Those tiger and this guy called tiger woods i think he's called yeah yeah charles i think he's he's charlie's dad yes he is you're not charlie woods obviously i don't know charlie woods [Music] well on the weekend i um watch some golf which i always do. But i could not and i know you did watch the pnc is it the pnc yeah pnc which i didn't realize actually because i had never heard of the pnc until about three years ago. And little john daly played one of the first times and from then.

It feels like it's got low obviously since last since then.

It's gone massive partly because of charlie woods who we talked about in the second but the pnc you have to one either it's a major other players to be able to play in it i don't i didn't know that oh yeah that's why ian polter's not playing. And stuff you have to have won a major or the players championship i believe oh that's cool that's why nellie corder can play she's one of women's major ah vijay singh your friend of mine vijay singh. And casting i think is his son who playing there was john daley. And john daley the second there was tiger. And this guy called tiger woods i think he's called yeah yeah everybody i mean literally he is the the best girlfriend yeah he is charlie woods he has a dad called tiger tiger yeah i know okay it won't catch on no um yes it was unbelievable. And basically it is there's no handicaps i don't think is there i don't really know how it all sort of works it's texas scramble yes. And the the juniors or whatever all the amateur players are forward t i feel like they just call it a scramble in america though yeah yeah they do actually suppose probably because well why do we call it texas i don't know because it's an american thing yeah yeah. And there's different teams i don't know at what point it's almost like how we call it the open they call it the british open well by the way actually right let me just come on something i took a picture of this house so chuffy the weekend at the weekend do you ever watch like a tv program a quiz program there's a golf question oh yeah yeah yeah. So there's a question right listen listen to this are you ready. For this now so there's a program that i've ever seen on bbc called the wheel yeah yeah yeah. And you sit in the middle yeah michael mcintyre presents yeah it's brilliant. And it's quite i can't if you've never seen it it's quite a complex show to explain but basically there was a guy he had he he got basically there's three contestants. And you pop up randomly if you're going to be taking part. Or not i'm not just yeah yeah it's a quiz show a guy had one question to a 92 grand no 92 grand are you ready. For this there was a question with four possible answers. And there was categories beforehand. So there was golf randomly popped up mad something else something else who was the golf expert there wasn't one because at the very end you see this is just out of potluck. And the question so it's golfing come on guys right okay i don't mind golf i don't mind golf the question come up which of the four major golf championships that make up the four majors is held at the same golf course every year okay. So obviously the us open the british open they called it the masters of pga so obviously straight away the masters you got it right i'm 192 grand it's weird how they call it british opening yeah well done. But i feel like really when there's a golf question comes on i really really like it i i kind of panic a little bit though i know i did this because you don't know that you're a question of sport when you come up with a golf. And i'm like right this is me yeah i don't i don't know what club did they hit into the third hole yeah like what um. But back to charlie yes. So i think what it is is that the the pros offers the back tees. And then.

The amateurs go off a forward team i don't know what point that because little john daly is about 15 how old is he actually he's about to be older than that um. But he hits it a mile so i don't know if he still went off the very forward t or not i wasn't paying that what what about like gary player what's he do yeah i don't know like lee trevino. And i was 18 little john daley i thought it was nearly um anyway little john daly. And big john daly won it yes uh by two i think in the air in the end yeah. And tiger and charlie woods came second i believe charlie woods is absolutely unbelievable his swing is just outstanding well i feel like we've got a lot to dive into here now. And this is why i wanted to push it back. And not pre-record this the week before because we wouldn't be able to speak about any of this first off tiger woods was back yes a lot better than i think he's letting on to most people i want to agree. But i also want to disagree because his swing looked nice yeah he's played in the cart boogie yeah yeah. And towards the end i could see some grimace in his face oh yeah. So i think he puts that maybe he is maybe he is i think i mean one of the driver shots he hit like 174 miles per hour ball speed yeah still pretty good in it using a new driver taylormade unreleased driver i think we can mention that now to some degree because they've said there's certain bits in the press well it's a stealth driver um i might have my hands on them already i might already be testing them you might see the video at the start of january that's yes to all those things um. So he had that in the bag um and i just their chemistry seeing them on the golf course together is amazing seeing tiger as a dad. And and kind of seeing how charlotte is just a mini version of tiger yeah in every way golf swings mannerisms banter like you saw him having a bit of banter with like justin thomas yeah early in the week it's just tight it's like a mini tiger i feel like i've got little kind of mixed views on this though a little bit on the whole charlie thing no don't be wrong i absolutely was glued to the screen. And i really thought he was his golf swing looks fantastic um some of his golf shots that he hit were unbelievable yeah. And certainly that one on that 17 the power 369 yards or 67 yards it like to like six foot or whatever yeah that was a phenomenal golf shot the way he hits his driving see the speed's got through the ball he's absolutely he doesn't miss a fair way no ever i mean if that was any 12 year old child. And you saw them playing golf you'd be unbelievably impressed so ridiculous obviously the fact is tiger's son added to that. But it was it was phenomenal the only thing i feel a little bit unsure on. And obviously tiger must have thought about this in in massive depths to put him on this year and last year playing the tournament i feel there's a lot of pressure for a 12 year old child and last year obviously 11 years old and when i say pressure i mean not. So much well in his performance yes. But you saw him walking from green to t and some people come come on charlie and it was done really endearing. And people really supporting him and he probably quite enjoyed like a lot of kids shouting as well yeah which is really good. And it's got to be great for the game of golf see people enjoying it together and stuff i just worry or would i worry i just wonder at what point does that become too much like the amount of coverage you got. And kind of rightly so tags a legend of the game and it's great to see him back and with his son but he said he's a mini tiger. And he is like. But is he gonna want to grow up always in his dad's shadow like there's gonna be he is gonna be no matter how good he is gonna be some level of his dad's shadow forever. And unless he goes on to win 20 majors well yeah. But even then.

People say oh but tiger if you haven't had any injuries would have been better and you're thinking for 12 i mean think about 12 when you're 12 years seven at high school it's very very young to have all those eyeballs. So i just don't know i i loved watching him i'd love i'd watch him every week because it was. So fascinating but i just wonder is this any negative putting a child like that in someone you hear about child actors. And stuff getting you know often in life there's some negatives that come with that i just wonder i don't know yeah i think it's obviously something that that could potentially affect him it doesn't seem to do he seems to just take it his stride. And he doesn't seem to get nervous he doesn't seem to be like bothered about all these people shouting his name and someone's expectation you play in front of camera i mean he's better than me he's better than me playing there in that situation he's better than me without question he's 12 years old i just can't wait to see what happens in the future oh i i i can't no 100 it's just it's more. So i would like on the golf course he appeared to be so confident and calm and the way he played but and maybe he's too young to even have any hope he is too young to have any kid you just think like there will be some negatives on social media about him i've seen. So i saw somebody say oh he's not even that good for his age group and then.

Somebody else said oh no he is he's won loads of tournaments i don't know i'm not looking into it enough. But i don't know i just think there's always a you have to be to some point careful don't you 12 years old like yeah definitely one of the things i wrote after watching it all. And i genuinely believed this but it got a bit of negativity i thought something along the lines love watching it blah blah blah i love seeing tiger and charlie it was amazing. And i put something like tiger is golf yeah. And he got a lot of negative comments tigers not golf i wouldn't have watched that tournament if it weren't for tiger i i watched that event because of tiger like as much as ty maybe the tiger isn't golf for viewing i will flick on the tv if i know he's playing 100 i think i would put a caveat. And say tiger's professional golf i would think that i love tiger as you know. And i know some people don't because he's he's things he's doing his personal life whatever but i absolutely adore him but i think if you think about today.

It's what it's december it's 21st of december as we're doing this it's it's cold it's wet outside. But my home golf club and guaranteed to probably be a group of four ladies going playing golf with the power caddies. And having a great time in natter in a couple of colors they don't care about tiger woods they might like him and watch him every now and again but they're not playing golf with a tiger they'll be playing with the motor caddies by the way oh caddies yeah um yeah do you know what you know what i mean maybe. So like maybe i said that a bit too kind of ambitiously. But it's more like i just feel like he inserts energy into oh 100 into professional golf 100 but i'm not even sure like if that kind of rubbed on me even yesterday playing played well but it was in like i was more excited about playing golf on monday after seeing him on sunday yeah i was more because i don't know i don't know what it is it's just something about seeing him playing the way he plays the way he hits it his legacy. And everything else and seeing him with his son just like oh god it's so impressive the only thing i do get now again i don't agree with it. But understand it is if there was an option to just just have watched tiger. And his son had to press that option yeah i would have only watched that sound that's the coverage anyway really well yeah. But i also get when people get a bit frustrated they want to watch more of like john daly and someone who actually won it already yeah. So although i don't i'm not on that side i can understand how people do sometimes get frustrated when tiger plays a tournament it's often very much heavy a lot heavy on him he's not doing that well yeah well you don't see the actual winners. But i'd watch tiger do every shot yeah you hardly saw any of like uh justin thomas. And mike thompson that's it and they i think they came third yeah you had this. Or any of like faldo and his son or play a little bit of play on his son but nothing much like so no no vj no no no no that's i'm actually very known about that. But do you think though like the whole tiger is golf thing again it depends how literally literally you take that. But is that a negative to some degree that like you're feeling that inspired after watching tiger which i don't blame you to do. But you know in reality we've got five or ten years left of tiger at this level what happens after that i don't know charlie hopefully yeah i don't know it does scare me it like golf watching golf this year. And i think i've watched quite a lot this year to be honest. But i honestly believe if tiger was playing this year more i'd have played i'd watch double the amount of golf. And maybe been inspired more to go and play even more to get even better i don't know i don't want it what it is it might be my own personal opinion on it obviously. But um do you think though as much as again i i always think i have to caveat these things my massive tiger fans know sometimes people watch these clips on on youtube whatever. And they might say oh you're a hater which is ridiculous because i absolutely love him. But do you think that when tag has been off before. And then.

Come back everybody including again myself gets so so excited they'll always watch the first tournament back it's just blowing his nose um i have to tell everyone well i just thought it was a bit random if you're watching. Or if you're listening it's like makes you stop loving his nose and for the commentary it's all right let's put the tissue on the floor um what's gonna say no. But do you think after. So i know what you're saying about being back you watch more golf but do you think that's because he's been gone when tiger's in a season where he's actually played a lot i don't think you've watched every week because tiger's there do you think the novelty was off again you get used to it maybe maybe let's have a look. So when when was it tiger woods 20 when was he injured he had a car crash in february. So that was this year won it yeah. So i just have to just have to fill for a second here why i have a look hi everyone how's everyone doing everyone ready for christmas y'all brought your presents um also just a quick one some of you might really not like this um after today's podcast we're going to have a break i'm sorry i know listen nothing we can do about it. So we're probably going to be back on like the 11th of january. So yeah just start to sneak that in there now. So in 2018 tiger played 18 events okay jacking you up to all 18. did you watch the quicken loans national yeah did he go 68 67 no he didn't 72 oh it's caught dude i mean i mean a bit pedantic here well if that's the phrase that's the right word. Or not but like you played 18 events then.

In 2017 he played oh he wasn't he didn't play many actually he only had one i think 2019 he played 12 in 2020 he played seven. So you do massively feel now like you're missing him which obviously we are. But then.

When he actually is there yeah they watch it every week maybe i don't. So i will do if he comes back yeah every event you've gotta watch every you know what you have to do now. So when tag comes back to prove your point now and prove me wrong you've got to watch thursday friday saturday sunday every week of every event every single shot every shot [Music].