciate it if you're in the clubhouse we really really really love you if you're not in the clubhouse. Yet we like you but we just wouldn't clash with a close friend yeah. So once you listen to all the episodes of the podcast you're in the clubhouse and you will then.

Officially my best friend in one of Rick's top 10 friends top 10. um we are going to release a podcast on the 3rd of Jan yes which is going to be an interview with Claude Harmon III one of the most famous golf coaches in the world son of Butch Hardman. And so that'll be coming out on the 3rd of Jan we're actually going to film the intro now. But that video is going about third of Jan. And then.

The 10th of Jan will be up in the air because you might you might next.

Time you are on the podcast you might be a different man I could have a baby we should have a baby hopefully fingers crossed that it should be born by then.

Um. So there might be a couple of episodes where we need to all there's Claude Harmon episode yeah the third of Jan depending on what guys movies are. For New Year we'll we'll get another episode of episode episode out for the 10th of June that'll either be mean guy. Or Brad Faxon podcast and then.

We'll see after that yeah we'll see after that we'll try not to miss a week just because I know you guys love it. So much yeah. And if Matt Fry comes out instead of me don't everyone comment say no Matt's well better than guys I'll read the comments I'll be crying like a baby with my baby. So if anything comment that Matt Fry is rubbish. And he's a he's a guy trying it from Walmart that'll make me feel miles better because then.

Your poor wife will be looking over going over now the baby's crying guys crying everyone prefers Sophie walk with Matt Fray Over me I'll do on my own right all the best guys good luck guy if we don't care from you yeah other people yeah again Merry Christmas have a great New Year. And here's to plenty of Birdie sauce in 2023 nice [Music].