All right guys welcome to a special episode of the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast it's open week I'm here in Royal Liverpool for a very exciting week if you've seen the podcast that we released on Tuesday you can tell me. And guy are very giddy lots of things going on. But last week I had the pleasure and privilege spending some time with the good good boys we went up to Dundonald links in Scotland they're here for about 10 days in the UK we thought let's collaborate again last year's content was amazing when we spent at pretty much a full week at JCB it was great to get the boys back here in the UK we shot loads of videos. For their Channel we've got a video coming out on my channel which is probably one of my most exciting ones I've ever done to be honest with you. And straight after we filmed that challenge we had the opportunity to sit down with Garrett and Bobby from good good and talk about their Journey so far what have they enjoyed what are they looking forward to what's been the highs what's even been some of the lows also what do they do off the golf course you can tell on the videos are obsessed with golf. But what they do. For downtime I respect to go good I like their content a lot if you've not seen it check it out and they have since we collaborated last year they've now gained oh they've passed a 1 million subscriber Mark it's fun it's fresh it's young it's energetic it's great content if you've not seen it check it out but this was a sit down casual chat with Garrett. And Bubby from good good so enjoy this Friday special treat podcast on open week episode 194 Rick Shields sitting down with two Lads from good good having an open conversation about anything and everything I think you're gonna really enjoy it have a great week everyone close conscious when I say the word good I always honestly every time I don't have subliminal messaging could you wear it I feel like I say it more I'll say it whatever I remember you guys I've noticed it more now people are saying yeah well they're like are you good good good it's just like uh. Or normal now to hear it how did um how did the actual that name come about um started I didn't realize we started yeah yeah very natural I like right into it okay how did that because obviously it's a term this means when two ports are given yeah it's good good um well we all saw we all sat around the table. And we were we were talking thinking of names. And a couple of us threw like some really stupid ones out there like birdie boys you know yeah it could be kind of cool. But you know just like it didn't have the ring and then.

We said one I think it was sandbaggers. And then.

You know we we threw every name you could think of. And then.

Kendrick Hendrick was in there who's by the way our CEO. And uh he said well I've been I've been sitting on this name like since College uh we're like what is it. And like given we had been talking for probably 45 minutes to an hour thinking of names and this is the first thing he had said he's like I think we should call it good good like why didn't you say that sooner if you'd been sitting sitting on that since college. And we were instantly like that's it that's it you know well I take from it as well it's not even just a name it's the fact that I feel like it encaptivates the way you guys enjoy your golf where it's like it's competitive as match players. But it's also that kind of friendly kind of we don't want anybody to suffer or you know it's like good good is this is this all right you know it's it's got that friendly sort of twist on it as well which you know we've we spent a couple of days here in Scotland which is always a pleasure being with you guys again thanks thank you. For having us okay thank you I know you've got an exciting leg coming up um. But I feel like it encaptivates the style of golf you also play and what you film it's that kind of a friendly chilled relaxed there's definitely a mixture of both we've had some videos that have gotten pretty heated and competitive and it's also varies upon the style of video because like we were just talking about before we have mess around videos. And challenges like the wheel and not ideal which did get competitive down to the end. But excuse me we did this uh what was it the good good cup in Branson that is by no means the friendly manner at all that you were speaking of by video four I told Stephen the car I said we're never doing this again yeah that was playing like me. And Steve were like playing really bad. And we were. So competitive and we wanted to win so bad and we're like this is not this is not who we are you know like we're out there to have fun kind of thing the reason that uh that came into play with the Google cup is if you have one bad video no it's like okay who cares on to the next.

Video. But what was it like it ended up being 15 videos 18 18 videos were all strung together with a point system leading up to a final winner. So every video mattered a lot and so stressful all the emotions and everything kept going over into the next.

Video. And it it compounded up to become very competitive which was fun we've since then.

Uh decided to make the good good cups a lot shorter because 18 video was 18 videos was brutal it was actually like what was it 20 it was supposed to be 21. 21. I think that was the original plan it's just like absurd. And so now like we did a two-man Goodyear cup which was definitely less yeah competitive. But it was also because there was less videos I think we did six seven I think there was six videos. Or points in the seventh video it's a championship suppose for you guys as well like there is a real mixture of talent within the group yeah you know you've got you got Luke. And and brother have kind of pretty much golf professionals aren't they you know certainly Brothers to him you know and Luke is the same as he trying to compete is he's trying to get tour as well played corn fairy tour. For two years yeah. And uh he was the ranked 600 golfer in the world at one point he won on PJ he won on PGA Tour China golfer yeah no I can tell. And then.

You've got kind of I think I was saying to you today.

But your golf over the last like two or three years as as dramatically improved thank you yeah you'll know from when he joined carrot like I remember seeing when you first joined you know the voice. And it was like you you have a unorthodox golf swing. And there's quite a Big Slice going on I was thinking oh God this. And now man you absolutely kill it thank you was there anything that made you like no hit the ball better you can ask Garrett I don't practice crazy I don't practice at all you know the takeaway. For me looking for the outside and I've we spent the week in JCB last week to get the last year together and even a few days here I think when you're playing competitively against good players yes. Or just that mixture of players your game has to raise oh you struggle you know and I remember as a kid as a junior as probably you two as well playing a local golf club chipping comes around the green with with you know good players or whatever it may be you had to elevate your game yeah no absolutely like if you are playing with better players it just naturally makes you better like even without practicing because you want to win of course you do you put some money on the line you have a little friendly back going like it makes you want to play better I think it's something that obviously will have loads of young listeners tune in um this podcast anyway. But I think that's great advice. For like young golfers who are trying to Aspire to be good like surround yourself with good players you know. And because it really pushes you on and inspires you really and I'm actually not in your game definitely I I 100 agree and I really think it's the only thing because that's the only variable that's changed really because like I told you when you I I only goth I don't practice I don't go to the range I don't have balls I do I did the videos on the track man. And swing changes that Grant showed me you showed me stuff in those little bits and integrating them and just taking repetitions on the course I guess is my practice. But definitely like a golfer of my caliber being put in this group I I have to play up so it benefits me a lot and now it's probably nice for you having like I have to ride around and look around now Garrett has to play up instead of just being the top dog it's a it's a good feeling too it's so cool well there's the thing I think the beauty with good good is like there's a nice competitive balance too it's like everyone's a different skill level. And so like Bobby said like pretty much everybody has somebody to look up to other than Luke like if anything Luke's felt the opposite he's felt like bad. For winning challenges sometimes like he literally when we finish a video he's like like I feel like people are just gonna be mad I know I want another challenge it's like I mean there's nothing you can do you're just gonna call you guys just needs to drag him down yeah somehow who can make you guys better you need to kind of drag him down a little bit gotta hit his puzzle left-handed. Or something you know I'm quite interested to hear it I'm gonna start with you Bobby what's been your biggest highlight over the last 12 months you know we we hung out and JCB last year had a great time we made loads of content together it's been fun you guys since that have hit over a million subscribers on YouTube which is a huge milestone thank you only now we're now the third three channels in the whole of golf YouTube now have over a million subscribers with you by the way like one thing that we saw with with the UK collaboration you were pushing hard. And I we we loved it and then.

We noticed for like the subscriber the jump was insane. So it was it was a large thank you to you absolutely in the past privately. And and you know our Republic like I love what you guys do I love what you're doing with the sport you know I think I think like-minded creativity. And collaborations that we've had the honor of being able to do like we bounce off each other I kind of sometimes feel like the dad in the group. But as in like as in this kind of sense of well if people are making good content well promote it push it out you know get it out there um. But for you for you kind of personally will be what's been the biggest highlight over the last 12 months biggest highlight my past 12 months well going off like what we just spoke about Rick. And I were talking before the podcast sitting here every single good good week I will thoroughly say is my favorite time of every month like I look forward to them I have a great time in all of them I get to travel the world of my best friends. And play golf it's honestly very hard to like pinpoint one single thing they all kind of just compile up to all this all these blessings that I look at him as and if I had to pick one highlight from the past 12 months I don't know it's it's impossible for me to pinpoint because honestly every every day I go out there I have such a good time hanging out with the guys hanging out with you and everything from the outside I always feel like you love the meetups was was the Chicago oh no that was before UK you've had me up since that like the one in uh was it was it Phoenix a huge one that you had recently this was a huge uh Mesa Arizona I guess technically. But yeah Phoenix Scottsdale I would say if I had to pick anything the meetups are my favorite thing in the world I absolutely like I literally feel like I'm I get. So I feel like I'm running out onto a football field going up to the first tier those meetups I have the time of my life I can't thank all of you guys enough. For coming out and supporting them I will say one of the one of the craziest things is actually I know what the Highlight is in the past 12 months we just had to meet up in Chicago. And I want to spoil what happened but there was a a green that my mom came down to my parents were at the meetups it's my hometown. And they just kind of sit on the outside and mind their own business and watch from afar and on the final green my mom came down it was actually by the green. And I said this in a post my grandfather passed away uh a year ago almost exactly coming up soon thank you thank you it's all right. And he was uh he was the one who really got me into the sport. And took me out to the course when I was younger. And all that and she came down to Green I had not been playing well all day I had not been playing well had like I don't even know how long of a putt it was. And she said she came down the green said a prayer to my grandpa upstairs just like come on come on Bill make some cool happen sure enough the putt went in it sat on the front edge I looked at the camera like there's no way. And then.

Looking at the camera the people just swarmed me I'm like no way it went in. And I told after that my mom came down to the green and asked my grandpa to help me out there so that was definitely my highlight that's such a cool what did you like your mom. And dad think of things like this now is that you know they obviously see you online. And they'll see you making content it seems with my family like obviously see online my uh family have seen a few times where I've had live audiences where I've done a live podcast or other things like for you for your parents or you know in Chicago there they've seen hundreds of hundreds of people shouting for people would be like what what what does their take on it I mean their takeover is obviously they're just incredibly proud which that's like one of my biggest motivators is just thinking about my parents. And my grandparents just trying to make them proud because they mean the absolute world to me I don't know it's cool because I I went from what I was doing coming up on six years ago drugs. And alcohol and being at that point in my life and then.

Finding God and getting sober and investing my time and energy into this and now it's blossomed into this beautiful thing called good good and we are blessed enough to have an amazing fan base where we get the host these Live Events. And when we were driving back from the Chicago event you guys all went in. And I stayed back with my parents and just shared a moment with them and rode back in the cart with them and yeah just I don't know sorry to get deep on the podcast. But this is God while you were talking is it this is it very soon is it this week. Or next.

Week you'll be six years sober ah it'll be in 11 days July 23rd can you tell me it's gonna be like three hours July 23rd. And I we just said in the card. And spoke about everything I used to be doing and how far I've come to now because of God's grace and yeah it was just a super cool moment to share with my parents that's nice thanks. For sharing it with us I love you thank you and then.

What about you Gary what's been the kind of highlight over the last 12 months I don't know like Bobby said there's there's been. So many cool moments we've all got to share together in the last 12 months I mean oh God it's tough to pick with how much we've traveled. And I know we got I think one of the cool things recently was we just we just got a warehouse um which I think that's that's been a goal since like day one like having some sort of office space really cool like we we initially we got our office which was which was Unreal. And then.

The end goal was always to have a warehouse. And like have the Dude Perfect style thing with the boys and you know you can go in there. And film when it's when it's cold outside you know you got the putting green all that and so I mean that's gonna be done like fully done in August which was cool just recently moving into it. And so I don't know that that was really cool I think it is can you give any teasers to what might be in that um I don't want to give too much works I'm sure you'll do a Reveal video. But we're we're like we're gonna film the progress of like building it too but uh we're gonna have a basketball court which is gonna be cool that's awesome uh pickleball all the boys will pickleball. So we'll have that and then.

We'll have a full swing simulator and excuse me um a 36 by 16 putting green kind of like in the middle uh Central Area also full swing and then.

Uh um we'll have like a little gym Lounge area bar it's gonna be like you guys exclusive that's what this video Yeah exclusive good good Warehouse reveal no sounds good to be honest we have been in the process of looking. For somewhere ourselves I feel like it's slightly harder in the UK to find somewhere of that magnitude you know in the states and obviously a lot more room and warehouses and like you say everyone's saying what dude perfect doesn't look wet there so so good like say that those sort of plots where you can actually completely have it bespoke. For you guys and your content and your editors and meetings and you know you have it obviously for your good good apparel like that's kind of like it is the dream. For the most kind of big YouTube channels certainly when you need these multi-space units and certainly with a group like you guys start between August yeah yeah done probably late August. But yeah like that like you said we'll have like office space. For anybody that's working with good good and stuff like that which would be nice um I just think more than anything having a hangout spot that everyone can kind of go to. And I guess have a good time whatever it'll be it'll be fun how did you feel like the good good Championship went. For you guys that was an interesting concept just give the audience a bit of a rundown of what that kind of concept was it went well um you you speak you speak first I would say because obviously you show up there's going to be a learning curve with anything that's a brand new process just give everyone a bit an idea of what that was was it was it was a surprisingly the learning curve the learning curve filming wise was everything went incredibly smooth all the competitors were phenomenal I mean the team Kendrick Tim Sarah Emily Kevin Jared everyone behind the scenes made the process incredibly smooth. But obviously you know Colin and Max are like the best in the business. And your team as well that's incredibly talented unreal and you get back and they had hundreds and hundreds of hours of footage from 12 separate cameras and a GoPro on every green and that might be that might have been the one part we underestimated was man hours Colin. And Max put into it and that's that's just one thing I want to give a quick shout out here too I know Connor made a behind the scenes Vlog about it Colin and Max when we got back were in the candy shop which is what they call their editing whole the office two. And a half weeks straight make trying to make the Google Championship as perfect as possible I think they did they did a phenomenal job common. And Max are honestly when it comes to go good Colin. And Max or The X Factor they are the backbone to this guy I think to the audience I know the process had its challenges what what was it just in case people didn't know what it was what explain what the actual good Championship actually was yeah. So it was uh 63 golfers were all pro golfers by the way competing. For uh 100 000 purse and out of those 63 uh 12 would get the chance to compete for a piece of that purse which like I know that's that's been a dream of mine for a while is too because like I was never able to go pro of course. So like a dream of mine was to be able to at least like be involved in pro golf to some tummy to some extent. And like I don't know there's so much talent out there that say not on the PGA tour or the corn Ferry tour that has what it takes to play with those guys but just maybe hasn't gotten their break and so that was the biggest thing. For us is like we want to be able to give back to to somebody who's like really trying to make it. And I think we I think we did that. And you know Cameron says the winner of the good good Championship I think that that fifty thousand dollars is hopefully gonna go a long way. For you know his first year I think he's on the the Canadian tour now um. And then.

Hopefully he'll progressingly get to that that corn Fair too and he's such a good player I mean he was on a 59 watch in his final round. So yeah he really was he really was. And he made it he missed a two foot or three foot or something like that on uh on hole 15. and if he hadn't missed that he most likely probably would have shot 60 or 59 which was just absurd um I think all things considered though to get to the learning curve back to the learning curve part is like I think I think uh more than anything like Bobby said we underestimated the the post-production that was the hard part I think like if we're going to move forward. And do it again I think one thing that we noticed is we took too much of a break. And we hyped it up a lot and then.

Had this this huge off time and then.

Obviously we dropped the videos and it was like it was one of those things like calling him Max did literally everything they could to to get that content up. But like one thing we've talked about in the future is like when we when we do a good good Championship we need to still upload content. Or have some other people editing like the normal good good videos while they're waiting for the good good Championship so um all in all though it was it was a big success um. But I think we definitely learned some things. For the future I think I think with anything. And this is why you know I do genuinely respect. And appreciate and and love working with you guys because I feel like in some degree similar to ourselves on the channel what we try and do we want to innovate we want to create the next.

Big content we want to make sure that you know whatever we're doing we're not just making you know the same stuff we've got push the envelope. And you know YouTube has a you know it's I don't think it's even touched the surface. Yet golf YouTube like we're not even close to it yet um you know when you look at how many people who actually play golf in the world like the scale of our channels is is obviously great in golf YouTube. But actually in the world of golf it's actually quite a small number so how do we continue to innovate. And create better content so more people are going to watch more people be entertained. And kind of that goal of being able to reach 50 million golfers you know worldwide that's kind of the goal for for golf as a huge as a platform really on YouTube so I think anything that you do different. Or new it can only be a good thing to open those eyes up to more people it was sorry do you want to talk well no I was just gonna say kind of this is just going off like you talk about new like you I guess per se started trying like you started the break 75 how long ago yeah I think we're up to season three season three. And you're like the first to ever do it. And now I mean I've got to break 37 seems like every golfer on YouTube is a break something now break seems pretty popular right now [Music] to some degree though it doesn't that never offends me it never no it bothers me too much because you know I think what stands out is the characters in golf YouTube yeah you can you could take the same idea. But doesn't mean you're gonna be able to do it yeah well I could I could pinch a Mr Beast video I can't do it the same as Mr Beast yeah I could try. And do a Dude Perfect video We're not gonna be able to do it like Dude Perfect absolutely you've got to be able to find your own lane. And do it the best you can possibly do it no absolutely I think that like even like my goal from the beginning was well first off I got a lot of my inspiration from Mr Beast. And I noticed how like he was really pushing the envelope when he was growing really fast. And obviously he's the biggest in the world 165 million subscribers um but in the beginning the goal was always to reach the audience outside of the golf world um as far as you know let's think of a challenge that maybe somebody who plays baseball. Or soccer might be interested in the the game of golf instead of like I mean realistically if if you have a baseball player soccer player whatever um they might not want to turn on the TV. And watch a PGA Tour event but maybe they're scrolling through YouTube and they see like some oh golf's pretty cool maybe we'll go to the range maybe try it and really um I think that that was that was the goal since day one. And it's it's cool to like see people uh you know in person or talk to people in person they're like I don't play golf that much but like I really like watching your guys's videos you know you make an enjoyable to watch and sometimes you get to go to the range blah blah this that yeah. So I don't know it's uh I think it's to some degree we're in a very fortunate position where we can do that you know we can attract new audiences. And and bring new people into the golf into the sport that we love you know we love so much it's we want to share that message as much as we can I always think about this idea if I saw a video on YouTube I'm not particularly into cycling even though I've just done a mad charity bike ride from Saint Andrews. Or Liverpool but if I saw a bike on YouTube with square Wheels you're gonna watch it like because you have to because it's like well how's the bike with square Wheels work I think sometimes with golf. And YouTube it's like how do you make those the piece of content that can catch the eye of non non-golfers you can get really into it you know yeah what's next.

What's the kind of next.

Stage is what's the rest of the year looking like uh road trip road trip got our first ever road trip can that be until it's about you talk about it yeah yeah we can talk about it yeah today.

Go on talk us to do the road trip then.

I mean all I know is going from New York back to Dallas I'm kind of like when I go on Google weeks you give me the tea time the night before. And I'll be there that's that's how my planning and scheduling goes I don't think about stuff too much. But we have an RV yeah we're gonna be busting all the way across sleeves 12. sleep sleeps 12. see I'm learning stuff new I'm learning stuff as well. So yeah they're gonna be 12 of you in a in an RV sometimes we have hotels it's it's gonna be fun like we're we're going up to New York on I think the 10th of August. And yeah we have like a 12 person we have a driver which thank God if we didn't have a driver I don't know who would drive us um. But it's overtaking turkey yeah yeah I think Max he would be the the most qualified um. But no it'll be fun like we're gonna be in a bus pretty much 24 7 other than golf we're gonna film it all yeah a lot more about each other than you already know yeah yeah we're gonna be eating sleeping like never leaving each other's side. So it's gonna be crazy though that's that's the stuff that like gets me super fired up is when we have like this this cool idea that we get to plan. For uh like coming up in the future we know that we have this really cool road trip also the UK was one of those it's like we know we're gonna get to do these cool things while we're there. So it gets you really excited to go. And I think like wow voice crack um I think after the UK like we're instantly going to be ready to get back on the road. And do this road trip. So it's gonna be fun and what is serious question what does downtime look. For you how does downtime look do you like when you're not doing good good weeks Bobby when we're back in Dallas are you clubs away are you how do you switch off I film I film. For my personal Channel which I post one to two times a week now I have Trace who's a great videographer and editor he comes out with me and he films it and edits it so it's probably one or two days a week of filming and then.

Obviously there's behind the scenes stuff we deal with we have meetings uh I guess I have my own cigar now so I have calls and meetings as well for that for Bubby stogies yeah I mean it's weird it's kind of I gotta be honest nothing we really do feels like work that much I thoroughly enjoy all of it like I just noticed it the other day one of my really good buddies just moved down to Texas. And he has a corporate job and I'm going through I'm sending emails throughout the day texting back about good good stuff all this all that. And I realize like that's someone's job at an office is like doing that. So I guess that is work. And I never really noticed it until he brought it up I don't know it's wake up food video games gym emails meetings texts okay I don't know. And then.

Video games the end of night probably yeah it feels like it feels like you add more golf into it as well like you film. And I feel like you're you Garrett you don't you can't put the clips down surely no I I can't. But like when I'm in Dallas it's so few and far between now so like when I'm in Dallas are just trying to hang out oh wow. And um and chill like Bobby said go to the gym maybe play some video games um. And and whatnot but yeah there's not too much down time. For me anymore uh I think there was a little bit more probably say a year ago. But now it's like like for example I get back from the UK and then.

Two days later I'll be on the road and like gonna go film for almost two weeks for GM Golf because it's like both of those are you know pretty time consuming like as far as good good good weeks like Bobby said like that is that is what we all look forward to the most is because it's most of the time something that's kind of pre-planned. And we know we can go there play golf film. And just do our thing obviously when it when it comes to the personal stuff it's a little bit more taxing uh mentally. And physically because it's just you who's like trying to do it. And that's I think that that's the biggest benefit to good good in all of this is like us having a team to pick each other up where you know maybe somebody's leaving off. And uh I think that that that makes it a lot less stressful to all of us to almost all off of roles as well as you've got your personalities. And your characters on videos do you have kind of responsibilities as such within the business um I mean not like set positions. Or anything nothing of that nature it's if we have a meeting you're expected to be there we need opinions on something you're expected to offer it help out in any way you can. But no there's no like set positions there's like obviously Kendrick is a CEO. And then.

There's uh other employees that work under him and they do that. But we have meetings once or twice a week and then.

Hop on phone calls a decent amount and yeah your stuff out yeah it's not it's not too bad um thankfully we are blessed. And lucky enough to have somebody like Kendrick and kind of a full team be honest it obviously wasn't like that in the beginning Kendrick's been there since the beginning but as far as having the team that we have now that's that's a new thing and it's it's made us all relax a lot more about when it comes to on-camera stuff or off-camera stuff sorry so I mean yeah a good good as in. And of itself is not like a very stressful thing no it's like we are very very lucky to have the situation that we have. And every day dude like I wake up and we get to do a good good I I genuinely just can't believe it like every single day in front of a camera I'm in the same boat. And listen we're very very fortunate in the positions we're in definitely but it's like you know find a job that you love and never work a day in your life if you can get through that it's great obviously you're over here in the UK we're currently in Scotland here at Dundonald links you've got a few days traveling around Scotland playing a few golf courses. But I do want to ask you about is it'll be you're both your first times at the open next.

Week yeah are you excited about what do you think how do you think that's going to go down I mean it's a bucket list thing. For me for sure I've always wanted to go to the Open Championship grew up watching it with my dad and now the fact that we get to go there under these circumstances as well like actually being a guest with the RNA is such a blessing. And I'm honestly I'm so stoked for it I just want to go there and watch like I I I love golfing obviously we're blessed enough to do it. For a job we hit a golf ball in front of a camera it's mad fun but like going to these venues with all this Legacy. And history behind it I almost enjoy just as much if not more like if I could go see the Masters or the open or any major those are some of my best times inside the sport of golf I absolutely love it absolutely I'm very much a golf fan you know even with all the golf that that we play um you know maybe you would think maybe I'm not as much of a fan anymore. But I think I'm more of a fan now yeah than I ever was I love like Bobby said I love going to watch events. And tournaments and I think what's cool in the opportunities we've got is that we've met a lot more tour Pros now like your connection with Callaway. And the and the the pros you played at the start of the year yeah it's quite cool when you start to kind of know these guys a little bit more as well it's crazy like we're at the US Open. And I'm outside the ropes falling minwoo for a couple holes he's looking over like kind of talking to me like we're having a good time literally this guy's playing in the US Open and he's looking at me I'm like minwoo Focus yeah you know he's a cool guy yeah like you filmed with him right he's. So cool isn't he the best it's the vast he's such a ball Striker on the channel yet not yet we're going to it I got a question. For you real quick I'm just wondering I asked people inside the space in the industry this do you watch golf YouTube yeah really yeah wow every minute of every day I don't watch it at all really well it's like I know everything about anything that's happened that's a full-time job right there in. And of itself I only watch baseball and video games on YouTube I don't watch anything I don't particularly watch anything else really yeah I follow a lot I don't watch absolutely everything. But I'm very much understanding yeah channels What channels are popping I respect you know what what what's working what's not working what thumbnails do I like what story lines do I like. So it's analytical more so than watching it to enjoy it yeah let's say I'll click on one of your videos. And it might be let's say it's two hours long because with you know off an hour and a half and I'll go okay let's have a look at this. And I'm like right what's the thumbnail look like has it got good views I kind of roughly know how many views and videos should get in that time frame I'm looking at the kind of comments I'm seeing if there's any standout features I'm then.

Kind of trying to look at is there anything new. But I'm not watching the whole hour and a half I'm just kind of jumping and skipping and going okay that's quite interesting oh this is a new character you've brought on the channel. Or what's his what's his background what's his take um so kind of seeing it from that side really more than anything so yeah I wouldn't I'm not putting on the TV yeah. And sitting there for an hour and a half I'm just glued to it which obviously so many fans are like totally get that. But I'm looking at more from like what can we learn from that what do I like what do I not like you know. And all those type of things that's why again I love catching up with you guys and because off camera we talk sharp and we talk about the business side of things and it's great you know the lads here add some and Matt been able to chat to your guys Sam it's Max and Colin and Louise and be able to kind of learn processes I mean um Ed. And Colin Ed from my side and Colin from your side have just been upstairs having lunch and talking about shot tracers and I think you know Rising ties rise together. And if we can learn these kind of processes. And speed it all up it can only benefit absolutely I'm guessing from that you don't watch any golf YouTube not I wouldn't say. For me it's not any I watched some but it's not a very common thing for me yeah I I watch I watch some yeah it's not it's not a whole lot it's not like how I watch Tim the tat man yeah I watch all his videos. For me it's just keeping my finger on the pulse see that's that's different see that's like you're more of a you're a learner you're doing it for work I guess yeah technically um I just man if I get on YouTube to watch something that's only. For enjoyment and I just I don't know we do. So much that you are filming. So much if you pulled up Garrett's recommended videos right now it will be only up speed runs oh my God that's all he's doing now speed runs anyway you guys don't know only one viral in the United States that's crazy only up hmm it's funny because Garrett's logged in Garrett's logged into his YouTube on our TV in the living room every time I open it I see the red bars under all the only up videos. And like yeah to be fair I haven't been watching as many recently. But no it's it's uh it's like a game on the PC where you have to go up. And you like you're this little guy and you're running and jumping on things if you fall you lose all your progress and then.

You're just you're just screwed so like you can climb it you watch YouTube videos of people playing that game it's. So entertaining I think I miss this era personally yeah I got kind of into video games when I. But never it never transitioned and and grew up you know into my kind of adult life as such but I know a huge part of YouTube is YouTube gaming on YouTube I literally watch just zero I don't watch any gaming when you play games you don't play games I wouldn't know what you know um. So so that kind of maybe that if we actually looked at time on YouTube it might be the same amount of time on YouTube it's just a little point in your direction tonight it just I don't want you go no I feel like it's what you love like doing. For enjoyment yeah obviously we like doing golf YouTube. But that's a little different like if you like playing video games you're gonna watch video game YouTube if you're if you're going to be working out crazy. And doing a bunch of pull-ups you're probably gonna watch David Goggins you know yeah yeah. So I love watching David I like for me personally I like watching kind of news articles I like to know what's happening in the current news like I Love Philip DeFranco he just kind of explains the news in quite kind of cool YouTube way and I watched loads and loads of kind of um documentaries mini documentaries and things like I kind of like I I don't read I'm not a great reader I can read. But I'm not a great day just to clarify that um I kind of learn a lot more for YouTube than anything else I try and kind of use it as a learning tool um I like the I remember when we were last time you had like a list you had a list of like channels I think it was right. Or you have I've got I've got an eye on every single Channel I know everything about every channel I love that though that's like I think it's just because I I I'm obsessed with it without a question yeah um it is it is pretty much you know what we do every day all day. And it's run you know business happened I've been doing it for 11 years yeah you're like the Godfather of golf YouTube grandfather Yeah I was gonna say like you you were the OG you were the first one to really start doing it. So yeah intuition on it all. And perception of it all definitely does make sense like you started it yeah you want to keep an eye on it I want to see what's going on it wasn't the person. But I was one off. But it's more you know I just I do like seeing I like see I can appreciate good content yeah. And I can I can look at good content. And go I really like that what have they done what what can we potentially learn from that you know what I just I recently watched a video that that George Bryan. And Grant did together. And I loved it I like turned it on and their chemistry was was Unreal. And I remember it was like the first golf YouTube video I I watched the first five minutes. And then.

I watched the next.

Five minutes and then.

I watch the next.

The next.


And I like I had to text George after I was like this is probably the most entertaining video I've seen in golf YouTube I'm gonna steal the drama you're not sex Grant what's that you know that's great it tastes great yeah. For your friends you play golf together didn't you recently we did yeah is there going to be any collaborative content coming out soon maybe one day maybe one day we didn't film that day we just caught up we just played that's nice to catch up with him yeah yeah it was good um that was the first time I saw Grant since since he left. So wow how long has it been like what six seven months or something but it was good it was like it felt you know right back where we were we were vibing having a good time. So I think the channel I think I think the audience is desperate. For us if you need a banger in your butt pocket you know views are a little bit lower this month okay let's see let's bring this up we're going down let's pull out the ground don't kill it no well. And yeah in due time when the when the time is right we'll uh we'll give you you're getting your thumbnail brother [Music] [Applause] I wasn't actually gonna bring you up as soon as as soon as Garrett said. So Marcy video with George and Grant I'm like Bingo that's why there's your end it's the perfect time no no it's genuinely like you know I really like grunt a lot. And you know a micro and obviously spending time with those guys last year was great fun um. But it's just you know it's nice to see again I like personally as somebody who's done it for so long I love that golf YouTube's in such a strong spot right now yeah I feel like it's really I think I've never ever been stronger you know if you if you actually added up the amount of views that golf YouTube brings in which is a number that I do not off the top of my head. But not quite but if you had an album it's in them it's in the strongest position it's ever been in yeah. And there's more creators which is good. For the audience it's good for golf it's good for all of us that you know continue to bring these kind of um new fans in really absolutely I couldn't agree more well I appreciate what you both do can you smashing it I know you are gonna do I'm looking forward to seeing what's next.

You as well we've had some. And this is my little bit of teaser we've had some very very interesting conversations this week about some future projects which we hope to get across the line. So let's stay tuned for those so we've had some really good conversations this week about some future events that's all I'm saying yeah. So stay tuned and um thanks for coming on the podcast again appreciate it thank you.